vrnvsmr-ij. " j.'. J "$jpl ft I U The Chief C. D. HALE, Publisher t ED CLOUD NEDRA8KA EPITOME OF EVENTS PARAGRAPHS THAT PERTAIN TO MANY 8UBJECT8. ARE SHORT BUT INTERESTING Brief Mention of What Is Transplrlnfl In Varloui Sections of Our Own and Foreign Countries. Washington. Vlco President Sherman nnd a party of IiIh frluiulu wore held up by Maryland olllcorH Just beyond tlio 131s trlct of Columbia because their an toiuobllo was not provided with a Maryland Hcciiho for I a 1 1 . Information was asked for by Ken resontatlvo Oihlor of New York from tno nccrf'tary of tho navy as to wheth er a combination of any kind exists among tlio shipbuilding (Inns of the United States that Is operative to the disadvantages of tlio government. Tlio supply depots of tho army will be redistributed over tlio country and placed at centrally located points of tho various military departments. It was decided to locnto them in nil enscs possible near tho camps set opart by tho states for tho rendezvous of troops. Will the duko of tho Abruzzl renew his suit for tho hand of Miss Kath erlno Klklns, now thnt her father, whoso Inslstenco that his daughter should not wed tho Savoy prlnco un less sho was given full recognition an a duchess, has pusscd from tho scouo? It Is confidently believed among his Intimate- friends In Washington that ho will. That tho railroads of tho United SUites have not demonstrated that their management is both efficient nnd economical Is tlio contention made in n brief filed with tho inter Btato commorco commission by Wil liam D. Ilaynlo nnd II. C. Luston on behalf of tho Illinois manufacturers' association In the pending investiga tion of proposed advance in freight rates by carriers. Secretary MacVeagh's plan to stop colnngo of gold and permit the secre tary to Issuo gold certificates against gold bullion nnd foreign gold promis es to become law at this session of congress. Secretary MncVoagh has written a letter to Senator Aldrlch suggesting n bill, and Mr. Aldrlch hns asked him to nppear boforo tho senate's flnnnco commlttoo nnd ex plain tho plan fully. ' General. Senator Elklns left an estate valued at 0,000,000. IsthmuB cannl-workors bellovo they neo tho end of tho Culebra cut slides. Nebraska is likely to Ioso out in tlio contest for tho circuit Judgeship. Tho ilrst democratic governor of thirty years was Inaugurated in Maine. t Goneral Pershing says Filipinos can bo depended upon to light In dofenso of tho Island. Tho senate refused to givo its con sent to tho admission of Chinese to tho West Point military acadomy. Six hundred men of the light In fantry with quick flrers snlled from Lisbon to assist in carrying out tho sanitary measures against tho chol era. Tho Venezuelan govornmont hns Is sued a decree setting aside 1 per cent of tho import duties collectod for tho creation of n fund to bo used for sanitary purposes. Fred C. Throop, held at the county Jail in OmnW on an Insanity charge, swallowed a $100 bill which he had cunningly secreted boforo tho "frisk ing" process by officers. "There's ono pleco of money tho pollco didn't get," ho observed to n fellow prisoner. Two masked bandits entered tho ofllco of tho Angelas hotel In Kl Pa so, Texas, and robbed tho safe of about $5,000 In ensh and Jewelry. Tho celrk and porter were forced Into tho basement nt tho point of reolvors. W. R. Hearst must either pay dam agos or prove to a court of law that he cannot bo hold responsible for tho llro works explosion of election night, 1902, In which soveral were killed or wounded. A stamp tax on snlo for futuro de livery of stocks, grain, provisions or other commodities may bo Imposed by a state without violating tho fed oral constitution, according to a de cision of tho supremo court of tho United States. Tho American Sugar Hoflnlng com pany has deposited $700,000 In cash in tho United Statoa treasury to com promise Its civil liabilities in tho sugar drawback frauds In Now York. Secretnry MncVoagh probably will ac copt the money for tho government. President Tnft Is anxious that leg islation affecting business Interests bo onacted at this session. Tho question whether an anti rat o cutting clauso constitutes con spiracy was argued In tho supreme court. Senator Lafayette Young declared himself in favor of tho onactment of tho Oregon prlmnry law by tho com ing Iowa legislature. William T. Wardoll, prohibition candidate for mayor of Now York In 18DG and for governor in 1900, was taken ill in tho subway Tuosday af ternoon and died 15 minutes latnr. Tho army appropriation bill Is nenrly roady to report. Flvo mon wero killed in a train col lision nt Cheney, Wash. Uoth houses of congrcsB adjourned as a mark of respect for Senator El kins. Action was begun at Now York to annul tho so-called steamer compact. Tho house voted to abolish tho of flco of second deputy commissioner of pensions. President Tnft gave approval to tho, roport of tho board of engineers on reclamation projects. Tho supremo court finds It difficult to draw tho line between legal and Illegal restraint of trade. Tho plan of refunding the Hondur an debt Is regarded as amounting to a United States protectorate. Members of. tho Missouri vnlloy conference stood pat on tho question of eliminating thanksgiving day foot ball. Supremo court of Nebraska holds that tho salo of beer In bottles In cases Is n sale at retail and not whole sale. Assets of tho Washington-Alaska bank, now In tho hands of a receiver, are $1,100,000 and Its liabilities are $900,000. A reduction In tho freight rate on cottonseed from points In Missouri, Arknnsas and liulslnnn to Memphis, Tenn., Is made. A strong movement, supported by the bishop of Liverpool nnd loading churchmen, has been started against Mormon activity there Tho grand Jury In tho Los Angeles Times explosion case returned 22 Indictments. All of tho Indictments chargo murder In connection with that crime. Tho $.'100,000 appropriation mado by congress at tho last session for re moving tho wreck of tho battleship Malno In Havana harbor will bo In sufficient. Refusal of tho Interstate Commorco commission t'o assume Jurisdiction of tho railways of Alaska was sustained by tho supremo court of the District of Columbia, Ono fatality out of 32,G00,000 pas sengers carried by steam vessels of all classes plying to and from Phila delphia was tho remarkable record mado In 1910. In a lit of rngo because she had gono to live with her mother, Wnlter Osgood, of Omnha, shot and killed his wife nnd fatally wounded a mnn who enmo to her nssslstanco. Declaring tho merit syBtem recent ly inaugurated by tho postal depart ment gives room for gravo Injustice on the part of officials, a deputation of clerks left for Washington to enter n protest. How to meet the Inroads of west ern apples In markets until now held by enstern orchardlsts is tho main concern of tho New York State Frlut Growers' association, which Is hold Ing Its tenth annual meeting. The appointment of n board of offi cers to mako n special study of auto mobiles and to design a mnchlno adapted to army purposes, has been recommended to tlio wnr department by Lleutennnt Colonel I. W. Llttell, chief quartermaster of tho Depart ment of tho East. Lieutenant Governor Oglesby se verely criticised tho Illinois senate, when ho found thnt not enough son ntors to mako a quorum had re mained In Sprlngllcld, and that, as a result, no action was possible on tho election canvass. Dills to put most of tho necessities of life on tho freo list wero offered In the house by IteprcBontatlve Mann of Illinois. Thero wero 15 of these measures, covering lenther, cotton goods, lumber, corcnls, vegetables meat products and tho like. The Aetna Indemnity or Hartford, Conn., and tho Farmers' and Mercan tile Insurnnco compnny of Lincoln, Neb., hnvo been barred from writing now business In Ohio on orders from Superintendent C. C. Lamcrt, of the Insurance department, under penalty of revocation of their license. If Senator Lorlmer retains his scat It will bo only after several senators have expressed themselves freely. Tho question as to how the United States shall ho re-apportloned into congressional districts In accordance with the 1910 cenaus was dlscuessed with tho president by Representative Cruuipneker of Indiana, chairman of tho houso committee on census. Mr. Crumpaeker thinks the membership of the houso should be Increased. .Tero F. Llllls, whom John P. Cud ahy cut with a knife March 5, last, retired as president of the Western Exchange bank nt Kansas City. Personal. General E. S. Dudley, formerly com mandant at the university, died at his home in Johnstown, N. Y. Tho New Jersey senatorial row Is soon to break forth afresh. Senator Galllnger Introduced his re vised ocean mail subsidy bill. Aviators who mado an oxamlnatlon of Molsant's wrecked machine nre at a loss to know tho cause of the acci dent. Tlio house reversed itself and sus talned Speaker Cannon In an exactly similar caso by which ho 'wns over ruled on the .Norrls resolution. It Is declared that President Taft Is shaping matters for a second term. Tho outlook for the Cuban govern ment for tho coming year is said to bo bright. Champ Clark, slated for speaker of tho house, Is tiot worrying as to tho presidential nomination. At a meeting of Now York bankers stops wero taken to prevent tho clos ing of the Madison Trust company. Charles W. Hoxie, a prominent bus Iness mnn and member of the elt council, of Kearney, Nehr., died sud donly nfter an illness of less than n wook of erysipelas of tlio fnc en FAIR MEN ANNUAL MEETING AND BANQUET IN LINCOLN, JANUARY 17 HAPPENINGS OVER THE STATE What Is Going on Heie and There That Is of Interest to the Read ers Throughout Nebraska and Vicinity, Lincoln Tho second nnnual meet ing of the Nebraska association of fair managers will be held here, January 17. Tho opening session will bo hold nt tho Commercial club rooms at 6:30 p. m. ,tho program to bo preceded by a banquet, with G. W. Hervey of Omnha toastmaster. Tho program is as follows: "Publicity," James E. Ityan, Indian oln; "The Circuit," II. P. Wilson, Ge neva; "Concessions," L. II. Cheney, Stockvllle; "The Stock Show," E. E. Youngs, Lexington; "Our County Fair," Jos. Plgnian, Ilrokcn Dow; "Freo Attractions," Georgo Jackson, Nelson. Commemorate Founding of Church. Surprise. The Daptlsts of this place held a dinner to commemorate tho founding of tho church hero twenty eight years ago. The dinner wns given at the homo of Hcv. Francis N. Drown, and fifty members were pres ent. Two of the charter members, Mrs. C. E Dentlcy of Lincoln and Mrs. Wilbur Ludden of Surprise, were present. The other live are dead. Tho church was organized on the C. E. Hcntley farm seven miles south of town in August, 1SS0. Record Price for Ranch. Fnlrhury Probably the largest sum over paid for ono piece of Innd In Jef ferson county was received by Isnac Donhnm when he sold a 1,000-ncre ranch nenr Reynolds, southwest of Fnlrhury, Tor $.r.t1,000. Gustavo Prle fert, a farmer living near Reynolds, purchased the tract. Worst Storm In Years. Aurora Tho great storm of Sunday nnd Monday Is declared by the old residents of this county to hnvo been the most severe In many years. The coldness of the ntmosphere combined with tho high rate of velocity of the wind made a combination hard to com bat. Nebraska Pioneer Dies. Plattsmouth FranclB S. White, who for the past ilfty-threo years has re sided in this city, Is dead at his resi dence here of pneumonia, aftor being sick but a few days. Suicide of Mayor's Son. Osmond Charles J. Dlllerback, son of tho mayor of this place, ended his Ilfo hero Friday. The bullet entered his temple. He was despondent over ill health. Adams suffered a disastrous fire Tucsdny. The City hotel, one of Ftomont's old landmarks, was burned Tuesday. Omaha clalniB to havo the largest savings nnd loan association In the world. Falrbury is still discussing plans for tho organization of a Juvenile brass band. Droken Dow has pledged $75,000 for the establishment of a packing house at that place. Tho ilrst patron of the postal sav ings bank at Nebraska City waB tho Janitor of 1ie building. Cornelius Madden, a bachelor sixty years old, was found dead in lifs bed near Kearney by a neighbor. Fruit men nround Norton nro put ting In smudge pots to ho used In case of late frosts tho coming spring. Will Mnupln was elected president of the State Federation of Iabor at its session Just closed nt llavclock. The Cudnhy Packing company of Omaha are dovoloplng the silica beds at Ingham recently acquired by them. Kdgar S. Dudley, a former com mandant of the stato university en dots, Is dead at his homo at Johns town, N. J. Walter Moore, a state farm student at Lincoln, had the end of his nose bitten off by an angry stallion ho was caring for. Rov. James Gearhart, a well known Methodist minister, died at his home in University Place, the result of n stroke of apoplexy. Mrs. Cora Rhodes of Glenover died Monday from the effects of a doso of pads green, taken with suicidal Intent. Her husband killed himself six mouths ago. V. II. Meek, a railroad man, was run down by a street car at Lincoln Tuesday, receiving Injuries from which he died In a hospital later. Lincoln offices of the Union nnd Postal telegraph companies aro ar ranging to deliver messages by tele phone Instead of by messenger ser vice as heretofore. While a party of young folks were enjoying "themselves at a dance near Filler Bomo thief took advantago of the opportunity and Btole about a dozen hip robes and horse blankets from tho rigs. Tho goods stolen were worth about $150. MIbb Clara Itohlff, a 15-yoar-old Omaha girl, lost an envelope contnin Ing over $2,100 on her way to a bank when sho went to deposit it. Tho now Darlington station at Peru will soon bo ready for occupancy. Tho foroman says it Ib the best bulldinf between Lincoln and St. Joseph. Joo McGraw, onco a prominent Lin coln politician, nnd formerly adjutant at tho Grand Island soldiers' homo, dropped dead nt his home in Lincoln Fridny. Itev. Lewis Gregory, for twonty-flv years pastor of tho First Congrega tional church, and since 1900 presi dent of tho American Savings bank of Lincoln, died Friday of apoplexy. Mayor Burrcll has formulated plans whereby tho city of Fremont may en ter the business of heating business blocks, bringing the city an approxi mate income of $60,000 nt an outlay of about one-twelfth of tho gross Incomo. Work on tho now Stromsburg high school building has been suspended for tho winter, as good work cannot bo done during the cold weather. Tho work hns reached the second Btor nnd will bo pushed to n finish as soon as tho weather will permit. Seven fires within five dnys is tho record for tho Fremont flro depart ment, and tho volunteers are pretty well worn out with tho work and worry Incident to keeping on edge for further alarms. Four were still alarms and damages in none of them amount, cd to much. Fremont llremen have decided that they will engage a special Pullman car to carry them to the annual con vention of tho state association of fire men, which is to be held at Alliance, Jnnunry 17 to 19. The car will bo decorated with banners bearing the Inscription "Fremont Fire Depart ment" nnd "Fremont Lobster Club, No. 1," the latter being the title of a new order of municipal boosters or ganized by ex-Mayor Georgo Wolz. LINCOLN WrWrrr Labor Commissioner Will Maupln will deliver un address January 18 be fore tho Nebraska state poultry asso elation. Fire Commissioner C. A. Randall re ceived his official commission from Governor Aldrlch on Monday forenoon and at once took possession of the I office, succeeding A. V. Johnson. A linml fnr tin (1(1(1 lino li.nn (llnt ),v 1in I new commissioner. According to the usual custom, tlio Lincoln Commercial club has sent lion- j orary cards of membership to all mem- bcrs of the Nebraska legislature. Tho cards entitle the legislators to all ! privileges of the club, Including those of the cafe, billiard and reading rooms, nnd committee rooms. Ono hundred ' nnd lilrr v'.tlirnn In umn1rntci ttrtts lirrt ' ored. The work of checking nearly $9,000, 000 of bonds and warrants hold in tho stato treasury vault as un investment for state trust funds was completed Saturdny. Treasurer Walter Georgo gave a receipt to the outgoing treas urer, Lawson G. Drlnn, for securities amounting to $8,911,483.73. Last Thursday Treasurer Georgo receipted for $605,714.26 in cash, being tho totnl amount of state funds in depository banks and casli on hand. Speaker Kuhl 1b wielding a gavel mado from wood cut from a tree on Lookout mountain. The pleco from which tho head of the gavol was turned hns a bullet imbedded in it, This historic instrument was loaned by tho State Historical society. A movement Is on foot to present tho speaker with a gavel which will havo a sentimental Interest connected with tho history of the stato of Nebraska. The sourco or character of historical Interest haB not been divulged. One of tho first bills to bo Intro duced in tho legislature will bo a measure to appropriate $35,000 for tho extinction of hog cholera in Nebraska. A considerable part of this sum, ac cording to tho purpose In view, will bo spent for the manufacture nnd dis tribution of serum. The erection of a building on tho campus of tho stato agricultural collego for this specific purpoBo and tho employment of nn ex pert as superintendent of tho scram department nre also contemplated. Tho value of tho newspaper train ing of Chief Clerk Henry C. Richmond is shown In the provision which ho has urrnnged for facilitating tho work of tho legislative correspondents. He Is having a platform constructed above the private cloak room" In his office, which will bo reserved for tho exclusive use of tho press. The result will be to avoid tho confusion which has been caused by newspaper repre sentatives In his ofllco and to mako their own work moro ensy by giving them a placo to work free from tho Intrusion of outsiders. The bond of Stato Trcasuror-elect W. A. George haB been approved and filed at the oxecutlvo office. Tho bond lu for $1,000,000. Tho principal surety is tho National Fidollty and Casualty company of Omnha, Governor Shnllenborger commuted tho llfo sentence of Chnrles Pumphroy to seven enis. Pumphroy was nine teen years of ago when ho was con vlcted of complicity In tho murder ot a Chlnnmnn named Ham Pak of Oma ha, tho crlmo having been committed for purposoB of robbery. juni-WL.Pi f MUH n I V1 ' kV?(i lALAo CAN NOT STAND TEST LAWYERS CHARGE FLAWS IN MRS. EDDY'S WILL. LAW OF TWO STATES VIOLATED Bequests of More than $5,000 Annual. ly to a Church Prohibited in New Hampshire Massachusets Limit Is $2,000. Concord. Tho rcsldlnry clauso In tho will of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, founder of the Christian Science church, is null and void in the opin ion of Former United States Senator William E. Chandler, llannis Taylor, professor of constitutional and Inter national law at George Washington university nnd others, according to a statement given out for publication. Tho clause in question provides for a gift of about $2,000,000 to the First Church of Christ, Scientist, of Bos ton, known as the "Mother Church." A statuto of New Hampshire prohibits a bequest to a church of more than $5,000 annually, and one of .Massa chusetts, forbidding more than $2,000 annually, arc the bases for the opinion which was written by Professor Tay lor, formerly minister to Spain. Re ferring to tho reslduiry clause as "null and void," tho opinion says: "As to the void gift, the testatrix died Intestate and Its subject matter passed on her death to her next of kin, under tho New Hampshire statute of distribution." In tho closing paragraph the opinion ndvlBes the attorney for the next of kin thnt such agreements and con tracts as they mado with tho testatrix and her trustees In her lifetime bind them only "to be recognized as valid such provision of her last will as are legally valid." "To that extent." continues tho opinion, "you are bound nnd required to Join with tho executors In request ing the probate court of New Hampshire- to admit such will to probate, In solemn form, in order that all Its pro visions may prevail so far as they are not forbidden by law." Mr. Chandler, in his letter to Pro fessor Taylor, reviews the facts re garding Mrs. Eddy's will and estate and the "next friend" suit, which re sulted in Mrs. Eddy's placing a large sum of money in trust for her son. George W. Glover, of Iead, S. D.. and his children. He then describes his signing the agreement by which the "next friends" suit was called and adds: "Mr. Streeter (General Frank S. Streeter, of Concord drew the agree ment for my signature. When sign ing I took it for granted that Mrs. Eddy would not, In giving nway her property, undertake to violate public laws. If I had thought sho had al ready done so, by attempting to cre ate a church with an endowment of two millions of dollars, I would not havo signed." Rebels Make Stand. Comstock, Tex. More than twenty men were killed In a desperate battle between tho Mexican federal soldiers and a small party of Insurgents on the bank of tho Rio Grande, opposite this point, yesterday. The insurrectoshad only eighteen men and for three hours they held at bay about seventy-live rurales and about 100 Infantry sol diers. When darkness ended the bnt tie, tho insurrectos held the field nnd tho federal troops had withdrawn a couplo of miles and camped. The In surrectos left a couplo of hours lator for their mountain quarters, fifty miles away, carrying their wounded with them. Time to Bury Quarrels. Des Moines. la. Governor John Car roll, in his address to the Iowa assem bly, made a plea for tho cessation of polltlcnl and factional feuds in Iowa, declaring they had had an unwhole some effect on the state. "While these things may not have driven any one from nmong us," snld tho governor, "I do not apprehend thnt they shall In any way encourage people to locate here. There Is ev' donee on every hand and from almost evory county that these bitter fac tional alignments have had their in fluence on business conditions of the various communities. Three Clerks Missing. Connelsvllle, Pa. McCrory's 5 and 10-cent store burst into flames at 10 o'clock Friday when a gas explosion wrecked tho building. Tho flro which followed communicated to adjo'ning structures. Three young women clerks are missing, two dorks and tho assistant manager and a carpenter nro In the hospital dangerously burned, while a dozen or moro other employes nro In their homos suffering from Injuries moro or less serious. Peary on Retired List. Washington, D. C Cnpt. Robert E. Peary, Arctic explorer, was formally approved by a sub-commltteo of tho houso committee on nnval affairs. Tho subcommittee nt an executive meeting, from which tho two principal opponents of Captain Peary. Messrs. Roberts and Mncon, wero absent, adopted a favorable roport to the full committee on tho Dates bill, which ox tonda the thnnks of congress to Peary and retires him with tho rank of a rear admiral in tho engineer corps of tho navy. FREE .',i.'n.) ADVICE TO WOMEN "Wornon BUfforlnff from any form ol Illness aro lnvitoa to promptly com munlcato with Mrs. 1'lnkham at Lynn, Mass. All letters nro received, opened, read and answered by women. A wo man can ireeiy tail? of her privato 111. ncss to a woman; thus has been cs. tablisbcd this con fidence botwoon Mrs. Pinkhnm and tho wo mon of America which baa never been brokon. "NVwnr hn.R nhn niih- llshed a testimonial or used a lottor without tho writton consent of tho writer, and nover has tho Company allowed theso confidential lotters to Ret out of their possession, as the hundreds of thousands of them in, their files will attest. Out of tho vast volumoof exporlonco which Mrs. rinkham has to draw from, It is moro than poBsIblo that sho has gained tho very knowlcdgo noedod in your case. Sho asks nothing In re turn except your good will, and her ndvlco has helped thousands. Surely any woman, rich or poor, should bo glad to tako advantago of this gener ous offer of assistanco. Address Mrs. Einkham, caro of Lydia E. Plnkhanj edlcluo Co., Lynn, Mass. Every -woman ought to havo Lydia E. Plnkham's 80-pago Text Book. It Is not a book for general distribution, as It is too expensive. It is freo nnd only obtainable by mall. Writo tar it today. Nebraska Directory frnwRifiRiT Bold and rented cTerjwhcro. Write forbanralnllak II. F. 8WANHON COMI'ANV, Inc. stablUhed VOL 143 B. 13th Bt-,Unool RIIPTIIRF CURED In a few days II VI I Will, without pain or a but. (deal Deration, Ho pay until cured. Send fat literature. Dr.Wray,307 Boo Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Beat rice Creamery Co. Py the hlaneat price for CREAM WAITING FOR TROUBLE. How long would they have to wait for a kiss if you wero thero, dear boy? Hardened. Scottr Is It truo that Coololgh ! financially embarrassed? Mott He's fearfully in debt, but 1 doesn't seem to embarrass him much. Ever notico what poor core other pcoplo tako of their health? For Breakfast ??????? The Happy Reply Post Toasties A crisp, dainty food that pleases young ana old. Wholesome Economical Convenient Serve with cream or milk (hot or cold). "The Memory Lingers" POSTUM CERBAL CO., Lid, Uatila Creek. Mich. iyiii I . .-., A.