The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 16, 1911, Image 5

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HSW- .VVV. JfttefVJt-,
This Spring weather mak
es one think of cleaning
Our nice Spring stock
of wall Paper and Paints
is now in the store and
we invite y,our inspection
a full stock of Chi-Nam-El
also. This is the best
varnish made for all
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist.
Market Report
As Furnished by Hanson ft Trine
liens (fat) !' per lb.
Springs S " "
Co.v.. I " '
Ducks 7 " "
Geeso & " '
Turheys H ," "
Mutter 12 " -
Kggs (rots out) 10 " "
Hides T ' "
! Mrs. Dave Wutsoti of Hi'llniro, Kii?.,
is visiting in the city.
1M Walters spent Sunday In tit's
city with his parent.
l-ot Keith was in Superior Tlitii"idiv
o i telephone business,
Noble Hall was In Cowhw mi telo
phone business Monday.
i niod six room house for tent, it.
ojihoof II. W.tlulliford.
See Dr. Sloekman for eye ghisesj
Satisfaction guaranteed.
' Cool I IN-dg arriveti home from liii
eoln Wednesday ovuninir
I Mr II. UurUo ami family left for
, 1 mliana Sat unlay nun ning '
Win Weesner and wife were home
from I.ineolii over Sunday.
Some Rood residence lots for vale.
Inquire of II. W. liulllford.
A. I). Uaney of Ulue Hill was in
. town Thur.sday on business
I The Xinas club utei Tue.sday after
; noon with Mrs (!eo. Warren.
j Noble Hull got tired of baeholor life
and spent Sunday in r'rnuUiin.
i I-ee Keith ,or the Nebraska Tele
i phono Co , is in Hastings today
I Mrs. James liurdcu and son Panel
and wife are home from St. , loo.
.Mrs. M. A. Motley returned to Su
perior after a visit with friends.
Mr. and Mrs. l'v Norris are the proud
parents of a 11 pound baby Rirl.
H.'A. Wylio of HastiuRs was trans
acting business in town Saturday.
.1. W. Kobertson returned from Hlue
Hill alter u visit with his brother.
.lack Mabters and wife left for Hoi
droRO this niorniiiR to visit relatives.
I-'d Hates and Ceo. Amuck wont to
Goodland, Kus., by auto last Friday
You will miss it if yon doii't try
Koutt County C jiiI.-J. c. Cai dwell.
Fou SU:: White Wyandotte Cock
erels. See me at once. C l Waiiin.
Frank Abbott of Superior, tho horse
buyer was in town Tuesday buying
hot ses.
W A. Kent of Walker A Kent was
Mrs. Silas Fincher is very sick. j
Mark Parks is home ftoin Denver.
II. A. Letsou is home from Chicago. I
Will Scrivner is home from Denver, i
F. W. Cowden is home from Chicago, in llockpoit, Colo., on land busines-
Andy Hart was home from Orleans, Friday.
Sunday. ' Kegulai
Mrs. Hen Grant lelt Tuesday
Old newspapers o cents a bundle at
this onice.
Sam Temple returned to Kansas
City Tuesday.
Chas. Starr was over from Lebanon.
Kits., Tuesday.
Ceo. Hagati of Cuide Hock was in
town Monday.
W. A. Kent whs in Missouri on busi
nobs last week.
Fred Temple of Superior was in
town this wcok.
The County Commissioners are in
session this week.
John Craus was in Hebron last
week on business.
(J. W. Lindsey was home from Lin
coln over Sunday. '
services tit the Brethren
lor, church ne.vt Sunday both mornitiRuud
J evening.
Mr. .larboe will preach at the Indian
(.'reek school house Sunday Feb. Hlth,
t o p. 111.
On last Monday a boy of usual
weight was born to Mr. and Mrs. Hos
ooe Weosner.
Misses Allison and liaohel t'owdon
visited witli friends at Superior Satui-
day and Sunday.
j The baby child of Mr. Chas. Carrier
died Friday morning and was buried
Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Win. Heeves and ehildien of
Denver, Colo., are back for an extend
, otl visit with friends.
The W. J. C, will meet next Satur
day afternoon at '-!::ic. All members
i tiro requested to be present.
Mrs. Jas. Moranvillo leturtied fiom
Wanted -'I or 4 Tons of good alfalfa St. Joe this morning, having purchns-hiiy.-l.
W. Eiison. ed her spring slock of millinery.
Judge Adams of Miuden was in town Is your farm for sale? List it with
Friduy on business. Pan (Sakim.u A- Courv.w. It will bo
. , 4 , . , , liberally advertised. Chief olllce.
Fifteen carloads of stock was shipped
out or here Sunday. , Frank Hughes and family came
. . . down from Hastings via autoand spent
FarmLoaHS.-I an. again ,eady to: wRh h,Hb,t,,01.M...irnKOlli
make farm loans at the lowest rate
and best terms. J am sole agent for i The watch will be good long after
Trevett. Mattis A Maker. Some pri- thj price is forgotten if you buy one
Tate money f these bargain at New-
.1. II. Ma'.ley, Hod ( loud. Xebr. not si.'.s.
baio n powder
Absolutely Pure
light Biscuit
Delicious Cake
Dainty Pastries
Fine Puddings
Flaky Crusts
and the food Is finer,
more tasty, cleanly
and wholesome than the ready
made found at the shop or grocery.
Hayal Cook Book-tittO Rocatptm-Froii
Sana Name nntl AUUruoa.
Here's a low-price picnic
on; you're invited
VOU'RE probably not very different from
the rest of us when it comes to getting some
unusual value for your money; it's human nature, and every
body's got some of that in them.
We've made up our minds to clean up this stock of good things to wear;
to clear out all fall and winter goods and start the spring season with an entirely
new lot of stuff.
In order to do it we're quoting prices on these things that are good
enough reason for any man who' likes to get good things for less than they're
really worth to come here on the run.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
clothes are among these goods; and when any man can get Hart Schaffner &
Marx clothes at less than the usual prices he's certainly not very wise if he
doesn't do it.
There are a lot of other good things, too; we'll give you anlidea of what
to expect here:
20 per cent Discount Continues This Week.
This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes.
Just as we. go to press vtc learn of
tho dentil of II. 1!. ISrubakcr ol (owles.
10. (J. ami O. U, Ontniiui ot Lawrence
accompanied by A. D. ltauney of Hlue
Hill were attending Probate Court
lh your farm for Mile? List it at.
selling prices, on htiaight commission
basts with 0. fJ.MiiiKit A- Com pan .
Chief otllee.
Mis. Mabel Thompson returned to
her home ill (.rand Island after an ex
tended visit with her mother, Mrs
CJeorifo Lindsey.
Pat Waddel our merchant tailor sur
piiM.t his friends by bringing home a
wife -nee MissHsa Marshall ol Helton.
Mo . last week, Itest wisher, "Pat."
Farm Loans Negotiated Longest
Time Husiest Optional Payments Low
est (tales of Intel est on Shortest No-
tiee.-l (lAltlil It A- Co. At Cllli:i'
Hoy Unst proprietor of the l.oya
Umber Hhop lint installed an oleelrli!
massage liuifhino and you are cordial
ly invited to call for a shave, hair cut
or massage.
Dr. Warrick, tho specialist will meet
eye, ear, nose and throat patients and
those needing glasses properly titled
at Dr.Damereir? otlk'e in Ked Cloud
Tuesday, Keb. 'Jtst.
Too many watches in our stock
makes the opportunity for you to buy.
a watch at a price that you will soon
forgot. Wexneed the money. Ni.w
mil SG Jeweler and Optometrist.
Your tirst chance to get a wateh at
practically wholosule price. We need
some Ql'HK motley and our prices ou
these will swon traiiHfer the goods to
your pocket but you'll have to hurry.
Newhnnso the Jeweler.
Just as much eaie, in fact u Utile
more, should be exercised in buying
electric sad irons, as in buying any
thing 6lse. Some irons use more elec
tricity than others In doing Die samu
work, flet your elccttlc Ironr, of
MoitiiAui linos, they eh'rry theHiillM.r
ized Iron lie ua re full of just hs
good ' electric Irons.
l''red Parsons the Ur year old -.on of
Lee Parsons was arrested Sunday
morning forbicaking into the Pioneer
grocery Saturday night and was sun
tcuced to the Kearney reform school
by Judge Kdsou Tuesday.
Alf McCall and 1 W. Cowden were
in Orand Island Tuesday and closed
tho sale of the base bail franchise to
' York, Neb. lied Cloud received S70O
for the franchise, flood Inch, York!
We will be with you next summer. ,
A quiet wedding took place at the
I home of lVcf. and Mrs J.I Iturwoll
I of Red Cloud, l'ul)...j, 1H1 1, when their
daughter Minn was married to Mr.
Herman II. Kemper of Cull Luke.
Sask,. Canada. Uev A A. Crussiuan
Last Saluiday morning llalph Vav
ricka son of Mr. M. Vavrlcka died at
the home of his lather in liatin town
ship. Funeral services oeeurred Mon
day morning at the home. Interment
took place in the lied Cloud cemetery,
llcv. Hummel conducted the funeral
services, lie leaves a father and sev
eral hrothcis to mourn his departure.
Among the very enterprising busi
neso men of lied Clou,d William Kirk
Patrick stands out as a most liberal
dispenser of real old hard money. Iti
the last live weeks he has purchased
IJoil head of horses and mules, distrib
uting upward of $.'.1000 ronong tho
farmers of this vicinity and adjuccut
territory. KlrU is Johnny-on-the-spot
in the horse and mule business ami
does not let any get away that ho can
The Music Study Club will inoit
with Miss Arnold, Thursday evening,
Fell !i.'J, The following program will
he given:
Knll Call Mtislo quotations'
lllography Mlas'Orace Coombs
. . .r.
Piano solo Mrs.' Paul Pope
Vocal duett.... Miss Marie , Kathrju
Heading Hiss Josephine IMcluuds
Vocal solo Mis, Dr. Cross
Piano duett Mis Ileal A Miss Poller
Clioius vsoik Club
The Webster Count v Sunday School
association will meet in llluo Hill,
! Neb., March (', and 7. P.iii, at the
i Christian church. A splendid program
' is being arranged for the occasion.
Thore will be speakers from all parts
of the county. Problems of every
kind willtb discussed, so that all who
intend wiU go away better equipped
for work. Miss Margaret llrown,
superintendent, of the elementary de
partment, will be in this convention.
Those wlio have heard h.'i know that
this will bo too good to mis.s. It is
hoped that every Sunday school in the
county will have a large delegation
one delegate for every twenty or frm
tioual number and as many otbei -, as
can attend. All will be taken eaie .i!.
His also hoped Llirit all schools, wnl
have sent in their reports and appor
tionments so that nil will be recoided
when the convention meets. We ti list
that this convention will be the best
convention ever held in Webster
county. U F. Kosk.
For Bald Heads
A Treatment That fasts Nothlnft If It
We want you to try three large
bottles of HcMill 'P.T' Hair Tonic on
our personal guarantee that the trial
will not cost you a penny If it does not
give you absolute satisfaction. That's
proof of our faith in this remedy, and
it should Indisputably demonstrate
that we know what we are talking
about when we say that Ue.Mill "D.'V
Hair Tonic will grov hair ou buhl
heads, except whore baldness. ha? been
of such long duration that the roots
of the hair are entirely dead, the fol
licles closed and grown over, and the
scalp is glazed.
lletucinber, wo are basing our state
ments upon what lias already linen ac
complished by the Use of llexall Ml"
Hair Tow le, and we have the right to
assume, that what it has done for
thousands of otheis It will do for vou
In any event you cannot lose anything j
by giving it a trial on our liberal guar
antee. Two sUes, iio uid SI. lit
meiiihci'. you can obtain Kcxall Ivenie
oic in this community only at our
stoie-Tho llexall S'ore. The II. K.
(irlee Drug Oo.
Is Your Farm on
we want a com
plete list of Web
ster County Lands
for sale.
Red Cloud CHIEF Office.
1 Span of good Brood
maes weight about
2600. both in fole, 1
Span of Mules coming
2 and 3 years old,
Milch cow fresh soon, 1
Poland-china brood sw
3 Miles South of Inavale, Neb.
R. F. D. No. 2
See The Chief for-up-date
Job Work.
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