The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1911, Image 5

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CHARLES L. C0TT1NG, The Druggist
Boyd Smith i in Lincoln this week.
A. V. (iaritnur lost a homo Monday.
Lac Kultli loft forBhuleti this morn
ing. Mutt Doyle spout Sunday in Su
perior. l-2d Hedge was down fioin Hastings
Sam Good of Cowles was in tlio city
Soon bo tiino for tlio curfew to ring,
won't it'.
Mrs. Paul Popo is homo from a
in Denver.
Old nowspnpors 5 cents a bundle at
this oflluo.
John Toinliusou went to liluo Hill
Yntico Sorgeson was In Hustings
Kick Wuknsick of Frnnlclln was in
town Tuesday.
To got the '-cws while it in fresh,
read The Chier.
Paul Storey went to Lincoln Wed
nesday morning.
.Joe Crow lost a valuable mart) last
week, worth S-'-'iO.
I!e satisfied only with the best White
Loaf (111., the bill.
Hills Julius of Miles City, Mont.,
was in town Sunday.
1-2. I'. Overman went to Franklin
Tuesday on business.
Oeorge Bushee of Hastings spent
Tuesday in lied Cloud.
Dr. S. .1. Cunningham anil wife have
returned from Indiana.
John Dull" of Hastings was in town
Wednesday on business.
Kd Walter came home Saturday in
order to be here to vote.
Miss Nellie Fringor was up rrom
(Juide Hock Wednesday.
(lood six room house for rent, in
quire of H. W. Gulliford.
Small grain is needing a good rain.
Oats coining up unevenly.
Some good residence lots for sale.
Inquire- of H. W. Oulliford.
Vcrn Crawford and wife of Frank
lin wer in the city Friday.
Mrs. Charles Crabill Is visiting rela
tives in Lincoln this week.
Tuko your eggs, butter and poultry
to J. O. Caldwell and got cash.
Aaron Hedge has accepted a position
with the Red Cloud Milling Co.
Miss Simmons of Riverton spent
Sunday with friends in the city.
Miss Helen Yeaiku returned from
Bloominglnu Saturday morning.
Bernard McNeny attended district
court In Blooinimrton ll.isweeh.
How about that city league base
ball'.' Como along, letV got busy.
Farm Loans, 1 am again icady to
make farm loans at the lowest rate
and best tonus. I am hole agent for
Trevett, Mattis ,v Baker Snino pri
vate money
.1. II. Ba'ley, lted C loud. Nchr.
AbcoSutoiy Piw
TSso only IniMnfl pewiici
matte from Royal Grstpa
tffohftn nf Tarter
. fJ
The Best
Varnish Made.
Sold Only
'I'be Clnistaias club meets
Tuesd.iy with Mrs. Frank Peterson.
I". I AiuneU has returned from St.
.Io-t h, where he went oil business.
You will miss it If j mi don't try
, Routt County Coal.- J. O. Cai dwell.
John Polnieky and Warren Louglin
wont to Hastings Wednesday morn
ing Riverton iignin went 'dry," all pre
dictions to the contrary notwithstand
ing Walter Means moved his pool hall
to the old Tepee building Wednes
day. Charles Amack and Fred Coons were
up from Guide Koek the first of tho
Peter Ureling of Hastings spout
Sunday with I)r, Boles and other
Mrs. Wolls of Cowlos spent Tuesday
in town with her sister, Mrs. J. 1-2.
Foi: Su.i. Corrugated lion. W.50
per square, limited ciiantity. C. F.
F. W. L.rgleston and M. 1). Sperry
wore up from Beatrice Monday on
Noble Ball was in Bladen and Blue
Hill the fore part of the week on
T. It. Tuekett and wife have gone to
Missouri, wlieie they will make their
future home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McNeny and
Mrs Oscar Hughes spent Friday in
Smith Center. x
Vie Fulton has moved to town and
will reside in his property on North
Seward street.
The "Whole Family" is extended a
Cordial Invitation to visit our stuidio.
Srr.vKSs Bitox.
Mrs S. Day nd Miss Mabel Day re
turned home Tuesday evening from
IOdgar and York.
Mrs. Omer Doling of Lincoln is here
for a week's visit with her mother,
Mrs. 1-2. B. Smith.
White Loaf takes tho cake and mak
es the best bread. All the merchants
sell it, fully guaranteed.
The (5. A. It. will meet hereafter at
ono o'clock sharp on the 1st and lid
Saturdavs of each mouth.
Wins Strong has returned to his
home in Culbertson after a visit with
his brother, C. 1-2 Strong.
It does not matter how many of you
come, but get their. Photographs are
always nice. Sii.vuns Biios.
(iurlleld Ludlow left Monday even
ing for California, called there by the
serious illness of his mot her.
Is vour farm tor sale? List it with
DwCvniui! A 'omi n It will lie
liberally advert i-t d. Chief office.
Mr. and Mr. 1). Llndney arrived
homo Monday after an extended visit
In N York and othorenHtorn'stntos.
Dr. II. K. A flier and family have re
movod to Campbell, whore tho doctor
will locate and practice his profession
Bert Miller was called to Rexford,
Kan., Tuesday morning by a telegram
announcing the serious illness of his
As we. go to press we learn that the
year-oht child of Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Barnes, of (iai Hold township, died this
George Amack returned Saturday
from a business trip to Coodlaud,
Kan. Ho purchased cattle for his
farm there.
Is your farm for Mile? List it at
selling prices on straight commission
basis with Dvn Gaiiiikii A- Company.
Chief olllce.
Mauley Bros, have sold the skating
rink to Win. Wolfe, and the same Is
now being conducted by Clare and
Clyde Wolfe.
Clay Sehoonover, foriuorly with tho
Bed Cloud team, is surprising the
Omaha fans and bids fair to be a reg
ular for all season.
Mrs. .1. 1-2. Bet, arrived home Tues
day from extended visit with relit-
j tlves in Oklahoma. No wonder tho
Professor Is so happy.
Mis Lee (ilfl'eu of Superior visited
with friends hero. She was joined ly
her husli mil and th j' departed Min
d i i .i i f.ii itii 'i i. i
Prisi'llla Leonaid has a good social
settlement worker's story In Tho
Youth's Companion of April 27th. It
is called "Crossing (lie Line."'
Irving Cilinutings has purchased the
ice liiisuis tiotn Mr Day. Anyone
In neiil of Ice should phone red 'J I
and the, will be taken care of.
Fai in Loans Negotiated Longest
Time Busiest Optional Payments Low
est Bates of Interest on Shortest No
flee. -Han G.Minnt v Co. At Cnii:r
Mr and Mrs. .1. F. Gilmesof Blue
Hill were in town Sunday to. see their
new grandson. U rami pa Grimes bulk
ed awfully happy and Ned seemed
Wanted u'lU) head of cattle to pas
ture; plenty of gias, shade and run
ning wutoi: Id cents per mouth. Call
on oraddie.s.s Dolcu A How en, Frank
lln. N.-ii.
I'-M'iie and Don Stimuli rs. our genial
ioiiiiieiiiuMi. returned Monday t'loin n
in ok's hunting trip in tlio wlhls of
Missouri, and report a good lime and
plenty of game.
Rev. J. M. Balis will hold icgular
services at Giace chinch the next two
Sundays. Next week being Holy
week, services will be held every day,
full notice of which will be given out
next Sunday.
Two stories in The Youth's Compan
ion's April numbers tell of perioiis ad
veiitute at sea one, a fisherman's
story, "Tho Seventeenth Man"; tho
other, a diver's story, "Tiappcd by the
Guy Bradbrook came down from
York Monday to vote. "Brad" says
that ho will undoubtedly wear a York
uniform this year and that Jarrott
already has three or four of the old
team signed up.
Boy Bust proprietor of tlio Royal
Barber Shop has all modern conven
iences In any first class Barber Shop.
An electric Massage, first class work
man. Particular people patron ie his
particular place.
Bev. A. A. Ciessinan has gone to
Trenton to attend the aiiimal mctling
of the Republican Valley Association
of Congregational Churches and take
part in the twenty-fifth anniversary of
the chinch at Trenton. He expects to
be back Friday morning.
Flection is over and the town still
dry. Now let's get. busy and talk
Fourth of July. Come, merchants,
wake up! Call that mass meet tug.
Let s be going. Don't let tho other
towns get ahead of us this year ,
Our specialties single Photographs
and Group Pictures, you do the sitting,
we do the work in classy, artistic man
ner. Ours is "Tho Model Studio" and
the sooner you come tho sooner you
get your picture - Sikvkn- Blips.
The Ladles' Aid society of tho M. H.
church will hold their annual Faster
bazar April 8th, in Woodmen hall. In
connection with the bazar they will
serve a chicken pie dinner and supper.
A cordial invitation is extended to all
Price ','. cents.
Fveryone who enjoys C. A. Stephen's
stories of the good times fifty years
back will rejoice to know that another
series of "Tales of the Old Farm" is
about to appear in Tlio Youth's Com
bunion. The first of this series is n
story of 'Spraiigle-Legs" - a family
The Willing Workers of the
Christian Church at Inavalc
will hold their annual Bazar at
Hunter's Hall, April 15th.
Sale of Aprons, Bonnets and
Etc., opens at 2 p. m., Supper
at S:30, price 25c. A cordial
welcome extended to all.
I i! nl' unknots ii hi i in last 1'i.ili.y
al'lei uooli tle-.Uojv'if tin- eiist elel'itor
ami the v. want dwelling which stood
to the south of it. Owing to the great
distance from the tiro stations the fire
was he(ond control before the depart1
iiiont aniveil Fortunately there was
no gr.tin in the elovator at the time.
Just as much caie, in fact a little
more, should be exorcised In buying
electric sad irons, as in buying any
tiling else. Soino lions use more elec
tricity than others in doing the same
woik. (Jet your electric irons of
Moim.Mii BltoS., they carry theuiithor
ized iron. Be careful 1 of "just as
good" electric irons.
K. II. Nowhouse. L. II. Fort, Al
Turnor and Art McArthur attended
the county camp meeting of the M.
W A. at Uue Hill Wednesday. 1-3.
II. Newhouse of this city was elected
delegate and C. V, Vaughan of Oulde
Hock alternate to the state meeting to
tfe held at Fremont. Guide Rock was
selected as tho next place to hold the
county meeting.
1-2 very election develops a crop of
volets who seem unable to mark
their ballots in a manner to have them
counted. I ho method of marking the
ballots uudei the Aiistialiau s stein
is so simple it would seem impossi
ble for anyone to go wrong, yet at
Tuesday's election about a doen bal
lots In the Plivt wind and eventl in
tho Second ward wore thrown out be
cause of lining incorrectly maiked.
Oiib l,wot;" voter In the Second ward
was so anxious to let his sentiments
become known that he signed Ills
tutiii ' ' lil- b.illi'l vs. I eh. of in ii -c,
l.Vii i Ik' it
are here and ready for your
Would be pleased to show
you these new things.
The Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothing, Cluett Shirts,
Crawford Shoes and Munsing Underwear.
The llrst of tho series of meetings
to lie held in the Congregational
church will be hold on Friday even
ing. Mr. Guidinger of Lincoln will
bo present to take eliurge of the music.
On Saturday evening the llrst of the
illustrated seimons will be given; sub
ject: "Conversion at the Sycamoro
Tree." Sunday will bo a great day.
Special music, by the choir, assisted
by Mr (inidinger. At :t p. in. a meet
ing for men only. All men and boys
eoidially invited The music will be
ii stiong feature of the meeting. On
Sunday evening the second of the ii
lust luted sermons will be given; sub
ject. 'The Fruitless Tree." Come ex
pecting a hle'sinc. All mado wel
Nearly Anjoni: Hay .Secure a .S'lilcmllil
(ire vi lit of Hair
We have a remedy that has a lecord
of glowing hair and curing baldness
in !).( out of every loo cases where used
according to directions for a reason
able length of time. That may seem
like a stiong statement it is, and wo
mean it to be, and no one should
doubt it until they have putour claims
to an actual test.
Wo are so certain Rexall ,,n.T' Hair
Tonic will cure dandriifV, prevent
baldness, stimulate the scalp and hair
roots, stop falling hair and grow new
hair, that we personally give our posi
tive guarantee to refund every penny
paid us for it in every instance where
it does not give entire satisfaction to
the user.
Rexall -".KV Hair Tonic Isas pleasant
to as clear spring water. It is de
light I ully perfumed, and does not
grijaso or gum tlio hair. Two sizes.
."jOc and Si. Do. Willi our guarantee
back of it, you certainly take no risk.
Sold only at our stoio-Tho Rexall
Store. Tho II 1-2. (ii ice Drug Co.
Clarence Mltclit.ll Making; (iootl.
Mitchell of Red Cloud In .the State
league last year is said to bo the most
promising young twuler on tho Tiger
stall'. Thoiobv hangs a tale. The
Athletics n-oiit ssas in town last umi
inei ami tipped it "t! I" Junius sulii
van that i - s(l j.. ,i (,' to Ri i i h-ii'i
Despalu beat him there and lauded an
option on Mitchell for a mouth before
O'Brien got on the job. Detroit also
looked the lad over, After watching
him work a few times, Duspaiu decid
ed that the kid did not have tlio stutl'
and passed him up. the Philadelphia
club doing the same If Mitchell
makes good it will be a joke on D. D.
and Connlo,Mack. Lincoln Star.
Tlio Sportfng News of St. Louis says
that the Detroit management has de
cided to keep Mitchell until along in
inidseasou anil pioini'dy eairi him all
season. His mau ti lends nirtl well
wishois here hope that he will make
0! When: is 1 lie Man?
I U iltiin lo Mrs. V)' '. 1' in IHI.all
I -ii mi' imr.i .
"()! Where is the man," suid the horse
one day, With its head reined up, as
it passed o'er tlio way. Who lias
taken all my enjoyment awa, 'i
Who in vented the check to hold my
head high, Till 1113 neck cramps so
much, 1 wish I could die?
Ho must have been wicked; ho surely
did know How cruol 'twould be to
treat a horse so!
I try to bo kind to this master of mine,
I go fast or slow to the touch of the
If 1 only could move my head up and
down it would not seem half so far
to the town.
But to hold my neck stilf, with my
eyes towaid tho sky No wonder I
stumble! You ought to know why.
How would YOU like to look toward
the sun When its glare almost
blinds youV Do you think 'twould
be tun'.
I can't see the road; I can't tell my
woes; And many will follow Damo
style where sho goes.
So they buy tho check rein to tortiuo
their beast, To add to their dignity,
tho' it don't 111 the least.
I'2veryoue loves a kind man the bist,
One who is kind to his hoi so and
the rest
They are riding behind me, with 110
fueling of hliame; -They're, laughing
ami tulkiig with no thotof my pain.
I his ii,, 1 pun. pnsi-iwii' My head,
f I 1
1 00
how it aches! My eyes almost blind
ed! My neck nearly breaks!
O! whero is tho man who invented the
rein'.' (! whore can he be".' Do you
think he was siie-.''
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by tlio Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, April 5, 11)11.
Cieo. 12. Coon to Kllen .1. Kent et
al, nt! nwt nwl ue KM-10, wd.$ 0100
Chris Fussier to Casper Weg
man, it l.'i blk 10, Blue Hill,
P'd I
F I! HiisL'how exec to 0 Vvg
man, lots 1:1 ami ll, Blue Hill,
vxo d s2a
J Ii Fuller ct 1 to Wobstor
county, pt it 1 blk :l, Oowles,
wd , . , as
John Aubitshon to J 13 Fox
e'2sel '.L 1-1J. wd 10(10
Charles A I law ley to .1 II Rich
ards, pt hit s all lot !) blk 'l
llrst add to Bladen, wd ltJO
Pearl Waullo to Fred McCoy,
mid l-a lot I blk 18. Bladon.wd I
Pearl Waullo too A Wholan.uud
lit lot blk IS. Bladon. wd.. l
Clans Rose to H II Allen, lots",
ti and 10 blk -, Rosemout, wd i:o
Fred B Coploy to Henry L Chaf
fin, lot (5 and vti lot 7 block 1,
Swoeey's add to Blue Hill, wd 100
Robert Ailatiison to James Mo
Brldo, lots r. to 10, block' 1:1,
Cowlos, wd 100O
Almon W l ox to A Dowd, lots 5
and U blk I, Cox's add to Bla
den, wd Jtjji
Harriet M Smith to Jess Zoigler,
lot I blk Jl Blue lllll, wd lino
Benny Fox jr to Arthur O and .
Roscoe M Nicholson, sol l!).'2-1-.
"d uilOO
Mortgages filed, SUJ.'.OO.
Mortgages released, l2i:ir.
Uovernor Ahlrich's three veto moss-
ages, to date, have all boon directed,
apparently, against Oniuljn Interests.
Just where Judgment piovalls and
where prejudice comes in Knot wholly
appni'i nt.