The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 22, 1910, Image 6

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The Chief
C. D. HALE, rubllsher
Personal, Political, Foreign and Intel
llgcnce of Various Kinds, Inter
estlng to tho General Reader
Given In Condensed Rorm.
Representative Latta of Nebraska is
spoken of as a presidential possibility
In 1012.
Justice White or the supremo court
will probably bo appointed chief jus
tlco of that body.
Tho Kentucky delegation In con
Kress havo formally endorsed Champ
Clark for speaker of tho house.
Attorney General WIckcrsham Is
pushing actions against tho trusts and
has secured several convictions.
Tho official census gives the popu
lation of tho United States, Including
all of Its possessions, ut 101,100,000.
A board of naval physicians was ap
pointed by the secretary of tho navy to
investlgnto the typhoid epidemic at
Postmaster General Hitchcock re
ports a reduction of $11,500,000 In the
deficit of that department In. the
twelve months .past. m
Juan Sanchez Azcona, a Journalist
and prominent Mexican, hns been ar
rested on chargeB preferred by tho
Mexican government.
President Taft still has quite a task
on his hands in tho selection of can
didates to fill a number of vacancies
In tho United States court.
Tho Intcrstato Commcrco Commis
sion have decided that railroads havo
"tho right to Impose such demurrage
charges on prlvato carB aB they seo
In tho first tariff debate of congress
Lodgo and Aldrlch signified their will
ingness to Join with tho other mem
bers In a plecemenl revision of tho.
Captain Peary has turned over to
tho national museum tho gold and
silver medala that havo been awarded
to him at various times by different
A bill calling for an appropriation
of $100,000 to be used In a resurvoy of
nil eligible public lands In Nebraska
haB been Introduced In the houeo by
Representative Klnknld.
Senator Elklns is very ill at his
homo In West Vlrglnln.
InmatcB of a New York insane asy
lum arc publishing a newspaper.
Navigation on tho Ohio river has
been suspended on account of Ice.
Many now treeB will bo planted In
tho national forests of this country.
Tammany Hall in New York city
was badly demagod by flro Monday.
A writ of habeas corpus has been
granted In tho case of Porter Charl
ton. Amelia Folsom Young, wlfo of tho
Mormon prophet and leader, died Sun
ay. Friendly relations have been frees
fabllshed between Bolivia and Argen
tine. .
Sailors In tho Brazilian navy who
fnutlnii'd recently havo been Impris
oned. The New York board or trarto wants
tho government to fortify tho Panama
Hnllrond train dispatchers aro mak
ing an effort to secure a raise In sal
aries. Bedouins rnlded Kcrak, a Turkish
village, and killed a hundred Chris
tians. Tho Mississippi river at St. Louis is
four feet below tho low water mark
of 18C3.
Oxford won tho annual rootball
gamo from Cambrldgo by a score of
i 3to 18.
New York's now automobile law will
net a revenue of $750,000 a year for
that state.
Two SyrlanB, who kidnaped two
'lght-year-old Brooklyn lads, havo
been Indicted.
Mrs. Eddy willed a fortune for the
promotion of Christian Science to the
mother church in Boston.
Mrs. Susannah Cooper of Aberdeen,
S. 1)., has just died at tho ago of 91,
after a fast of two months.
S. W. Hose a socialist, w.tb elected
to tho city council of Boloxl, MIbs.,
debating tho democratic nominee.
Dan McGann, former captain and
first baseman of tho New York Na
tionals, committed sulcldo Wednes
day. Tho naval battalion In tiio barracks
on Combra Island near Hio Jnnolro
navo mtitlnlca.
Tho will of tho late Mrs. Mary
Baker Eddy leaves about $1,500,000 to
tho church of which bIio was tho
Mr. Roosevelt made his first public
address Blnco tho election at a ban
quet In Now Haven.
M. Sasanoff, who assassinated tho
Russian minister or tho Interior, Von
PJohv, has suicided.
"Western rallrondB arc said to bo
making preparations to meet tho an
ticipated walkout of engineers.
JuKo Bauer, a Western league ball.
1st, was EerlotiBly Injured ljt St. Jo
seph, Mo., in n gasoline explosion.
Several "night riders" on trial at
Eddyvllle, Ky for the murder ol
Axiom Coopor havo been declared no!
Tho art school of tho University ol
South Carolina lins been destroyed by
Ernest Williams, a prisoner in th
Oklahoma penltcntlnry, has developed
a oaso of leprosy.
In aflght at Ccrro Prlotra. Mexico
sixty scdltlonlsts were killed and a
number wounded.
Dr. Geo. Edgar Vincent of Chlcagc
has been elected president of tho uni
vorslty of Minnesota.
There Is an agitation In tho east
for a one-cent letter postage nnd a
bill will probably bo presented to con
gress. Presbyterians In session at Pitts
burg refuse to endorse Immersion, but
pin their faith to tho form of sprink
ling. An effort Is being made to ncgotlato
a settlement of tho machinists' strlko
on tho Missouri Pacific railroad sys
tem. Quastcr and Napier, on trial at
GrccnHboro, N. C for violation of the
nntl-whlte aluvo InwB, were found not
Striking garment workers In Chica
go turn down tho plan Biiggcatcd by
tho federation of labor to end the
King Manuel, tho deposed Portu
guese, Is said to bo a financial wreck,
dependent on tho bounty of friends In
James Gallagher, who shot Mayor
Gaynor of New York some time ago,
1b being examined by alienists as tc
hla sanity.
Booker T. Washington has aBkcd
sheriffs of Alabama fpr statistics In re
gard to crime nmong the negroes of
that state.
Prizes will bo awarded by the
French nntlonal congresB of firemen
for maxims to bo taught school chil
dren bo Hint they will rcallzo the dan
ger of flro.
Floods In Spain nnd Italy have de
stroyed crops, submerged bridges, cut
out railway and telegraphic tommunt
cation, nnd threaten the Inhabitants
with famine.
Tho Alaskan steamer Olympla, with
over 100 personB nboard, Is reported
ashoro on Sea Island, with n fierce
Btorm raging.
Mrs. Amelia Folsom Young, widow
of tho famous Brlgham Young, Mor
mon prophet and leader, Is dead at
Salt I.ako City.
Dr. Koch of Philadelphia says tho
cocaine and mprphlno habits aro In
creasing to nn alarming extent In the
United States.
"Jack" Abernathy, the wolf catcher
of Oklahoma, has resigned ns United
States marshal after a session ot
about twenty minutes at tho depart
ment of justice.
There Is said to be an epidemic of
suicides In Russian prisons, alleged to
be duo to brutal treatment on the part
of prison keepers.
Andrew Carnegie has announced a
gift of $10,000,000 to trustees to bo de
voted to tho establishment of univer
sal pcaco between nations.
A resolution hns been adopted by
tho Russian cabinet permitting Jewish
merchants or the first guild to reside
In tho provlnco of Warsaw.
Mayor Burrows of Palnesville.
Ohio, ran a moving picture show on
Sunday for tho local Salvation Army,
and Is likely to bo pvosenited.
Georgo B. Tzschuck, treasurer ot
Tho Omaha Bco Publishing company
for moro thnn thirty years, died ol
heart dlseaso Wednesday morning.
Frank W. Dowelle, n convict at the
state prison nt Lansing, Kiia., was
killed whllo working In tho prison
mlno by a heavy timber falling on
Fifty young women escaped from n
burning building in Chicago, clad only
In gymnasium costumes. They were
doing drills In a school of physical
Georgo W. Glover, son of Mrs. Eddy,
tho doceabcd Christian Sc'enco leader,
haB mado a statement that ho will
mnko no effort to contest his mother's
disposition of her estate.
While trying to extract a piece of
wire that had caught In the foot of
her pet collie, Miss Ellen E. Francis
of East Quoguo, L. I., was burned to
death by her dress catching firo from
an open grate.
Americans in Honduras aro said to
bo under continuous esplonago by the
authorities there In the belief that
they mny bo more or Iosb inclined to
tnko active part in the governmental
troubles of that country.
Tho Atchison, Topekn & Santa Fo
Railroad company dins sent a notlco
to Its officials throughout tho system
that tho company docs not caro to havo
continued In Its employ thoso persons
who aro persistent users of clgaretB.
Tho north shore or Halcyon lake. In
an exclusive section of Mount Au
burn cemetery, In Cambridge, will be
como tho last resting place of Mary
Baker Glover Eddy, founder and late
head of tho Christian Science church.
The gift of half a million dollars for
the further enlargement and strength
ening of tho tenchlng forco of Dart
mouth collego, from Edward Tuck of
Paris, who was graduated In 'C2, has
been nnnounccd by President Ernest
Fox Nlcholls.
William Flego was convicted of mur
der In tho second degrco at Ponca,
Neb., on a charge of hilling his sister,
Louise, Juno P.O. following a trial which
lasted nlno days.
Governor Haskell says ho will con
tlnue cnlllng extra cessions of the
legislature until the capital romoval
hill of Oklahoma la settled.
What is Going on Here and Thero
That la of Interest to the Read-
era Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity.
KearneyMr. and Mrs. E. 0. Smead
celebrated their golden wedding an
niversary Tuesday arternoon, assisted
by fifty of their friends nnd all tho
lmmcdlato members of the family.'
Mr. and Mrs. Smead appeared In
wedding garments similar to those
they had worn at the wedding In Mad
lson, Ohio, fifty ycura ago.
Church All Paid For.
Lexington. Sunday was the biggest
dny over known In Methodism In Ia;x
Ington. Tho new $!10,000 church was
dedicated froo fiom all debt, as the
mombcr8 and friends not only raised
tho needed $10,000 unpaid, but ex
ceeded the amount by several thou
sand dollars In a few minutes time.
Scarlet Fever Closes Schools.
Pom. The public schols have been
closed for a short time on account of
scarlet fovcr. A few mild cases aro
under physicians' care, properly quar
antined and It 1h thought all will bo
well In a few days.
Big Artesian Well Flow.
Columbus. At tho farm of Henry
Buss, an nrtoslirn well was located at
tho depth of 240 feet. The well is
now flowing at the rate of l.:J50 gal
lons per hour.
The Midwest Life.
On December 1st of this year The
Midwest Life had written as much
Insurance as It did In the yenr 1000.
Tho gain over last year, therefore, will
bo tho amount placed in December.
Tho Midwest Life now has ovor two
and one-half millions of Insurance In
forco on tho lives of Nebraska men
and women nnd nn income amounting
to ono hundred thousand dollars a
year. This has been accomplished in
Icsb than five years. When solicited
by an agent of an eastorn company for
llfo Insurance stop nnd think the sit
uation over. Weigh the advantages
and disadvantages of the transaction.
Seo if it docs not appeal to you as a
rational business proposition to put
ronlzo a Nebraska company. You
know the reason why. The money
stay3 In Nebraska not only In good
times, but in panics nnd financial de
pressions as well. The Midwest Life
Issues all the standard forms of life
Insurance policies at reasonable rates.
Call or write the home office, 119
South Tenth street, Lincoln, for an
agency, or a sample policy.
Chicken thieves are worrying tho
peoplo at Cortland.
Hastings college will establish sys
tematic gymnastic training.
Tho churches nt Fairbury will hold
a sorlcB of union revival metlngs, be
ginning January 8.
Whllo cranking his automobile,
Vern Christopher, a Hastings man,
sustained n broken wrist.
Tho school board of Kearney has
begun a campaign to abolish the use
of clgnrettcB by school boys.
Tho Elksi at Nebraska City will
havo n ChristmaB tree and feed for
their less fortunate citizens.
York Is making an effort to hold a
state meeting of real estate men In
that city during the holidays.
I-orcn Cnley or Sterling attempted
to separate a pair of youthful pugll
I&tB and was hit with a brick, sustain
ing a fracture or tho skull.
Samuel Scott, aged til) years, was
stricken with paralysis whllo on a
Lincoln street car nnd died next day.
He loaves a wife and eight children.
Formor Chnncollor of the Univer
sity E. Benjamin Andrews, who has
been resting at a Lincoln sanitarium
for several weoks. Is reported as
rapidly Improving.
Tho corn contest that has boon
running for Eoveral weeks at Fair
bury has closed, and nil entries will
bo placed on exhibition at the Jeffer
son county farmers' Institute. A W
piano will bo awarded to the part
raising tho ten best ears of corn.
Burglars surprised In their depre
dations Sunday night lobbed the resi
dence of Bishop George A. Beecher
at Omaha of tho bishop's ilng and
senl recently bestowed upon the
churchman at his consecration. Valu
able sterling tableware and other Jew
elry was taken.
R. E. Cllmcr and wife of Green
wood were nearly smothered to death
by rumes from a now coal stovo that
refused to work properly.
Currency demands in Nebraska bnvo
been so light this fall that ono Lin
coln bank reports tho shipment of
nboitt $100,000, accumulated In tho
courso of Its business during Novem
ber to ono or tho money centers.
A stnto wido campaign for tho In
troduction of tho Gcrninn Inngungo In
to grado schools as a part or tho regu
lar curriculum has been commenced
by tho German-American league of No-braska.
Lincoln has a health club called tho
Ono Hundred Year club.
Burglars entered Will Allen's con
fcctlonery store at Hlldrclh and go!
Tho Grand Islnnd commercial club
Is mnklng an effort to secure motor
car service.
Farmers around Juniata aro rejoic
ing Hint they have their com all ouo
of tho field.
Hn8lliigB will levy a tnx of $20 a
day upon itinerant merchants who
drift into town.
Fire at Falls City destroyed tho
building and stock of goods belonging
to Samuel Wuhl.
Tho postmaster general has ordeted
tho establishing of Union depot postal
station ut Omaha.
Business men at Auburn have raised
$2,500 to maintain the baseball club
at that place next season.
Dudley Wilcox, aged 22, accidentally
shot himself at Elwood Tuesday morn
ing nnd died in a few minutes.
Applications for nearly !!00 saloons,
have been filed with tho flro and po
lice commissioners at Omaha.
Four sisters of the Ursullne school
at York, havo gone to Edgar and will
oren, In a short time, a school In that
Jefferson county wheat growors tiro
rejoicing over the big fall of snow
that visited this vicinity Sunday and
Grand Island will raise 100,000 to
establish a college at thut place. An
drew Carnegie has pdomlsed $20,000
That It might be dedicated free from
debt, $5,000 w.tb raised In the Presby
terian church at Fremont in less than
half an hour.
Tho Shelton gas well Is down over
1,300 feet, und gas enough has been
found to light with a match. The
men who are boring nay they will go
4,000 feet if nccesynry.
Mrs. Amanda Crnndall died at her
homo at 1oroy from the effects of
wounds sustained about two months
ago In a gasoline explosion whilf
preparing a meal.
The Nye-Schnebler-Fowlof company
has platted ground at Crelghton and
Is making plans for tho erection of an
elevator and also coal and lumber
yards as soon as weather conditions
Fire Commissioner Johnson hns
just Issued a neat little circular warn
ing prospective users of Christinas
trees of tho danger from fire connect-,
ed therewith and tabooing the use of
tlsauo paper festoons and cotton batting.
The women's ward nt the state pen
itentiary resembles a large doll shop
while the female convicts are mak
ing drcBseB for sovernl dozen dolls
which will adorn the W. C. T. U.
Christmas tree.
Tho semi-annual report of the stato
university to tho governor has been,
filed. It shows that in tho six months
ending November DO the receipts ot
tho unlvorslty from sources indepen
dent of taxation were $70,545.95. Tho
total expenditures during thi same
period were $2C5,0O3.C9.
The nppolntment of W. R. Jackson
of University Place for deputy food
commissioner has been announced by
Governor-elect Chester H. Aldrlch.
Mr. Jackson was a candidate on tho
democratic ticket at the recent elec
tion for tho office of Btato superinten
dent or public instruction, Tor which
place he was defeated by J W. Crab-
Congressman J. A. Mngulre has In
vited C. G. Elliott, chler or tho drain
ago burenu or the department or agri
culture, to Lincoln to deliver a lec
ture before tho state conservation
convention, which will be held thero
tho latter part of January. Mr. Elli
ott has not yot definitely accepted tho
Invitation, but Mr. Mngulrc Is confl
dent that he will do so.
Governor Shallenberger ban re
ceived notice from tho federal treas
ury department that a warrant has
been drawn in favor of the stato for
$2,820.25, representing tho state's 25
per cent share of tho revenuo from
tho forest reserve lands within thltj
Btato. ThlB money may bo applied to
public roads or public schools, as the
stato legislature directs, in tho coun
ties In which the forest reserves lie.
Tho Union Pacific has been permu
ted to put Into effect a new weighing
rule on live- stock destined for tho
South Omnha markot similar to tho
rule permitted tho Burlington a few
days ago. Tho new rule, which allows
unevenly filled cars to ho averaged In
weight, Instead of charging onch car
separately, will go Into offect January
10. Tho change amounts to a reduc
tion or rates In tho cases to which It
will specifically apply.
Tho resignation of First Lieutenant
E. J. Shlnn of the machlno gun bat
tery, N. N. G has been received and
Tho application of tho Independent
Tolophono system of Nebrnska to re
duce Its tlmo limit from fivo to throo
minutes will bo heard by tho railway
commission on December 21 ut 2
Moro national guards turned out to
Inspection this fall than wero on tho
rolls of the guard a year ago; that Is,
tho national guard minis absen
tees is stronger now than it was a
vuar ago, absentees Included
Will be Better off If Congress Shuto
Up Shop for Two Years Maid
en Speech of lowan an At
tack on Cummins.
Washington. Senator .lifnyclte
Young or Iowa Friday gave the legis
lative body of which lie been a mem
,ber exnetly ten days tho surprise of its
exlBtoticc. He had prepared to mnko
an attack on his colleague, Senator
Cummins, who seeks tho passago of
a concurrent resolution changing tho
rules of the senate nnd house so ns to
permit piecemeal revision of the
Payne-Aldrlch tariff law. This ho did,
and more. Doffing his togn, when ho
nrose. he lectured tho grave and dig
nified senators from a standpoint of
an editor, which he Is In private life,
Tho senate gasped and then laughed
when Mr. Young told It Hint the coun
try would feel relieved wore congress
to adjourn altogether for two "solid"
years. It gasped again when he al
luded to its members In breezy
fashion aB "boys," and when he de
clared that the editors of the country
and not congress ruled the country
the galleries joined with senators in
general hilarity.
Senator Young's speech, which oc
cupied less than an hour, commanded
the strictest attention. The senator
had prepared nn address, which waB
before him on his desk, but ho seldom
consulted tho printed manuscript. Ho
warmed as he proceeded and apparent
ly realizing that It might bo nt once
his salutatory and his swan song,
spoke his rcnl thoughts on legisla
tion and on tho national legislature.
Convention of Women VoterB.
Tacoma, Wash. The first nntlonal
convention of women voters will bo
held here Jnnuary 11, according to
plans perfected- Tho convention was
called by Governor Brady of Idaho.
Four other equal Btiffrago stntcs
Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and Wash
ingtonrepresenting about 270,000
women voters, will participate. Tho
promoters of the new organization
propose calling it tho national council
of women voters.
Chinese Loan Hangs Fire.
Peking. The government has not
yet come to terms with tho American
financial syndicate over the proposal
nf the loan or $50,000,000 to bo used by
China in furthering currency reforms
and other Interests or the empire. The
final difficulty In the wny appears to
he In the matter or an nppointment of
a financial adviser to China, who will
be in a position to influence the ex
penditures. Appeal to Commissioner Nelll.
Chicago. The western railroads
have appealed to United States Com
missioner of Labor Charles P. Nelll
and to Chnlrman Martin Knnpp of tho
interstate commerce commission, to
act as mediators In tho wngo contro
versy between the railroads and the
brotherhood of locomotive engineers
Mine Explosion Cost Twelve Lives.
Norton, Va. An explosion In tho
mlno of tho Bond Coal company at
Greeno cost the IIvcb of twelve of tho
fourteen men In the workings at tho
time. Only two escaped, ono of whom
died shortly after being" taken out.
Raid on a Bucket Shop.
Chicngo. United States secret ser
vice officials have raided the offices of
tho Capital Investment company ns a
Fight Fire With Weather 50 Below.
Fairbanks, Alaska. Fire destroyed
nlno buildings here, entailing a loss
In excess of $120,000. For a tlmo tho
flames threatened to destroy the en
tire city. The mercury hovered closo
to fifty degrees below zero nnd the
suffering of tho firo fighters was pltl
Candy for the Coke Workers.
Unlontown. Pa. Fifty thousand
pounds of candy havo been purchuscd
by tho Frlck Coal & Coko company,
n subsidiary of tho United States Steel
coi'Kiratlon for distribution nmong the
30,000 children of Us employes In tho
Connellavlllo and Klondyke regions.
To Start for South Pole.
Now Haven. Dcllnlto assurance
Hint Harry Whitney of this city In
tends to start next year, if possible, In
search of tho south pole is contained
in a telegram sent by Mr. Whitney
from Now Orleans to tho Journal
Courier. Saved From a Massacre.
Washington, D. C American mis
BlonarlcB at Lienchow probably were
saved from u mnBsacro during tho
riots several weeks ago, In tho north
eastern part of Kuantung province,
China, by tho prompt protectlvo meas
ures adopted by Colonel Lul, comman
der of tho small Chlneso military
forco stationed thore, according to do
tails or the disturbance mado public
at tho stato department. No Amor1
cans wero killed, but considerable mlr
slonary property at Sam Kwong waa
"I vrniilil rntlicr preserve Im lieald
of ii iint Ion Hi nil be lta ruler." -MUN I
Tliou.nnds of peoplo who ore mifTcrina
with coUIh aro about today. Tomorrow
they limy bo prostrated with penumonia. ,
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound
of cure. Get u 23 cent bottlo of Muu I
yon's Cold Cure nt tho nearest dru '
store. This bottlo mny be conveniently
carried in tho vest pocket. If you are ,
not entifficd with tho effects of tho rem
edy, pend us your empty bottlo nnd wo
will refund your monoy. Munvon's Cold
Cure will speedily brenk up all forms of
colds and prevent grippe and pneumonia.
It checks discharges of tho nose nnd eyes,
tops sneezing, nllnys Inflammation ana
fever, and tones up tho system. ,
If you need Medical Advico, write to
Munyon's Doctors. They will carefully
uingnore your caw and adviso you by
wnfli absolutely free
T.f0?' Mnnj-n 03d and Jefferson streets, .
Philadelphia. Pa.
One of These Talented Women l
Sarah Bernhardt and tho Other
Ellen Terry.
Two fnmoun grandmothers aro dls
tlngulshed visitors of this country. R
fcrring to theso tnlented ladies Tho
Rochester Tost Express Bays: "Ono o
tho grandmothers is Mine Sarah Born-,
hardt; tho othor is Ellen Terry. Both,
actresses have reached an ago when il
is permissible to retlro from actWi
llfo; but tho French actrcsB is said to
be as energetic &b a woman half hot
ago, whllo Ellen Terry Is declared to
bo as young as over sho was in tho
palmy days when sho and Henry Irv
ing ruled tho theatrical world of En's
land. Miss Terry haB rollred from tho
stngo so far ns acting is concorned,
and has taken to lecturing on Shakes
peare's heroines. And who could do
better than sho who has plnyed so
many of tho womanly women of tho
Rreat dramatist? Readers of her
breezy biography know what she
thinks of Portia, Beatrice, Vqila, Rosa
lind and other famous women of the
tragedies and comedies, but no print
ed pngo could charm as docs tho won
derfully expressive features and tho
volvot volco of tho greatest living
English-speaking actress."
Does Your Cat Cough?
Poor pussy 1 As if tho Immemorial
charges against her of keeping ub
nwnko o nights nnd of eating canary
birds whenever sho gets tho chance
wero not onough, tho doctors havo ,'
Just dlscovercdthnt for years sho has
been responslblo for tho spread of
dlphthotrla. Dr. O. J. Awburn of
Manchester, England, having traced ,
an epidemic of this dlscaso In n sub
urb of that city to a pet cat bclongli$
to ono of his patients, has found, after '
much clever Investigation, that all
cats aro peculiarly susceptlblo to
diphtheritic affections of tho throat '
Ho has thereforo recently been warn
ing all families who own cats to
watch them carefully, nnd, if they de
velop coughs, to forbid tholr being
hugged and petted. Dr. Awburn fur
ther recommends that if tho cough
perlslsts and tho cat begins to grow
thin to havo tho animal destroyed nt
once. Tho only really safo way, ho
Bays, Is to lot tho first wheezo bo
pussy's death warrant.
Mzr00' to remember
M. """when you need a remedy i
7or COUGHS end COLD$ ',
The great pleasuro of llfo is lovo;
tho greatest treasuro 1b contentment;
tho greatest possession is hcnlth; tho
greatest caso is sleep, and tho great
est medlclno a truo friend. Templo. $
Perhaps our clouds havo a silver
lining, but It generally takes other
peoplo to seo it
Gives Breakfast
Zest and
A sweet, crisp, "whole
some food made of Indian
Corn, ready to serve right
from the box with cream
and sugar.
The Memory Lingers"
Fostum O real Company, Ltd.,
IJMtU Creek, Mich.
&& i .. -.... ... A .. v, i -.uni ii mm-- . .- JiWifi'tMi
a.'. i-J&rnc-r -n-
mmmi-i" --
TTZTZfimtmUBtiUltftT 1
- .j..,;,. ,.,.
US . -,