The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 16, 1911, Image 6

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Tin "?
The Chief
C. II. HALE, Publisher
Personal, Political, Foreign and Intel
ligence of Varlouo Klnd6, Inter
esting to the General Reader
Given In Condensed Form.
J. . W.-ichlMntnn.rU)
$PrcsJdo7it TnU ;Cni ,ro south loAa
uriot rest,: .i .'.. v- v
ft'lio treasury department ha decld
eft to abandon the contonii Intcd Issue
oi?onu dollar greenbacks.
fWashlngtoirH sliaro ot the $2,000,
O0J endowment fund of the National
lied Cross society hns been fully
ilised. ,-, j , , ,V. i'i
Hear Admiral Itolfert Peary . lihs
soht n telegram to the senate and
house thanking cnngicss for 10 ward
ing him for the discovery of the north
Congress has appropriated $70,000.
UK the completion of thcryptjof the
chape! at Annapolis an a, permanent
resting plnco for the body of John
Paul Jones, . "" v f
$TliUi.omicontennlal ntfnHorsnry of
tile first lnatirnt6n of Abraham Lin
coln iib 'rtri'slderit was observed in the
national capital Saturday with appro-
f, , w jlti - 4. vi-- --1. -
jiiimi' KAUiuiaua..
number of mourners of congress
and their wives havo sailed from New
York City for Paniimn. After viewing
tlb canal work and other sights on
tlfo Isthmus the party will return homo
ojpway of Porto Rico nnd Cuba.
(Twenty-two -thpiisaud .-Holdler--morc
than one-fgrtlffjthtarmyof,
the United States of all arms of the
service aro mining toward the .Mexi
can border. The object Is said to be
foj- the training of olllceis and men.v ,
Less than two hours after the sixty
llrst congress had closed, 1'resldent
Vaft issued a proclamation calling an
ejftrn session to meet on April !, for
tho Bpecllle purpose of passing Cana
dian reciprocity bill.
Senator Joseph W. Hallcy added to
tho excitement preceding the adjourn
ment of the slt-llrst congress by re
signing his seat as senator from thes
Btate or Texas and a row Hours later
withdrawing his insinuation.
JDcninl of the request of 'the rail
ways of ofllclal classification territory
that thoy ho permitted voluntarily to
BUBpend pioposed advances in class
freight rates from March ir to No
vember 1 next, has been mndcvby the
Infibrstnte conunerco commission .
E General Newt.
The Blxty-llrst congress came to nn
end Saturday by constitutional llmlta
The Merchants and Farmers' bank
of '('ulbersoii, Mont., hns closed Its
rancisco Uertrand hns been agreed
durns... -. .
Kills 1). Robb of Kldora. Iowa has
been, appointed a initio mil bank ex,
ninlner. , t , ,.
Tlio JS'ow York senatorial dondloclt
lea'X's' that state with but. quo.. U. S,
henuto.j, . , y J V
Impjerpr. Nicholas okRuRsla. hnsnn
nounccd his Intention of cmnuclputlug
Bipods aro causing, great damage In
lj5-Speakcr Capuon hns refused an
'offer of $500 a night from a western
lyrfium bureau.
Sergius Sazpnoff, Jlufislnn inlnlster
of foreign nffnlrs, Is s-erlously 111 wjth
meibrauepus jinglna.. ,
It Is predicted that the next tide of
migration will be to the south and not
to the west as heretofore
The KansnB legislature has passed a
bill appropriating f. "0,000 to found a
state tuberculosis hospital
Since the Insurrection ' broko out
tho transportation of dynamite hns
been prohibited In Mexico.
Maor Ou.vnor of New York thinks
Herman Rldder would make a good
compromise senatorial candidate to
break the deadlock at Albany.
Women nio exempted from Jur
duty by a bill that passed both houses
of the Washington legislature.
Aaron Hancrntt, a New York bioker,
was robbed Tlmtsda) afternoon of so
curltles worth approximately $100,000
A new state, bank at Port An Prince,
mudo possible fcy Ameilcan, Pieneh
and Gorman cap'tal, baa been opened
What is Hftld to he the most elabor
ate golden wedding nnnlprairy ever
celebrated nnyw.efie In the world
took place at 1'al-Jdona, ('al Tiu'tday,
with Mr. and Mr. Adolphus Huscli as
the central ilgurcM.
An attomrt on tho life of General
Manuol Ronllla, leader of the recent
Honduras rovolu'lon, was mado at
Celba one day lnt week
Spokane held Pa first election Tues
da under tho Hew charter recently
adopted by popu.'nr vote.
Captuicd Just when the plans for
assassinating Mil j or N. S. Prntt aro
thought J.o havo almpst reached ma
turity. John Steclo nnd Stuart Mof
fett. now in tho county Jail nt Spo
kane, Wash., aro considered by the
police aB tho murderers of Captnlu
John T. Sullivan and accomplices in
a plot to kill. President Tnft.
The Karl Kcubergcr hank, Ilerlln,
capital $ 1 ,250,000, Jius UHpojmrmy;!
mont.'Tlio suspension was foreseen I"
and Its effects slight.
A Juhlleo over tho anniversary of
tho emancipation of serfs was cele
brated thioiiKhout Russia Saturday.
Train servlco contlnuoB to Buffer
from tho efforts of tho rainstorms on
tho overland routo of tho Southern
.Mexican ofllclals In tho city of
Washington claim to be unable to ghe
an explanation ot tho urmy move
menta to tho Texnn border.
President Tnft will attend Iho an
nual dinner of the Associated PrcBs
and the American Publishers' associa
tion In New York on tho night of April
To relieve the Btarvlng multitudes of
China tho Christian lleiald of New
York has sent $10,000 to the Btate de
partment for transmission to Shang
hai. Tnuntqdby hla plnj mates, because
u KhoLjJilaischonl teacher In the back.
k tT.jyearold boy. ('Iiuille Smith, of
3ormon (Jlly, Tenn.. was dilvcn to
suicide .
An election scandal has developed
at Columbia university and as a result
Btudcnts will have to ote again for
members of tho board of student rcp
ri'FcntiitlvcH. Fnttwi thousand yardsof WciiVcroi
dislodged by the explosion of 24.000
pounds of djniunlte nt Stanhope, N. J.
Knglneors have been long plnnnlng
for the result.
Mexico needs no aid In keeping
peace or In protecting foreign Inter
ests within herborder Isaiieojilnlon
of Joso Ivosjjlniantour, Mexican min
ister of finance. , . jjJ0
Ucur'AunirnlWonn Cn;irlc6 Fremont
commander (bffllie, Ckjaijcstoii .nnvy
ynrdjtMriyxcan, aojlywlji the
service of the United States navy, fell
.lnn.t nf Itvirl illoonwo -
. iZl ..7 it blw.M .w .. v. ., . .,..
Thirty -passengers -were -Injured;
three seriously, when n large electric
car on the Charlerol division of tho
Pittsburg Rnllway company left the
track at CaBtle Shnnnon.
AJiraham Rucf, pojltcnl boss of San
Francisco, has been front to San Qben
tin to"ibftlfi O'oarfrrTto cnr.Je,nhifor
thoAtrllwrjr-BupcrCjKiJrB during 'the
leulmo of Mayor Schmlfz.
Ninety perrons, many of whom were ; powers.
.-,-,- v - ' . . .t'JAtu ,;il Duafl8noif duchvtrcd that nil eho got
'chlldioh, .wero bitriWT tdnlath. juijH Wn8 nfllot fPJ.( iwui1 lacney. nnd t was not
forty others1 Injured 1nxa fire thttt de-Tnli Ualdnit powilcr, fr the bulk of it was
blrmed a moving plcturo theater at cheap nwtcnnN w;luch Ind no lc.ivuninR
,, . ' . ,,...,i n,i,. power. Such powders will not make light,
Uologole. Russia, faundaj. ' wholesome food. And because of the b-
Houses nnd barns were unroofed and gcnco 0f leavening gas, it require from
ninny cattle killed by n storm wlilcii
struck southern Indiana, south Illinois,
and" northern Kentucky, causing an ds
ttmnted damage of $100,000.
James J. Swofford, formerly presi
dent of the Swofford nrothcrs-Rrlggs
company at Kansaa ( Ity. wns Indicted
by tho federal grand Jury ehargod
with lifclng tho mails to defraud.
.Tmliro llonuir Morrlll.lwho wa3 su-
prenio, Judge of Wyoming , when that
sfato'was admitted tothe union, Is-
seriously 111 In a Kansns City hospitnl
was strjekeu with aparalysls
I'he main buildings 'of Mom
omit St.l
Mary'B college, nenr "Tmlnfleld. N. J.,
a large and well equipped Roman
Catholic Institution, were burned, en
tailing a loss of more than $200,000.
Hy a majority of 123 votes Rich
mond. Kontimky. voted ,tn continue
ij. v--- .- .
"d.y." an election being held under
the new local option law The wets
carried only ono out of four city pre- j
JltUL-OKnUlPt J1" aiiegeii)(iicinl.mi.nBt. . . .
the New You: maruet against mm
.uniojt uuulc wood-working jnajerlnls.;
has been begun witn inniimaciiirotB t
frbiit, tho south and middle wesus ,
complainants. t -' I
Gifts amounting to nearly $2,opo,QM
"weie announced; at the meeting ot the
trustees ot- Colu mhlayv imiverslty.
Among tne largest wiisr.inwjuvi't'H'
. . .frniln'inii M....4
an nnimymoiiB' donatorto tie school,
oYarqhltecture. 'V $
Arthur M Tiavei?l-chlof;cleVkhtqi
the third nsslsfnnt-post'rhaatcr genera
has been dismissed from tho sorvico
by EiiBtmnster Gonorau UltchcocK.
charged with nmnlpnlatlnK"',po8tnge
stamps for his own llnnnolaV benefit.
Walter and Claienee Ixiuls. broth
ers, arrested in Chicago, confessed to
stealing $12,000 In Jewels and mono)
from tho homo of Cesarea Virgil In
New York City, after overpowering
the servant girl and tying her to n
Advices regarding tho bubonic
plague In north China indicate that
the authorities In the vicinity of
Peking, Tung Chan and Pao Ting Fu.
In the Chi Ll province. hao been sue
ooseful In checking further spread oi.
the disease.
The Gorman crown prince. Ficder
Irk Wllhelm, nrrlved at ('alio, HM t.
Monday from Sue, and was welcomed
by the Khedive, the minlsteis and tho
ditilomntB resident there He -vlll
spentl some time In Kgpt with Crown paqkages of wonderful farm sqed spe-Prlncrs-ft
CeclHk. ' claRJeB nnd novelties John A. Sabor,
Although under k.enteueo to Imng
this month. Kugcne Tucker. rcenU
t'oinictid on a c'uirgo of nuuder. rf!
fupfd to oK-upe front tho Miunly Jail,
when given the opportunlt at a Jail
delivery, when several other prison
ers escaped at Springfield, Mo.
The Mexican revolutionists have
control of the railway north, south ahd
west of Chihuahua.
A three-dollar gold piece, minted In
San Francisco In 1870, wns soli In
that clt to 8 H. Chapman of Phila
delphia for $1 ir.o.
Kdwaid S. Dunne, who wns defeated
by Carter II. Harrison for the demo
cr.itie nomination for mayor and
whose petition far a recount of the
ballots wns begun, finys he' Is con
vinced thnt there had boon insulllciont
fraud to chnngo tho result and the re
count has boon discontinued by a Chi
cago court.
-,. ,-. : ,...,.,, f--
hi Statement Should Convince the
Most Okeptlcal.
ICJdnoy BUffororB should tnko fresh
oourago In reading tho statement of
Rot. Marlon S. Foreman of Oreon-
field, Ind., given below,
Ho Hpeaks for tho ben
oflt of Buffering hu
manity. Saya ho: "1
had kidney trouble In
n bail fyrm and win
Unnblo to get roHof
until I began tho hf
of Doan'H Kidney Pills.
Thoy did such good work that 1
strongly recommend them. 1 hopo my
testimonial will provo of benefit to
otlfor kidney Hufferers."
Romomber tho name Bonn's.
For Balo by all dealers, fin conta a
box. FoBtor-Mllburn Co., Hufftilo, N. Y.
5 I
m iry y
nioorftS-rni' glad, if met yournvlfo.'
Sho seemed to tnko a fancy to mo. I
.. aioomT-sPld-sUp? I wibh -you'd; met!
Their wedding tour had ended, nnd;
jthcy, entered', their Tew limine to settle'
ildow! to whn& tlley ;)ioi' qdto bo one long
f Rttti. ahisl the Vvounirl-hfidii'M troubles
uun ut'gm, wncn hmu iriuu i ilmuiuu iiio
coitr, of living with cheap big can baking
?-.: vrr-. , .: . ?,. . i-.i .- .-.., .i..
two or thrco tunes as much to mho cakes
or bifcuits as it docs of Calumet Uakinc
Thus, evcntunlly, tho actual cost to
you, of cheap baking powders, is moro
than Calumet would be.
Chcun baking powders often leave the
bread bleached and ncid. sometimes yel
low and alkaline, and often ttnpilatnble.
They are not always of uniform sticnath
ind quality. V .j
'Now the bride buy GalumcNf-tlici per
fectly wholesome baking Miowder, "moder
ate in price, and always uniform and re
liable. Cluui6t keeps indefinitely, makes
cooking easy, nnd is certainly the most
economical after all.
i ' Absent-Minded.
"Thoro Vns 10r In tho loft trou-
Bora pocket," panted a white-faced
man aB he all but fell into tho llttlo
tallor'o pressing nud oleaning ehop.
Tho tailor glanced at tho excited
citizen and w'ent on pushing tho
Aft(jr r m,n.ilo thQ ncw (irrlval
hfl brealh( but ,ost h,8 tompor ..,
nv .. $in- , . ft t
..Voii ,ii,it i K,it ,inrn vasn't?" tbo
utlo tailor asked. "Dero Iss do pants.
Mebby he Iss dero ycdt," pointing to
a pnir of tronsera on a natl.
Tho left pocket gave up a roll of
bllla and a clgnrotto ease, the right
pocket a bunch of keya, penknife and
a pound of other Jnnkj tho right buck
..t . ,., , , i
pockoi. a nwHaziuu lvu " a uann"
kerchief, tho left back pockot a big
memorandum book nnd tho fob pocket
a wntch with fob nnd charm attachqd
and eoirio bills tlghUy folded.
Afjqr tho obsflnt-mlndqd .ouo had.
given tho tailor ?G for hla "honesty'
the knight of tho goose soliloquized:
"Somo day dot feller ferglt bis bants."
It will grow In your own garden,
Ripening hero In Wisconsin In 90
dnj'B. Splendid hqnlth cotfeo and cost
ing to grow about ono cent a pound.
A great rarity; a healthful drink.
Bond ua todny 15 cents In stamps
nnd wo will mail you packago abovb
coffco Bced with full 'directions and-
our mammoth heed and plant cata
log free. Or send us 0L conta and we k
add 10 packages elegant flower anil
unsurpassablo vegetablo seeds, Mifll
dent to grow buuhols of vegetables
nnil Unworn. Ort nmko vour remittance-
I 40 conts and wo ndd to all of nbovo lfl I
Seed Co., iS2 ,8th St..llaCrossq, Wis.
i ) . i.i i . i
. 1 A Significant Selection. "
"That wns n mighty Inconsldcratb
brasB band that serenaded mo on eloo-
tion night," remarked tho (,defeatod
member qf pong,resss
"What wns tho troufilo?''
"It didn't play anything but 'Homo,
'Sweet Homo.' " ,
A Terrlblo End.
"H6 mot with n hard denth."
"How was that?"
"SufTocatod by hlB own hot air In
a tolophono booth." '
Uhcm of Trnk'a Ointment for Pilei
ihould rend JJr, Wm. T. Mitrs' new
'.'Practical Study of Piles," Font free hy'lJ.
Ransom, Eon it Co., Ruffalo, N. Y.
The reward of a thing well dons U
to have dono it. Emerson,
.. .A I.
XjK7 )
What Is Going on Here and There
That It of Interest to the Read
ers Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Fremont. Ilurglnrs who cleaned up
eharn, burglarized thiee stoics mid
brenklng Into the fourth, were fright
ened nwaj by Prtsl master Ole Nelson,
who set off an alarm clock and hold
it out of his window in order to
Ernie them away. The burglars, who
had Just ,tnWr;d. Ulu FquorMoin gen-
-'rif1l .rl"?,'iin!lf rWr.M. hqard i m
Miunu oi ui& noli , apu lied, Tuej;
took with them 1iOJu , r.jisi, and iUJg!)nlIy
iiuniiuij oi liquors, ti go in watcli and
II lllKtll.f'r.t llldr H ,1 ll I I '. I ' I I
.(I , . .i.i . ii H
'Largest Ear hnd"'Yleld'. ' 'H '
HiiBtings-i-rn it 'lot-'al stbre tlioru ll
on display what Jh said to lie the
JargeBt oar of com over produced In
this country. It came, from n Uei in i
IsorUi .Ciirojlmj ( which produced 22
lAishelB to the acre, said to be tio
largest yield of corn per acre ever
recorded.' According to aeleiitlflo' tent, i
the ear. fc'OJitaiha U2 per cant corn and I
but'8 poc cent, cob. iThia is uttrsicttiiRi
qufo ,a bit qf,, itttonlion 'among -(tho
New Delivery System. . .
i i t - " .
' (trait il iBlanil A increhnnts iUjUv-
ery system' la lieln'g iis(allcd ' here,
WlAflliiiifwl 'in thlte nil InK 'nne HRtnm
the deliveries about' tho city of (ho
l.yariouH mereJiiiuta, Joining in the en
trprlso. iSoyeml aysteniutiKcd dellv
'erJcB ,aro (oipnndo In one, day..
No Criminal Cases.
Ynrlc. Por the llrst time In tho liip
tor' 6f tlie coimty there Is not ( a .
criminal case on me district court
dockdr. '
There Is not a vacant house in Ne-
Niobrara has organized a ilro de
partment. Pour brick blocks aro to be erected
at Fremont this siring.
The next convention of the Ttoyul
Neighbors will bo hold nt Omnha.
Kenepaw's now electric light plant
iB completed and ready for operation,
i Grand Island residents have pe
Honed the council to extend the water
A real estate dealers' clearing liouso
association may shortly bo established
in Lincoln.
Daniel Goodman, a prominent farm
er near Adams, died Sunday at the
ngo of CS years,
The proposed franchise for the
York Water company was defeated by
,a vote of C4C to 400.
i "Mother" Lc-ihon of llildroth celo-
htir- 8Sth birthday amiivcraary
oy imnig uio lnmuy wnsning. . i
.mis. ii. Hiiaiior or l-rniiKiin, wuo
was seriously injured In an auto acci
dent last week, Is recovering.
The board of education of Dllldr
haB re-olectod Prof. J. A. Kastwood
superintendent of schools for' another
Roys, and elgnrottes urn supposed
to be, t,hc cause of a fire that dor
Btroyed a half block of bulldlpgs at
The Nebraska Speed association will
hold meets at Rent rice, Juno 13, 1'4,
15j Friend, Juno 20. 21. 22; Fremont,
Juno 27, 28, 20; Tekamah. July 4, 5, 6;
West Point, July 11, 12. IX
Fifty-three horses perished in flames
which completely destroyed the Kd
Tanner livery barn and nearly all its
equipment at Hastings Friday night
Sovon horses wero rescued, but ono
which was badly burned was shot to
end its- suffering.
John McLeod, n Lincoln real estate
broker, who formerly lived at Nellgh,
was found dead In his olllce by his
Btenogrnphcr. lie had apparently
committed suicide a shotgun be'ng
used, some time between noon and
7;3Q p. in. Sunday.
Miss Hazel Jtoblngon and Miss. Mao
,nrcunnr qf Hastings wore run into by
an nutonlobile an,d knocked down.
n-l. .., 1 ....... Ml,. nn1.l.,.n.,
", :: ' z: ,. :::; ,;r rz
.wheel striking tho side of her henil,
alniost tearing tho ear" off
Tho 'cdroner'B Jury at Lincoln In tht
case of John H. FnstwoOd brought In
a verdict that Kastwood came to his
death a'tiiQ hands of some unknown
liers'on. It was nt llrst supposed that
he 'had met his death by railing
through tho worn floor of his black
smith shop fnto the bnsenieilt below.
Mrs. John Wharton of Auburn waB
knocked down by a runaway team
and probably fatally Injured.
Tho Wnverly farmers' Institute
hold Tuesday attracted many farmers,
A free lunch wns furnished by the
buBiness men nt noon.
, Klder W. T. Maupln, tho aged
fathor of Will 'Maupln,, editor of Will
Mauplit's Weekly at Lincoln, died nt
Hennessey, Oklahoma, Thursday.
The, jiatronB of tho Rqatrlco, post
ofllco, by a vote of 2,722 to 11, have
voted to sustain tho request of tho
postal employes for a closed ofllco on
a -c"
" 'wrnftm
After a two hoiird' deadlock. In tho
house Tuesday morning the support
ers of the amended Hntllclil initiative
nnd referendum hill won u complete ,
victory over the opposition and passod t
their measure by n vote of 7f to 23.
This result was not accomplished
without the moat tense situation Booh !
in ii. i,n..H .inrinir ti.P amnion. Men'
were corralled In overy part of tho
house by groupB of other inemberH, )
who wero pulling them thla way and i
jumliliig them that way 'In art cflort to !
persuade-thorn lu ehunga iiiclr votes, i
.The result was that the supporters ot
'the bill wore" .the oillM ones hq'l'
WiMKgMIlkJ. tiiDfopUsituai MUr
The light is not yet over. After the
nlli'wiis pntfsf'd 'the lionsd; tm'iimffon
of (ierdes of Rlclai'd?oii,' nslsbrf 'the'
'commlueo on eop.lJ.-itiqqa) ,,uind
bnentB to roppi),itli9iBf.'im,Vjim!l aVoneo
and made the consideration of that t
incaBtiri' Wo" ricc-lrth o'idW'fbr 'W'eu- '
nesda v Althoit ill' the1 Wiidl' iMli' Hum '!
, ,' , . i , . i , , '
Senator First District and President
Pro Tern of Senate.
gone to the Bcnate, and although the
senate bill was paesed in that body
with only two amendments of cohbo-
quence, the opponents to tho bills na
they stand, who had strength enough
yesterday in tho house to block the r
passage of tho Hatfield bill ,fpr two
hours, will attempt to insert their
amendments into tho senate hill. '
Bridge Bill Passed. j
Cronln of Holt carried to a Mic- ,
ceaaful termination hla efiort to se- ,
cure state aid In tho construction and
maintenance of bridges pver streams
more than 175 feet In width. It had
been anticipated by many members
that the bill would never gtt through f
on third reading but Cioniii waa able
to count fifty-six votes. The bill prcj,
vldc8 for a stato lovy of one-fifth ot
a mill, or approximator $100,000, for
tho blonhtum fdr aid hi coiiatnictlrin
nnd maintenance of these bridges. ' "
Pure Food Legislation.
f lifXntf?! r
i n n i
rvJi2s Lit wJ
! , i i ; , ,1,, . : ,i.i , ..ulu-i
itsmniviiiJi. sjjkKss vrifjg&BtMnm .
i! JHPf,! l'M rt ",,vt '"Wi
tXA i-iMMPliAl 'W.'i-.r., irin.t!tiii
BPSfc1 ',ut"'i''-M'?.&l
Vs. .-. .HtfttYrdUKSf ...- .?R .krvI I
i Bft "saa" "u '"WwM ,
r xxrniiviiiiTvsmmfTTT'wi lit iiix4,tiri. !
H (OitiPwfrTti , -ulifwy4iU 1 1
The senate committee (m moMlenl should be in every stable and ap
soclotlc9 Was' surrounded 'Monday by ' plied at the hVst" sfcnri of lameness.
a crowd of able lawyers and lobbyists
who represent manufacturers- through' i
out the country., The, lobbyists direct
ed their, t'aleuts against, H. J 2,C, a
bill that requires goods In package
form to bear the not Weight; "nibhstire1 '
or numerical amount. The copimlttef
listened to argument and took the bill
under consideration. .
Defeat of County Option.
Every member of the liouso who
voted on the county optlon-bilrJwhen-i-tt
camo up for third reading stayed .
by hlB pre-election pledge, without a 1
Binglo exception. Rut two memherB I
wore absent, Regan of Platte and San
born of Sarpy, both of whom wero
pledged against tho enactment of
county option legislation.
Tho house pUssed bills all Monday
nftemoon with, nlnoti'-mombors pres
ent. It killed. tholMoody iioo'l hall bill J
and tho tJrossmnnti wngo exemption
bill, and saved the life of the Initiate o
and re
i vote agist ti.0 ho.i.o wu. nna to try
Yio Shoenuikor bill, abolishing tho
ofllbe ,of tiro warden In Omaha, wa,s(
passed" hy an overwhelming votc-Jh
UieJiouse. It carries tho emergency
'cla,uso and If passed byr tho tsanatc,f
wllfbecome cnccUve'lmiiHjdlatcIy.Vw
Th Old Ones Won Out:. ..
A proposltionto extend tho hgolii't,
for eligibility for Jury sorvlcd to men
of seventy, occasioned a lot,o good
natured badlhago In the""Hou8o be
tween tho .gray whlskorod. patrlacliB
on i tho ono sldo and tho youugsters on
the other. Ago llmilly w'6hl6V.' " '
A Pure Seed BJII.r
, A pure Vdeil "bill, houso' roll 219, haR'
been, recomraonded for passasoln the
house after a rathor bollgorent pro
Boutatlon ot thccaso'by the sponsors
of tho bill.
premium WUVorjJy -tljfongji n't
ndjontnthottt."., An hgreinont j'
to' anioiui tlio seiiato djii wjien i
comes upkhiptliWfcamo-ftnuftiQr, ih
the earao.rdenhndTfatlcuftnyb'qrhbu49
bill two week's n& W
CurC( Jjy Lydia E. Pinkliam'll
., , , , .
VCgCtaOie U)mpOUnu.
Crcston, Iowa.-" I waa 'tWwlfor
n long tlnio vlth lnllatntiiatjoii, pains
in my Bide, sick
liendaches and nor
voiisness. I had ta
ken bo many medi
cines that I was?
thought I -would
never cot well. A
''fP ' fr
Vogotnblo Com
pound nnd it rc
rBtomd, jna t health.
1 hnvo'no moro
ml,t r.m n.imn nm nlnmirnr mill T.IMltl
yegutnblo CouipounU cured luoiafton
cverythliiff elso had failed, and 1. rec-
ommpna it to other Buffering women.'
-Is. Wm. Seals 005 W. Howard St,
Creston, Iowa. '
ino testimonials ltko tho nbovo yroyq
tho ctlkleucy of Lydia E. Pinkham'
Vt'gotablb Compound, which is mado
cxciusivfcly from roots atid hei hs. '
Women who Buffer ftom those dlsU
these facts or doubt tho ability of Lydia
li-PlilKfiiiWs YeReHablo'GoiniiouUd to
restore their health.
nlf you want nsdlhlnOvicovrlto
4 I . ' - - . - . M -
,' 'TO.iUr.s. X'lniciiain, nt iynn, iuns.f
Kh6 Avill treat vour lottor "a
lntrlp.1.1 v rnnililentlnl.. liVir 20 venra
shp bns.liccn licipiiipr Bielcwonien
UU3AUVi--wriio jit onui;,,. ... . ,
"I have used
Sloan's Liniment on
a fine marc for splint
and cured her. This
makes the third
horse I've cured. '"" '
Have recommended it to my neigh
bors for thrush and they say it is fine.
I find it the best Liniment I ever
used. I keep on hand your Sure
Colic Cure for myself and neigh
bors, and I can certainly recom
mend it for Colic." S. E. Smith,
McDonough, Ga.
Cured Thrush.
Mr. R. W. Parish, of Bristol.
Ind.,R. No. 2. writes: "Ihaveused
lotsof your liniment forhorsesand
myself. It Is the best Liniment In
the world. I cured one of my horses
of thnish. Her feet were rotten;
the frogs came out ; she laid down
most of the time. I thought sho
would die. but I used the Liniment
as directed and she never lies down
In the daytime now."
... . i .. .
You don't needto t'lib, it penetrates.
Will kill.nispnviq,.
curb or splinti re-i,
duce wind puff
and swollen joints,
and is aKric 'Sncl8
speedy rehie'dy' for
founder'and thrush.
Prlco,G0c. and $1.00
Sloan's bonlc "on
linnri, entile, Mliecp
and poultry tent
free. Address
Dr. Earl B. Sloan,
Boston, Hats., XT. 8. A.
hen ftisueMPtv at: ohaoKtYM.M.Y.
W MRTWvK'tWubio Wey?
ivx-,j. X'onS.Uu(''mlml. dlacow
AND aJl.imd leasena wnbl-.
XV- tlonbeauty. vlgpr and
WOMEN cheerfulness soon dlsap;
i ore out of order or dlRcased, For good ro-i
euiin uso.ur. iviimcr.B Bwnjtnii-uoot the'
KFeSl5 kldnoylremedyViAtlflrUBKlstB. Hnm
njBit'iti by malLtrfiAjalso. pamphlet.
Address, Dr. Kilmer A Co., lliiiBViamton, N. V.
in.New4YorkOity. j Rofeaturci of coun-'
try a"iid city life Out-of-door spdrts on
'school parkdf -35 ncrem near tho 3-Iudsoni
Rjver. Awdemio Cjpursq Primary Classto'
Graduation" J Upper class for Advanced
Specsil Sl4lspj. Wio ajKj Artj ,Writo"
for cifaloguo nnd terms '
niu.tjijiwJ H"Jli.,iji' WVj', I
Ifor Coughs & Colds
(iti i
It u ( i.,
vJ i
ill' V
111 I
ill I
mfr r1B:'t--,"L"Omi fV-