The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 26, 1911, Image 5

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llfff STORE MM
Tooth Brushes
Clothe "
Massage "
Kalsominc Brushes
Shaving "
Everything in
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist.
Market Report
As Furnished by Hanson S Trine
9 per
8 "
4 "
Hens (fat)....
Ducks 7
Gccse o
Turkeys H "
Butter 15&IM) "
Eggs (rots out) 10 "
Hides & "
L. II. Blacklcdgc is in Otnahn.
Chas. (iodscy was in town Sunday.
Charles Hobiuson is home fiom Im
coin. J. II. Robinson is ou the sick list
this week.
Old newspapers fi cents a liutnlle at
this otlico.
Dr. Pine was down from Campbell
this week.
Loo DeTour was up frouUitiidoRoek
this week.
I.ouio Schmidt was down from Blue
Hill this week
W. S. House shippod his hogs to
market Sunday.
Claronco Gumroturned from Illinois
Tuesday evening.
Clarence Mitchell was down from
Franklin Tuesday.
Charles Starr was over from Leb
anon. Kos., this week.
Farm loans, I Bin again ready to
make farm loans at tho lowest rate
and best terms. I am pole agent for
Trevctt, Muttis & Baker. Somo pri
vate money
J. H. Bailey, Rod Cloud, Nebr.
See Dr. Stockman for eye gluy (j,
Satisfaction gum an teed.
Hood slv room house for rent, lit
.mil oof II. W.Gulliford.
I.. 11. Tnit is homo ftoiu New T
and other eastern cities.
Some good residence lot.s for sale.
Inquire of II. W. Uulliford.
Iternurd McXeny lias been in Lin
coln and Omaha this week.
The 1'. K. (). Society met with Mrs.
Ned (Irimes Monday night.
Miss Kdua Williams cnleitaltitd the
D. A. N. P. club Sutuiday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Orris Matkins were
down from Inavnld Wednesday.
HI m or Crone is In the city this week
visiting his sister, Mrs. Frank Peter
son. ,
Foil Sai.i:: House and 2 lot. For
further particulars inquire of L. B.
C. It. Smith will preach ntthcBreth
ren church next Sunday both morning
and cvcniinr.
Mr. Jarboe will preach at tho Indian
Creek school house next Sunday, Jan.
'JOth, at .'1 p. in.
Frank BUlner has returned to Lin
coln, where, ho is attending ,tho State
Agricultural school.
Tho V. C. T. U. will moet Wednes
day afternoon, Fob. 1, with Mrs. Bd
McOune, at Stfl) o'clock.
Don Saunders and wife nro visiting
in Missouri this week and will stop In
Omaha before returning.
Monday, while Mrs. Hogard was car
rying In R pall of water, sho fell and
badly sprained her wrist.
Is your farm for sale? List it with
DAK UARllKIt & COMI'ANY. It will bo
liberally advertised. Chief office.
The Degree of Honor will meotnext
Tuesday evening Every member is
urged to bo present as there is work
to do.
Is your farm for sale? List it at
selling prices on straight commission
basis with Dan GauiiKU A: Comi'ANV.
Chief otllce.
Regular services at the Baptist
oliuieli next Sunday morning and
evening. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all.
Tho o Ulcers and degree team of tho
Webster Bneainrmieiit went to Camp
bell yesterday to institute n new lodge
at that placo.
Rev. J. K. Throne and family left
Tuesday morning forMcrher.son.Kas.,
where they will engage in farming the
coming season.
The railwaycomtnission has ordered
tho B. tt M. to put on passenger trains
Nob. land II, between horo and Ox
ford, before February Ith.
Farm Loans Negoteated I.ongc-t
Time Busiest Optional Payments Low
est Rates of Interest on Shortest No-tlcc.-DAN
Gabi:i: & Co. At Ciiikk
Dr. T. Albert Jones, Eyo specialist
will bo in Red Cloud- Friday and
Saturday. Glasses specially made to
order to fit any eyes. Optical Parlors
equipped with latest up-to-date instru
ments second to none in Nebraska.
Office at residence ,
Absolutely Pure
Tho only baking powder
mado from Royal Crapo
Cream of Tartar
Z Tt, nr,U.lnf tmn mntft nf WRIGHT'S CONDENSED SMOKE
directly to tho meat with a brush after tho meat has gono
through tho salt. It will uo inorougiuy sinoKuu, win jiuvu
delicious flavor and will keep solid and sweet and Xrco from
Insects through tho entire summer.
Wright's Condensed Smoke
lia n. llnuld nmoko and contains nothing except what Is obtained
hv humlnc hlchory wood. It Is put un in squaro quart bottles only, each witli a
metal can. NEVER SOLD IN BULK. A uotuo win J"0'o a. uurriu ui mmi
$S0 lbs Var Yn o by all lrui?Klst3 at 75c. Every bottle guaranteed. Ask
finiinrlst for -FREE I HOOK. "Tim Now Way.". 13o euro to b'et Uio b'onulno
WliidliT'S CONDENSED SMOKE. Mauo oniy oy
THE E. H. WRICHT CO., Ltd., Kansas City, Mo. -fjfl
Tho olllccrs and degrees team of
Webster Kncnmpnient will go to
Franklin tonight to put on the degree
K. W. Coplen roturnod from Indiana
Tuesday evening. On his return trip
he stopped at Kalamazoo, Midi., Chi
cago and Omaha, where ho visited his
son Kellar. '
Roy Rust proprietor of tho Royal
Barber shop has Installed an oloctrio
massage machine and you aro cordial
ly Invited to call for n shave, hair cut
or massago.
W. B. Saunders and wlfo left for
Kansas City Tuesday night. They
will return by tho way of Omaha,
whore lloono will take in the cement
makers1 meeting.
Tho Rosary played to a good house
and a very appreciative uudlenco
Thursday evening. The Opera House
management is to be commended upon
securing shows of this class.
A. C. Ilosmer has installed an olee
trio motor in the Commercial Adver
tiser olllce and "Uos" says ho won't
have to crank the gasoline engine any
mole when they turn on the juice.
Tho program given 1 y tho"Apollos,"
was rendered in a creditable manner
and was of such variety and quality
that it was sure to please the mot
fastidious audience. Sidney, Ohio,
Daily Republican.
Just as much care, in fact a little
more, should be exorcised in buying
electric sad jrons, as in buying nnj
thing else. Some irons use tuoro elec
tricity than others in doing the same
work. Get your electric irons of
MolillAitr linos., they carry theauthrr
ized iron, lie cnrefull of "just as
good" electric irons.
Tlie Appollo Quintette and Hell Ring
ers will be at the Red Cloud Opera
Houso Friday night, January 27th, as
tho fourth number of the Lecture
course. This company is composed of
a banjo soloist, a cornet and flute solo
ist, a guitar soloist, a piano accompan
ist, and a reader and soloist. This
company will put on a program of
great variety and superior quality.
Tho Gil lThats Next Company will
play an engagement hore Thursday,
Jan. 2(Jth, and comes well recommend
ed from our neighboring cities ns a
neat, clean, moral, laughable and re
fined Musical comedy. Its a play that
Is built for laughing purposes only
and during its prcsenti'tion Ui nnisiea
numbers arc introduced, qtiartetts,
se.xtftts, trio and duo's by a company
Devil's Whisper Induces a Momentary
Indulgence That Becomes Habit
and Plays Havoc.
A popular actress who was in ("levo
land last week wan tolling how sua
got rid of her fa- cr, embonpoint.
"After 1 started." sho said, "I occa
sionally Indulged myself 'Just this
onco.' I found I was not making any
progress. Anyone who wantB to get
thin must beware of tho 'just this
once' habit."
Tho possession of too iiiueh physi
cal substance Is a real source of mis
ery to some people, especially those
of tho gentler and lovelier sex, and
often It Is ratisod and maintained by
the habit she mentions. In tact, "Just
this once" Is tho soureo of half the
mlberles, failures and wrecks of hu
man kind.
A bank toller gets a tip on the stock,
market Uo sees a ehanco to make
several thousand dollars by tho In
vestment of a few hundred. He Ih not
possessed of tho required sum The
temptation comes to (ako It from the
bank's money and return It a little
later when ho ImB realized on tho
deal. Ho says to himself: "Just this
onco." if ho does not at onco get n
firm grip on hlinr,olf, ho falls. The
owner of an unscaworthy vessel,
greedy for gain, sends It forth again
to battle with lonipests, "Just this
onco " No port ever sees It moro.
With ltd captain and crow It lies
fathoms deep until that tlmo when
tho Bea shall give up Its dead. And
widows and orphans mourn on tho
land and know not whero to look for
"Just this onco" is tho dovll's whis
per. Onco heeded, tho portals leading
to tho under world hqvo been cntorod.
its pcrsuaslvo power has filled peni
tentiaries, hospitals and Insano asy
lums. It httB put cropo ovor tho faces
of womon and sorrow In tholr hoarts.
It has bowed down tho gray heads of
fathers and mothers to their graves.
Ho who learns to know what "Just
onco" really means nnd put Its smil
ing, insidious invitation behind him
has mastered ono of tho llfo's most
vital lessons.--Cleveland Ivcadcr
Furnilure of Finest Quality
Always On Hand.
On February 1st. We will open up the
finest line of Carpets and
Rugs to be seen in the Valley.
Licensed Undertakers in Nebraska and Kansas.
Lady When Desired.
Ed. Amackp Prop-
Something New In
Kitchen Ware
The "189:1" Pure Spun Aluminum Ware is rapidly
coming into use for cooking purposes. It is taking
the place of agate and enamel ware because while its
first cost is a trifle more than ordinary ware, it is
really much cheaper in the long run, as it is guaran
teed for twenty-five years and will last practically
a life time. ,
The genuine '1892" Ware, mado only from pure
SPUN (not cast) Aluminum, will not crack, scale, peel,
break, scorch or burn.
It looks like silver but weighs only about one
miarter as much, is easily cleaned and handled, and
will not rust, torrode or tarnish. Absolutely pure,
non-poisonous and wholesome ; saves money, time and
doctor's bills.
Drain-" ou net I hi- oiiinst nd en-
uinrt w.ur stampetl wan me oi.u--c
Cik'. At yuur ik-nlcr.
Young Ensign Explained Hia AffalrB
With Ten Other Girls Were
"Sham Skirmishes."
Apparently lovo In not always blind,
nor do tho ears after much whispering
of undying lovo and all that always
become deaf at least, not If there Is
any sincerity In the plea mado by a
winsome young woman beneath one
of tho weeping willow trees on the
campus at tho Philadelphia navy yard.
nesltle her, with his protecting nrniB
around her, was a young ensign. He
was a handsomo young follow and one
that might easily he guilty of nil that
she accused him.
Ho had paused for a moment, In a
description of tho parai'lRe that await
ed tho young wife of an ollk-er In tho
service of his country; he had painted
tho brilliant future In store for him
nclf nnd which must have looked very
"good" to her; their faces had grad
ually approached until they were very,
very close, when suddenly tho lnss
with tho dusky hair and tho melting
oyeff'sat upright
"No," sho said, "I don't think I
ought to bellevo you at all. What
about thoso ten girls you were engaged
to last year?"
"Ah," said he, "those, dear, woro not.
engagements; they wero Just, nh or,
sham skirmishes, you seo." Phlladel-,
phla Times,
U fiA. 1 L
Nto1 ye? 4
The Whole Family"
is extended a cordial invitation
visit our studio and sit for
Their Phatodranh
You can come singly or all at once. $
It doesn't matter how or when you K
come only so you come soon. Single
pictures will be nice, but a group
picture would be lovely.
The quicker you come the sooner p
you get the pictures. 6
Stevens Brothers Cloud. Nebraska.
,-X : CKI'i-HKX.-C-X-CrXr-'KIt:';: CfisX IXrX KXfr
of more than
don't miss it.
onlaniary ability. So
.Mr. 1M Hanson of Hanson A Trine
has bought a huge interest in tho lteil
Cloud Hardware, A: Implement compa
ny and will be associated with that
organization in the future. Mr. Han
son possesses except ional business abil
ity and his presoneo will strengthen
the company to a considerable extent.
We hnsten to eongratulato both tho
company and Mr. Hanson nnd trust
that they may be ablo to bo of jjreat
service to this community.
Ftr The Stomach
Here's an Offer You Should Not Over
look Ilexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy
stomach troubles by supplying the
orfo element, tho absence of which In
tho gastric juices causes indigestion
and dyspepsia. They aid tho stomach
to digest food and to quickly convert
It into rich red blood and matorial
necessnry for overcoming natural body
Curry a package of Roxall Dyspepsia
Tablets In your vest pocket, or keep
them in your room. Tako ono after
each heavy moal and Indigestion will
not bother you.
We know what Hexall Dyspepsia
Tablets aro and what they will do.
V e guarantee them to relieve Judl(jtwt
ion and dyspepsia. If they fail we
will refund your money. Three sbos;
-'fi cents, no cents and 81. I'tMiieuibCT
you can obtain Ilexall Jtemedk'S only
Kt Th llevll Sfo-o, The H. K.
il . .. k. .. r i.
Women In Holland Prisons.
There nro now less than 200 women
In tho prisons of Holland, according
to Dr. Simon von der Aa, who tor CO
years has been the chief of adminis
tration of prisons In that country.
"During my administration three
prisons for women hnvo boon closed
for lack or Inniatcs, declared Dr. von
der An. "Thoro aro two reasons for
this decrease of criminal women. Ono
Is tho growth of social work. There
arc societies without number not only
to rescue tho fallen hut to help the
poor mid suffeilng. Tho othor reason
Is simply tho fact that women nro nl
lowed to work and support them
selves honorably. I am convinced that
tho Industrial freedom of women Is
keeping them out of prison In Holland."
A New Harness Shop
formerly owned by A. C. Slaby.
I will be found first door East of
Saunders Bros, lumber yard where I
will be pleased to meet all old cus
tomers and new ones as well.
Honest prices and fair treatment will
be my Motto.
P. L. HajrYsen, Prop.
Manila's Large Birth Rate.
Ilace suicide as an addition to other
problems in the Philippines lies far
oft in tho distant future, according
to tho birth statistics compiled in tho
lost quarterly report of the bureau of
Manila takes a position In birth rate
far In ndvance of other countries of
the world with an average of -13.23
birth a 1,000 of population. In Inter
national statistics of birth rate Hun
gary with an average of 40.5 leads tho
civilized world. Austria with 37 and
Germany with 30 nro next
Sundial for Oregon Trail.
Marking tliospot where tho old Ore
gon trail entered tho stato of Nebras
ka the sun dial erected by tho Daugh
ters of tho Auiorlcnn Revolution wbb
unveiled with appropriate ..ceremonies
recently, Bays tho Omaha Doo.' A num.
her of'dlstlngulshed v'sltors woro pies
fnt, Including tho olllccrs of the Iowa
chapter of thu order nnd of tho Ne
braska chapter no woll na Secretary
Pnyne of tho Nebraska Rtato Hlbiprl-r-tl
rot-Ietv nd mary iron of 'oy 'i
i i. 1i if
Opera House, Jan. 26
The Jolly Jingling Musical Comedy
IB Musical Numbers 16
"Magnificient Wardrobe."
Best Comedians, Singers and Dancers.
Successor to Dr. J. S. GMIOH
At the old stand over the
'itatC BtiriKi PtlOnea.H . Saturday forenoons for children Ua.
-- der 1.1 yeais of ago II to 12 a. in., pi-Jco
"" " " !'r cents in and 10 cents to skate.
Skatinft Rink Rules
Evenings Hours 7 to 10, lights out
at 10:30.
Afternoons 'J to 5 p. m.
t Prices 10 cents in and l.r cents to
sit ale.
;Uad tho adr's in the Chief
ladies only.
i fti'rr ions. to 5, for
,K .