fff?fMmpMpBpi MrV3ff ii -xv-v i IV if- Furniture of Finest Quality Always On Hand. On February 1st. We will open up the finest line of Carpets and Rugs to be seen in the Valley. Licensed Undertakers in Nebraska and Kansas. Lady When Desired. ALL TOE PHONES Ed. AmaGk, Prop. f LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. WN r While They last 20 per cent Discount HORSEBLANKETS AND LAPROBES 20 per cent Discount P. L. Hansen, Prop. S Successor to A. C. Slaby Red Cloud, Neb. W-WV'WWW-V'wi NAMING OF PENNSYLVANIA1 William Blnthwayt, Commissioner o' Plantations, Suooesterl It B Called After the Quaker. When William 1'i'iin wiib united by CliarloH II. to nimio the now colony ovor tlio hoii lie proposed tlio naino of tlio queon. Wllllum Ulathwayt, tlio commissioner of plantatlonH, bluntly negatived tlio proposal In tlio pros enco of tho court, and miggested tlio Qualtor'B own nnmo as the proper ono for tlio vast territory that owed its colonization and development to him. Tho ltlng was not offended, but sided with Ulathwayt. and l'eim hlmseir was givwtly llatterod by tho compll nicnt. 'Several letters on tho subject were written by Mm to niatliwayt. TIicbo letters were carefully pro fcorved by Ulathwayi's descendants, and beliiR recently put t at miction with tho original draft by Charles II. of PciuiBylvnnln to I'onn, brought nearly $18,000. Tho family name of Ulathwayt bo came extinct through the innrrlngo of tho solo son of the lino to n wealthy Miss Winter, who restored tho fallen fortunes of the Ulathwayts on condi tion that her husband ndopted tho namo of Winter. One of tho Winters nccompanlcd Sir Francis Drake around tho world as his vlcondmlrnl, and nnollior of tho family was a vice admiral under Drake when he des troyed tho Armada. Atkins S Barber s ' The new Furniture Dealers. WILD ANIMALS AND CATNIP Notice of Election. i Order To Show Cause. 133 It. The County Court State ot Neliritskii, I Webster County. I Notli'ti Is hereby kIvcii to thv'elvuturA i the city of It til Cloud, KubriiNkn, Hint nt the ciiniliii: municipal election to ho held on tho Atii ( mtnty Court held at tliv County llrnt 'I'lu-Mlay In April, 1UII, tho -followliiK Court room In mid for wild county Monday pnipohltlon Mill he voted upon, purNuant I Kcliruary S7 th A. I)., lllll. to th-resolution of the mayor nnd council! I-" tlif matter il the CHlate of KIl.u ol :ilil city un hcrlualter appears llouchlii. Dcccnsiil. Whereas, There Is n dellclcncy of water In , On reailliiR and tiling the petition of . lames the city mil, audit Is nccchsary to adopt) IMIouchln filed on tho JTtlutayof Kehruary Niine means for IncrtaslUK the Mipply of ' A. !.. lllll. praylim for the examination and ater. and allowance of his limit account of theHamo W'heicas.Theic arc not ciiouhm alns In date, a decree of afslnmenl ol the lands be- the city lo Mipiilx all the InliabllauU with K'UKlim to wild estate to the perMtns entitled Lions and Leopards In the Zoo Were as Delighted With It as Is the Domestic Cat. A curious Investigator nnd a few sprigs of catnip led to an amusing sceno at tho zoo In Cincinnati. The tlgerB and puma scornfully re fused to notice the herb when It was presented to them by the keeper, but the Hon, tho lioness nnd tho big leop ard worn boisterous In their manifes tations of pleasure. The Hon planted a foot upon It, smelted It, licked It, sprawled upon It nnd tossed It about In wayu unbecoming his kingly dig nity. The leopnrd picked It up In her hugo paw, took long nnd ocstatlc sniffs nnd rolled over and over upou. It In the exuberance of her delight. In her efforts to apply It to the upper part of hor head alio performed aero-, batlc feats of an astonishing kind. From bin experiment the Investigator was satisfied that love ot catnip la not confined to the domestic branch of the cnt family. water, and lliu uinouul'.of money rcipilrcd for Mich purposes can not be proldcd by tin- ordinary icwiinc of the elt : there fore? he It Itihohed. I'liat the follnwlim pniposltlnu hi Mibiultted to the oters of Hie city at the next eltitloii for city olllccts: j Shall the Maor and city Council of Itcd Cloud. NcliiiihKn. he authorised to Issue the coupon bonds of s;ililll,. lo be ilcnoml natid "The Venter KMcuslou llouds of the City of Itcd Cloud." In the amount of ttl.000 (six thousand dollars'. In denominations of I 'he 'I I mull cd Dollais each, payable to bearer, and to heroine due twenty yeuis afterdate, but paahlc at any time niter the expiration of ten j cars, tit the option of Kihlclt.x. ami hearing not to exceed'.') per cent Interest, payable heiiil-aniuially, and to U'lhiitil theda of their Issuance. Inteiest and principal of said IhhuIs to be payable at the fiscal aucuc of the .State of Nebraska In the City ol New ork. said bonds to be sold (or not less than par value, and the proccids thereof to lie used by tald clt) for the purpose of extcndlnu. eiilnrulnu and tin- provlnc Its sjMciii of walei works as the needs of said clt.i ami Us inhabitants mil) reiilie: and Hhall the Mn.wir and citj t nuneii of said city annually le the ncccssai) tax upon all the taxable propel t ultliln said cll . In addition to all other taxes authorized by law, to pay the Interest on said bonds as the same In conns due. ami to pro Mr a sinklim fund for the payment of the piluclpiil of said bonds. Thcchis. is Instructed lo pilul upon the regular ballots: Vole for tine I'or Matcrexli iiklou Ixiuds and taxis I I Aualiist water extension bonds and taxes The city cleik Is Instructed to publish the aboi e proposition ami the notice of election In the lit il Cloud Chief, a newspaper of kph eral circulation In said city, at least twenty days bcfoie said election, and post millers therm! at each of the pnllluu plaeislusald city tluilni: the da. of election. C. II. Poi -it ii. Mayor. -l.l II. t . I I M.CIClk. to the Manic, and there upon an order dls chari(lut; him fiom further burden mid ser lce In his said olllce as administrator. )iitiKiii:ii. 'Ihal Tuesday the'JIth day of vi nrcli A. I., lull, nt one o'clock p. in., Isasslmicd for heariui; eild ietitluii, when all persons interested In until matter may appear at a County Court to he ht'ltl In and for said county and show cause why prajer of peti tioner should not be Kranteil; and that notice of tho pendency of said petition and tho hear ing thereof lie Klvcu to nil persons Interested In said matter, by publishing a copy of this order in tho Ited Cloud Chief, n weekly news paper printed In said county, for three con secutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Ink 1.1 I. V. KitsoN County .Indue. ' Approaching a Walled City. After the drab outskirts of Plsn, tho Mn rem nui nnd the dyked road, I gain ed Casclnn, a walled, nrcaded town at tho limit of tho Vlco PIbuho, gray within a red husk of walls, Inexhausti bly picturesque; then cntno I'onte dera, walled again and with each n thrill. That is a thing j'ou may count upon that flutter of expectancy and its full rewind whenever you approach n walled town by road. Uy road, ob serve, but not otherwise. Seen thus, the wall must be negotiated: you must pass through tho gates with other wayfarers. A walled city is like a veiled bride. What is ono about to cmbrnco? There aro no gradatlonB, no straggling lino of suburbs to water down tho type beforo you reach the heart. The truth Is flashed upon you, plump and plain. You leave tho fields, you clear tho gates hero Is Casclna, here Pontedera for good or 111. From Hewlett's "The Koad In Tuscany." If you need anything in the line of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Lino leum, Picture Frames, Window Shades, Lace Curtains and the cele brated Kirsch Sash and Curtain Rods in any finish. Undertaking a Specialty. We are in shape and will sa ve you money. s s ATKINS & BARBER 'VO FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Order to Show Cause. MWeb"iS?:! '"''he County Court Ar a County Court held at the County Court loom In and (or said county 1'rlday, February 10th A. I)., mil. In Him matter of thcestate of Thomas II. iJiilUKle Decvased. hi rcadliiKUiid llllim the petition of An diew.l. Macellled on the lUlh day ol l'el)- ruary A. P.. lllll, pra.lnn for the exiiiulun tloiiaudallouauceof his Until account of the same dale, an ordLrdlhtrlhutlui; the reslduo of personal estate and there upon an order tllxclinrglui: him from further burden and serlcclii his said olllce as admliiUtrator with Will aniicxi.l. ullDKItlM), Unit Tuesday the Till day of March . I. lllll, at one o'clock p. in., is iisslMiicd lor hearing said petition when all persons lutei cstcd In said matter may ap pear at a County Court to he held In and for said County nnd show cause wily prayer ol petitioner should not he Kranteil; and that notice of the pendencj of said petition and the heailni; thereof bo Riven to nil ptrhons Interested In said matter, by puhlUhliu; n copy of this order In the Ked Cloud Chief, a weekly iicwtpar pi luted In snld county, lor tluco consecutive, weeks prior to said day of hcariut;. I. W. Kiinos,. cal. County. I lutei!. Contemplation as a Part of Life. We are In such haste to be doing, to be writing, to be gathering gear, to make our volco audlblo a moment In the derisive silence of eternity, that we forget the one thing, of which these are but tho parts namely, to live. We fall in lovo, we drink hard, wo run to nnd fro upon the earth like frightened sheep. And now you are to nsk yourself If, when nil la done, you would not have been better to sit by the fire at home, nnd be happy, thinking, lo sit still and con template to remember tho faces of women without desire, to be pleased with the great needs of men without tavy, to be everything and every where In sympathy Is not this to know both wisdom and virtue and to dwell with happiness? From Robert LouIb Stevonion's "Walking Tours." mm. mi ml- v i w a tm .( .4 n w h n o b .4 h w s? rr ' -j' The home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. Don't Delay Ordering a lire lnaurancc policy from ub a single day. Fire isn't Rolnp to stay away because you arc not in sured. In fact, it beoms to pick out the man foolish enough to bo without A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. llnvo us issue you u policy to-day. Don't hesitate about tlio mntter. Tho lire llotul may linve your house down on tlio list for u visit this very night. MARK WHAT I SAY O. C TEEL9 Reliable Insurance. E verything IN . atables Is Your Farm on the MARKET? we want a com plete list of Web- ster County Lands for sale. DAN GARBER & CO. Red Cloud CHIEF Office. See The Chief for-up-date Job Work. CHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND LADTRS I A'.1! .0,u.r.JL,,',,tll for CHI-CHKS-TRR'S Gold tiirlalllc Kibliun. Oruffittit DIAMOND nitAND I'U.I.S, for twent ytiirs rcRarucu D9 tirti,&nH-st, AHvnyj Kel Prlmltlye Life Saving. Expedients tor saving life and limb among tho poor are many and original. "Why do you stretch your clothes line so close to the wall?" said a now customor who had poked hor head through tho washerwoman's back win dow to boo what kind of a place she had to dry the clothes In. "Tho things will Hop against the Bhlo of the hoitso and get dirty." "Oh, mlfis. that ropo aln l for the clothes," said tho woman. "It Ib for tho bnby to fall on in caso ho tumbles out of tho window." CATARRH fl ii) ft a) a; ii) I. vu fy4 ti n J" a Grocery store more tlinn in nnytliing else, ;ij UlCClllllllwbb buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. i) You cannot buy Groceries in a dirty, ill-kept place and bo sure o ii pure goods Clcanliness'nnil snnltntion are our hobbies. : : : : Ga 1 carry a coir- cte line of strictly fresh Groceries, and my prices are such that it will pay you to do your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Bed-rock Prices. -&&&&&'; !:.! .. H-k. ii) ii) ii) ii) it) ii) ii) ii ii) 0) 0) ii) 0) ii) ii) ii) ii il) ii) ii) ii) 0) ii) ii) ffffig BRAND Tfe 1 " A.Nii 1-ii.i.M in Bfu naA bocra, sealed with IllucCO TAKB NO OTHER, lluf of your T nil ik fur 'lll.rilfM.TF.lt H V One Way, Anyway. My little son, who was just over two yeara old, ono day whllo at dinner used bin lingers Instead of a spoon, and the following-dialogue eiiHued: leather Don't do that again, sonny. Son--Mo will. Father Well, dot let me see you. Son Shut 'ou eyea den. y-nw lntiie. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE $$!& TIM It TKIUU Reminder of Trouble. "I thought you told mo a sea voy ase would take my mind off my troublenV' said the unlucky motorist. "DIdn.'t ur "No. ,Vho llfo preservers strung aong the rail of tho ship looked ex actly like automobile tiros." &HVoW Swift's Premium 7v CMBAlAX Hams or SM- ij" 'y-mti - "z.Ar'-- tSIB piickly. r-. T J, . IM X r? W .JAM Y A I If trw,J' Ely's Cream Balm This Romody Is a Spooifla, Suro to Clvo satisfaction. GIVES REMCF AT ONCE. It eloanson, soothes, Iu'hIm, and protects the diseased inoinbmno. It euro Cutnrrh and drives away n Cold in tlio Head i Hestoren tin io Senses of Tusto and Rmell. IJnsy to two. Coutnlui no iigurlous drugs. Applied 'into tho nostrils and absorbed. Largo Sizi fit) conts nt Druggists or by mull V jL'rial'BlMi 10 conts by mail. I ELY GROWERS. 56 Warren St.. New York. Read the adds in the Chief FOR SALK UY YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avenue Meat Market Wk Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. Widow's Pension. Tho recent act of April. 10th. I00d gives to all soldiers widows a penulon or S12 per month. rYotl Manrer, the tt rnov. has till neuossary blanks. :il avr - xnr -a s.'r