The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1911, Image 9

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The Chief
C. n. HALE, Publisher
Review of Events of Greatest Interest
To Readers From all Parts
of the Globe.
Tho land olllco lit Alioideen
Will bo moved to Timber
May 1.
Day and night sessions rubnbly
will bo held In both blanches of con
gress beginning Monday.
Mr. Ixirlmer lias boon declined
legally elected and entitled to bis Beat
In the United States nenate.
There Is not iniieli prospect at pies-
ent of a vote on rcclpioclty and an
extra session of congress Iooiiih up as
strong aB ever.
The house eotntnlttec on tenltorleB
Iiub unaiilmoiiBly approved tho constl
tut Ion of the new statu of New Mexico
and recommended Its approval to the
Iinda In California, supposed to
contain petroleum deposits and aggre
gating 37,875 neroB, have been with
drawn from entry by order of Secre
tary Rnlllngcr.
Tho reclamation service will under
take tho work of building a storage
dam on tho Cnison river In connec
tion with tho Triickee-Carson irriga
tion project In Nevada.
Tho mints will stop limiting gold
coins as booh us President Tuft signs
tho bill permitting tho secretary of the
treasury to Issuo gold certificates
tgnlnst gold bullion utid foreign, coin.
Although tho bill to crcato a perma
nent tariff board was kept boforo the
senate from early on Wednesday oven
ung until 1:35 o'clock Thursday morn
ing, no vote was had on It or any
time llxcd for voting.
Congressman Samuel W. McCall of
Massachusetts, who has been engin
eering tho light for Canadian reci
procity In the house, received tho con
gratulation of bis colleagues Tuesday
on the occasion of his sixtieth birth
day anniversary.
The poor Jews of Tripoli arc in a
desperate plight, according to reports
to the state department, and (hero Is
urgent need of food and clothing for
no less Minn 1:1,000, who comprise
about oue-thlid of tho entire popula
tion of tho city.
General Nawa.
Tho street patrol Iiub been renewed
nt Juarez.
The Kansas senate has passed a
teachers' pension Mil.
Retail nicrelinnts In the south arc
protesting against the parcels post
Tho Iowa school for the deaf, locat
ed nt Council niuffs, Is under quaran
tine for smallpox.
Seven hundred men nnd girls, em
ployed by the Coisot com
pany, have gone on strike.
Thus far 2,01)0 Jews have been ex
pelled from the Tchelnov. further ex
pulsions are contemplated.
Tho rope of pearls among the Jew
elry stolon from Mrs. Maldwln Drum
jnond was insured In lxindon for $75,
000. Tho coinmonwenlth of Australia has
served notice on tho business world
that it will not harbor foreign
Sir Alfonso Pelletlcr, governor of
the province of Quebec, who has been
suffering from a stroke of paralysis, Is
Moro than 2,000 operatives In the
.Muscatine pearl button fnclory have
been laid off. Overproduction is given
as tho reason.
Governor Dlx has expressed a hope
that n settlement of tho New York
senatorial deadlock might bo report
ed within n week.
Tho Oklnhomn senate defeated a
hill authorising tho corporation com
mission to suspend the operation of
the "Jim crow" law.
Hy means of poisoned wax balls
wild nnlinals and beasts of rrey in the
Hlnck Hills national forest aro being
rapidly exterminated.
Herman capitalists are about to
anter the Brazilian state of 3an
Paulo, in competition with British mid
iVnierlcan enterprises.
Ily a vote of 61 to Ifi tho Ohio
oolite has p.issed the Grooves Sum! t
baseball bill under which Suudu
games will be legalized.
Imro.iehincnt proceedings will prob
ibly bo brought against Judge Cowan
of tho second district of North Dakota
for malfensanco In olllce.
Tho Japanese government at Tokio
has expressed hearty sympathy with
Ihe ratification of the treaty between
the United States nnd that country.
"Fainting Ilertha," who was Just re
leased from the Jnllet. HI , prison, Is
again in troublo at Kansas City.
An explosion In a houte In the heart
of tho Italian section at St. Ixiu'r
wrecked several buildings In the
As a protest to allegations that reci
procity with the United States will
result In annexation, the Canadian
parliament has formally declared po
litical loyalty to Great Brltnlu
After a long Illness Samuel Walter
Fos, the author, poet and lecturer,
died nt the Charles Gate hospital In
Cambridge, Miibs., Sunday.
Tho Hank of England hnB Focurcd
the bulk of the $5,000,000 South Afrl
can gold offered In tho open market.
Unco riots at Fort Worth, TexnB,
have (piloted down, nnd the police
have the matter well In hand.
Emperor William of Germany has
Just ordered four new motor cara,
making a total of over thirty machines
In the royal gnrage.
A cut of more than CO per cent In
the price of strictly fresh Ilsh hn been
announced by one (If the biggest com
mission houses In Chicago.
Tho 1ndon undcrwi Iters with
whom Mrs. Drummond had insured
hor stolen pearls, have offered a re
ward of $5,000 for their ictiirii.
In the first elections under tho new
city and township option law. passed
by the Indiana leglslatuie, the "dryB"
were victorious In several townships.
Sixty-live horses we to burned to
death In a lire which destroyed the
transfer bain of the Veinon Ware
house and Storage company at Oniiiha.
Cheating In school examinations hriH
been made n crime by the authorities
of Floilda, and tho punishment llxed
at a year's Imprisonment or u lino of
John I.ce, governor of the Btate of
Maryland from 1870 to 1880, died at
his home after a long Illness. Ho was
born at Poincwood, near Ualtlmorc, in
Tho Washington henate passed a
bill making It a misdemeanor for any
person under the age of twenty-one
years to have tobacco in any form in
bis possession.
Comanche Indians beltevo thnt the
death or Chief Qimnnli Parker at Law
ton, Okln., wna caused by poisoning
and have sent bis son, White Parker,
to Investigate.
The Kansas senate has made an ap
propriation of $10 000 to nsslBt in the
apprehension of bank robbers. Ncnrly
100 banks have been robbed In Kansas
In the lust year.
The through express train on tho
Brie road between New York and Chi
cago was robbed homewhero on the
lino Saturday and detectlvoB nro work
ing on the case.
Not tho slightest eluo has developed
in tho search for tho $1110.000 worth
of Jewels which Mrs. Maldwln Drum
mond lost on tho steamer Amerika
Sunday morning.
Mrs. Gus Joseph, postmistress nt
Fuller. Kan., a coal camp, was held up
by two hlghwajiuen and robbed of
$10,000 which she had Just received by
express from Kansas City.
Assistant Commissioner F. II. Ab
bott, of the bureau of Indian affairs,
Is In tho west and will assume charge
of tho letting of contracts for sup
plies for tho Indian service.
Tho government steamer AlbatrosB
hnB left San Diego for Contra Amer
ican waters to dredge for deep sea
curios and gather specimens, of bird
and animal life on tho coast.
Havana, together with the other
cities and towiiB or Cuba. Friday kept
a holiday in celebration of tho six
teenth anniversary of tho emancipa
tion of Cuba from Spanish rule.
Rendered despondent by famine,
hundreds of starving refugees are
moving through the famine stricken
district of China, plundering nnd kill
ing, and a relgu or terror prevails
Colonel Pollakotf. administrator of
a Russian commissary
has been sentenced to rive sears' lin
prlsoninent for having systematically
demanded and received bribes from
Ten thousand dollars In paper
moiio.v, comprising a lingo registered
mail package shipped from an Omaha
bank to a southern point, was stolen
from a mail car In somo manner at
Fullerton, Kan
The premature explosion of a dyna
mite blast on the bank of tho Coliiin
-i..,,,. ,w,r tii iiiiitnu Om ttllhwl i
river near tno wanes, ore., kiiiou ,
four workmen and Injured bIx. Tho
men were engaged In straightening
the (hannel of the river.
A r0i pound bell, purchased hy
small subscriptions by the parlBkion
eis of the Holy Nsimo Catholic church
of Rosedale. Kan., was stolen from the
church ard, where It lay waiting to
be hoisted to the now belfry.
Charles K. Merrlam, professor of
political economy at the University of
Chicago, was the choice of tho repub
lican pilmailes to oi pose Carter II.
Harrison, four times former mayor,
democratic nominee, in tho race for
the mayoralty.
Disruption by Internal warfare ap
pears to he the fate of the hurley to
bacco union, which was oigaul'ed
three mouths ago to force a 'cutout"
of the 11(11 hurley tobacco crop In the
states or Ohio. Indiana West Virginia
and Kentucky,
Charles White, eighteen years old.
and Albert Holunustino. seventeen
sears old, lift their homes In Das ton.
Ohio, a month ago and eumo west,
with the avowed Intention of becom
ing bindits Saturday night. It In
ehaigod. While and Holllngsilne held
up the propiletor of an Oklahoma City
meat market, and when ho was slow
In "coming through" shot two tlngers
off his left hand.
O Ulcers of the niarlno hospital scr
vice say the health of the Philippine
Islands Is Mch better than at any
tlmo withii. the last 'en sears.
A hill irovlding for tho gradual
abolishment of convict labor has been
passed by the Missouri senate.
For the first time since the postof
floo was established at Indianapolis,
there was no window delivery of mall
made- on Sunday.
President Taft, Theodoro Roosevelt
and W. J. Hryan have been Invlled to
tako part In tho dedicatory cereiroules
of tho National Printing Pressmen'
homo at Knoxvllle. Tcnn.. In June
Stops Pain In tho Bladder, Kidneys
and Back.
Wouldn't It 1)0 nlco within a week or so'
to begin to nay goodbye forever to tho
ecaldlng, dribbling, straining, or too fre
quent ptmwiKo of urlno; tbo forehead and
Hie back-of-tlic-hend aches; tho stitches
nnd piln.H In the hack; tho growing inus
clo weakness; spots boforo tho eyes; yel
low skin; shiKglflh bowels; swollen eye
lids or nnklcs; Icr crainpi; unnatural
short breath; sleeplessness nnd tho do
fcpoadency7 I have a reelpo for tlicso troubles that
you can depend on, and If you want to
mnku a QUICK MX'OVHIU', you ought
to wrlto ami get a copy of It. Many a.
doctor would charK" you $3.50 Just for
writing this prescription, but I have It
and will bo gliul to send It to you entire
ly free. Just drop inn a It no lllo this:
Dr. A. J3. Robinson, K-2.VJ I.uck Building.
Detroit, Mich., and 1 will send It hy re
turn mnll In a plain envelope. As you wilt
see when you gel It, this reelpo contains
only pure, harmless remedies, hut It hus
great healing and pulii-cniiquurlni; power.
It will (pilcUly show Us power oneo you
use It, so I think you had better see what
It Is without delay, I will send you n
copy free j ou can use It nnd cure your
self Ht home.
Friend (consolingly) So you'vo lost
your Job, eh? Well, don't svorry nbout
It. I reckon you was only svaatln' yor
tlmo In n placo llko that.
Young 1)111 (sadly) Yes, that'B
what tho boss told" mo svben 'o flred
Wo usually write our own ndi., but
will let a user of "llnugli on Rats" for
extermination of Praino Dogs svrito this
one. Mr. II. B. Mosely, a ranchman, un
der vlato of Feb. 4th, 1011, writes as fol
lows from Hill Ton, Douglas Co., Col
orado: IIo soys: "I have lead your ad
vertisement of 'Rough on Rats;' it not
only rends Rood but it is good. I hnvo
been troubled twenty years with Prnirio
Dors; hivo used many so-called exter
minators to no nurnose. Not loner since
I used a poisoned wheat, prepared by an I
espert who had mado it a study for years, j
but it did no good for me; they ate it, but j
chirped for moie. Tho 'Dogs' svero eating
up a field of corn for me; I was nt my
wit's end what to do; I could onlv get
tho small 15c. size hero of 'Rough on
Rats.' I mixed it with com and applied;
many of them chirped no more; I then
mixed it with corn meal nnd placed it
on days not windy, near their holes.
Rough on Rats is by fnr the best thing
I have tried, but I fancy I am using it .
unnecessarily strong, or you tmy suggest I
better way than 1 know to mix or u-o it. I
T .:!. .. .!.. ..;. ...... .1.1 i. .. .1. . i I
Mt (75p j R)-7C. coul(1 yo BCnd mo tho 75o
sue? It clears them out in great shape; .
you should mako it better known to !
Ranchmen." i
Tho above are facts ns stated by Mr. i
Mocly. "Rough on Rnts"t is equally .
Rough on Prnina Dugs. Squirrels, Chip- i
muuks, Gophers, Rabbits, Mice, Rats
viinnints of every nnd all kinds, Roaches,
Flies, Ants, nnd Red. Bugs. Read tho di
rections how to uo it safely in outbuild
ings and for tho different kinds of pests.
For Piniiie Dogs I would advise soaking
conrco ciackcd corn in n mixture of, say
one 25c. box of "Rough on Rats" to fivo
gallom of w-nter; let it stand n week,
"(ouk irei iieiiu ; you can umj uio mmiio
,:,...,.., .... ...i nv ., n PI.i.,i
corn: or mix "Rouch on lints." tiinroiurhli-
and instantly, sny, one part to twenty of
hot corn meal iiuirIi; when it cools, di
vide in pieces and plneo about their
holes. 15c, 2."ic. nnd 75c.; wooden boxes
only. 12. S. Wells, Chemist, Jeri-ey City,
N. J.
Successful Life Work.
"IIo hns achieved success who has
lived well, laughed often, and loved
much; who has gained the respect of
Intelligent men and tho lovo of llttlo
children; who hns tilled his nlcho
and accomplished his tusk; svho loft
tho world better thun ho found it,
whether by nn improved poppy, a
perfect poem, or a rescued soul; svho
ban novor lacked appreciation of
earth's beauty or failed to cxpresa it;
svho has always looked for the host
lu others, and given the best he had;
whoso llfo wub an inspiration; whoso
memory a benediction." President
Latest Quotations,
"How would sou llko a game plcturo
for your dining room? A brace of can
vashacks, Hay V"
"No cheap stuff for mo. Pnlnt mo
a plctuio of a do.en eggs."
If It's Your Eye Use Pettlt's Eye Salvo
for infl unmation, ntv-H, itching lid, eyo
(irlioi. dfprtn of vision and ponoitivity to
FtrniiR htrlitH. All dniKnintH or Howard
UroH.. Rutrnlo, N. Y.
Consulted Him Often.
Mrs Ilenham Health Is wealth
Ronhniu At the rnto you have the
doctor you ought to "got rich quick."
tlic iml-.eplli' (iuwiWt lu bo Hlutkru Into tbo
hoi'M It juur ffi frel -iiy mill coin
form lit,, hi ,1 million wnlkliix a iIHlu'lit. Hold
ewrjttlien, ifx- Rnu, luntitHtu lorfrentrlnl
liKvkin;i!,iiilclr(-htiAllonH OluiHtt'tii!,LeKoy,N.Y.
It l pnsHlblu to have too much of a
coed thing The dog wltb tho shortest
Mill rtuib the leiiHt danger of having
In f. M'Ml to II
What It Going on Here and There
That Is of Interest to the Read
art Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
Edgar. While sitting in a dentist's
chair in the olllce or Dr. J. It. Shlve
ly, Miss Alice E. Forst of Deweeso,
died unexpectedly Saturda. The den
tist had Just extracted a tooth and had
stepped Into an adjoining room when
Miss Forst expired. When be retained
he thought she had fainted and tried
to revive her. A nearby physician was
summoned, hut the young woman was
dead befoie he arrived.
Destructive Fire at Ognllaln.
Ogallala. Fire broke out In the Os
tium meat market Monday morning
and consumed the entire building, to
gether with the following: S. M. O.
Hrndley haul ware stoc7, $11,000; J. It.
Lucas Jewelry stock. $3,000; Keith
County News Printing company, $2.
500; Rrlscoe harness, $1,000; Kendall
restaurant, $500; I. O. O. F. lodge
paraphernalia, $500; Mrs. Adam Hull,
buildings. $5,000; M. Senile, building,
$ii,000; the real estate olllce of the
Kearney Land company nnd also B. M.
Scarle & Son, total loss.
Purchase Tract of Land.
Tcciimseh. Tho committee appoint
ed by the Teciiinseh Commercial club
to secure funds to build tin auditorium
for the Joint use of the fair and chau
qua associations, on the fair grounds,
hns bought a small tract of land ad
joining the fair grounds on the north.
Bible 400 Years Old.
Grand Island. -II. P. Makeley of this
city is the proud possessor of a Bible
containing the old and new testa
ments nnd tho book of Psalms all un
der one cover and in perfect condi
tion, that wns printed In Bd'.nhurg,
Scotland, In the sixteenth century.
Will Go to En;land.
Fairmont. Ixifts Ciishhurn and wife
are soon to leave for Ireland for an
extended visit. They expect to loeato
permanently In Ixmdon Knglnnd. Mr.
Ciishhurn recently sold his thirteen
acre farm noitheast of Fairmont for
urp- -V;
1n: '&,
ZjM ' -c
There is not a vacant house In
John IJnyle won the old fiddlers'
contest at Nebraska City.
A large class of the Knights of Co
lumbus wiis initiated at Grand Island
Pintle Lodge, I. O. O. F.. at Platts
mouth recently celebrated Its fiftieth
Nick Unstick, a Union Pacific rail
road employe at Columbus, was struck
by an engine nnd instantly killed.
Tho o!ty council at Peru has noti
fied all business houses that they
must closo up on Sundays hereafter.
A number of women took part in
the big wolf hunt at Hassett, which
covered a territory of 175 sipiaro
Uev, R. C. Moodle, pastor of the
Congregational church at Wisner for
some time past, has accepted a call
from the church at Hlalr.
James K. Robinson, engineer at the
Stato Journal plant, and for thirty
years a resident of Mncoln, died sud
denly at that place Friday.
Efforts to locate the relatives of
John Heck, the young mnn who was
accidentally shot to death at Fremont,
hnvo proven unsuccessful.
The Falrbury Kilts lodge moved into
their new'home, and 150 of them svith
their families celebrated the event
svith an entertainment nnd banquet.
Patrick Wnters, an aged an eccen
tric old man, svns found dead at his
home nenr Naponce Friday. He lived
alone on tho farm ho had owned for
over thirty years.
Tho Nebraska Speed association will
hold meets at Ilentrlce, June 13. It,
15; Friend, Juno 20. 21. 22; Fremont,
June 27. 28, 20; Toknmah. July , 5, C;
West Point. July 11. 12. 13.
H. F. Phelps, editor of the Orleans
Chronicle, while breaking kindling
stepped on a rusty nul.l which passed
through his foot. Wood poisoning sot
In and he hns been in a critical condi-
tlon Flnce.
Tho following dates have been mado
for the South Central Nebraska fair
circuit: Geneva, September 12 to 15;
Nelson, Sertember 20 to 22; Wnden,
September 27 to 2H; Mlnden, October
4 to C; Campbell, October 11 to 13.
Tho Humboldt Commercial club has
been reorganized.
Tho general store of W. .1. nurgor
& Son, at non'phnn. was burglarized
Sunday night, presumably by two mon.
Enlranco was gained through a collar
The Woman's club of Holdrego has
adopted a novel method of ralBlng
money for tho entertainment of the
Btato federation this year. The sec
ond week of March the Indies will
take charge of tho Citizen newspaper
oilleo and will receive a percentage of
all business done In that olllce for
tl at wcok.
8 VtrtVrtrt
For a Hotel
The committee
on miscellaneous
subjects of the house, nt a meeting
Monday night discussed the compro
mise hotel hill agreed upon by repre
sentatives of the Nebraska travelers"
association and tbo hotil keepers'
association, and it was reported aftei i
the meeting that the report thereon
would be favorable to its passage. The
new measure embodies changes Hi
the law agieed upon nt a confidence
held by hotel men and travelers at
Omaha on January HO.
The bill provides for the establish
nont ui a hotel commission In tins
state making the governor the hotel
commissioner and placing upom him
the duty of seeing that the law Is en
forced lie Is required to ai point a
deputy hotel commissioner, who shall
be paid $1,S00 a year, and the deputy
may employ one steiiogiapher at a
salary of $70 a month. The deputy
will hold olllce at the pleasure of the
The Governor's Staff.
The military committee of the house
has Introduced II. It. 505. an act pro
viding thnt "colonels" on the gover
nor's stnff shall be chosen from the ac
tive list of the officers of the Nebras
ka national guard. The statf oillcers
shall he detailed for staff duty for
such periods of service as the gover
noi may on orders designate The
oillcers so detailed are to bo given the
rank of colonel by reason of such ap
pointment. They shall be given no
greater rank than that towhIch they
are entitled by virtue of their commis
sions in tho guard and while on duty
as aides-de-camp shall serve without
pay in times of pence. The same bill
provides that no one under eighteen
yenrs shall be enlisted In the guard,
and In time of pence no one under
j twenty-one yenrs shall be enllBted
without the written consent of parents
I or guardians.
On the Right Track.
That (lovcrnor Aldrich was misin
formed on the main points In the
charges of election frauds In Omaha;
that he was right In only one or two
minor Instances; and that a new reg
istration law should be enacted for
Omaha, aro the main llndlngs of tho
house coiniiiltteo which Investigated
the governor's charges of wholesale
frauds In Omaha nt the last election.
The committee made Its report to the
house late Tuesday afternoon.
To Increase Officers' Salaries.
The senate has placed on third
rending Volpp's bill Increasing the
salary of state oillcers and Tnnner's
hill providing for a bipartisan publi
cation of constitutional amendments.
I The Vol iv) bill, as amended, provides
that the governor shall receive $7,500
'n year, the auditor, treasurer' and at
torney general. $1,500, and the other
i state oillcers, $3,500 per annum.
Stock Yards BUI on General File.
In spite of an adverse report from
tho committee on live stock and graz
ing, the house rlnccd the stock yards
regulation bill on geneVnl 111c. The
committee bus held several hearings
on the bill nnd sent a sub-committee
to South Omaha to investigate stock
yards conditions. It reported the bill
to bo indefinitely postponed.
Senators May Smoke.
Ry a standing vote, lu which there
were only four negative votes, the
sennto baa suspended rule 54. which
prohibited smoking except during com
mittee of the svhole. Now senntors
may smoke all the time If they wish.
Must Vote at Home.
Tho senate passed Senator Volpp's
bill prohibiting students from voting
lu the city to which they have come
for an education If they aro supported
In whole or In part by funds from the
parontal home. The vote was 18 tc
One of the most Important mntters
undertaken hy this session of the
legislature Is embodied in a report
mado to the house by a special com
mittee appointed to Investigate the
subject or the expenditure of state
money. The report of this committee
wns accompanied by n set of bills, de
signed to put the financial affairs of
Nebraska upon something llko a busi
ness basis.
The hills drafted by tho committee
will ho pushed to the front and nie ex-
j pectod to pass without any serious op-
rosltion. In tho Investigation n
made, In the preparation of Its re
port and In tho drafting or tho hills
the committee has had tho valiinblo
assistance or State Auditor Rarton
many or the Ideas Included In tho
bills being thoso which have been In
cubating in his head since he was first
elected tsvo years ago.
"Jim Crow" BUI Dead.
Tho "Jim Crow" bill Introduced bs
McKlFflck or Gage Is considered n
dead one before It even starts out of
a standing committee. Tho bill pro
vldes thnt negroes shall not rldo on
street cars or trains or sit in places of
public entertnlnment, oxcept In sonir
ate compartments, the lino of separa
tion to be marked by a sign posted In
a conspicuous place.
"There svas never any need of such
n law In Nebraska," Bald Governor Al
drich, "and thero Is no danger of It
hecomlnc a law."
Cured by Lydia E. Pinknarn'
Vegetable Compound
Morton's Gap, Kentucky. "I euf
fercd two years with femalo dlsordors.
my iieaitii wub very
bud and I had a
continual backaoho
which was simply
asvful. I could not
Bland on my feet
long enough to cook
a meal's victuals
without my back
nearly killing me,
and I would hav
such dragging son
sntions I could
Imrdlv ft. T
iad soreness in each side, could not
stand tight clothing, nnd was irregular.
I was completely run down. On ad
Tlco 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege
table. Compound and Liver Pills and
nm enjoying good health. It is now
moro than two years and I hnvo not
had nn acho or pain Binco I do all my
own work, washing and everything,,
nnd never have tho backache any moro.
I think your mcdlcino is grand and I
? raise it to nil my neighbors. If you
Link my testimony will help othors
you may publish ft." Mrs. Ollib
Woodall, Morton's Gap, Kentucky.
Uackacho is a nymptom of organlo
weakness or derangement. If you
have backache don't neglect it. To
cot permanent relielf you must reach
the root of tho troublo. Nothing wa
know of will do this so surely as Lydia
E. Pinkham'a Compound.
"Writo to Mrs. Pinkhani, at
Xornn, Mnss., fop special advice.
Your letter will bo ahuolutoly
confidential, and tho advico free
'Rah-'Rah Son by No Means
"Dude" He Had Hitherto
Seemed to Be.
Tho now governor of a western
tato hnB tss'o Bons. Ono Is big nnd:
husky llko bis father, but the other Is
moro slight; and at times ho rather
S'exes bis father by his affectation of
'rab-'rah-boy clothes nnd a geueral air
of Inssltudo and dudlohneBS.
Tho tsvo sons and tho father wcr
In tho library ono night and the nam
of a prizefight referee enmo Into th
conversation. Tho 'rnh-'rnh boy had
been sitting by, twiddling hlB thumbs,
but his ears pricked up nt tho man's
name nnd ho drawled: "I rathor like
that chap. Ho's all right,"
"What do you know about him?
tho other brother asked, rathor con
temptuously. "Oh, ho gave mo a Bhade tho best
of It ono night."
"Gavo you tho host of It?" both
father and brother shouted.
"YeH; you seo I fight under th
nnmo of Young Ryan and he counted
pretty slosv ono tlmo whon 1 vu
down." Saturday Evening Post.
The Final Settlement.
"A verdict for $10,000 Isn't so bad,
said tho Junior partner. "How much
shall wo glvo our client?"
"Oh, give him $50," answered th
senior partner. "Rut hold I"
"Don't bo hasty. Promise to gtv
him $50."
A woman always fears flhe won't b
In tlmo for-tho bargain sale.
By Mother's Food and Drink.
Many bablea have been launched
Into llfo with constitutions weakened
by disease taken In with their moth- '
era' milk. Mothers cannot bo too care
ful ns to tho food they uso whllo nurs
ing their babes.
Tho exporlenco of a Kansas City
mother Is n caso In point:
"I was a great coffeo drinker from a.
child, and thought I could not do with
out it But I found at last It was do
ing mo harm. For years I had been,
troubled with dizziness, spots before
my eyes and pain In my heart, to
which was added, two years later, a
chronic sour stomach.
"Tho baby was born 7 monthB ago.
and almost from the beginning, It, too.
Buffered from sour stomach. Sho waa
taking It from mo!
"In my distress I consulted a frlond
of moro experionco and oho told mo
to quit coffeo, that coffee did not
mako good milk. I havo slnco ascer
tained that it really dries up tho milk.
"So, I quit coffeo and tried tea and
at last cocoa. Out they did not agree,
with mo. Then I turned to Postum
with tho hnppiost results. It proved
to be tho very thing I needed. It not
only agreed perfectly with baby and
myBolf, but It Increased tho flow of
my milk.
"My husband then quit coffeo and
UEed Postum nnd quickly got well of
tho dyapopsla with which he had been
troubled. I no longer suffer from the
dizziness, blind spoils, pain In my
heart or bout stomach.
"Nosv wo all drink Postum from my
husband to my seven months' old
baby. It has proved to bo the best
hot drlnlt wo hnvo ever used. Wo
would not glvo up Postum for tho best
coffeo we ever drank." Name given
by Postum Co,, Battle Creek, Mich.
Get the llttlo book, "Tho Road to
Wollvlllo," In pkgs.
"Thero'a a Reason."
fjver rmil tin- nborn IrltrrT A nin
one npprni-H from tinr to I Imp. Thry
re ernulur, Irne, nui full of bun ia
, -' mii
i w.xsk'SLm-
i ft' f. ThZS Av
--. , n
IK lr-
; wiM'dHMHt rMift't
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