V X -W VOLUME XXXVI 111. IJAN'KIXC; INSTITUTION vn r olli ri anil diiectors do not i1 tlic dunking iMf-'mi-.,., on n bioad vet car"ful and fniiscrvtitiv i liiisis, nit onlv ictnrd tin1 progress of the l.inlt ln' of its depositors us well. I It ISOAliD OF niKF.CTolts is n adi' up of successful business moil whose personal success Is ti guarantee that tins liunU will lie conducted on it huiiies basis. Interest Paid on Time Deposits Webster County Bank, RED CLOUD. NEB. CAPITAL $25,000 B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier. DIRECTORS: B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas, S. R. Florance. Everything Electrical G. C Bailey Electrical Contractor. All kinds of Eleo trie repairing. Bell phone, Black 20. DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, Red Cloud In Rivcrlon every Monday w m mmjm mmmamm a msEmom tmmtjm mtumnmmm FOR all YOUR needs in DRY GOODS CALL ON F, CJFor all your needs of the following goods give us a call. Ginghams, Percales, India Linons, Flaxons, Persian Lawn, fancy White goods, Embroideries, Laces, Silks in plain and fancy, Dress goods, Mus lins, Longcloth, Table linens, Dress linens. FmmmwW PWt' wmS S are luc Pile ln.tii'!i Su'I. IV BWWKW&B I GARFIELD (Jiiy Hnrtii's butchered Monday. Pan (Jarbur was on wind mill row Monday. Jack l!arnes' little girl is pretty sielc with pneumonin. .John Campbell and wife are on the sick list this week. Ell Ilouehin and Will Fisher were bailing bay last' Friday and Saturday. (Jeorge .Jennings and family were pleuant callers at (Jiiy Harms Sun day. (Juy l.arnes put chased two line hogs at the Sale in Guide l.'nek hist Katui- day. Mauleys uro rejoicing over the re turn of the lost goat for it was found Monday at .1. Wllmots. I'M Kar Wiggins took in a car of hogs and u car of cattle Saturday and ship ped them to market on Sunday. DLHfl K lHMM but JM Bb VJ5 f&l I tWj ll I H H W mm Ml H Bk w EM I 171 H HEmIIvIJoLb SveaLters. To clean up our Sweat ers will close them out at 20 per cent discount. This month's Butterick Patterns V tmt ana ibe none PHONES, HurHlKI. Hell. Dlack II A NcMspapcr That filvcs The News Flft-two RKD CLOUD, NEBRASKA. FHliliU AltY ii. Tin' new in, id overseer ill Fisher '.'il ..ne of the bridgi S on tlw hot- i -Hi ton I .md it needed it lmd too ivtc Mauley went down in Kansas -"iiulav to sol- a lady fiiend of Ills but ii has not got back ,el. We look for litin the llrt of March. (ii Held was well represented at the f ii iiuis institute for it took a good man) ilbbons. Amongst them isShor mull Sliipman. Ihst on the best mule, Clias Wolle on horso and colts and T. lnt i on chickens. LliSTEK. Joe Ihitten w as seen on the streets ol Lester Sunday. Mis. .John S.ihtden called on Cratid uiii .laclssou Mond.iy. Miss Clara Kasser .spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs.l.eorgo JJIuir called at .lohu Saladen's one day this week. The tJirl That's Next was. well at tended from Lobter Thursday evening Quite u number of the young folks took in the sWiting rink Wednesday night. Tom Swart, is building a i.ew house. Ol we are joking it is only a hog house Tom .Simpson and Miss Dollio I'assor spent Sunday evening at Andrew Kiug'.s. Mis. Lawrence Lewis is just able to be out after a week's sickness with the lagrippe. Mrs, Potter Hale utid daughter and Mr. Vein Kmiok spent Sunday with their mother. Mrs. .lohn Kmick. Mr. and Mrs. .lohn llolcoutb. Mi-s Mary Ilolcomb and I'M King spent Sunday evening at .lohn Kasscis. Miss May Ft isblc returned home Fri day niorning fioni Heaver City alter u few weeks visit with In r uncle and aunt. Burson hose at 25c and 50c. Try our Burson Mercerized hose and you will say they are the best for the money you ever bought. tlilhlrens No Mend hose, linen knee, heel and toe il li.") cents, And a good grade at Ifi cents. I I i V V higher. I Weeks Each Year lor $l.r0. Mr. and Mis Connie l!a-.ri of Sun n. Side arc moving mi Ids futlici in laws plactv thi wed, mm l.eslur .Mr. null Mrs. Ilomci linker will move on lVl liusser'n place soon. Mr. Kasscr will make his home aiming his children. ' Mr. llulH'bush hid a mlshan with I i.iw unlit ii.ui c i,... mi... ... i,. . tn (.iiiu -, ..inning . i ui- .1 -ii'njn II 11 so lie had to leave It at A I Dcckei still he got it fixed. C()VLIS .hid White has the grip this wei k Dr. D.imciell of Ked Cloud wa.s up on our slteets Wednesday Mm. Swlghart has her binther-lu-law anil his wife usiting them. The youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. McMrldc is very sick at this writing. The Cowlea Senate held it last sess ion Friday evening with a good pro gram. Morris Mills shipped a cat' of hog.s to St. Joe, Mo, Monday. He accom panied the same. Kd Koou our worthy landlord has commenced a dwelling house on his lots in tholuortli part of town. We understand that Mr. Mobrldo sold his farm south east of town. Tills farm is known as the the llurd farm. Nickolis Thomas ljad a sale Wednes day which was well attended. He Ih going to (pi it farming and move to parts unknown. Jhok Wi'itei came in Tuesday frniiM St. Louis where he went to buy a car load of dogs, lie says they mo too high priced at present. The Hardware llriu of lloil .V lioren got a carload of implements in last week. 'I hey can sell you anything from an automobile down ton tack. Letch Adiunson formerly of this place but now living in western Kan sas came in on the train Tuesday for a slum visit with lii- father and fi lends. Mi. ISragg of ilulde Itock wiisountir sticels Tuesday morning on his way to lllue Hill wheie he was to icprescul the Miciiiity of (Julde Koch In the (J'.'iiwonil 'I I'lepliime Co vells and McTaggait our new hard-Willi- II i ii i are invoicing this week. Mi. McTaggait formerly of Wllso" .illi', Kiis . nioyeil into the Franco pin perty last week 'iinl will make his home here in the future. We welcome linn hi our midst. Last Day of Farmers' Institute Last wiek we gave the proceedings at the I'ai hum's Institute up to Thurs day morning. Thursday being pi ess du, we woie unable to give the re mainder ol the program. Thursday was the big day. Fully five thousand people wore in the city and a better natured crowd was never seen Kvery thing was otdcrly and quiet which showed that the people were licit for business and what they could learn. The speakers sent out by the state agricultural school were excellent They gave detailed intoruiatlon and in such a milliner that all could hear and understand. Intensive methods was the koy note of all their lectures. For instance, in speaking upon the dairy cow they showed that it would pay am fariii.i' to build a silo and thus sc cuic nt'iu ly all the nutriment of tlto uii I inler picsetlt methods o feed mi di v rii only about one half of tin- i-ul K'"l of thogiaiu wasuti'i.ed if ill gieenuiid put into a silo tiie cattle 'would haw green feed all the jeur 1 around and would begetting the bene in .. . i. . ...ii... .. i.i. i. ..... hi. in niu nuunn which now go lO WI1SIC The lecture upon horses was perhaps the best ever given on that subject in the city. Many learned a great deal about the horso and what was good in hluMind what bad. Wo expect to see an ImproNomont In horso flesh after thin. Miss Maxwell delivered soveral lec tures to tho ladies On cooking and canning which was most favorably commented on by all who succeeded in hearing them, Of courbe many of the' older housewives havo had experience' in cooking nutritious things to eat but there were many in tho aiidionce rw - i 191 l. I who ate just slatting to learn Ibn dil- I Iti. nil ml .....I l., Ii...... il I ......... ..(.ii,. ,, iim'ui uiri' inline were must instinctive Tho lodging of the luu-es, lings ami pottltty was satisfai'toiy to all Am one cniilil see that thee men knew their business ami the, had no dilll cully in making theii awatds Perhaps thu biggest featilie id the whole inslltute was the large lndustiial paiaile licld in the atleiiioou This ptocessiiui was hci ded by the ited Cloud cniucl band which pla'.eil -ome veiy ilitliciilt uiiisie much to the de light of musicians ami othets Oui baud is laphllv Toiging to (lit fiont and is making splendid piogicss. Next came pioneer preacher (1. W. iliimmel without whom no parade in this part of the country would be en tirely a success. Then came the men who arrived in this country in 1870 and '71 as bache lors. They had a iiiiiiature soil house thru the chimney of which slowly curled the smolcu as it did years ago. The boys arc grey haired and older looking now but they entered into tho fun of this parade with their oldttmc vim and vigor. Kven the slioit close lino gave evidence of the Hinallnefs of tho washings in the early days. Tho boys of '71 bearing a huge grass hopper on their shoulders were next in Hue. Unquestionably tlcir ieclings Thurs day were far (intercut from what thoy wcic when that black host settled up on all the growing crops ami carried awiiy tho eveiy sign of vegetation V e cannot refrain from quoting a little history here. "Tho (Irj spell con tinued, and in the latter iiait of the month (July) came tho grasshoppers, and they stripped the held of every growing thing. Some llclds of early small main was saved, but that was all. The Into wheat, oats and all the corn was completely destroyed. Then came a trying time tor the settlers. Many of them, dlscoiiiagcd, and see ing no way to live dining the coming winter and until another crop could be laised, lelt 1 lit- country, some fcof them ucier lo icliiru. A huge num ber ol the setticis iciuaiucd, however, dcleiiiniii'd to try to live in some u.. and wait lor another years nop. .Some of tlieiu were alilo to wait with no daiigei ut siilfcriug il unaided, but the most of them weic in desperate ciiciiuistances. The biave ami uncom plaining ninny ol the settlers must have starved weie II not for help, con sisting of provisions, clothing and seed sent them so libcially by the sympa thizing citizens ol other tuoie fortun ate states.' More than a bundled bcaiiiitul hoises and iiiulcs graced this parade. Tli. common icnuiik along the street was'I did not know that this county had so many beautiful animals. ' The long hue ot automobiles bringing up the rear of tiie procession vividl. cm phasl.ed the great change that has taken place since the sot I lenient of the county. This parade represented forty ycais ol hlstoiy and in it one could read the story of a great development a groat people. Withal tho institute was an unlimit ed success. It was interesting in structive, and entertaining. Tho ollicers in charge and the committees who attended to (he work deserve un stinted praise foi their painstaking ef ficient labor. ocks CLEAR ENGRAVIKGI IaM ! Read the adds in the Chief NUMIJISR o COMING Red Cloud, Nebraska The eminent plijsh'lau on chtoiiic discuses will visit inn city Tuesday, February 7, I9N And will be at the Itu.val Hotel until fi p. in , one day ONL llr I'otteif, piesiilent of the staff ot the Hostoti Hlictio Medical Institute, Is makiliL' a Null of I he state. He will eive consultation. oMiminit- lioti. and all the medicines necessary to coinnlcte a euro I'KKK. All naitlcH taking advantage of this oiler arc re quested to state to their friends the result ot the treatment. Cuics MKArNKSS by an entirely now process. Treats all cuiable cases of catarrh. throat and luiiir diseases, eve and ear. stomach, liver and kidneys, gravel, rheumatism, paralysis, neuralgia, nor" votis and lieait 'disease, epilepsy, Uright's disease and dlseubes of the bladder, blood and skin diseases, and big neck and stammcilng cured. Piles and rupture cut ed without de tention from business. Asthma cured in a allot t lime. If you are Improving under your family physician do not take up our valuable time. The rich and the poor are I rented alike. Idlers and curiosity seekers wll please stay away. Our time is valuable. Itemcinlicr, NO'I A l'KN.NY will bo chaiged for the medicine nquiicd to make a cute ol till thn-e taking treat ment this I lip. (ii)iec hour is !) a. ui. Positively mairied ladles must be accompanied b,v their husbands. He member tho date. I lie-day Feb, ', at the K.iyal Hotel, Ked l loud, Nebr DR.S. I. CUNNINGHAM DEiNMSI Successor to Dr. J. . hMKlll At the old stand over the State Bank. Phonefiai. HORSE Splendid Blankets Ask your dealer for ti SA Blanket. They arc known the world over aa the best and strongest, and the loiiGest-wearinE blank ets made. Look for the 5 A trade mark.' liar IA Bin Glrili for Ih Stabl. Buy 6A 8qutro (or lb Strict, We Sell Them Remember that Ibuy all my Blankets direct from the factory, no jobers' profits added to my price. Duck Blankets wool lined 1.50 and up to $3.00. Square Wool from 1.50 up to $6.00. Joe Fogel Rod Cloud, Neb. i u m m ill ii-TrtjaliwWOMlrTIM8Kfcail. invammmisivxs!i&H