The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 29, 1910, Image 1

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Uo Historical S iclcty
K str!$ iWrfL fi "
Ivolume xxxvrn
k Newspaper That Gives The News Fifty-two Weeks Each Year Por $1.50.
1 1 1 E M ANN l ON V EN I KNUHs
Uvhtoh weullot to our oitstonieis im
,i ceded by mij other
Hi much mote convenient it is m
1.111 I lnin I . .til I t 1
;; ti j on paj "" i" i" ".'
ub nt ii bigiollot u bn full of uiniiey.
U will be pleased to talk with joti if
jo . think of opening a bank account
Interest Paid on Time De-nosits
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizcr, President, S. R. Florance, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
Unity mill Aimer Monin f (iutdo
I: u'U li.ivt lii.(ii Nititiir licit urole
i. i: i-m
M s luliii llassci visited hoi sister,
M I. !'raiii at Stipoiliir ii tow dtijs
i i , k
Mo 1 uy llnlcotnb visited her.
lllls llCOII s(f
lie III
Mr Hi-stings Milm i
feii"g with iiouiulgla
1 Mis. V A Si'i'h'v has Ill-en in
a few day, hut is ittipi i i nr
Mis. Hoover was a guest Sunday ol
hordtiuglttoi Mis. V. Fouler
I .1... Ill.l . M I
I .Hlllll". LIU' Ullll? -lllll III .1 r nun
g.un I Mi.-iit. in Kixl Cloud li fow lnj m,v rtlJ)i Simpson, has pneumonia.
"" S",,U j Itoss WVst mid wife spent tho holi-
Mi mid Mi-. Connie llassot N''it days in iljo eastern part of the State.
( In istui.i- al hot patents, Mr. and Mis, ' .
i Ai. I f ln!t..llll ..limit Sntiilu itlt
, . . . . ..,..-.... -, . . . . unii "iiu
.1. S.liU'tison ami wifo,
S ibu-ribi f ir the Chief.
All umbrellas can now be mailo into
Hull Detachable Hamlle Umbrellas
and the cost will bo tho price of a new
. . ... ir - ru
cover. Covers cost trom i.w i ci ,w.
i See Nevvhousc of course.
Moon Block, Red Cloud
In Riverton every Monday
Mis Andrew King called on Mrs.
John Holcomb Mondav.
Mlfis Gladys Ilerglleld visited her
grand parents tills last week.
Mrs. llotlop Rasser visited her
daughter, Mrs. Juke Fij tliis week.
The Christmas enteitaiument attho
Lester school house was well attended.
Mr. Waylnnd Lippencott spent
Christmas cvo with Miss Lena Kasser.
A Christmas dinner was served tit C.
II. Harris (Jtiitu a ntimbc" woio pies-cut
l l.
1 .Mi l,'i.inl Shi'i'inan and Miss llollie
l!asei siont TuomIiij at
('I !np K.issei
A Christmas iliniitM was given at the
home ol .lohlt Iloloomb Unite a
' tiilliibet wore piosottt
Mr.andMrs Edward McDonald ol
Hastings spent Christmas at her moth
ers, Mrs. IM. HI tiles and visited tola
tives in Uod Cloud
A supper was set vert at tho home of
'Mis I'd. H lines Wednesday evening in
honor of her daughter, Mrs. Ldwmd
McDonald (Julte a number of quests
were invited.
A Christmas dinner was given at the
home of Charles ltasser. Those pres
ent were Mt and Mrs. Andrew King-,
Mr. and Mr-, hue llorgtield and daugh
ter. Mr. tiuil Mi s. (Jotlop Unsser mid
family. L.u nest Starke, Tom Simpson,
Harry and Aimer Mouia.
little ottos are on tho
Hail Clan's
sick list.
I he little ohildieti
Lane ate quite sick
of Mr .iiiliti
Before buying your Christmas presents give us a call have a
large line of the following goods Baby caps in silk and Bear
skin, Suede gloves with silk lining, Kid gloves, Back combs,
Towels, Sweaters, Ready made dresses for Misses and child
ren, Shirt waists. Have given the prices of a few items below.
Eat !xt v
?T7'- &? j 1 ,
Lace trimed linndkerchiefh in sheer Irish lawn at
Kuibroidery edged hdht's tit V '.'0, 23c.
Dainty colored border hdlcfs at 20, fine.
Dainty linou liilkfs In embroidery or lace edgo fiOc
Have a large line in plain or cross bar witli etnb,
design in corner at fie, 10c and lfic
Ladies or Gents Initial Handkerchiefs at....l2Jic.
Table Linen
Our stock of Table Linens is not the laigost but
what wo havo was selected with great oaro su wo
did not neglect quality or pi Ice Look our stock
ovoi befote buying as we can save jott money on
jour tabic linen and nothing is nicer for a Cluist
mas present than a nice table cloth oi napkin.
Silks! Silks!! Silks!!!
Nothing is mote useful or mote serviceable foi u
Christmas present than a silk dtcss or vvttlht.
A good weight nil silk black talTetn .1(5 inches wide
full guaianteed at 81, better and heavier grade at
Si 23 and 81.50.
Fancy silk 27 inches wide in waist patterns only
at $1.00 a yd.
What can be more useful than a fancy silk
scarf. Have a large line in Persian all over
design or in fancy border with plain centers
from 1.00 to $2.25 each.
Hand Bags
-For a nice hand bag look our Iineover. We
can save you money on hand bags.
Black grain, good linning at 50c.
All leather, leather lined with caid case, ccin
purse from 1.25 lo $3.00.
Our line of collars are the prettiest for the
prices that could be bought.
Linen Embroiderery collars 1 5c.
Lace in stock or Dutch collars from 20 to 75c
PHONES UuralOIl. Hell, Black 11.
Open evenings till A'ina.
I thohoino folk
I Mis A Miles is slowly tocoMitln
I fiom a very scnoio attack of piteu-
tin II in
Mrs. Cienige llrltton -pent Monday
I with her patents. Mr and Mis. ,lnhn
Lit tie, John rattier ate dinnei .Mon
day with his telatho, Mis. (i W
l'orry Ai units has been vety-low for
several days. li is a s(,n f ,. ,j,
Mrs. Cartoll Wilillian and little
daughter wont to Reynolds Sunday to
visit her sister, Mrs. S. L. Lly.
Kdwin, the son of Mr. and Mrs. C.S
Joues, lias been quite sick, lie was
icported aj little bettor Monday
Mrs .1. M. Uolaud was taken worse
Monday. Sho hud boon quite im
proved for several days previous
I. II Kly and family entet tallied at
dinner .Sunday, C F. Ely and wifo,
Win. Sawyer and wife, and Miss Lama
Charles Kddyand family woieC'hriht
mas gue.stfi'or .lames Young and fam
ily Mis Hdd.v and Mis. Young are
.Miss Stella Smith and btothets Oi
i i 'i unci Harley. ate hole fiom Dies
don, ICan , visiting their grandfather,
I M.Smith.
Itussell Vattghau, who is attending
school at Crand Islamf, is spending
his vacation hero witli his parents, C
E. Vauglian and wife.
II. li Moruiivllle is sniveling with a
very sore hand caused by tho bursting
of u bottle In which he was com
pounding some drugs.
Win. Uyker and wile entertained
their relatives at Christmas dinner.
Writ. Sabin, brother of Mrs. Itvker,
was over fiom Kansas.
Emmet Hagen, wife, and daughter
were up from Hubbell for Christinas.
Emtnet went home Monday. The
others returned Tuesday.
Kiolmrd Lambert and wife and John
Watt wore up from Diller visiting
their relatives, Fred Watt, .John Ogll
Vle, mid W. S. Lambert mid families.
H. P, Wirt and wifo entertained six
teen of the relatives nt dinner Christ
mas Day. Anoii the number were
E. L Cathctirt and family from Da
kota. Au excellent photograph has been
taken of the post ofllce, Postmaster
Parker, his wife and other iiBMstants
in the otllce, and the R. F. I), boys and
their substitutes.
Himcou llnll of Wisconsin lias been
visiting his mother, Mrs. Sarah Hull,
mid brother, Wm. Hall. The mother
has beeu ill a fow days. She is aboilt
8."i years old. Mr. Hall went home
Mis. Ilawle.v. wile of Dr. Hawleyof
Km r Oak, had been visiting her son
in tho west. She was stricken with
pneumonia Tho body tinivod licio
on No In Tuesday and was taken to
liuir Oak.
(hailos IMt'erton of liayaid, Neb.,
who has just returned fiom a trip
through Mexico, was in Guido llock
tho first of the week renewing old ac
quaintances. Ho was a guest Monday
of E.M. Parker.
Miss Mary Noble, daughter of Mr.
mid Mis. Elmer Noble of Guide llock
was married Christinas ove. to Mr. Mor
ris Yohn of .Superior. Tito coicmouy
vvasperfoiined by(I. W. Iklson, County
Judge, at Itcd Cloud.
Mis Ida F Hayes and Mis. Hannah
Garbor cnteitained twenty-eight of
thotr i datives at dinner Chiisttuas
Day. Ernest Hayes of Conuoiditi,
Kansas, and L s. Umber and family
of Hod Cloud were among the guests
The old your will soon have past in
to histot v. Wo pint with iMis with mi
old Irlend To some it has liiougltt
tniieh jov - to (ilhets sottow. Net we
jure toluotiiiit to say faiowell. Like a
'palsied ii tit 1 1 it tottefs as it neais tho
end ot life's journey and goes forwaul
tovvmds that vast vault whuiciu doth
He the forms of dead d nasties mid
sheeted oontiiihsswopt bj llieteinoiso
loss hand of time to that gteat grave
yatd at the cut i mice of which tises
the iiiiagiiim,y tombstone upon which
i- insctlbed these wouls THE PAST
Thetoisa sublime solemnitv lit tho
sluwlj moving .vet never vailing, tide
ofycais. Matt has mat Ited its cotitse
into houis, days, weeks, months, yctns
and centuties. jet it t ttshos on, on, on,
and still on. utterly unmindful of tho
puny marks itiised to measute the tido
that never tiles. Dynasties have rose,
nourished and decayetl, cities have
sprung from tot tile plains and then
sank beneath the desert's dtifting
sands, continents have routed their
lofty brows above the ocean's track
less waste, only to return to the coral
cavorns from whence they rose; races
have risou to tho noon ol splendor mid
become lost in the popths of night, but
Time, patient, plodding, tireless Time,
swoops on with tho satno regularity as
when it tirst issued forth, fiom the
hollow of God's hand, to the chant of
the morning stars that proclaimed
Crention's dawn. And yet time is but
the image of eternity, the shadow of it
shot eless sea, tho tho typo of a dm atiou
for which all tho pages past and all
I lie aeons to come would not make or
constitute tlto llrst faint Hush of tho
litst sttcak of the dawn of its second
morning. "Eternity1 thou pleasing,
dteudftil thought'" That never end
ing loign succeeding the f rash of mai
ler and tho wreck of the vv otitis, suns
and system-' Intelligence has acliiev
ml tiiuuiphs It has tend 11m stars of
heaven and can foietell to a second
when the gieat (lory sun will be hid
den in pinlial or total eclipse; it can
lend the histot y of the ci cation on the.
rocks ol nature and unfold tho secrets
hidden by (iod In tho bowels of tho
earth; but when it attempts tt.grasp
tho significance of eternity lUjitandH
abashed and dumbfounded atTts lit
abllitj to comprehend an iuflii$v phut.
iosicl Team (ilvcs Big Social
'I ho .M.C. A Gospel Team Trout
the Slate I nlvetsityis holding meet
ings In tho parlors of the Commercial
club every night. On Monday evening
about seventy-live young men enjoyed
a "stag" social in the hall, (lames
and contests vveio given by tlto ten tit
assisted by the lied Cloud men who
inc. attending the University. Tho
team is composed of Messrs. Plasters,
Goldstein, Hendricks, Hall, Chcrring
ton, (liildlnger mid Itiee.
At a rousing meeting on Tuesday
evening the quartette from Cowles
sang. They vvoro very nuieh appre
ciated. The subject was: ''Miuillness
and Responsibility." Mr. Goldstein
and Mr. Htco wore the speakers. Much
enthusiasm is shown by the young
men In tho discussion of those prac
tical subjects, 'lite hull is expected
to be crowded every night Thore ur P
chairs enough for all. Soino special
music Is planned fur each evening.
On Sunday one of the gospel team
will speak In each church on Christian
association work,
At it.. 'tO Mr. L'lierilitglou will address
the men on the subject "Playing the
(iaiiie. ' All meetings at o held in tho
hull and everyone is Invited.
jS"7 KjmIpW-
THE people who make
Big Ben "call him a
sleepmeter and that's the
right name for him. We've
got one at home and I
want to tell you he's the
most accurate thing we
have ever run across.
Punctual, cheerful, right on
the job, lie's the best breakfast
call anyone can ask for. There
is another Big Ben in my store
ready for you to take home. 1
have him" in the window look
'at him when you go by.
'I till Is the ctucL. you line nerti
LlrcnltcJ In ttic Us luacuiuea