V -wkir'MMR This Spring weather mak es one think of cleaning house. Our nice Spring stock of wall Paper and Paints is now in the store and we invite your inspection a full stock of Chi-Nam- Elalso. This is the best varnish made for all purposes. Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist. Market Retrart As Furnished by Hanson tt Trine liens (fat) J Pb- Springs " Cox ' Ducks Qcoso ' Turkeys uuttor -" ;; Kggs (rots out) 1 Hides r " " ; LOCALETTES Will Robertson lb on tho sick list. Dr. Damerell was in Superior Friday. Noble Hull was in Bivorton Tuesday. Loo Keith was in Lawrence Satur day. Clarence Curuey is buck from Okla homa. A. I'. Kaloy is in Kansas City thin week. Alf Saladon moved to town this week. .1. Iloseuerans of Bolvldeio is In town. A. L. Clow was up from Uivorton Sunday. Lee Keith lefi for Hastings this morning. hoe Keith returned from Hustings Saturday. old newsp.ipoisooeiitsii bundle at this otlico. h. II. Blncklodgo was in Hastings Wednesday. M. H. Radioman of hlucolu was In town Sunday h. Peterson of AlcCoolc was in tho) city-Saturday. t 11. K. Fulton of .Iiiutr.tn, Nob., spout Sunday in town. . v Miss Mabel Day was. hi Cowled tho llrst oT the week Henry Brtilmkcr ..fJWiwlos was in town Wednesday. ; Gay Uradbrook whs, down from Blue Hill over Sunday. A. D. Wonderly and motlnr went io Hebron Tuesday. .lohti Lrioksou went to Kansas City Monday morning .sh Wednesday was observed at the Rpim'opal chinch. Frank W. Cowden Is moving into his now residence. Miss Mabel Day was in llluo Hill on school work last week. (!. W, Tonnant uiu),fatnl)y of Crete ate isillng in the city. See Dr. Stockman for eye glasses Satisfaction guaranteed. Miss hula Wilson spent Saturday and Sunday in tho city. Cood six room house for rent, in (piiieof H. W. Clulliford. hloyd Itradbrook was dow u from Woodruir, Kas., Sunday. .Julius Keopke of Blue Hill was in town Friday on busbies. Tlio Catholics are erecting a $'0 oOo church edillee at Hastings. V. B. Trimble tho land man of Hast ings was in town Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Sleeper of Lincoln is vis iting relatives in this city. Mrs Springer of Blue Hill was in town on business Saturday. Somo good residence lots for sale, lunuiroof II. W. llulliford. Dave Kaloy shipped tears of cattle to Kansas City Wednesday. Attorney Overman was in Blooming ton on busiuess Wednesday. 0. F. Howard of Merna, Neb . waw in town on business Monday. Will Mountrord moved to Lester this week where he will farm. Clarence Wilson of Denver is visit ing his sister Mrs. W. A. Keiu. Chas. Click untrW. 13 Sampson wete down from Grand Island today. IM Holly and II.. I. .locluuu of Leban an, Kas., wore In town Saturday. Miss Catherine Frcduiieksou of Blue Bill was visiting in town last week. You will miss it if you don't try Itoutt County C jiiI. .J. O. C.i imvki.i . J C. Browne of Hiawatha, Kas., was transacting business In town Friday Foil Sam:: White Wyandotte Cook erels. See me at once. C F. W.m.i i 1 1 ml.. Kiihi'i-tsiin WHS doUll f 1 0111 Blue Hill this wook visiting his par-j ...... i K. A Wylie of Hustings was In Bed I Cloud Monday j John ltoso or Blue Hill was in Hod! Cloud Tuesday. i The Xmas Club mot with Mrs Bind , Smith Tuesday. J P. A. Wullbraudt moved into his, residence in the east part of tow u this wook vacated by Will Mountford. Farm loans I am again leady to, make farm loans at the lowest rate J and best terms. I nin sole agent forj Trovett, Mnttis Baker. Some pri-1 vate money .1. II. Bailey, Bed Cloud. Nebr. cuts. Miss Paulino iutid itf Blue Hill spent a few days visiting in town last week. Mis 'Helen Yeaiku visited her pni -outs in lUoominirtoii the tlrst of the week. Wouldn't a curfew ordinance do n little good. Lot the city fathers look into this. Ileal Dr. Lou .1. Ucuuehamp at the Opeia lloii-e ue.st Monday night. March ith. Mrs. Henry Cook left for Ouriha Saturday lor a tsit with her daughter Mrs. Pat nek. The -Whole Family" is extended a Cordial invitation to visit our stuidio. Sl'KVKNH UltOs. Miss Irene Miner and Sarah Tilly were visiting Mrs t F. Cuitd at Blue HllrMust week. Fred Dawson of St .loo was visiting at the homo of Krt McAllister the fore part of the week Makes die most nutri tious food and the most dainty and delicious. ROYAL BAKING POWDER Absolutely Purm The only Baking Powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar No fussing or fretting over thebiscuit-making. Royal is the aid to many a cook's success. Royal Cooh Book 800 Receipts-Fret. Send Name and Address. nOYM. DK1W0 POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. . Here' I . . s a low-price picnic going on; you're invited VOU'RE probably not very different from the rest of us when it comes to getting some unusual value for your money; it's human nature, and every body's got some of that in them. We've made up our minds to clean up this stock of good things to wear; to clear out all fall and winter goods and start the spring season with an entirely new lot of stuff. In order to do it we're quoting prices on these things that are good enough reason for any man who likes to get good things for less than they're really worth to come here on the run. Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are among these goods; and when any man can get Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes at less than the usual prices he's certainly not very wise if he doesn't do it. There are a lot of other good things, too; we'll give you an idea of what to expect here: 20 per cent Discount Continues This Week. PAUL STOREY, THE CLOTHIER This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes. J o szm.a5J3CTSS3gnr- i....i n.mlov returned homo from , F.tnu Lotion Negotiated t-Loiigost A Diamond of imnsmil value is 'now (has I, Lewis was born in Illinois ......... .!......!!..,.. ,... ( l.mv. .!.... ,.r i...i .i...,,i ....... .Inn. 'N iH.'.f! .! .It... i ... 1.1. t . i.. ii t u MI..W wlioio he underwent time r.asicsi iiibiumw ....-..- mi- iiiihj nuim. ituu iii u. j !.-.. -. .v... ...... ,,,(. m, ,,ln aiiunm m WCll'Oll, .Mil.". I "' , i. ...,., ,.,, ,,,..tltsl N'll- ..I.. II.... ......... Su M....I. Vi... ,(..!.. ...i.ll IMc-lMlllt. Mil! I. ,.,, ..I. I. .'!'... .! l.r.u II 1 I i.i.itin..iif 0lkll-, in iiiivii-h.m. - - .n-. .. ......... .r, ...... j ,.,K,I,.,. ...... -- - .....,,.,, i iiuniiiij , rvu. moiliuiiiiitiiuiiLiii. tl-u 1)n (Uiiiikii .'C C. At Cim.K ihtliuihiiiulitfrorMr. ami .Mrs. T. .1. , M. J!M I UKud ss yc.ms. J month. Ho I. llipWUll IIUS -CSJJ,'IK'(1 His pu-. , lllmnii.l Mnflii.i- Mi. (I iliuiirlihu- i-H-. ImS lived ill VVlil..i- ,,.,...(.. f I ........ .... .1..!.... ...,.11 C'l.. !..... Vl'HVt. II.. I......... ... I it I.....H f..ll ,. Imi... 1. nil .1. llflLII(!htlUlll . "" "'''" "' ' "c "" """ '. """" ",1,r ""'IIIUIH, H i.iiii u ... ... .- -" ... ... i..r., iii.i... n..vf Mmuiiiv niirht. I i wowwy. tUillUV1'il" .."" ,u ..."- - - . .... .m i .,!..-.. ...hI'UIIICO Hon wltn mo ivou uujim . "-i will trsivel on tho roud. Superior otill remuins In tho htuto lesiRUO. NV hew when wo had t'liniiRh I'oor "Superior." It (loos not niuttor how many of yon ( l.voine, but ko tholr. IMiotogniplis are illwilVH IliOO. SlKVENM UK"S March Oth. Ho is a livo wiio and wen worth the pritM TloUotH at Cook1 1)1 ug Storo. The Music Study club will meet with Mrs. O W. Lindsey, Thursday oven- ... i it (111 . ....t..1 ...nlllliilull Is your farm for sale? Ust it with in-, iuuron -. . no s ....... v- .. 1n UAitni.it A- (Wan. It will bo will have charge of tho ptnKram for ltboially advoitisod. Chief olllce. tho ovoning. Mrs. Kugono Smith and children of Chas. Stollon of liiand Island was M..t-!n..k u?M-rt vlsltliiu'lior iatlier, Mr. suddenly tuln-ii slHt ut niadeti. Tuos Wollo and other telatives Sunday. I day ami was biought to Kud floiul via v . iM.,i,......l family loft to day ' auto hb ('has. Ilogato. Dr. Mmanviilo fm their now homo tit iMbbon. Nobr. .. w tshlhim suece-h in liis new home. .... 1...1 ii... leorge AlUin-oii iu'eiiiiiimiinn M Intosh's eattlo to Kansas City Sun day I'tom theie ho wont to Topoha Mis Agnes liOtouineau of Aiuoia. Was., lelt. for her home Sunday after a two weeks visit with Miss Alfa Long tin. Well have yon anything to say about that '2 duyt celebration the 4th of July. Or will wo bo. a graveyard again tins year. Mrs. l-'loiouco McDowell Belmont who has hecn visitiug relatives at Stl'lla,Ne1.r., returned home Thursday evouing The Club Dance was held at I'otters Hull hist night and a good thuo re ported by; tlitiM) present. Uct.'s Or chostta furnislied the tnttsitt Uev. .I. M. UatoH will hold tegular services at Orauc church next Sunday He Is not certain yot whothev he can bo Hole the Second Sunday alfo. Thnryta.V, Mniislf. i), UUl Hail A Allet will haw! their mllliitery open tng?' A souvenir w'jll'.beglvon.lo nuh caller Everybody oordlally invited. Kred (Uulo) .lanotj. of laht yoat s lull team was In towu Monday on his way homo from York, Nebr. Fred lgttod :t six mouths uotitnict. to inutiHge the York league team this season. Hiiro's luck I'red. is iitteniling him. Mrs. Mary .Jones, who h.is been spending the winter with her sister Mis .1. II. Kobinson.and her daughter Mrs. Noah McDowell departed for her home at Stella, Xebr.. Sunday morn ing. Uoy Kust proprietor of tin Ko.wil llarber Shop has all modern conven iences, in any Hist class Blither Shop. An electric MassHge, llrst claw, wink man.' Particular people patronize Ids particular place. Our specialties single l'hotogtaphs Hud Croup Pictures, you do the bitting, we do tho work in classy, artls-tic man ner. Ours is -'The Model Studio" and the sooner you come the sootier you gut your picture -St'KVEX Umw. Drs. UidilileA Koote, iiiceessors to Dt.s. Woirick A Ulddilo, of Ilastiugs. Xebr, will meet eye, oar nose and thtoat patients, and those needing glasses fitted, ut. lied Cloud, Xebr., Thuibduy, Mutclt Ki, tOl), ut Dr. Cross' olllco. i ' ' The-blll for Dun Oarbor's ltnJio Sale uppeaiH elsewhoiy in this Issue. Ho is oll'orlng for sale 7.1 lu'iulolstouu, Hue list of fur in and hay inachltiury, Haini'ss Alfalfu Bay and Coin. This sale will lie held nc.t Tuesday Muwh 7th .cointnenclngat 1 p. m. Dan lias routed his farm and' his stock, ctop tiinl equipments all go at the Mile. The last titid best number of the lioeturo Course will bo a lecture by Dr. Lou J. Bonuchaulp at the Tied Cloud Opera VIousu next Monday night, March ftth.' lteauchainp Is one of the. gtoatost eutertalnerM on tho American plat fm in. Don't fall to hear hint Tickets at Cook's Drug Store. lust as much care, in fact a little , j more, should be exercised in buying electric sad Irons, as in bujiug any j thing else, home irons iiso morn olec- I tricity than utheis in doing tho same work, (lot your elect tic irons of MoltllAiti linns., thoy Chtry theautlii r ied iron Ho carel'iill of "just as good" electric irons. .Mr. Boauehanip has a way of lllus ti tiling his points with apt stories, and while tho mouth is open to laugh, thriistiinr in a 11 1 of serious thought. which is made doubly effective by the1 conttast Normal Hyto, State I'ni versily, Cedar tallH, Iowa. Mr. Beau champ will appear at the Kod Cloud Opera II on ho .Match 0, as the last num ber of the loot nro course. lUtflft... ...wl .1... . ( .....w.t nun hiiuu Miiis to mourn nis dopurtitro Tho funeral occurred Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Pleasant Hill school house and in terment took place in the IMcuMint Hill cemetery. Uev. Hummel con ducted tho funeral services, Ho kept the audience In an uproar of side-splitting laughter. His shafts, pointed with wit, and feathered with, humor, had in them euough weight to mako them go straight to the mark. Dos Moines i Iowa) Capital. Mr. Beau chatup Is the last number of the Lec ture Couiso and will boat tho Opera House Match (lib Seals on salf at Cook's iJrug.Stoto. Lust Thursday evening the P K. o. Society enterta'mtid at. the home of MrH. T V. Ttirtinre. Several gentle meu were Initiated Into the mysteries of the otdor and are now full Hedged IS 1 L.'h and possessed of the puss wind, which seotnod uufutniliar to some. Dr. Boles however claimed to ho familiar with the puss word. About thlrtv live were present and alt leport a very enjoyable time $4,000 Cash Buys a Finn Imjiroeil Pnrm To Miles Prom tlir. Center of the United Stntis. For Hale in a hurry, on No. 3b easy term", line, well FARM improved, upland farm, 160 Acres in Pleasant Hill Tp. I $12,800 known as the Oscar Emick farm, adjoining Billy Beii.se'a on the east, the w ace. M township 2, range 10, 2 miles southwest of Cowles. Good roadsHn all direc tion, readily accesHihle to markets, schools and churches. This farm hna ubout -10 acres smooth, level land, bal anco gently rolling to shallow draw which runs across the quarter; every foot can ho readily tilled. 110 ucreB under cultivUoinf-tfJ acres wild grass pasture, all fenced and cross-fenced. 0 ucrea alfalfa. Fair old house, 1 J story, Htnall rooms; barn new 10x10x1(1, 10 horsefl and 10 cowh, 25 ton mow; chick en house, woodshed, line new arched cement cave, telephone, windmill and abundant water, steel tank, cement tank 12xl(!x:i, yurdu, and some shade trees. Soil all good loam underlaid with clay (subsoil, froo from sand or rock. A bargain for someone, An ideal upland farm for grain, stock of nil kinds and dairying, All good al fulfu land. , Possession can -be had by purchaser until March lf, 11)11. Price ?12,00. The first man up with $1000 cashgctHii Warranty Deed to this farm, balance long time, option ptiy inents, low interest. Dan Garbcr & Co., Agts., CniBK Okfici:, Hi:n Ci.orn, Nbb. A ir o