rtyy'T i Nofliing Too Oood for you. That's why we want you to take CASCARETS for liver ami bowels. It's not advertising talk but merit the preat, wonderful. lasting merit of CASCARETS that wc want you to know by trial. Then you'll have faith and join the mil lions who keep well by CASCA RETS alone. w CASCARETS loc a txr for week's treatment all drugelsta. IllRgeit nellor la the worM. Mitflou botes a raonih. WANTED TO BE AGREEABLE Farmer's Rather Humorous Explana tion for Telling Exceedingly "Tall" Story. IrvlriE Hntchollcr one told a Btory of ft fanner on tlio Connecticut hills. "Pretty steep lnnd for planting, Isn't It?" a visitor asked tlio tiller of tho oil. "Pretty steep," the farmer assented. "I suppose It's qulto difficult to plant your corn?" , "Quite difficult," camo tho echo. The visitor was Interested, and would not bo put off with short ro plles. "Eh how do you m imago to plant on this hill?" he persisted. Tho farmer gazed at him pityingly. "Wc have to shoot it nil Into tho earth with shotguns, stranger," ho as sured his guest. Tho visitor gasped. "Really?" ho ejaculated. "Really now? I that ac tually truo?" The farmer sighed and turned upon hiB gucBt a look of withering scorn. "No, that Isn't true," ho answered. "I'm trying to mako conversation." A WOMAN'S KIDNEYS Are- Often Responsible for Untold Suffering. Mrs. August Wittenberg, 1083 Hop kins St., Milwaukee Wis., saya: "Kid ney troublo camo on mo almost bo foro I was awaro of it. Thero was a constant Inclination for tho kidneys to act and tho eccretlons woro accompanied by burning and scalding. Tho headaches and giddy fcellngB that op pressed mo wero al most unbearablo and II fo Boon lost all In terest Doan's Kid ney Pllla camo to my attention at that critical tlmo and I used them faith fully until entlroly cured." Remember tho name Doan'u. .For salo by all dealers. 60 cents ft box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Intervention In love is equivalent to declaration of var. Mrs. Wlnslow's Boothlrjp; Syrup for Children teething, softens the punm. reduces lufluinma tion, ulluys puiii. aurea wluil colic, SSo a bottle. Tho mcasuro of what wo love and admire is tho mcasuro of our own worth. Dobson. Better health Is sure to follow the use of the natural Herb laxative, Garfield Tea. All druggists. His Light. Ella He says that I am the light of his life. Stella That'B gas. EASTER POST CARDS FREE. Send 2c stamp for five samples of our rery best Gold Embossed, EfiBter, Flower !ind Motto Post Cards; beautiful colors and oveliest debicna. Art Post Card Club, 731 Tackson St., Topeka, Kau. Neatly Put. The Duchess Dacazcs, as all the world knows, was an American a daughter of tho enormously rich Sin ger family. Tho duchess was onco taking part In Home amateur theatricals at Ragaz when a New York girl said to her mother: "Is alio a real duchess?" "Yes, my (dear," the mother, a Knickerbocker, answered. "Yes, real, but machlno mado." Critics. "Only competent critics can glvo competent criticisms," said Admiral Mahan, at the Immortals' recent rocep tlon in New York. "Tho ignoblor the critic the ignoblor tho crltlclBm ovon of tho very finest things that he will pronounco. "A man In a bar was praising u fa mous American Journalist, a Justly famous Journalist, a Journalist who gets out a really flno paper. " 'Yes,' tho bartender agreed, 'his paper Is a good one. Jt picked two win ners last week.' " COLDS Munyon'B Cold lleraedy Hclloies tbs bead, ttirout mid lungs almost Immediate ly, Check Fevers, storm Discharges. or the cose, takes nway all aclies una pains caused 1t colds. Jt cures Grip and ob stinate Coughs and prevents I'neumonla. Write Prof. Munyon, Mr a and Jefferson Bts Phlla., l'o., for medical advice ab solutely tree. ISO'S IB TMC NAME Or VMC BEST MCDICINE for COUGH8 B COUPS JtJL r NEBRASKA IN BRIEF. News Notes of Interest from Various Sections. A Borlcs of revival meetings are In progrosH at Greenwood. Scarlet fever Is in evidence at Sut ton, with a number of homes ipiurnn tlned. Tho llddlor'B contest at Nebraska City drew many contestants from a distance. Lincoln business men are moving for revival of the saloon, making 25 tho limit for tho city. Cubs county has of Into lost u num ber of citizens who hao located near Colerldgo In Cedar county. Tho automobile show at Omaha was largely attended. Many fanners from both tills statu and Iowa being pres ent. Miss Grace Bryan, youngest daugh ter of Hon. W. J. Bryan, Is to wed Richard llargreaves, a pronmoiit bus iness man of Lincoln. A. W. White has mysteriously dis appeared from his homo In Beatrice and no trace of him can be found, lie bade his wife and child good-bye. say ing he was going down town and that was the last seen of him. Tho residence of Prof. W. E. .lolll flon, of Crete, was destroyed by (lie. Tho lire started on the roof and was caused by u defective chimney lead ing from tho furnace. Nearly all tlio members of tho family wero homo nt the time and much of the contents weie saved thereby. In the North Nebraska debating contest held at Atkinson the High school of that city won against tho O'Neill High school. Tho question, "Resolved, that the policy of main taining the United States navy nt Its present strength Is preferable to tho policy of substantially Increasing It." Rudolph Multz, living In the south ern part of Iiuicaster county, was Indicted by tho grand jury for horso stealing and tho grand Jury wus given leave to nmend Its previous indict ments against Dr. W. It. Townsend and William Gardner, charging thorn with the performing of a criminal op eration. One year from April 11, which will be within Unco days of tho 17th an niversary of tlio death of Abraham Lincoln, ox-President Roosevelt nnd Booker T. Washington will deliver addresses on tlio state houso grounds in Lincoln on tho occasion of the un veiling of a statue to tho memory of the martyred president. Tho Wymoro city council took stops for tho construction of a municipal water nnd lighting plant by awarding tho following contracts: Elkhorn Construction company of Fremont, laying water mains, $3,1 HO; Frank Wheeler of Havelock, Neb., construct ing electric line, $1,150; St. Mary's Machlno company, of Ohio, machines for general power, $1,250. Miss Alice Forst, a young woman living at Dewceso, six miles south of Falrlleld, died suddenly in tlio ofllco of u dentist nt Edgar. Miss Forst was apparently as well as ever when she started for Edgar. She had ono tootli extracted, ono filled and, ac cording to tlio story of tho dentist, was waiting to have another tooth re moved when sho fell forward dead. The Curnegio library committeo at North Plntto has notilled tho sec retary of tho local library committee that the site located is satisfactory Tlio lot, purchased by subscription from tho citizens, faces tho court houso square. Arrangements aro be ing mado to have plans drawn for tlio building by an architect who lias planned several other library build ings. A good roads banquet wns held at Fairbury. There wero about 1G0 farm ers and business men present, only those being invited who lmd contrib uted work or money toward building good roads. A. V. Peaso acted as toastmaster. Five prizes that had been offered by tho committeo for tho five best miles of good road built In Jefferson county during 1910 were awarded. At Nebraska City, Edgar Goff, who was convicted for assaulting a man named Hlnsley and sentenced to threo years In tho penltentlury, has been taken to Lincoln by Sheriff Fischer to begin IiIb sentence. Helen Mueller, daughter of Rev. II. Mueller of tho German Lutheran church of Syracuso was seriously In jured by a hatpin. Miss Mueller was leaving the school houso and had stopped for an instant In tho cloak room to tlo her shoo. As sho stopp ed a hatpin projecting from ono of tho hats along the wall pierced tho upper lid of her eyo and punctured tho outer Biirfaco of the eyeball. It is not thought bIio will lose hor sight. The floor plans of the new court house at Broken Bow havo been sub mitted to tho county board of super visors and approved by that body. Tho ground space occupied by tho new building will measure 70-1x100 feet, or about twice as much space ns that occupied by tho old court houso. Tho iloora throughout will bo of tiling and cement. Tho building committeo hns let out n contract to demolish tlio walls of tho old struc ture. Lofts Chfihburn and wife of Fair mont aro soon to leavo for Iroland for an extended visit. Thoy oxpoct to permanently locata in London, Eng land. Mr. Cashburn recently sold his 13-ncro farm northeast of Fairmont for $2,500. Tho "drys" of Kearnoy aro circu lating a petition nmong tho electors of tho city which requests that the power to grant licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors bo taken from tho city council. Tho petition If causing n warm fight nnd tho It-mie will como into tho spring election April 4. ELISHA RESTORES A CHILD TO LIFE Sunday School Lttion for Mir. 12, 1911 Specially Arranged lor Tills Paper I.KSSON TKXT-1I IvIiik 2 1-1S Mom ory verses 32-S5. OOI.1M1N TIIXT-'Tlto Rift of (loil Is etcrnnl llfo thrntiKli Josui Christ our lord " Hum. fi 23. TIMK-Kllslin begun III career nn n prophet nbout CiX) II. C. Hut no rxnet ditto can he glvon to tho sopnriito storleH. us It It not orrlnln that thoy nro arranged I'linmologionlly PI.ACKH Tho Jordan. Joileho. Ilothol, sotni' part of Mount Oumel. whoro Ktlslm koinotlincn rotltod. The promlFo of Elijah that If Ellahn. 6ii w him ascend, then ho might know that he was to bo his successor had been fulfilled. This might bo eon Irmed by tho fact that Elijah's man tlo, his familiar prophet-dress, fell from him as ho went up In tlio whirl wind, and wap n confirmatory legacy, bo that Ellsha might appear to tho people to bo a prophet like his mim ic r. But. like Gideon with tho flecro, Ellsha would like to mako aiiothsr tent before ho tutored upon his work. He was standing by tho River Jordnn. Tho sons of tho prophets from Jeri cho wore looking on. Tho river must be crossed Ho held tho mantlo with which Elijah snioto tho waters, when n way through them had been opened by Elijah's God. Thoroforo if ho wiw really Elijah's succossor, with tho Bamo mantlo, tho same spirit, tho samo work to do, then God would open a slinilur pathway through tho river for Ellsha. Folding up the mantle, and smiting the waters, o.s his mnstor had done, ho exclaimed, "Whoro Is tho Lord, the Ood of Elijah?" and tho way was opened, and assuranco wns mado doubly sure. Coming to Jericho, whoro thero was i guild of tho Sons of tho Prophets, Ellsha had an opportunity of using his power of service as a prophet. Tho citizens of Jericho camo to him for help becauso tlio wator supply woa very bad for both tho peoplo and tho land. They brought Ellsha u new bowl or dish, and put Bait therein, both typical of purity and freshness. Taking theso with him ho went up tho stream to tho fountain head n mile and a half from the town, nnd enst the salt Into It, Baying, "TIiub salth the Lord, I havo healed theso waters." This clearly bIiows that tho Bait was 'not tho means whereby tho healing was wrought, but only ob an outward sign to point to the work which woa jupernaturally performod." Salt would naturally mako tho water worse, not better; and oven if It woro nclpful, ono dish of salt could not purify a spring that supplied a wholo :lty with water, much less mako It permanently good. It wns llko tho clay with which Jesus anointed the eyes of the blind man. Ono of tho sons of tho prophets died and loft his widow and two boiis In poverty. Sho was so poor as to bo In dnnger of having her children sold as slaves. Her husband may havo left her In dobt, or sho had run In debt, perhaps through her lnieband'8 sickness. Her creditors demanded their money, and, ns sho could not pay It, they threatened to tako her two sons for Blaves, to work out tho dobt. In her troublo sho nppealed to Ellsha ns tho hoad of tho guild, and as ono who had been helping others. Sho had nothing left put a pot of olive oil. Ellsha bado tho woman borrow empty vessols from her neighbors, and bringing them Into hor houso, with closed doors, to pour out from her own jar of oil till every dish and ! Jar was full. This oil sho was to sell and pny her dobt. Tho result was according to tho prophet's word. Every vessel bIio had faith enough to-borrow was filled with tho miraculous oil. Her debt was paid, and her children saved from slavery. According to hor faith it waB done unto her. Mother Goes to Ellsha for Help. Ellsha at this timo was at Mount Carmel, 1G miles away. Tho mother knows tho only thing to bo dono. Sho calls for ono of tho servants, has an ass saddled, and presses forward with tho utmost, speed to tho prophet. Ellsha know that only soma matter of great lmportanco could bring n woman there. "Sho cnught him by tho feet. Gehazl camo near to thrust her away." Deeming her Importunity oxccsbIvo, or such llbortlos beneath his master's dignity. Ellsha went with tho Shunnmmlto to her houso, and found tho child dead upon tho bed in his chamber. "Ho shut tho door upon them twain, and prayed." Thus, llko Jacob wrestling alono with tho angel for tho blessing, could tho prophet como Into closest communion with God, and loam his will. Prayor makes tho heart a chan nol for God's blessings. Gifts through prayer aro doubly blessed, tho spirit ual llfo Is Increased, tho character sanctified. "And ho went up, and lay upon tho child." Ho used whatever means wero in his power, though tho means alono could novor havo brought tho child to life. So James tolls tho eld ers who prny with tho sick, to uIbo anoint him with oil, ono of tho com moner remedies of tho day. Thero woro fnlnt signs of llfo. Then camo anothor season of ag onizing prayor, whllo tho prophot walked to and fro, This woa a now exporlonco of whnt tho Lord might do through him, and ho could not know tho Lord's will nt once. "Tho child sneezed seven times, and . . . opened his eyes." Theso woro tho first actB of restored rosplrntlon, nnd thoy aro described as sucocsslvo steps. WAS JUST COPYING MAMMA Child's Actions That at First Mys tified Father Wero Easily Explained. Tho llttlo six-year old daughter of n well-known club woman was found In hor playroom the other da doing all kinds of acrobatic stuntB and gesticu lating wildly and weirdly. "What aro you doing?" asked the child's father. "I'm playing I'm mamma," nho an swered Then sho made more unique movements with her llttlo arms and said, "There, father, joti accept them That's what they do when mamma niaitoB them." "Why," sho said. "I'm playing that I am mamma nt her club. Whenever mamma goes to her club she makes motions and the others accept them I hoard her say so over the lelephono i, to Mrs Smith this morning" Illus- ' tratod Magazine COULD NOT STAND SUFFERING FROM SKIN ERUPTION "I havo been using Cutlcura Soap , nnd Cutlcura Ointment for tho past i threo months and I am glad to say that they cured mo of a most annoy- i log skin eruption. It began by my no ticing red blotches appearing on my faco and scalp. Although they wero ralher disfiguring. 1 did not think any thing of them until thoy began to get scaly and dry and to Itch and burn until I could not Btand tho Buffering. Then I began to uso a different soap, thinking that my old kind might bo hurting me, but that didn't seem to do any good. I went to two different doc tors but nelthor seemed to rellovo mo any. I lost many nights' sleep In con tinual scratching, sometimes scratch ing till I drew tho blood on my faco and head. Then I started In to use tho Cutlcura Remedies and In two months I wnB entlroly relieved of that awful peat. I am bo delighted over my euro by Cutlcura Remedies that 1 shall bo glad to toll anybody about It." (Signed) G. M. Macfarland, 221 Wc3t 115th St., Now York City, Oct. C, 1010. Cutlcuri Soap (25c) and Cutlcura Ointment (50c) nro sold throughout tho world. Send to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., nolo props., 135 Colum bus Avo., Boston, for frco book on nkln nnd ucnlp diseases and tholr treatment. Ellen Terry's Joke. When Ellen Terry was presented with a Founders' gold medal at tho New theater, New York, recently nn honor conferred in recognition of hor great Bervlcos to dramatic art alio was called upon to mako a speech of acceptanco. It bo happened that tho actress was exceedingly hoarse and (ho was thoroforo forced to cut her remarks Bliort. So sho told this story: "A friend of mine onco bought n par rot and gave much money for It with tho understanding that It could speak lluently, but when ho readied homo with it ho found to his dismay that tho bird was dumb. So ho took It back. 'This parrot cannot say a word,' ho said Indignantly to tho bird fancier. It can't talk at all.' 'Talk!' tho deal er exclaimed. 'Como to think of It, I know It can't, but lt'B a dovll to think.' " Important to Mothors Exaralno curelully overy bottlo of CASTOHIA, a safo and Biiro remedy for Infants und children, nnd seo that It Tlnnru Mm SIgnaturo of UZaXy7&&&X In Ubo For Over ao Years. Tho Kind You Havo Alwaya Bought A Religious Innovation. A certain well-brought-up little girl yawned nt tho breakfast table last Sunday morning and ventured a polito proposition to hor mother. "I really don't feel at nil like going to church this morning," sho remark ed. "Can't wo Just send cards?" DISTEMPER In all its forms siiiodk all aces of horses, as well as dogs, cured and others in Fame table prevented from having the diaence witli SI'OHN'S DISTKMPKIt cuiti:. Every bottlo guaranteed Over 000.000 bottles noli! last year $.50 nnd $1.00. Any good druggist, or cnd to manufacturers. Agents wanted. Spohn Medical Co., Spec. Contagious Dinease, Goshen, Ind. Tho strongest symptom of wisdom In man Is his being sensible of his own follies. Rochefoucauld. Druggists everywhere sell Garfield Tea. tbo Herb laxative. It acts as a gentle aid lo Nature. Inconsistency often means those deeds in another which I only half understand. PUTNAM fiala msra nsaala tulnkfar anal tatiar eolori ihin HI ! MiUMkt llNlaa tVk WriU U( Its Spring Medicine Is Needed Now, and the Best Is Hood's Sarsaparilla Which purifies, enriches and revitalizes the blood as no other clous. 40,366 testimonials of cures, in two years. Get it in usual liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs. Impure Dlood Is common in tlio spring, becauso of the imhealthful modes of living during tho winter, ami It is tho cause of tho loss of appetite and that tired feeling as well as the hoi en and eruptions that occur at this time. lie sure to take Hood's this spring. Miss Bangs and Miss Whiton's School for Girls WITHIN ,'AH At t'KMS of nil pnrts of tho lily, ami of tlio groat llbrarlwi nnd iiiiihi oiiih. (iP"i'tiiilt H'lvcti for iitlcinlitnco at publlu fiiterttiliimeiitu of riliKiitlxiinl anil nttlHtu iiun Tllt'l'dlOU AND ftiNSKUV NT1V1J TUAININO, moral. Intellectual and lli t-u til wild expert miiurMMiui 111 ct-ry il part tin-ut , tliun Illuming definite mid ii'ilMlti it'Htiltx KVl'l.TY I.AIKii:, c.'ii-li timelier n rprelnllitt . and pupils nssiiretl tho Indl tdiinl intention itiliipted to tlielr irspertlvn needs. I UIMAIIV, IMtUl'AHAToltV ANM AC'AIi;.M!f DEPAItTMnNTH; nlso a iinlipie deiitilinetit known ns tlm I'lTI'li IIUl'M-i, for kiiuIimIk and special MtidentM ili'Hltlni; to Hpeml tile winter III New Yolk III u ronginil.il HOiial utmos plieie, under the most finonilde eondltlntiM for eiilluie of Hoclnl unices Mini for (ntelliKeiit nd me etnent The t'l'I'IIU HOI'SK In In a In ru dCKieu freo from the .Hill 11111 leKlrletlunti of n mi-IiiioI 111. ST AD NTA(ir.H of New York iiviilliililo for tlio nludy of Music, Art. nioiiillim, l.utii;miKe and H'liulng rmHh'AI. KM'ltl'lKKH Hpe. ml nttriitlrtti glxen with the object of promot ing luiillli, Ki-.ii e inn) 1'HHe of motion nnd repose of iimiiner. The gytiinnHlle ox ikIhih me In ehm'Ke of n ii-iidiinti of Dr. HarK'nit, of Cambridge, Miihs SUM-MI-It CAMP In New IIiimpMldte. TIM: lil'i'CIIHS OP TIIH SCHOOL hns been ho pronounced that It linn re ceived the gbeni eoinini nilnllMi of the lending cdiieiitorH of tlio country ns well UK of tne hlgbmi ofllelnln of the t' H (lovermiient . Mlhs IlnngM and Mlsi Whiten irfer by peimNilun to tlio preHldmils of ten eolleuei mid universities and to l'li'Hldcnt mid Mm Tuft, Hx-Vleo-Prrslilmit and Mrs. KulrlmukH, 12x l'lCHldciit mid Mrs. llnoHcclt, mid tho Chief JllHtlco. Ono Hnppy Condition. ' "Wireless In a wonderful thing, Isn't It? It's going to take tho place j of everything telegraph, telephone thought transference why, they even transmit newspaper photographs that ! VI fll- ' I "Yob, but there's one thing they'll never do with wlrelesH." "What's that?" "Wlro-pulllnu." Advantages, "You must have found the arctic clr cle very iinploaFiwit." "Ycf," replied the arctic explorer, "but It has Its advantages. The cli mate Is dlsngiecahlo, but the people aren't always worrying jou about proofs." ONLY ONI! "IlltllMO QUININK." Tim Ik I.AXA TIVII lllt(IMI) (JlTlMNi; iHink fnr II111 nlKimtiire of I",. W (illuVU. I nj Lo World over Uilurvul'olU In uim liny. Uc. And ninny a man never realises the value of his home until he has occa slon to collect the lire Insurance. (larfirM Tea is tho bent remedy for con htipntion. Tako a cup before u'tiung. Tho ocean Is crossed In love by a number of bridal parties. t Lewis' filnglo Hinder gives the Kinoker a rich, inellow-tnuting fiu cigur. A ghl Is always sure her latest love Is the real thing. IF YOU HAVE A SICKLY YOUNGSTER TRY THIS FREE The family with young children that Is without rtlcKnens In tho Iiouho now and thou Ih ram, and so It Ih linpnrKint thut tho head of the houso should Know what to do In tlm llttlo emerironcleH that iiiIho. A child with 11 HurloiiB ailment iiced.s u J uocior, u is true, nut in tlio majority nr IriHtoticeH, as any doctor knows, tho child suffers from nomo Intestinal troublo, usunlly constipation. Thero Ih no sensn In Rlvlnir It a pill or a remedy containing an opiate, nor Is fhiHhliiK of tho howeln to bo always roc ominended. Itntlier Klvo It 11 small dnso of a mild, Kentlo laxatlvo tonlu llko Dr. Culdwell'H Hyrup Pepsin, which, by clean Ine out tho bowels und strengthening tho DEAL aSS, MODEL "S" Surrey body giving large hauling spneo when rear scat is off. Geared slow but a powerful puller Tho car you havo been looking for I Ideal for Ranchers. Also Western Distributors for Imperial Pneumatic Tired Autos 10 models, $1,350-92,000 Get our freo automobilo catalogues. DEAL MOTOR VEHICLE COMPANY Jonesville Mich. ""flooo Willi Uoubl. l(.lil.iir Housework Drudgery Ilouienrork is drudgery for tho weak woman. Sho brush es, duits and scrubs, or is on her feet all day attending to tho insny details of the household, her buck uchlng, her temples throbbing, nerves quivering under the stress of pain, possibly dizzy feelings. Sometimes rest in bed is not refreshing, because the poor tired nerves do not per mit of refreshing sleep. The real need of weuk, nervous nonica is satisfied by Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It Makes Weak Women Strong and Sick Women Wei. This "Prescription" removes thti cauao of womcn'B weaknesses, heals Intlaw motion and ulceration, and cures tlioso weaknesses so peculiar to women. It tranqulllr.es the nervea, encouraQcs tlio appetite and Induces restful sleep. Dr. Pierce ! perfectly willing to let every one know what hi " Pavorito Preicription" contains, a complcto list of ingredients on the bottle-wrapper. Do not let any unscrup ulous druggist persuade you that his bubstiluleof unknown composition is "juttas good" in order that be may make a bigger profit. Just smile and shake your head I Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cures liver ill. FADELESS DYES am other dit On tOe Diekigs eatort sll flbttt. The? die DoeUst - Hlow to tin. tlleask sad Mu CelOfs, Roots, Darks and Hecbs Hood's Sarsaparilla 110 combines tho great curatlvu principles of roota, barks and herbs as to ralso them to their high est cfllclency for tho euro of nil spring humor, all blood diseases, and nnv down conditions. Theto in no substltuto for Hood's. Splendid Crops in Saskatchewan (Western Canada) BOO Buahola from 20 ncros ol wlieut win tlie tnrrnlitr return from a Lloyd i mltmttr furm In the 1 (rimoii of 19ID, Many flfliln In tbnt iiiwrll othrr dUtilrts yield- I fil Irotn 25 to 33 mi ulirU of udirnt to the ncre. Oilier ttruln In pioportlon. LARGE PROFITS nro 111 in derived Irnni llir I'HKK O M I' SI I". All I, ANUS ol Vtrtrrn C.auniln. TI1I9 iiiietldit Muinlmr ranM irlim In Hilvmicr, IjiihI value hiiilld ildlilileln tnn jciim' llmo. Uruln gru" Ing.inlwtl funn ing, rut tie ruining mill dairy ing urn nil jirolliulile. Irco Moment end a of I llOiii-rrsnrn In lie I1111I In lliu teiy Ix-ftt illntrlelm I On ncre. ire-iiip-llonnnt WII.OO periirro with in eertiiln ntriin. H lioolnnnil i liiic.li. u In iitiirv Httttln- inelll, rllmiiln nnexrrllext, noil (lie rl next I u I, fllir mid liiilldliii; inuterlnl lilentlful. , .... ror imrtlcnliirn n to Inrallon, In.. ftrtilrrH' rnllniiT rates and id nerli-tlvi- UhiHrutirt iiniplileU l.nnl Ili'Sl ii, nun inner in fiirinul Ion, write to Snp'l nt Iniinl frntliin, Ollnwn, I'liiiRiln, nr to Cuuuillun (iuTernuieiil AeoL W.V.BENNETT Dee Dulldino Omah. Has. (flirt Bi1(lro nrnn-t you.) IJ 5 Fine POST CARDS COCC " beud only IV ntntnp (iml iwelvo B T 0 Tnrv flni't Unlit Kml.oktMl (.'itnUi IBifasIs FltKR. to Intrnilura t"t curd offer. C'miltnl CuriM'o.. Iirpt. III. Toui-Un, Kan. ABrl!.VWJl Thompson's EyeWatM little stomach muscles, will Immediately coricct tho troublo. This Is not alono our opinion but that of Mrs. N. II Mead of Krcoport. Kans. wliosu KranddauKliter has been taklnK It ftiiccesifully and of MrH. J. It. Whltlnv of iAiin, Wis., who kIvch It to her children und takes It herself. It Is sold In nfty cent and ono dollar bottles at every drur store, but If you want to test It la your family beforo you buy It soml your ftdUreHs to Dr. Caldwell and ho will for wind a supply freo of charge. Ror tho frco samplo address Dr. W. B. Caldwell. 201 Caldwell bulldlntf, Monti cello, 111. BRADLEY MERRIAM & SMITH Council Bluffs Iowa Beautiful Prize Free W Wnl You lo mnt Ihfn (our rroupiot Utlen Into Hit Diimicl four Clttei ol tin Uulted ftilii. To tvttj oof who aniwcri thti puxrtt ml ntniM not leu tlun torn of (lit Otic correctly wt will glri prlio of itt of our hindionirat bilk I m. Iioiird IllrthiUr nl Moral Mono l'oitt'tldiln bMiitiful colort. When you tniwtr mil V cent lUtnp for RialllDR tipeme W alio al' tM In rtili and intnjr othir b'ic prlrri ailda from tht ahurtto tiioio who mwtr tMi adfcrtlirnicnl nromMlv S0B0NT HAM0A HIGGOAG AFFUBOL and who will IkIii ui Introduraour r"tr.AddrfM atone. 1'UZZLU l)i:i:T kIS .lai'Lmn M-, T..1MU., IC.f Do master of your own timo. Uso a KNOWN THE WORLD OVEK nawCiAMnR cTinnu for.,.,,, lluest llu W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 9-1911. In cold water better than in other tit. You aa iN 11 iiMrrmK- w&m WZ1?hJ TfAil cvtfwm JWWfl 11 rtlvv '?"' ''iffdlgmltesBSs MONROE ORUO OO., Qulnoy, Illinois. F i fl'l M 'j22Z2KgsmiHK -Zv:7JmMrm