The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 16, 1911, Image 7

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A Hood's
Cures .ill humors, catarrh and
rheumatism, relieves that tired
feeling, restores the appetite,
cures paleness, nervousness,
builds up the whole system.
Oct it today in usual liquid form or
chocolated tablets called Snrantnba.
A Country School for
Girls in New York City
Beit Features of Country and City Ufa
Ou'-nf-dnnr PpnrH on School Park
?-f .r " r 3 "'" tl,n Hudson River,
rull Academic vuris from Primary
Class to iti'iKln iti hi. t'pper rl is'i
for Advanced Hpn I il Studenta. Mu
nlc mid .i. Sniiim. r -V -).,ii. cor
uncute tubulin to CiiHiKo, School
Coach Moots Dnv Pupils. ,
UJ tUnm jnd Mlu h,tjn, Uliffifjlf lit , our UH St . Mr it
trues and one hall months' duration each.
The first to leave Mew lork Nov. I. 1911,
f"j the second from ban frjnclito Icb. 17,
1 9 1 2, by the large transatlantic steamer
"Cleveland" 8S
locludloo All Cxptnses Aboard mil Ashore
II 'In fir ir.uttraiil lUllm
Uroadvvay, New York. P. 0, not I7C7
Your Lives
is Clogged up
Tht' Why You're Tired Out cf
ooru naro no AppeliK
vill put you rig!
in a tew dijri.
1 bey do
tiieir duty.
(ion. Bil.
touacu, Indigtition, and Sic!c Hearliche.
Genuine mutbeat Signature
44 Bu. to the Acre
taa heary yield, Imttlut'ii what Jiilin Kennedy of
Kdmunlon, Alberta, Western Canada, uul from 41)
- acres ottaiirlnif Wlieatln lOlu. Kenurtt
II m BhitHiul iilln....n.l.
iniureiuiiK Mirli ns 4.
I null Ini-tliels uf
irom latoctfi or 113 1-!
"u neriu-re. L5,BUaiid40
blithe lyleldowi renum-
i nrai. Ah mgti as 1M
liintiels of nut to tlin
acrnwi-rniiiri'-inei rrutu
Alberta lietdsllilUIU.
The Silver Cup
n. t thn reeent Spokano
r- air was iiniirdwl to t lie
. ,.f "'"'""iwrrmieruriir
itneiliUiltuf urnliii.urasKuiKl
Yecetaliles, Itemr'sireicelW tit
jfius wi iwiu -"iui nisi, irnin
Saskatchewan and Manitoba In
esteni Canada.
l'leo lioini'Htrnil nf J 00
arrcfi. ami mljolulnir pro
iiiitlinii r nil) iKTi'Adtt
WU jinriieri)iiri to tin liiol
In tlit- 'lnili'iilltrlcts.
Schools i-oim-iiiriit, rll
nmto uxri'lh'iit, Hull tlio
ry 11m uymlosont
IihiiiI. Imll.lliw- luiiibrr
l'llIIl, rildliiliHy iilKtlt untl
riiiiNomililolii iirlm, wiitur
rHilly praeurecl, mixed
Wrltnustotiestiiluco fnr set
tlement, settlers low ralliTiiy
.'VrJ i1Ut,.'"i.r.,l"1.Y0 P'ustraud
' Last Ilest West" (sent free on
t on, tosiip'i at ImnilKi-atltin.
Ottawa. raii..ortotliuCunadlnn
UorornuenlAccnt. (sc)
Bee Building 0-naha, Neb
(I'm address nearest yon.)
Digging Spruce Gum.
Thcro will bo a crusado In spruce
um digging 4n tho Mnlno woods this
winter. About twenty men will leave
Skowhcgan within a short tlmo to bo
gin gum digging operations near Jack
man. Gum has grown scarce In tho
last fow years and tho demand la bo
Great that It has becomo a business to
many Mnlno men. Last year James
Carey, Frank Craning and Joe Cass
dug 1,300 pounds nnd sold it all In
Malno. It Is estimated that from CO,
000 to 100,000 pounds will ho dug this
aeaFon. Kennebec (Mo.) Journal.
Raising the Temperature.
Frank had been sent to tho hard
ware storo for a thermometer.
"Did mother say what slzo?" asked
tho clerk.
"Oh," nnBwercd Frank, "gimme the
blggeat ono you've got. It's to warm
my bedroom with." Success Maga
tine. BonBtlng of snylng whnt you think
Is often nn excuse for not thinking
what you say.
Munyon's Ilbeumatlsra Remedy relievos
tinltiB lu tho legs, arms, hack, stiff or
ewolleu Joints. Contains no morpulno,
opium, cocaine or drugs to denden tho
jialti, It neutralizes tho acid mid drives
out all rhouBiatlc polsous from tho syx
tern. Wrlto Prof, Muuyou, 63d and Jeff
erson Kts., Phlla., Pa., for medical ad
Tlce, ahiolutcly free
for Coughs L Colds
PsiiUfZiir shu ri.E
simtasMr i iver
Mkr,a E pills.
4r jJW -kjgagl
Ill IP Tll-l'-Smifew.
Hampton's and Moffett Declare Upon i
Investigation Oil Company Is Not '
Connected With Sale of
Impure Candles.
New York. In tho mnttcr of tho
libel BUltB brouRht by tho Standard 011
company for J2B0.0UO datnagea agalnot
Hampton's Magazine and for $100,000
damugca acalnst Cleveland Moffett,
tho former tho itubllBher, and tho lat
ter tho writer, of uu nrtlclo In tho Feb
ruary Isbuo of tho nmgazlno which do
famed tho company In connection
with tho sale of glucoso and cuntly in
Philadelphia, tho following rctractlona
have been elgiifd In the otllco of
Bhcarman A Storllng, tho Standard
OH company'fl lawyers In the caso,
and havo been luaued from tho com
pany's ofllcoa at No. 26 Hroad
way; "Hnmpton-a Magazine. 66 West
Thirty-fifth St., New York,
i "Jan. 31, 1011.
i "Standard Oil Company, 2G Uroadway,
, Now York.
"Dear Sirs: In the February Issuo
of Hampton's Magazine there was
published an article written by me,
entitled, 'Cnssldy and the Food Pols
oners.' In that article I referred to
i the Investigation of Mr. Casslay, with
respect to tho inanufneturo and ealo
of impure candlr-s In Philadelphia, and
mndo the statement that your com
pany manufactured and sold Impure
material which went Into these can
dlos and that, when tho various deal
ers were arrested and fined, at tho In
stance of Mr. Cassltly, your company
paid tho flneg.
"Upon Investigation. I havo ascer
tained that your company was In no
way concerned with tho transactions
referred to and I hasten to retract In
tho fullest manner nil charges mado
against your company and to express
my sincere regret that I should havo
fallen Into this serious error. Yours
truly, Cleveland Moffett."
"Jnn. 31, 1911.
"Standard Oil Company, Now York
"Dear Sirs: Referring to foregoing
letter of Mr. Cleveland Moffett to
you, wo beg to state that wo are con
vinced that Mr. Moffett was In error
In his statements with reference to
your company. We greatly regret that
theso errors should havo been mado.
It Is tho dcslro of Hampton's Mngn
cine to be accurate and fair In all
things. In our March number wo will
publish this letter nnd tho forcgolnc
letter of Mr. Moffett. Youra truly,
BenJ, TJ. Hampton, President, Tlroad
way Magazine, Inc."
Danville Judge Orders Prosecutor to
Answer All Questions Put by
Jury In Bribe Quiz. ,
Danvlllo, 111. Judge KImbrough In '
tho circuit court handed down a de
cision in the caso of City Attorney
JoneB, who declined to answer certain
questions regarding voto selling and
buying which tho grand Jury put to
Tho court instructed Jones to an
swer all questions. Tho opinion stated
that, according to a decision of tho '
Supremo court of tho United States,
a witness before the grand Jury is
Immune from Indictment. Tho court '
also held that the city election law Is '
unconstitutional, which means that
Jones cannot be questioned about hap- 1
penlngs moro than eighteen months .
This mcnnB that tho Investigation ,
will continue until all tho witnesses
now summoned are examined. It Is I
said that many indictments have been ,
voted, but whether they are for Toto
Belling Is not known.
Five Thousand Families In Philippines
Have Been Wholly Ruined
By Disaster.
Washington. Tho eruption of Taal
j volcano and tho accompanying die
1 turbnnces In tho Philippines klllod
700 peoplo In tho town of Tallsay, ac
j cording to the report of tho governor
I of Hatangas province, which was ca
l bled to tho war department by Gov
I ernor General Forbes of tho Philippine
' Islands,
The earthquake shocks continue, tho
governor general added. Flvo thousand
families have been ruined by tho dis
aster. The Philippine authorities aro face
to face with the absolute necessity of
adopting relief measures In order to
avoid suffering, as the falling mud
and lava destroyod the crops within a
considerable radius of tho volcano.
Vivien Gould, After Wedding to Eng
lish Lord, Will Tako Trip
to Africa.
Now York. It Is announced that
Lord and Lady Decles, tho latter
now MIsb Vivien Gould, who aro to b
married February 7, will spend their
honeymoon In Ecypt. They will leave
America February 18 by the Cunard
liner Carmnnla. In Egypt they will
pend a few days In Cairo and then
visit notabl point la upper Egypt
$&& mMM&W Jk J)
" wBrlPa" 'W "V viLLv t
... m I Jn?
QI'.S"HTii:s hi pullts nnd etuis,
and till sorts of little head
dresses, continue to mark tho
coiffure of milady of fashion when sho
prepares to do honor to a stale occa
sion, or to dress with dignity. This
elaboration in hair dressing Is very
becoming' In tho majority of cases,
and thoso women who havo once tried
It realize (he rliurin of It. Only tho
grand beauty m.iy turn her back upon
careful arrangement of the hair nntl
Btlll bo as attractive as her urtftilly
groomod sister who knows tho fns
clnatlon of soft curls anil smooth
Unless 0110 hns plenty of time and
boiuo 0110 to help out.vtho natural hair
can hardly bo arranged In tho man
ner shown In tho Illustrations. No
matter how generous nature may
havo been, puffs ami curls aro, as a
rule, pinned on. Mere man may long
to believe them growing on the head
of her ho admires, but when tho
knowledge dawns on him that they do
not, ho still confesses to tholr fascina
tion. Not everyone can accomplish a suc
cessful colffuro either simple or com
plex, and it Is thoreforo a good plan
to decldo upon a becoming model,
Just as ono decides upon a becoming
lint. When so much progress haa
been made, the next step takes one to
tho halrdresslng establishment with
New models of cheviot and Hen
rietta cloth for little maids of six.
Dressing for WoV,k.
In tho food and raiment brigade,
tho "do-your-own-work" mothers have
a hard tlmo keening themselves pre
Bontnhlo In tho oyes of tholr families.
They must woar fadod things some
times, and thoy cannot spare much
of tho early morning tlmo for beauti
fying. Still it Is possible for tho
housoworkers to don 0110 accessory
thnt never falls to freshen and Im
prove tho toilet. This Is n plain whlto
collar, which costB nothing and re
quires only a momont to ndjust.
When tho careor of white shlrtwnlsts
Is ended, front plnlts, tucked lengths
and thoso of Insertion -should bo cut
out, leaving sufficient plnln material
to horn over the upper edge, ho ns to
avoid scratching tho neck. They
should bo two Inches In width and
tho neck length.
Trimming at the Neck.
Fur Is novcr used nround tho neck
of an ovcnlng gown, which always
blends as closely as possiblo with tho
linos of tho shoulders.
If trimming Is added at all It is in
flat bandB and HcHli-colorod tulle or
chiffon Is often laid In around tho
decollotngo to Boftcn tho dividing lino
baweoti hulr, flesh and fabric.
feS IS?
It -.lint M0113 In the liuildiessi'l' In copy
(he model. II time In piecious the
colfTiiie may be iiiuiiufiietuieil and
i-iniply 1 intied 011. Hut the lady of
leisure may achieve her coiffure by
having her own hair curled and
puffed. This undertaking Is much
more dllliiMili tliati that of pinning on
the made coiffure.
Hands, decorated with cinbioldoiieH
and gorgeous with gold ami Jewels,
piedomluate in hair ornaments.
Thcio uro many other decorations,
however, most of I hem designed to
glitter or twinkle in the lights that
shine by night. A plain ribbon or
velvet hand, finished with a bow and
tho shell Imrretto aro favorites for day
wear. No one should neglect to no
tice, tho llttlo fringe of curls thnt
nestle about tho neck In many of tho
new styles. A endless colffuro is
hardly to be found, but the curls are
placed wherever they will do tho most
good that Is, wherever they aru
found to bo most effective in on
hnnting the beauty or tho stylo of
their wenrer.
In tho matter of the colffuro ovory
woman should lay to her heart thai
French adage which runs: "There Is
nothing so beautiful as care." Care
ful halrdressing works wonders and
in itself is Immensely attractive.
Few Implements Needed, the Chief
Thing Being Constant Care and
You can train yourself to be your
own manlcuro; there Is no need to
buy a book on tho MibJuct, nor Is an
elaborately-ntted manlcuro caso nec
essary. Four Implements BiKllce, and In fact
threo aro all that aro absolutely re
quired a pair of nail scissors, a nail
lllo and a clamoiscovered pollshor
will answer all purposes, but an or
nngo stick mny bo added for keeping
tho cutlclo or Bcarf-skln, back from tho
Tho nails should be kept Just tho
length of tho fingers and trimmed In
nn oval curve. After trimming tho
nails, pusli tho scarf-skin down closo
ly about tho base, so that the lunula
commonly called the "half moon"
shows distinctly.
If tho nnlls havo boon neglected, It
will tnko tlmo nnd patience to got
them right; but a few weeks' attention
dally will accomplish wonders. If tho
scarf-skin hns grown upon the nnll, do
not trim It off, hut push it eareiiiliy
hack, using the rounded tip of the fllo;
If necessary, lift tho h1Iii from the
nail, but avoid breaking It. A llttlo
polishing powdor may ho used euro or
twice n week nnd a light nibbing with
tho chamois polisher every day gives
tho finishing touch to manicuring.
Modish Evening Fro.;ks.
One may bo snmrt and well gowned
thin Benson without a gnat outlay of
money, though a largo percentago of
tho gowns for evening wear aro of ex
trcmo eleganco and of a startling
price, thanks to the cxqulBlto materi
als used nntl tho beautiful embroider
ies so lavishly set upon diaphanous
tulles, chiffons, etc.
Provided ono achieves I ho correct
linos In an evening frock and Is know
Ing In tho nmttor of color ono may
eliminate all elaboration and go In for
most pronounced simplicity.
Smart Millinery.
Tho trig llttlo thrco-coriinred hat so
popular last season scorns to havo
appeared again. Women should ro
Jolco at this, for tho shapo la univer
sally becoming,
It is modified and ohnnged a llttlo,
of eourso, but In general outllno It
gives tho snmo effect.
Sundsy School Ltuon (or Feb, 19, 1911
Specially Arraneed for This Paper
M.S.i()S TKXT-1 KIiikh IS 11 10 21.
Memory Vrni'i 11-13 1
TlDl.liP.N TUXT "They Hint wait up- ,
nti thi l.rnl nliiill reimw tholr HtrenKth " - '
Inn tft .11 :
TIMi: Tlin day nflnr tins nci'tia 011
Mount fiitiiel. H (' flirt (or M.rt 7. In tlm '
nllili-riit . ami 4i) ycanl later on Morel) .
I'l.M'i: 1 ,Ie?rel. one of tin royal
resi.h in eM, t"0 mllnrt northeaat of Ha
inn rlii i Tln wllilernrna lievoud Iteer
liel'i 40 mlloii Hiiiilliurat of .lerusali'iii, I
h mili'i ft urn .li-zrcel 3. Iloroh, ona tif
llio mnuntaltis of Hindi. '
In our last lesson w loft ICllJah
running before- Ahnb's churlot from '
Carnu'l to .N'.rrol. one of tho royal
reslileiiees, while tho blessed rain was
refreshing the whole country, an em
blem of what (lotl would tin spiritual
ly for tho nation KHJah was too wlr.o
to enter tho lair of tho tigress Hut I
Ahah told .leelu'l Wo can Imnglno I
the bitter olijiiigittloiis which sho j
liotiretl upon her cowering husband ;
for liuvlng stood tiuleily by while her I
prophets and Haul's piophets were ho- '
lug massacred by a rebellious peoplo. '
Then .lezebel, Hcornfully Ignoring
her husband, and undefeated, what- 1
ever may have happened to her proph-
ets. In the Inteslly of her rage, bound 1
herself by an oath like, that of tho
forty .fewn who bound themselven
that they would not eat or drink till
tley had slain Paul and sent a mos-seiif-'er
unlo Klljah Sho felt that
KHJah was In her power Mo fled
and liln servant went wlih him.
KMJah was a bravo man If ever
there was one. but ho was not a brag- 1
giidoclo He wtiM bravo enough to let
the Ignorant think he wns a coward.
Hit going 'was not a sln of cowar
dice, bu, of wisdom and common
seme, (iirlftt hlmnelf lndo his tils
clples. "When ye are persecuted In
one city nee yo to another;" klndlo ;
the divine fires elsewhere, and thcro
sh'iM be two flames Instead of ono.
"Hlljah flies only when ho has tlono
fhe mighty work of Cod. nnd only
when the life Is In deadly peril which
he would fain favo for future emer
gencies of cervlce "
lie went n dav's Inurnev Into tho
wilderness. He would be alone, with
out even hit servnnt, In this Gethsom
ano. as Christ when ho went In IiIb
agony to nrny alon Ho requested for
himself that he might die. Ho had
bound to nccomnllsh the deliverance
of thn people, but bo was terribly d!a-
nnpolnted. .lo7cbd still had power.
Heathenism would still flourish. All ,
his efforts hnd been but trvlng to dam I
Niagara with bulrushes. "All thv bll- j
lows have cone over tne." Ho lav
down and slept, utterly worn out, and I
God give bin beloved sleep nntl
who knows whnt dreams and vNlnnn
shone In tho dnrkness. Tter.t for mind
nntl body God sent hltn n friend.
Heboid, then nn angel touched him.
God's mcsfMincr. human or angelic.
More probably the latter, ono of tho
"ministering spirits, nent forth to
minister for them who shall be 'heirs
of Falvatlon'" Klljnh's lowliness
was broken. He wns not forgotten.
The outward, visible manifestations
of power, whether In the natural or
rplrlttinl world, while necessary In
their time nnd place, are but tho
nnnller roults of tho power thnt
produced them. For Instance t) tbo
natural world. th storms however
grent, express hut tho nllchtest nrt'e'ia
of the air. which gives life to nil liv
ing li'dtiKS. men. bensts, trees. This
world without nlr would bo ns dead
as the moon
How feeble the lightning compared
with the silent Invlslhlo work of elec
tricity lighting our cities nnd homos,
driving our machinery, carrying our
messages over the wire. It uretl to
bo thought that tho uphenval of tho
continents nnd the renting of thn
preni mountains was duo to c.ifn
elvsms nnd conflagrations nnd vast ex-1
plosions of volcanic forco It had 1
long been known that they nre duo
only In pnrt to theso. but chleflv to j
tho Inconceivably kIow modifications
produced by water, and nlr and heat.
So long ns all real progress in ro- j
llglon. In reform. In the coming of
the kingdom of God. lies nlways In a j
ehnnce of will, of chnrncter, bo long
the cbnir" n"- bo mndo bv motives. '
hpi p'oril Intluences. not by forco,
"The lion shall He down with tho
lamb." hut only when the lion's na
ture is so changed thnt It loves to
eat grass like tho ox, and does not
want to eat tho lamb.
KHJah was to return, not yot to
Israel, but around It to tho wilder
ncHS of Damascus. Damascus was on
the borders of tho dcBert. Hero he
would be beyond tho dominions of
Ahab. Ho was not for the present to
enter Into tho scene of danger, hut
in do b work from without. Gradu
ally bettor times came; and we find
him In tho kingdom, nntl tho schools
of tho prophets flourishing. Anoint.
It was customary to set apart, by
anointing kings nnd prophets, it oft
en means merely to sot npart for
some special service of God (
Hazael was known ns tho confi
dential ofllcer of Henhndad, king
of Syria at that tlmo. Me was Mt
upart to bo tho Instrument of punish
ing Israel for their sins. Ho was
tho storm and the fire thnt wont be
fore the voice of the Lord.
It Is for us to bo cheered by God's
method of cheering, and then to pass
on tho encouragement, nnd cheer oth
ers by tho cheer whereby God has
cheered us. Tho coach of tho Har
vard football team lu nn address to
tho students, said, "Cheering Is tho
moBt Important factor In tho success
of tbo toam."
Twenty-four Carloads Purchased foi
Lewis' Single Binder Cigar
What Is probably tho biggest lot ot
all fancy grndo totmccd hold by any
fuctory In the United States haa Jivsl
been purchased by Frank P. Lewis, ol
Peoria, for tho mantifncturo of Lewis'
Slnglo Hinder Cigars. Tho lot will
makn twenty-four carloads, and Is so
lected from what la considered by cr.
ports to bo tho finest crop raised In
many years Tho purchiiHo of tobaccn
1b mifllclcnt (o last tho factory moro
thnn two years. An extra prlco was
paid for tho selection. Smokora of
Lewis' Single Hlndur Cigars will apprt
elate this tobacco
i'mria Star, January 16, 1909,
Wlfey 1 amoll something llko loath.
er biirnlngl la It that cigar?
Ilubhy No; but I wouldn't wondor
If It's tho crust of that plo you Just
put Into tho oven.
"I hnvoHiifforotl from tho nnmo troit.
bio (painful llngor nnllB) at different
periods of my life. Tho llrat tlmo of
ItH occurrence, perhaps twenty-five
years ago, after trying homo remedies
without getting helped, I naked my
doctor to prcscrlbo for mo, but It was
not for a year or moro thnt my nails
and fingers woro well. Tho lndamrna-
tlon and suppuration began at tho
base of the llngor nail. Sometlmos It
was so painful that I hnd to use a
poultlco to Induco suppuration. After
tho pub was discharged tho swelling
would go down until tho next period
of Inflammation, possibly not more
than a week or two afterwards. Tbcso
frequent inflammations resulted In the
loss of tho nnll. I had sometimes as
many as three fingers In this stato at
1 ono tlmo.
' "Perhaps ten ycarB later I began
again to suffer from tho snmo trouble
' Again I tried various remedies, amonft
them a prescription from a doctor of
a friend of initio, who had suffered
from n llko trouble. This seemed to
help Bomowhat for a time, but It was
not a permanent euro; noxt tried i)
proscription from my own doctor, but
this was so Irritating to tho Bonsltlvo,
diseased skin that I could not uao It
I began to uso Cutlcura Soap and
Ointment. I hnd tiBod tho Cutlcura
Olntmont previously on my children's
scalps with good effect. I did not uso
tho Soap exclusively, but I rubbed tho
Cutlcura .Ointment Into tho bnso of
tho nail ovory night thoroughly, and
as often besldo ns I could. I had not
used It but a fow weeks beforo ray
nnlln woro bettor, nnd In a Bhort tlmo
thoy woro apparently well. There
wns no moro suppuration, nor Inflam
mation, the nails grew out clean
again. Ono box of Cutlcura Ointment
wns nil that I used in effecting a
cure." (Signed) Mrs. I. J. Ilorton,
Kntonnh, N. Y., Apr. 13, 1910. On
Sept. 21, Mrs. Ilorton wroto: "I hnve
had no further return o'f tho trouble
with my finger nails."
Where He Mado It.
"Hullo, Dinks!" said Wobbles. "1
hear you'vo boon In the chicken bust
neBB." "Yep," sultl HInkB.
"Made anything out of It?" asked
"Yep," said Rinks. "Ton thousand
1 dollaro."
"Ton thousand dolars In tho chick
en business?" demanded Wobbles.
"Nope. Out of It," said Rinks.
Hnrper's Weekly.
Important to Mothors
Examlno carefully ovory bottlo ol
CASTORIA, a safe and suro remedy foi
infants nnd children, and sco that 'I
Tlonra thn
Signature aC6ajffl&fc
In Uso For Ovor SO Yenra.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought
A pessimist is a man who can't en I
Joy tho beauties of an npplo blossom t
becauso he only thinks of tho possible
stomach acho it represents.
Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Pellets cure consti
pation. Conciliation is the cause of many
(lisenM-s. Cure the cause and you curs
the disease. Easy to take.
It 1b easier to borrow from a ncv
friend Until It Is to pay back what
you owo an old one.
piLtts ctmi:i) IN O TO 1 DAYS
four ilriitfu'lst will refund money If 1'AZu OINT.
MIJNT tall to euro nn; rum uf Itching, llllad,
tllet-dlDtf ur rrulrudiiu Piles lu 0 to 14 days. too.
It takes moro than mushy mnnner
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