The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1911, Image 1
WiW" M Bi' WTrmEr ,-JT .yiJBriWWgfci "fTmATfT.iii.Tffirinin.iifT i ' i m Stnto Historical Society rsnTTTTr-?--.-.x Lag i-ttb; tfBBk.-.SH-n-Jjrr-rC-i'ciSi ISA- " - " - r-jic volume xxxvnn. '. - -""'- -- ---L'.'WwTtMB A NcwsiwiJf.r That filvcs The Fifty-two Weeks Eacli Tor $1.50. ED CLOTJD, !C 111 A SKA, A1MML 4J. J)11. NUnUSll I (J "DONTS" "i))n"t carry large Minis of inonov mound with yon. Holdups uio not iliilic.ud of. Don't hide money nrouud the hnuso. Tl ore arc u fow burgluis left. Don't be extravagant, put your money i tliis bank and add all you eau spare to it. Don't fail to take this advice and you will have an easy and happy old ago Interest Paid en lime Deposits M-r-"- rvxrrff rrhhr9dn MU. &MMUMZ -" .r. Mm. ojf gjtrrrTi.T.'gnf .hid llailoy and family of Kcd Cloud ' Wire in (Jt.wles Wednesday vhlting William U'aller. I-' A. Good ha put in two much needed eiossincs (his woek. Lett ho Rood work go on. I)r i uulk bus an uncle visiting him. C V Fuller, of the firm of Fuller k iIohtiMou. is in the state capital thlsi weik I The base ball game between the 111 ue Hill high school and the Cowlesl Homer Parker won the medal at t ho L. T. i contest al the MethodWt church laM Monday evening. Pour boys and four girls contested. The Judges wire Mr. M. Iiovltl, Mrs. I A. Pace and M K. Ulckard. .I.M Stanley was stricken Satuiday night nlont ten o'clock anil passed nwuy Tuesdav morning at four o'clock without having regained conscious ness, He leaves a wife, Ihrco sons. John, Arthur mid (Jhcslor, and two uaugniers,.Miss MiiiciMuuicvniiu Mrs high school resulted In a score of 8 fo Miimit. lvtlit Tho rmK.ravui lv t Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, ' S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. 5 in laor of lUue Hill. You will have I to learn how to play ball, boys. LESTER .Mrs. Charlie Rasser is on the sick libt. Mr and Mrs. Al Decker Sundayed at Connie. Rasser's. Mr. nnd Mrs. Alf Suladcn and family spoilt Sutiduy at Charlie Prisbie's. Mrs Charlie Lewis and son spent Sunday with Mrs. John Kmlck and son. Mr. nnd Mrs. Lue Uergflold and daughter spent Sunday at Charles Kassor's. Tho B.ister exercises weio well at tended at tho Leslor school house. tiet busy and come every Sunday. Mrs I2d IHmcs has returned homo from Hastings, where she had been called to attend bar sick grandson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Knsser, Tom Simpson, Miss Dollio Rasser, Ed King and Miss Mary Ilolcomb Sundayed at Andrew King's. DISTRICT 52. R, Uussell visited Mr. Halo's Sunday Messrs. J. Jensen and S. Jensen vis ited friends Sunday. Hen Reed and sons visited his daugh ter, Mrs. Pearl Huns'idcer. Ocorgo Scott was in town the latter part of last week on business. Mrs Iviiutsou and (laughter weic visiting Mrs. P. Knutson Tuesday. COWLES The Durlington Railroad company is raising its tracks and bridges south of town. Mrs. (Ultchey) Ilcrriuk came in Sat urday evening for n short visit with hor parents. llrothcr Rose of ISlue Hill has beou engaged to preach for the people of Cowlos at tho Christian church every twp weeks. GUIDE ROCK. Ira Columbia had a dunce Saturday night. Tho Mel'ica family have moved to the country. Theio was a club dance at the hall Monday evening. Alva Miner and Archie Lambert are doing cement work at Cowlcs. J. S. Gleason visited the first of the week with his sons neur the slate line. C. R Vnuirhan is fencing Ills halt block of alfalfa in the west pnrt of town. George I' nil Held and faintly wore Sunday guests at the homo of Dr. C. L. Holes. Reese Stickloy and family spent Sunday with his son Alva Stickley and family. O. J Kailcy and family moved Tues day into the Mlllor property ill the north part of town. Mrs. J. S Gleason nnd daughter, Mrs Will Payne, returned Sunday evening from a visit with relatives near Hub boll. Mrs Anna Gregg of Corpus Christ), Texas.vlsited recently with her sister, Mrs. L.C. Cono. She departed Tues day for Iowa to visit other relatives. Superior Thursday. SPRINGGONCERT 0? The Rod Cloiid Blind on Hit: Exnlnft o? April 27th The New rrivnl. March and Two step Anthony S Brazil Hits of Remlck'a lilts No. .'. Medley Qverturc ,1. llodewalt Lampe A Mexican Idyl. On the Mesa-Grande Louis Maurice Trombone Solo Answer A. G. Robins Roy Robinson IluvilumVs Happy Hits. Medley Overture No. 1 R. L. Hallo Zeonn Waltzes Wm. Arnold Star Spangled Itaunor. J E. Bin., Director I F. NE WHOUSE - - Dry Goods NOTIONS I One of the little helps to good health we're selling for children is the Nazareth Waist. Can be worn over the underskirt if extra warmth is desired without hulk. Being clastic knitted it does not bind or interfere with the movement of the child. If the children are complaining of the cold protect their chest with Nazareth Waists. Sizes 1 to 13 yrs: for boy or girl. Price 25c. OURNOTIOIUINE is always COMPLETE The best brass pin made at 5c. Their is nothing so aggrevating as to have a needle bend when you are sewing. Try ours they do not bend, 5c a paper. Pearl Buttons, the kind that wash and do not turn black at 5c a dozen and all the better and fancy ones at 10c up to 60c a dozen. Died. At her home adjoining this city, Ann Scott, April IGth. 1911, at the agoof 70 years, 1 mouth and 1 day. Mrs. Scott was the wife of Henry C. Scott, county assessor, and the two came to Nebras ka in the year 1870. They wore marri ed in August, 1802, and to this union were born nine children. Five of tho children survive their niorher and four passed on to the great beyond before tier. It will thus be seen that tho deceased was married during a time of great national trouble and that she came to Nebraska and endured all the trials and privations of pioneer life. All these, troubles were met without n murmur and sue lived to bee them vanish nwuy. Rev. (1. W. Hummel conducted thesorvlces at the homo and interment was made in the Rod Clond cemetery. The Birthday Gift The practise of gift-giving at Christmas time is a modern fashion a habit. There is nothing in the original significance of Christmas to even remotely suggest a gift. It is nevertheless a beautiful idea. A much mote oxprcssivc and consistent gift is a Birthday or lli cr anniversary gift. The anniversary is hers, or his very own-Christmas is cverbody's. There is a distinction in the anniversary gi!t--a com pliment that the Christmas gift lacks. Give her, or him, or them, mother, sister, wife, father, brother, hus band or friend a gift on an annivmaiy aid it means something. Make that day the happiest of the year. Our slock olfcrs articles of use and beauty suitable for all gift oc casions, qualities unsurpassed and scmclbing al a piicc )cu can afford, "SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK" 75he GIFT STORE Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. -B. & Q. Watch Inspectors. Jewelers and Optometrists. Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly Done at FOGEL'S Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery. My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I can give you just what you call for in this line and prices always the lowest. Joe Fogel, The Harness Man. F. NEWHOUSE, Dry Goods Butterick Patterns. Both Phones. Spanish War Stldtors ReunUs The Spanish war soldiers of Lin coln and Lancaster county are making big preparations to entertain their comrades on April '20-27, 1011, at the fourth annual reunion to be held in Lincoln. The reunion is for all Nebruslcu soldiers everywhere utid all Spanish war soldiers in Nobraslca, no matter from what state or whether n member of any orgtiui.rtiou. Headquarters will be at the Lindell hotel, where nil soldiers should report for registration immediately upon ar rival Tho committee isalieady assuied of the bluest attendance yet, and have added tho feature of Kotting' u news lottet from each comrade unable to come, which will he on Jllo at hcad quurtcrs for perusal by his comrades A large number of these letters have already come, some fioni foreign shores, and.the boys at heudqimrters say they aro infghty interesting read ing. Many inquiries as to where this or that comrade is havo reached head quarters. .Some could not be located, but the secretary lins written between inO ami 200 pcrsonul letters arranging for comrades to meet at this reunion. Every company, troop and band will have its reunion and there will be a big camp fire whero all will attend. Theatre tickets for one evening will be furnished all comrades fiom out side .of Lancaster county and the other evening will bu devoted to a banquet to which all are invited. Tho committee is unable to get the address of many Nobraasltu soldiers nnd so havu bcon unable to scud them notice. It is hoped that every soldier who roads this article and whohnsnot ...w.,,I..,.1 i.n.... f..... ii. :...... v.'lt.llllin IUHl'1 IIUUI UIU UlUllllllllUl! I will at once write Frank I. Ringer,' FLOUR! FLOUR!! - to 'ifc&Pfc, mS iff '-t "IMPERIAL" high patent Flour $1.00 a sack, "SELECT" Flour, 90 cents a sack, and in addition, in each sack of Flour will be found a coupon, and eight of these coupons and $2.95 in cash will entitle the holder to an $8.00 SET OF PISHES Each sack of Flour is absolutly guaranteed. If not satisfied, your money will be cheerfully refunded. Phone your orders to the mill, phone Red 45. ALL FLOUR WILL BE GASH. Free Delivery mado to all parts of tho City, !Fs5lllEl) GMHJD fllililflG GDpPflJf Y W regiment and proont add" 1 ! 4 I T- H 'k I Ml i a I ljU--iyS'f Jy., 22S:3C8335W xsSz: Zz;: :T9aasi.. && ' ktxmm) m&