v mt39rtb!1a- y,j, Jl&n" - nlcroJjnCTnin.irt4)gjWaa-3 Hmtf iuiiiiEiiiui.iiiW.TfcMiKigiw'ti'i.uiijJLjji?jp.'Xw wiiufctMttOTetnrTTiu.iJaait4?tnwiwrrrtTKnr'TitiJi-w,r 'Sy'-V''VV,V Always On Hand. On February 1st. We will open up the finest line of Carpets and Rugs to be seen in the Valley. Licensed Undertakers in Nebraska and Kansas. Lady When Desired. ALL TEIE PHONES K i I Ed. AmaGk, Prop- 1 LEADERS IN FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING. :-:: :: x-x.-x.:.? ft 8 I I K I ... r. & s 1?. if' 1 1 If. The Whole Family" is extended a cordial invitation to visit ourstudio and sit for I heir Photograph You can come singly'or all at once. It doesn't matter how or when you come only so you come soon. Single $ pictures will be nice, but a group ;!; picture would be lovely. The quicker you come the sooner ; you" get the pictures. THE MODEL STUDIO Stevens Brohters R.ed Cloud. Nebraska. 'Vn--. ,:.. fc-'-'.....Li--u...'rkiivt; irw. . iw i' . .-..-.?vt?rX, !?,.trtr?tt?rv???t? ??? ???? .t?f trrtv 8 a While They last 20 oer cent Discount HORSEBLANKETS AND LAPROBES 20 per cent Discount P. L. Hansen, Prop. S Successor to A. C. Slaby Red Cloud, Neb. i 'i),tli! of fov.niiliiodHtui" (lie dr ill H il "I M i nt iiinl 'i ., it u I (i in llioh '.i !'li (hat tli - mull til s'l' ull III' A . I J S Mill. HI II I t ll.lt win ii I If nipiiiii ml mil I or till iii 1 1' "i Is iiiiinf- till' lillli'lll lllltf-llt jll-"l til Hl'.l fn- pldi' -it on (l III' Intleli liettt'ci tin' gio glUplllc.it CPllIrl' lliilti Is 11)0 lit, of Lincoln. They nlo contend that tho only lair way to brim this about is b-. a referendum voto, iimi tlioy point out tlfnt iinde'r llio plan of tbo lull pto posed I lio iniittcr nin. 1)0 submitted at tin next general election in November. ami if llii" m.'ijoi'll.v liivnr removal then it would lio up to tlic several town.s in tlio state who want the Capitol, Lin coln inoliiili'il. to go on the ballot i'oi Hit' -tune anil take their chances'. In that event I In-site of the now ( iipltol ootilil birdcdguiitid v libit) I wo your. whcieii.. otheiuisc. as ! woll known tlio Initiative ami Uetc rciiduiii bill now lending would not permit the submission of the question for scvciitl years at best. ft,- V''v v "v" 'vn',f',,'v -v -v'-s zvSaA r Tlio presence of I'ov. M. S. i'otilson. bond of tlio State Anti-Saloon League, in tlio lobby Wodnosday bturtod tlio HrM ill foiling of tlio session, and nearly lesullcd in a physical light. Tlio Uovorand has been what .1. Ster ling Morton would call "perniciously nctivo"in his light against demon ruin generally, and in some instances his enthusiasm lias led him to say to do tilings with which the county option ists heartily disagree. One ol the women most prominent in temperance work told a committee that the preach er was becoming very iriueh of a hind rance to the temperance cause in the state. From last reports Mr. 1'onl-on was not in accord with this view. Oratory in both the House and Senate was a marked fcutuio of the iwokV session, and the galleries wore well packed on all occasions. Senator Al bert or Columbusi won marked distinct ion in his body, and W. A Prince of Hall took high honors in the House. The Iloiisi. bus n number of lluent speakers this srssioti mid fortunately all are good iiatiiicd about it. Order to Show Cause- We.a :",t.'l ,,, r. Aril County Court held nt Hie County Court room In mid for nald county Momlny, 1'clirunry Utti A. !., mil. Is the matter or llio citatc l l.lnur i:. Ilariey, licceaKi'il. On reiiiliiiuniiillllinutlii) pctltliinof I :inll I.. Ilarsey, tiled on thelltli day of lYIiiua A. I)., r.lll, praylim tor the CTniulitlon and allownict! other Dual nccoiint nt tho same date. adi'iTtuoruVlioiiiit nt o( the liiiul.-. Ik- IoiikIuk to said estate to the ihtmhh eutltUd to t In name, an orili r dutrlliiitlui; the residue of erson:il estate and there upon tin rdM illM'haruluij her (loin Inrther hiirden and sei vlrnln hi I Mililollli easiidniliiNtiiitii. Omnium. 'Hint 'ednesd:i the 1st l:n ol Maieh . I liUI, at one n'eloet. p in., Ih nshimied tor hetuiim :U petition when all persons inteiiM. i in slid matter iiin appear at a 1 oiinlj I'uiiii in he held in and loi .aid (ounl, mid nIuiw cause why irair nt putitloiier should not he granted; and that notice ol tilt pendency of said petition and ine oca nil i; incrcor ne uiveu to all person) Interested In said matter, hy piihllshlut; n cojiy o( thin order In the Hcd Cloud Chief, u weUy iifwspniier printed in said county, for three consecutive vieefcs prior to said day of hourlnu. ski. I. v. Klisos County .liidsc. Atkins !9 IJPIII II15I 1 he new Furniture Dealers. S S s s 1 1 If you need anything in the line of Furniture, Rugs, Carpets, Lino leum, Picture Frames, Window Shades, Lace Curtains and the cele brated -Kirsch Sash and Curtain Rods in any finish. Undertaking a Specialty. We are in shape and will save you money. s s s s s ATKINS & BARBER ir 'Nsi J FIRE INSURANCE POLICY Order To Show Cause. Ir.'J'lie Coui'tv Court Stiiie of Nehraslta Weliiter Count r. TnwWj1 rt THE LEGISLATURE l.lMnl s. Nebr. IVb ll.l'.Ml. (Spec ial Corie-pondeiiee The week just passed has been an exceedinuly enter taiiiiii',' one in the lej-islatuie. The nio.st talked of leiriilut ion liasull been more or less touched upon and somr of it disponed ot. The Initiative and lie t ferenduni bill passed the Senate I Wednesdav, and on the same day a bill lejall.iiicj Sumlai baseball was passed in that body Then eame the County Option bill, and this was killed in thr Senate lv on vote. In tlio midst of this business ol ex citement enme the Capitol Removal bill which was easily the sensation of the week or of the Session thus far. liineolu people seemed to suddenly realize that the Capitol lemoval talk vus a serious matter. Indeed those ill Lincoln mid beieabout who have jrarded it as a joke could not appar ently come to any other conclusion un til the bill was aetuall.v advanced to third reading. Then a treinentluotis effort was made by the Llneolnites. Kvory striiiR was pulled, every promise was made, overy friend far and near was culled upon by word or vvlie to help biivo the day, and Friday morning the bill failed on third roiulln and was consigned to the Ki'uvoyard, Itutttrosc iiKiiin. i'ritiee of Ha'l' the House minoritv loader, who had the matter in charge from the first, te. introduced virtually the same bill In the aftoruooii oiimtnatiii,' however the 07th meridian, to which so many ob jections weie made, thus Kiviiifj tlic Lincoln men what they had contended for when the tiling was threshed out on the floor The original Capitol re moval bill failed or passage by a voto of thirty eight to Ufty-eiglit. but friends of the new bill assert with as surance that if the enemies of the movement to remove the. Capitol are sincere in their contention that they jaie willing to submit it to u vote, the new bill will speedily go through the grind and become a law. AraCouutj emu t held at Urn County Court room In and tor said county Monday Kehiuaryillh A. I mil. IN th matter of th estate ot llaiiuiih Saunders, Dcceastd. On rt'adlnu and llllm; the petition or Sinn ucl Saunders llled on the nth dnyot I'ehriiaiy . !.. Hill, praylni; ror the examination and allowatucnt his Dual account of thesaiue date, ii deeicnor asslKiiiiient ol the lauds he luiiKliiK to said estate In the persons milled to tlicHAuie. and theie upon an order ills charcini; him (loin (iirthei hiirilcu and ser vice In his said olllceus ailinlnlstliitor. (llilil.uni. That Tuesday tlicMth ila oj IVIiruao . i mil. at ten o'clock a. in., IhiiknIkiiciI rorhearliiK laid petlllon. u hi nail perKons Inlercttd In said matter may appear at a Count court to he held in and tor said count am! HliowcnuMi vvhj prayer ol petl. tlouiTHliould not hci-rauttd, and that notice o( the pendency of said petition and the hear- liiB thereof he ulven to all perwms Interested In Haiti matter, by publlstilni; a copy of this order In thtt Ited Cloud Chief, n weekly news paper printed In said county, for three con Hccutlve week prior lo nald day of hearing. (s-kvi.1 I. Kiisns Couutv I mine. Don't Delay Ordering a lire Insurance policy from us a single day. Kite isn't going to stay away because you are not in sured. In fact, it seems to pick out the man foolish enough to be without 41 FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Have us isstio you a policy to-day. Don't hesitate about the matter. The fire lletid may have your house down on tlie list for a isit this very night. MARK WHAT I SAY liovernor Aklrioh Is proving a ptetty good mixer, lie had a session with the Klnanee, Wavi and .Means Com mitteo yostei day and talked over up propriiitious from start to finish and indicated his attitude on several pro posod disbursements. The Governor and the Committee seemed to agree pretty well on what should and should not be. The County option bill Introduced by Norton in the House Friday is wind they aie all now talking about. What its effect will bo nobody can tell, as In the Senate the views of th inetnbets were so well known that by general consent the-, did not discuss the meas ure. In the Hoiim) the chances ate it will bo difterent. A number of mem bers ate loaded to the guard with data that would make a (.'ongressloital lie cord ashamed of itself. It will be shown by the friends of county option that it is tlio only hope of tho Com monwealth, and It will bo made equal ly plain by the enemies of the policy that several sister states, older and wiser than Nebraska, have tried It and found It wanting. The indications are that It will not bo decldod hastily. The. Capitol retnovnl bill i easily tho most talked about measure lu tho city today. Those in favor of it con tend that the proseut capltol building is but a shell and should soon bo con demned, that it will noon have to be replaced with a modern structure i r Reliable Insurance. Order to Show Cause Mute of Nebraska, i i,, n..,,.,,,,,.,, ,... Webster County, t m I lie t ount I ourt Ar a County Court held at the Count Courtroom lu and for said coiiui I'rldiij. 1'iliniarj 10th . I)., mil. Is th matter of thuestaie or II iisll ' t'uliji'le licceased. Hi nadlm-aiid llllnt: the petition ( An diiw I.Macellhd on tlin llith dav ol I eh ruary . I)., mil, praying (or ihe Nunilna llou and allowance of his Until account ot the kiuiio dale, tin onlerdlstrlbutlni! the. residue of persunal estate and there upon an oider dlbcharnlni; him from Inrther burden and servlc In his t.ald otlWeas itduilnlitrator with Will auiiaxed. OI(l'.ltKI, that Tuesday tin- 7th day ot March A, I). iyj, m one o'clock p. in., In nsRlBiied for hcarliu,' said petition whin nil pemoiis Interested In said' matter limy -appear nt a County Court lo lie held In and for initd County and .show rutin why prayer of petitioner nfiould not h rauted. and Hint notice ol the pendene-. of said petlllon and the liearliiu thereol bo ulven to all perHoun Interested in said matter hi puhlWiinu a uipy ot this order lu the Ited Cloud Cliluf.vu. weohiv ncwnpiipir printed In said county, lor three cousecullv u weeks prior to K.ihi tiny ol heailuu I. W. Kiimin "M' ouni.v Indue. CATARRH $M. n ii) Ht v to vi b U v4 to its iii il) 0) il) il) vl il) il) ii) The home Grocery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. E verythini IN arables Groceries, you to do I carry a cotr- cte line of strictly fresh and my prices are such that it will pay your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bulk at Hed-rock Prices. ii) iD In a Grocery store more than in anything else, buyers should demand Absolute Cleanliness. Yot cannot buy Groceries in q dirty, ill-kept place and be sure o pure goods Cleaulinessand sanitation are our hoblites. . : : : $ Cleanliness &$ M ftM'Altf mjgBx$z rWY-FEVER . W, &q :-&$.&&&&' il) ii) il) 0) 0) i 0) 0) 0) ft il) iD il) 0) ii il) 0) ii) il) 0) 0) il) & & Swift's Premium Hams or Bacons. ffi w tWYRr Elyts Cream Balm This Romody Is a Specific, Sliro to Clvo Satisfaction. IsqiveS RELIEF AT ONCE It cleanses, soothes, heali, aud jirotert the dlieased jnonibrano. It curen Catarrh ami drivei away a Cold in tho Head quickly. Kestores tlio Soimoi of Taste and Smell, EttHy to line. Contains.no injiirldus drugs. Applied Into tlio nostrils and absorbed. UrgaJKIzo, HO cents at Druggets or by umil l I'rlal BIzo, 10 cunts by mail. ELY BROTHERS. 66 Warron St.. New York. 1 5X, j Jm" lk MS Fresh and Salt Meals of All Kinds Wm. Koon Read the adds in the Chief Reel Cloud, Nebr. -V" lOU SA.LK BY YOST & BUTLER The 4th Avenue Moat Market Widow's Pension. The recent act of April UUh. 1008 gives to all soldiers' widows a pension of 812 per month, "'rod Maurer, tlie tto'iiov. has all nocessary blanks. .i