gf ;uv-?. rvv rjef .-.v JJTTfi. ;?J;. - - i- m i , AMtL -tHlhlAi i J.-. s-'-nl K y' ', v RTii '' W I w ANSWER. Cu jWei "What Is tin indeterminate sontenco, pa?" , ' "Matrimony, my son." SCALES ALL OVER HER BODY "About tlnco years ngo I wan af fected by white ucalon on my hnoca and elbows. I consulted a doctor who treated 1110 for ringworm, l Haw no chiingn and consulted a Hpcclaliut and ho claimed I had psoriasis. 1 contin ued treatments under him for about fix inunthu until I Kaw scales break Ing out all over my body eavo my free. My I5c.ilp was nffectod, and my hair began to fall. I then changed doctors to no avail. 1 went to two hospitals and each wanted to make n Kludy of tho rar.o und seemed unablo to euro it or assuro mo of a cure. I tried soveral patent medic Inos nd wa3j finally advised by m friend .who lias used Cutlcura on her children uluco their birth, to purcha"so tho Cittlcurn Ramcdion. t jjurcluiBeiUn caKo ot Soa'p.'tho Ointment and tho Resolvent After tho-llrat application tho Itching' was aliased. ( ) ' "I am r.tlll uslrig tho Soap and OInt tnont and now feel that none other Is pood enough for my skin. Tho psor iasis has disappeared nnd 1' every where feel bettor. My hands wero bo disfigured before using. tho Cutlcura Remedies that I had to wear glovorj all tho time. Now my body and hands nro looking fine." (Signed) Miss Sara Rurnett, 'J 135 Fltzwater St., Philadel phia, l'a., Sept. 20, 1910. Cutlcura Soap (23c) and Cutlcura Ointment (50c) aro sold throughout tho world. Send to Potter Drug & Ghom. Corp., solo props., 135 Colum bus Ave., Boston, for frco book on af fections of tho skin and scalp. How Ho Avcitca a Duel. Tho following Is told of former Sen ator Joo Blackhuni of Kentucky: In tho days of his youth tho Ken tucklan wan. asked by a friend to sec ond him in a duel. He consented, and nt sunrise tho parties met at tho ap pointed place. Now, it was, this Ken- liickian's duty to say tho last words touching tlio terms of. thoducl. Hut, although ho faithfully performed this duty, tho duel never took place,. A murmur of "Why not?" Invariably goes around whenever this. -story is told, whereupon tho answer Is as fol lows . . v V "For-a vcrj' simple reason. Wlwn Joe finished speaking it wns too 'tlarft for, n alueL" Uurpor'a Magazine. v ;. - j rz i Importnnt to Mothers - - Examine' carofully o-ery 'bott!oof "CASTOUIAlasafounduuro remedy tor Infanta and". cjiijareu,and rfeo vthatVt Signature of C2a&&4&V. In Uso For Over ( Yea'rsi J Tho Kind You Havo AJw'uyB Bought. Aftqr a Big Hauf. J ' j"6lnlh? used to bd dn'fC 6w tlio sub Jqctjof liurled trcnHuro! Flint's ho' up td now?" i ' . ,-. "IIo's got up an expedition to Asia Minor to try to find tho place whero Methuselah stored his birthday pres ents." Constipation cauicn ami seriously agRra vatcH nnny (lisc.ifo. It is thoroughly curoil by Dr." Pierce's Pellets. Tiny sugar-coated grauulcs. Occasionally or oftonor peoplo lead a man to bellevo they admlro him when In reality they are only trying to work him. Urn. WIdhIow'h Soothing Sjrup for Children ttothlntf, nufteiiB tho Rums, rrducen Inllamma Hod, aUajr pain, cures wind colic, 23a a bottle. Some sermons como near bolng dem onstrations of eternal punishment. To (set Us Beneficial Effects, Always Buy th& Genuine $YRUPflfi$ ana Elixir 'Senna manufactured byihe (JiraEAf(6Svfitip(o. Sold by oil Icadin9 Drvqqlsts OneSize Only, 501 oDotilc EASTER OFFERING r... wmmmmmmmmmm?. , MHAaHiMBMIHHMMMMnM Season of Joy . . I,' , Helen Brace Wallace (.1 pj J HEItH Itv an Jnptlnetivo tnse bf dtEappoint ment whVn It ralns on Kaster We feel that the sun tdiouhl Khinu and all nature bo at her best and brlghteut on this day that Is typical both or spiritual and physical reawakening. As far as wo can we voice this Joyousness In the flowers that are seen everywhere. There Is a coldness In the church sen lee that Is not brightened by at least a Illy or two today; It seems to poorly express the spirit of tho Kastertldo. It Sb good for us to have one day in tho year that is all joy. It Is no timo for yielding to gloom or de pression. Life has so much of shad ow that the road would be darkened did wo never como out into, tho full imnBhlne. Wo wunt lifo and light 'and color uround ua; therefore we put the blossoms of spring in our win dows nnd wear them as we jjo to and fro. - Other festal dayB huve their tem poral distractions. Easter makes Its .strongest appeal loathe soul side of us Coining as it doeV on the tlrst day of the week, when tho busy world in S3 esilug.thcro istlme to think of the gher aide ot llfe.Uo ponder on tbe deeper meaning of things thnt be. What ineHns.this jnyousness of tbe 8enson lliatls felt by all.'lf uncxprcss ed? fs It.nol reviving hope: a hripe to brighten the dreariest, rriOjU dlsplr ited man or womanj j' 1 j , TDiduQl man "believe tn a hereafter, n -uturoj wheu ywjoijgH jwill be right ed and sorrows' turn to fyoy, tho oiid would have stopped trying Ion,", ngo TOHI I t L The Easter Egg I am the tinted Easter egR, at whose bespangled shell you peg with careful stroke of knife or spoon, regarding me as quite a boon. And as I feel , ' yourlusty1 stroke I chuckle gayly at the joke, , for you I know aro in thr. mesh of placards worded "Strictly Fresh.' You trust the craft)' grocer man who sells- his eggs just as he can and ' never is the 'least afraid to claim that they are 'Newly Laid."- The grocer man, he puts bisttrusti , in men who are not wholly, just, for they sell eggs the whole year round and often in deceit aro found, becausa, they keep the eggs or. ice until ihere is a raise in price.. However, I would advise that you should turn your rarjpy eyes upon the timings of my uliei;- -'the hues are laid on so well; the dreamy pinks and reds and blues withi which the dye my form embues; or-possibly I may present designs that for truo art are meant a (landscape or nn . ocen,n scene wherein there are faint hints of green, or maybe, limned with dainty grace there is a most bewitching face that smiles into your joyous eyes which shows the sparkle of surprise. Do as you please, but it is best to act, perhaps, as I suggest. Put down-your knife with which you aim to crush; my most aristic frame, and simply feast your inner man upon the pictures that you scan. For alt you see and all you know; for all my cunning pictures show I may be ol the overflow of Eastertlme a year ago. Old masters may have painted me in some forgotxn century and left me in some cherished hoardsome ware house where fresh eggs are stored and it might fill you with regret If you should heed me not and let your appetite for works of art gain headway o'er your mind and heart. .O, listen, listen, let me beg 1 am a simple Easter, egg, bedaubed with paint and drowned in dyes, but let m: beg ot you: Be wise I How often do we weep to see things not whit they're cracked up to be I Remember, I have mado no claims I leave the dealers all such games; I may ba but a cheat und sham, but I am only what I am. Think over what I say think twice; all men may profit by advice. If you should crack me to your woe, remember tint I told you so. Now all my little speech is done. Strike! Strike, but first prepare to run I ttm i Even with all our faith that deaden ing question. - "What's tho use?" lurks In wait for us nt every obstacle In tho road. Did we not believe in whnt lies on il he other shl though unseen, vvo would turn back like Pliable from our miry Slough of Despond Take away temporal hope from a man, from a nation what follotrs? For the man discouragement,, Inertia, despair, then ubclpsHticss: for, the 'na tion disintegration. How much farth er reaching in Its effects for III is a hopelessness that this rough' earthly path leads to et'ernal life. Ate wo discouraged today'? Havo Die worrlia of the money-troubled winter hit ih hard? Have wo trials that none but ourselves may know, the more bitter that thny must bo hidden? Are we bowed under a weight of Illness, of morbid dread of the future, that will not lift? Let tho Joyous messnge of the Eas tertide bring healing. Hope ls(W'lng voiced on cery side today, In tho swelling notes of the organ, In tho soaring voices of choir and chorister, In thu Inspiring meHsiiRc that is pro claimed from every Christian pulpit in tlio lann. It but remains for us to reach not for that hopo and mako It our own, to loosen tho sordid, de pressing earth cords that have un tightly bound. The joyousness of Easter. Alas, for tho woman who cannot frel it; who Is not lifted out of herself today. What though the old gloom returns r Is It not something to have stood on the heights and sung aloud with tho Joy of living; to havo seen the sun piercing the clouds, to have caught a glimpse of tho radiance beyond? Nov or again will the blackness be ho dense, for Is there not tho hope of that joyous day whon tho, sunlit heights wll be ours, to Inspire ub to keep on climbing., , Iet us not be content fn keep tho reason's Joy In our hearts. Heal Joy ousness must Dud an nutlet, in cheery greeting, In forgetfulness of did grud ge h, in taking brightness into tho lives of those who may be abut out from It. Wear your EaBten flower, typical of hope, be heartened by tlio Easter message, but share bot,h flower and message with thqse wjiose need of ehc4?r may be greater fart than yours. $3.oo recipe cuans WEAK KIOilEYS, FREE RELinVEn URINARY AND KIDNEY TROUBLES, DACKACME, STRAIN ING, SWELLING, ETC. 3tcpo Pain In tlio Dladdcr, Kidneys and Back. Wouldn't It lo nlro within a week or bo U brqln to eay goodbye forever to the pr-nMliiK, (Irllililliut. stridulus, or too fro ouont juiHKiico of urluo; the fotolirml rvfnt llp lno!-of-tlii-lit'il nchpn; tlio ntltfhi.1 and lulus In thu liiok; tho crowing tnun ito Wpal.lirHn; mints before tbe ryes, yd 1 w hltln; sIiikkIcIi bowcln, swollen eyo l Irt or ittihlw; trj; crumps; nVort breath; alccplcsisnoaa and tho dc-rp-'iulonuy? 1 lmvo iv recipo for these troubles thnt ' "l enn ilepeml on, anil If you want to t .iKe a QtTIlMC 'Ul'.CDVfJl'.Y, you ought ii wilto and pet a copy of It. M-iuy a il i tr would ohnrgo you 3.M Jiut for vriih.g thin pnneilptlun, but 1 havo It mi.l will be Mind t' semi It to you ( ntlre- frre. Just tlrop tim n Hon lllte Ibis: I'r A. U. Uoblnson. K-2.M llulldlnn. t itmlt, Midi., ntiil I will iK-nil It by 10 i rn m.iil In u plain euvetupe. As you will i- wl-cii you i;et It, tliN n cljie eonlnlii'i n'.y pure, liurmb'ii renieilicH, but It li-oi lioullug anil piiln coliqilnrliii; power. Il Will qilUKly HtlOW ILm powif otiee yoil n .o 1(, no I tblnl. joii I .ul britrr ti'v what' It Pi wliliout delay. 1 will in ml you u op firo-you can uno It and mre your filf ul home. Travcllnp, by Wheelbarrow. "I must hasten on to Plng-Ylng. This trip of 45 miles wan to ho under taken, to our Uugo delight, In wheel harrows, but In two days, with a Chi nese Inn for tho night. Bishop Scott and 1 wero on one, barrow, Jvmeastor followed on tho second, tho luggage in a third. Wo did It luxuriously with throe men .In ehch barrow onu in front, onu behind on thu handles, and n third with a ropo In front of all. "Aro thero springs In the harrow? Certainly not; It would bo no fun If thero were. ' Humps? Of course. On tho first day wo calculated we had '25, 000 of thenii tho best wero caused by drops of six Inches or moro from ono stono to another. 1 got quite used to them, nnd found I could Bleep stretched luxuriously on my mat tress." lllshop Montgomery In Mis sion Field. Laundry work at homo would bo much moro satisfactory If tho right j Starch wero used. In order to get tho dcBlrcd utlffncBS, it is usually noces sary to uso bo much starch that tho beauty and ilncncs3 of tho fabric la hidden behind a pasto of varying thickness, which not only destroys tho appearance, but also affects tho wear ing quality of tho goods. This trou bio can bo entirely overcomo by using Deflanco Starch, na it can bo applied much moro thinly becnuso of Its great r strength than other makes. Tuberculosis in Japan. Japan is not lagging behind In tho fight against tuberculosis. Tho Japan Health association has over 200,000 local members and carries on a cam paign of Iccturoi in tho cities nnd towns of t,ho country. .Tuberculosis Is lncronslng in t Japan, duq chjelly, Prof. 3. Kltasnto of Tokyo aays, to tho rnpld development of tho factory syo ten' of industry, the' Introduction, of modern methods nnd manners of civil ization and tho Increasing acutcness of tho Etrugglo for existence Somewhat Satirical. A whist entlu'Biaet wroto nnd Kshcd a liook on ,tho gamo and nub eonU n copy to a fam'ous player for his opinion of It. In about a woolr tho book was returned to him, wlta tho following letter: j "Sly Dear Sir: Your favor ojf tho 10th instant, accompanied by jyour booklUnB diily rV'cclved. 'l havo rend St very carefully. It seems to'bo a vcrj good gamo, but I don't thlik It Is as good a gamo as whlst!" Much Easier to Handle. Mabel Fathcr'u so glad you'ro a poet. Scribbler Ah, llko yourself bo adores poetry? , Mabel Oh, no. Hut you seo poots can't fight Tho Inst lovor of mlrjo ho tried to throw out was a football playcrl . . . . i ... i Remember TranVn Ointment, if injnood nf n uniform, rcliablo houwihold rdmedv for inflnmrnntnr.v or cntarrlial ajlmenti. It will not insappoiit you. What is passing In tho heart o : an other nrely escapes tho observ itlon ot one who Is a strict anntomls of his own. Sholley. Garfield Tr.i purifies tlio blood, eradi cates rheumatism, KOut and other diupawa. i i Nothing chloroforms a church quick er than a minister dosed wltji dignity. T Up-Set Sick Feeling that follows takinjr a dose of castor oil. salts or calomel, is abdui tho worst you can endure Uch it cives one the creeps. You don't have to have it CASCARETS move tne Dowels tone upi me liver without these bad feelings. Try them. i on CASCAMITB ioc a bor for a week' ' treatraent, nit drujrgil. lllir(tet wller In Ihe Morld. Mlutou boxes a tuoutb. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 14-1911. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color morcRoodsbrlRhterand faster colors than any other dye. OtielOcpack.ige colors all fibers. They dye Ineold water better thananyotherdye. oucan dye any Karnient wilhout ripplmr apart. Write for free booklet llow to Dye. bleach and Mix Colois. MONItOE OUVG COMPANY. Qulncy. III. A TRAIN LOAD OF TODACCO. ! Twnntv.four Carloads Purchased for1 Lewis' Single Dlnder Cigar Factory. What Is probably the biggest lot of i nil fancy gnulo tobacco hold by any I factoiy In the United Stales has JitFt j boon purchased by Frank P. Lewis, oi ' IVoi la, for tho nanufacture of Lewis' I yinglo Hinder Cigars Tho lot will make twenty four ourloads. and la so , locteil from what Is considered by ex ports to bo the llnost crop raised In many years. The purchase of tobacco Is suflk'lont to last tho lactory moro than two years. An extra price was paid for the selection, smoke of Kilus'&Jca ,ur (',R"r', M m 1,,M,ro 1'iVita Star, January H), l!W'.. A Preaching Cross Restored. Tho preaching cross In tho illago .of IturrliiRton. wlluatod amid romantic sunouiiillnga on tho northern side of tho Mcnillp hills, ban, by the geucros t liy of (VI. I'van II., Llewellyn, been rcMoiod. It In recorded that early In 1S05 thu handsome tlfleen century , base of the eroflrt -all tint then re t nialned nf It- was removed and ntl llzod In building a now house for tho ' then parish clerk. Happily, tho orna menial dial stone did nut share tho same fate, and this hns been Incur poratod into its o.IrIikiI position in tho new orn.s. Tin oo broad and mas she stou carry the old socket upon which rests li tall monolith shaft, which is crowned by ono of those Innteriishaped canopies so peculiar to the west country. From tho Loudon standard. Accounting for It. Wedilerly They say that a , man and his wife glow to look alike after they have been mairled a few years. Now, my v, Ifo and I have been mar ....., ... ...... ...v. . .... . -.... ...... rled ten yours, do you think wo look ; nllkc? .. SliiRloWn Yon. Indohl. You hot hi seem to lmA thu same ami expression ' -Stray Stories. ' ' . . .f Aiii.r.Ns roox-i:.sK , Mm Antlu-plUi ixiiiili-r In lin slmWrn into Urn nha.-l , turllicil.nrlilnit fi'i'l It nkt-Hllin MJniul nf iiiiik ' li tut litinliiiin Hiul Ulnars nnlMutt n lllli:lil. .Oulil OTnrjnlinrK, "5o. K'ufr tuimtiutn. Kur mini tilitl iai'Wni-, iuUwm A. H, Olui.tna, l.ii Uo;, .'.V. It has always appealed to me that ...! -,. ..!..... hi mi Kuuu iiiaiinviB mi; ".mum on ............. an asset In commercial as In diploma tic nlTnIrs.--l.ord Cromer. llnuirliolil (rouble: lle.ulnelic. Tenth nclte, Kiirarlie, Stouvieli nolle. Il,iiniin Wimnl Oil euret thoHe neliei nnd pniii ro why den't you kfop a bottlu in tlio hoiiw. Men nhlonlsh tbeniselves far more than thoy astonish their friends. -John Oliver llnhbcs. llrltcr tjcnerul health m mtru lo follow thr hhi! of tbe natural Herb laxntivc, licld Tea. It corrects coiiMtipatioii. Think all you speak, but speak not nil you think. Dolnrem. - The Fountain Head pf Life Is The Stomach A man who ha a weal: and impaired stomach and (who does not properly digait bis food trill soon find that bis blood hun, hcqomp weak and impoverished, and tiiat his wbolo body is improperly(ajid iniuQiciently nourished. ' Dr. 'piEKCE'S 'GOLDEN NED1C71L. DISCOVERT? malica the stomach atroni, promote tho flow of UlUeatlve lalccs, roatoroH tlio lost appeiUeJ makes assimilation perfect, lovl&oratoa tho Ilvor anil purities and enriches the blood. It is the &reat blood-maker. MiBBii'uuiiucr auu nniuraurs acrro iuui etroaH Ja, body, active In mind mad c -i Thi "Dii'eoverv" if nure. idvcerio cxtractiof floah'oallacr ana restorative absolutely free Irom alcohol and all injurious, babiMormin arujt. All it ingredients 'are orlnted on its vrraDodrs. It has ' no relationship w th 'secret BMtrtiras. Its every ingredient ia endorsed byi the leaders ih all tlio f :bools oE roedicino. J Don't accept a secret noetrom nt substitute for this (tin c-proven remedy on, known pomtositkjn. j Ask many cures made by it durintf past 40 years, hit lit in your own neigl borliood. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. I'ierce, (,rcs.rJ)ufJii o, N. Y. FOR N PINK EYE W. L. DOUGLAS EaTAB. 1870 tn.HO SO. BO O. W. Ii. Douglas shoos cost moro to mako than ordinary lions, liecauso kljila-r grade leathers aro usod and aolected with grnater care. TIio.-mi aru tlio reasons why W. I,. DourIoj shoos are guar antoed to hold tholr plmpo, look and fit bolter and wear longer than uny otlior slioos you can buy. , IV'DEWAnE OF SUBSTITUTES.-?! The genuine have W. L. Douglas price stamped on the bottom, which guarantees lull value and protects the wearer against high prices and inferiorshoes. REFUSESUDSTITVTE8 CLAIMED TO . V. 3f'!ar lltiMi"Ot tupplr you with th irrntilne W.I-I)oiibI thott, wrlt for Mll Order Otiiloir. Short Mnt dlrn from fiiorj to werrr. U hrM ptsoald. V, I,. UuiikIiu, 14S Mpurk Miss Bangs and Mass Whit ns School "WITHIN EAHT ACCKS8 of nil nnd munnunis, Opportunity ulven to cUucntlonnl anil urtlstl lonni ana urtisttu vuluu. THOIlOUrui AND CONSKUVATIVn physical, with pxpert supervision In nnu ccrtnln rcaults. KACUIrv l.AUOH. each tenclmr a Hpeclullnl. and puplld ruiiurcd tho Indi vidual attention uilnptoil to tbi'lr ivnpoutlvn niils. mtlMAHY, I'UKl'AllATOUV ANI Ai'AOKMir J5EIAUTMfJNTi !: nlso iv. tinliiui) department known na tho ifi'PKK HOl'Hi;, for criiili.ut "ar d npetilal iituiientn drshlnB to npmiil tlio winter In Now Yoilc In u conKntal socQil atmns phero, under tho most fuvnrublo comlltlon.i for cutturo of Hoolul Kruc nnd for Intolllirnnt Bilvunceinent. Thu t'l'I'lMl 1IOUSK is In a largo deareo freo from tlio ordinary reiitrlctlonn of a school. ' . BICST ADVANTAOES nf Ni,v Yorlt avnllablo for tho study of Mii-slc, Art, Elocution, UiUKungeii and Dancing. riiYSICAIj EXEKOIHEH. Hpi-rlnl nttentlon kIvoii with tlio object of prpmot Inif health, Kracn nnd enuo of motion and renono of mantiwr. Tho KV'n laatlii ex erclsea nro In charKo cf Kraduato of Dr. S.iruqnt, of C'ainbrldm, Mass, SUM MER CAM1 In Now Hampshire. s . L , THE HUCt'ESS OK THE HCHOOr, lias bean so pronounced tlit t Iuih re ceived tho holiest commendation of tho lending I'duoatorH of tho e itmtry an well nn nf tho official of tho U. H, (lovernnienli.Mlws nitiRs and Mm Whlton rnfor by permlnslon to tho presldenla of ton eollne and u ilversltles and' to I'rerldent and Mm. Taft, Ex-Vh .'.pieHldent und Mrs. EalrbintJB. Ex-Pi-csldent und Mrs. Itnimuvvlt, und tho Chief Justice. CHANGE 1 WOMAN'S LIFE .,,,,,, , ,. ,- rVi. !.-.' iMntlc Safe by Lydia b.l'inKliam 3 Vegetable Compound. Oriuillnvillo. Vt. "I' was thioiigh UioOlimigei fhlfifiinilHUfTereil i roin nervousnesa anil other annoying Hvintilbuis. ' sum t can truly say that l.yuu li. ruiKiiam'ii Vet: ota I) lo Com pound lian' proved worth mourttalna oC ROlll to mo, ivh it restore.! my health ami sitrouRtli. I never Ptrgot, to tell inr frionilii whaS LilU !:. I'liikhain'n Vecetublo Coinpoiiii'l lias ilotio for inn during thia (tying tierlml. Ooniplotu restoration to liealtn lr.-ans so mtti'li to niothal for tho sake ol' other nulTor ing women I :un vUllinc; to make my trouble nubile no you may publish tills loiter." Mrs. CitAd. IJakci.ay, Jt.F.I)., (Irsuiltoville; Vt. "No olhor niedioiiio for woman's Ills Iub rcoolvoil siioli wlde-spread ami tin (ti:ililh!(l endorsement. .No other meiU L'lno wo know ot law such a record of etiroH a has Lydia L rinkhsun'a Vootahlo Compoiiud. i For moro than :io years it lias been curing woman's ill mieh as inllannna- 4l. iilimriit lull lllirnbl llltllliri! Irrnf-. iiirii, iiivi tuvi.'ii, .'. v. ..., ...v.n tilarltlop, )orioulo Jialtn anil norvoin liroqt ration, and il is tuieqiialleil for carrdng-wniiin, BaMyj through thu pi-rloU "Of ch.ingo Ol Ml Mrs.' Plnkiisinl,' nt Lyiin, Mns1?., lnvit! all Hiuk woman tx writo lie;-for mlviru. Her tttlvue Isfrce, U,ml HUVny.S IlClpiUI. ' . i I rrn rv VT jfVU BiimnT7in71V VTITkO Wnntoproimrnltii finilh rnUubln Inrbrtnatlon In rr.Bur'l M InUiiliil l.aniln, turiun or Ui'iil K'tolo In Winlilnu-ii.u 'I ho tinwrmm-iit lli'rll iliuni Urn I uiuw VMf. In llui lnl It'll Tfnri, niifi lo I llui f.n ttliiil ilitiwlnfin artinhttilnnil mllil huiuuior :.,,,,.,.,.-,.,,.,,.,, ,. iil,iinil.uii. Know 1111 MiinrililiiuiilioiiltliKi-iiiintry. wrliniufniiii whwiii funiiuililci.illHUHio liiuiiUin, iilliii.ilo u ml prlco or latum. ir.inyiliiinlM'riit t'ii.Mlilitoiilolni)tin Wlir i.vtiuiriinin,iiii'nii-iiii Imiiiaijo, a. I. tiii A l..,I(ill..l.l.,M, 111 OirrrrMrwC, S.tlll,, Iti.V. I InMRnrBnTn T of ihiiDapcrde. " -' -' .nylluna ,adver i'ikJ in ill columns iliould iruiil upon having what tliey eik (or, reluiinj all ubAilutet or imitsboni. ' 1 DQnCITl.I)l C Inrmlmcnt for-nuiilKraUj lumi. rnUrllHDLC Full pnrtlmlaM Mill rnunrm tupilmml prutlt "itfi llnv 4li, XAlutnur, uiint rjiTCLTQ I'lirtnnn nm uiailn In intrntii. l'ro rH I Cn I O til ruiirlilvuk. OiirlU iuku IxkjU ttf". l'ro lit JKuruiua; to, Wax K, W mill In B ton, .t". . . J. nerve tonic, it maKen maea cool la pdaetment. Araerioaa, medi al roots,"1 V youk njuomboks.. -TUcy mast know of DISTF.MPEB CATARRHAL FEVER AND ALL M0SE AND THROAT DISEASES "'ffl n ' - V v 7S. !f rmsmw i vynwrv i i Ourrn thoaldn nnil nrt an n prrTi-nttYf for utlirrrf. liquid plven on the tongue. Hnfo for tirooil mnrrn mill nil otlirrs. lient kMnt-y rf nu-Jjr ; CO ceil I m nml 11.00 a tHittle; l&OOuml tin U0 the iliiien, Knlil liyjull ilnuirista ami homo goodH Iiouhcu, ur Bent exprt-b paid, by tho mftnufoulurera. SPOHN MEDICAL CO., Chemists, GOSHEN INDIANA J CuakT"W W0UKN name and the retnily DE'dUBTASOOOD fit.. Ilruek rr, ll nrjf Ion. IMum. $2.O0,2. IO&$3.0O for1 Girps pnrtu of tlio clty( nnd of tlin CTi's lllirarlfs or uttenuuuci) ut public entcrtuli inuutH of .-a ut TltAINlNd. moral. Intelle tunl and every ilcpartinunt, thUH Insuring iloflnltu T BOVB 3HOC8 I I ' i-fi. 'I frM Jl r w stjtp' vw 'ftomsswuf iw wc jc tv-fea rTOK3JWKgrl saascsK .W33