Trf T'1' "'I' -.- REVIEW --. I Stnday School Leuon for Mar. 26, 1911 K$Jy! I Specially ArrtuiBod lor This Paper jH III UOU.K.V Ti:XT--ltnp,y Is that poo Pl whose Uod Is tho lxirj "-I'sa. 141 15. Tho object of tho first century of tho divided kingdom and Its lessons wns to develop and train a people of God, through whom to tnnko'tho wliolo orld a people or Gn.1 Saltation for ilio Individual and for the human rare The united kingdom did n great work In this direction. Hut tho tlmo camo when there was danger of Its failure. Hcnco ctuno tho divided kingdom, through which there wan a double ex periment In tho development of tho kingdom of (iod. Tho porlod covered was about 90 years 0. C , 982 to 8!Kt. Thocountry wan Pales tine, within Kb usual boundaries. Tho course of development runs In two lines: Tho royal, the course as repre sented by the kings, tho civil history, and tho religious development, rcpro hentcd largely by tho prophets Tho kingdom of Judah was about half as largo as Israel. Its capital was Je rusalem, und tho temple was tho re ligious center. Large numbers of tho more religious people came to Judah from lurael. Judnh was sheltered from uttack on the north by Israel's being between them nnd tho nearest and moot dangerous enemies, while n desert was a great defense on tho Boutu. Tills position nlso saved them rrom close contact with heathenism and its degradations. Tho leading kings were Rchaboam, 17 years; Asa, 40 years; Jo hoshaphat, 25 years. Under Asa and Jchoshaphat there were great religious revivals and religious reforms, alternating with declines. Hero wns u great struggle between good and evil, and tho good seems to havo gained. In a few cases there wero revelations from God. Ho did everything ho could to keep tho peoplo obedient to his laws, and train thorn In tho religious life, that they might bo Uio kingdom of God to bless tho world. There wero a few prophets of whom llttlo Is known save their nuinea. Tho conflict of religion with evil In Judnh, though not ending in completo victory, mndo a decided gain for tho right. Why do wo celcbrnto and praise our forefathers? Not simply because they woro stout hearted. Many a freeboot er nnd many a soldier of fortune has been that. It Is becauso they woro stout hearted for an Ideal, their Ideal and oure, civil and religious liberty; and whenever and wherever men and women thus devoted them selves to ideal and not ma terial things, there tho world's heroes aro born, and borii to bo free. Somo blessings come to us, not in spito of, but just becauso of, our hos tilo environment. Tho stimulus of hostllo cllmato produces the robust race. Where nature always smiles and ovorythlng is friendly there is no such thing as beneficent discipline, and a soft, languid raco Is perpetuated. Tho man of tho temperate zone owes his superior physical vigor, his keener mental capacity, his alertness, Ills in ventiveness, very much to the climatic condltlotiB under which ho lives. Ho is forced to activity, and so he quickly outstrips ills languid neighbor of tho tropics. Tho kingdom of Israel contained 9,400 8qunro miles. It was a much moro fcrtilo country than Judnh. its territory lay between Judnh and Syria, bo that it was in closo contact on threo sides with heathen nations, who had tho activity and physical qualities of tribos which loved excursions into other countries for booty. Of the nine klngii parallel with tho four kings of Judali, It Is worth while to remember Jeroboam, 22 years; Omri, 12; Ahab, 22. Jozebol, Ahab's heathen queen, was tho most influential factor in tho religious decline. Tho kingdom was subject to revolutions, und the nine kings of this period belong to five dy nasties. Tho stories of theso hero-prophots should becomo familiar in their main incidents to all the children, who can see what brave, heroic men can do, when Uioy aro in earnest for tho right. Elijah preached God Almighty, his truth, his laws, his power to help, and tho absolute necessity of being loyal to him, If Uio individual or tho nation would prosper by n llfo worth tlie liv ing. For all tho children tho teacher can make a most profltablo review by a plan used by a successful friend. Ho tool a largo sheet of heavy paper, say 12 by 15 inches, and drawing a lino down tho center, on tho left hand sldo wrote a sorlos of questions In letters bo largo as to bo easily seen by all tho class. On tho right uldo of tho lino ho wroto tho answers. Theso questions were given to tho class, and they read the answers two or threo times. Then the paper was folded In tho middle, so that tho answers wero out of sight, whllo the questions wero still beforo tho class, and they woro to show how well they had learned tho lesson. Such n review can bo raado very effective. From tho first there was religious deterioration, from tho worship of Je hovah by golden calves to tho worship of Until with all its licentious rites. So that true religion was almost oblit erated. Tho Moablte Stono with its reoorda of this tlmo is still preserved in tho Iuvro, Psrls. Hero tho true religion in its conflict with heathen ism suffered un almost entiro and des porato defeat for a time. Hut there was n rally and reformation under Eli J ah and Ellshn; which was continued and advanced by Jehu, through his nn nlhllatlon of Jezebel and her cull dren. Shapes for Spring Pf "" ' ' II) ., V "v HY JULIA HOTTOMLHY. THREE of tho prettiest shapes among tho new lints for spring arc shown here. Ono might chooso with tho oyes Ehut nnd bo bufo of pos sessing grnce, style and real beauty In nny of theso. They fit well and aro only modoratoly large. Hemp and mllnn appear to lead In tho point of popularity, but thoro aro Innumerable lovely models In other braids as well hair braid, pyroxylin, chip, leghorn, tuscan, in fact every braid, including tho rough Japs, finds a following, and thcro is no lack of varloty In bIzo or shnpo. Tho hair braldi and hemps aro greatly favored for dress hats to be trimmed with French plumos nnd laco or ribbon or both. Milans and hempB nro liked for big massos of flowers. Many of theso trimmed with big bunches of lilacs aro blooming In tri umph at Palm Dcacli just now. A great many shapes nro shown with borders (called "flanges") of vol vet, and somo aro faced with velvet. Small shapes with upturned brims nearly nlwayB nro Improved by a vel vet facing on tho brim or coronet. Tho velvet flnngo Is nn undoubted ad vantage, adding finish and distinction to tho shnpo. Its placing is n matter of perfect workmanship. It will bo noticed thnt crowns In tho hats aro conservative; they aro not specially largo or high or notlco ablo In any way. Tho achievement of FOR CHILD'S WEAR IN SPRING Dress of White Dimity is About the Most Dainty That Can Pos sibly Be Devised. Tlgo and I aro sweethearts all that troubles mo 1b that his old brown coat never gets too old to wear, bo I can't mako him nlco now clothes lilto"what mamma makes for mo. This 1b my now whito dimity for spring. Mamma says sho likes to havo nil her sewing dono by tho tlmo hot weather comes. Tho drs8 has a long blouso and doublo rufllo on tho skirt and this Is my blue sash. I wear It when I have tho bluo ribbon In my hair and usually I wear palo bluo or whito stockings. Mamma says theso aro "Gibson" plaits ovor my shoulders, and thero nro two nar row insertions of laco down tho mid dle of my blouso. Mamma considers short sleeves tho host for summer or winter, and sho says sho likes to havo tho skirts of my dresses solid em broidery bocauso they aro so fluffy. Sometimes I wear kid shoes, but usual ly black slippers thoy'ro bo aenslblo and pretty, too. I'm six years old. Anna M. Donnlston in the Chicago News. Handsomo beaded bags show no signs of waning in popularity, but the ones dono with tiny beads aro the blng. ''""""""iBita. graco In outline Is the paramount idea In spring shapes and Is mora highly regarded than any other feature. This Is a good sign. So far there seems to ho nn absence of frcaklshncss this sea son, in nny direction. It looks as If flowers wero to catch tho fancy of all women young enough to wear flower-lndcn shapes. They nro so pretty. Doth tho hats and flowers come in great ranges of lovely colors. Milans in tho yellow or nat ural color and hemps In nil colors givo n choice from grave to gny nnd all tho notes, botweon. Thcro Js a shnpo for every face. It is very essential to pick out tho most becoming ono and this Is n sorious matter. MEDIUM STYLES FOR SPRING Coming Millinery Will Offer Many Choices, So That Surely All May Be Suited. Tho woman who cannot find millin ery to suit her this senson will indeed bo very difllcult to please. Not in mnny years has it been mndo posslblo for women to bo so sanoly nnd, at tho samo tlmo, so fashionably hnttcd na at presont Tho styles are medium in all things. Crowns nro modoratoly high, brims aro noithor too wido nor too narrow, and trimmings aro in no wiso exag gerated. Tho Binart-looking turbans aro most attractivo and como in a variety of models and colorings to suit every typo of faco. As a rule, two colore nro combined, nnd not infrequently two fabrics besides tho trimmings. A soft, coarse, rather wido straw nnd tho flno brnld of crinoline nro n favor ed combination. Tho crown in folds will bo of tho heavier straw nnd tho crushed brim of tho crlnollno or hair. Tho golden shades, which includo lem on, ecru nnd leghorn, nro preferred for tho crown, whllo tho brim will bo of a contrasting color, as blue, dark red, green or black. No less attractive than tho shapes aro tho trimmings. Tho cockado of chanticleer red velvet decorating a hat of golden nnd black tones Is an cxnmplo of smart, becoming lines. A modified sugar loaf hat, tho crown en tirely concealed under tiny rosebuds, nnd tho brim of blnck flexible Btrnw, is another pretty model. A tiny blackbird nestling on tho left sldo is tho only trimming. Tho fashionable trimmings nro small flowers, Blnglo quills, small birds, mo. dium wings, soft rlbbonB nnd velvet. Now for Turned-Up Hats. Onco moro will it bo posslblo to sco woraon'B eyeB and hair. Hat brlma Btill will bo largo, but they aro to bo turned up. Hats with straw brims thnt turn up boldly In front, nt tho sldo or front and back aro seen among tho modols for tho fast coming spring time. Thoy como In nil sizes. Ono of tho now forms Is 18 Inches long nnd 23 inches wide. Extra largo hats, how over, will bo worn only bo tho extrem ists. Even womon nre wenry of them, for thoy havo been cnrrlod to such nb Burd measurements that thoy no long er nro picturosquo. Novel Collar. Tho string ties which women nre wearing with their tailored shirt waists como in tho loveliest of col ors. Tho materials used aro Innumer able, but all, of courso, have the silky finish. A novol collar shows to good ndvnn tngo a string tio of cloi bluo corded silk. Tho high, strnlght, turndown collar fastens In front. Wide, vortical oyolet silts nppoar around tho collar at intorvals of about two Inches, and through theso Is run tho tie, which Is knotted in front In four-in-hand fashion. WEAK BACKS MADE STRONG. ( Hackncho In most cnRcs is kidney- ' ncho, nnd usually ncconipnnled by lr-! regularities of tho urine. To removo tho pnln and weakness, you must euro fTwr.Arw tho kidneys, Do no niujirr WU, Doan'B Kidney l'llln. Mrs. Horn Welti mnnn, 1927 Green wood Tcrrnce, Chi cago, 111., nays: "So Intense- wero tho rhoumntlo pains in my back, I folt llko screaming. They gradually became moro aovero until they ran nil ovor my body. I could not sloop nnd could hardly movo. I steadily grow worso until I could ncnrcoly open nr closo my hnnds. No relief was obtained until I began us ing Dean's Kidney Pills. Soon I felt hotter nnd oro long the pnln loft." Homomher tho name Dunn's. For Hnlo by nil dealers, no contn a box. Foator-Mllburn Co., llulTalo, N. Y. To Incline Toward Mercy. Jim hnd boon fnr from n good boy during tho day and toward nightfall ho realised the fact fully Holng well acquainted with tho workings of fam ily discipline, ho assayed a little di plomacy. "Shall you tell father nliout mo?" ho Inquired of his mother "Cortnlnly I shall toll him," rn nponded his mother, with sorrowful firmness "Shall you toll him beforo dinner or nfter dinner?" asked the culprit "After dinner," wns tho announce ment. "Mother." and Jim gavo a wlgglo of anticipation, "couldn't you havo a blueberry pudding for his dessert? Couldn't you do that much for mo, mother?" Youth's Compnnlon Warned. A serlouB-mlnded New Yorker, who, because of his dignified outlook on llfo, hnB sent Ills son, aged twelve, to n particularly ntrlct and proper board ing school In New England, unexpect edly visited tho school last week. As certaining tho location of his young hopeful's room, ho climbed tho four fllghtB of stnlrs necessary to reach It and entered. On a mammoth pin enrd suspended from a steel engrav ing of "Washington and GenornlB" (presented to tho youth ns a Christ mas gift by his admiring pnront) was tho cheerful sentiment: "Don't spit on tho celling. We have lost our ladder." A Way to Keep Love In. Mrs. Honoyblrd nut, Dickey, dear, tho flat 1b bo tlnv. Whv. tho windows aro bo small a mouso couldn't crawl ' through. Mrs. Honoyblrd Thnt Is nil the bol ter, dear. When poverty comes ln love can't fly through tho window. EASTER POST CARD8 FREE. Send 2o Ftnmp for five (ample of our Very best Gold Kinbowcd, Knitcr, Flower nd Motto Post Curils; beautiful colors nnd loveliest designs. Art Pout Card Club, 731 Jackson St., Topekrt, Kan. Domestlo Amenities. Father I think tho baby looks like you. Mother Yes, it shuts its oyes to nn awful lot. wnrs itimnKRH iikcosik nkcicssakt I And jonrahoos pinch, Alloii'n root-i;nf, Uio AnU- optlo ponder to liokliaknn Into tho nhom.W jnnttlin thin if to ute. Trr It fur Ilrrnklng In Now Hljue.. Bo!doTf)rjwhero,2f-o. Katiipl KllKIJ. Aililreu A.8. Olmited, I.oltor, N.Y. Don't acctptanv lUbttUutt. , To render your nolghbor a servlco willingly shows tho genoroslty of your chnractcr; to prcservo slleuco ovor it, tho cranJour of your soul. I'uysloux. Yoj will nce7o; perhaps feel chilly. You think you nro cntchitiK cold. Don't wnit until joii know it. Take a doso of HamlinH Wiz.ird Oil and you just can't catch cold. A woman can straighten up a man's desk in Ave minutes so effectually that ho won't bo ublo to find anything he wants ln live hours. IJo Yon IJo Kyo Snivel Apply only from AHoptic Tubes to Provont Infection. Murlno i:yo Balvo In Tubes Now Hlzo i5o. Murlno Kyn Ma uld 25c-50o. Uyo Jiooks In oach I' leg. All Depends. "Want n good nnecdote about m itateBman?" "Wns ho roQlcctcd?" There nre no euro cures for Piles, but Trask'a Ointment will relieve moit canes nd often effect complete cures whore oth er remedies havo failed. It's nn enBy matter for a married man to keep posted on what's going on In his homo neighborhood. Smokers find Lewis' Sinplo Hinder 5c clear better quality than most 10c cigars. I A No doubt tho mind euro is all right A womnn's club somotlmeB reminds If you havo tho mind to begin with. a mnn of a hammer. MILD, GENTLE LAXATIVE ' FOR WOMEN GIVEN FREE Do many of thu Ills of women nro due to habitual constipation, probably be cause of their false modesty on the sub ject, that their nttcntlon cannot bo too Btroncly cnllcij to tho Importance of keep Inff the bowels open. It Is alwnys Impor tant to do that, regardless of tho Bex, but It Is especially Important In women. From tho tlmo tho girl begins to men struate until menstruation ceases she has always vastly better prospects of coming through healthy If sho watches her bowel movements. If you And yoursolf constl patod, with bad breath, pimply complex ion, headaches, belching gas nnd othor symptoms of Indlgentlon nnd constipation, Uko a small dose of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup PUTNAM Color mors poedi brighter and latter colors thin anj ether die. One 10c osckias colon all fibers. They die In sUftuuwfwiU.(iuUIwInaa(a Writ lWlrw6wU-?Uw to Oio. Bleach and Uia Colore. MOHHOE OATS 2S9 Vu. Per Acre. Tint is the MNorn to mpM of 1 lipoi'ore Tlntinoi. Lou l'n, Wuli, luil from Knler's Krjiiwnntcil Wlnio llntinnzn I nnd won a Imnd'otne 80 acre fnnn. Other Mr xeliN nre 111 but , Hit bin.. 103 lm , etc. Iin.l by ftmticM neutered throughout the 1 . S. ' Snler't lVdlorrp ItarW, I'hx, Corn, ' Oats, Wlie-it, Potatoes (IrnMci atul Cln era nro fimuMii the world r for tliolr ( nuritv nnd tromciidoim ticlilitijr qitiilitip. We nre eiil the lnrnest Rtuweri of f.iriu ffeds in the world, I Our calnlou bristling with ppiM ni(hi fire for tlm linking, or kpihI I'Y in tnmp j nnd roppHn 1(1 pieKs'p f film ppi hot eltiri nml mnlir. Iih'Iiii!'" nboto nnr- ' p1oih ohIm, tnpi'tlii't- with bin mining. I .loliu Sil.-r Seed Co., lhj South 8th St., Ln C'roikc. Wia. i Amnnn nnllf-nmicft. I "I mil nfi aid that mini speaks beforo ho thinks " "Impossible!" "Why?" "lie in or thinks." iMi.r1 ri'ititn in n 'in 1 1 days rmir ilriikiiNt mil ipinml mniifj lr I'.wo Ot.TP llhsr full in fitii nnr in-o i f ItrhliiK. MIInA UUmlliiiiul I'rulliiJIlM L'lloa 111 Olu UUar. M)0- H'b ensy for n prott young widow to mtiko n man think ho wautu to marry her BSh MrAfF Restored to Hcallh by Lydiu 0. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound A woman who is sick and suffering, and won't at least try a medicine which has the record of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, is, it would almost seem, to blame for her own wretchedness. Read what this woman says: Richmond, Mo. "AVhon mynccoml dnurxlitcr was clpliti'on months old I wis pronounced tv hopeless Invalid by HpcclallHts. I hud a consultation of doctors and they said 1 had a suvcro case of ulceration. I was In hod, for tun weeks, had slnklnp; Nnells, and was proiiotineed to ho lu a dangerous condition. My father insisted that avo try Lydla 13. lMnlcluun's Vcp;ctahlo Compound, mid hrounlitino six hot ties. I soon hepnn to improve, and ho foro It had all been taken 1 was as well and strong as over, my friends hardly recognized mo ho great was (ho change." Mrs. Woodson JLiranstctter, Richmond, Mo. There are literally hundreds of thousands of women in the United States who have been benefited by this famous old remedy, which was produced from roots and herbs over thirty years ago by a woman to relieve woman's suffering. Read what another woman says: Joneshoro, Texas. "I havo used Liydla E.Plnldiam's Vegeta ble Compound for myself and daughter, and consider it une qualled for all female diseases. J would not bo without It for anything. I wish every mother in America could be persuaded to uso It as thcro would ho less suffering among our. sex then. I am always glad to speak a word of pralso for Eydla 13. Pink hum's Vegetable Compound, and you nro at liberty to uso this testimonial." Mrs. James T. .Lnwreucc, Joneshoro, Texas. Since we guarantee that all testimonials which we pub lish are genuine, is it not fair to suppose that if Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound had the virtue to help these women it will help any other woman who is suffering from the same trouble ? For 30 years Lydia K. Pinkham's Vogetablo Compound has been tho standard remedy for fomalo ills. No sick woman does justice to herself who will not try tills famous xncdicino. Made exclusively from roots and herbs, and has thousands ol cures to its credit. Rfcplg3H If the slightest trouftlo appears which HJ1F ydu do not understand, writo to Mrs. lMnkhnm at Lynn, Mass., for her advice it la free and always helpful. IMPERIAL AUTOMOBILES Tl" QUALITY The lifo of the power plant is the life of the car Our constrnction assurei dura bility, reliabilty, accessibility and economy, livnry moving part of the car floats in grease or oil. Tho Imperial is built In ten models, touring cars, roadsters, etc. $1,350 to $2,000. Get our freo catalogue beforo buying. Manufactured by IMPERIAL AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Jackion, Michigan Fortunate. Mrs. WoggB Sho lu enormously wealthy. Mrs. Hoggs Yes. Sho waa an onlr wife, you know! Garfield Tea Is Nature's laxativo nnd blood purifier; it overcomes conRtipation and its many attendant ailments. Pepsin, It Is a woman's favorlto laxa tive. You will find that you can do away with salts. Htron cathurtlcn, etc., which nro entirely unsulted to wonian'B require ments. Mrs. Kutherlne Haberfltroh of McICees RocKs. I'n nnd Mrs. A. U. Uerrlclc of Wheeler, Mich., who wna almost para lyzed In her stomach nnd bowels, uro now cured by tho uso of this remedy. A freo nnmplo bottlo can bo obtained by address ing Dr. Caldwell, nnd after you nro con vinced of Un merits buy It of your drug gist at fifty conts and ono dollar a. bottlo. For tho freo n.imple addresn Dr. AV. n. Caldwell, SOI Caldwell building, .Monti cello, 111. FADELESS DYE Spring Medicine 'I Iipto Ii tin other trapon when modi clno in ro much needed an. in the fipring. TIip blnod N impure and iVntiovprlnlied condition ituhpitcd by piinploi, liih and other piuplions on the fiee nnd body, by deficlrtil Mtnht), Ioh of appetite, lack of tU'tlfttll The hot fpiinj? medicine, necnnlinir to the experii tun nnd teititnotiy of thou iuiiiIh annually, i,i Mood's Sarsaparilla It purine nnd enriches Hie blood, curt", build up tho sjiitcm. Get it tofl.iv in unuil liquid form oar i' 1 t.i!!clH known im .Sinmt.ilu. The only perfectly safe razor -allll KNOWN Till: WOKIJJ OVUR nrnnurr cranm Miritnwoficwimnd w-i iniiuu uinnuii ,tl inrrlitt clotlr nlceit. If iilIlUli'il nltli I ; Thompson's Eya Wafsr kutUVIDB. IUU W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 11-1911. Kind BRADLEY MERRIAM & SMITH Council Blulfs, Iowa Waifarfi DUlributar Agtnli WanltJ The Farmer's Sen's fireaf QppiluMfy vr 117 wan ror ma nui rami to branm 7ouruiiifiniuni-fir lieutnnaw to pruiiuro ror jour ruttira unjt.pflfi1.7nna inaopcn (11 uca. A ureal oppor tunity own 1 18 you In Manitoba, bakatcban or Alborta, ntieru 7011 can socurn n Frvellomn- aiffiaorDU7iiuidfttrtfc noiiablo prices. How'stheTime not n yoar from now, iiuttii muil n ill 09 ulga or. Tho tirnfJIM tuynirftl from tus iilmndiint croim at Wlirnt. Oiitu Hint lktrlcr. an well as cattlo rultlnu, aro cunMuti a Btcail7 aarnnco In price. Oovrnirui nt returns ibnw ILiH tt'ti number of aettlnrs In Westorn Cunattn from ier rnt tun tli put it th irnrou 01 ono troii. t'rea JloiuHtouila of 100 ncron nml liro-oinptlonn of 1(1(1 arrrrt lit SU.OO uimcre. riim t'llmale. kimmI mliiK)l, oxtf'llrnt rullmiy fncllltlas, low frt'lghtrntoiii Troott. uu Itir una luinbur easUy ob tulnoil. or paroptuet "wuit ueil west," particulars u to aullabloloratlon tow w ttlera' 1UI0. auolr to ....... .".. ;. - . r.r.-' tiupt 01 immigration, uiuifa Cku.,ortoCaruifllau OortAgeou 1 nr Immlffi V.VS DENNETT Des Dulldino Omaha, Neb. (U10 address nearest 70U.) 17 cold water better thin an? ether die. You can slat DHUC I 00 0onaji, vffVrrRwioTJ"' 11 1 11 in 1 t 1 11 lltP I jZe99 U)M&WHnZ turgor In IUIO tl 1 Mmftrjy'iaiYAI l' iusj our. fl'ia'iii,. fur tholr luuil out of I r!rtl i' W r i' JI.W.W.W 1 tji"ip ..rlHUfrHiHiZa?. .uvaistfltim. MaMM. Wv'JL'j5j &Wmiijffi WW s ttMrnnTf;rt tri