'" 4 fi y THE GROWTH OF TOWNS IN WESTERN CANADA A BAROMETER OF THE GROWTH OF THE AGRICULTURAL DISTRICT8. Tho traveler passing through ft country is lmpreesod favorably or oth erwlso by tho nppcaranco of tho towns along tho lino of railways. As thoy appcnr prosperous and of healthy growth ho nt onco assures hlmsolf thnt thero Ib either a local Industrial factor to causo It, or a splendidly doveloped agricultural area from which Is drawn tho resources that contrlbuto or niako for tho growth that is bo readily nppnrcnt. On tho othor hand, if ovldcnco of Impover ished streets, badly appearing rest dcnccs and business places and loth- arglo citizens, thero Is an abscnco of ' local Industry and surrounding ngrl cultural prosperity. Thero Is no lino of railway, whether main or branch, throughout western Canada, that through tho towns or cities that aro built along tho ribs of steel do not convey tho most favorablo Impression. Tho causo Is not always apparent, but tho facts aro thero and easily neon. In moBt cases tho growth nnd tho sta bility of theso towns nro caused by tho excellent agricultural districts that aro tributary; in somo cases, manufacturing enterprises havo eprung up, caused by tho agricultural demands nnd needs. Tho Winnipeg Froo Press and tho Edmonton Hullo tin havo recently sent corps of cor respondents through tho provinces to sccuro datn concerning tho growth of tho two or threo hundred towns that havo como into exlstenco during tho past two or tlirco years. Tho partic ulars mako interesting rending, and as ono reads of tho station house, tho blncksmlth shop, tho boarding house nnd tho storo of April, being dwarfed In August by a hundred or moro dwell ings, by largo hotels, by splendid stores, and a half dozen implement warehouses, not forgottlng tho two or threo churches and tho excellent pub lic school buildings, It causes ono to stop and think if they over heard oi such marvelous changes. Certainly not often. Theso aro facts, though, as related of western Canada. Then, too, thero nro now cities yes, citlos of from ton to fifteen thousand peoplo whero flvo or six years ago thoro was but tho baro pralrio and tho lono eectlon post. Tho changes in tho Ca nadian West during tho past eight or ten years havo beon marvelous, and it is no idlo talo to say that the development in number and growth of tho cities, towns and villages thoro In tho past decade has eclipsed any thing in tho history of tho building of a now country. Agriculturo has beon tho basis, and it is agriculturo of tho kind that Is lasting. Tho caso with which nn excellent productivo farm, cnpablo of yielding a splendid living and largo profit to tho operator, is such that it has encouraged thousands to follow that pursuit, and also other thousands on tho limited and cxpen slvo farms throughout tho Central Western States ub well as somo of tho Coast States, to enlarge their field of enterprise Tho climato is cxcollcnt, and just tho climato that is dcslrablo for tho healthy growth of man and tho products of tho field. All varie ties of tho emallor and better paying grains aro raised, nnd generally with every assuranco of good fields. With government supervision of railway rates, splendid markets aro centaln, and tho highest prices realized. The Dominion Government, that has beon carrying on a propaganda of socurlng settlers for tho vacant lands, issues Uteraturo descriptive of thoso avail nblo in tho provinces, nnd on request of your nearest Canadian government agent, copies will bo forwarded froo. A Son's Compliment. His Incessant work, his nvoldance of all rest and recreation and his rig orous self-denial made Joseph Pulit zer, in his days in harness, the de spair of his family. In this connection a pretty story la told about tho famous Journalist's son Ralph. Mr. Pulitzer had refused to tako a holiday, and Mrs. Pulitzer ex claimed: "Did you ever know your father to do anything becauso It was pleasant?" "Yes, onco when ho marrlod you," tho young man gracefully replied. Slondor soon dlos if you tnko it out of circulation. Lewis' Single Binder straight Bo cigar. You pay 10c tor cigars not bo good. Wo find tho worst In all by trying to get tho best of any one. Nebraska Directory waWted to tell territorial rights for and nlthln tbs slato of Nebraska, protected by TJ B patent!, held by an old nd well known firm baring been In business In the itato fgr2S rears. Our proposal I beat sultablo for eldonaUc men, plastorers or cement wotlum, but technical knowledge Is not absolutotr Drcrssary. Prloesand terms moderate. Address for Informa tion to T, IL Ilox 1(3, Lincoln. Neb Beatrice Creamery Go. Paja the nlsneat price for CREAM LINCOLN COMMISSION CO. BROKERS AND DtALUU GRAIN AND BTOCKB MAIN OFFICE! Fraternity Dulldlna Lincoln, Nebraika DeUPbenedl Aoto Phone 2CW Largest Ilonse In tbe West sWDOTHBKw Cities Sad-Faced Swindler HOW MANY NAMES HW YOU NKW YORK. A well dressed young mnn with downcast eyes has re cently been visiting homes on tho East Sldo that havo boon visited by denth, exchanging Bympnthy for n square meal. In most cases ho .left tho houses richer not alono by food but by substantial gifts of money and clothing. Ills Inst experience, though, sent hlra nway somewhat less sympa thetic thnn when ho npproached tho mourners. It is customary In Jewish homes for tho husband or wlfo nnd tho children of a dead person to obscrvo n period of seven days' mourning, In which they sit constantly together in ono room. In theso soven days, cnllod tho "Shiva," tho mourners' grief 1h unre strained savo for such comfort as they can draw from their religion. In tho midst of this period of mourning thero recently appenred nt ono houso a rather good looking young mnn with infinite pity In his sad brown eyes. Llko nil other com ers at such n tlmo, ho was ushered directly into tho room of mourning, tewRCOSSMT gm'M&SLrtfv. Ihv r Vv'ciri-A Stray Letters Puzzle "Nixie" Clerk iiiniiiiiiuiimmuiiiinnini v-wai n Tin CHICAGO. Working away llko tho proverbial trooper, tho "nlxlo" clerk was discovered behind a battle ment of pigeon holes, in the Chicago postofllco. Ho was plying his trndo of finding tho destination of misdirected letters nnd of letters whoso nddressos other clorks had been unablo to de cipher. Ho wns too birny to talk. "Tho 'nlxlo' clorks run a haven for wayward epistles," explained a self appointed guldo. "When n misguided letter is discovered It 1b sent to 'nixie,' where tho clerks givo it tho proper treatmont nnd Bend it on its way." That moro Informntlon regarding tho "nixio" department might be I gained, C. A. Mallory, assistant super- ! Intendont of tho city delivery, wns I sought his office. ! "Tho 'nlxlo' clerks," explnlnod Mr. Mallory, "form1 an important part of Dnclo Snm's postal service They work out puzzlo nftor puzzlo In hiero glyphics nnd erroneous nddresslng I and through their efforts much mall Gigantic Smuggling LOS ANGELES, CAL. A plot to do feat the immigration laws of tho Unitod States moro far-reaching thnn any similar schemo ever beforo un folded in the southwest has Just been brought to light by tho federal author ities. Innocent and guileless as tho Chinese appoar in contrast with whlto persons when brought In contact with them, tho government agents give credit to this raco for having orga nized tho most gigantic coolto smug gling Bystem ever known to exist. Tho federal ofllcers for tho southern district of California nro confident that they aro in possession of tho entlro plan by which tho hordes of Oriental havo been poured into tho United States by tho way of tho Mexican border. Tho conspiracy against tho Immigra tion regulations Is understood to reach from Texas and California through Judge Decrees That KANSAS CITY, Mo. In granting n decree of dlvorco to Samuel C. Mc Goo, a policeman, against Mrs. Lou isa S. McGee, Judgo T. A. Frank Jones, In the Circuit Court, nrraignod wives' who havo shown themselves to usurp tho authority of their husbands. Ho dwelt upon tho relationship that should exist between husband nnd wlfo, nnd traced this relationship from tho day of tho cavo man through tho ancient common law of tho Anglo Saxons. Ho declared that tho law of today has made llttlo chango In tho fundamentals of this relationship as it was in tho times of Holy Writ, whon tho command, "Wives, obey your husbands," wns made. Tho hub band nlleged general indignities, - rk4n ' II A .m . -t ii' ; i i '- mi . . si i t w Haunts Funerals where tho widow and orphans sat "I inn so sorry, donr madam," ho said, with n slight Herman accent, to tho widow. "1 road about your dear husband's denth In tho newspapers. It may seem strango to you that I havo como hero, for you probably do not know me, but 1 feel almost aB if I havo n personal interest in your donr husband's denth. As a matter of fact, I bear his very natuo. Ho was my nnmosnko." In tho courso of tho noxt half hour ho mnnaged, in answering tho kind iiucstlons thnt wcro put to him. to dls closo tho fnct that ho had only ro cently como from (lornmny, bringing his wlfo nnd several chlldron with him, and thnt both ho and thoy woro at present badly stranded nnd without nioro than n fow cents for tho next meal. Just then a woman among tho as sembled friends who hnd been trying to place him looked up with n glanco of sudden recognition. "You nto your 1111 at my houso when wo wero sitting 'Shiva' for my poor hUHUnnd!" cried tho woman. "And you know how to bo ills nnmo snko nnd swindle us out of n memor ial gift nt that time, didn't you? And now you como to bo somebody clso's namesake, with your wife and sovon children, nnd to try to dupo them, too!" Hut ho had gone. matter that otherwlso would bo lost lnnds where It should. "For explnnntlon wo will say that n railway postal clerk find a Jotter ad dressed to John Smith, Chestnut stroot,, Illinois. Thnt letter, incom pletely nddroBsed, la thrown Into the 'nixie' pllo In tho postul mail car and finds its way to tho 'nixio' department, in this caso, say, in Chicago. Tin 'nlxlo' clerk consults a tabulation, which lists tho various Chestnut streets In Illinois nnd tells in what towns thoy will bo found. Ho then consults the directory of each of Uiobo towns a supply of directories Is kept on hand until ho finds a John Smith living in Chestnut street. Then tho letter is ronddressod nnd sent. Should this chance to bo tho wrong John Smith and tho letter Ih returned n similar process Is followed, lloforo overy method is exhausted you may foci reasonably suro that tho right person has received tho letter. "Yes, sir," laughed Mr. Mallory," tho fellow who called tho 'nixio' depart ment n haven for wayward epistles struck it about right. "Approximately how many 'nixies' do you receivo in Chlcngo n day?" Mr. Mallory was naked. "Oh, from 300 to 400, I should Bny," was tho reply. Scheme Exposed Mexico, across tho Pacific and into tho heart of China, nnd to Involvo Chlneso of high casto and lmmenso wealth. At tho head of tho band of smug glers nro Chlneso of high casto who rcsldo In Hong Kong. They nro said to bo enjoying royal rovenues from tho trnfflc and tho plensant featuro of their occupation is that they aro im muno from nrrost Others members of tho gang rely on protection from American laws on the soli of Mexico, Tho coolies nro procured from tho Interior of China. Thoy aro gathered easily thero nnd Bhlpped across tho Pacific to Mazatlan, Mexico, whero thoy aro unlonded. Thoy aro marchod through Mexico to Mexlcnll, Just across tho border from Caloxlco. Hero Nug Fun nnd Wong Chin Dock havo protondod to carry on n storo, but it has really been n resort for contra band Chinese, tho point nt which thoy wero sneaked Into tho United States. Fun wnB taken in custody sovornl months ago whilo in company with sovoral coolies. Dock did not tako heed from tho fato of hlB partnor and lid wns recently taken In custody in Imperial valley. Wives Must Obey which tho wlfo denied. Tho Judgo said: "A man Is tho master of hla own housohold. Tho law vests certain au thority in him. When n woman mar Ties sho voluntarily gives up many of tho rights sho hnd aB n singlo woman, nnd sho must submit to her husband'B nuthority. Sho ngreeB to submit to his dictation nnd she must submit to it so long nB it is not nrbl trnry and tyrannical. "Whenever a wlfo works for money, Bho is bound to glvo part of It to help support tho family. So long as sho docs not work for money, sho hns a right to demand that her hushnnd support hor properly. I3ut when sho does work outsldo hor own household for gain, sho forfeits that right and must, in tho discretion of hor hus band, help pay tho way of tho family. "It makes no dlfferonco if hor hus band stayB at homo, does tho cooking nnd tho housowork nnd sho makes tho living. Under tho law, tho hus band 1b still tho mnstcr of thnt house hold and sho must submit to his authority." TAKE A LESSON FROM VENUS Moral That Writer Has Drawn la Not Without Some Points of Worthiness. Miss Venus Is n lovely girl; not; one tlmo has nho muttered, against her pnle, Illumined life not ono word has sho uttered. Just think, she's boon without her nnns for many dusty ages, nnd yet sho never drops tho brlno or rants In hopeless rnges Sho hns to stand n bunch of guff from Art bugs down to draymen, and yet sho novor onco comes back nnd gillls tho heathen Inymnn When somo low brow of brutnl mlon stnrts merrily to panning nnd says her face Is worse than wood and thnt her hnlr needs entitling or that ho hns u waitress friend who Jerks a coffee Jigger could glvo her many, many leagues and heat Iter out on llgger, sho nevor even looks nt him, that rnnk untutored sin ner, hut holds her tongue nnd pedes; tnl; O, Venus Is n winner. SIio'h on tho Job both day and night, she hears man knock or Hatter and women not of classic mold get tuaddor than a hatter. Sho suffers long and quietly with calm and plneld innnner, in eold no mtts to reach a (iillt, In heat, no hnnds fan her. Sho Is a lesson In herself n fruit for dally picking. Just spare tho world your tronblo tales and srratch tho useless kicking. U. S., In Chicago Tribune. SKIN TORTURED BABIES SLEEP AND MOTHERS REST A wnrm bath with t'utletirn Soap, followed by a gentle nnnlutlng with Cutlcura ointment, Is generally sulll clent to afford Immediate comfort In tho most distressing forms of Itching, burning nnd scaly eczemas, rnshes, Ir ritations and Inflammations of In fants nnd chlldron, permit sleep for child and rest for parent, nnd point to permanent relief, when other methods fall. Pcaco falls upon dlstrncted households when theso puro, sweet nnd gcntlo emollients enter. No other treatment costs bo little nnd does so much for skin sufferers, from Infancy to ago. Send to Potior Drug & Chcm. Corp., Boston, for froo 32-pngo book on tho enro and treatment of Bkln and scalp troubles. Children's Food. Ccrtnln llttlo suggestions nro nlways to be followed when planning tho diet of tho llttlo ones. To koop healthy llttlo stomachs In tho nursery novor servo hot stowed fruit to tho chlldron. Plonty of stowed fruit and baked ap ples thoy should cat, but thoy must lnvnriably bo cooked tho day beforo and dished up cold. Tho nursory po tatoes should alwnyB bo baked or boiled in their Jackets. Stewed and fried potntocs or potatoes boiled with out their skltiB supply stnrch, with n loss of nil tho wholesome potash salts that tho skin gives out during tho process of cooking Into tho whlto part of tho vcgotnblo. Needed Assistance. A poor old cast-down hobo started to knock tho paint off of n bnck door tho other morning, nnd when ho tear fully told tho lady who appeared that ho had a sick wlfo nt homo nnd n dozen hungry kids, sho gavo htm a couplo of home-mndo biscuits. Daintily tho hobo handled them, and onco moro ho glanced up wistfully. "Whnt's tho mntter," indlgnnntly domnnded tho housewife, "aren't you I satisfied with tho biscuits?" ' "Yes,, dear lady," replied tho tramp I ful ono, "but I thought perhaps you I would bo so kind ns to loan mo n nut i crnckor for a fow minutes." A Prime Cause of III Health. A famous physician on bolng asked recently what is tho chief causo of ill health, replied: "Thinking nnd talk ing nbout It nil tho tlmo. This sense less lntrospoctlon In which so many of tho rising generation of tho nerv ous folk Indulgo is certainly wearing them out. When they nro not worry ing ob to whothor they sleep too much or too llttlo, thoy nro fidgeting ovor the amount of food they tako or tho quantity of exerciso necessary for health. In short thoy novor glvo themselves a moment's pence." Remarkable Dental Freak. An unusual caso is reported from Parkes, N. S. W., whoro n young wo man somo tlmo ngo hnd 17 teeth ex tracted which wero causing her trou ble. Beforo tho gums hud sufllclontly healed to permit of nrtlflclnl teeth bo lng fitted, now teeth began to mako tholr appearnnce, and every ono of tho 17 haB now been replaced in this man ner. There's the Rub. "Well," said tho optimistic hoarder, "thero's ono thing about our boarding house; you can eat as much as you llko thero." "Of course; same as ours," replied tho pessimistic ono, "you enn eat as much as you llko, but thero's never anything you could possibly like." Pettlt'o Eye 8alvo For Over 100 Yearo has been used for congested nnd Inflamed eves, removes film or cum over t ho rvr. All druggist or Howard Bros.,l$ufTalo,N.Y. I am of tho opinion thnt tho most honorable calling Is to servo the pub lic, nnd to bo useful to many. Mon talgno. Biro. Wlnslow't) Hootlitngr Byrun. Kor children twthlnir, to(ti'iisttit,niiiii, rrducesln tUuuiuaUou,allu7S pain cuioswimlcollc. lij LotUa. Tho best wny to lift men is to meet them on n lovol. PUTNAM Color mors osorts brloMsr and tiller colors thin any jstJWsrfftll if you find any sub- Kjtnrn in vnur hnU- S ing injurious to" nQQim maae, from Jba- inqnowxler In in this can 'A there is- . Cnltunct lias been of $1,000 for any substance injurious to health found in the baking prepared with it. Docs not this nnd the fact that it complies with all pure food laws, both State and National, prove that Calumet is absolutely pure? With the purity question settled then Calumet is undoubtedly the best Hakinn Powder. It contains more leavening power; it is more uni form everv can better results and Received Highest Award CALUMET BAKING Pur In the In tilt She No, I wouldn't marry tho best mnn on earth. He Of courso not. Tho brldo nev er mnrrles tho host num. I or want you to marry me. Hand Deats Machine. Clgnrs nro still utuilu by hnnd, no machine having yet been Invented thnt will roll them so nlcoly nnd evenly as do deft human lingers. Tho cheap est cigars tho thrcoforflvo variety aro made of French, Kentucky, Algo rlnn or Hungnrlun leaves. At tho other extreme nro tho cigars smoked by tho czar of Russia, which aro of tho choic est nnd best matured Havnnn, and which cost $1.50 each. llllAITTiriJr. CAI.KNDAK l'llKl! Bend 10 cent for trnil tlirro iiiiniilih' sub scription to our itrri-iit farm jmpit anil will mull yon pn-pnlil our liuii'liuimit l'JIl jli-auty t'nlonclar. 1 liy 2 fret. lltliournpliMl In trii g-urtfnu colon. Writ" linmvUlutoly. fSeurusia Farm Journal, Omnliu, Nob. Tho Difference. Ted Did ho sober down and mnrry? Ned No; ho married nnd sobered down. Smart Sot. The dniiKcr from alight cuts or wounds in nluvijH hloml poipoiiiiic. Tin immedi ate application of limnlm Wirinl Oil makes blood poUoninc iinpoiMblc. False. Clerk This Is an eight-day clock. Murphy G'wnn! It's a lot; ther's only Blvln days in tho wako! Puck. ONI.Y ONK"IIHOMO OIJININIV Thills 1.AXAT1VI9 Hill-Mil (JlflNINK. lonk for tlm tlnnaturn or K. V. UltuVi;. Usod tliu World oyer to Curo u Cold In Ono Day. Vio. You can't help liking tho man who gets knocked out nnd then comes back. mokcrti find Lewis' SirinIo liiiulrr Do cigar butler quality thnn most 10c cihth. An unplanned duty dono la bettor than a planned duly undone linker " NOT EASILY REDUFFED. s I ffwxl Ws mm Wommn's Ills Many women suffer needlessly from girlhood to woman hood nnd from motherhood to old ogc with backache, dizziness or headache. She becomes brokcn-down.slecp-less, nervous, irritable and feels tired from morning to night. When pains nnd aches rack tho womanly system nt frequent intervals, ask your neithbor about Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription This Prescription has, tor over to years, been curing delicate, weak, pain-wracked women, by the hundreds of thousands and this too la the privacy ot their homes without their hav Insi to submit to Indelicate questionings' and offensively repugnant examinations, i Sick women nro invited to consult in confidence by letter free. Address World's Dispensary Medical Ass'n, R.V. Pierce, M. D., Pres't, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. I'ibrcii's Grbat Family Doctor Book, The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser, newly revised up-to-date edition 1000 pages, answers in Plain English hosts of delicate questions which every woman, single or married, ought to know about. Sent free to any address on receipt of 31 one-cent tamps to cover cost of wrapping and mailing only, in French cloth binding. THE IMPERIAL Models 42, 43 and 44 have a unit power plant, containing clutch and transmission in one case. This prevents dust and dirt from getting 111. Everything about an Impbrial car is high clnss. Thoy ate built in cirIu models, 30, 35 and 45 horse power, pricea $1350 to $2,000. Don't buy an uutomobilo without first getting our free catalog and looking over the Imperial cars. Manufactured by IMPERIAL AUTOMOBILE COMPANY Jackson, Michigan FADELESS DYES othir die, Ons tOe oscktos colors sll flbtrs. They dio In cold wslsr better thin any other drs. You can dj MOHfWC DIIUO OO., Qulnoy, llllnolsu, $1000 it for you backed for years by nn offcr is the same. It assures is moderate in price. World's Pure Food Exposition POWDER Can Pur Baking. TLta Farmer's Son's great Opportunity Why wall for llio M farm u uwoma ri'i'.uci fur your future IHOKpuruynim nuipprn clciii'ii. A ureal oppur ti'tiltr hwiiIH jmi In MiltlHolHi.Hil.sti'Urlionan (ir Allicrlik. nlii'in yon rniiRiftirtmKrrnlldiuft stuiilnrlitty l.tmlatrea soimlilii prices. Itai'sthoTime nut n ymrfrom now, w lull IiiiiiI villi tin IiIbIi r. Vim itrntltA Kflcured fmm tli" iiliiiniliitit cnii of Win-lit, Out anil Hurley, Hi wxll ns ratlin mliiritf, arc cnnilnir 11 ntrinly mlvnnco In prim, (lovrriiiuriit. rctuum nliair (hut Hi" iiiiiiiIht nf tultlnrs In WoHturn Ciinr-Jn from llm II. N. lvim HO per emit lurKr In ltllO tliuu tli iirlnti vi'iir. .Mmiy fiiiiniTH lntvo jmlrt for their land nut of Uio iimei'mli of ono ernri. l'rmi lloiiU'Htiiiiln of 10O iii'rcn mill irii-"iiiitluin of Hill iicri'M ut r:i.iO mi uorn. I'liio Hliuntn. kimiiI school. illmt railway fiK'tlltlns, low frHiilit rnti'Ht m1 wi lr mill luinlior euslly ob ii. itif.ii. 1 or i unphlct "Lust Tost Wrst," piiriitMiiuriiUN to suiuiuiii jovbuuu unit lim hftttlcrs' nto, apply to Hunt of lmiiilarntlon. Ottawa. Cun.,or toCuuuilliin Uott Auont. W. V. lirNNETT Bee Building Omaha, Neb. (Um mtilrrM nctretil yon.) IT Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine timet in ten when tlic uirer is right & .. l i i i -L. siomscn anu iwncu io ngub CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS oentlvbut firmly CO ITaiu & . 0Mm CARTER'S Cures Con- S- etlpation Indices tion, Sick Headache, and Distress after Eating. Small Pill, Small Do... Small Prica Genuine ouuixaj Signaluro AROUND CRUISES THE WORLD TWO GRAND CHUISEH or about threo and one-halt months' duration oach. Thefirsttoleivo New York Nay. 1. 1911, nnd tho second from bta I rasclsco Feb. 1 7, I U 1 2, by the lares transatlantic steamar "Cleveland" S8SZ Including All Expenses Also CruNim to tlio WKKT INIIIKS, tlioOUIK.Vl'mitlhUllTII A.MliltlUA II', il, fir llluitraiiJ Mint IIXMHURO. AMERICAN LINE, 41-43 Broadway, New York. P. 0. Dxl787 5 Fine POST CARDS CDCC w bond only "Jo stamp and rwelvsj nrP 5 Miry finest (lolil KmtMissod Canlal Fit KB. to Introduce post can! offer. Cnpltnl Cnnl Co., Dent. 70, Topckn, Ksus. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 3-1911. THE CAR THAT GETS THERE AND BACK Dhtributort for Wetlcrn lowa,Nb ratka and Wyoming BRADLEY tVIERRIAM & SMITH Council Bluffs, Iowa :1 i i Mini Jwu&tir TTLE tu:-'iiw ra iv lk 'SJW'tSA ifi PILLS- (y ggJi V, ft 'in I m gaar!Wffigitaaww 'TrainBlffT3H5