The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1911, Image 6
Mfc 'OiA.A -. - , vmwm!',va. ' . . 1 j The Chief C. D. HALT?, Publisher D CLOUD NEBRASKA tHE HAPPENINGS OF THE PAST WEEK LATEST HAPPENINGS OF THE WORLD IN SHORT FORM. NORTH, EAST, WEST AND SOUTH I I EVcnts Thst Are Making Hletory Information Gathered From All Quarters of the Globe. Washington 'lie Flxty-KH-onil cotiBicaa met In cxtrnorillnury ncsBlmi on Tuowluy. jviclor I j. llcrgor of .MIlvvniiKuc Is the first socialist cut elected to n Heat In t'OiiKiesB. Tho balance of power In llio extra contrcKB Ki'cms to be In the liandu of the Inuurgenti). The health mid eenltnry condition of the maneuver camp at San Antonio, Tex., are excellent. JTho i;overnmeut lost Its llrat battle iri tho effort to punish the allowed fraudulent locate of Alaska coal lands. ' , " ' i jThe cxclso hoard of Washington! 1)1 C, has made a rullni; that no more lljiuor may be cold to Judlatis vluiUng tuat city. jl'rcsldent Taft has Blgned a procla-mjatlon- nililliij; Jo' tho national forests of Utah 141,12.'l acres of land as being vAluablo for forestry purpoucH. JTho iircdletlon Is freely 'made In cdngresslonal circles that the extra Hussion will adjourn much earlier than has generally-buen anticipated. JHolh houses' of congress listened Wednesday to President Tuffs brief mcsBngo urging- tho adoption of the reciprocity agreement with t'annda. Arthur SI. Travers, former chief clerk to tho third assistant postmaster general, has been Indicted for the al leged embezzlement and sale of .raro Ethmps. 'Representative James It. Jlaun ol Illinois haB been unanimously chosen candidate for speaker and lloor leader of the republicans of tho house of representatives. General News Canadian coal miners arc on strike Kansas City carpenters are out on itrlke. iDenman Thompson, tho actor, is curiously 111. ITho Urltish census enumeration has 'jqcn commenced. JTho .lapaueso Antarctic expedition 119s sailed from New Zualand. 1TI10 ' Spanish mlntotqrial crisis has ended unr abruptly as Itjbtgan.) j lAndrcvt Oornofclo nii donated ?230. (ido for a hero fund for Sweden. h'ho presence of the plague n east em Java Is olllclally conllrmcd. riio New ltampshlro aennto hilled tho Oregon plan of popular election bill. Carter IF. Harrison, democrat, has been elected mayor of Chicago for tho IHth time., - It i8k'potcUhhtVhooboja IwV proclaimed jlulal jRbufaci Hulturi ai McgutaM. k ; l " ' A bill to restore tho army canteen has boon Introduced by Represent!! tlvo Ilartholdt of Missouri. The Massachusetts house of reivro Fcntatlves rejected the bill granting suffrago to women by a yoio of 101 to C9. - Debate on tho rCviprqclty agree ment between Canada nm the United States was roEtimod In the (,'aunillnn parlliimcnt. An intcrurban car at Los Angoles was held up by two men, who lobbed thirty passengers and the motorman nnd conductor. Tho archbishop of Canterbury will be asked to start a great religious movement In favor of the Anglo-American arbitration. John Callahan of Wichita, IChni. con victed, (Ofi receiving stolen (jio'utago 6tamps, lias arrived nt the federal prison at iAjavenworth. . , II. F. Bush, president of tho Western Maryland railway, has been Eelected to succeed (leorge J. Could as president of the Missouri Pacific. PIctro Pesantl, thought , to bo in sane, ohtqrt'ih St. Peter's at jltome with a revolver uul ltlioi)t warning flredf into the.cnnons vvho. viro n gafioll jii 'tho recital of the brqvnry "In choir." Tho shot went wild and the) nan was arrested. Tlje nrltlsh miUcss Kontiand Chal lenger arc at Valparaiso, bearing the representatives of King George on a visit' of courtesy. Former mayor of Cleveland, O., Tom I Jphnson, who has been ill In bed for more than two weeks, entertained V. J. Ilryau in lilo sick room Satur day. Fire broke out in tho Missouri City Mining company's plants, causing much loss, but no fatalities. An effort Is being mado to teach sanitation, hygiene and manual train ing to Esqulmos and Indians la Alaska. Tho Cuban congress reconvened A Tuesday nnd received the presidential message, in which President Gomes announces tho continuance of peaco nnd ordor throughout the republic. An attempt to blow up tho vault in tho county treasurer's office at Dob Moines, Iowa, and securo ?100.00Q known to bo !a it, was frustrated. Nine fish cnnncrlen on tlio coast of Alaska linvo been absorbed by the Hooth Packing Co., O10 dcnl represent ing a $1,500,000 transaction. Tho Iieledo (las company at St. Louis has voluntarily reduced the price of gas to 80 rents a thousand. State wide prohibition In Alabama was given Its knockout, blow when both branches of the legislature adopted tho Smith liquor regulation bill. With tear3 In his t'yes, Alvlr, Dyer, a prleonor In tho stato reformatory at Hutchinson, Kan., begged that ho bo not paroled from tho Institution. Kndlkol, a suburb of Constantinople, wns swept by fire. One hundred houses and shops wore destroyed or burned out. Tho loss Is $("00,000. Rain reduced to less than 7r,000 tho army of 200,000 workers who had planned to march in iinomorlal of tho victims of the New Yoik factory Hie. Hundreds of negro settleis have emigrated from tho United Stales to Canada and at the rate tlto movement Is growing there will soon be thou sands of them In tho northwest. .Hallo, a notorious Sicilian brigand, has been captured at Palermo an he was leaving the opera accompanied by n woman ami bis "sccrolary," Fl- 1107.7.0. If plana discussed arc carried out Kentucky will 116011 bo able to boast of the bert system of rural school educa tion to be found anywhere in the country. The St. James Catholic church at San Francisco caught tiro from spon taneous combustion and .was com pletely destroyed with 11s loss of $100,000. ' ( Raton Rouge. Hebrews tire barred from LpiilBliufii saloons by the ruling or a state court here, the color line being drawn against them the sumo us-negroes. ', Tho-llnnl obstruction to the Iietsch berg tunnel, through the Rorneso Alps has been pierced by tbo lulioiors.uftcr live yeais' work and tho'oSpomlltiire of $20,000,000 Th'o baby of A. T. Rogers, a Vegas attorney, was kHlnuped by Mo lean bandits. Tho ransom of $17,000 demanded was placed In tho hills and tho babe returned. Deposed King Cmaniiel of Portugal Is to li'iuo England as he Is said to bo concocting a scheme for reinstate ment nnd Kagland doesn't want to bo mixed up In the deal. Parlfclans were astonished by a brisk snow storm which gave a rather ghastly effect to the green of the newly leafed trees. Cold and miow aie gen eral throughout the country. The state senate bribery Investiga tion at Sprlnglleld. 111., bus revealed tho exlbtcnco of n $100,000 slush fund 'that was alleged to have been used In the election of Senator I)ilmer. John J, Henderson, elghly-onc years old, who la given credit for starting Whltelaw Held, ambassador to Great Rrltaln. on tho mad to fame, died at Indl.uiapolls, Ind.. artcr a long illness. About 10 o'clock Saturday night a mob of armed negroes swooped down upon a crowd of spectatprs liitthpuinlii thorouKhfnreJ of Uuirol.' Del., and, llrod a .volley of lmekali6t into the throng. Dublin Tho corporation of Dublin voted, 12 to .. to "proceed with thu next business.' whon a tcEOlutlouMro posing a lojal address on the occasion, of King (ioorge's approaching vIsU was Iiilroduced. Tho Chinese authorities have made' elaborate preparations for the Interna tional juedjcal ronterouco tcj be ljeld at MuWdoh WllivaitjgatcWho taho situation. DoptoVrtjofi luaiiyj nations aro in atterulnhc'e. Five hundred dollars' row aid is of lerAl'by" the city of Sprlnglleld, Muss., for arrest and conviction of persons responsible for the unsuccessful at tempt to blow up tbo towejr of the new iifunlclpaf group of buildings. The magnificent- cathedral of St. John the Divine In New York City, 0110 of the largest and most beautiful In the World, will bo dedicated April I!'. It has taken nearly twenty years' tlmo Convicted of using the malls to de fraud, ('. D. lllllinan. niultl-nillllonalro of Seattle, Wash., who sold worthless real estate to working people, was sentenced to two and a half yours In the federal prison and to pay a tine of $r,2fH) and the costs of the prosecu tion. William J. Uryan bf Nobra'slqi and Qovernor. Hiirmou q.f Qblo wore lead ing Hgures on. the tloor of the house at tho opening of congress. Had Coernor Wood row Wilson been pres ent tho list or genorally accepted dem ocratic piesidentlal possibilities would liavo been complete. , At ap election In Detroit the pro 'poBiil to substitute eastern in placo o coutraj standard time was lost by a 20 to 1 vote. ' 1 Two women wero Injured when i bomb exploded In the rear or a Chi-V cago saloon. Two explosions of dynamite In tlio fl tower of tho million dollar city hall at Sprlnglleld, Mass., did considerable, damage to the building. . Six hundred delegatos, representing every county In North Dakota, as- scmbleU In Grand Forks to piotcst Ugalnst tho ratitlcatlon of the Cana dian reciprocity agreement. A bill for tho construction of an In land harbor for Chicago in Uako Calu met bus passed tho Illinois house. Reports that W. J. Uryan would movo "Tho Commoner" to .Memphis. Tonn., aro said to be without founda tion. Representative Foster of Vermont has predicted that universal arbitra tion treaties will soon bo negotiated, naming tho United States, Great llrltaln, Franco and Japan as tho pow ers who would enter Into such agree ments. Eventually, ho said, tho other powers of tho world will be forced to I tako Similar fiction. STRUCK BY A TRAIN UNKNOWN MAN FATALLY HURT AT COLUMOUS. HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE 1 1 INrOTN YW$lfXlT, ' ,a ,w-. ' hj n 'i 7w2iUci -jLi o What Is Going on Here and Thero That Is of Interest to tho Read era Throughout Nebraska - and Vicinity. Columbus.Shortly lifter (! o'clock Saturday the I .ok Angeles limited cast bound, struck mi unknown man nt the mill crossing east' of thedepot. lie e.ndeavoiud to get 011 the- local frolght as ft was pulling into tho yards and lid twf notice the pat-scnger train, which struck. I1I111 and fractured ills skull. ' x Killed by Fall frcm Chair. Shuheit. The child of II. X. Ilulse and wife, who live u lew. miles south of town. Tell from Its hlnh chair, sink ing tho side of Its face.. The aei Ident wait thought a minor one. and the child went to sleep apiarJtitly none the worte fiom the fall. Dining the 0 veiling, however, .Mrs. Hulso had oc c.ikIoii to go into the room where the b.iby was hleeplug, and found It dead LINCOLN rmfi GETTING READY TO ADJOURN Tho senate prepared for the end by indefinitely postponing nt) senate tiles on the general tile. The Placek con gressional apiKirttontnont bill, died .on the sifting committee file, fco'ih'erc will bo no redisricting of congressional districts for two years. Tibbct of fered a resolution tllrecfed against the uuivctfclty. oxtcnslon. department, and Placek offeied a lcsolntKm demand ing that the governor' appoint a war den of the pcni'tcnllnr.v. It Is now tot late lor bills, from one house to In rend three times in the other house. The house was seething with eiite incut over the comlmi (.est on m n b Humors BIG SHIP HELD FUST PASSENGERS TO NUMBER OF 1,720 SPEND NIGHT ABOARD. TILDEN GOES TO SPRINGFIELD Journey Made for Nothing, But Will Be on Hand Later Resolution In the Senate for a New Investigation. Water Works System Finished, OrleatiB. Orleans' $:io,000 water works system was completed last wwk and a mass meeting of the citizens of Oiiuans iwas held in the city hall to celebrate lt,s celebration and to organ ize a llio department. Former Leglnlator Dead. Hustings. Andrew J. Sqott died suddenly Wednesday night of heai. falluio. lie wan an ex-member of the legislature uud lor a number of yenrs was steward at the Hastings 'asylum under ex-Governor Holcomb. Wm' f "it'1' ft-i'5TH.'..t ..v-r YK s WK'' J. M. TALCOTT Crofton, Nebr. State Senator, Eighth District. Reu .Miller at Omaha was lined lio dollars for snoring. A new Union Paeltic lino will bo built to Goring soon. Work lias commenced on the new federal building to bo erected at Hoi drege. North Platte will have a new three story poatolllce and government court house. Lancaster County Superintendent Mori Is is seilously ill at a Lincoln hospital. Willis Packard, a farmer near niooinington, was kicked to death by a horse. The Kellcnbarger school house, six miles west of Murun, was totally de stroyed by lire Sunday. The Denton school has been eloped for a week, on account 6f smallpox In the town. Krncst Galloway, editor of the Nem aha Advertiser, has perfected a ljfe partnership with .Miss Muud Hums, Rv, .1. W. Sapp olllciatlng. W.hilo reeking through a crack In a fence little Ixils I.ean of ISjimvoad, wns painfully Injured by a playmato thrust ing the .point of' a stick Into her oyc; hall, very nearly destroying the sight! W. II. Morton, superintendent of thq Fairmont city schools for the paBt year, has tendered' hi. resignation to the boatd in order to accept a sim ilar position in Ashland. Henry Rmerson Palmer, a prominent tit len of Omah.i for the last twenty live years ami former postmaster, died fcuddenly at his home Sunday morning. It is presumed that his death was caused by a stroke of apoplexy . Jacob C. .March Is one of the really old men of Lincoln. If he lives till July Hi, he will he ninety-four years old. He enjoys the distinction of be ing a veteran of the Seminole Indian war, which occurred inoro than, three quarters of a century ago. It is be lieved that thero aro only two sur vivors of that conflict now living. Rroken Row's new lighting system has been put Into service with formnl coroiuouies. Fire In the business section of Wil cox, caused losses aggregating $05,000, partially coveied by Insurance. The, cause of the tiro is unknown. T. II. Un;aknian,'supptlntqnlont of tho Tecumseh schools, had a leg broken while ongagod In a wroHtlltip. match. Kinil .Marqirmlt. a fa,rmr living near Lyons, while lighting pralilc tire, In a stong wind was overcomo by heat and exhaustion' and remained un conscious for over three hours It Is' thought he will recover. Charles N'lckolls ard Thomas Doty .if Albion' narrowly escaped death when the wagon In which they were riding was struck by a Union Paolllc train smashing it into kindling and killing ono of tho horses. Henry Stehr of Norfolk has been In dieted by the Madison county grand 1ury for murder In '.ho llrst degree, and hs wife, Mlnnlo Stchr, for sec ond degree murder In connection with the doath of her :i-yenr-old son, Knurt. who died alter ills feet froze, off UiBt January. A civic Improvement leaguo 'haB been organized In Pawnoo City. The purposo of tho league Is for mutual help to thoso who aro Interested In improving tho appenr'anco of the city, and tho organization expects to do much toward beautifying tho town during tho summer day baseball, but no effort was made until Wednesday. Roth sides claim victory. The Selleck board or control bill failed In the house. Omaha Ad club wins over Douglas county dclcga tlon and sec bill recommended to pass. Tho election of county commissioners by districts was decisively defeated. A constitutional amendment for In crease of pay for legislators was acted upon favorably. New York. All elforts to 'free the steamship Princess Irene from her stranded position 'on the sands of tho edge of the "graveyard of the Atlan tic," op the seaward coast of Ixng Island, having proved futile, the 1.720 passengers, although within sight of their destination, remnincd on board all night. They were in for a sleep less night owing to n heavy ground swoll, which began battering tho ves sel, to the full height of the super structure, as night fell. lies within fifty miles of her pier at Hr boken. After running into tie sand In tho fog early In the morning, tho liner lay helpless throughout tho day, sliriofindcd by tugs and tevenue cut ters. Efforts to pull her free at after noon high tide failed. Uecailse of a high sea no transfer of passengers was attempted pending renewed ef forts to drag her clear as early as possible. s He Loves Nebraska More. Washington, I). ('. William Jen lings Hryau told the committee sent hero by1 the citizens of .Memphis to Invito him to make his home In that city that he could not accept. Tho in vitation was extended at. a luncheon given Mr. Bryan by the committee. The committee begged .Mr. Uryan to cbme where "the people loved him. wiiere he would always find friends." They felt sure that Memphis could easily raise $2,000.nu0 if that would be any inducement to have Mr. Uryan in that dfy. Mr. Uryan replied that it was not a money consideration, and If he looked nt In that light ho would not be worthy of such an Invitation. He said he knew ho had friends In the south who would stand by him, and that was why they did not need him there; they needed him more In the north. Spnrag Come to moit pcoplo aud cause many trouble,-pimple , boils ami otlir crupj lioin, bc-ldcj loss of nppoUtc, tint tired feeling, biliousness, indigestion and bead. tioHc The cooncr you gel rid oj them the bet tcr, nnd the way to net rid of Uictn and to build up tho system is to talio Hood's SarsapariUa Tho Spring Mudicino par cxccllcneo at thown by uucqualcd, radical nnd perir-a ncnt cures. Get it today in tiPiml liquid form 01 ihocolated tablets called Sarsatobo. L 1 1 44 Bu. to the Acre Isa hcivfyMil, Mil Hint's wbnt John Kennedy of Ertjmouiun, Al'Jcrui, mioru i,uimuti. ku, biviui v f roin ottior district I u ttiat pruT- B Lzm LJU monUin, Alocuo. Wwtom cannon, uolfroui 4U acres or rt;inntYYiicinin ijiu. iirrr noruiBiricuiiutgBipruT oco Mionrdoltiprrxccl- lentrcunlts tncti a, WU btiRbvb of. nhMkl frornlUI sen-, or Mt-t Mi, tie rue re. 2E, Sun milt As lilch nil U bushrli of o.itH to the ucrownrnthrrithtfl frtfin Alberta fleUIMnl'JIO., The Silver Gup A I llio iM-ont ripotntio i'!iirwnin'.ruii iow.u 1 AlhiTt.1 (inti nnni'iit for itnfvMliHnf itmn.L!raMri!!rd vrprtublrs. IlrpnrtKotrJrclirnt jlnldi for Hill) coin" aim frntii K.isk.itrln'.Tiin nnd llatilloba la W'frtnrn Citnnd.i. . . . Vrto liiiiiif'Mi-luU of 100 ii('rc4, uiul inlJiilriiniT pro iiiiiltitiiH 11 f ltIO Ileum (lit H;t inirnru-) am to I mi linil III (no h(ilc-H llHt rlr(. Si-liiioln 'iirivfiili-iit, cll- llllltl) -Xflll'llt. Mill llio rry bct. nillwu.TMrlosont liuiiil, litilldlnK liiiiibor rli'iip,f unlrnHy tocot nna sPa't Guaranty Not Yet Ready. Although the bank guaranty law 13 now technically In effect, the mandate or the United States supreme court having been filed In the district Teller al court this week, it will be at least a month before the law is in practical operation. This delay arises chiefly from two considerations; the legislature may change tho guaranty law so that the orders of the state banking board would bo materially affected, and It will tako some time for the various state banks to compute, their average daily deposit's) for the past two years in order to find out hut their guttran. ty assessment amounts to. Freezing Weather In France. Paris. Tho unreasonable weather that developed a snow storm hero con tinues. There was a genuine blizzard In Paris. The intense cold extends through Southern France to the shores of the Mcditeranean. This has been the coldest weather of tho year In some districts. The damago to fruit trees nnd in the wino vineyards as well as to other crops by frost will amount to millions of francs. , Vetoed the Bill. v Governor Aldrich .Monday yetocd S. l'M'lli, the Sunday baseball bill, in troduced by Senator Uartltng of Otoe. The senate later in tho day passed the bill ovor tho governor's veto. An at tempt Is to be mado In the house to pass tho bill, notwithstanding the veto. In that body it will recuilrc sixty votes to pass the bill. As It pussed tho house originally with llfty six votes to Its credit, considerable dilliculty may be bad in obtaining tho necessary sixty votes. In tho senate twenty votes make tho necessary three-fifths and tbo bill, when placed on Its passage over the veto, received twenty-one votes. The Red Cross society at Washing ton has disbursed almost f.lO.OOO among the Chinese sufferers. For Another Lorimcr Investigation.' Washington D. C Senator La Kol lette lias introduced a refcolution pro viding for another. Investigation of tho Senator Loiimer oase. It names as the commltteo of Investigation Sena tors Works or California, Townsend of Michigan, McLean of Connecticut. Kern of Indiana and Pomcrono of Ohio. No action was taken, as Sena tor Ui Follettc Intends to speak on the resolution another dny. The housp of representatives rec ommended for pussago the one-mill levy for eight years to cover the cost of removing tho state university to the state farm campus, and aiithorl.' Ing such removal. , 1 Carnegie Endowment Fund Wlthqut wjnrnlng, Senator Tlbbdts, Introduced, and tho senate passed, a resolution authqrlzing the regents of the state university to apply for par ticipation In tho Carnegie retirement fund for aged professors. Only OIlls and Pickens voted against tho resolu tion. A half dozen senators spoke fervent ly In favor of tho resolution, Tulbott remarking that he had voted against accoptanco or the fund two yenrs ago and that he had always regretted his action, Tilden Goes to Springfield. : Springfield, 111. Kdwnrd Tilden, president of the National Packing cqm- pany of Chicago, wbo-was named by Clarence II. Funk, general manager of tho International Harvester com pany, as the receiver or tho alleged $10,000 Loiimer slush fund, for moro than an liour Thursdny walked about the capltol building hero trying to de liver hlmtelf to the Helm bribery com mltteo under a subpoena served upon him In Chicago. Hillings, "lont. (TUT Koot, an old Mm stockman of the .Musselshedd lountry, Thursdny murdered his father-in-law, F. A. Hehbor, bis- step-son, James Bridges, a .Mrs. Thompson any his own wife and then killed hlibseir. - j Give Approval to Treaty ' Tokio, The leading newspapers, Kokumln. .liji. Asbi, yqnjato -no; I,Iochi, comment4 ipprovjingly' Upon the conclusion of tho' Japaneseyncrlcari commercial treaty'. , Uasln. Wyo. After living .toWber jib man and wlfo for a year under a marriage contract, contingent j upon both being satisfied titjtho'end of thjj period, Lcroy Dow and Miss Pearl ifoppe of Klrby wero married here. The couple returned to their hopioiat llrby as happy as doves. , j j Manning's commission plan of gov ernment for cities of over .i,000. to b3 adopted by cltlcB if they deRlre to work under its provisions, was placed on third reading nnd passed by a veto of 30 to 0. Sollcclt was nbtent on ac count or Illness and Morton of Doug las and Placek of Saunders were ab sent. The bill Is S. V. it 12. Hartos made an Ineffectual attomp' to havo tho bill recommitted for amendment to tho tltlo but tho friends of tho measure said tho title was cor rect and needed no doctoring, which would result In delay. Iiondon. The new Anglo-Japaneso treaty, which was ratified at rokIoJ! provides for reductions in thoTa,to6 of the now Japanese tariff on tho chlet British textile and metal imports In i I '1 Japan. fttv--'"- i Now York. Kansns City has been jelected by the national councillor tho Aero clubs of America as tho city jrom which the international balloon hicc of this year shall bo started. Om aha wnB 11 strong eontostant for tho honor and the claims, of San Francis co and St. Louis wero also considered Washington. Dr. James Ormond WllBon, for many years superintendent or schools lu tho District or Columbia, had invited Hiends to gather at his homo In celebration or his 86th birth day, but when they nrrived they found him dead. rt'UHoiiulilo In irlr, wutcr imlly iroiuril, niLxcil fKriiilnKnmirrpiiK. WiltouxlohiM plnco for nt ttfiuuiU settlors' Ion railway rutci, d'i'crlritlvn lUmtratcd "LAStllrslWrl"(ir)nl fro on to Hup't of limnliiratlon, Ottnw.i. (;an..(irlotlioUuuullMi UoTernnmntABcnU (U) W. V. BENNETT Boo Bulldlnj Onaha,Neb. (tno nddrcsj nrnrcit rorj.) In il 'K 4 "Lame Leg" ": Well?' ' I wish to say it hat I ' have used Sloan's Lini ment on a lame lee; that has given me much trouble for she months. It was so bad that I couldn't wolk sometimes for a) vveclc. I tried doctors' medicine; ' and had a rubber bandage for my! leg, and bought everything that I; heard of, but they aft did me no good, until at last I was persuaded to try Sloan'3 Liniment. The first application helped it, and in two weeks my leg was well." A. L. Hunter, of Hunter, Ala. Good for Athletes. -v. , Mr. K. Gilman, instructor of athletics, 417 Warren St., Rox bury, Mass, says: "I have used 'J"! 5LUAK& LINIMENT . 1 with great success in case3 of ex treme fatigue after physical exer tion, when an ordinary rub-down would not make any impression.' Sloan's Liniment has no equal as a remedy for Rheu matism, Neural gia or any pain or stiffness in the muscles or joints, Prices,2So.,BOo.&$1.0D Hlonn'n book on Iiorxttft, cut lie, ihfiii mid poultry acut froo. Addreue Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mau., V. S. A. fin Nebraska Directo rw TYPEWRITERS rs BoUand rehtodoTprywliV"- WrlteforbarBalnl n. 11. F. 8WASON COMVANY, Ino. BsUbUahed 180. 148 B. 13tUBt.,Llnc U( i - j i - t- RUPTURE CttliEDinttfewdars without pain or a in etcal operation. No cay until cured. Send lot literature. Dr:Wroy,'307 Boo BldcOmoha, Ne t. Beatrice Creamery G Faya the highest price for CKEA Hiilcoln Sanitariu Oi 0BGT n!t-ijmvnmm iimm Sulpho Saline Springrs Locttod on our own pomlies and ued In tre natural mmerar water Baths Unsurpassed In the treatment ol Rheumatis m Heart. Stomach, Kldpey and Liter Diseases MODERATE CM AR0E3, ADDRESS .... J1-W' EVERETT. Mnr. 1403 M btrcot Lincoln, Nob. ,Wr,H trs -"- v