iwr I V -. M'rrri i V I Iff L 4, i . MpHOSjSf wSr II is iidI wliiit we can il fm you. but what do tt WUIIt That eold surest our ' mih (-tire That pain Mitftfi'sl our Liniment i-r a (,'noil Hot Water Dottle. i'lds K a Mure fur utii' drug toie needs. Depend upon It. .von (Mil K't till! "l'itllt joints of us ami at tin1 ritfiit prliH's." We alt a fair share nf your pa troiiajje for l'Jl I. MiiaHo'losri!; lilil'nmir'hlqmre'K. S. .1. CUNNINGHAM ui his ,,111,.,. DENTIST W r. Waters wlin lias been in the Successor to Dr. J. S, nVHW einplm of Mhi-itflit I8i'0 , for the past year left Wednesday iiii.i-iiluir for hi-I At tllC Ol(I Stcllltl OVCrtllC liuiii.-at Hunker Hill. 111. Mr.., ...I Mr-. iSliy .,,., f day State Bank. Phonet3l. Center ale In the city this week visit- i ' iliy her parents. .Miss Nellie Jones of that place neeninpiiiiied them. i i Hoy Hiist piuprietnr nf the Hnyiil Harbor shop has installed an electric mass.ic machine anil you are cot (Uni ty invited to call for u shave, hair cut or imisMiHe. , All territory tributary to Ked Clnnil lilt Kansas is entitled to the Mime pri , Veloduests lted Cloud and vaelnity at the l'unu'rn' Institute, llriiif- In yum horses, cattle, poultry and tfiain. Urine; your family and e!noy yoursel ves. The following (Jdd Fellows from litre attended the I. O.O l. iiistullnt- ion of ollleei's at Cluide Hock last niht: Paul Storey. W. (i. Ilainiltoii. Your every Drug Dan Umber. (ieoiKe nnd FtaiiU Amuck, i Kit llaii.son. s. u. Kloraiiee. K. II. NewhoiHe. Will Fisher, tiny Karnes. Store needs can supplied by Chas. L. Cotting The Druggist. Alfred ami Fete Mauley. 1 All CoiiKi'CKutioiialists aie reminded that the annual meeting to hear re ports and for the election of ollleers will be held on Friday afternoon at -::i0 o'clock. All members epeetud to be nresent. The communion of the 2fcfttfr , Lord's Supper and icceptiou of mem- I &p 4 1 CTTCC !j ; 'UMS u'" uiko P'siee on the following $ LvbALCllCo oi Suudav morning. " j Can you toll us why the cattle of Ne- H. K. KLor is in Lincoln this week. . braika has decreased over ri0(i,(001ie(iil Oliver Hedge was in Klue Hill to- in the past two years'.' If so, come to tlxy the meetiiiL' of Organized Agriculture 'at Lincoln, January lf.th to 'JOth, Mill, UP. Albright is ... Lincoln this , , N.ubras,a flirmtll.s ,)l mu,y U) W,:K' take, udvatitago of the high prices of Mrs. Chas. Grout and childreu ar j tlt. fut.uro whiuh must conic lioni the kouie. ! decreased output. L. K. Tall went to New York City! iJllstlls ninch CBrt.f , fuct u 1Utk. this morulug. more, should be CNoreKed in buying Don't forgot the Fa liner's Iu-titiito ' 0uctri; .vml irons, as in buying any January 21, 2.", -0. thing else. Some irons use more olec- Glurenee .Milehell was down from I trieity than others in doing the same Franklin Saturday. ; work. (Jet your eleeliic irons of Mr. and Mrs. Ceo. Warren wont to , Mowiaut Unos.. they carry the author- Lincoln this morning. ' Issed Iron. He eurefull of -just as i. , 'good" electric irons. Sec Dr. Stockman lor eye glnssos. Satisfaction guaranteed. t Twenty years ago the people of our WadoKoonU and wile arrived home; country ate In one year one hog for Saturday from Indiana. very person. Ten years ago slx-sev- , , ... enths of a hog, and last year one-half (Jooil s room house lor rent. In- ., ,;..., ,, , , .... , . of one hog per capita. ith the rapid- quiru of 11. U.t.nlliford. y ,ncmisl,B ppU,lUi()n 0r llu. Vited Some good residence lots for sale, states, is an over production ot pork Inquire of 11. W. tluHit'md. probable for somo time to coineV The Geo. Cii'itVeth arrived homo Wednes- swlne breeders program at the organ day evening from Clay Center, Kas. ' ied Agiieultiirnl meetiims, January Calicoes American Prints Five I IS. 11)1 1, at Lincoln, will be exception cents per yanl.-MiM.i: HlioS. and Co. i ally strong this year. Dr. Cross arrived home Irom Frank-. T)a. Music Study Club will meet with lin this morning and is now at Ids jj,.Si Sellars Thursday evoning, Jan ofltee. ill. 1U11 The follow ing program will FouSiX:-IIuse and 2 lots. For ' be given: fmther oarticulars Inmiiro of L. 13. j IJ.dl call Music iiolatiiitis. l-'i ult. All of the university student have i returned to Lincoln to icttumo their, studios. I Ai.rALi'A Foit S.M.:-ln tho stuck., Inquire of Miss KelleSptiuoglo. Hural I , SHE HAD A i REASON ........ Kingiiijfliy Mis. Mope. I'lutio solo -Mrs. Whiluker. V oeiil miIo Mrs. Sollurs. ! Voeal solo -Mrs. Lindsoy. 1'lano solo- Mrs Albright. Vocal solo -Mi-s Igoii. luhtruriiental duet lireaker, Mi-s Keckwith. chorus practice Club Ml- Mom- Terms of District Court for Webster County for the Tear 1911. I'ebruaiy 20th. equity. March Kith. jury. .September, equity, November loth. jury. phone 10J. Mr. Miller and wife of Strcator. Hi ' me visiting at the home of L. W. Ulaokledge. For cash rent. A tine. well uupr.cu quarter clone to Hed Cloud. Inquire1 at this ollice. Dr. Cross and wife aie home from j Franklin where they attended his, father's funeral. ( - Mnniey tiros., hio building u skat-, Weather Summary for Dmmhcr 1910. log rink north of WoKo & AmackX .,.,..,.,.. .Mnxllllllni .-,.., ,,,. blacksmith shop. , tt. mi,t,ltl, j deg. on2Itu. CJteiit- K. K. Mcltride, and (!. II. venng j,.st daily lauge 52 dig. on Itth. total journeyed to Kladen and Klue Hill to- .precipitation 0. inches. Greatest in day via automobile. '21 bonis .:t:t inches on I'l'iid, days with , i i ,, ,. i,....i..,.i. ' .01 inch or mine I. Snowfall '.Mj inch Mr. Frtnuer you had better be select- J . ...I,..,- m-iilii for . ht't '"' - J.vs clear I... partly ing ,yuui uuni lami I'"" - r the Farmers Institute idoiidy 'J, cloudy 1 1. Prevailing wind 'N. V." davs. Two choice well improved farms ( W1,ATK.' su.MMAItV 'fc'Olt YKAIt close to town for sale by--.si:i.uii.V iyi() (Iaiiueh and llu-icmsoN. i , , . ,, , ....... , . .' Teinpcrat uiv:'. .MaxluiuiUMO.l deg on SV. M. McKiintney has resigned hi fy 2Hh aud 27th; luiniuium.Ui degi position with II. (L Cutter ami is now f ,)a,W wut o ,,nlM1IYry mi .snovvrnll 10 inches. Total .precipitation. 1H.H8 iu'ebes. uuuiber of thunderstorms .'SO. Prevailing wind N. W.77 days. Duys oltv 211, partly cloudy Oi), cloudy 7L Last killing frost in pr'uifc April ltith. First in fall October 21. Cham. S. liirni.o'w car tiult for the It. & M. Mr. and Mrs. J;,i-ankl,jri,.Vi.a's ioi"" 'from llurvard,.Nebv.. wlmi they have been visiting liis parents. Well improved SOooros close to town. for sale- cheap and ou Wsy 'tonus Hki.LM:s, (Jauiiiiu and TlinciliriON. ' Mrs. Lew Vance of, llaatincs is in tho uity this week visiting hor futlnjr, F. hfewhoufie nnil other reintivcb. Or, Nellie Mmirer wishes to an nounce to the public that she is now ocatuit In Uu rooms over the Topee. Subscribers Nttice The siibseriplioii season is again at hand, ami January 1st not far away, when Wt hope to have all that is duo ....S.I :.. u I I... l'ttil n n-l Ii.k.II l.,u ... ,. llll'l ill, 111 I'll; 'nit'i Hiibii'ii ,i 3 ,, I Insisting all iiewsliMiiers clunr thoir It was It below zero hereMouday i books of delinquencies In order to morning and 21 below zero Tuesday j keep within the requirements of tho morning. That was to cold for our 'emid clabsjmaillng privilege, whiskers. Many Chief subscriptions huvc ex- I 0. 0. F.. Install Officers Monday evening. I!d Hanson. His tiict Deputy Urand Muster, installed the following elccllu and appointive olllceis in lieu Ailhem huljje. No. IS1'. Past Grand. I'. K. Hale. Noble llraiul, Dan Garber. Vice (iiand, living Cuniinings. Secret aty, O. C. Tool. Iieasitrer. S. I!. Floranee. Trustee. Geo. W. Hutchison. Tlieiippolntivoollieci'Miie as follows; Chaplin. I. (!. Kunchov. War.teii, Hairy (illhiim. t'wiidiictor, Fred Walllu. Inside (iiiard. Frank. Amaek. outside Glial d, tiny Karnes. K. S. N. ti., s. J. Fiorance. L. S. N. (!.. A. II. Camp. P.. S. V. (1.. Kert Stevens. L S. V. G Walter Warren. Altar Supporters George Atkinson and Frank Wntklns. Died At his home on Locust street. Sil vester Day, Tuesday, .lanuary :t. Kill, lit the ago of 71 years. The deceased was born in I'ennsylvania Feb Kl. 18!!). He responded to his country's call at the outbreak of the civil war and served three years At tho ex piration of that service he received an' honorable discharge, in IsflS ho re-1 moved to Ked Ouk, Iowa, and there united in marriage with Miss Mary .lane Walkius In 1871. Ho canio to this couuty in the spring of I87.'t and located ou a homestead near Kladoii. He remained there seven years and in 1880 moved ton farm southwostof this city. In 183 1 ho moved with his fam ily to lted Cloud and has resided bore ever since lie successfully conducted a feed barn for a number of years. In fact, he remained in active business until u few years ago. when he became atlllcted with eye trouble which, with other complications, resulted in his death Mr. Hay was a Useful progressive eilleu and ever worked for the bet terment of his fellow man. He was strictly holiest and fair lb all his busi ness dealings, and ti friend to all lie was a member of the Masonic frater nity, joining that order in IStiiJ He was also a member of the A. ti. I. W. ot this city, and the G. A. It. lie leaves a wife, one son, (!uy. and one daughter. Mabel, to mourn his loss. Two children Frank and Anna, died in infancy, and a s.m, Fled, died in IS!)I Funeral services, will bo hold Fri day afteriionii al 2 o'clock at tin home. Kov. Tompkins of tho .MeHn dlst eliureh will conduct the servio ami Interment will take place in the city cemetery. X Lesson in Silos ' To show the value of tho silo, co! Of its construction and maintenance together witli its many advantages and how it increases the value of feed, the National As.sociation of silo maun fuct mors has'been organized and will make demonstrations that funnels mav have u complete knowledge of the silo btfoio investing in them. Uf course the silo has past the e.- llcrillli'lltnl sIllL'l' lint, it it. ..till limn. .lit I to be an expensive proposition and in j comparison with its cyst some funnels are likely to think its advantages tii vial. One of the tir.it exhibits to be made under tho auspices of the National As sociation of Silo manufacturers is to be at the Western Land Products In hibit which is to bo held in Omaha Jan. 18 to 2s Inclusive. Here Prof. A. L. Haecker. tor years with the Uni versity of Nebraska, will make a coin plete demonstration. This includes everything from cost of the stave or cement silo to the comparative stoniKo capacity of thn silo ami the barn. One of the sigulllcant things about the silo ami the barn wjjon compared is that a nam costing oignt times as much as the silo will not hold any mure feed than the silo mid besides there is no process for 'an-hsiiicliig 'the value of feed .stored in a barn w there is in the sjlo. "Tlds'e.Oiibit'atOiutiha Is Just unv of accjres of uY;iuMchI thliiRs to be leai;u etfatsuch mid-winter expositions. A runner can learn uinr about tho sijo by visiting the land exhibit In Omaha In an hour than lie' could by building n silo at big oosVand trying It himself or by driving about tin country for days visiting thoso who have silos on their farms. Tha Western Land Pro ducts exhibit is condensed agricultural knowledge placed under ono roof and being In Its simplest form, easily an-quired. ' No, girls. ,lanel hasn't come yet," answered Anne, as hhe greeted tier musts from the steps of the veranda. "We are going to stav out here and wait for her and feast our eyes on my now green wicker tea car. with the furnishings that I told father must go with It. We can talk over this latest freak of .laneCs. while we wait." "Wliateor do oti think?" demand ed the girl with dumping eyes. "If anyone of us were engaged to that lUuniilng man, we'd cling to him, through lire and Hood. And to think that she deliberately broke" "It Is dreadful of her to do It, too, for ho was so devoted, and such a dear, ami It wasn't her money ho want ed, for he has so much of his own," declared the girl with the Dresden parasol, "it seems a easo ot straight and simple Idiocy. I had a lilt of a talk with Janet h. phono yesterday, and silo said, 'Yes, he's Just as charm ing an he ever was. And I Msh wo could stay where we were Just before he gave nu that wondeiiul hand wrought ring. Kut we can't." "'Hut why." I asked her. "'Some time III tell jou wh after I tell him,' safd Janet. 'It's such a foolish, ullly, simple sort of reason, that people 1U smile. Maybe tho smllo is what makes mo hesitate, nut after 1 tell him, I'll' tell all you glrla." "1 always did fool that Janet was BiinerllcIaV" murmured the girl with drooping eyes. "To Binllo about such ti thing and end a glorious epoch In one's life for somo trivial reason 1b something 1 cannot understand. We always felt that she was a coquette. "When Mr. Worthlngton began going with her I was suro ho had found his mntch in sentiment, and the courtship was so short and midden" "Yes, hut ho Is a lilt of a tllrt; we all know that, dear," chimed in the girl in the garden hat, with a sym pathetic glance at tho girl with droop ing eyes. "Aithur tells tno that ho danced through college on a path of girls' hearts. Kut It Is really not Ids fault that he was born a tllrt, you know." "How could she end It, when tho conquest was so complete and so en viable?" Anne was pouring tea now. "I do so want her to come. Jack said todav that Sinclair Wotthlngton think of that name, girls!--was as much puzzled as any of us. 'lie Is not so hard hll,' Jack said, but that he can say he's puzv.led.' " "U is a riddle to him no longer," broke In a voice frcnu the steps. ' He knows now. And so shall ou." Janet smiled at the sudden silence which came when they saw htr. "I've been lure only a minute ami didn't listen after I found what you wore talking about,' she assured them. "" am no glad 1 don't have to bring up tho subject, for 1 am crazy to talk It ovi r. 1 can't quite understand why I am not sorry, ilnloss it is - hut that coiuos later I know now It was silly to got engaged when even body had tales to tell of Ids conquests, but tho person who should listen never does, and lie Is a dear I still think that." "What reason did you give hlmV" demanded the girl with drooping eyes. "Why, I Just mailed him a letter last evening tilled with a series of ex hibits In the case. "K-.hlblt A was a drawing of a love ly girl he draws beautifully with curly hair. Mine Is straight, jou know. Ho diilMhat at my desk one evening when ho was telling me how much I was to him. "Hxhlbit K was an envelope that had been returned to me because of my address In tho corner. Sinclair had addressed It to my grandfather at Smith (Tnllege! I asked him to nddress It one evening when ho begged mo to write no more than a short note and then to talk to him. Kut bo was think ing of some qtlier girl all the time, as the address he put ou grandfather's letter showed. "Exhibit (' was a lilt of paper full of pinpricks. Ho had done It that last evening while he begged me to under stand him and his love for me as sured mo that he wanted my every thought as his was mine. The. trouble was that I bellevftd htm that evening for th flrst time, it way 'Only after lie bad koit that' I round the pih prlckd pailrtr. In it I Irarrtl In very beautiful old Knicllsh letter the' word 'Loubfe.' t "No, girls, e don't know Loulie, do, we-?' "Mb put th proper date on, then Jxhlbfu arid aant, thttu hi reply to Ida wild app&al ti khan nby our eujtage nient wan ended. It la' funny and yo'u cab. laugh all you pleast. I'm not real ly .Horry, for I have learned many thing of. late. ".Mother titid I ale going weal next woek, to vslt the (Jregorys ou thulr ranch, .Ktlly Is there for the summer, you.kuow, He's been writing me threw tlmos a week all through my engage wont. And, after all Is said. Hilly In aplendld, don't you think?" 'fA W , w. -,., "1,,E nolJSE KAN ll THE i 2 ' WfMw i,,,,h l ,,ov,,,,1,,s (,nM '" w JV V' fl! Y ' 'vlrSKii We carry a notable stock of SS; vl 1S&S Watches, flocks. Hold and Phi- i 'l -fV3"v V't annul Itlngs, ami many other Nj: )l'W I'd useful and pretty things that make a Hue display In the .lKWIHiUY line. Our Kcpair Department is also worthy of notice, (.'all in and look over our Hue stock. J. C. MITCHELL, The Jeweler. ir j tt) (IV Hi (4 til c Hi iit to Hi il tii l) iti ti 1 .'S'.'.zs'r.:'. ar.i5".i?: c?: i?". sr. c sr. sf. ar. cj sr. c. ?r. sr. c?: s; FHH Galore. i Now is The Time To Select Your Xmas Presents OUR Stock is now Complete With all the Seasonable Lines. Come in and see us. : : : : Licensed Undertakers in Nebraska and Kansas. Lady When Desired. ALL THE PHONES Ed. Amackp Prop. LEADERS IN FUHNITUBE AND UNDERTAKING. an:i:x?x:i:..:.x-s:4:K4:w ii' Thp IVhcilP Fmilv" ;il is extended a cordial invitation to $ visit our studio and sit for '( Their Photograph You can come singly or all at once. $ It doesn't matter how or when you come only so you come soon. Single pictures will be nice, but a group y picture would be lovely. ' $ The quicker you come the sooner jj you get the pictures. ;jj THE MODEL STUDIO Stevens Brother Red Cloud. Nebraska. r O ctXri-Kw. 'X-X- x-: x-:'::'hxXi:-:x?:-lxtx-x-x ix:?i x- ' A New Harness Shop Having purchased the Harness Shop formerly owned by A. C. Slaby. I will be found first door East of Saunders Bros, lumber yard where I will be pleased to meet all old cus tomers and new ones as well. 1 Honest prices and fair .treatment will bemy Motto. ,.'. ,i i . ' P. L. HeK.rsen, Prop. ..I I 1 ...1. II.. II ..,,....., 1...1I..M Al I'royof tkoCouimlhshm llrm ofll'"''". ""' """ ",v- ....iw..-, ii (,,,', of St locum m I imlly Is Miinll, In llu nBRn-into iti Newhouso has added unollior now 1 rey Bro,. ,fe U mp ii of s. t. Jo . u In fi(lmo Uj )(f fHmmh IuJi thi8 vaoiulty batuulHy K.nklUi. ' U)lt ,,Uh bctf ,.,,,, ,,,,, Ul, bp8t w(tye. Me is now Iked to convert j,,,,, ttiefeedeiseiiuiv.. ( j( ( , ,,,, lllU(( 1),.,,,),) jltl. Farm LoanSi 1 ' utf'dn refuly to t)ll, j,,,,,,., , ,1 die with a now cover, the oul.v expeiiHe mulce farm ltmiis at the loweht rate Kindly jiie tliiMiiuttei yuiirattent-1 1jiik tlio oost tf tjie coyor you nmy and bot tonus. I ant holo itKent for , !l)(1 vmu. piouiptnesh will be i-olf-ol. Tlieeonvenieiieeoflliedeliieli. rtTll L.' ii in iM'I III ll I II i MH 'ii' Piiin I i wi Trcvuu, .Minus iv uei. ouiiiu i"' '..loutly apineelatetJ. .nine iihhuiw muureiiaeiinnoi ueiiiiitre- TareM II. pin hum n frr -.. I,.,.,..... .. ., U tieil 111 III ll'lL't . lovers I'litnn In nl 1 1 an. i. i . Parting. Stutif. unrt cool, Hwcnt air; Blurn In n velvet Uy. "Tl hunt to P'irt in a wqrlil .u f.itr Oooildy. N'IkIiI, anil u tirrnth of rtwei Ktnatlni; out of tlin iuU, WlllHporK of nitnifil yi'K, nnil houis ,-. -of nnmlci - ClnrelOkit, 'he Mic'IIim ihiiue Anil iii' liibeit or i striiH piny, i frr a year per- THE NEW WAY OF SMOKING MEAT 1 ,.., - iifixniiipia nnvnT.iK'au'i' OMnifTn dlroctly to tho moat with a hruuh after tho meat has gono throimh tho salt, it will bo thoroughly smoltcd, will have a .lallnlr.. i. lln.m nml nilll 1rnn unllil nnil AWGDt and IfCO IrOIXI Innaets through tho ontlra summer. Wright's Condensed Smoke In n llnutil MmnTrn nnil enntntnn nothlntr exennt What Is Obtained by tnirnlni; nicuory wood, it w put up in rniuani qiiari iHiiiiva oniy, cu mm metal cap. NUVKIt SOLD IN UUI.K. A bottln will flinolco a barrel of moat (280 lha.). For mile by all OruuulHta nt "5e. Kvury bottlo Kuaranteed. Ask driiKKlMt for Fiu.R HOOK. "Tho New Way.". Bo auro to get tho genuine WUIOUT'B CONDENBKD BMOKK. AlaUo only by t& THE E. M. WRIGHT CO., Ltd., Kansas City, Mo. rwimtmrMi: vate money. I. 11 Bailey, lted fond, Nebr. , Hesiteetfully, Tut: Ki;d Oi.oi i (.'iiit;i' I'rU'eK from $1 Ci to 7.00, I'er nvpi rtliiir l'ewill, In Ountei'i.. a. E. GRICE. DRUG CO. I v 11 wJM-T'i-S'"'tPTV?" J