The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 16, 1911, Image 1

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Customers of this Bank
Hie always suttsllud iMiitomors, beoanso
we ii(Kavor to treat nil with equal
T'owrU".y and attention. To be
A..cjnndatlnft and Conservative
is a oiii)lnatlon that we havo found
to be not only possible, but profitable
as well. We can work for your Inter
est5 and our own at the same time.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Vi"-" " -
l--"" ---- ,
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
Everything Electrical
G. C Bailey
Electrical Contractor.
AH kinds of Elec
trie repairing.
Bell phone, Black 20.
Moon Block, Red Cloud
In Riverton every Monday
FOR all YOUR needs in DRY GOODS
call on f . NEWH0USE.
For all your needs of the following goods give us
a call. Ginghams, Percales, India Linons, Flaxons,
Persian Lawn, fancy White goods, Embroideries,
Laces, Silks in plain and fancy, Dress goods, Mus
lins, Longcloth, Table linens, Dress linens.
n- k. i hi ii 1 aavarorir hMUk u 11 rr ' i ' i nuH'kflBBa.' iiav , , -. . 1 1 - uiht e-w- - vk wmt.. . - - insrjLaninr . i -, - .- :. -o . .wtxA w: n
r x m
- - " A -.. -.
Washington Day at the Confttcgatlonal
Church Next Sunday
Morning Sermon Subject, " Tho
Moasure or a Man.
Hvening Program Song, "(ilory l!o
to Thee." Soug. 4,I Shall He Like
Scripture lesson.
Song, "Heavenly Sunlight."
Music. ,JA Tribute to Washington."
Kecitation, William Mcltrlde.
Addius., "Washington, (ieneral and
Song. "SingOu, Ye.loytul I'ilgriius "
IJecitation. llowmd Kale.v.
Music, ' A .lubilcP."
Uocitation, Tl)orea Ueigie
Address Washington and liiiicolu
Song, "America.
;!3LfrsvlWfwsa, "JJii735,3?EitBrc.''S' y tj7 rry r i-r, rr ,,rv' r-'iT,,r,fkirf -,,.-; tt
.sy-r fmMM
To clean up
our Sweat
ers will close
them out at
20 per cent
TVmV month's Butter ick
are 10c and 15c none
PHONES: Rural 5X Hell, Black M.
W JaBBgfff79H&! -fSSwwaEifiWWK I pbi . IMK0f
-fT "n jie!HyK,fJi.iJ9T?'r - -BBs;'-iki'rwr
.J ?
' -raJjoC-' -'zt " 1W P u . fcTr : l -r iir - "j--rjTi-'C-ri .- ----T 1
A Newspaper Ttiat filvcs The Ncxs Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50.
Burlington Chief
Makes Report on Water.
Some time since P. T. Harrow, the
I'.urlington chief engineer, uaa hero
and made a careful examination of
our water supply and its possible ex
tension In the following letter he
repot ts as follows:
Mmoi.s.. Neb , Feb 10, It'll. M
Messrs. .1. S. CJllliani, C. It. Hale, and
Iticli. Ked Cloud, Net).-Dear sirs- In
regard to the water proposition at Ked
Cloud which I loola-d oer in company
with you
Since that time I have had some ad
ditional tests made of the water from
t In creek anil from the south well.
These show as follows:
1. 1
I'ulill llUlrilltsx,
siilpiiati) "
Sodium (,'iirliouuti1
Alknll suits
liii'rustlim mtiim
I'o'i mliiu rutiim
'J.i! 0.0
r,.i 7.r.
Vtr. uonil Knlr
Very ijooil (Sooil
(j odd
l-'rom this you will note that tho
Maurer spiing is greatly to be desired
over tin other waters for locomotive
and roundhouse purposes. '
In regard to the uso of vitrified pipe
for supply line, is suggested, I havo
Inquired from the mayor of Mobart,
Okl., who advises that they have a
thtce-mile pipe line, but says it is not
under pressure
It seems to me that a light wrought
itoti, spiial tinted, and protected with
asphalt or tar coating, would be a de-
, siraoie supply nut'.
The estimate made by Mr. Hich for
the cost of the pipe line of vitrilled
tile consisting of !W00 feet of eight
inch tile and 30(H) feet of six-inch tilo
appears to be about correct, although
it seems to me about SlOu additional
Burson Lose at
25c and 50c. -Try
our Burson
Mercerized hose
and you will say
they are the
best for the
money you ever
Childrens No Mend
hose, linen knee, heel
and toe at 25 conla.
And a good grndo at
1G coots.
.should be added to his figures on
ditching and back tilling.
Figuring. hnveer, on light weight
cast iron pipe, which would bean en
tirely bafo proposition in every re
spect, would hlmw as follows:
MM) ft 8-llch cast iron pipe, laid,
at UOc.l .. ... ... S t."0n
r.OOO ft (Mhcli cast iron pipe, laid.
at or,c.. ;i:ino
Ilasin at head works 7M)
Ihiginccritig ;oo
Incidentals :.(J0
Spungsaiul right of way IKK)
Total $10:t.-)i)
It is suggested, also. Huit if tile
pipe .should be laid it might be well to
bear in mind that there is snmo ques
tion about the durability of asphalt
In tilling joints its life under water
being sometimes given as ten years
The use of pitch instead is suggested.
It has bttn suggested, also, that water
might be turned into the little baiin which
has been excavated near the creek north
and a little wett oi the pumping station and
let the water Irom that point seep into the
cresent tile drain. It does not appear that
this would be permanently effective, as the
present tile line apparently must be clogged
up somewhat at the joints, as the amount
of water furnished by it is very small.
As I understand It, about 120,000
gallons per day may be counted on at
the big spring, the analysis of which
shows it to bo (list class, and by put
ting in the pipe line suggested there
is no qtiPntion whatever of an ade
quate supply, and the saving men
tinned in tho Chief of Oct. '.'(), due to
having water come to tho pumps .!' ft
head, is well worthy of saing. Al
though his method is it little greater
in first cost, the supply is sine and
permanent and can be counted on at
all seasons. Uesides this there is still
the value remaining in tho land itself
around the springs.
i would be glad to lieai from you
what conclusion is readied on this
subject. Yours truly,
I'. T. Paiirova.
For the sake of comparison we re
print estimate or cost as given by Su
peiiutendent Iticli in tho Oct. '20 issue
of the Chief:
Acting upon our own advice of last
week we ngaln took the trouble to
have a second test made of tho Maurer
springs in order to ace if there was
uny change in the How. This time
there were members of tho council
and others present to see tho test
made. These figures will be found in
the estimate as given by Superintend
ent Itich Tliu water is unquestiona
bly there and those who havo observed
the springs for tho last thirty years
years that as far as can be told by tho
eye the flow has always remained con
stant. Here is tho estimate as given
by Superintendent Rich:
r.SIIMATK oi cos I
Piotocting tico spring 100.00
Protecting fenced spring 800.00
4030 ft 8 in tile f.o b.ltcd Cloud 800.00
4050 ft (i in tile f.o.b. Kod Cloud .105.00
DlBtribitliig pipe (55.00
Ditching and refilling 5G0.00
Laying and cementing 050 00
Engineering UOo.oO
Incidentals fiOO.OO
Total $1200.00
Purchase price of ten acres of
land 1000.00
Total e.v,'00.0
row i:ii V.M.CK
Mirvoyed head
Effective head, allowing for
friction in pipe
Eflcetive pressure In pounds..
Total average head against
which pumps should operate
in feet
Resulting static pressure at
power house in' pounds
Percentage spring pressure..
Prosenc consumption coal per
dBy approximately, pounds
Price per ton g
fiavlng per day using springs $
!18 deg
:iK deg
The first gunoral observation which
we wish tonako is that our superin
tendent hits been verified by u compe
tent engineer. We might hi well ac
cept him now as authority mid abide
l(. 10 1 1.
We need some money QUICK. To
get it we are making some extra special
prices on every watch in our stock and
untill February 25th we will sell any
watch in our stock at wholesale cost. This
is the greatest chance you have ever had
to get a watch at such money prices. Our
stock just now is full and .complete but
the prices we are making will soon clean
it out.
From this date we do only a cash busi
ness, selling nothing on time and in order J
to make the change we must have money
at once and this is the best way we know
to get it, hence your chance to own a
watch at what it cost us.
Don't delay as the watch you want
may be gone and these prices apply only
to stock on hand.
Newhouse Bros.
C. 0. & Q. Watch Inspectors. Jewelers and Optometrists.
by what lie says. The difference in
cost between tho two esti mates is tho
difference between tile nud iron pipes.
We ourselves do not know whether it
would pay to use the tile and stive the
difference or usa the iron and pay the
difference. Our judgment would be
leave the matter to Mr Rich. This is
a question of fact nud can be verified
if necessary. An invitation has been
extended to tho makers of tilo and
we arc confident that they would bo
willing to make us a visit and let us
know what their claims are.
So far as wo know this is the llrst
chemical test ever made of tho water
which we are using, and this test
shows that the spiiug water is not
only far better than the well
water for onginc purposes, but it is
far moro wholesome. The test shows
that the more the water filters thru
the land tho less fit it is for drinking
and cooking purpobes. In hardness
tho well vr ater is considerably more
than twice thut of tho spring, whilo it
nlso contuins moro alkali and sulphate.
No better water could be asked for
than this bprlng witter.
The Mipply Is ample, tho water is
pure, tho cost is known why should
we hesitate'.' However, if thoro is any
question as to the file or iron we sug
gest that we Meciiro a representative of
the tile malier.s to come here and give
us information at some public meet
ing. More good can come of a public
meeting where all can hear and can,
nsk questions than will result from
proceeding in any other manner. It
Booms to us that this water question Is
now as simple as a, b, c, and there
should be no doubts or hesitancy but
this one Issue should bo rapidly push
ed to a successful conclusion.
Skatln Rink Rules
Evenings Hours 7 to to, lights out
at 10:30.
Afternoons 2 to 5 p. m.
Prices -10 cents in and 10 cents to
Saturday forenoons forchihlien un
der J.' years of ago 1) to 12 a. piico
0 cents in and 10 cunts to skate.
Wednesday afternoons, 2 to n, for
ladies only.
We will not be responsible for any
accidents which may occurr but will
do our best to preveut nny.
Manlky Rnos
Rr Sale.
2 mares, 1 bluok mare, wt. M50, G yrs
old, I dunmaro, wt. 000, lOyonrsold; 1
mower ulmobt new; 1 20-inch ridlug
plow almost now; 1 liny rake; 1 discjM
riding cultivator; I 14-inch stirring
plow; t harrow; I breaking plow; t
automatic hay stacker; I sweep; I De
Laval soparator. Inquire of 3. V yy
It I
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