The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1911, Image 4

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    AiCTW'J3 y - - li
,.,.... ,,
Red Cloud - - Nobrnsktv"" ''dvcrllso In the right direction.
,,,. ,,.,,.,, , ,, Tin possibility is bcfoio ns to invito
PUBLWHRU FA'BUYTHUIWDVY substantial eiti.ous ,, our ,.y. Let
Sntcrcil In tlio rnflldfllcc nlitleri Cloml. N'fti ,
nsi S4t itlift Ulnni Mnltur
C 11. HA LI
Citizens' Ticket.
For Mayor Dr Robl Damorell.
For Clork-O. C. Teel.
For Treasurer .1. (). Uutlor.
For City Engineer Ceo. Ovoilng.
For I'olioo Judge James Uiudon.
For Counulliucn First ward, ('has
Strong; Second waul, H. V. Mlur.
For Members of School Hoard Paul
Storey uifil George Coon.
.City politics may be repi clouted X
Let us llguro a littlo. If these pm
posed wator bonds cairy what will Un
taxes boy Tlio inlcrcst will be SHOO 0()
our present valuation is something
ovor SIIOO.OOO.IK) therefore a ouo mill
levy will just niiso tlio interest. Now
If you have 811)00.0(1 worth of taxable
property it will cost you i 00 for
theso bonds, if you luivo S 10,000.00 it
will cost you S10.00 and if you are
worth one hundrod thousand dollnrs
you will pay one third of tlio i'
Now let cvorybody that can airord ono
dollar n year for good wator vote for
tlio bonds and those that aro worth
ono hundrod thousand dollars may
vote against them.
The Citizens' ticket Ih worthy of tho
support of all who are interested in
tlio welfare of the cits. Dr. Daineroll,
caiididato for mayor, has been inti
mately associated with the interests
of this city for twenty live years. Me
is a man of ovpoiioneo and desires
oi. ly the best Tor Wed Cloud. He has
the training, the ability, t lie ollioieucy
foi tlio position and will make an ex
cellent man for the place. He is can
'did and conservative, and no ono need
hesitate to vote for Dr Damorell for
fear the city's alValrs will not bo fairly
adjninlstcrcd. He has never bought
political honors in municipal all'airs
Tliis year bo accepted the nomination
and the city now has the opportunity
to elect u strong, competent man for
itH highest oHlcor. Vote for Dr. 1 lain
erell. Large sums of money me now be
ing spent by energetic cities all over
tlio united States, Even state legist
la til res are nniironrliitinir mniinv u... ............i.n.. ,i.,.i
-., j....... ........ j .... j
advertising the states' greatness ami j
their commendable features for pros
peetivo residents. Red Cloud should
not be behind, lied Cloud can leaiu
iroiu inese larger cities that It pays
to advertise In a wnj . .ill cities ad
Contains absolutely no Ben i'f VJj 1 J
zoate uf sOlIj or other rm mL' IftM I W.J&iL9
servntive noartilical color- MitoU llj IwHmI
It is as pure aiul wholesome I S ll f IllEL
THE HOME GROCERY," P. A. Wullbrandj, Prop.
voitlse some beneficially, some other
wise. Uuil Cloud Iiiih mi onoorttmltv
us appropriate, say six thousand dnl
lars in advertising. Wo can borrow
thai amotinl ul a siiiull rate of inter
est mid got ll back in the advance
inoutnf our properly. This amount
of money will supply our city with
plunly of giod, pure spring water and
and will be one of the gicatest adver
tising mediums Hint cm bo adopted.
If yon weie choosing a new location
ami hud your choice between u city
that drank from n spring and 1111011)01'
that drank rotn it creek, whore would
you locate.'.' Do you belli'vo in adver
tising'.' Do you liulluvu in progress?
Let us put Rod Cloud on Iho map.
Lot it be advertised abroad that Red
Cloud is tin; city along the Repub
lican river where thoy have an abund
ance of pure spring wator
We hear some talk that six thousand
dollars will not ho sulllclcnt to pipe
tho .Maui er spi tugs mid connect I hem
with our water sj stem. We also heal
that there is some talk that the right
of way will run in t tho millions, tn
past issues we have r resented the
llguics which icprcsont the cost, of
this pipe linn They have been curo
f'llly prepaidl. Tho -urvey made
Monday shows that the exact number
of teet between the pump and the
springs to bo !)."! 1. Noaily six hun
dred feet less than was estimated
One of our citizens Informs us this
morning that, lie will put up a 2000.00
uoiiii ami win forioii tlie same If lie
doos not accept the contract to do the
entire work for $1500.00. There is no
guess work about this pipe line. t!lv
en tho number of feet, the price of
tile, the cost of digging, the cost of
laying and any person in the city can
tell within one bundled dollars what
the cost will lie. Some say short
length tile will sink but tho engineer
tells us that at least four tiles will be
cemented together and laid at once
and that will be tho same us one tile
ten feet long. Red Cloud never ap
proaelied a project with her eyes wider
open. Not a thing Is concealed. If
you want to know the facts about our
city go to the records ami read lor
yourself. Ask the city clerk, the city
tieasuier, the city eleeli ielightsupoi
Intoudciit. (Jo to the record. Street
talk is unreliable. Satisfy yourself
and after due investigation vote vour
Inmost convictions.
There soeins to bo still a littledoubl
in the minds of some abut in regard
to voting bonds for the purposo of in
creasing our wator supply. Fear is
expressed lost our taxes be more than
we can boar. At tlrst thought one
would naturally think that to vote
more bonds would increase taxation,
.... V ....... ... I IIIIIIIIVI bllflb ," ,-1
year we pay In taxes twelve hundred
dollars towards the suppoit of our
waterworks system we know that
that amount represents the dillereiice
between what oiu Income is and what
out expenditures are
If we have the
springs we will not. need to pay the
twelve bundled dedlolonoy because
our c nl bill will not be so large mid
we will have a quality of water that
will attract our customers and tbev
will lie only too glad to use tnoro of it.
We would rather pay three hundred
dollars any time than twelve bundled
dollars. The rail road pays the clly
about llftcen hundred dollars per year
for water. With the springs attached
to our water system the rail road
would in live years pay tho'-o bonds
and pay for water which will not cost
us one cent, for pumping. Wo all want
to i educe our taxes. We have the op
portunity now to do so. Another
thing ir wo adopt this springs proposi
tion we will have no further excuse
for digging In Hie bottoms and will
hence mivo something like a thousand
dollars a year. You say no moro dig
ging will be done? They havo boon
digging for fifteen years and thoy will
continue to dig forever unless some
thing is done to stop the mania. I'von
today you will llud people who want
to dig somo on one theory and some
on another. He have itrosmitwl w.
long we have the liahil. If v,,. would
think inoio wo would light. less.
Spring or Creek Waler
That is the issue to lie decided at t lie
next election. There is no other plan
of increasing the water supply befoio
the people Two thirds of tlio people
of the city aro divided between the
Condra proposition, of taking the
water directly from tho crock, using
all precautions to keep it as clean and
aweet as may be, and the spring pro
position. Those two thirds are unalt
erably opposed to any other plan, and
will permit no more money to bo wast
ed on other plans. There has been
too much wasted already. Wo havo
no confidence in our local water
wlzaids, in our local water expeits.
Tho majority know that they have no
more knowledge on the subject than
merest ot us. We all know that
there is abundance ol water in the
creek. We all know that theic is
abundance of water in (lie springs at
the head or tlie etock. We all know
that tliele is not a blessed son of us,
no mutter what his name be called,
who knows anything for certain in
addition to this. Every supply out
side of these two is conjectural, doubt
ful, uncertain. We are tired of see
ing tlio city money wasted on 'vision
Hi'.V projects. The creek water is
drinkable most or the time. It can be
kept reasonably clear most of the
time. We have got along with it
pretty well so far. Tho littlo bit of
water that Hows, through tho tiles lias
never been enough to take into con
sideration. Wo have been lied tofoiig
enough. If there Is a man in town
who thinks tho pump has ever failed
to pump creek water for the last ten
or lliteen years, it is time for him to
be undeceived. Creek water bus con
stituted the chief supply of our mains
for many years. I n less wo pipe the
spring water down it will constitute
our supply for tlio years to conic.
Tbcie will be mi tartlier digging or
explorations in the creek bottom.
i ne (.eojiie win inn stand lor any i
mine expenditure of the public money j
in epi liinents to satisfy the vanity of
or whiuis iif anybody. If tlio bonds
.iii voted down, we will s(uaiely meet ,
the fads, and make the best possible
ot the creek water at the least ex
P use The creek water is purer,
mi i e fiee ft om alkali, than the wator
m t hi- wells.
it is springs, or creek, from now on,
wit b. in any disguise, without any
1 i. ii -c. I he lies have had their day.
VN ut in the open. Tho truth
i'i told. All the pretelisis that1
' b i.' not bieu diiiiUingciei U water i
- 'be past have been brushed away.
Wi :.n i like' to admit tlio fact we!
bate to tell it to visitors, and friends. !
We hat" to advertise it abroad. Hut'
lies only barm in the long run.
Let us be at least honest with our-j
selves. I lie little intuiost that wol
will have to pay for this extension !
nil) lin muni tiitiit itfki.v ... 1... ti... 1..
crease of patronage and bv the nuritv ,
iiiii 111 inn i' 1111111 1111111' mi iiv lilt '
of, ..water which wc wiU v t0
diink. We havo been chitsiuir tho
. I
rainbow long ennuirh. Snriinr.s or
creek? Uvvour vote next. TlllMiuv
yen will indicate the kind of water
which you prefer.
' ' ' '
n ISuney for Proposed Pipe Line to
Maurer's Springs,
Having liecn employed to take mens
urments and make survey for the pro
posed pipe line to Maurei's springs, I
report as follows:
1, The distance from tlio tout invest
corner of tho power house to spring
No I at elm tiees is U,"i 1 1 feet, on pro
posed pipe lino surveyed.
'2. Spring No. 'J is four feet higher
than spring No. 1. ,
;( The elevation ot sprlne- No. I is
.T feet above tlio lloor of the power
I. Kvery point on tlio proposed
pipe line as surveyed is of lowereleva
thin than spiing No. I.
ltespect fully submitted,
(i II. ()vi:iiimi, County -Surveyor.
I, Tho volume of water (lowing
fioin sui face of spring No lis niore
- ' n M m i i i . ii. MNMMMMBBMIHapIMMMMnMHINHnaMnNMMnil
jf?W 1 M U fc E n !
va 'y 1 aim el I A r N f W :j
are a big line with us.
We carry the very best of
You have your choice of an
ordinary good clock or a big fancy
We will appreciate an inspect
ion of our line before you buy.
The Jeweler.
than 110,000 gallons daily
Xo. 'J.
2. Tho static prossuie on lower end
of proposed pipe line as surveyed is
approximately 15 pounds to square
.'!. Spring Xo. I is underlaid at ap
proximate depth of six feet with an
Impervious clay.
I. Kstimated undeiilow of spring
No. 1 is greater than surfaco How.
ft Proposed pipe line with eight
inch tile has a capacity of discharging
approximately 27,000 gallons per hour
015,000 gallons per day.
(5. (Jlacd tile witli corrugated fit
tings endorsed and reccomuieiided by
iiyiirauiiu engineers.
ltespect fully submitted,
1). II Kirn.
Supt Light and Water.
One contractor lias ulicudy oll'cied
to install proposed pipe lino complete
as per contemplated specifications for
S 1,200.
Lincoln. Mai oh 27, lint.
Charles H. Hale, Ksq.:
Dear Sir I understand the matter
of additional water supply is up at
the coming election, and 1 am anx
ious to know what the result is likelj
to be.
Our tests of the .Maurcr springs
water show such an improvement over
all the other wateis tested at lied
Cloud, for boiler purposes, that it i.s
exticmcly tlesiiable, at least for rail
road use, to get that water if possible.
It seems that water from the present
wells tested out no better than that
from some recent test wells; by
thoC 13. A: ( Those were in connec
tion witli an estimate for furnishing
an additional supply us the icsiilt ot
last summer's notice to the company
that thcieis a shortiiLV of water in
the summer. Yuius truly,
F .1. Haimiow.
Thc above letter ought to quiet all
talk about the inilioad making prep,
aiatious to iiso its own system ol
water supply. This is another argu
ment for the springs. Our largest
customer is anxious to have water that
will bo pure water that will not
cause them trouble w itli their engines.
I lie cltj is in the waler business and
cannot alVonl to loso its best cits
tomer. The 11. ,V M. pay-, considerable
ill the i:ij of tais intoolii i-itv I
iirj and it is not afraid of this m
thousand dollar bond issue, if the
insiilcs of an ingiiie are worth look
ing after, how uhotit the Inside of
men. women and hi Ipless children'.'
District Court Proceedings
J ? -.
..- .Jin... tt iiikiii. .inn iiiu tioi-ici mis
. -
e"ti,el' ',,p',-, ! .' Dungan
-n open a term at Hloomlngton to -
r .
mill fiiwiii ti tiki.m lit llltjiiittiattit .
. i. .... .... . . ii. i. 1
' ie lour cases against tne nty ot
'" Cloud, a Demurrer was filed by
tho Attorneys representing the City
'and it was sustained by the couit as
to all 01 tliese cases.
The cuse of Oowles vs Yoiser was a
partition suit as to tho property now
occupied by Fred J'l limb's food store.
The trial was to the court and a tlnd
iug that plaiutlU' is entitled to partit
ion of tho premises asasked-for. That
plaintiff is owner of 010 .lames Yeiser
1-10, I'aimelia I). Yoiser .'1-10. Tho
sbarcs wore thus continued and the
rental value of tho property against
the present tenant tixed at U per
The Commercial Hank of Nelson- vs
Hansen A Snider was suit ou note and
mortgage of threshing machine ami a
team of horses and buggy. Trial was
"'' '
ton jury and voidlol for plaiutwr
ugainst defendants for 50 1 1. "1(5. .ludg
mont was given 011 the verdict and
plaintiff directed to foreclose mortgage
. .......... ....w... ... ...ui .hr,v
and apply on debt beloro proceeding
against defendant tyiider who was
..Kl'ittf f...' II. III.....
' surety for Hanson.
The case of I'dnu .M. Dike vs William
11 Dike for divorce was up on motion
Nothing more vital to daily
Comfort than properly-fitted
shoes. It decides how you
shall finish each day-whether
tired and unhappy or rested
and comfortable.
dAUow us to fit your feet
scientifically and accurately to
apairof "Queen Quality" Shoes.
to vacate the former judgment render
ed in tliis case. Motion was sustained
upon the cgiiditiou that defendant
pay to the Cleik of the Court all foi til
er costs, qoo. suit money and ?l."i().
for Attorney's fees and S10 a mouth to
the plaintiff pending the suit.
IMutt A Frees vs . .1. ijcrlvuer and
It. I). Moritz was a suit for lumber
bill and action on Mechanic's Lieu
continued from the last term of court.
The case was tried to the Court and
he found plaintiff tuinislied mateiials
to dcteudant Moiit under bis con
tract witli ('. .1 l'latt amounting to
.'iS.l.'u. '1 hut plaintilV has no lien.
That theic is due C .1. l'latt from do
Icndaiit Moiit. c'l'il 50 and there is
due defendant Scrivner fioni Morit.
S2IU.70. That Serivner iccover his
costs i rom Moiit. and that other part
ies pii their own costs. A judgment
was given on the above findings and a
decree cancelling Mechanic's lien ot
The case of l'latt A Frees against
Y. X. IMcbaidsoti was tried before
.lodge lniugaii without a jur and
consumed tour ilajs, a longer lime
than any othei case during the teim.
It was a dispute as to the amount due
on the residence lately built by Mr.
Ilichanlson and attracted considerable
local interest. The nlalntllt cliiiuilnif
a balance due of about c-:iuoo. and the
.ll.l'..llillll.l 1.1.1 1... ill.. ... 1.....1. ..I. ....ill.
Zw iid them b 00
I A .........II.... ... 1...1.... II V .1 ...!
.iv-wiii iiiiij; iw.iuiiKti iiiiiiiiii n tiucis
!.... ... ...... ........... I .1... i...- ....t.. 1
, - -- ""';Bh"';-'?rd
, 1......1. mil.. ....
' 1:111111 111,1 1111 u iii'iiiini nrii'M. 11114 in
decided in favor of the defendant 011
tho theory that the testimony of Mr
l'latt and Mr. Richardson offset each
other, and Mr. Louzler, the head car
penter on the job, testifying to the
fact of an original contract for $:i00 ,
gave the preponderance on that issue
to tho defendant. Mailing 011 that
basks, he allowed l'latt A Frees for
extras claimed bringing the total up
to approximately $7.00, and S0OOO
having already been paid gave judg
ment in favor of the plaintiff for 1500.
Mrs. Henrietta Scliulli
.Miss llcuriettu Frettoir was born
September '20, 18112, in (icrmatiy; was
united in mariiage to Rudolph .Schult.
January l'H, 18i!.'1, who preceded her in
death live years airo. Thoy camo to
- .' "
ebstor county, Nebraska, in 183
and havo resided here since. She was
tho mother of ten children, six of
whom surive to mourn tlio loss of a
,1.1,. Ill r-iii,ii; ill IIIWII1I1 IIIU c
, faithful and devoted mother. They
are: Albert, Paul and llubeit. Mrs
II. ...ll... i'i M .. I 1
Ilertha narginan, Mis. Anna W'arron
and Mrs. LIzic Johnson
' preyed upon bur body and Iter health
yUH lla
failed, she often expressed an earnest
wish to pass on and be at rest. Death
camo to her relief March lT), mil.
Coming to tliis country in an early
day she, with her husband, labored
hard to procure a homo and provide
for their family. Sho was a true honu
maker, caring nothing for world or
display. Ilei heart was in her home
and with her children. Funeral serv
ices were held at the home, conducted
by Itev. (i. W. Hummel.' Interment
was in Martin ceniclerv
Mrs Marin I. Renolils
Mis. Maria I). Reynolds was bom in
.Sullivan County. New "ioik. in tlio
year IS.'Ki and died in Webster County
Neb., at the age of 71 years. 10 mouths
and '2.'1 days. Mis. Reynolds uus one
of our most respected pioneer settlers
having lived in this county somo .'10
odd years. Physicians, nurse, ohil
dioiiand trlciids did everything in
their power to keep her with them,
but Hod was ready for his aged child
and tool, lur home. She is survived
by four children. Mrs. silH(. Thomas,
Mis Kli.abeth Uouglas, Mi. 1 . L. and
W. IT. Itet nobis all of whom icside 111
tliis count .
Baby .Steward
John Milton, sou of Charles ll. and
Carrie, .Steward, was born May '28, 1010.
in ouedianco to the divine command
he was received into the holy church
by the sacrament of baptism on Sun
day, March 10, 101 1 by l!ov. (J. YV.
Ihiminell. After a short illness from
pneumonia death relieved the little
sufferer on .March 22, l!Mi.
Tlie family wish to thank their many
kind friends mid noinhbors who tuu-n
sympathized witli and aided them dur
ing the sickness and death of their
little babe.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers reported by the Fort Ab
stract Co. for the week ending Wed
nesday, March '20, ion.
Thomas J. Ward to .Viniuel V.
Foe, lots I."). 10, 17, 18, Ulk, '22,
lied Cloud, vvd joon
A. A. Iloreii to Valontjno Huns-
burger, s -1 nw ue '22 '2-lo, vvlc. . . ooOO
Stato or Nehrnska to C. F. Cath-
er,nw:i.J-.'M'2,dccd ,84u
Lincoln Land Co. to Milos Doyle
lots 5, 0, jr.. 1(1, Ulk. i2, Uail
Hoiid Add to Red Cloud, vvd.. no
William. P. Roland to Lloyd II.
Hunter, 0 , sw l-i-o, vvd.... s-,0
William E. Tomjikins to Mary
Tompkins, lots 1 7, IS. '20, Ulk.
. 0 uido Rock, vvd ' .i1()0
.Mortgages Hied, &J2
.Mortgages released