imi I Liwax a,"" vrt i-v t. SiclftV iik it,Aj- lI.k -sSS. nr tous us aw fi8 r m- sesr - y&w$- ... -,3rTHa nhee . srwv. m jw? w ra v& &? cv tw && & m-? - . --r&mmtr MRwn 5m 1 Is? w - nU A' BS Flu it) km! wW w ya Vi ,V SvCia . - -tttfe ,- vncf B.n ij vkw r. in jttr rn us mbi nru v r- im f.i -. aor i :urw ,. --- l m - via ra e oaa -. iuau& ku h. v -Ka sa b i. ssn imp . - -- - '-s. -ggaB I. 4 N A Newspaper That Gives The Nchs Fifty-two Weeks Each tear For $1.50. Wife" LVOLTJME XXXV TI 1 1 . RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, MARCH L 1911. NUMIIEII J Customers of this Bank faie always satisfied customers, because I vwt omloavci to tieut nil with equal ' oonitosy and attention. To be Accjnnwliitlnft and Conservative is a combination that we have found to bo not only possible, but profitable 'as well. Wo can woik for your Inter ests and our own at the same time. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. to lie in England where Mis. Doakln lslt her paients W. S. I.uinbcrt and was mined . wile She ictiuncd to Oilier Sunday I. W Siiiiiies and family lelt. for ( morning. Hastings whoie thej intend to make ,)d Dtiggor has tented the residence, their futuie home. We aro vol v soiry of C. G. l'uikiusun in the northwest to loose them but wish them a pros part of town and will nioo in as nooii pet oils fututc. i as the house is vacated by Carioll O. R. Fickle of Asliltui 1, Iowa camo Wllliltan who is going n n faun I in this week and is moving on what is j (Jrandma Johnson of Iowa who is known as the llrown rami noun oi visiting in tins vnolnity is hpeudiu Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Electrical Contractor. AH kinds of Elec trie repairing. Bell phone, Black 20. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DC NT I ST Moon Block, Red Cloud In Rivcrton every Monday COWLES E. T. Foe was in Kod Cloud Wednes day. Mrs. Marsh has a sister visiting lit their home for n bhoit time. Clias. Ilenuott went to Blue Hill Thursday on telephone business. Miss Plprenco Squiies is staying with Mrs. Ida Squires and intends to finish this years school here. .las. McBrido is moving into the Clias. Francis propeity across the creek in the east part of town. Wolls A MoTaggait one of our enor getio. Hardwaio linns is building an addition to their Implement stoic. Knbott (.'unison of Guide Hook was up Wednesday nioining li.xing bis auto which had balked for thcdrhei-Ma'ilin Ci ow. Mr. and Mrs. McDoo of Moundville, Mo , are making a shoit visit w Mr. Ucakin and family. Mrs. McDoo used Cowlcs. His son has llod heie for two years. We welcome him among us. The II A M. It. It. Co . intends to put in n switch below Cowles about n mile and a half where the sand mounds are numerous, 'I he cement business has become so gt eat thut theie is no loubt that a switch there will pay wol.l. There is few if any other place in the state where good sand is so ao cessable as thero Is at this place. GUIDE ROCK. I). I) Panders of Dlller was a guest at the Lambert homo from Friday un til Sunday. Miss Hobby Fisher ol Supcrlorspont Sunday in Guide Hock with her friend Mrs. Dunn Burr. Jack Milner mid wife have moved in with Hastings Milner and wife, par ents of the former. Mrs. I). Kailey returned home Sun day morning from n visit with ber daughter Mrs. J A. Shceley. Reese Stiokley nnd wife have leturn ed from their visit in the country with their son Bort and family. Bert Van Horn and family expect to move to the count rj . on the fill in with Andicw Schultz. who is thoir son-in-law. The Degree of Honor lodge j'avo the 'Memorial Service" Tuesday evening at the hall in memory of Hobt T. Jewell who died March .'iOlli of last year. Miss Malissa Luinboi t who teaches at Dlller'camo up Friday evening to I A New Store Feature For Women In Chicago and New York women who appreciate and de mand the utmost in style, quality and tailoring skill in outer ap parel go direct to the Radford Shops. And NOW, the selfsame styles and fabrics that have always characterized Radford Garments Tailor ed to Measure may beobtained HERE at your own store. As exclusive representatives of E. B. Radford & Co., of Chicago and New York, we now offer you the complete Radford Shop Service. r You can take your pick of over 5 1 Radford Styles arfd-230 Spring Fabric patterns for suits, skirts, coats, dresses or capes. You can have any style any price garment you select made to your in dividual measure by the Radford Shop at Chicago prices. Come see and make selections Irom this early Spring display. MM 3ft Mh iP I ' i ' Ums) III xl I I F. NEWHOUSE PHONES: Hurnl 5.'1. Bell, Hilt 41 this week with her daughter Mrs. Uoesc Stiokley She hud been for sometime visiting liei other daughter Mis. May Sabin. Abo Ii. Schobourgaud wifoand little niece Gladys Conner spent Sunday in Holdroge with relatives of Mrs Scho- bourg. The elder Mrs Schobourg and Agnes Conner were guests of Albert Schobourg while the others wore gone. Frank Hhndley died Satuidny morn ing about ldtfO o'olock after an illness of several weeks The body was taken Sunday to Filley, Nebraska for burial. Mr. Shadloy was a member of the Hoyal Highlanders order. He leaves his wife, and three grown daughters. Fayo, Gladys and Itornice. The family and three of the other relatives accom panied the body. William Montgomoiy died very sud denly of heart disease Monday morn ing about eleven o'clock. He was con versing with friends at his feed store when quickly ho slipped from his chair and died instuntly. He had reached the age of sevoutytwo years the tenth of February. Ho was born in Ohio and was a votciau of the Civil war. Bo was a member of the A O. U. W., lodge foi many yeais. His aged mother died just seven weeks ago Mr Montgouiott and his wife weie Webster County ploneeis coining heie in 1 87 1 and homestoadliig the farm on which the original "guide rock" (a big liinc-stuno bluff) is located Be sides his wilo, he leaves two sons, W. U. Montgomery and Ora Montgomery wholesale here and one daughter, Mrs. Hose Shceley of Colorado. Two brothels and a sister survive. The funeral was held at the.Hnptlst church Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. Ilev. W. Robblns conducted the sor vice The first of this year flvo gener ations in this family were living. In the shoit space of seven weeks two generations have pnssed away. WESTERN WEBSTER Walt Garner and family came homo f 1 0111 California Saturday. A.T. Walker and wife of Kod Cloud visited Sunday at I. O; Walker's Mr. and Mis. Will Peters of Camp bell spoilt Sunday at C. L. Horricks'' There aic n dozen or more farms in this locality that aro changing hands this spring. Itsoeinsas if its nearly everybody's move. We had a line snow storm the tlrst of the week the resultof the wolf hunt Tuesday. Two weeks ago it rained the day of the wolf hunt and wc begin to think that all we neod to do to coax down a little moisture is to orguniio n big hunt. It's a little hard on the captains tho. Giandmu Myers, who has been ill for quite a while, dopirted this life Saturday at the home of hor daughter, Mrs. John Debruuncr. Funeral ser vices weio held at the houso Monday and she was laid to test in tho Illver- toil cemotcry Her many friends ex tend their heartfelt sympithy to the bcrontod family. All The Year 'round. Its easy and Daylight all the way. CALL OR SEND FOR CATALOGUE. Newhouse Bros. E. H. NEWHOUSE, Prop. C. B. & Q. Watch Inspectors. Jewelers and Optometrists. Harness Repairing and Oiling Neatly Done at FOGEL'S Also my stock of Harness of all kinds and Harness repairs including Strap work, Collars, Halters and Saddlery. My line of Harness Hardware is complete. Remember I can give you just what you call for in this line and prices always the lowest. Joe Fogel, The Harness Man. Mr. Robertson has boon on tho sick list but is bettor at this writting. Mr. Charlie Lowls passed away Tues day morning at 'J o'clock. Tho funeral occurred Wednesday nftomoon at two o'clock and interment took place in the Pleasant Hill cemetery. Wo all sympnthie with the bereaved family' i LESTER Lagilppe Is tho order ol tho day. Miss Ola Swat U has returned home from Lincoln, Mr, and Mrs. Qoorgo Blair spent Sunday at Fred J J rights. Mrs. John Emick and sou visited her daughter Mrs. Portor Hnlo Sunday. Mrs. Edward McDonald loft Monday for her home at Hastings, nor mother fdrs. Hd Hlmes accompanied her, . Mr. nnd Mrs. Andrew King, Hd King, Mrs. Hdwnrd McDonald and Ed, Ulmos.Tr., spent Sunday evening nt John llolcombs, Mi. and Mrs. John Itasser spont Sun day at her parents Will Robertsons. good many got away There was about live hundred men In tho round up. George Harris bought somo line shonts of Man ley Bros. Friday. Charley Campbell bought eight head of cattle at White's sale and Will Fish, er got six bond. GARFIELD The weather is a little cool in Gni flold this week. Will Fisher and Guy Barnes shelled corn one day last week. Tho Hist of March came in like a lamb and It will probably o lamb It out Cicoigc Coon and his right hand man Al Smith were on wind mill row Sun day. Mr. White and family left this week for their new homo. We wish him success. Mrs. Chris Hanson arrived home from a throe wooks visit In Oklahoma and hor nephew camo home with her, Leo Smith and wife called on her folks Mr. Joe Taylor of Guldo Rock on Saturday night and returned homo Monday. Tho neighbors of T. V. whites sur prised them on Thursday evening with an oyster supper and overybody had a good time. The wolf hunt on WednosdayJ wns well attended nnd they got six and u Wolf Hunt Tuesday. Natch 7th. 1911 LINKS, East line Taylor's ranch south, north line tho ilver, west line DiarNorrls' south, south line two miles in Kansas. st ni. Bo on lines by D:!l0 a. m East and west Hues stmt at 10 u in . noith and south linos start at lOiIK) a. m. Round up at II inson's pasture. HULKS All rillos and dogs ute absoluloly hair ed in tho ring, All horses with the exception of captains and line riders must stay out of round up riug. Any one starting flro is llablo for damages. Plenty of lunch on ground, CAITAINS. North, Low Aubushon nnd Clnreuco Stewart; South, Oscar Sattley and Charles Wlttwcr; West, Mint Steolo and Frank Smith; Hast, Wm. Eckler and H. H Shtpman. All wolves to bo sold to highest bidder anil ovponse money taken out, balance to Ladles' Aid furnishing lunch, -41 tt ' 'i t- -M . 3 V 'yft " n -n ' '. m .1 0 i 1 ,i t 5 , i s mmmmimjmili 'smmmm j3&!ia& mmmmmmmfm