The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 02, 1911, Image 3

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By Lydfa E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Ottumwa, Iowa. "For vcars I wat
nlmost a constant sufferer from f omalo
troublo In -nil us
droadful forms:
shooting pains all
over my body, sick
ncaaacno, spinai
weakness, dizziness.
do proa si on, and
everytinng mat was
horrid. I tried many
doctors in different
ft parts of tho United
States, but LydlaE.
V Pinkham'a vegeta
ble compound lias
dono moro for mo than all the doctors.
I feol it my duty to tell you theso
facts. My heart is full of gratitude to
you for my euro." Mrs. ILumiKT E.
Wampleu, o24 S. Hansom Strcot,
Ottumwa, Io.wa.
Consider This Advice.
No woman should Bubmit to a surgi
cal operation, which may mean death,
until sho ha3 given Lydla E. Pinkham'a
Vegetable Compound a fair trial.
ThiB famous medicine, mado only
rroin roots and horbs, has for thirty
years proved to bo tho most valuablo
tonic and invigorator of tho fomalo
organism. Women residing in almost
ovory city and town in tho United
States bear willing testimony to tho
wonderful virtuo of Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vcgctablo Compound.
Sirs. Plnklinm, at Lynn, Mass.,
Invites nil sick women to writo
lierfor ndvloc. Her advice is free,
confidential, nnd always helpful.
Vyi-TO TC Women us well us men
'' u nro mado miserable by
nr") l;ldncy and bladder trou-
v ble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-
BLAME noot tho Brcat Many
remedy promptly relieves.
At drugjUts In fifty cent and dollar slzc3.
You may liavo n. miniplo bottlo by mall
tree, also pamphlet telling all about It.
Address, Dr. Kilmer .t Co., llhiclmmton, N. Y.
Practical Joker Meant to Astonish
His Wife, nnd Doubtless
He Did.
When the first shipment of frozen
eggs arrived from Australia their ox
tremo hardness astonished tho brok
ers. One man calling at a broker's office,
was amazed to sco him taking aim at
the wall with an egg.
"What the dickens arc you at?" bo
Hut tho broker let drive, tho only
result being a slight dent In tho walj.
Tho thing being explained, tho man
took a couplo of tho oggs, put them
in his pocket, and left to startle his
wife. Arriving homo, ho waited till
tho family was assembled for dinner,
and then banned an egg at tho now
Hut tho smllo quickly fadod from
bis face. Tho egg had thawed. Lon
don Tit-Bits.
Willie Knew the Quadrupeds.
Toachor Willie, nro there any
feathered quadrupeds?
Willie Yes. sir.
Teachor Namo ono.
Willie A feather bed.
Commercial Anxiety.
"A cloclunaltor must be tho most
uneasy of manufacturers."
"Why ho?"
"Because there Is always tho pros
pect of a strike In his works."
That Restores and Makes Health
Thero are stainuch specialists as
well as eyo and cur and other special
ists. Ono of theso told a young lady, of
Now Brunswick, K. J., to quit medi
cines and eat Grape-Nuts. Sho suys:
"For about 12 months I suffored se
verely with gastritis. I was unablo
to retain much of anything on my
Btomnch, and consequently was com
pelled to glvo up my occupation.
"I took quantities of medicine, and
had an Idea I was dieting, but I con
tinued to suffer, and soon lost 15
pounds in weight. I was depressed
In splrltu nnd lost interest In every
thing generally. My mind was so af
fected that it was Impossible to be
come Interested in even tho lightest
reading mntter.
"After suffering for months I de
cided to go to a stomach specialist.
Ho put mo on Grape-Nuts and my
health began to Improvo Immediately.
It was the koynoto of a now Hfo.
"I found that I had been eating too
much starchy food which I did not di
gest, and that tho cereals which I had
tried had been too heavy. I soon
proved that It Is not tho quantity of
food that ono eats, but tho quality.
"In a fow weeks I was ablo to go
back to my old business of doing cler
ical work. I havo continued to eat
Grape-Nuts for both tho morning and
evening meal. I wako In tho morning
with a clear mind and feol rested. I
regained my lost weight in a short
tlnio. I am well and happy again nnd
owo It to Grape-NutB." Namo given
by Postum Co., Battlo Creek, Mich.
Road "Tho Road to Wellvllle," In
pkgs. "Thoro's a Reason."
Kvrr rend (he above lettrrt A new
one nppenra from (line to time. They
are Kenolne, true, anil full of human
il M.V ii .
" WK-TtK '
" Vi MSri ,.
M wZJlL l 'Phi,
Commerce Commission Falls to Seo
Justice In Additional Charges
of $27,000,000 a Year Told
to Cancel Advance.
Washington. Tho Intcrstato com
merce commission has decided against
tho railroads In both the "eastern"
and tho "western" canes. Proposed
advances In class freight cases In ofll
clnl classification territory, abrogat
ing among all tho railways in tho
territory approximately $27,000,000 a
year, were disapproved by tho com
mission. In tho case Involving tho
Increases by tho railroads in western
trunk lino territory, the commission
also declined to approve the proposed
advances In commodity rates
Tho carriers in both cases are re
quired to cancel, on or before March
10. their advanced tariffs and restoro
their former rates, which aro the
rates now In effect, if this require
ment lie not complied with tho com
mission will Issue a formal order sus
pending tho proposed advances and
putting Into effect the existing rates
for at least two years.
Will Plead for Her Son.
Los Angeles. "I will save my boy
If I have to go to Mexico CMty and go
upon my knees before President D'az,"
said Mrs. Flora Converse, on her de
parture for Juarez, Mexico.
When Informed that Lawrence Coon
verse, her twcnty-on-eyeur-old son,
had been arrested while hearing anus
against a foreign government and
faces tho punishment of a rebel sol
dier, Mrs. Converse mado hurried
preparations for her departure. Prior
to this sho telegraphed tho United
States consul at Juarez to engage
counsel to represent her son until her
father, Charles II. Converse, an at
torney, at present In Lewlston. 111.,
Million Dollars Possibly Needed.
Washington. The total cost to
raise tho battleship Maine, now lying
in Havana harbor Is a gamble, ac
cording to Major Cavanaugh, tho en
gineer in charge of tho work. Tho
cost may ho close to $1,000,000. Rep
resentative Walter I. Smith or Iowa
said tho American people would not
want the Maine raised at n cost of
$1,000,000. Tho present appropria
tion for the undertaking Is ?n00.000
Election Held Invalid.
Victoria. B. C Mayor Alfred J.
Morley has been unseated by Judge
Gregory and tho city council hns re
signed as a result of a judgment,
which declares tho election Invalid ow
ing to tho voters' list being Improper
ly mado up.
Tho provisional government will ap
point a committee to carry on tho
business of tho city until a now elec
tion Is held.
From California.
, A resolution has been
Introduced In
on I'relsdent
new Japanese
United States
tho state senate calling
Taft to withdraw the
treaty appealing to tho
senate to refuse Its as-
sent and Ins
tructing the California
delegation to
opposv ratification.
Mnrdl Gras Visitors.
Now Orleans. The advance guard
of Mardi Gras carnival visitors have
put In an appearnnco In Now Orlcann
and from now until the tlrst of the
week every nrrlvlug tra'n and boat
will bring Its quotn of ple.isuro seek
ers to tho city.
To Raise Ministers' Sa'aries.
Cloveland, O. A national movement
to obtuln better salaries for Protes
tant ministers was started here at a
mass meeting of laymen of tho Cleve
land churches. The campaign was
launched with letters of Indorsement
received from governors and congress
men nnd others prominent In tho po
litical and business life of tho coun
try. Mrs. Morton Very III.
Nebraska Cltyi Mrs. Thomas Mor
ton, widow of tho late Thomas Mor
ton, who established the Nebraska
City News, tho oldest paper In tho
Ktato, being established November 14,
3851, Is dangerously 111 at her home
in this city nnd fears aro entortnlned
for her recovery bocauso of her ago.
Mobile Tho department of super
intendents, tho largest of tho eighteen
departments of tho national educa
tional association, hns convened In an
nual session hero. Tho estimated at
tendnnco Is 1,000 persons, among
whom aro many of tho foromost edu
cators of tho country.
Fire Loss Half Million.
Donaldsonvllle, la. A loss estimated
at $500,000 was sustained when flames
originating In tho kitchen of tho Nich
olas hotel, nlmost totally destroyed tho
business district of tho city. Threo
Uvob aro reported lost.
Nova Scotia House Opens,
Halifax. With tho usual ceremon
ies tho sosslon of tho Nova Scotia
'cglBlaturo was opoued Thursday. A
busy and important session Is fore
shadowed, as It Is expected to he the
last beforo tho gonoral election,
Sunday School Lttson for Mar. 5, 1911
Specially Arrancod tor This Papr
LK8SON TKXT-l Klnns 2:t-lS. Mem
ory verses 11, 12.'.N THXT-'Knoeh walked with
God: and ho was not, for Clod took lilm."
-On. B:2t.
TIMH-Prolmttly about H. C. 900, six
ynrn after tho affair of Nubolli's vlne
yurd, our Imt lesson (Ansyrlan S37) tho
83d year of tho divided kingdom.
PI.ACU Across the Jordan, oppoMlo
Jericho, from whence KIIJuli was trans
lated. Elijah's public life extended over not
moro than 20 years. Tho tlrst 11
wero strenuous and heroic, with crises
llko thunderstorms. Tho Methodist
minister, who was complained of for
shouting so loud In his pulpit, tepllcd:
"I am not singing lullabies; 1 am
blasting rocks." Elijah was blasting
rocks. .
But for tho last six years slnco tho
vision of God, Elijah had been work
ing more on tho plan of "the still small
voice." Onco only did his tierce "woo
unto you" blao foith, when King
Ahnzlnh, Ahab'ii sun, sought aid from
Baal Instead of the God of Israel. Ho
had been training his successor Ellsha
who was full of Elijah's spirit of re
ligion, but manifested It in gentler
ways. Moreover, Elijah was tho head
of tho several schools of tho prophets,
where ho could train and coullrm tho
members In their work of living and
touching tho truo religion, thiiH quiet
ly undermining Idolatry.
Elijah went with Ellsha, as lMul took
Mark with him on his (irst missionary
journey. Ellsha was Elijah's attend
ant nnd companion, student and friend.
Of theso years It Is recorded only that
tho young man "ministered" to Elijah,
"and poured water on his hands." And
Klljnh said unto Ellsha, Tarry here, I
pray thee. Elijah, Ellshu, and even
the sons of tho prophets, evidently
knew that Elijah's departure was at
Elijah's last Journey was clear
ly laid out for him. Its object was
two-fold; a natural deslro on tho part
of tho gieat leader to revisit the
scenes so dear to 1dm, and his pur
pose to llx upon his disciples' minds
tho principles nnd precepts ho held
most important. Iast words aro best
remembered, nnd tho sight of tho
sturdy old man still ablo to make on
foot a journey of moro than 30
miles, his kindling glnnces, his ring
ing voice, must have remained with
them a precious memory, nerving them
to greater boldness In tho cause of Je
hovah. And CO sons of the prophets went,
nnd stood to view afar off. Tho ab
rupt heights behind tho town command
ed an extenslvo view of tho river, tho
nearest bond of which was llvo miles
away. With a delicate senso of pro
priety, tho young men kept at a dis
tance, but It was Ilttlng they should bo
witnesses of tho scene, to testify aft
erwards throughout tho laud to Eli
jah's favor with God and to tho real
ity of Immortality. For similar rea
sons tho 11 witnessed tho ascension of
our Lord.
Elijah said: "Ask what I shall do
for thee, beforo I bo taken nway from
thee." So God asked Solomon at tfio
beginning of his rolgn. This was
Elijah's last opportunity to do any
thing for his friend nnd successor,
and ho wanted to mnko an expression
to him of his futhorly love.
Ellsha's answer was: "Let a double
portion of thy spirit bo upon mo." Tho
"doublo portion" was tho portion of
tho eldest son according to Jewish
law ho received a doublo sharo of tho
Inheritance. Ellsha did not ask to bo
como nn Elijah, but to succeed him.
Ho wanted tho snmo Bplrlt of God
which had mado Elijah so powerful, so
useful. What he wlBhed was the
virtues of hlB frlontl. Ho wns seized
with nn Irroslstlblo deslro to possess
those glorious characteristics of devo
tion to duty, courago In danger, loy
alty to God. This Is the longing of
all noble souls, to catch and retain
something of the spirit of hetoes and
saints. It was not a request of pride,
or It would not havo been granted.
Thero appeared a chariot of lire and
horses of fire. It was a glorious body
guard; but Elijah did not go up. In a
chariot, ho went up by a whirlwind
into heaven. Tho marvelous effects
of electric light through prisms nnd
fountains, might glvo us some Idea of
the scene It was In this nscent, as
In tho ascension of Christ, that his
physical body wns changed Into a glo
rious spiritual body.
And Ellsha saw It. Tho ascension
of Elijah, which was tho sign given
him by which ho might know thnt ho
was to succeed to his mnstor's office.
And ho cried, "My father, my fnther."
.Elijah had been a father to him, In his
caro and training, In lovo, and In
legacy. It was tho cry of orphanhood.
Theso words, too, may fairly ho con
strued ns suggesting an nspect of Ell
Jab's' character which Is generally
ovorlooked. Thoso who aro most ter
rible In their denunciations of sin nro
often tho fullest of tondernoss and
Elijah was not dead. Ho lived In tho
record of his Hfo. Ho lived In tho of
fects of his llfo. Ho lived In Ellsha's
work. Ho with Moses, returning to
speak with Jesus on tho Mount of
Transfiguration, gives a new proof
that dying Is only transferring our
oxlstonco to (mother field of servlco;
where nil wo havo gained In this life
will find rfmplo Bcope. Wo nro not to
bo forever harping and singing, oxcopt
ob our llvos aro Bongs, and our hearts
mako music. But thoro ns hero wo
shall "all bo ministering spirits sent
forth to do sorvlco for them who shall
bo heirs of salvation,"
Nebraskan's Bloodhounds Havo
Caught 150 Criminals.
Proof to Show That They Practice tho
Science of Deduction With tho
Profundity of a Sher
lock Holmes.
Bontrlco. N'eb. A peaceful, whlto
bearded physician of this town has
been directly Instrumental In tho cap-
.tare, during the lust 115 years, of moro
than 150 murderers, train robbers and
other desperate Inwhronkers.
. Dr. J. B. Fulton bus pasted his 78th
(blrthdny. Mooting him at tho front
door of his cottage, where he lives
'with his doaf sister. It would not bo
easy for you to believe that his namo
Is the terror of criminals In half n
dozen i-tntes But speak to the old
Rontlonmn about his favorite hobby i
and soo his eyes light up with pleas
uie, persuade him to take you
through the bloodhound farm, which
takes up almost an acie hack of tho
cottage and contains upwards of 510
skilled man hunters; watch him ns ho
fondles his llurcn pets nnd you will
brgln to understand
Polk, a 5 year old Cuban blood
hound, and Cheyenne, a 4-year-old
English bloodhound, wero brought out
of their kennels by the trainer. Tho
visitor, who had In his youth watched
with awe the great rod-tongued brutes
thnt make "rude Tom's Cabin" shows
attractive, wns first struck with tho
suinlluosH and apparent docility of tho
two hounds,
"We usually run a Cuban dog In a
team with an English hound," Doctor
Fulton lemarkod "The two breeds
are of about equal ability as far an
following a scent Is concerned, but tho
Cuban dog Is moro active and ener
getic on a trail, while tho English
member of tho team, if he is well
The Dogs and Their Trainer.'
trained, usually seems ablo to maka
liner deductions ho's moro logical."
"You spoko of tho dogs being logical
when is It that they havo to mako
deductions?" Doctor Fulton was ask
ed. "Well, In a caso llko ono that hap
pened out In n Nebraska town a fow
yonrs ago I forgot tho place. A houso
had been burglarized In a small town,
tho robber getting nway with several
hundred dollars, and leaving nothing
from which wo could glvo tho scent
to tho hounds. Tho owner of tho
houso knew all tho peoplo who had
been In tho room from which tho
money was taken for tho last throo
days, excopt the robber. Wo got all
thoso people thoro, and gave the ordor
to tho dog: 'Find him!'
"Tho Cuban hound Immediately
picked up a scant that took him to
flic wlfo of tho owner of tho houso,
who was In tho next room. Hut tho
English dog went (milling around, got
acquainted with tho scents of tho peo
plo there, then found a trail different
from any of them. It led to a negro'H
house out In tho country, nnd tho
negro aftorward confessed to tho
"There Is nn old Idea that a man
can shako off tho dogs by walking In
running water. About ton yenrs ago
two men broko out of the Uentrlco
Jail. Thoy followed tho bed of tho
creek four miles nnd thon confidently
took tho road. Wo simply trailed
them to tho creek, nnd, ono dog on
each side, followed It down until tho
plnco whero tho men enmo out. Then
this will sliow you how keen Is tho
scent of tho hounds wo put them In
ii buggy and drove nlong tho road. As
long as tho men wo wero hunting had
stayed on tho rond, which was about
ten miles, the dogs snt still, Intent
and watchful. As soon as we reached
tho spot whore thoy dived Into a corn
field tho dogs Jumped out of tho bug
gy. Thoy had scouted tho trail from
tho bed of tho buggy.
"A trail becomes hard to follow
after about 50 hours havo elapsed, but
wo havo followed trails much older
than that,
"Wo ran a horsothlef who had mado
away with a flno pair of mares In
South Dakota, four years ago, 250
miles beforo wo captured him and tho
horseB. It took nlno days to catch
him, tho two hounds steadily follow
ing tho scent for that lougth of tlmo.
Then about eight years ago two of
my dogs, 'Joo-Joo' nnd 'Miss Colum
bia,' woro taken out to tho wild hills
in Wyoming- to run down a band of
train robbers who had takon $10,000
from a Missouri Pacific train. 'Joo
Joo' got lost out thoro nnd wns never
found, Probably ho was stolen. But
'Miss Columbia' went on nnd man
aged to capturo two of tho robbora."
A 1
It is important that you should now rid your
blood of those impure, poisonous, effete matters
that have accumulated in it during the winter.
The secret of the unequalcd and really wonderful success of
Hood's Sarsaparilla
ns ti remedy for Blooil Humors is tho (act that it combines, not simply
sarsupatilln, hut the utmost remedial values of inure than twenty ingre
dients Kools, Ilaiksand Heihs known to have extraordinary efficacy
in purifying- the blood and building tip the whole system.
Theie is no teal substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla, no "just us Rood"
medicine. Get Hood's today, in liquid form or tablets called Sarsatabs.
('iron IliOMldn nnd nrtmiHa irrrriitlf fiirnlliiTM. liquid plvpu on
thru 'ww S.jfo fur lirtiml timrc-tniiil nil tillii-rn llot.1 kliltii-v rriimly jM)
cent iti'l fl HI ii Imtllo. (Ti 00 iiml f 10 CO lti ilnri'ii. hulil by nil lrnrli.t
anil i:iiIh Iiiiiim'h, or hunt rlrt'hn piilil, by lliu iniiiiufiiaKircm.
One might light a Ho and still not
follow the truth.
To entice! iIiniimIoiw of I ho liver, loke
Gnt field 'IV. i, tho Herb l.:ivilive.
lie who cannot do kindness without
a brass baud Is not ho scrupulous
about his other dealings.
Mr W'iiixIiiw'n Southing Hvni)i for Chlltlri'ii
tl'l'lllllltf, Mifll'IIM till' KIPII1, H'llllft'N lllllllllllllll-
llou, uIIiijm puiii.ciiri'H lint eulie, "5o n IkiIUu.
Preaching pioducos so little practice
because people look on It as a per
formance. (Jui hold Te.i cannot but commend iti-elf
to tho-o ilcHi-iuit n liiMitho, hiiuplc, pule,
mild, potent iiml IiimIUi i;iviii.
A Quick Sidestep.
Merchant (to wldnv) 1 tun willing
to buy your hushaud'n working busi
ness anil good-will for $5,000.
Widow Well, hut I happen to ho
part of the working business
Merchant Then I'll take only tho
good-will.- Kllegendo Hlaetter.
The Tec; of Intellect.
"I wonder why Mrs. FUnigllt regards
hor husband as stupid, lie has been
very successful In business "
"Perhaps," replied Mr. Meokton,
"bo's like so mnny of tho rest of us
who can't possibly learn to keep tho
score of a bridge game."
Crutches or Biers.
Hlchard Croker, at a dinner In Now
York, expressed a distrust for nero
plnnes. "There's nothing underneath thorn,"
ho eald "If tho least thing goes
wrong, down thoy drop.
"I said to a Londoner the other day:
"'How Is your son getting on alnco
ho bought a (lying machine?'
"'On crutches, llko tho rest or
thorn,' the Londoner replied."
Literary Atmosphere.
"Mnrk Twain was not a widely read
man. How do you suppose ho over
managed to turn out so much good
"I don't know unless It was because
ho Hiiioked so much."
TiKhlneH ncrons the client menus a cold
on the lung. Tlmt's the d,in(H' feignnl.
Cure Hint cold with lliiinhnu Wizard Oil
before it rutin into CoriHiiiiiptiou or 1'nuu
nionia. No man hns como o truo greatness
who hns not felt In some degree that
his llfo belongs to )a race. Phillips
Wo Know nothing better for Tilon tlmn
Track's Ointment. It nlnioct inviirialilv
gives iiuiek iclief nnd often cITeuts ouron
in obstinate c.3ci. At.1: your dniKgiftt.
The recording angel tuny tako moro
Interest in your day book than In
your hymn book.
1IT,KS Ct'ltllll IN O TO 1 DAYS
Yminlriit-KlKt ullt ii'lmul iiiiiiii'jr ir I'A.U UINT
UK.VI' rutin In ciirn aiir rasa nf Ilulilntf, Illlnd,
Ulfwllntf orl'rotruainK 1'lle IiiCuj Uilak. due
Ho Is a learned man thnt under
stands ono subject; a very learned
man who understnnds two. Emmous.
The Human Heart
The heart is a wonderful double pump, through tho
action of which the blood stream is kept sweeping
round and round through the body nt the rate of seven
miles an hour. " Remember this, that our bodies
will not stand the strain of over-work without good,
pure blood anymore than the engine can run smooth
ly without oil." After many years of study in the
active practice of medicine, )t. It. V. I'ierce found
that when the stomach was out of order, the blood
Impure and there were symptoms of general break
down, a tonic made of the glycerio extract of certain
roots was the best corrective. This he called
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
Being mado without alcohol, this " Medical Discovery" helps the stomach to
assimilate the food, thereby curing dyspepsia. It is especially adapted to diseases
attended with excessive tissue waste, notably in convalescence from various
fevers, for thin-blooded people and those who are always "catching cold."
Dr. I'ierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent on receipt of 31 one
cent stamps for the 1'rench cloth-bound book of 1003 pages. Address Dr.
It. V. I'ierce, No. 663 Main Street, Iluffalo, N. Y.
iri?i?iter n t .!.... -ir i
&- tti trim vnln nf which aro
entitled to the best. Insist upon
L. Douglas shoes with his name and
W I.. Douglas dlioo.i eot moro to mnko tliin onllnary dliocs, beonuis
hlgliorgruilo leiitlior.H nro unoil iiinl neleotoil with iin-ator enro : every
doUil In tlio iimMiii: Ii M-iiti'lioil ovur liv tliu most rkllleil nrKammtlon
of tixport ulinonmUomln till coumrv Tliuta nro tlio ronaoni wliyW'.I..
IKhirI ta aliiina uro-RUiirnntefl to hold tliolr ali.ipe, look and lit hotter
ami lominr than any otlior alioc vim enu Imr.
Kyoiiritrnlrrcnnnot supply rnnwlih ihovenulim
idt aiMi urucr iMiajn. Mmri M-nciiim'! fr nn ihi'Ioi
V. L,. JJuutflua. li.3, Muurk
England's Oldest School.
A controversy has arisen In England
ns to which school has tho right to
claim greatest nge. There aro two
hchools which wero founded In tho
early part of the seventh century tho
King's school, Hoehostor, and tho
King's school, Canterbury. .lustiiH, on
his appoint ment to the see of Roches
ter In 00 1, made provision for a school
In connection with tho cathedral. Au
gustine established the Canterbury
school about tho sumo tlmo. St. I'o
ter's at York dates hack to tho elov
until century.
Ready With Proof.
An earnest preacher In (Jeorgln, who
lias a custom of tolling tho Lord all
the news In his prajers, recently bo
gun petition for help ngalnst tho
progress of wickedness In his town
wltli the statement:
"O thou great Jehovah, crlmo is on
the Increate It Is becoming more
pi evident dally I can prove It to you
by stallatlcs"- Everybody's Magazine
Munyon'H Klieiitnntlsm Remedy relieve
pntiis In tlio IcgH, iiruiH, back, Miff oc
Hwollcn Joints. Coutnlim no moriitilno.
opium, etu'iiliio or drugs to de.iilun tlia
pnlti. It neutralize tlio neld anil ilrlvca
out nil rlioiiHintle ooIhoiio from tl'o hjh.
Ictn. Wrlto I'nif. .Mmiyun. Mil nml Jeff
crmin NtH., I'lilla., l'a., fur medical ail
vlcc, nbBulutuly free.
The Army of
la Growing Smaller Every Day.
tcspotuible Ihey n
only trivo relief ,
they peimanenUy
cute loDilipa-
tion. Mil
lion tMO
them (or
nesi, Indigestion, Sick Headache, SiHowSVla.
Genuine munu Signature
5, Tori, New Turk, lllirnl) iif., .firS5J4 HI , W,.t
A Country School for Girls
IN Ni:W YIIICIC CITY. IliHKentiirri of
tiiillitr) Ulul I'll y lire. Oul-nt-Umir HirU oil
KchiHil lurk iiCUuiti'K near tlm lliiilhuii ltlrrr
Munluuml Art. Mlvt IUM.1 ao4 aih minus
DEFIANCE Gold Water Starch
makes laundry work a plcusuru. ID or. pkg 10a.
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 8-1911.
l... 11 ....... irt
unknown. You lira
bavins the nenuino
price on tho bottom.
WM-Poinrimalioea. wrtto
Inft tn wnrr alt ihrifMSi
Nt., llrvckiou, Uiui, $2.OO,$2.0O43.0O
tEmSri Pam-clYc
frJ'JmSM hitti e
jft vw f &iic i inj i
&M" mm ii HPILL3.
Wk mWlfmWr
Mfed? Jr
mmmmsfikiiiMS&. MmW&&i&J&JhM