The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 22, 1910, Image 4
nimwitjti.iinm3wi.iuiij' ll 4t J n ftgt .''' . 'fr'1'81- Vf- iiftVJPUR " "V -IS. I IK 1 l ' S? CHIEF . Cloud Nobrt-sl.o. PUBLISHED KVKHY TIIUKHDAY tn'tcred In the I'oitnnire nt Kcl Cloinl.Net., V bk Sordini dust Mutter, 0 It. HALE l'UIIl. THK O.NI.Y DKMOtMlATK! I'AI'IMt IN VKHSTi:U;OtNTV Tito CoiniiiiTclal Cluli milil Mtirt Uic now your rili- by tfivinK u liitf batictuL mill a hourly send oil". Thorn nrc ninny problems to bo solved the uoinhiK yenr inn. our business men ought to net hi harmony. To those oei'iisionnl reiulurs who Honiollmos rim tuiross n copy f tins Chief wo o,l oml t'onlbil invitation to becoino reKuliir .siibverlbeiH. Wo iiim to kIvo the news ami events of , local interest, to inform yon of the doings of your friends and itcipiaint uncos ami to keep you posted np-to-date. Our subscription price. Is S 1 .fit) per year and yon can begin any time. Tho Royal Welsh Choir not only i;avo the peoplo of this city tiuvv urn Hlcjjit.lnHplrntloiiP, but they also fur nished no Hew type of head JT Koar. Those Htatoly stovepipe hats presented a far more pleasing appearance than most of the bat effusions to be Keen on tho streets of our American cities. One look at those distillled Welsh hats vh.V most refreshing, especially after being 'compelled to dodge and dtteU for" so long u time. Wo would be pleased indeed to see the tar I II' reduced downward, but wo would bail with de light tho reduction of ladies' huts downward, upward, inward, and outward. ably be expeuted In any IiuaIiivhh. During the coining year we hope to add a few more Impiovemonts and at tiactions for the boncllt of our patrons. Wo will nmlco thcc changes just as fast as we can get to them as we uutit to get bigger and bettor a.s the yeais roll by. Our hiibcriptloii list shows a healthy growth. c have added many new mimes to the Chief family. Our Job department has had a geneioiiN patronage and jtltogothor wo are very well Mitlslled ult It the treatment which hits been accorded us. Here's wishing for lied Cloud and Webster county piogtess. peace ami ptospeiity The Real Good Of ththreo hundred mid sixty live days in each year, in no one of tliom is so much happiness concen tinted us In that of Chilstmas. Parents aril guardians are made liuppy by the e pemllluio ol Irthoraml inon(; to please tho young, and the leliniug inlluenco of those acts on their own natures is of more value to them than thrice tho amount of gold and silver they have expended In procuring tlietn. Who Is tho man or woman of llfly or. sixty who cannot look back over these vani-hed years and recall with pleusltig associat ions some token in his or tier youth from some kind friend on Christinas'.' So nill it be now. mid liotii genera tion to generation. The real good and the extended Influence of these gifts to the young we may notpresume to measure. In u rellning sense they are more durable ami far exceed their price in stiver and gold. A Store Full of the Finest i fa. Newafl 1 MII-IW e re ha ml Awaits Your Selection Q lit Witb this Jssuo we close our second year under tho present management. Those two yenrs and especially the last one lias been for us most pleasant nud we trust that our renders and ad vertisers have also found the Chief en joyable and profitable. Wo have labored nearly to the best of our abil ity for the advancement, and upbuild ing of tho city and county ami have had our shoulder to Hie wheel the greater part of the time. The many' woids of encouragement have been most gratefully received and we wish af, tills time to e(eud our sincere thanks to nil those who have made nnr path brighter and more easy to tread. To our faithful correspondents we especially extend our thanks lor their promptness and for the. newsy Items of interest. Much of the success of our paper has been due to the regular appearance of our special correspond ence columns. Wo hae endeavored to ploase all but of course our policy has tint always met the appiuwil ot all our readers. Tills could not be ex peuted but the dilfcrciiccs which we have had were not of so serious it na turn as to result on open warfare. On the contrary these little tilts were friendly ones and such as may reason ROYAL Baking Powder Pure Royal is the only baking- powder made from Royal Grape Cream of Tartar Highest, in Leavening Efficiency No Alum No Lime Phosphate aWvl "- T2Z3.r?Jff. Abel-Crablll .Married at tile home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mis. D.ri.Ml Abel, their daughter, Clara U., to Ansil U Crablll, by the pastor of the Congre gational church, ltev. A. A. Oressinan, on Thursday evening, Dec. in, IIUO. What more appropriate time could there be for the union of hearts than this holiday season, when the hearts of the whole world are going out to their fellow men. The homo was dec orated with becoming gaiety and pre sented a most pleasing appearance The marriage ceremony was simple lint most Impiessive. The bride ami groom both have grown to maturity in this community ami enjoy tho love ami esteem of a largo oil tile of friends and ac(iinint anees. This event marks the most im portant milestone in their lives. ,n oilier home is made, a new stait. in life is commenced under tho most favorable circumstances. .Mr. und Mrs Crablll will commence housekeeping on their farm, thieo miles west of this fit j. We wish them long life and be .speak for them much happiness-. The Chief j6ins their many friends in con gratulations and hearty good wishes Christina Plums He merry. I!u friendly. Chide mildly. tiivo good gitt.s. Don't bo grouty. Love all, hate none. Korget your troubles. Itemember dear ones. Make everybody happy. Wish all a merry Christmas. Tone up ami be at your best Wind up the year as well as you be gan. Don't spend the day so It will bung regret. I'or goodness sake pay up your sub set Iptlon. I-'oiget your grudges and give a friend I y grasp. Appear different, ir it'.s nothing more than to smile. He gratelul lor what you have, und i hopeful for what you might reasuiiHln evpeet. 1 1 you enjoy a good tat diiun-i iloi. t toi net the iniiiiy that will miiimiiii 1 n table. Don t down so much plum puddiiin and stiiillug' that you'll tcirono oui xloinaeh anil have the gout torn mouth In jour homo gatherings let some ne read the Events of the N ear " as rellected in this paper, then subscribe for it, lecomuiend it to your noighbojs and send it to your friend.. Hut our dish U rull of Christmas plums, so now partake 'til New Year comes, ami uo wish 'Our renders' u merry time, in fact, of all others, the most sublime: be good; bH,,trne, -jiud lie ye cheery, and may yourChristinas be right iiieny. Ll ' ' ' Subscribers Nptlce The subscription sesonis again at baud, ami .lituuar'y 1st not far away, when vv hope to have all that Is due paid in, as the I'ostal authorities are insisting all newspapers eloar their books uf delinquencies hi order to keep within the leipiiiemeiits ot tho fceoond class mailing privilege. Many Chief KUbseiijitioti have ex pired, and while the amount Individ uully Is ninnll, In the aggregate it menus u thousand dollars ami more that has been earned In the best way we know how, ami vvu stand in need of the money, Kindly give this matter yourattent ion, and your piomptness will lie gi eat ly appreciated, I'espootitilly, Tin: IJkij Oi.oi i C'liii.r We offer you thoroughly dependable goods, quality goods and merchandise that is New, Correct in style, and in every way desirable. :::::: : In buying stock we keep constantly in mind the needs of our pat rons and endeavpr'to supply them with the goods which will in every respect satisfy in quality, in service, in style. IJWe know we are right when we assure you of your complete satisfaction. : : : : OUR STORE IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. THE MINER BROTHERS CO, iHHBBBHBaHBHHHaa Dry Goods, Womens Coats, Suits, Furs and Furnishings, Carpets, Rugs, Lac Curtains, Shoes and Groceries. 'tmgffi&3mrir.i Christ a s u KU-Iart ScharTncr 6c Mar- tJl ( . ,-inrl ftnfhfac 1itre n . . i? immmtzmmmmmmamnHMmmmmmm;::tis I liVr" ijyWs-f iiiiifflyBP -r WM r - m v -v wr vr ii . r w i - -r -vv. v. jne a iljL. e tIr g. mmM ft' m&J i . p-- " -i Hsr kJETi' v m , r .MnJi rr - jb": r. K-r r . m ji-fcv 7 rr 'H lP"'a U3 J1fAKl..?Si'- V sS&UfiemL 6 ik Hr : . GT&IP Xjdfrvj9fe- wfm wmumi H IM4 : . . . i;aj ur i ex M.r.rarrta "nrMr it tv - -." - v.tJj f rnvr i.i - . ---.-i '.... w n. . mm . r !. ... - a il2ifew;ii,AS wRk. AT....ifi'i5tfy i riig.L. Hi ! il I i ' l l ,.. . 'A . lJr-' 4Mlr- '. "VV - rT H.- ?-MV ..TXiTIW in ! Br-Ku(Miff(.'o.,v-r ',ii iy r -- r LVrK r r t r?rwu - -vv. .j .-.! r "tr r v .- r '-v. , I IWWiiFQMr H2 H Wmk H A ' GtA II . I I ---,& UPL f 'y7'.7BA-,r--rjrTASaffi " ssssik; W -l 1 1 il I I . vs0 .1 rr-IL .J-. r rm at -- " - T4 F.W. JT1 T -rl . n-- I if 1 , 1 mi 1 ' I1 fi 111 Sfe?-aB Jmpfftto. & .. M iS Ei--r - r--- s$i -l. jk$s&f&J -. H1 M - ".- .-NSfll- S5r"-'. ' - s. IP k- M.1 I tE2- -Sf2-&J a--3Bi l(mn...v-i. ,. - Ci)ti);lit Hrt lullncr .Marx For Christmas shoppers we have provided an arnpje supply of The Newest and brightest of goods in our line: We cannot tell you about them but invite your inspection. : : : : :M t ,rt PAUL STOREY, THe clothier. ? 'Ar-,i "' f L ft s V i .q y. u k rz t i ! . ff1 !'' "'..,.; .'.,. jfr'i;.. ?, fAj i-T. -iU UfW ' J r ' .--. j- I",'" 'A. r1il'!Ji- - -? -v- '- :m 2 . JLJKiKtT k i . B,,Vi it . . V. ilf f MWMI-''v .. ,Mttl..iLmrWkAV,i, fit I MMmi &.?' lnFnWMrfttK At Jw nlHWlin .VJI Xl-B