1 Wl .f 1 yfJJ-y r Furniture of Finest Quality Always On Hand. On February 1st. We will open up the finest line of Carpets and Rugs to be seen in the Valley. Licensed Undertakers in Nebraska and Kansas. Lady When Desired. ALL THE PHONES Ed. Amack, Prop- LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. vrJy While They last 20 per cent Discount HORSEBLANKETS AND LAPROBES 20 m cent Discount P. L. Hansen, Prop. NAMING OF PENNSYLVANIA' William Blathwnyt, Commissioner of Plantatlono, Sucaesteri It Bo Called After the Quaker, t ' When William Penn wan asked by ClmrluH II. t nimio the now colony ovor the hpii ho proposed tho liitmu of tlio quoon. William Hlatliwayt, tlio coniinlsBlonor of plantatlona, bluntly negatived thu proposal In tlio pros onco of tho court, and Hiiggcstod tho Quaker's own nanio as tho proper ono for tho vast territory that owed ItB colonization and development to him. Tho king was not offended, but oldcd with Hlathwayf. anil l'onu hlmaclr was gnjntly Mattered by tho compli ment. 'Several lettorn on the Biibjee.t woro written by Mm to Ttlnthwnyt. TIicbo let tors worn carefully pro served by Blnthwujt'a descendnntw, and being recently put up at auction with the original draft by Charles II. of Pennsylvania to l'enn. brought nearly $18,000. Tho fumlly namo of Hlatliwayt be came extinct through tho marriage of tho solo aon of the lino to a wealthy MIsh Winter, who restored tho fallen fortunes of the HlathwaytB on condi tion that her husband adopted tho namo of Winter. One of the Winters accompanied Sir Francis Drnko around tho world as his vice admiral, and nnotlior of tho family was a vice admiral under Drake when he des troyed tho Armada. Atkins wwrt MM y EN9I UtJI S S s The new Furniture Dealers. Successor to A. C. Slaby Rod Cloud, Neb. IsA- WILD ANIMALS AND CATNIP Order To Show Cause. 13 It. The Coiii? ty Court Stale or Nebraska, I Webstur County. ( Notice of Election. Xutleu In hereby ulvcii to tlie'eleclorfl o the city of lti'd Cloud. Nebrattka, Hint nt tlio foiiilni: itiiintvlpiil election to bo held on the Arn t oimty Court held at thu County llrM Tiifhiltiy In April, lull, tho -following Court room In ami for wUd county Monday proposition will bo voted upon, purmiant j Kebrtmry '.nth A. !., 1011. totlir resolution of the intiyor nnd council' " Ue matter of tho estate of Mla of Kiild elly us hcrlnilftcr appear. Ilnuelilu. Deceased. Wherean, There Inn tleilclency of water In N reailltiK mid llllm; the petition of.liiiucs the ell wcIIn. iiudll Ih neeehxary to iuliiit 1-Mloueliln lllt-il uu tliu UTtli dttyol 1'e.bruary Mime menus for lnrrt.-u.liii! the Mipply of ' A. I.. Wll. praylm: for tho i-tninliiatloii ami water, mill allowance of his Hunt account nf tliuMiuui Whcit-ax, Iheie lire not elioimluil allH 111 'latts a tlccrcoof iiRslmiiiicnt of the IiuhIk be- the city tn miiiiiIx nil Hie InliabllantH with Iiiiiii tonaltl cnIuIc to the persons entitled water, and the auioiiiit!of iiiouey rcUlred torucli purposes cm not lie pioldcd by the otillliiir lew-nurr. of the ell. ; there foie, lie It HiMilMd. I'lillt the (ulluulliu itoiiisltllt li' nil ImiU t I'll to the oIitn of the city at (he ue.t elidloii for city ollleeis: j Miall tht-Ma.Mir and t'lly Council of Ited Cloud, Nebiiihl.ii. be authoiled to Issue the coupon bonds of said; ill, hi be dciioiul mill it "The filler KMeimlon IWintls of tho City of Ittd Cloud." In the amount of M.O0U (kIn thouKiiud dollarsi. In denominations l l'le dliiudied Dollain each, payable to liian-r, ami to Income due twenty years after date, but payable at any time after the expiration of ten yeais. at the option of Hildclt.N. ami hcurlnu not to exceed',") per cent Interest, payable t-einl-auuiiall), ami lo U-dated the day of their Issuance. Interest and principal of said ImiiuIs to be payable at the Hm-iiI imeucy of the State ol Nebraska In the City of New N orl. said bonds to be sold foi not less than pur value, ami the proeeids thereof to be used by said city for the purpose of eMemliui;. eularuliin ami Im proving Us system of watci works as the needs of said city ami lis Inhabitants uia reiulie: ami Shall the Mayor ami t II) t mincll nl said city annually le the meessaiy tax upon all the taxable piopeity wllhlu said city. In addition to all other taxes uiithorltd by law, to pay the interest on said bonds as the same In comes due. ami to pi o Idea sliiklin; fund for the pay meal of the piluclpal of said bonds. The del I. Is Insti acted to pilot upon the regular ballots: Vote (or tine I'or wait i exit lulou ImiiuIs ami taxis ! I Aualuslwaler extension bonds and taxes .... The city cleik Islustiueled lo puhlisli the alxie proposition and the notice of election In the Hid Cloud Chief, a newspaper of kimi eial circulation In said city, at least twenty days be lu ie said diction, ami post notices thereof nt each of the polllnu plans In said city dm Inu the day of election. C. II. I'OI tl li Ma.Mir. sl.l O. I I i i l .ClelK. lo the same, ami there upon an order ills chnruliu; him fiom further burden and ser vice In his said olllceasailiiilulstiator. Miipr.itt.n. 'I hat Tuesday llie'Jllh day of viarch A. I).. lull, at one o'clock p. m., Isnsshjned for hearlin; laid pclltlou, when all persons Interested In said inaltcr may appear at a County court to be lu'ld lu ami for said county ami show cause why prayer of peti tioner should not hcttranWd; ami that notice of thu pendency of said petition and the hear- Inn thereof be itlveu to all persons Interested lusald matter, by publishing a copy of this order lu the Ited Cloud Chief, a weekly iiowh paper pi luted in said county, for three con secutive weeks prior to said day of hearlm;. liK.ti.l I. Kiisiin County. IuiIkc Lions and Leopards in the Zoo Were as Delighted With It as Is the Domestic Cat. A curloiiH InvestlRfitor and a few BprlgB of cntnlp led to an nmusing scene at tho zoo In Cincinnati. Tho tlRerfl nnd pumn, scornfully re fused to notice tho herb when It was presented to them by the keeper, but the Hon, the IIohosh nnd tho big leop ard were boisterous In their manifes tations of pleasure. Tho lion planted a foot upon It, smcllcd it, licked It, sprawled upon It nnd tossed it about In waya unbecoming his kingly dig nity. The leopnrd picked It up In her hugo paw, took lung and ecstatic sniffs nnd rolled oor and over ttpou. It In the exuberance of her delight. In her efforts to apply It to the upper part of hor head alio performed aero-, batlc feats of an astonishing kind. From his experiment the investigator was satisfied that lovo of catnip is not confined to the domestic branch of tho cat family. ' Approaching a Walled City. After tho drab outskirts of Pisa, tho Marcmma and the dykod road, I gain ed Casclnn, n walled, arcaded town at tho limit of the Vlco Fisano, gray, within a red husk of wnlls, inexhausti bly picturesque; then mine I'onte dent, walled again and with each n thrill. That is a thing 'ou may count uponthat flutter of expectancy and its full reward whenever you approach n wnlled town by road. Hy road, ob serve, but not otherwise. Seen thus, tho wall must be negotiated: you must pass through the gates with other wayfarers. A wnlled city Is like ft veiled bride. What Is ono about to cmbraco? There are no gradations, no Btraggllng lino of suburbs to water down tho type before you reach tho heart. The truth Is (lashed upon yuu, plump and plain. You leave tho fields, you clear tho gates hero 1b Casclna, here Pontedora for good or 111. From Hewlett's "The Rond in Tuscany." If you need anything in the line of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Lino leum, Picture Frames, Window Shades, Lace Curtains and the cele brated Kirsch Sash and Curtain Rods in any finish. Undertaking a Specialty. We are in shape and will save you money. s s ATKINS & BARBER j FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Order to Show Cause. .State of Nebraska, I in Tho Coiiuiv Court Webster County, t "' "'"t tourt Ar a County Court held at the County Court room In and for said county I'rhlay, tebruary 10th A. 1) mil. In thu matter of iheestnte of Thomas II, (uIkkIc Deceased. Mn teadliiK and IIIIiik the petition of An drew. I. Macellled on tho tilth day of l'eli. luarj A. H mil. prnyliiK for the examina tion and allowance of hlsilual account of thu same date, an orilerdlstrlhutlni; the residue, of personal estate ami theie upon an order discharging him from further burden ami sen Ice In his said olllce as admlnUtratoi' with Will annexul. Mltl)i:iti:n. that Tuesday the 7lh day of .March . D. mil, at one o'clock p. in., is assigned for hearlnt; said petition when all persons luteiested In said matter may ap pear al a County Court to be held In ami for said County and show eittie wily prayer of petitioner should not be Krantcd; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the licarliiic thereof be given to all persons Interested lu said matter, by piihlUhltiK a copy of this order lu the Ued Cloud Chief, a weekly iiewpHKr pilutt-il lu said county, for time consecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. I. W. Ciison, tfwnb County .Indue. Contemplation as a Part of Life. We are in sucli haste to be doing, to be writing, to bo gathering gear, to make our voico audlblo a moment in the derlslvo silence of eternity, that we forget the one thing, of which these are but tho parts namely, to live. We fall In love, we drink hard, wo run to nnd fro upon the earth llko frightened sheep. And now you are to ask yourself If, when nil Is done, you would not have been better to sit by tho fire at home, and be happy, thinking. 'lo sit still and con template to remember tho faces of women without dosirc, to be pleased with the groat needs of men without tiny, to be everything and every hcro In sympathy Is not this to know both wisdom and virtue and to dwell with happiness? From Robert Louis Stevomon'B "Walking Tours." fWM,'iil lLKf-" l 5 dftm I a.s.ss-a-a-!..ass-'.-3' .s''''!s.v y.. w 7.1 i it w Ft a iriii ma. w-- p. a. nuiiuruiHii, prop. The home Grocery Is Your Farm on the MARKET? we want a com plete list of Web ster County Lands for sale. DAN GARBER & CO. Red Cloud CHIEF Office. See The Chief for-up-date Job Work. Prlmltlye Life Saving. Expedients for saving life and limb among tho poor are many and original. "Why do you stretch your clothes lino so close to tho wall?" said a now customer who had poked her head through tho washerwoman's back win dow to seo what kind of a place sho had to dry tho clothes In. "Tho things will flop against the slilo of the house and got dirty." "Oh, mlHH. that ropo ain't for Uto clothes," said tho woman. "It Is for tho baby to fall on In caso ho tumbles out of tho window." Don't Delay Ordering n lire insurance policy from us a slnglo day. Fire isn't Ko'R to stay away becntino you arc not in sured. In fact, it beems to pick out tho man foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us issue you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tho matter. Tho lire Howl may have your house down on tho list for a visit tltis very night. MARK WHAT I SAY O. C. TEEL, Reliable Insurance. E verything IN . atables CATARRH Imi ft 0 ft 0 ft 0 Ik it ft to l tnnfvlitinpr In il (',0(:e,y tore more than in anything else, li MvdllllllCbb buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. iff Voir cannot buy (Jrocerles in a dirty, ill-kept place and bo sure o )ii pure goods Cieauliness'and 'sanitation nre our hobbies. : : : : m 'fc CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND 13 s'Sc i fir n In tANii eii,i.H in kfo miA : host, sealed with I)lue( TAKB NO OTHER, tluy oF jourV and .! fin. IMII.f'lll'M.TF.ll H V '" Lmns i " . r t Alf ' lruirlit for CHI-ClinS-THR'S uiA.ilvr.llJ ill Gold metallli Klbliuit. IlruKutit IIIAMOMI II It A Ml lU.l.M f.ir tu-!it.flm years rejiarded nn nrit,6aKst, Ahvayi Kellabte. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS S EVERYWHERE SgSSS- One Way, Anyway. My llttlo son, who was Just over two year old, ono day whllo at dinner used his lingers instead of u spoon, and the following- dialogue ensued: Father Don't Co that again, sonny. Son-Mo will. Father Well, dot let mo see you. Son Shut 'ou oyea den. . & Sffi&uf 5J.O).r.MSl i&&&zrjsri2tu ih j A'rSi ,5uni i-rcwtif yjj?& -5o. I carry a con1" cte line of strictly fresh Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. seeee' to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to J S wirt's Premium Hams or Bacons. v -fltvnw Reminders of Trouble. 'I thought you told mo a sea voy bko would take my mlud off my troiibleir,'' said the unlucky motorist. "Didn't ur "No. pho llfo preservers Btrung a Um g tho rail of tho ship looked ex actly like automobile tiros." Ely's Cream Balm This Romody is a Spocifla, Suro to Clvo Satisfaction. GIVES RELIEF AT ONOE. It doansos, soothes, heaU, and iiroteets the discard membrane. It euros Catarrh and drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly. HestorcH tho Seusoa of Tasto and Smell. Easy to tticj. Contains no injurious drugs. Applied into tho iiontrils nnd absorbod. Largo Size. CO eonts at Druggists or by mailTriul Slzo, 10 conts by mail. I ELY Bl'lOXIIEnS. BQ Warren St.. New York. Read the adds in the Chief i .mi . r K'r T AV IVKVWJ C, i J m m jAto S wiMr nm- Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. FOR SALE IY YOST & BUTLER Tho 4th Avenue Meat Market Widow's Pension. Tito recent act of April, 10th, U)03 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension of S12 per month, f red Mnnrcr, the tt" rnov. has all necessary blnuks. - .r l c r-rvr . l?A,S"'"