J -J--.- V., w- " i.1T& ""it Vo Historical S .el tv ftfc;rt y J (' , iWi , V l r .-..r . I A Newspaper That tilves The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Tear For JI.50. VOLUME XXXV III1. IN DAYS OF YOUTH prepiuo for 11 rainy hiy, which Is sure to como SlcUiK'Sh nntl trouble como unexpectedly to nil. The Fruits of Wise Provision in youth mul manhood will come home to you in competency for old ngo, when you have plnced your money in a roliublo Hunk. Interest Paid on Time De? posits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 Br F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. LESTER Mr. mul Mrs. C. II. Hurris Sunduycd ut Charlie Frisblcs. Fine weather but we nood n little rain for whent and oats. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Albrinht and family spent Sunday at I. Frisbies.. Mr. and Mrs l'oi tor Hale and daugh ter spent Sunday at Mrs. John Emiclts. Mr. and Mrs. .John Kasscr, Mr. nntl Mrs John Iloleoml) and dniiKhtor and Will Mouutfoid and family spent Hun day at John Saladens. WESTERN WEBSTER V jjood many are piepnriiiK to sow oats this week. Mirth Walker pent Saturday and Sunday at home. Miss Hazttl Harvey visited several days last week with her sister Mrs Kthel Herrlck. I A FEW OF THE BARGAINS . . AT F. Children's Underwear Children's Muslin DRAWERS, same style as cut, trim med with embroidery, good grade of muslin and well made, njj Good grade muslin and well made, 1 C trimmed with hemstitched ruffle, at 1H. Silk Values 36-in. guaranteed black Taffeta at . . $1.00 27-in. plain Mcsseline at . . . . $ 1 .00 27-in. Changeable, in plain and figured, at $1.00 DRESS GOODS SPECIAL: 36-inch all wool Panama at . . . . v . 50c per yard F. NEWH01SE i . .,,J,r, -..-vjfi-K'- -sS-- C. L. Horrieks visited at 0. M. KuycartH Sunday. Charley Copley came home on a visit Saturday evening. Mrs. Eoyoart called on Mrs Walker Monday afternoon. A. T. Walker of Red Cloud visited at I. O. Walker's Sunday. It. L. Hunsieker and lamily visited Sunday at Millard Hunslukcr's. Mrs. Hanson of Red ( loud and Mrs. l'aulsonof Beatrice spent several days last week at Orla I'nyearts'. Mr. and Mrs. Joe (iirney and son Paul and Mrs A. Arnold and daughter Marie spent Sunday afternoon at O H. Harvey's. GUIDE ROCK. , Mrs. W. Kiehard has been ill for sevoral days. Mrs. Ed Sawyer went to Heaver City Monday evening. NEWHOUSE'S 45-in. Embroideries, while they last, at 75c Only a limited amount at this price. 27-inch Flouncing at 70c 1 8-inch Flouncing at 25c -40c -$1.00 1081 yards Embroidery from 2 1-2 inches wide to 1 5 inches wide, while they last, from 1 0c to 25c yard. These were all se lected with our usual care in selecting our Embroideries good edges, good grade of muslin and best work. Mm? Exclusive Tailor-made RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MAliCII 23, 1 0 1 1 . Henry Oburheida has been 111 with rheumatism for several weeks. Mrs. George Fairfield was hostess of the J. F. club Friday afternoon Mrs. Slmdley and daughters are moving from (Snide lloek to Reynolds. The Methodist Aid Society served a 'coffee" in tho basement of the church Thursday of this week. Grandma Johnson is quite poorly. She Is now at tho home of her daugh ter, Mis. Reese Stickley. Charles Uloiisou was up Sunday from Republic County, Kansas visiting his parents J. S. (ileason and wife. The Uebukah lodge here initialed lfi new members Friday and served a supper. 'All had a very pleasant time Mrs. Charles Hodges entertained the M L. K. club Wednesday after noon. A program and lunch were the features of tho occasion Mrs. Leo Columbia is suffering with a felon on her right hand Her mother-in-law, Mrs. Chris Columbia helped her cook for corn shelters Tuesday. E. L. Hagan and wife loft for Uni versity Place the last of the week to spend a couple of weeks with their sou-in-law Elmer Mackie ii"il family. The Baptist Aid Society nht, with Rev. and Mrs Robblns nt the parson age last Thursduy. Fivo ladies sur prised the society by serving a due lunch. GARFIELD How the gentle breocs blow. Mrs. F. Hoiiehin is some better this week. Pete and Alfred Manly were on wind mill row Sunday. (iuy Itarnes hauled off thieo loads of hogs on Saturday. Plowing for oats and cutting stalks is tho order of the day. George Houohiti made a business trip to Guide Rock on Monday. I Embroidery Sale OF Agents for E. B. Radford to Measure Garments, ft Will Fisher was the first one in Gar field to get done cutting stalks. Hansen Bros, shredded corn fodder ono day last week. It was a nice job. Jack Barnes' little girl Mary who lias boon sick for some time is slowly improving. Will Fisher and children went over the river nud called on T. W. White and family Sunday. The now road boss is doing somo good road woik on the road by widen ing out wind mill row. Georgo Houohiti is grubbing and cutting biusli off from his bottom farm and he has Ray Davis and Fred Stroit helping him this mouth. Smith ltios are most thru plowing for oats. They say the early bird gots the worm but If It Is u cut worm no one will quarrel with them about it. COWLES Fred Gund was in Cowles Friday on business. James Doyle nnd Pete Lewis were in town Tuesday. Fuller i- Bennett are going to build a house on their lots east of town. Wm Dlobaum sold five loads of good hogs to Fuller .v liennott Mon day Mrs. Shugard of Red Cloud spent Sunday with her mother Mrs Curtis Beal. Martin Mcutv. came In from St. Joe Wednesday wheie he hud been with stock. 10. T. Foe and Kied Iluppiiit was called on the jury at the county seat last week. Prof, liiegory spent Sunday in the vai'.init.y of Hasting. We haven't heard the particulars. Farmers have commenced sowing oats. The Kherson kind seems to be tho favorite with the farmors. R. II. Thompson and Jack Waller went to Blue Hill Tuesday to attend the Parous auction salo of horses. Dwight Johnson of the firm of Full er & Johnson loft for Lincoln Wednes day on a short visit with his relatives at Bethany Heights t'ourt Proceedings and Notes, Court began a nock ngo today and has been an extended term but tho most of the cubes htivo been tried to the court, there being only three jury caseH The first jury caso and one that created considerable interest was tho Commercial Bank of Nelson vs L. A Hansen nt al. This was an action for Judgment ou a ptomissory note and judgmont was rendered in favor of tho plaintiff as prayed for in its putitloti Tho second jury case was Clutu Itathjon vs Woodmen Accident Asso olatlon. This was an action to recover 81000.00 by plaintiff for tho death of hor husband, caubod by au accident last July. Judgment was given plain tiff for tho full amount The third case to the jury was Pros ton vs Smith, a suit for nine dollars on a contract, balance due on a heat ing plant. Judgment was given plain tiff for olght dollars. Piatt .t Frees vs Scrivner &. Morit. was tried nnd submitted to the court. I'atterson vs Ollddon wns a trial to the court on a mortgage foreclosure and judgment was rendered for plain tiff as asked. Piatt it Frees vs Richardson was be gun Tuesday and 1 still on trial be fore the court. The eases against the city have not been reached but. 1t is expected that they will he tried this week. Judgo Dungan and Reporter Uuird worshipped hero Sunday instead of going homo and oponod up Court on time Monday inoruintr. Among the out of town attorneys at tending court we note: Frank Dal zell of Fremont; John Patterson of Cent i al City; BertMillcrof Blooming ton; H. L Adams of Mindon; C. T. Richards of Hebron; II, H. Smith of Oxford. -vr'V',' - 5 JV. All The Year 'round. Its easy and Daylight all the way. CALL OR SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. B. & Q. Watch inspectors. Jewelers and Optometrists. Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly Done at FOGEL'S Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery. My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I can give you just what you call for in this line and prices always the lowest. Joe Fogel, The Harness Man. THE NEW WAY OF By applying two coats of WniailT'S CONDENSED SMOKE directly to tlio meat with a brush after the meat has rouo through tho salt, It will bo thoroughly smoked, will havo a delicious tlavor find will keep polld and fiwect and ireo from Insects through tho entire summer. Wright's is a llauld smnko nnd ImImmmbJ by burning hickory wood. It In put up In squnro quart bottles only, each with a metal cap. NEVER SOLD IN HULK. A bottle will smoko a barrel of meat (280 lbH.). For Bnlo by all dru?Kltii at 7Cc. Every bottlo guaranteed. Ask driiRplst for HltKK IKJOK, "Tho Now Way." Ho euro to got tho gonulno WIuaiiT'B CONDENSED SMOKE. Made only by Aft. THE E. H. WRIGHT CO., Ltd., Kansas City, Mo. .! Ul in1 imitii i'l""!H!W""My OVX4JI 4MJXMM V -A H. E. GRICE. IS YOUR FARM We want a complete list of all Webster county lands for sale on straight com mission basis. FARM LOANS NEGOTIATED HEHHHBi9BHHHK3ttPJIHBHINH9HHKJ9HKfl DAN GARBER & CO., Red Cloud CHIEF Office. ' 7 fvyjKUjJlf- NUMBER 12 SMOKING MEAT 1 Condensed Smoke contains nothlnnr excont what la obtained tth n MLMsMjU jus DRUG CO. on the MARKET ? 1 i' i fil ,i M 1 1 J yTfa1Tyr S'Iiflpnt2'Ili ZZm ,- f-."" ..fc .m-. . - t m WKtKKKmm -wwjm j-t ? r " JtMWSrfit- ZAMmM,