''VWfP; (- W fit(ff "" w Vt3fft " jU y V CANADA GETS $1,500 TROPHY. ' ' NATIONAL CORN EXPOSITION, AT COLUMBUS, OHIO, AWARDS TROPHY FOR PECK OF OAT8 GROWN IN SAS KATCHEWAN. Again Canada is to tho fore, and has ecured at tho National Corn Exposi tion Just closed at Columbus, Ohio, the magnificent Colorado silver trophy val ued at $1,500, for tho best peck of oats These oats were grown by MeBBrB. Hill & Son, of Lloydmlnster, Saskatchewan, and, as may readily bo understood, wero of splendid quality to have boon o successful in a contest open to the world, and In which competition was keen. At tho stuno Exposition tliero wero exhibits of wheat nnd barley, nnd in nil thoso competitions, the grain shown by Canada secured a wonderful amount of nttentlon, nnd also a num ber of awards. During recent exhibi tions at which grain from Western Canada wns given permission for en try, It alwnys took first placo. At tho Spokano Interstate Fair, IaBt fall, whero tho entries were vory large, nnd tho competition keen, the Provluco of Alberta carried oft tho silver cup, giv en by Governor Hay, for tho best stato or province dlsplny, and a scoro of prizes was awarded Canndlan exhibi tors for different exhibits of wheat, oats and barley threshed and In the sheaf. Vegetables also received high awards. A pleasing fenturo of theso exhibits was they wero moBtly made by farmers who had at one tlmo been Amerlcnn Citizens and wero now farm ing In Canada. Tho Department of tho Interior 1b Just In receipt of a mag nificent diploma given by tho Trl-Stato Board of Examiners at tho Fair hold in Cincinnati last fall for agricultural dis play by Canada. Tho Surveyor-General of Canada haB Just completed a map showing that a largo area of land was surveyed last year In tho northern portion of Sas katchewan and Alberta In order to be ready for tho rush of homesteaders to that district during tho coming spring and summer. It 1b understood sur veys covering sovcrnl hundreds of thousands of acres will he mado in addition to theso during tho coming summer. A return Just Issued by tho Domin ion Lands Branch shows that 48,257 homestead entries wero mado Inst year as compared with 37,001 in 1909; of this 48,257, 14,704 wero mado by Americans. North Dakota coming first on the list with 4,810, Minnesota gives 2,528, South Dakota 1,133, Wisconsin 745, Washington 730, Michigan 700, Iowa G45, whilo other states show less, but with tho exception of Delaware, District of Columbia and tho Indlnn Territory, every Btato and territory contributed. Tho prospects for an nbundnnt crop In all parts of Western Canadn for 1911 are said to be excellent In tho districts that required it thero was an amplo rainfall last autumn, nnd tho snowfall during tho present winter is greater than in many previous years. JJoth are essential factors to tho farm ers, who look upon tho moisture that these will produce as being highly beneficial. A largo immigration from tho United States is expected, and tho demand for 1'teraturo and Information from tho va rious Government Agencies locnted at different points in tho States is tho grcntest It has ever been. Since tho nbovo was written word has been received that In addition to honors won at Columbus, Ohio, Cana da won first and second on wheat and first and second on oats, as well as diplomas. Norman Chorry of Davis, Sasfiatch ewan, who was In tho reservo for first on wheat, secured tho award, with G. H. Hutton of Lncombo, Alberta, sec ond. J. C. Hill & Sons got first on oats besides tho silver trophy. G. II. Hutton took second In oats. Tho brotherhood of roan does mean better wnges, but It also means bet ter work. Take Garfield Ten! Made of ITerbs, it la pure, pleasant nnd health-giving. An undertaker knowB a lot of "dead oneB" thnt ho 1b unnblo to bury. ARE YOU BILIOUS? NO WONDER YOU "FEEL BLUE" Make the liver ' 'get busy, " tone the digestive system, regulate the appetite and keep the bowels free from constipation by taking HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS IT 18 REALLY THE BEST FOR YOU TAKE A DOSE OF PISO'S L The best medicine ew 'for COUCHS 6 COLDS TbDSo AND OTHER Cities Firemen Often Fooled by Freak Calls NEW YORK.-In the faco of nccl dent tho unrcsourceful New York er Hies to two sources of safety nnd relief of tho police nnd the fire de partments. He has no confidence in hlmsrlf Tho result of walking in tho samo groove with his many brothers day in nnd day out for so many yeurH han loft him with no incentivo to do tho work of rescue. The firo alarm box 1b bo handy and tho "cop" is bo accessible, "what would bo the use?" ho asks himself. For this reason no firemen in any section of tho country arc called upon to do such a variety of things as those In tho larger cities. Perhaps one of the most humorouB calls for tho fire department in Now York enrao when an epileptic, nbout to "throw a fit," had hold a bottle of medicine to his mouth, which he ex plained to tho court afterward, would have prevented tho attack. Some self appointed guardian, imagining tho bot tle contnlncd poison, dashed it to tho Bloodhound's Luxurious Surroundings feinl (TIME TO 1 &J&& BANGOR, ME. Ono of tho finest packs of bloodhounds In this part of tho country is kept nt tho Mnlno State prison in Thomaston for the moral effect on prisoners who contem plato escupe. Tho pack Is a mlxturo of an Imported English strain and carefully bred southern stock. One of tho pack, when but n young puppy, was presented to Marguerite Owen, a Relfast girl, and tho two have been lnsopnrnblo companions for the last throo years. Tho dog's nnmo Is Hilda. She Is of n most sensltivo nnd sym pathetic nnturo and feels a cross word much moro than some dogs would a kick. Sho romps with tho children, her fnvorlto diversion being hlde-nnd-seek. Sho knows tho children by name, and when sho is "It," she nl ways finds the one sho Is told to seek. Hilda has a bedroom nil to herself, fitted up with n llttlo Iron cot with real bedclothes llko ono of tho fnm ily. Tho room Is lighted with elec How Des Moines Club DES MOINES, IA. Imagine tho wife of Gov. B. F. Carroll of Iown begging funds on tbo streets, and lm nglno, too, other prominent society women of Des Moines blacking shoes, sellng doughnuts, working at day la- 1 bor, making candy and selling home made cheese, and you will know how tho women of Des Moines Women's club are going about earning $2,300 with which to buy pictures nnd paint ings for the Women's club building In this city. It all camo about when nt n meet ing of tho Women's club the low con dition of tho treasury was discuss ed. Something hnd to bo done. Mu sIcalcB luncheons, amateur theatricals all had been tried time and time ngaln. "Why not earn money like working women earn their money? Why 'not tnko In washing?" suggested Mrs. feTASUREl ij&SSmWu'Li buy" hHrli-J iSpM hy doughnuts IK iflMLfiVV0HT Y0U City Finds Jobs for the Unemployed I'D LIKE TO Grr a aob m a pie FACTORS IHSPECTIH' PIES KANSAS CITY, Kan. A municipal employment bureau, operated un der the direct supervision of tho city commissioners, which will furnish free Jobs to applicants, haB been started here. Tho employment bureau Is just an much a part of tho city's business as the street department, fire depart ment or any .other city department, and It is populnr vlth tho public. Tho city employment bureau has boen In oxlstenco only a short whilo, but In that tlmo a hundred men and women havo been given jobs nnd tho names of 200 moro who want work havo been received and filed In tho order of their presentation, to bo sent to positions among employers who want workers are found. Tho bureau will furnish positions of nny kind to men or woman. CMPUJTMBHTl kk r JteQ ICtftfM HEi-raH -rMj3 W-&aTL PBtoBwI T" xp fy"f i nRW'Si rVn" pavement nnd railed for tho tlremcn. Great crowds gathered nbout tho spot where tho man lay and tho fircmon and policemen of the district udded to tho throng Tho fircmon wero dis gusted, tho police wero disgusted and eventually tho epileptic was disgusted bernuso ho was arrested for causing a disturbance. Last year one of tho Innovations In the rescue work of Now York firemen which Includes anything from taking cnts from trees to rescuing people in 42-story buildings, was tho rescue of nn aviator whoso machlno had be come entangled In a maio of wires In Hrooklyn A llttlo girl, eager to got a "look" Into n lino garden, thrust her head be tween two pickets nnd once thoro sho was unnblo to release herself Tho firemen and pollco were cnllcd, hut finally a doctor came forward with a little vasallno, applied It on tho child's head and tho rescuo was ef fected. Recently a fireman wao Injured by n fall from a trco whilo rescuing a cat thnt had scaped a canine's fury. There nro scores of such happenings every day In great cltleB nnd among tho heaviest bills flro departments must pny aro those caused by re sponding to false alarms. tricity, nnd ench night her mistress goes upstairs nnd Hilda crawls Into bed, lays her head on tho pillow and wnlts to bo covered up and tucked in When this In dono tho light Is turned off nnd sho Is left for the night, rare ly stirring until called in tho morn ing. Mention of bloodhounds usually sug gests "Uncle Tom's Cnbln" and tho great, bloodthirsty beasts thnt chase Eliza across tho Ice, but tho big, fo roclous Appearing "man tracking Cti bnn bloodhounds" of tho show bills uro usually tho lumbering, good nn tured Great Danes, mastlffB or a cross breed. It Is easy to teach them to chaso Eliza, when tho unfortunato woman has some choice tidbits In tho pocketB of her npron with which to feed tho dogs If they chase hor with satisfactory realism. The chief characteristic of tho gen uine bloodhound Is the marvelous de velopment of their scent-following In stinct, especially when trained to fol low human beings. Their nbllity to keep tho trail Is tho result of Intelli gence and training nnd not on nccount of any animosity ngnlnst tho person being trnllcd, for, contrary to tho gen eral supposition, the real bloodhound rarely If ever attacks tho person ho lias been following. Women Get Money J. Q. Derryhlll, wlfo of a millionaire wholesale lumber denier, who boasts tho fatherhood of tho famous Dob Moines plan of municipal govern ment. Tho other women gaspod. But Mrs. Borryhlll was In doad earnest. That Is the way It all camo nbout. Bofore tho meeting adjourned tho women wero enthusiastic. Tho next day tho women wero at work. Mrs. Ernst Brown, president of tho club, "enrnod" her first dollar Belling eggs produced from n pen of flvo chick ens, for which her husband, hor first customer, paid $100. Mrs. Carroll, wlfo of the governor of Iown, became so enthusiastic that sho wan mistaken for a beggar while soliciting funds on tho street. Mrs. Berryhlll sold newspapers. Mrs. L. M. Mann, whoso husband hns mado his fortune In renl estato, decided to do Bhampooing. Mrs. W. F. Mitchell, ex prosldent of tho club, has been sell ing home-mndo aprons, Mrs, George Aulmann began her fund by selling doughnuts. Mrs. Woltz preomptcd the kitchen nnd baked dozens of plea. Mrs. Frank McKay haB been selling popcorn. In fnct, every womnn in tho club 1b doing all kinds of work, even down to shining shoos. Jamos Ends How of St. Louis, na tional president of tho Brotherhood Welfaro Association, nnd general champion of tho rights of tho unem ployed, paraded through tho streots of Kansas City, Mo., several days ago with Foveral hundred of his followers and went to tho city hnll, where thoy asked tho mayor for work. They said that tho city should provldo employ ment for all men who wanted to work. Tho mayor of Kansas City, Mo., told tho Jobless marchers that ho had no jobs to glvo to thorn and he did not see how tho city could help them out. This set the Knnsns City (Kan.) com missioners to thinking nnd they got busy. It Is not only to compel the vngrants to go to work that tho municipal em ployment bureau has been established, and tho Jobs It furnishes are not re stricted to this class, Alrendy tho buroau has found posi tions for eight stenographers, two of them in the city employ. About a dozen carpenters havo boen given work through tho bureau, and 20 po sitions for stone mnsonn aro open and ready to bo filled by tho commission er! when tho weather permits. HER TROUDLE. pppppppBxVtAly7i p J J Sho How's your wlfoT Ho Her hend troubles her a good donl. Sho Neuralgia? Ho No; uho wants a now hnt. Tho Chief Need. A pnlo, intellectunl-lnoklng chap, wearing eyeglasses and unshorn hair, visited Tom Volk, tho athlotlc in structor, not long ago and nuked ques tions until tho diplomatic nthluto fin ally bocamo weary. "If I tako boxing and wrestling lon sona from you, will it require any par ticular application!" ho nnkod. "No," aniiwerod Volk, "but a lltUo arnica will coma In handy." Clove land Lendor. GIto Dofinnco Starch a fnir trial try It for both hot und cold starching, and If you don't think you do bettor work, in less tlmo nnd at smaller cost, return It and your grocor will glvo jrou back your money. Revealed. Knlckor Why do you think tho burglar was a married man? Ilorkar Kocnuno whan I asked him tho tlmo of night ho Bald 12 instead Of 3. In Boston. Mm. Heunn How rapidly Emerson grown! Mrs. Cod Yes; ho will bo In short poca very noon. Harper's Itazar. Mnny people liavo receding gumn. Rub IlnmliiiB Wianl Oil on gmiiH mid slop tho decay; cIiiiku tho dieuno RcruiH with ft mouth wash of a few drojm to a spoonful of water. In tho fulfillment of duty wo havo a onso of blessedness, evon in hours of wcnrino8B and slmplo endurance Tnylor. Conittipatinn entice many Boriouo di- f"M. It in thoroughly cured by Dr. Tierce's I'li-a-tint Pellets. One a laxative, three ior cathartic. I Bomo tombntono Inscriptions are too cood to ho truo. Garfield Tea has brought good health to thouHondfll Uncqualcd Tor conatipntion. Many men enjoy a dry smoko. Why not a dry drink? mzan mo&M, from woman's ailmont3 aro invitod to writo to tho names and addresses hero given, for positivo proof that Lydla E. l'inkham'a Vegetablo Compound docs euro fomalo ills. Tumor RdmoTrrl. Elmo.Mo. Mr.harahJ.Btuurt,Il.FJ).No.2, Itoz 10. reorln,IU.-Mr.Chru;UnRee1,10SMonndSt. Katlck, Miua..Mri. Natliun 11. J ronton, 01 North Slain St. Milwaukee, Win. Mri. Kmma Imrtn, &13 let fit. Chicago, ill. -Mri. Alrena Sperling, HCdOljr- buurne Are. Galena, Kan. Mrs.lt. It. HneT,713MlneralAT. Vlctorla.MlM.-Mrs. Wllllo Kdwnnb. Cincinnati, Oulo.-Mra.'W. U. llouih, 7 Eaity Chaiitrti of T.trn. Epnlng, N.IT.-MnCella K. Bteranp. Utruator, 111. Mrs. J.lI.CampbollaOONorth Soeoud 8t. v Brooklyn, N.V.-Mri. Erem, 810 IUlier St. Noah, Ky.-Mr. Lltilo Holland. fathamet.WRnli.-Mri.ElrallarbrKtwardi. ClrcloTllle, Oh!o.-Mr. AJloo Klrlln, S3J Weat Iluiton St. Salem, Ind.-Mrs. Utile R. ntnkle, n.Tt.Kn.8. ew Orleans, La. Mrs. Gaiton IJlondaau,U13 Terpslouore St. MUliawaka, ind.-llrs. Cbas. Banar, Br., 023 ICait Morion St. IUcineAVIs.-Mrs. Katta Kublk, n. 3, Box 61. BaTerrall,ra.-Mrs.W.l'.llord,24100tUAT. Maternity Trouble. Bronauch, Mo. Mrs. D. V. Aleshire. I'henlx, lUl.-Mrs. Wm.O. King, lloiJ. CarliUdt, N.J. Mrs. ixuU Flaober, &i Mon ro St. South 8anford, Ma. Mrs. Charles A. Austin. 6eheneota4r,N.'V.-MTs.U.I'orur,7iJ3 Albany St. TaylorTllle, Ill.-Mri. Joa Qranthara, 823 "W. Vandereer St. Cincinnati, Olilo. Mrs. BophU IIoff.BIS Mc- Mlcken Are. Big Itun, Fa. Mrs. W. E. Pooler. Philadelphia, l'a,-Mrs. M. Johnston, 210 SlegelBt. ., , . Peoria, Ill.-Mrs. Clara h. Uauwltx, It. It. No. 4, llox 03. Aususta, Me. Mrs.Wlndeld Pana, IUF.B.S. Bt. Paul, Minn.-Mra. U. M. bchorn, 1083 Woodbrtdge St. rtttsburg, I'a.-Mrs. Q. LeJier,B219 Klnkald St., E.K. Kearner, Mo. Mrs. Thomas Aalinrry. Blue Island, Ill.-Mrs. Anna Schwarts, 828 Urora St. East Karl, I'a.-Mrs. Angustns Lyon,IUU2, Operntlona AtoIcIoiI, BIkeston, Mo. Mrs. Dema llethune. Gardiner, Me Mrs. B. A, Williams, 143 Wash. lngton Ate. Oblcago,lH.-Mrs.Wraalirens,2230W.21st St, Uellevue, OhioMrs. Kdlta AVleland, Ui Monroe Ht. PeVorest.Wls. Mrs. Anrnsto VesMrmann. Baxter, nansas. airs, uiiio boolt. Theso women aro only a few tho power of Lydia E. Pinkhttm's Vegetablo Compound to euro femalo diseases. Not ono of theso women over received compensation in any form for tho uso of their names in this advertisement but aro H1 ing that wo should refer to them because of tho good they mny do other suffering woraon to provo that Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetablo Compound is a roliablo and honest medicino, and that tho statements mauo in our advertisements regarding its merit aro tho truth and nothing but tho truth. Policy. Ito -Dnrllng I would dlo for you. Sho--l)cnruHt, do jou curry much Insuranco? ONLY ONK "llitOMO Ot'lNI.NIV That tsl.AXA'IIVR lltlOVoqiriMNK I., fnr the s'tnature nt l V MtuVi;. I ii Hid World our tu lure a Cold In Onu l.aj. Lki. Reforms come slowly bucauto we nil would rather wield tho m than bear tho knife Drink OnrflcM Ten at night I It iti'iirca normal action of liver, kidneys nnd Ixiwcls It somotlmcs hnpons thnt tho black sheep of a family Is n blonde. KT-rri&aiiW&S.Ah rraiiTWflVf!ii WMMJU2JU pnnr .s "i- P.- rmu:T:ii?f-,rif-r:-.' ALC0HO1.-3 PER CENT AYetfcfalilc Preparation for As similating KtcFood atul Rcgula- ling the Stomachs and Bowels or Promotes Di:stion,Chccrful nessarulHcst Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral NotNarcotic Wjw sou Drs.ifivanrarat CktlUSlli -Jitt Suit lywrmiiti Htrm Sttd CfmStJ Sf Itinhrfirtm t7ler Ancrfccl Komcilv forConslipa lion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Worms.Convulsions.Fcverish kss nnd LOSS OF SLEEP. Tac Simile Signature of' Tire Ckntauii Company, NEW YORK. iiBifiuTpfflTi 5tsbji liiiiH a VMC ?.uuarnntecd tinder the l-'oodfliw Rxct Copy of Wrapper. THE IMPERIAL, mk. sK' aMfe M r Al ifft3 a in vi a wtfftTf-- No inferior mtteiial can enter into our comtruction. tiom oi nur ucceu. We couit cloieit mobile comtruction, the more anxiout we are to have you ttudy oiiri. 10 model, 2, 4 and 5 paitengrr. $1350 to $2000. Get our free catalog. Some ngenU temtoiy open. Manufacturtd by IMPERIAL AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Jackson, Michigan THE Model Orcnnto DUplncemnntf. , Black Duck, Jllun. Mrs. Anna Andenon, WesloyTllln,ra.-Mrii.MapRler.tcr,1t.r.D.l. Trenton, Mu.-Mrs.W. T. f'urnoll,307 Lincoln ATeniin. Carailcn.N.J. Mrs. Ella Johnston, 2S3 Liberty St. Chicago, Ill.-Mrs. TTm, Tullr, 3X2 Ogden Avenue. Painful Periods. Caledonia, Wls.-Mrs. Ph. Bchattnsr, lt.lt. 14, lloxM. Adrian, Mo.-Mrs. O. n. Maaon, ll.lt. No. 9. N. Oxford, Muaa.-Mlss Amelia Duso. llox 14. Ilaltlmore.Ohlo.-Mrs.A.A.IlalenKer.H.F.D.l. Kegaunee,Mlch. Mrs. MarT.Sedlock.llox 1273. Orrtille, Ohlo.-Mra. K. V. Vagner, llox 620. Atwater, Ohio, Miss Minnie Muelliaunt. PralrleduChlen.WU.-Mrs. Julia Konicheek, lt.No.1. Irrej;ularlty. Buffalo, N.T.-Mrs. Clara Darbrake,17Mari- mout St. TTlnchester, Ind.-Mrs. May Deal. It.It.No.T. fit. Heels Falls, N.Y.-Mrs. J. II. Dreyere. OraTTlllo. Ill.-Mrs. Jessie Hcliaar, Box 33. Hudson, Ohlo.-Mrs. Geo. Strtckler, It. Xo.$, BoxS2. Orarlnn Trouble. MorrayTllle, Ill.-Mrs. Chas. Moor, B. It. 8. Philadelphia, Pa.-Mrs. Chas. Uoell, 221S H. Mole St. Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. John O. Moldan. 2115 Second St., North. ITndion,Ohlo. Mrs.LenaCarmotno,R.F.D.7. Westwnod, Md.-Mrs. John K. Itlchards. Bsnjamln, Mo.-Mrs. Julia Franti, ll.K.D. 1. Female Weakness. W.Terrnllaute.Ind. Mrs.ArtleE.namllton. Klmo, Mo.-Mrs. A. O. IlaVault. Iwrenre.Iowa. Mrs.iIollnA.Bnow.B.Ko.S. Utlca, Ohlo.-Mr. Mary Earlwine, It. K. I. 3. Bllerue,Oblo.-Mrs. Charley Chapman, It.IT. D. Mo, 7. Elgin, Ill.-Mrs. Henry Lelseberg, 743 Adams St. Rehaerferstown, Pa.-Mrs. Cyrns lletrleh. Oresson, Pa.-Mrs.Klla K, Alkey. Falrrhonce, Pa.-Mrs. Idella A. JJonham, Bos IS 2. Nervous Prostration. noz VJ. TCnoxvlUe, Iowa. Mrs. Clara Franks.RJ.D. . Oronogo, Mo.-Mrs. Mae McKnlght. Camden, N.J.-Mrs. f. P.Valsntlne, P03 Lin coln Avenue. Muddy, Ill.-Mrs. May Nolen. Brookvllle, Ohlo.-Mrs. It. KlnnUon. Kltchvllle, Ohlo.-Mrs. O Cole. Philadelphia, Pa.-Mrs. frank Clark. 2418 H. Allegheny Ave, of thousands of llvinp; witnesses of WfWf THE IMPERIAL VSRSW sV.v:' Hoots Barks Herbs That h.ive groat incdinnnl power, are rnLsrd to their highrst r fficicncy. for puri fying and mulching the blood, hs they nro combined in Hood's Sars.ipArilla 40 jto teMimopN received by jctual count in two yean He sure to tab Hood's Sarsaparilla (Sft 11 tmlny In nminl lliiiUl form f chnrnlutri Intilr-ln culled Onrontnba. CASTQRIA Fcr Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Over Thirty Years twToarrr. the "Quality" Car Simplicity and durability are the iounda- inveitiuation. 1 tic more you know about auto- Diitribiitori for Wtttttn lowa.Ntb' ra$ka and Wyoming BRADLEY MERRIAM & SMITH Council Bluffs, low IMPERIAL 30, Price $1350 The Farmer's Son's Grsaf Opportunity Why wait for tbo old farm to become jourinimriiunror nrginimw 10 Iin-irn ior your lumre niyanu inaepen A arret ODDor- Itnnltr awalla you In I M&nllobii.NaAkaUihamn lur Alberta, nriern you I can necurt- a Kreellome Intrafl or buy land atrea Isouablo prices. Now'stheTime not a year from now, when land will bo lilgb pr. Tint nrorJM ercured nn tho uhtimluiit vmps of linnt. Clufit iim! Itiirlnv. aa well aa cattlo raltlnir, are cansinu a m-uuy aarance in price, (lovernmtrit rrturnH xbow Ibat the nuiiilinr of aettler In Wosturii Cimaila from tlin V. H. wrm 00 per crnt lurccr In 1U10 tliiin the Iirntlotia vcur. Alnny furiiM'm liavo paid for thrlr liuul out of the jirorccilK of onn crop, Irco llonu't'H(l of 160 ncres mill iirp-ntiilitlons of 1(10 ur-rra Ht Bil.OO an ucro. Flno rllumti-. kihxI arhoola, nscellrnt rulhruy fnt'llltlee, low freight rata wimxI, ra tnr uml luiulxir oually ob tulneil. Kor pamphlet "iJJit nrt West." partlcnlamaslosullabi-i location and low rwttlers' rate, imply to Hupt of ImrnlvraUun, O tawa. Can., or to Canadian Oovt A.-DU W. V. BENNETT tea rlullrtinn Omaha. Neb. (Use addras nearest you.) IT LIVE STOCK AND MISCELLANEOUS Electrotypes IN GREAT VARIETY PORj SALE cAT THE LOWEST PRICES BY WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION 321-S31 W. Adams St, Chlcaeo "c.el Thompson's Ey Watir Nebraska Directory Beatrice Creamery Co. Pays tbo highest price for CREAM LINCOLN COMMISSION CO. BROKERS AND DEALERS OHA1N AND BTO0K3 MAIN OFHCEi Fraternity DuUdlnt Lincoln, Nebraska BeU Phone Hi Auto I'bone XU Bears tho A Signature AA U AS W For CASTORIA llllsT ! sTsssska- MTiKlira mbt TiUWADMm cmljm kssssssssH i w 72 mm BJff'W f I f i I i 1 I S ' 1 , WLLs JSjJSJSjSJMSJSJSJSMSJSasaMsaMaMaJaMaaaJaMsaf .BHHHHHsaHals EiKfiSafr-l $mmA