a ft "II Siih.1 -, I m h I I 1 ' lohe CHIEF Red Cloud - Nobrnoktv JJ.UULISIIKD KVKItV TllUIISim ( Entered In tlio I'oBinjlii'c hi, Itoil ('Idiiil.Noti. n Hpi'iitiil ("Ihk Mnllor 0 H. HAIjK I'dltl.lMIIKIt TH1J ONLY DKMOCItATIC I'AI'IOIt IN WKHHI'KIl COUNTY This town is I'Mrciiicly dry nor, no water. Ml) III' 'I ho thru" papeis of this city worked long and arduously Tor tin' hmid prop osltioti. They were In fnvor of pure water. You will iihviiys Hurt the oil I tor progressive and advocating tnca.s ores Hint will lie for lln bcnelM of his community. H puts in moil real t itnu lit building iii a town than any other person ynt the springs dirl not come and wo lmw lo llm will of Hie inajority. Wo console ourselves with the thought, that it might have been worse had we licpt still Xo hot tor tiiiii) than tin; present can lio found for tin formation of ti civic league. An organization of one hun dred or more men eould ho of ("rent bonulit to this eommunitv. Our eltv fathers would, without u qiicstitin of doubt, be only too glad to have such an organization behind tliom for con toronco and support. Wlien a man is in olllco lie often hesitates to aet simply becuuso ho doos not know tlio uentlmcnts of his ootihtituents and thore is no method at present provid ed by which ho can como into contact with those constituents. When the Commercial club wiih formed many expressed tlio hope Mint it would meet just such a need, hut it has proven to be of little use in that direction. Onee lot n body of law-makers and law-enforcers, know that they have the niorsl and active support of u stroiie; organ isation whleh reprevnts I lie wishes of the eoiuuiuiiiiy and there will no longer beany doubt as to what will be done. The trouble with all (if us is that we allow things to shift for them, solves, so why should we couduiu an oilleer if lie follows the general sent! inont'.' A civic league, or u booster club, or any other nrgiiulation. eould render a great deal of service If nu-n would only take the troublo to bund themselves into a body that eould ascertain what the will of the major ity is. The trouble with us is that wo have no public sentiment. Wo have no means of determining. such a tiling. Tho way Is open, tho people are ready action is all that is needed Act! biy too hurried in fhelr voting, mid it least half of these must have been in f.ivnr of spring water. Hut, leaving tlii'tu out, we have a huge party heie fawning the springs and wo doiiht very mueli if fifty people here can In found who will favor any other pro ject for ini'icnslng our water supply. Now, in vie.v of these Incl, we fuwu calling a special oleetlon iinmcdlutelj for the purpose i f toting again on the satin proposition. We believe in pub lic meetings wheie all the pros ami eons cm ii he discussed, wlimo nigii ment cun be met with argument, whore statements can be verified and and wheie lies can be nailed fu this way the truth will come out and everyone will know why lie is favor able or is opposed lo the piopositioii. It might not he out of place lo call n public meeting to discuss the provis ions of the inonositi before the noti- tion Is presented to the council for action. It has been suggested that It would be better to volo f 10,000, so that there Would lie iitni le nioiiev lo tnalie our water system complete, and so there would be no fear c.iircsrd thill there would not be moiioy enough to complete the wojk e inlnmpl.ttcil. Let us gel tog thcr. talk things over ill a Irleiidly way and do whatever is for I In best interests of our city The bonds proposition for pining .the Maurer Springs was dofyated in VTuoHilay'8 election. An examination Whows that there weio 111 voters who fulled to express an opinion eithor way. Tho vote showed that Micro are 100 voters in Mils city who are in favor of tlio springs The Ml were prolm- Now that we have elected a Socialist ii llm ..in. in .r in.., ii... i.. ..:... .... ..nooiiiwiri iiii.i.i, hue Linn- mripr for the study of socialisiii. If w. un derstand that party's lightly it pro- fosses to mote real reform than any other party. Its principles stand for a square deal, for elllclent florvlce to mankind, for the betterment of hu manity. If Mayor-elect Foe is true to, tho principles of Ids party (and we have no reason to bolievo otherwise) lie will enforce all the laws and ordi nances, give the man of ton dollars the same treatment as the man of one dollar, make no discrimination as to wliieliviolator of the law shall be punished aim which et tree. If so cialism is nil that its adherents rep resent it to be, we ought to be the i best governed cllv in tin- .tut.- of Nebraska. So fur us we aie concerned, we owe nothing politically to the newly elected mayor and hence we feel perfectly fice to review his labels in a calm, dispass onnte spirit Ho long as he carries out the principles of his p.irty he will have our co-oper-atiou ami heat ty support. He is our ollicer and we expect to accord him willing obedience in all all'.iirs that pertain to hisofllcc. In the meantime wo dusire to infoi in him that he will have plenty of work to occupy Ids at tention. One of tlio biggest problems which will confront his aduiiuistia. Hon is the ever present water prob loin. Not only must he deviso some moans to increase the supply of good, clear water, but also his efforts will bo appreciated if lie succeeds in revis ing our whole water Si stem. As we havo pointed out in past issues our water system has boen neglected. The records of our oity treasury and tho number of customers wo have show a discrepancy. Why this is so, whoso fault it is, wo leave it to tho now major to llud out. I'heioare other, Vital matters which will demand ids' attention, lint if ho will place our Water sjstein upon a systematic basis , lie will render Ibis city a lusting sot v-' ice. j PLAN TO BUY MAURER SPRINGS1 . i Dr. Damerell Makes Public Spirited Offer. Now that the city election is over ami tho bond-) for the extension to .Mauler's springs have been defeated, Dr. Itobt. Damcicll has made personal investigation ami publically states' that in his opinion .Maui cr's springs oiler the only abundant supply of good, pure water available to this eitv, III mill 1 1 loll lo thin lin stiilnu llm 1 1 in in have bee., a few dentin, in i,i ciou.i , ordinary good clock or a bio fancy ,lt1VIiil liV 11 lull tin 1. .!(.. (.,. V. 1... ,1.... ' r . v.-..v. .T ii(vti n iiv nil T'J UV Ulir to infectious germs originating in our present impure ami tinhealthful water -SSL'' T t h'? clocks' i??rL "riW3RK5!'fl'iaiiYM-y are a big line with us. We carry the very best of ALARM CLOCKS. You I liavc your choice of an i I fe IS A 1 T , 11; ) m IL u i 9 15 stTTTT. m one. supply. The Doctor has investigated the supply of watr produced and wast ing by lliese springs ami the practic ability of a pipe lino, in d now comes fuvvardaud oll'eis to join any com niittee of six citiens. inn chase the ton acres of land, build the reservoir and pipe line, and donate tho whole woiks complete to the city of Red Cloud. This is a very excellent move In tho right direction and ought to appeal to every opponent as well as every supporter of tho bonds. Tho more fact that Hod Cloud's' water was supplied by tho ilnost and purest springs in tlio valley would bo the greatest advortlsemont the citv could have. Tho additional fact that this niHgiiilleeiit supply of pure water was donated by onterprising, piblie .spirited citizens would double the weigiit of such advertisement. Speak right up in lurcl'm'. Who will be the III si of live otheis to join Dr. Ditneiell in the great Personal ci n- p'ire. cool, crystal spring We will appreciate an inspect ion of our line before you buy. J. C. MITCHELL, The Jeweler. sade f.u Water '.' I SmJSvPEWWHW!'' yV1 wf 'V''rh(tiUaa' ri M ?. V d tA . V r J. . r," , - v ViS "' J - . l.UiV'.rn, Clmilisiis' tioluieh no Vju $$J lj A 7 M zoaie el so.1.1- -or uther pie Vy ill . L .,, f seiMtij -noartitic.il color- M&it&l'l lll in? of anv kiiul. MW'I W& r It is as pure and wh. le.ume i O&lfJ A i Mwl asscienceandper- crfenSfSi Al nvuv'''1' fectred.iipeloma- fimmi ffl M Wtifer toes can make it. PpK-JSWW ll 'Wk J-mS 1 III ifrall mf&fK ' t wMasfi. 8 "l'N,'irtK;a i Kin; i; in Why litis Effort? Whvnllthis eii'oit at gett.ing no education'.' Why all this spending of money, erection of buildings, employ ment of tendinis? Wlfat is to be gained? Is it to make a scientist who can go forth into the world and by bin knowledge be aide tocontiol the ele ments and bring them subservient to man? No not this. Is it to produce men and vomon who can go forth into tho Held of Art, and be nblo to chisel from marble or draw on canvas, pictures as grand as those of Michael Angelo, orn I'aphaol? No not this. Is it to scud forth men and women equipped with everything that goes to make them intelligent, who are able to answor every question as to the construction of our universe, and its age? no, not tills Is tho end of true education. The object of tho education of our country, tlio object of tho common schools of our land is to produce men and women endowed with every ele ment that will assist to tiiako them selves and the world bettor. K ml owed with ovory thought that will assist mankind in more thoroughly and sys tematically working out tlio end for which tliey wero erected. N on leinembor tho saying of Ralph Waldo Kmerson. that tho prime object ol education is to produce' men and w. 111011 That does not niean walking ma hiiies; that does not mean intollee- ii.i' inachilii s; but that mciu.s men iiml women who hui hearts, as well ii- minds, who look be.oml the mater- ' things of this world, and look to Immunity and to (iodfor the eicwitlon mid 1m tternient of mankind '1 lie common school" of our country aie its foundation stone; hojs ami go's today are attending the schools nt our land who nevor will, or can, enter any higher course. According to the census of Sf)0, thcie were over loiirteeu million boys and gills at tending the public schools of our land, and not two percent of that number have ever gimliiated from our semin aries and colleges in any one year. Then how necessary is it that the common school system of our country should he Hindu better, llow'necessarv is it that every person connected with tlio maintenance or support of our public schools should he a man or woman thoroughly equipped for tho service, ami should give to it their best thought. The world today is seeking men ami women who are. honest and upright. It will not make them hunest to ho educated. It will not make them upright to be intellec tual. The training they receive must come from persons themselves who now what honesty ami unriehtness means, and who will, by precept, as well its example, Instill this idea thor oughly Into tho minds ami hearts of their pupils. oiler to furnish it freo of all cost if it fails Constipation is caused by weakness of tho nerves and muscles of the huge Intestines or descending colon. To oxpect a cure you must therefore tons up and strengthen those organs and restore thorn to healthier activity. Wo want you to try He.xall Orderlies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, iitid aro particularly ideal for children. Thoy aet directly on tho norvos and muscles of tho bowels. They have a neutral action on the other organs or glands. They do not purge or cause any inconvenience whatever They will positively over come chronic or habitual eoiislituition and the tuxriads of associate or de pendent ehronieiiilinents Try Ke.xali Oiderlles at our risk. Two sjcs. uc and 'J.V. Sold'ouly at our store-The llexull Stoic. The II 10. liilce Drug (Jo. RED CLOUD IS NOW VERY "DRY" 'slioes. shall finis tired and a Nothing more vital to daily Comfort than properly-fitted U M. f decides how you each day-whether unhappy or rested and comfortable. J Allow us to fit your feet scientifically and accurately to a pair of "Queen Quality" Shoes. YOUR DISCOMFORT WILL CEASE FROM THAT HOUR. HBflfr MffigBA HgBMvi& HHG&j lYHEHNiiLEi M$iaW i (S I M Water Bonds and Saloon License Defeated. Tuesday's election resulted in the defeat of the water extension bonds and tlio piopositioii to grant saloon license for tho ensuing yeir. In the three-cornered light for mayor S. . Foe, Socialist, was elected ly a major ityof'20 over Ids nearest opponent Kollowlng is tho vote by wauls: 1st 'Jml ward ward For water bonds. . .18 Against bonds.... HI For license' Ii:i (T J fiW !i i'.i . n .-,' ' v.- a H-v v u GENERAL MERCHANTS. "A MIGHTY SAFE PLACE TO TRADE" iE rfm i iMWiigaareiMCTigissaaBga; Maj. 8; .V.) :i.- lOtj Why Kcsltate; THE HOME GROCERY, P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. An Offer Thai linolxs No UiMi For IhcsK Who Aixriit It We aie mi ..siiis, oiii umiih will Uomnleti I v i.i matter Iiom Against license. For Mayor H. Damerell, Cit Ed Atnack, Rep S. W. Foe, Sou.. ForCleik- O.C.Teel, Cit H'2 .1. .1. (iiirber, It.... .10 Geo. Phelps, Soc 50 For Treasurer - .1. (J. Itutler, Cit.. 71 S. I!. Floraneo. 1. 77 John (lilbert, Soe .'J7 Tor Police .lodge Jhs. Iliinltii, ("it. . i0 .1. I!. Stiuiser, U.. flj Tlnis. Kmerlon, S. ' M For City liiigineer--U. il.Ovciii.g, fit V20 For Coiiiicl'man C. K. Strong, Cit.. 70 Win .MoKiiimiey.lt (i.'l M. C. Sherman, S. ISO lh F Mier. Cit .1. W Itogcnrief, U . . A II. (Jainp, Soc . ... For School Hoard Paul Storey, C-ll.. l.l lieo. B. Coon, Cit G.'J B II Newhouse, It 00 (5 W Fentress, Soc ll.'l F II Henderson, S III t()8 100 1X1 1152 incft.ir ima- iiwwi i. M -- f IVV I V'7vVV4!??' .mj iik m.i xmQtkfPSiCy W1B. I I I-WtTCXHLM JJtsbu 1 tnNP'i'-' nRoHiBHF53 I uJUtt, ' '" . '"F H' Invt '-.1. '' r sls -'Drcrnr ,,v ntUi-ufcar IL' '3S3&mEgs2Bwmsn&i3SEaMEEaBmKm WE LEADnthe MAYING WORLD I s I vl 01 811 l.VJ J8 II 111 i.W 7 104 t.rj 15 1S1 IPpftfnt rlinlMi 1 C..1 i. .i . .. vT. ... ..r-ir'-r.."!'"'? '"" -'", is me marvo or. ine world. -wM -.. .. miiu itaivin more nay ai a less cost and with ffrpttjv . a -... uw miu Bvntr on n maruc . THERE IS HMtf. 1 1 1ST ic rjinn Lk";inI A"' J' W'W P !'Wn. th. load and aftaiur. ou cannot .ff.rt tolSrloifc "ot.' rttn?r?rnicd) S T i . --.-. r-- -. -in w uiiiini yuu on rrntifir. V i.wpuiwaatcmiricatif. and lomenir, wnt frwlf you m ntiin this pajwr. . IOL rLAITNKK IMIl,l.'MVMT Pt THAT MONEY CAN BUY EMENT CO. tj PINVER.C0LO.A IOC :!l i : SIjBPSON & KENWGflTHY Successor T L C. Bradshaw 5J-3iK2K57-B .... Hay, Oram, ;'&eecls and A IFIour, Oils, falfa Mm Garden Q B H Vi'-i Vll "11 111 US 11 11 rSl 100 21) Telephone legislation has come in tor its full share of attention. Some profess to seo an expensive jolio in somo of the telophone bills that have been introduced, and tlio fact that the Hell monopoly nnd the allied Independ ent interests are working hand In hand for the passage of a bill that would permit u merging of their several In terests In each community is enough to malce the people bit up and lake uo'tiee. The House has most emphat ically pronounced Its disapproval of any merger scheme, hut has approved that phaso of the bill providing for physical connection. Tlio Senate has dealt more gently with the tolephone corporations. PHONE IIS YOUR ORDERS. BEIL RED 57 IS YOUR FARM on the MARKET? We want a complete list of all Webster county lands for sale on straight com mission basis. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED I'upilil iciuoviil iceeiveii its death tlnust in'thc House when on motion 1 1 l l c coiistimit Stiii. mm Of I!aiii i M'litut li ii Ivotiimi tin. niini'l Imr ' I ..,.- n doi ic it nuij be, tli.it wo clause was htiickin out of thw bill. DAN GARBER & CO., Red Cloud CHIEF Office. See The CHIEF for up-to-date job work. All job work neatly executed H fC3 1 I i i jJtifeti&Ajfctr!. immmnfftJtmrm ii imwi nmn in i m kMHVPMHMWII I nj a itiiii im mam I iiWJh, JiMMBJAJgClUtM yjj&bti6d. tfifcy-'i..