The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1911, Image 1 teS'!t;'. iii-1' " ife ll$ VOLUME XXXV fill "DONTS" Don't, usury large Minis of money run lid with you. Holdups uro not unheard of. Don't hide money ii round tin? house. Theie are u fow burglars left. Don't be extravagant, nut your .iioney in this hanlc and add all you iMin spare to it. , Don't fail to take this advieo and you will have an easy and happy oldatfo Interest Paid en Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD, NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mlzer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. DISTRICT 52. Uiehard llussell spent Suuday at J. Parry's. Krcd Molina's little trill is on tho sick list this week. Alva Meredith has been driving cat le the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Albort Knuton spout Sunday at L. C. Jensen's. Chris Jensen and family spent Sun day at Frank Mcintosh's. School in district 11, taught by Miss Nettie Harvey, closed hist Saturday. Tho school in district r2, taught by Miss Lillian Koontz. will be out the 21th of this month. Lester Knutson and Miss Nottio Uurnoy spoilt Friday and Saturday at the homo of Mike Miss. The Chief, $1.50 per Year I A Few Items From Our Large Of DRY GOODS i i if ( Al - LI JflMmTO. rlaxon(TVV$5 I P The Latest Develop ment in White Goods FLAX0N ui:aisTi:iti.i) Permanent Linen Thread Finish Has ail the merits of a Handkerchief Linen Lawn, with double the strength and durability of India Linons or Persian Lawns. Several widths and qualities. T TO THO White Wasting KJtUI-jKJ jndenveaf Prices:--Plain White 1 5c to 50c, Printed 8c See our line before buying as we can Save You Money F. NEWHOUSE, Dry Goods. I BOTH PIIONER I i I St UHtorleal Sicicty --C LESTER A lino rain fell Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harris Suudayed at Clar Cox's. Ed King visited grandpa llolcomb Sunday afternoon. Oraii and Calvin Saladcn spent Saturday and Sunday at Joe Saladens. Mrs. Ed Iliuios left Saturday for Hastings, Her littlo grand child is on tho sick lit. Miss Mary llolcomb spent Saturday and Sunday with hor grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. llolcomb of Red Cloud. Mr. and Mrs. Blmer Simmons of. I Cowles and Miss Alma Squires of Hastings spent Sunday Frlsbies. at Charlie GARFIELD Col. Wiggins is able to be mound again. mtmm nmmi 'iwti OEincaaaBsr mj rat Bh hJ9 aim 5 bbbbV H 'IBrM KM M aal y B-9 guaranteed to give satisfaction. - . . -i - " -. ... 4 Newspaper Tiat filves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50. KED CLOUD, HE 15RASKA. APRIL i:, 1011. Rode Smith. was on wind mill row Monday. Lee Smith and wife called on his good tint tired uncle Sunday. Miiiiel and Ethel Fisher were visit ing fn town Saturday and Sund ly. ( up llouchln has more business on thotoul than li ilf of the men in liar Hi Id. Harry Harris and family were pleas ant fillers on Smith hi others last Sunday. There will bo Easter oxeieisosby the 'childien at the AshCieok M. B. church 'on Buster Sunday, A goml old Nebraska tain fell Mon- day night. It commenced at sundown so the hired man could rest John Jackson shipped a car of hogs to market Sunday and now wo arc looking for him to come walking back. Prosperity lias struck (leorgo Harris 1 for he has bought another farm and I tho next thing he will be a retired larmor. Will Fisher, the road boss, is doing some good work ou tho hill road going to Red Cloud by widening out the road and cutting down the hills and lllliug in the hollows. Tho little daughter of liny Ramos and wife was buried on Friday and they have the sympathy of their friends and neighbors during their time of atlllction. t 13 AT IN Rtiglchart is toported ill. Mr. Next Sunday is Busier. egKs! Hurrah for Nice rain in this locality Monday "M't. Adolph Sidlowas in Rlue Hill Sat- urday. Miss Julia Jolinok is helping hor sister, Mrs. J. C. Pavlick. clean house ' this week. I Stock HAND BAGS We have a large line of ladies Hand Bags in all styles and sizes. Prices 25c 1o $3.50. BURSON HOSE The only stock ing made with a seam. No hard knots to hurt the feet or make corns. Prices 25c to 50c. Every pair '' - 2' .'-" - Miss Mary .lellnek cleaned house lat week. MikeSlioblis breaking prairie on his new' iariu. Joseph SM'nhl is breaking out some more Kintiiid. Vonoil Ktittbat of Denver is visiting relatives here. Joseph Sidlo and family visited over Sunday with his father. Disking lot corn and br.iakiug prai rie is the older of llio day The dance at (Senrgu Kudrna's new house was a grand success. John Polnlcky and Frank Strobl went to llluo Hill Wednesday. James lluhalka is around lluding out what the farmers arc worth. Tho cuteitainmont at tho Tounatit school house was Inrgolv attended. Willie Vavricka varnished his old buggy and now the girls think ho has a now one. Willie doesn't tell them any different. COWLES J. It. Morse Is building an addition to his house. Timothy Lavvlcr shipped a mixed car of stock Wednesday. Thoro will bo Faster services in all three of the churches Sunday. Miss Florence Squires srentSunday with hor parents near Hastings. Mrs. J. R. lircchalgh is having a walk laid in front of hor residence. Rev. Rose, pastor of tho Christian church at ltlue Hill, was in Covvlos Wednesday. Miss (leorgia Uood, who has beau attending Cotncr university, enmo home Saturday for a vvoek'b vacation. The base ball game Tuosday even ing between tho high school and the town resulted in favor of the school by a score of 10 to 0. Wc htid a tine rain Monday ovoning, about seven-eighths of an inch. This will put tho ground in fairly good condition for spring crops. GUIDE ROCK. Mrs. Martha Montgomery is quite poorly. Mrs. Hannah Crow was quite sick Tuosday. D 11 Stunkard was down from Ina valo Wednesday. Miss Nora Ilouchin visited Tuosday with Mrs Hoover. J.'A. Sheeley and family were down from Hastings Saturday and Sunday. Tho Raptlst ladles received ovor 8U0 at their bazar and supper last Satur day. Mrs. Thayor has gone to California with her (laughter, Miss Minnie Thay er of Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. L. E Hunt have gone to Republican City. They will bo greatly missed here. Mrs. J, S. Gloasoti Sr. and datightor Mrs. Will Payne wont to Hubbcll Thursday to visit till Sunday. The L. T. L. medal contest to have been given last Monday evening vva.s posponed until Monday ovoning, April April 17th. Miss Rlrdell Walters or llurr Oak. Kansas, has gone to Colorado. Her little nephew, Franklin Lane of (luide Rock accompanied her. Tho now oMleors of '.lie Degreo of Honor lodge No. 1.1S surprised tho members Tuesday evening by serving fruit-salad, cake and cotl'ee. The Eastern Star eloctod now ofllcors Monday evening. They are Worthy Matron, Mrs. Clara Parker. Worthy Patron, I. W. Crary. Associate Matron, Mrs. Orplia Pace Secretary, Dr. I. A. Paco. Treasurer, J. II. Crary. Conductress, Mrs. Elizabeth Peters Assoulato Conductress, Mrs. Ida Rush. Farm Loans Negotiated Longest Time Easiest Optional Payments Low est Rates of Interest ou Shortest No- jtlce. Dan Gariii.h & Co. At Ciukk . Otllco The Birthday Gift The practise of gift-giving at Christmas time is a modern fashion a habit. There is nothing in the original significance of Christmas to even remotely suggest a gift. It is nevertheless a beautiful idea. A much more expressive and consistent gift is a Birthday or other anniversary gift. The anniversary is hers, or his very own-Christmas is everbody's. There is a distinction in the anniversary gilt a com pliment thai the Christmas gift lacks. Give her, or him, or them, mother, sister, wife, father, brother, hus- uanu or iriencl--n gilt on an anniversary and it means something. Make that day the happiest of the year. Our slock offers articles of use and beauty suitable for all gift oc casions, qualities unsurpassed ar.d something at a price cu can afford. "SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK" 15he GIFT STORE Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors. Jewelers and Optometrists. Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly Done at FOGEL'S Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery. My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I can give you just what you call for in this line and prices always the lowest. Joe Fogel, The Harness Man. FLOUR! w Xi aflBBBaBflBBBBBH I BBBBBBBBBBBBw'VflBVBBsSPlNBBlBai&BBBBBBBa" aSbbbbbbhbV'''" ' Bi7'1i' i' BwEiilBaaal 1 arKna mB8 flHlflt "IMPERIAL" high patent Flour $1.00 a sack, "SELECT" Flour, 90 cents a sack, and in addition, in each sack of Flour will be found a coupon, and eight of these coupons and $2.95 in cash will entitle the holder to an $8.00 SET OF PISHES Each sack of Flour is absolutly guaranteed. - If "not satisfied, your money will be cheerfully refunded Phone your orders to the mill, phone Red 45. All FLOUR WILL BE GASH. Free Dollvory made to all parts of tho City. HED GbOIlD HmitI(l6 G0HPAIV NUMRER 15 FLOUR!! K4I P. J '9 F-SX "(p ,3- w.-trw " 'S3