The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 29, 1910, Image 4

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    tmtsy ?s:w9iNpirM
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- T5he CHIEF"
' JU Cloud - - Nebrnslitv
fntcrml In tlic I'ostnnii'C ulilli'i! Cloinl.Ni'h,
sepdiiil CIiis Mnltcr
The sending out fium Hit' colleges
mid universities of young men of ubil
itv is n new departure in evangelistic
methods. These young men seek to
inspire others with a desire for belter
things li.v personal contact uitlier tliiui
by tlio use of lectures arid soimniiH.
Collier's Weekly succeeded in leceiv
ing ?r0,il)0 against the manufacturers
of postum. This Is the ontcoinu of a
libel suit which Collier" instituted
Against the food concern. This ver
dict shows that when ii publishing
house has sufficient capital it can
protect it.solf against the uii.seriipu
lout and against those who dcsiie to
control its policy. Collier has money
and can maintain his rights, can at
tack monopoly and greed in the indi
vidual without the fear of losing his
bread and butter and his publishing
house. P&
ChrfSytnas is the time ot giving as
"wejl nstcolvtig. At least two organ
jLa'tionsTn this city showed that they
,vhnd caught the true spirit of Christ
mas by tmiking the season pleasant
Jor thoso who wore loss fortunate than
themselves. In every community there
are homes that can be made more
cheerful at Christinas time, and many
homes at which a kind visitor would
be most welcome I'nqucstionubly the
members of these two organizations
enjoyed their own festivities a great
deal more by leasou of the fact that
they had niado Christmas possible In
places where but for their thoughtful
ness the day for some would have been
bitter and sud.
"This'H a torlrif topsy lurvy woihl.
X'i one seems to be satlslled. One
man is struggling li get justice, and
another is Hying from it. One mini is
saving up to buy a house and anothei
Is trying hard to sell his dwelling fm
less than it cost to get rid of it, One
tint ti is spending all the nicniev he can
earn in taking a girl to a theater or
show and sending her valuable pres
ents in hopes that he may eventually
make her his wife, anil his neighbor is
spending nil the gold ho has saved try
ing to get a divorce. One man keep
a pistol to protect himself against
burglars, while his neighbor dooMi t
keep one for fear of shooting himself
or some member of the family. One
man pays for his paper in advance be
cause ho can road it with u gi cater re
lish, while another takes it four or lite
years without pajing one cent for It.
and enjoys it hugely all the whil
Surely a queer old world this is.
Falsr. Economy.
Tlieieaie some who withhold from
the local publisher the HI. on or Sl.oO
that liis publication costs, not consul,
oring, appaicntly. the teal money
Hiiver it is to tlie family. The mer
chant often offers inducements that
moan to tlio puichnser a saving ,f
three .times the price of the publica
tion, and yet advantage thereof is not
taken because the paper is not in evi
dence in the household and knowledge
is not acquired that leads to accept
ance of his oiler. No man ever took a
weekly paper that did not in the
course ol the year, if a buyer of any
thing at all, save the price many times
over if he availed himself of advan
tages it-, eolumns set forth anil of
Chrltmas at The Churches.
Christinas exorcises at the vaiiuiit
churches were all held in this city
Saturday night arid many excellent
programs rendered. Christiniisin Red
Cloud this year was a joyful uvent.
All the children have been looking
forward to the holiday season with
eager expectancy anil time slipped by
none too fast to suit them.
At the llaptlst church the exercises
consisted ehiellyof songs and recita
tions given by the children of the
Sunday school. This progiam was
well arranged undone in which the
children took a great ileal of doliglit.
At an unexpected time big hearted
Santa Chins ai rived with his airship
loaded with candy and presents. He
certainly was a generous old chap and
completely sitislled the children with
his rcmembiance.s.
At the Methodist chinch the chil
dren furnished most of the evening's
entertainment, in which they received
valuable assistance from the choir.
Considerable doubt was entertained
by the children as to whether or not
Santa Clans would arrive, but just at
the proper tune he oiiteied the build
ing ami began to make mem wiMithe
chlldicil. This pioved a gieat "11 ion j
to the children aid rein v d I liein ! ,
Hieir anxiety. Plenty of and!
mis and many valuable picsci.ts
helped In making the children hupp
At the Congregational chinch I lie
program was taken up with songs,
dialogues, and cantatas. It had been
announced that Santa Cl'iiis had piom
ised to come, and of eomse the clii!
lien could hardly wall lor bis
appeal imee, and when he did it was a
most excellent surpilsc. .Mr.Ci'cssmau
had arranged a program all his own
and had kept the secret all to himself.
At the oppoitunc time with the ring
ing ot bells Santa appealed, but he
was such a little .Santa that the clul
ilien could hardly believe their ces
.lust as the old fellow was bcgiiiiiiui:
New M
J -s " ?ifvTrw,-iQ
tnn m i
F?J.Um'TmTmTWT:iBn JBliJhlU mTWrJMTTWTMfT'ftgVMU mumian unwTyurm n t pwi-ui'w.irl;TWM-,.a.;i.-, MM
y j JlrH fejS.oi -2tlrSi Jk
t hhiiik ulb " . -ZsiV' i rj .v-r-, r ,- ', mi J'X'.t u- -ilz-z vzjArxirM3tfrM giu;irKLiiuiaiMM.i?Tuii j
lilllltuHKK rJg- iMKHPi
1 1 uif mmmk,: iWfZA Jm$ 'MZfmmU . Am
ii uv iHawi.yrr, : si Mb7Mm&im&MU mwi
iBKmKmimS H HartSchatHicr&Mnrx IH HI a' ) I lABfcB
HBHSfUnWfiSH (Hi Goci Cloihci Maleu JH IV'llkl'1 rS55B
Awaits Your Selection.
We offer you thoroughly dependable goods, quality
goods and merchandise that is New, Correct in style,
and in every way desirable. : : : : :
In buying stock we keep constantly in mind the needs of our pat
rons and endeavor to supply them with the goods which will in every
respect satisfy in quality, in service, in style. JWe know we are
right when we assure you of your complete satisfaction. : : : :
Dry Goods, Womens Coats, Suits, Furs and Furnishings, Carpsts, Rtis, Lies Curtains,
Shoes and Groceries.
I lilt? rilltnH i
.,,1.1.. I. t ..I !..,.,. . I
...iii mi ttuiiiu noi oe in ormeil Ml i ... ..(l,..i ,,.v .i... ... .f,i. . .,
... , ... I, i . i I tue liumes of the gooil bo i
' ""J- "" "-.. Mllll on-K, bolioi.l anothei
i iicared and told the Hist
Every Four lenrs.
Some hae gieeted the pioiosition
to take longer rests between eloctioiu
with considerable levity, but the moie
one studios this matter over the more
Hiinc and sensible it will appear, and
the saving to the taxpnyer would be
very gieat. (iovernors and members
of the legislature hoiilil bo elected
not oftenor than every four years, but
precedent to this we should have tlio
"recall," so that if any incumbent of
olllco got'"" he could lie relegaied i with tiie
ant.t up
, in .. i , . kit
down. This was a eoniplete .surprise 'j
to ecry one except the pastor. Olil
Santa explained thai his "boj" had
slipped in ahead. I'.otwcen theiuthev
suuceeiled in Mitisling the children
with their candy and gilts. I
At the Christian church the pro
grain consisted of leeitations ami
songs. This prograiu showeil that a'
gieat deal ol time had been spent in i
training the children for their Mirious
parts and every outwits ilelightul
entertainment. Here also
to the obsolete
It is time the people got wise to the
fact that it is mainly pot-hoie politi
cians and lobyists that aie bolstering
these evcr-reciirriiigclections upon us, I
and a halt should be called. The re
Halt would be much less, but more I
needed and more intelligent legisla-,
tion, ami there would be fewer su-1
promo court decisions that hasty and
Unadvised laws were unconstitutional j
or. defective. An amendment to tills
eUecl could and should be adopted at i
tun next general election to thlsellcct. '
We believe the great ma.joiitf of the ' sj inputhics of tlu chihlicii. He
voters oil he state would favor this, ' with an ui.spauug hand and the
and onco put in practice the oil sys ., v,,,.,' ,i , i .
tem. with its never ending turmoil ,,m t'),vs"vt " '"' t" -l-c
and expense, would never be reverted j"11'" ,"'xt .war.
to again. Think of it. llemingtord I
Jo-ni. J Card of Thanks.
' ' . .,J? I 'l'o the M. W. A. and A. O. I . U
mrW mX IB mt an 1f.s M 4
Absolutely Pure
Tho only hakiny powtfee
made fsom Royal Grapo
Groam ef ' Tartan-
Koita, Kg Llmo Phoci. !
anlii loiiud lime to attend and
brought with him his niexhaustibii
bag and bestowed upon one and ml
sweetmeats ami liiMirieh,
At the I'.iuthien church, aside limn
the singing and speaking, magic Ian
tern pletuies enlist tied the piogiaui
This leatine was c.Umuoly interest
ing and instructive and plou-cd o.i
and young alike. In some stiangv
manner Miuta Ohms succei .led in at
riving at this ehiueh just in the nick
of time and did not fail to enlls't the
.kind friends and neighbors vir so
j willingly assisted u. during the sick
ness and death of our balovcd bus
I hand and lather, we wish to express
i our heartrelt thanks, also tbose send
.ing tlowothand assisting in the music.
Mas. KmNh ,isn s,ox Wvuukn.
' .. j-
Subscribers Notice
The subscription eason is again at
I hand, and January 1st not far away.
, when u hope to have all that is due
I paid in, as the l'ostal authorities are
insisting all newspapers clear their
books of doIiiiiueneies in older to
keep within the rtMiiiiieineiits of tin;
second classinallliig privilege.
, Man Chief subscriptions have e
pired, and while the amount Individ
ually is small, in the aggregate it
means a tlioiiMind ilollais and moie
that has been earned in the best way
wo knew how, ami ",c .stand In need of
the money.
, Kindly give Cliffs mutter yourat. tent
Intl. ami your piomptness will he
gieat ly uppi eclat, d.
Itespecl fully.
Co') n;lit Hart .Silmlliicr A: Marx
For Christmas shoppers we have provided an
ampe supply of The Newest and brightest of
goods in our line. We cannot tell you about
them but invite your inspection. : : : :
Wu 'I
i . K.yw iw1
I 'J in Hi i f 1 1 i i l mi