The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1911, Image 3

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111 II
Cures all humors, catarrh and
rheumatism, relieves that tired
feeling, restores the appetite,
cures paleness, nervousness,
builds up the whole system.
Get It today In usual liquid form or
thocolatcd tablets called 8nreatabB.
Parliamentary Quarrel.
"I, sir, aim always at tho truth I M
"Well, all I havo to say 1b, you're)
a very bad shot." Lo Sourlro.
The next time you eel that swallowing;
sensation, the sure sign of tore throat,
gargle Ifatnlins Wizard Oil Immediately
with three parts water. It will nave you
days and perhaps weeks of miser'.
! A Bruin With Madam.
Artlot Madam, It la not face a alone
that paint, It Is bouIb.
Madam Ob, you do Interiors, then.
Boston Transcript.
Bend 2a stamp for fire samples of our
very best Gold Embossed, Good Luck.
Flower and Motto Post Cards; beautiful
colors and loveliest designs. Art Post Card
Olub, 731 Jackson St., Topckn, Kan.
Very Different Matter.
She Yea, I llko Ted; ho Is so ex
travagant. Ho That Is hardly tho beBt quality
for a husband, Is It?
She Of course not; I am not go
ing to marry him. Stray Stories.
Important to Mothora
Examlno carefully every botUo of
OASTORIA, a safe and euro remedy for
!hfants and children, and boo that It
Dears tho
Blgnaturo of
In TJso For Over 30 Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought
Burning Money.
Hlobbs How did he mako his
Slobbs In smoking tobacco.
Blobbs Is that bo? l'vo been
smoking tobacco nearly all my llfo,
but 1 never made any money at It
Denver Times.
A 8ettler.
Maud Jack said when ho proposed
that ho could give mo only tho neces
saries of llfu.
Ethel And what did you say?
Maud I told him that ono of tho
necessaries of my lifo was a husband
who could Bupply mo with tho luxu
ries. In the Old Days.
Eve had Just tlod a garland of
maple leaves about her ankles.
"What on earth aro you up to, my
love?" asked Adam.
"I am trying on my now hobble
skirt, Bweotheart," returned tho part
ner of his Joys with a sweet smllo."
Harper's Weekly.
In Different Parts of the House.
Caller (to little daughter of the
bouse) Hullo, dear? Where aro you
off to?
Daughter of tho House I'm' Just
going up to watch Marie do mother's
Caller Oh, dearl Then I'm afraid
kg shan't bo nblo to see your mother.
Daughter of tho House Oh, yes;
you'll find her down there In the
drawing room.
Malady Wortn Having.
"I can't understand my husband,
doctor; I am afraid there is some
thing terrible tho matter with him."
"What aro tho symptoms?"
"Well, I often talk to him for half
An hour at a tlmo and when I get
through he haBn't the least Idea what
I've been saying."
"Don't worry any more about your
husband. I wish I had his gift."
Stray Stories.
The profeosor had Just sneezed for
the thirtieth time, and It naturally at
tracted some attention.
"What's tho matter with tho profes
sor?" askod tho visitor. "Ho appears
to havo u bad cold."
"Oh, no," said Madame la Profes
soress. "It is only his fearful absent
mindedness. I left him in charge of
tho baby for a few moments this
morning, and when ho cried ho gavo
him tho poppcr-pot to play with In
stead of his rattlo." Harper's Week
M u n y o n ' s Paw
Paw Pills are unliko
all other laxatives or
cathartics. They coax
the liver into activ
ity by gentle meth
ods. They do not
scour; they do not
gripe; they do not
weaken; but they do
start all tho secre
tions of the liver and
stomach in a way that
soon puts these or
gans in a healthy
condition and cor
rects constipation.
Munyon's Paw-Paw Pills are, a tonio
to the stomach, liver and nerves. They
Invigorate instend of weaken; they en
rich tho blood instead of impoverish it;
they enable the stomach to get all tho
nourishment from food that is put into
These pills contain no calomel, no
dope, they are soothing, healing and
stimulating. They school tho liowcla to
set without physio. Price 25 cents.
T "The dest medicine sW
Two Stallions and Two Mares of Pure
Bred Type Used on Big Manuro
Spreader In Virginia.
(fly S. M. CLINTON.)
A little over a year ago I paid a
visit to a breeding farm in the fa
mous "Vnlloy of Virginia," whero Per
cheron horses were raised, and was
struck with tho fact that this breed
possessed admirable (luulltlcs no farm
horses, as well as city drafters.
Two stallions and twq mares wero
working on a big manure-spreader,
being all driven by ono mnn. These
superb animals wore pure-bred Per
chorons, and, nvernged 1,850 each.
Tho young Btalllons wore easily man
aged, although they were being used
In tho stud.
Tho mares wero splendid specimens
of the breed, and It was n great Bight
to see these four magnificent anlmalB
working quiotly together.
The cotnpuctncsH of body, tho
cleanness of limb and tho splendid
Btructuro of their feet, nil go to mako
tho Percheron popular, both as a
farm horso and a city drafter.
For farm work they do not need to
wolgh 1,850, ns did thoso four puro
breeds Just mentioned, those bolng
Stallions and Mares.
used permanently for breeding pur
poses, although they did quite n lot
of work around tho farm during tho
A pair of horses weighing from
1,400 to 1,500 pounds each aro heavy'
enough for any kind of farm work,
but many farmorB prefer a horso with
moro weight
In considering tho size of a farm
team, it Is well to remember before
the purchase is made what tho regu
lar duties of the team aro to be; for
many farmers who need only ono pair
of horses will want to uso them on
tho road for wagon work as woll as to
hook up to tho carrlago on Sundays.
Therefore, thoy will not require ex
tra heavy ones, but rather a pair that
are known ns "all around" horses, and
If theso weigh 1,400 to 1,500 pounds
each they will have plenty of bIeo,
and If thoy aro woll shaped and have
spirit and snap, they will do good
road work.
It Is surprising how much depends
on tho shapo and carriage of a horse,
even an ordlnnry work horso, espe
cially when you wnnt him to do a lit
tle pleasuring with once In a while.
Implement Passed Lightly Over Ani
mal Extracts Dirt and Loose Hair
In Effective Mannar.
In this era of vacuum cleaners for
buildings, cars and similar things It
Is to bo expected that tho principle
should bo adapted to other cleaning
purposes. Few peoplo, however,
would think, as a Philadelphia man
did, of applying It to horses. This
man has hitched a curry-comb and
brush to the vacuum tank, each being
hollow, of course, and screwing on
the plpo na needed. Whero hereto
fore the hoRtlor had to scrub the
horso's back vigorously with comb
and brush, ho need no wonly pass tho
Implement lightly over tho animal, tho
suction raising tho cont nnd extract
ing looso hairs and dirt much moro
wn -iiwff trvf&dOT J-
n ih v m i -Trw,y-"jr c
Vacuum Horso Cleaner.
effectively and expeditiously than it
could over be doue by tho old method.
This cleanor also saves tho man from
much hard work and the horse from
much hard scraping. Furthermore),
there la an economical end to tho
story, as tho cleaner is said to Im
prove the horse's genoral condition
and to roduco tho feed bill by about
one-fourth as a result of Unproved
Refuse from Corn and Pea Factories
Stacked and Fed With Hay Makes
Profitable Returns.
I have followed tho business of
feeding rattle at canning factories for
nbout six years with vnrylng success,
Sometimes the refuse from factories
whero corn and peas are put up (and
theso are the only ones to bo ronsld
ered) Is put Into silos and sometimes
it is stacked. 1 think the latter to bo
preferred, writes V Ollmoru of Liv
ingston county, New York, In tho
Breeders' (Inzetto. Tho Investment Is
less and tho sllnge can bo loaded di
rectly onto the wagon or cart for ills
trlbutlon. When stacked tho rofuso
is drawn onto the stack by horso ntul
Shed for Feeding.
cart, which tramps and packs It. Tho
more this Is dono tho better. Fre
quently tho stack Is made In tho farm
of a loop so that tho horso nnd ompty
cart return over tho same drlvo by
which they cntorcd.
The outBldc of this stack soon wilts,
heats nnd decays a little, forming an
nlr-tlght mat, which preserves tho
stack ns thoroughly as when put In
silos. When feeding It out, It Is cut
down In sections with n brondax,
though the hay knlfn Is used to some
extent. Native cattlo carrying somo
flesh aro to be preferred. Whero tho
object Is lo grazo tho following sum
mer young cattle do not do as well,
aro moro easily put out of condition,
become tucked up nnd gaunt, nnd
when put on grass havo not tho ca
pacity to cat and consume a sufficient
amount of grass to mnko gains. With
them too much of tho grazing season
Is lost In recovering a normal condi
tion. Tho writer nt ono tlmo had oc
casion to weigh the sllnge and found
that a steer would cat as much ns
100 pounds per day of this pea silage,
but tit tho same tlmo ho wns drinking
no wntor. In a herd of 125 head tho
writer has seen several days pass
without a footprint near tho water
A small amount of hay Is fed In
connection with tho sllnge, as Is
shown by tho hay shed, which Is a
necessary part of tho equipment. This
hay shod holds from 18 to 20 tons and
has ample capacity for 125 head.
About a yenr ago a writer In your
columns cited gains mndo of nearly
100 pounds in eight weeks. No ono
either In my oxpcrlenco or observa
tion hns made such galnB, and our op
portunities havo been exceptionally
good. Tho writer has weighed his
cattlo off tho pastures at the end of
tho grazing season, shrunk them
por cent,, nnd wolghed them again at
tho beginning of tho grazing season
tho following spring, and at tho end
of n 30-mile drlvo they showed n loss
of 35 pounds per head, from which we
conclude that thoy lost some flesh,
hill grew enough to nbout hold their
own. This was on pea silage. Corn
silago would havo shown up some
what better. In any event they must
be wlntored cheaply. The advantage
of soloctlon nnd buying In the fall la
an Important one.
Sheep aro weed killors.
Tho calf should havo comfortable
and sanitary quarters.
Mutton Iambs should bo eating
grain as early as possible.
A poor slro Is worthless and may
do your herd moro harm than good.
See that, every lamb is fully fed.
Cows milk from a bottlo will nourish
A small fat sheep will bring a bet
ter prico for mutton than a large
poor ono.
All roughngo and no grain makes
Jack a full horse stuffod with feed
and littlo enduring qualities.
Tho heifer should bo kopt growing
and always In good order from wean
ing till sho gives birth to bor first
Good mutton, well fed, and then
cnrefully handled by the butcher,
makes one of the best meats that Is
now found In our markets.
Horses can follow cnttlo and thrive
on what would starvo tho latter, whllo
sheep can tnko tho pasturo left by
the horses and thrive upon the samo.
Hogs that havo had access to
plenty of groon pasture are loss liable
to bo disturbed by groon or new corn
than those previously kept In dry
The boar will not have a llvoly, ani
mated appearance and movo about
freely and nimbly If he Is kopt In
closo confinement and Is fed too much
fattening food.
Evory farm doos not present tho
propor conditions for carrying a largo
number of hogs, but thero Is room
for at least ono hog on every farm,
no matter what Its size.
' ' r,? t -v-- x-
Sunday School I.cuon for Jn. 22, 1911
Specially Arranged (or Thlt Papr
t.KHKON TKNT 1 ICIiiri 16 15 33 Mem
ory Vrsrn !" 30
(iOUMON TKXT- "ItlKlitpoilKtiem K
nltulli ii imtiiin Itut xln Ii iv reproach to
nnv ioiil) " 1'iov 14 11
Tl Mi: )mrl retimed II year ft ami H. C
PM lor V to !:. mi w.m Ahull, Ills sou.
from II C Si. 904 (Mil)
Pl.At'H Thev wore UIiir of Israel.
lth llii'lr capital nt Hmiiurla.
In the thirty and first year of Asa
king of Judah began Onirl lo reign
over Isme!. Onirl wns the general of
Israel's nrtny In the unsettled and
troublous times that followed Han
sha's reign Heforo his cnll to bo king
wo know nothlug about him Ho was
tho Rlxth king of Israel, and founded
the fourth dynasty, which lasted sixty
years, with four kings. When llrst
brought to notice ho was lighting for
his country ugnlnst tho Philistines at
(Jibhethon. Another general named
Tlnirl wns put forward ns king, and
there was war for several yenrs be
tween these two warriors. Finally
Omrl hnd full possession of the king
dom. Ills first work wns to chooso n bet
tor site for his capital, for Tlrznh had
doubtli'bs been Injured In the slego,
nnd Its location was not the best for
defonse. Ho bought tho hill Haiimrlii
for his cnpltnl. This choice proved
his sagacity ns a general nnd slates
man Tho supeilor strategic position
of Samaria, n conical hill standing 100
feet above tho base of the broad val
ley, Is evidenced by tho long slego
which It endured, nnd the stout resist
ance which It offered to tho armies of
Omrl wrought evil. Wo are not told
the particulars of Omrl's sin, but Ml
cah says: "For tho statutes of Omrl
are kept." "Wo cannot doubt that
theso "statutes of Omrl' were measures
adoptod for moro completely Isolating
the peoplo of Israel from tho services
of tho house of the lord at Jerusalem,
and of perpetuating perhaps of In
creasing their IdolatroiiB practices."
Men thought htm rich nnd prosierouB,
but God looks on tho heart and not
on outward appearances.
Tho letrlbutlon for Omrl's courso
did not como all nt onco for tho na
tion, but the seeds of ruin were com
ing up like upas trees. Ahab, tho son
of Omrl, followed his father Omrl In
his military traditions and prowess;
but Bt 111 moro In tho Idolatrous ten
dencies, tho debased morality, tho al-
llnnco with heathen nations, tho neg
lect of true religion, tho downward
courso toward ruin, which character
lzed Omrl's reign. Instead of being
a positive, creative force for good, ho
sailed with tho downward tide, as n
boat without engine or rower down
tho rapids of NMngara toward tho falls.
"It takes live fish to swim up strenm."
"A boy's will Is tho wind's will."
Ahab "was a man not destitute of
ability, not devoid of patriotism, not
wanting In courage, at times not tin
kingly, but perfectly Indifferent to tho
obligations under which ho lay as
ruler of n nation which God hnd taken
Into covenant with hlmsolf." Ho was
ogotistlcai, covetous, selfish, cruel, tho
worst of Israel's evil kings. Ho took
to wlfo Jezebel, tho daughter of Eth
baal "Tho shadow of Queen Jezebel falls
dark for many years over tho history
of Israel and Judah. Sho was ono of
those masterful, Indomitable, Implac
able women who, when fate plaros
them In exalted power, loavo a torrl
bio mark on tho annals of nations.
What the Empress Irene was In the
history of Constantinople, or tho 'Sho
wolf of France' In that of Englnnd,
or Catherine do Medici In that of
Franco, that Jezobel was In the his
tory of Palestine.
Jezebel stands out on tho page of
sacred history as the first Bupportor
of religious persecution. Such fanat
icism Is a frequent concomitant of
guilt. Sho Is the authentic authoress
of priestly inquisitions. If no king
so completely "sold himself to work
wickedness" as Ahab, It was because
"Jezebel 1i1b wife stirred him up."
Ho went nnd served Baal, and wor
shipped him. The downward courso
of religion la mnrked If not measured
by tho fact that whllo Solomon al
lowed bis heathen wives to worship
their gods, but did not Join In the wor
ship, Ahab rejected Jehovah by Join
ing his wlfo In worshiping tho Idol.
It Is of tho utmost Importance to
avoid false friendships nnd coinpnn
loiiBhlp with tho bad. Evory power
for good In truo friendship Is a power
for evil In the false. Our environ
ment, tho persons with whom we como
in contact, especially If wo admire
them, aro among tho most potent fac
tors for good or evil In our lives. A
great deal of evil comes from falso
friendship. The danger Is doubly
great because It conies under the
gulso of friendliness a wolf In sheep's
clothing. "Give me," says one, "a
roaring dovll rnther than n sleeping
ono; for a sleeping devil makes me
slumber, but roaring ones provoke me
to run to my Master."
Many nro ruined by bad com
panionship! How largo a part of
drunkenness comes from the custom
of social drinking! How many are
kept away from Christ and heaven
by fear of their friends!
Looking Ahead,
We cannot change tho record of tho
past by bemoaning It; we enn not
straighten tho crooked furrows by
looking back over tho distance wo
have come, but keep your eye to the
front and make the lest of tho fur
rows Btralght. Rev. P. M. Strayor,
Presbyterian, Rochester, N. Y
Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or
Bladder Trouble?
Tain or dull actio In tho back Is evi
dence of kidney trouble. It Is Nnturo's
timely warning to show you that tho
track of health Is not clenr.
Danger Signals.
If these danger slgnulB nro unheeded
moro serious resiiJf.i follow; Ilrlght's
disease, which Is tho worst form of
"Milnoy trouble, may steal upon you.
Tho mild and lmmedlnte effect of
Rwamp-Uoot the great kidney, liver
nnd bladder remedy Is soon realized.
It stands tho highest for Its remark
nblo curatlvo effect In the most dis
tressing cases. If you need a medi
cine, you Bhould havo tho beBt
Lame Back.
Lamo back Is only ono of many
symptoms of kidney trouble. Oilier
symptoms showing that you need
Swamp-Hoot nro, being obliged to piiss
wntor often during tho day and to got
up ninny times during tho night.
inability to hold urine, Htunrtlng In
pnsslng, urla ncld, headache, dizziness,
Indigestion, sleeplessness, nervousness,
sometimes tho heart netB badly, rheu
matism, bloating, lack of ambition,
may bo Iobb of flesh, sallow complex
ion, Prevalency of Kidney Disease.
Most people do not realize tho nlnrm
Ing IncrensH and romarknblo prova
lency of kldnoy dlsenso. Whllo kldnoy
disorders nro tho most common ills
enses thnt prevail, they aro almost tho
Inst recognized by patlont and physi
cians, who usually content thcmsclvct
with doctoring the elfcctt, whllo tho
oriptnal dtecaso constantly undermines
tho system.
A Trial Will Convince Anyone.
In tuklnn Swamp-Hoot you afford
nnturnl help to Nnturo, for Swamp
Hoot Is a gentlo healing herbal com-
EDITORIAL NOTICE--To provo tho wondorful merits of Swamp-Hoot ywt
may havo n sample bottle nnd a book of valunblo Information, both sent abso
lutely froo by mall. Tho book contains many of tho thousands: of lottora
received from men and womon who found Swamp-Hoot to bo Just tho romedr
they needed. Tho valuo and nuccens of Swnmp-Hoot Is so woll known that
our renders aro advised to send for a samplo bottle. Address Dr. Kilmer St
Co., Illnghamton, N Y be suro to nay you rend this generous offer In thl
paper. Tho genuineness of this offer Is guaranteed.
"They call that a Btatuo of Victory?
It muBt havo been a hot light"
A hand-mado cigar fresh from tho
table, wrapped In foil, thus keoplng
fresh until smoked. A frosh cigar
mado of good tobacco Is tho Ideal
omoke. Tho old, woll curod tobaccos
usod aro bo rich In quality that many
who formorly smokod 10c cigars now
smoke Lewis' Slnglo Hinder Straight
60. LowIb' Slnglo Hinder costs tho
dealer some moro than other Cc cigars,
but tho higher prico enables this fao
tory to uso extra quality tobacco,
Thero are many Imitations; don't be
fooled. There Is no substitute! Toll
tho dealer you want a Lewis "Single
Long Time Coming.
Real Collogo Hoy (waiting for his
change In department storo) This
suspense la simply maddening, Esmo
raldol Hadn't you bettor start a
tracer after my chango7
Saleswoman (meanly, but sweetly)
Just llko money frprri homo, Isn't It,
Archibald? Drako Delphic.
Rend 10 cams for trial taree moutui' anb
aorlpilon .lo our irrrat farm mper ana we
will mail you prepaid our fuunlimiuo 1B11
Ileauly Calendar, 1 by 3 feel, Ulhoi(rapno4
In ten (urxnoua oolora. Write InunodlAteJy,
Nebraix iarin Journal, Omaha, Neb.
Tho man who Is anxious to lot you
know that God Is on his tonguo usual
ly has tho devil In bin heart.
nr.K8 cnunn ikotou iavh
Yonnlriiujlit will refund monoy If I'AZO OINT
MHNT falls to curn nny cufei of Itchlntf, llllud,
UWodLutfor l'lotrudUitfl'lUsulnCuoUilaya. too.
Llfo Is full of tips nnd downs but
unfortunately most of us aro down
moro of tho tlmo than up.
Mr. Winslow's Rootlilug Syrup.
Porehllilren Utetblnv, burtons too muii, rt-docesln-naraniaUonallayapttln,
cure wind oollo. ISouLoUlo.
When a woman Iibb an eyo for tho
beautiful she hunts up n mirror.
Jfef'S-Jsje '
aHgflfviVBm -.w .iiuiiucii wi uiniu uu cscruun, pnra over uie ucarr,
1V1 or dizzy feelings, oppressed breathing after mculs or their
a cycs become blurred, their heart is not sufficiently strong
W to pump blood to the extremities, and they have cold bands
W , and feet, or poor appetite because of weakened blood tupplr
ysss fev to the stomach. A heart tonio and alterative should be takea
C ' i wu'c.h na no bad after-effect. Such is Dr. Pierce's Goldea
sr Medical Discovery, which contain no dangerous norcotiel
nor alcohol. "" ' -iffiP
The lomaUnti.m attested under oath, an Stone root (fiotliiiioaU CiamUo. "
MM, HToodroot (Sanrutnarl Cnaadeatu). (loldcn Seal root (llydrMitl CMaadto.
jif), QiMca'a rooU-yilllnria SylvaOca), lllack Clicrrybork 0runu$ YtninlalU).
hUndrak. root (Ptxkphylhm fclMum), wllh triple rcllned BlyceriM, pprJ
In a scientific laboratory In a way that no drucaUt could tmltite. "V"" .
Thli tonio i contain no alcohol to shrink up the red blood corpuscles : but. Ott i
the other hand, it increases their number and they bt-como round and healthy. I
It helps tho human system In the conntnnt mmp'ocrvro of rich, red blood ll
helps the stomach to nislrallate or take up tl.o pjopcr clsmcnia from the food,
thereby helping digestion and curing dyspepsia, heart-burn tuid many uncom.
tortatile symptoms, stops execssivo tissue wontein convIecenco from fevers I
for the nin-down, anccmlo, thin-blooded peoplo, Ilia Diacnvcy " ii rx-frcshini
nnd vitalizing. Stick to this safe and sano remedy, mid rclum ail ' jUkt as ifood "
medicines offered hy the druggist who is looking for a larger profit. Nothing
hut Ur. ricrco's Goldea Medical Dwoovcry will do .you half us much good.
Uwamp-Uootlaalwnya krpt ot to tU high rtandaa
of putlly mill ripnllciH-n. A smm curUncaie
of purity wlUioyery botilu.
pound n physlcian'n prescription for
special discuses.
Hegulur fifty-cent nnd ono-dollor ttlsa
boltloB at all drug stores.
Don't mnko nny mistake, but remem
ber tho mime, Dr. Kllmor'B Swamp
Hoot, and tho address, lllnghnmton,
N. Y., which you will find on ovorr
44 Bu. to the Aero
la n tiniiTy ylnlil, liiilttmi'd what Jutin ICrnmily of
Kilmunton, Alburiii, Wnlcrn mrmclu, vol fro ill 40
acrraamiirinu wneaim imu. iiHporit
fnmiuilinrcjliiulcu Initial proT-
nro niiownmuiinrnxcoi
Inntrnaiilta aut-h na ,
(KiU Imaliitl or Trhfat
Inimr.D acn, or 8J1-J
lni.piTiicrr. 2.tuand40
bnahnli of onl lo in
ucrnwrrrthrraiifrt from
Alberta lluldalninia.
The Silver Gup
n t the recent Hookana
Knlr wan awiirdeil to tte
Altmrta lnvnrnti!fnlffir
liH.iElilbltnf ornlna.irniaMiaand
vriri-lublca. lu'iHirlaufeiceUent
tuiiua riir iwiu cmnn ni!.n irnm
taukutclwnun and Manitoba In
Wi'Murn Ctttintla. .
l'rro hoiiiratnuis of 100
tern, nnil mljoliilnic pre
tuupttiiiiH of 1(10 ucrea (nt
HI! lMirurrti) urn (n lie luul
In Urn rlmlroxt illmrlots.
KlIionU riiiiiimlt'llt, cll
innti. tur.illiiiit. soil the
wry tiKt.nll!iya closest
liiinil, It ii 1 1 l In c lumbar
rlimiii, f union j i ii cot and
I ii I .1 ii H luiuuvr
i, f ui'liin) i ii cot and
initio III prli'o, watsr
p riii'ii mil , uilxad
Wrlfnui lo boil plnco for sat
tlniiti'tiU holtlura' low railway
ruci, iliitorlptlvo
lnt lli'Hl Wral"nt free oa
mipUi-iitloii Inndot tier Inform -linn,
to Hup't of Immigration,
illtawn, Cnn., or to t be Canadian
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The Army of
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them for
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Two cruises of 28 days dunitlon SI SO
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Beourrd or lee rvtamnl. ITM
ezuiuli alien of r.conU. MUX)
II k. I lt. lAfc..! V III iK li
6U Ittb rJL,Wuhlak-ton 'Ml ilearbora Su, (Uiliwts
Weak Heart
.aflBfl v I
IBMStU Bimi ar
afassawriasa-' m,twr
.mmtm bivck
JrTK IPiiy- I
i a
i m aw
SVl - 5'L' '
Mrry people suffer from weak hearts. Tbey may expert
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