The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 23, 1911, Image 5

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    , n mii KWTfm
. jAi e-vTi
This Spring weather mak
es one think of cleaning
Our nice Spring stock
of wall Paper and Paints
is now in the store and
we invite your inspection
a full stock of Chi-Nam-El
also. This is the best
varnish made for all
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist.
Market Report
As Furnished by Hanson K Trine
liens (fat) ' I"''lb-
Spring r
Cox ' " "
Ducks " ' "
(Jccso '
Turkeys " ''
Butter l'." "
Kggs (rots out) 1 "
Hides " " "
II. t'. Cutter is home from Chicago.
Paul Storey was in Lincoln Hiis
Mrs. Dolly Lewis is heme from Mo
Cook. Krctl Temple f Kan-as City is In
this city.
Mrs. V. llurwood is on the hick list,
this week.
-Old newspapers .'i coats a bundle at
this oflieo.
George Boyd of Bird City, Was., is
in the city.
L. M.Crabill roturned from Colora
do Monday.
i.-...ii i!,iMii..n of Hastintrb i- in the
city visiting.
.1. V.V ratten of Bladen was in this
city .Monday.
'.eph I'.osencrans of Bclvidere. III.,
is in the city.
H. .1. Boyd or r.laden spent Tuesday
in lied Cloud.
Mrs. Hants returned from Mankato.
Kas., .Monday.
Capl. Ailamsof Superior wasin the
oity lust week.
Frank (Sriiss of Orand Islaiiil was in
the city last week.
K. W. Law of Blue Hill was in Bed
Cloud Wednesday.
Wauled a or -1 To" of good alfalfa
hay.-l. W. Kimn.
C Bruneof Blue Hill was on our
streets Wednesday.
Creed Perry is hoino.froin ills home
stead at Yuma, Colo.
Mis. Homer Morgan was visiting in
Superior last week.
Mrs. C. W. Creider is visiting rela
tives at Bsbon. Kas.
Who don't think the curfew ring
might do some good?
A. C. Hognett of Itiverton was taking
iu the town yesterday
S. T. Holier of Franklin was iu the
city on business today.
(iood six room house for rent, in
quire of II. W. (Julliford.
Farm Loans, I am ugain ready to
make farm loans at the lowest rate
and best tonus. 1 am hole- agont for
Trevett, Mattis A Baker. Some pri
vate money
.1. II. Bailey. Bed Cloud. Nebr.
Mikts Horns Baking Easy
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powder
made from Royal Grapo
Cream of Tavtat
See Dr. Stock innn for eye glnsaofj
Satisfaction guumuteed.
Mm Mcintosh shipped his cattlo 'o
Kansas City Wednesday.
Lee Keith is homo from a short "tiy
at Campbell and Bladen
The inas club meets at Mrs lioyd
Smith's Tuc-dny afternoon.
Sme good resident'.! lots for sale.
In.iiire of 11. W. (Julliford.
Mr. Ulnrles Rtellln of (iriitid Island
spent Sunday In Bed Cloud.
W. II. Stewart of Ashland, Nebr , is
in Ked ('lornl for a few flays.
F. B. Biehards of Lebanon. Ids .
spent Wednesday in Bed ("loud.
Miss Carpenter returned from a
at Hastings the llrstof the week.
('. Keith of Hastings is in town lor it
short visit with hi sou Lee Keith.
Mrs. Noble Ball is home from Frank
lin, wheie she visited her mother
ludge Hiingan and Court Bcportcr
Beard are holding court this week.
Miss Agnes l.etourneau of Aurora,
Kas., is visiting Miss Alfa Longtin.
Mrs. ,). l;, Butler Is home from a
visit with relatives at Clayton, Kas.
You will miss it if you don't try
Boutt County CjuI. ,1. (). (t.invi:i,t..
A baby boy was borh to Mr. and
Mrs. .lohn Wolfe St. Valentines Day.
Bcv..l. M. Bate.-, was iu Craud Island
last week attending a clergy meeting.
Bun McFarlaud, Fred Temple and
Paul Tope went to St. .Toe Wednesday.
W. A. Kent returned Wednesday
from a business trip to Bockport. Colo.
Poit Sam:: While Wyandotte Cock
erels. See me atonce. 0 I'
I. M. Cou,yerso of Omaha was trans
acting business in Bed Cloud yester
day. Lost between Miuer Bros', and Mor
hurt's, ti So bill. Finder leave at Chief
Mrs. David Watson and children re
turned to her home iu Bcllalre. Kas..
.Mm MeBride, the hustling real s
tati; agent of Cowles, was in the city
Boscoc Scllars and wife left for their
home after a visit with his brother
Alva Sellars.
Miss McCurdy of Chicago the trim
mar for Hurt & Ailes arrived iu the
city Tuesday.
George W. Liuek of the Superior
cement factory was iu town on busi
ness this week.
N B. Simpson, who has been spend
ing the winter iu California, is expect
ed home next week.
Bcv. Bennett will preach at the
Christian chut eh both morning and
evening Sunday, Feb. '.'li.
Mrs. F.d McDonald of Hastings is
visiting with her mother. Mrs. Ld
Hliues, mid other relatives.
Kllis (Julliford and wife left this
morning for Oklahoma vhete they
will make their future home.
With two vaudeville shows and tt
skating rink. Itcd cloud people can
amuse themselves at any rate.
Is your farm for sale? List it with
D.S tiAKIIIMI .V t'o's. It will he
liberally advertised. Chief ollice.
The Congregational ladies aid will
hold their market at 1. A. Wullbraudts
grocery store Saturday, Fehr. 'J. 1th.
.lodge Duiurau and Court Reporter
Baird left this morning for Uloomiug
ton. whero they will begin court to
day. Is your farm for sale? List it at
selling juices on stiaight commission
basis with Han (!ai!ui:i: A Comca.m.
Chief ottice.
Mist, (;ii,ra Ailes of Hart A Ailes ic
turned Ii-oiii her spring buying trip.
She purchased goods in Omaha and
St. Joseph
And Indus lscariol" is the subject
that Kldcr .lurboo will preach on next
Sumla, evening at 7:1.1 All are cor
dially invittd.
There were It! carloads of stock
shipped out id here Sunday, and III
cat loads of stock were shipped out of
here Wednesday. .
"Nick" Carter, our lirst baseman of
last year's baseball team, is not ex
pected to live, from (reports received
from Diveriion, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pope wry pleas
antly entertained the members of the
D. A N. P. club and their gentlemen
friends last Friday night.
The special subject fo'r Sunday morn
ing at the Baptist church 'will be a
survey of our home mission tield. Keg.
ular service Sunday evening
The W C.T. I-', will meet with Mrs.
i Jeorge- I 'ope net Wednesday niter-
noon. 'I he program will bi national I
president and I'nion Signal day.
I lyde Points, from .south of Inavale,
moved on Dan tSarbci's farm, a mile
north of town, this week, having rent
ed that place for the coming year.
.last us much eue, in fact a little
more, should lie OMirulseil in buying
elect r.e Mid irons, as in buying any
thing else Some irons use more dec
tricit than others iu doing the sumo
ivoik tiet your elect ue u-nim of
s a low price picnic
on; you're invited
different from
VOU'RE probably not
the rest ot us when it comes to getting some
unusual value for your money; it's human nature, and every
body's got some of that in them.
We've made up our minds to clean up this stock of good things to wear;
to clear out all fall and winter goods and start the spring season with an entirely
new lot of stuff.
In order to do it we're quoting prices on these things that are good
enough reason for any man who likes to get good things for less than they're
really worth to come here on the run.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes are among these goods; and when any man can get Hart Schaffner &
Marx clothes at less than the usual prices he's certainly not very wise if he
doesn't do it.
There are a lot of other good things, too; we'll give you an idea of what
to expect here:
20 per cent Discount Continues This Week.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes.
MoiuiAiii turns, tiiey earry tu,t t,,., ,.,,,,, alfull'ii
Ize.iiuu. lie curcfull ..f just s' bushels w Into ear corn
I good" electric irons.
bast Friday II C Cuttor got an ex
tra train and shipped his stock consist
ing of 15 cars of cuttle and I ear of
hogs to Chicago. He accompanied
Farm Loans Negotiated-- Longost
Time Busiest Optional Payments low
est Bates of Interest on Shortest No
tice Dan CJAitiiKi! Co. At Cnir.r
Hoy Bust proprietor of the Boy a
Uarber shop has installed tin electric
massage machine and you are cordial
ly invited to cull for a shave, hair cut.
or massage.
Next Wednesday being Aah Wednes
day, the (list day of Kent, ltov. ,I..M.
Hates will hold suitable services at
(iraee church at I p. m. All are cor
dially invited.
Binuors are alloat for a two flays"
celebration to be held here on the 1th
ot July by thu business men. Let'1
doit. It is none too tmrly to start it
now. What do you think about if.'
Mr. and Mrs. William Dclsmi are;
visiting at. the home of Mr. Krault
Cowden. .Mrs. Betson will remain
here until the return of Mr. Letsou,
who left for Uiullesville, Okla., on
business. 4
Meadames (Joo. .f. Wnrron andChiis.
l'otter entertained the .100 club at. the
home of Mr. Potter Tuesd'uy fjvoning.
About V) guests Were present'.auil wore
colopial costumes in honor of Wash
ington's birthday.
iJeorge-'J'i'inc received word Tuesday
evening that Mrs Trlne'fl mother, Mp.
lorrest oi Lawrence, ae.n., was very
sick. Thuy Iinnicdiat.)ly departed for
that place. Later word received from
Mr, Trine stales that she parsed away
at i o clock wenncMiiiy morning. i
Having rented his farm one mile
north of this city for the coining year,
Dun Uarber will hold a public sale
there, Tuesday, M.n eh Till. Ills sale
bill includes a lew horses, about 1:
head of full blood and high grade red
hogs, a largo list of farm machinery,
good harness, about 12 tons of s,.c.,,ii(l
hay and Jon
B very t Id i.g
Fire, hrohc out in the I'etmson
building, south of look's drugstore,
yesterday morning. The cause of the
lire is unknown, but it seems that it
must have caught I'tom u defective
Hue. The tiro department made a
' quick appearance, but the lire being
so much in the roof it was extremely
ditlicult to do anything with it. How
i ever, the life was checked and the
building saved, ultlio it. was badly
' gutted.
' A big surprise party was given in
honor of (Jeorge t'orticr and wife on
last Monday night when their neigh-
i burs went in on them for an evening
of on.iovnient. A grand old fashloiud
Red Cloud Band gives Successful Heme
Talent Opem.
Last TliurHday evening the Utl.oiiH
Band gave a very pleasing entertain
ment at the opera House. The play
was 'A Western Diania" in throe acts
liberally Interspersed with amusing
specialties- by Lynn and Kooth of the
vaudeville circuit in the Tepee
Mr. and Mis. Hett-, Howard Foe,
Jjoyd Mines, On is FVurn. Silver Long
tin ami Neta Argalii,ht made up the
personnel ot the cast nf characters
and each pei-bumcd their part in high
!y coiiiplimentaiy st le.
I he orchestra under tin
time was had with games, stories and j ' (!- ' Bailey gavi
gots uiidu the bammer.
an elegant JIuuch was served. I Jeorge
gave us a great ariatiou of select
music ootids large graphophotie And
all present pronounced it a grand af
fair, l.eorge and wife aitt enjoying
life in great style. Having both lived
iu Beil t'loud for several year, They
were married about one year ago ami
moved on the farm and both agree
there In no place like the farm for
them. One that was at the party.
Jiuues I'titerson has sold a half in
terest iu his automobile business to
hia brother, L. b Peterson. This llrm
will make the selling and repairing-of
tiutumobilcH their twelusive bu.siuess.
They Imvo puruued the ground bo.
tw'oen their piusent gorngo ami the
street and will creel u large and com
modious building" tor their increasing
business just an soon us tho weather
opoiiH up. This building will be at
least IB ty feet Hquurw and will be the
best one of its kind in the Republican
valley. Peterson Bros, have unloaded
two curs of machines already and later
on will add more. This places them
on an equal footing with dealers In
Omaha and otlior huge cities. They
have the tlnaucial resources necessary
to conduct an establishment of this
character on a large tc.alo and this
will he an iiuporluut addition to the
industries of the city. We wish the
new llrm unlimited success ami we
have evtrj coidl lclee in tlitir abi'llly
an ' IIK'U ' cv
musieai program, .mis. nuglics pre-,
shied at the piano with her usual skill
and ehaim. The entertainment was j
justly piiiiouicd by u good houc and
wasgenerall coniincnlcd upon iu most
complimentary terms.
Is Your Farm on
we want a com
plete list of Web
ster County Lands
h' leadership C
eo eMvnenttor sale.
Red Cloud CHIEF Office.
There' No Risk
If This Medicine Does Not Benefit You
Fay Nothing
A physicifin who made tt specialty of
.stomach troubles, particularly dyspep
sia, after years of study perfected tho
foiuiulu from vUiioh lic.Mill Dyspepsia
TahlqtH ur.e made.
Our wxpfi-leiico with Bexall Dyspep
sia Tablets leads us to believe the.tu to
be thegreatext romtdy known for thu
relief of acute iudigebtion and chronic
dyspepsia. Their Ingredients uro
soothing ami the iuilamcd
membranes of the stomach. They are
rich in pepsin, one of the greatest di
gestive mil known to medicine The
....II. ,4 I)..,,. ..I1....I . i it... .
, v, ... w.. j uimiiii in I1IIIIIIS! IIIIMICIMUIU,
Their use with persistency and regu
larity tor a siioit time brings about a
cessation of the pain caued by sto
mach disorders.
Bc.Miil Dyspepsia Tablets will Insure
healthy appetite, ah) digestion ami
promote nutrition. As evidence of
our siuceic faith iu Bexall Dyspepsia
Tablets, we ask you to try them at our
risk If they do not gic you entire
buTtsfactioji, we will return you the
money vou paid us for thorn, without
question or formality I'hey chiiih iu
tiireesies. orlces 2.'i cents. fiU cents
and Si W) Beiiieinher ion can obtain
thorn only at. -The Bexall The H, 10
mice Drug Co
For Sale!
1 Span of good Brood
mares weight about
2600. both in fole, 1
Span of Mules coming
2 and 3 years old, 1
Milch cow fresh soon, 1
Poland-china brood sow
3 Miles South of Inavale, Neb.
R. F. D. No. 2
See The Chief for-up-date
Job Work.