The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 29, 1910, Image 5

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1 hi- ..iW clib mot with .Mrs. Carrie, Welt impiovoil SOiutps rloso to town
Mi'Kootiy Tiu-.l.iy ovonlup. for sulo fhotip and on piisy toriiH
Mm1 im.l Visa Diclti'i'snii of Inuvule Si i.t s. (!aiiiii:ii nml U,mti,,ion.
iri- in Itcl I'lnuil SuluMay. j Minnip I'au-o who has boon
It Is ti .t what i- ciiii
lo for v i hut what ilo
mi wair
I'liat i-i)i MiyfsL our
oiitfh i on- That pain
stitfui'st our Mniin.'iit
r a ooil Hot Water
This i- a store for
jitilr vx store ileeils.
Depend upon it, you
(mi thu rilit
i?ooils of as and at tlio
ritfiit prices." Wo ask
h fair share of your pa
tronngo for 101 1.
Your every Drug
Store needs can be
supplied by
Chas. L. Cotting
The Druggist.
Bert (inrberis in town this week.
Mihs Hanoy is in I'.luo Hill this week.
Dan C.irher was in Cowles this week.
Miss IManch Tope is home this week.
Ilurvy Couover of .MoCook is in tlie
" city.
Will liouts was in St.. .loo tin lust of
the week.
Paul Storey was in York tho (list of
the week.
Mrs. Horl (iarhor arrived In tho city
Lloyd Hall i- down from t'owlcn
thin week.
Miss Ulaneh PMor has returned
from Omaha.
Hoy Toil returned to Lincoln TtU'b
day morning.
Paul l'opo iiinl wife spent the holi
days in Snpoiior.
Don't forget tho Farmer'.s Institute
January -21. i!r. U0.
,,. Chas. and .1.11. ICellow an: homo to
' Bpoild tho holidays.
Frank HI linger and Ceell Tv-sltf are
homo from Lincoln.
C. M. Smith has raturneil home
from his trip in Kiis.
Mr-. Kir I Danker of Khortoii wan in
Kod Cloud Saturday.
New furniture of every desorlptlon
at Atkins . Harbor'-.
Had ley Font of Humboldt wa- in
tho eity over Sunday.
See Dr. Stookmau for eye tflns-i;-.
Satisfaction pmnuiteed.
Miss Dortie Coon is home from Ijin-(
coin to spend tho holidays.
' Dr. Cross and family returned from
Franklin Tuesday morning.
ltoy Hutchison, who is hook-keeper
at tho Norfolk insane asylum .spent
Christmas in this city with hisparonlf.
FarmLoanS.-l am :inin toi
make farm loan- at the lowe-t rate'
and best terms. I am m.Io auent tor
Trevetl. Mntti A Haker. Some pri
vate money.
.1. H. Ha'. ley, l!ed Cloud. Nel.r.
Tom Hntlield of Jamestown. Kits., I
vIsHIiik relatives in the elty.
Dick IJuneliey and wife spent Xnnis
near Cowles visiting relatives.
Fivd ltortfelf of Alma was in the
city the latter part of tho week.
j t A. Teol and family are visiting nt.
I the lumie of o. V. Tool this week.
Hoy Oat man and wife spent Christ
I mas with htune folks near Hastlnna;
Calicoes American Prints Five
cents per yuril. linos, and Co.
I. V. Wor-hek and wife from Iowa
are the guests of K. S. Fit and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Tompkins oaiiiu down
from Orand Island tospond Christum".
Kd. Taylor of lned, Okla., arrived
home Saturday to spend tho holidays.
Call and get acquainted with the
now fitruituro men Atkins .v. Harbor.
C. L. .larboo and wife from western
Kansas are visiting in the city this
Foit St.i:: House and 1! lots. For
further particulars iuqiilte of L. K.
Lloyd and CJny Itradbrook spent
Christmas with their mother in Hod
The Junior Whist, boys banqueted
tho ladies Monday evening in the Pot
ter hall.
Saundori ltro-. are handing out to
their customers and friends a nice
Miss C5raoe and Stioknoy Coombs
tire home from Lincoln to spend the
Mr. Uur.stcttu and family arrived
Saturday evening for a visit with his
sinter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bert
Miss Barbara So.hubel of Omaha is
in t lie city visiting her aunt, Mis. P.
C. Phares.
Ace UlacUledgo and family of Alma
spout Cluistmas with H. H. P.lackledge
and family.
Briiuo Buck with. Miner Sherwood.
Sheridan and Henry Phares nro homo
fiom Lincoln.
All the great aitlsts ,ing for the
Victor and K.lison. Hear them at
Newhoii-o Bros.
Waldo ."-wart, and wife of Iowa ale
visiting his parents ?Ir. and Mr-.
Swait. of Amboy.
I'.en Kioliauis and wife arrived in tho
city sjatimlay to spend Xuiiis with his
mother and sisters.
I,. II. Blaekledgt! is al tending tho
mooting of the State Bar Association
at Omaha thi- week.
Miss Bnrwell and Miss Leonard
teaeheis in the Inavale school were in
Kod Cloud aturda, .
Win. Hwiugand family of Franklin
spent i liristmas in thi-eity with Mr.
anil Mi-. Noble Bull.
Mr. .larboo will pieaeh at the Indian
i reek -ehool house next Sunday (New
YearV day! at It p. in.
Mr. Farmer you had better bo select
ing your be-t corn and other grain for
the Farmers Institute
Two choice well 'improved farms
eloo to town for -ale by - Si:i,i..iis.
li iiiu:n and Hi icuisoN.
Mis-Maliel liockemyer, a niece of
Mrs. Fd. Me Mister is hole fiom Loft
Springs. Kh- . visiting her.
The Deirree of Honor meets uet
1 'Piiti-Jav weiiinir F.very member i-
requested to be present as this is thej
llrst meeting in the. new jear nml it
will to vour interest to lie there.
visiting her cousin Miss F.ilna Williams
has returned to her home at Alma.
Dr. Nellie Maui or wishes to an
nounce to tho public that she is now
ocated In the rooms over the Tepee.
Win. Wecsner, limit representative
of tho Kith district will leave Sunday
for Lincoln to attend thelegislattirc.
Miss Bertha Barlow of Central City
spent Christmas with her parents. Mi
ami Mr-. F. M. Barlow south of town.
The case of the State of Nelnaska
against Ben Criiut has been continued
in the County Court until January
Just drop In and see ti-. Wo will be
pleased to !iow you tho niftiest lino
of furniture in the valley A ikin A
U Mllll II.
Ity Palmer and wife of Inavale and
Bei thu Palmer of Ited 'Cloud spout
Christmas with Hoy Palmer and wife
in Arapahoe.
The Misses Futheiuc ami Mario
Burke departed Saturday morning for
their homo at Walnut, Iowa to spend
tlio holidays.
Prices within the leach of all.
Comploto assortment of reliable furni
ture. Now dealers new goods A r
KINS a- B.iiiu:it.
Miss Autin Ciilham who is teaching
school at Cowles is spending her vacat
ion at homo with her parents. Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Ollhain.
The P. H. O society made Clnistmas
a happv time for many of tho poor of
our town by remembering them with
many useful presents.
Tho ladies of the Congregational
church will hold their monthly mar
ket at P. A. Wullbrandt's grocery
store Saturday, Dec. Ill
Misses Clara and Barbara Schubol,
who have been visiting .Mrs. l C.
Pharos and family, left for Hastings
and Omaha this morning.
Mr. Wright, who was formerly a
'hardware merchant of this place, but
now living at Hebron, spent Christmas
with li. P.. Kuminer here.
The Congregational Brotherhuott
raised funds to the amount of about
eight, dollarsiind giadeiied the hearts
of many on Christmas eve.
Use a Hull Detachable Handle Um
brella. Childieii sizes Sl.i '0 and up.
Ladies or gents special ?1.'J." ami
up. Ciet them of Nowhouse.
Mrs. Al. Smith and children return
ed from OUtiicr Tuesday evening
whole they liavo boon visiting her
brother, Will Harris and family.
I!ev. J. M. Bates will hold regular
services at (iraco chinch the next two
Sundays. The Christinas communion
will bo inlmiiii-tereil no.t Sundav
Boy Bust proprietor of tho Boyal
Barber shop has installed an electric
ma-sage machine and you are cordial
ly invited to call for a -have, hair cut
or ma-sago.
Bruce Bobin.-on ami Harry Hiill'er
who are employed by M. M. Johnson
in his electric light plant at Clay
Center -pent Chri-tmas in this city
with their parents.
Miss Clara Kellogg was married
December 'J:! to Mr. John Iludgeiisof
linger-, Aikansas. Miss K'ollogg will
bo remembered a- the accomplished
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Kel
logg, who lived in Ited Cloud several
year- ago. Iler many friends lieto e-
tend best w islies.
.f ft
U . Ls'rl
In view of tho overwhelming
masu or eviuentu auutuiuiuw . .-....,
t ; ....n.l.-ct Ibat its ue in bnkinff powders
be prohibited by law. United States Senate Committee Report,
. - WT .. in - li
Mmdm from Grmpem
Approved by physicians and food
officials, bolh Sfafc and NattonaL
Awarded highest honors by the
great World's Expositions, aim
proved ol superior sircuuu
and puruy oy
Affainl tfQt:.
i v vr -" -
Just as much care, in fact a little
more, should bo oxoroibcd in buying
electric sail irons, as in inlying any
thing else. Somo irons use more elec
tricity than others in doing the same
work. (Jet your e.lectric Irons of
' Monn.Mtr Bims.. they carry theauthir
j ized iron. Be carolull of "just us
j good" electric irons.
I Newhouso has added another new
lea turn to hits famous Hull liiibtella
Hue. lie Is now lled to convert your
j umbrella intoTCHull Dctacliablc luiu-
die with a now cover, tho only expense
Doing tlie or tlio cover yom may
select. The convenience of tlie deraoh
able handlo iimbrella cannot be appre
ciated until tried. Covers come in all
jirlccrt from ,11 S7.(K).
Hie simplicity of the Hull detach
able umbrella Tihs made possible the
extension of thlicitturo to your oht
umbrella. Instead of having the old
frame recoved buy a new Hull frame
atul cover complete. Let Nowhonf.6
ohanKo your hlindlo into a detachable
one. Thoo.peu-e is meroly the price
of the new cover iLII0 to $7.00)
which is no more than you would pay
for having the old frame recovered.
In Business for Himself,
li. W. Conovor informs o that he
oApoots shortly to engage In the real
estate, insurance and abstract busiues.s
l in our city. MoCook Tribune
The Truth.
When we advertise a Scenic product -iin
of Stowe's ! 'nolo Tom's Cabin" we
mean it. Hvery act is set with special
scenery for this pal Ocular play the
same as in any llrst class theater. Bod
Cloud. Dec. sloth.
Luciiula Parks Wilson, wife of
ltobert C. Wilson who lives u mile cast
of the Mt. Hope M. H.churchilied Dec.
M. !M0. She was born in Tu-earniis
County, liio. Feb. -J'J. is:t." mid was
mariied to ltobert ('. Wilson in Now
Philadelphia on the 'Jlth day oT Sept
ember in the year of ISM. Mio was
75 years, 10 mouths and I day old at
thotlmoof death The funeral took
place Saturday at. tho Mt. Hope M. K.
ehtirch of which church sho was a
member and the interment took placo
in the ML Hope einetcry. She loaves
a husband, a -on ami daughter to
mourn her departure, she was one of
the early settlors of that community
and was a loving wife, u kind mother
and a dour old grand mother. Itev.fS.
W. Hummel conducted tho funeral
servict s.
Frank Nelson.
On Monday morning last Frank
Nelson, for many years a well known
citizen and brick mason of Bed Cloud,
passed to the great beyond. The
funeral services wore conducted at the
Christian church by Itev. Tompkins of
the M. B. church., who spoke by re
ipiest from lsa. t-1-10, which was a
favorite passage of Mr. Nelson's.
The M. W. A and A. O. V. W. socle
tics, of which he was a member, at
tended in a body and held short serv
ices at the grave.
The deceased was .'trt years of age
and leaves a wife and one son to
mourn his loss.
"Tlie sunset speaks but feebly of the
glories of
Another day. All Is well.''
Ho was a devoted husband and a
kind and indulgent father: to his
liiends tho soul of fellowship. But
the greatest of all was ho as a man.
And as a man it is that those wlm
knew him best most love to contem
plate him. He believed in tlie father
hood of lioil and tho brotherhood of
mail. lie believed that the man who
-eat tors (lowers in the pathway of his
fellow men, who lets into the dink
places of life tlio sunshine of human
sympathy ami human happines-. is
following in the footsteps of his Mast
er, r
...Uis last words wore expressive ot
peace in tiod mid a willingiio-s to do
part and bo at rest with Him.
CJmIii4 A (iootl One.
John F. Stowe's iiniuimoth scenic
production of tlio ever popular pl:ij
'1'nelc Tom's Cabin." will appear at
Hod Clouunne night only Fiiday. Iir
SiOth. .Most every otic i- familiar with
tilis beautiful stoiv and no doubt ,
many have seen the play, bat it is -afe
to ijiiy you have never had thoploasuie
ol witnessing a performance equal to
that given by tills company. Having
handled this one production for the
past to years, Mr. Stovvo has a good
idea what tho patrons expect and Hal
ters himself a- selecting a company
that will fully meet their demands
this si'iisiiu. in organizing he iias not
overlooked the slightest detail and
anyone w lu desires to see I nolo Tom's
ttibiii with the fittest equipment over
visiting your city, avail yourselves of
thisopportuuity Carrying a company
of 'JO people. Solo baud and orchestia
and the prices are within tlie reach ol
all, 'Joe, Ui'ic ode.
Wilson Mlzer.
A pictty home wedding was solemn
ized at ihe homo of the groom's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Mier. at noon
Chilstmiis. The contracting par ties
wore Miss Vera Wilson and Mr. Frank
Mier. Bev. II. W. Ifiiminol was the
olllciating clergyman who tied the
nuptial knot pronouncing tlie cere
mony which united the lives of these
estimable young people of our city.
The wedding was a quiet one", witness
ed only by the immediate relatives of
the bride and groom. Promptly at
noon, lo the music of tho wedding
march, played by Miss Josephine
Mi?er the young couple took their
places beneath a very pretty' tloral
inch where the minister with an im
pressive yet simple, ami exceedingly
ptetty ring ceremony made thciii- hus
band ntid wifo.
Congratulations followed with- mer
ry jest and cheerful conversation. An
elegant dinner was served and after
expressing sincere wishes for the hap
piness and prosperity ot the newly
wedded couple tlio guests iieparicn,
leaving many valuable gifts as tokens
of their, good will.
The young couple will niuko thoir
homo on a farm south west of this eity.
It is it pleasure to chronicle the
marriage of such worthy young' peo
pie and thin paper wafts to ilium its
warmest congratulations.
5 ITS . :3 !zH 12 f5 TTi. S !1 TT2. 'mt - " - " w - -S - J .
i We wish to thank the people of I his JjJ
ji community for their . liberal patronage jj
JJ given our store the past year and wish b
(f you one and a
Merry Christmas
y and a
Happy New Year
The Jeweler.
&x&&GGr&Mr. eececeeeeec&e
F1H Galore.
Now is The Time To Select Your Xmas
Presents OUR Stock is now Complete
With all the Seasonable Lines. Come
in and see us. : : :
Licensed Undertakers in Nebraska and Kansas.
Lady When Desired.
i Ed Amack; Prop.
:-:-: . :-: .- --: :-::-: ::-:-: ' :-: : . : ::-:' :?x-ix-x :
"The Whole Umr
is extended a cordial invitation to
visit our studio and sit for
Their Photograph
You can come singly or all at once.
It doesn't matter how or when you
come only so you come soon. Single
pictures will be nice, but a group
picture would be lovely.
The quicker you come the sooner
you get the pictures.
- --
f lA
; viJ
Stevens Brothers
R.ed Cloud.. Nebraska.
A New Harness Shop
Having purchased the Harness Shop
formerly owned by A. C. Slaby.
I will be found first door East of
Saunders Bros, lumber yard where I
will be pleased to meet all old cus
tomers and new ones as well.
Honest prices and fair treatment will
be my Motto.
P. L. Hansen, Prop.
Successor to Dr. J. S. liHIOIl I
At the old stand over the!
State Bank. Phoned.'
HUKTlll(KNi;ill'Ut-. i
t'uriiLi il&tli fiiiio iiinl clii-rttitiit (-tri'tt.
lu u. in Suiilmlli hcliool
II H. Ill .... 'I'ICIll'llllIU
'.iri p. in i hrUIInn W oil.tiVllanil
HM) li m .I'ri'iU'liliix
il an iiulliil toutlciiil.
I 1- J viiiiui':. Mliiitir
Pnste on Your Hat?
Von J snh watcliln' tliu bill posttir
for Stowe's llij,' ITndo Tom's Cabiu
auuiiiiiiy, Tlii'j iinist licrtaiuly lmvo
a ),'iohi hIiow tho wiiy tlioy iidvortlHe.
lie i Ited Cloiul. Doc. :t()ti. I'rieos'JS,
Jiil, .")() L'L'llti.
i.ur I'mKicl.t Tor CIII-CimS-TKK'H
MOND HUANI) l'lW.H ill KhU anitilA
,n metallic Iiiiim, tralril wtlh lUtie'.W
llOn. TtlCR HO HT1IKU. tlr F 9uur V
nii.1 a.k fur I'llLCIltCMTI It A V
l A J
IIIAllOMt Jill A Ml PIJ.l.N, for tWflltv-flvO
yenr. ti-yarJeil 111 irit,6aa'f I, Alwayj Krllnble.
Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S.
Over Colling's Drug Store.