4 s.. N. m r mr Bt m r THRESHING RETURNS FROM WESTERN CANADA. They Reveal Larger Averages of Wheat and Oats Than An ticipated. Tlio returns from the grain fields tit Western Canndti ns rcvenlctt by tho work of tho Threshers, show much larger yields than wero oxpoctod a3 tho crop was ripening, it Is a llttlo early yet to glvo an estlmato of tho crop as a wholo, but Individual yields selected from various points through out Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Al bcrta show that tho farmers there as a rulo havo had reason to bo thankful over tho rosults. Excellent yields tin reported from many portions of Mani toba and n largo district of Saskatch ewan has turned out well, wbllo the central portion of Alberta Is Bplendld. Thoro will bo shown nt tho land ex position at St. Louis a samplo of tho Marque's wheat a new variety and ono that appears to be woll adapted to tho soil and cllmato of Western Canada that yielded G3 bushelB to tho cro. Tho exhibit nnd statoment will bo supported by affidavits from tho growers. This whoat wolghs woll, and being a hard variety will And a ready market nt tho highest prices ob tainable for a first-class nrtlcle. It is Interesting to point out that a field of ono hundred acres of this wheat would glvo Its producers 5,300 bush els. Sold at 8C cento a bushel would glvo him $.5 an aero. Counting all tho cost of lntorcst on land at $20 an ncro, getting tho land roady for crop. Seed Bowing, harvesting and marknt. lng, tho entlro cost of production would not exceed ?S an acre, leaving tho handsomo not profit of $37 nn acre. Is thoro any crop that would Vlold a better return than this, with fcho samo labor and initial expenso? Cotton fields will not do it, npplo or chards with their great expenso of cul tivation and tho risk to run from tho various enemies of tho fruit cannot begin to do It. Whilo what 1b consid ered an exceptional caso Just now is presented, there is no doubt that this mnn's exporienco mny 6o duplicated by others who caro to follow bis ex gtnplo. As has been said tho growing Df this wheat is but In its infancy, and wheat growing is still largely con fined to other older varieties that do not yield as abundantly. Even with theso wo havo records beforo us of farmers who havo grown 40 bushels to tho aero., others 35, somo 30, nnd others again 25 bushels. Taking oven 20 bushels, and somo farmers rcrort that amount, It is found that tho re turns from such a yield would bo $17 on ncro. This wheat will cost to get to market. Including all expenses, about $8 an acre, nnd tho farmers will still havo a net profit of nbout 9 an acre. Certainly tho provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Mani toba are progressing, settlement Is In creasing nnd thoro is a general con tentment nil over tho country. Tho eoclal conditions aro splendid, the cll mato Is excellent, and thoro is every condition to mnko tho Bottler satisfied. At tho fanning congress, held at Spo knno In October, wheat shown by tho Alberta Govornment,took tho silver cup, awarded by tho Governor of tho Stato. It completely outclassed nil other specimens on exhibition, nnd it was but nn ordinary selection, hundreds of fields In Albcrtn and Sns- I katchewan being ablo to duplicate it. There aro still avallablo thousands of homesteads, as well ns largo areas of first-class Innd that Is being offorod for salo nt low prices. Tho agent of tho Canadian Government from whom tho nbove facts hnvo been learned ex pects that tho ruch to Canada will next year largely exceed tho numbers who havo gono this year. What World Lost? "It was tho worst calamity that ever happened to me," sighed tho palo, in tellectual hlgh-browed young woman. "I hud written a modern society nov el, conipleto to tho Inst chnptor, nnd n careless servant girl gathered tho sheets of tho manuscript from tho floor, wherp tho wind had blown them, nnd UEed them to start u flro In tho grnte." "What a burning shamo that was!" commented MIsr Tnrtan. His Means. "You aro charged with vagrancy, prlsonor at tho bar." "What's dat, Judge?" "Vagrancy? Why, you have no visi ble moans of support." "Huh! Ilcah's mah wife, Judge; Mary, is you visible" Thcro Is no playing fast and looso with truth, In any game, without trowing tho worso for It. Dickens. EODAKSESlCHRISTIUS GIFTS ft oo to 8:00.00. Send for catalogue, LINCOLN PHOTO SUPPLY CO., Lincoln, Neb. TYPEWRITERS & Bold and rpuUM oYor-wticro. Wrlto for tannin Hsu II. 1'. HWANbON COMPANY, Inc. ttvauJIitiod YM. lia b. 13th St., Lincoln RUPTURE CURED In a few day 8 without pain or a but- elcal operation. No pay until cured. Send for literature. Dr.Wray,307 Boo Bldg.,Omaha, Nob. BeaJrice Creamery Go. Pays tbe blgtoest price for 'VT 1- T f'-.-.4 . ituurucijn juii:;mjiLy C REA M Give SHOP-GIRL ? DvE&J xsJ7nyr6f. N nn excellent short Iatory published not long ngo, O. Henry gavo to his shop-girl ncromo a colossal ennr actcr, emphnstzed that In hor woro combined the notnblo attributes of Hcrculos, .loan ot Arc, Una, Job nnd Llt tlo Red Riding Hood. And at this season ot tho yonr "glnd Christ- mas days" It easily might seem to a Icbb nympntb ctlc person than tho regretted O. Honry that the Bhop-glrl moBt stands In need of tho strength of Hercules, tho heroism of Joan of Arc, tho truthfulness nnd oth er singular excellencies of Una, tho patience of Job. Think what It must mean, from eight to six, or eight to ten, as tho caso may bo, to face nnd Eorvo tho rattled throngs that aro now surging through tho nhops, think of tho strain on endurance nnd nerve, on tempor nnd mnnnors. The wonder Is not thnt sho often comes up to the de mands on her, but that sho over doos. Somo of tho veterans, survivors of many hard-fought Christmas oattlo fields, aro ninrvols; may bo seen at fag-end of dny still alort, though droop ingly so; otlll clear-headed, though with conscious effort; still with cour teous attltudo In their serving, though thoso thoy servo havo lost tho last shred of any politeness with which they may hnvo started out. Comparo tho manners of somo spoiled darling, somo Indulged, arro gant child ot wealth, with tho dignity and patlenco nnd sweetness often Hhown by tho girl behind tho counter. Tho one self-centered, of most restrict ed vision, captious, petty; tho other self-effacing, far-seeing, charltnblo, big. Caleb In search of a wife might woll pursue his quest along tho aisles of tho big Btores, find womanly ideal Btandlng there behind tho counter. Thoy nro not all caricatures of fash Ion, with hair tortured Into lntest ex aggeration, frocks chonp copies ot showy splendors; not all moro given to powder and rougo than to soap and water. And In tho attainment of the so hlghly-dcslrnblo neatness and trim neBs heroism again has to como to the fore, It Is no eaBy matter after long hours of labor to labor more, take pains for personal clennllncss, sew and darn when eyes aro hoavy, back Is aching. Heroines every ono of them that mnko a good show. I know a girl In a fashionable candy shop that every other night wnshoB and Irons that sho may bo presentablo tho next day. Her modern! o wago Is the chief part of tho family support, thcro Is not enough money for enough blouses to Inst tho week, nnd so tho midnight lnundrylng Is done as a mat ter of course. But how pretty and sweet nnd fresh tho girl does rannngo to look in her snowy whlto and well brushed black; much better dressed, sho seems to mo, than tho woman of fUBS and featherB. Whnt llttlo mothers they nre. a lot of them, simple affectionate, domestic creatures though so often character ized as vain, shallow, foolishly am bitious, thinking only of dress nnd "dates." I know one girl that worked In one of tho department stores which keep opon evenings nt Christmas timo, who the night before ChrlstmnB did not leave tho storo until midnight, then after traveling an hour on tho street cars to her homo stayed up hours to trim a wonderful Christmas treo for tho children of tho family, tho bunch of llttlo ones tho poor seem nl ways to havo with thom. I know on other girl that at this season goes down unusually early mornlngB to nr rango "stock," comes homo unusually Into evenings; but after dinner cheer fully dons kitchen apron and helps with giant plum pudding nnd other Christmas preparation that yonrly Is ropented In honor of old England nnd tho homo loft behind when thero was mado soarch for fortuno In tho rich land of America. Thoso aro Just two Instances, tho ono nulto commonplnco. unherolc, but you mny pick up a fow for yourself by eavesdropping a bit In your shopping; observing among tho buyers tho many shopgirls purchasing toyB and Bllver "pusher," children's THE IDEAL WORKSHOP. And tho Jolllcst and best old work man In tho world. III S ysV. X3S1 , Clri$tit!a$ Day I i t t To rule and reign tvlth gentle 0 0 stVAy, 0 i The King of Love -was born t t iodAy. t No paIa'cc walls enclosed htm J round, J t liut In a manger tvas he found t 0 t That so the boAstfut world J might see , J 0 Ttx greatness of humility. 0 He ame, .1 child, in Itvely grAce, f TJiat so a child might seek his J i fAce; 0 So poor tvas he, the humbtest i born J '. Might come, without a feAr of scorn. t To All mankind he showed the t t way, t And ushered in the dawn of i dAV. t t And so, ivith grateful lent t and praise, We full this blessed, day of t days. t The children's joy, the poor man's feast, 0 The star of hope to great and 0 t leasit f When holy angels come to 0 earth, 0 1 And sing aneiv a Savior's birth! I 'I . --M gloves and Bwcntcr, or gray dress for nmnimy, ruufllcr for daddy. Of course thero is any number of pert, Incompetent girls that wait on hnplcsB customers, rather keep hap less customers waiting, but thoy havo been pictured with enough frequency, this sort repeatedly hold up as typical, thereby obscuring tho virtues of tho many worthy ones following tho pro fession of "wnltlng on." For Bomo tlmo past I havo been gathering data, ma king experiment; 'nnd havo found It tho rulo rnther than exception thnt courtesy meets with courtesy. "Soft and fulr go far In a day," not only on highway but In tho miles of Bpnco In a liugo department store. A man said to mo recently: "How llttlo of church is brought Into tho Christmas of today." And how sadly true this Is "church" In this connec tion standing for whatsoever things aro lovely, whatsoever things nro good, ot full Import to nil religions. And bully ing and bullyragging a shop-girl at this season ueemu nbout ns far from "lovoly and good" oh ono may wander. Put youraolf In hor place, romomber lng previous failures of your own when bodily weariness snapped strained nerves, broke down poise. Yo gods and llttlo Ashes, in what condition Is tho shop-girl to "enjoy" ChrlBtmas! I am euro If I were sho Sew and Darn When Eyes Are Heavy. all I would ask of good Saint Nicholas would be a dark, airy room far, far away from people (from man, and es pecially woman); a great, soft bed whero I could Btretch out long nnd wide; silenco and sloop forever nnd forever. No dreams to disturb that sleep; no vision of past hnggllng, no vision of wcorlsomo "exchunges" to come. But tho reality Is n long wny from thlr. that I would ask. Do you Bupposo bucIi aroud wago earner ns sho would bo content to let Christmas day go by without displaying woalth nnd power? No, every dependent In tho household must partako of hor bounty, overy pensioner bo given good proof of what it means to havo her dress up and go down town every dny. Noth ing of nlggnrd 1b tho shop-girl at Christmas, sho is as much a Lady Bountiful ns nny millionairess of them' all. What a creature I A "Hercules, n Jonn of Arc, n Unn, n Job" nnd n Lndy Bountiful on eight dollars and less n week! (CopyrlRht. 1010.) Agnes' Prayer. Our llttlo five-year-old Agnes, hav ing been reprimanded by her mamma for somo Blight misdeed, wont nnd knolt by a chair and prayed ns fol lows: "Oh, Lord, mako mo a good llttlo girl. I want to bo a good llttlo girl, but I don't know how. But, if I nm naughty, pleaso send Santa Claua Just tho same.'" Christmas Time. I havo often thought of Christmas tlmo, when it has como round, npnrt from tho vcnoratlon duo to its sacred nnmo nnd origin, If anything belong ing to It enn bo npart from that ns a good tlmo, a kind, forgiving, charlt ablo, pleasant tlmo. Charlea Dickens. tnVl Vt "slVy- ' J-"-"'f I n 1 A TRAIN LOAD OF TODACCO. Twenty-four Carloads Purchased for Lewis' Single Binder Cigar Factory. What la probably tho biggest lot of Rll fancy grado tobneco hold by any factory In tho United States has Just been purchnyed by IYank i Lowls, of Peoria, for tho manufacture of Lewis' Single Hinder Cigars. Tho lot will mnko twenty-four carloads, ond is se lected from what Is considered by ex perts to bo the llnest crop raised In tnany years. Tho purchnso of tobacco Is sufficient to last tho factory moro than two yenrs. An extra prlco was tmld for tho selection. Smokers of Lewis' Slnglo Hinder Cigars will nppro clato this tobneco. Vcoria Star, January JG, 1000. Progress In Railroading. "Yes," says tho lady whoso dress caso Is covered with ctrango foreign labols, "tho way railroads aro run nowndayo Is n groat Improvement over what thoy woro 50 years ngo." "llut Btiroly you had no experience ns a traveler CO yenrs ago," says her friend. "I don't mean that But nowadays, don't you notice, when thcro 1b n wreck It is nlwnyn had at somo point convenient to a cluster of fnrm houses whero tho victims can go for coffoo nd to got warm?" Why Kick? Louis Wlsnn, the Nowark artist, iroro a gloomy look on his usually cheerful face. "It has Just struck mo," ho Bold to Charles Stasse, "thut my shoes don't cost mo ns much as my youngster's." "Then what aro you complaining about?" asked Slnsso. No matter how JonR your neck mny bo or how sore your throat, llainlins Wizard Oil will cure it surely nnd quickly. It drives out all soreness and inflammation. Many n woman is slnglo from choice tho cholco mado by n man who choso another. Mrs. Wnrtcm's Foothtns; Wyrnp Fnrehliiitxn teniliinit, fti-ni.tl)oijuni, riniiicxaln Uumuiiuun,alluit!i.curui.!iiiHlcollo. !&aul'Uiab 1 Truth has a sliding scale, regard Icbb of tho frank person. j YOUR CHANGES FOR HEALTH are a thousand times bet ter if you will only take Hostetter 8 Stomach Bit ters. It is an absolutely pure medicine and a sure health maker, because it tones and strengthens the entire digestive system and thus drives out dis ease. .For over 57 years it has successfully dem onstrated its great merit in cases of Poor Appe tite.Sour Stomach, Heart burn, Indigestion, Dys pepsia, Costiveness, Golds, Grippe, Malaria, Fever and Ague. Try it. W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 61-1910. Q and If you have lolved tlio ChrUttnai problem by giving peii odical tubtcriptiom ai a remembrance, or if you with to obtain your periodical reading for 1911 at reduced pricei, the bargain! herewith will tave you money. PEARSON'S ... Our and Value Price AMERICAN DOY $2.50 31.8.1 AMERICAN MAGAZINE 3.00 3.00 BOYS' MAGAZINE.... 2.50 1.75 CENTURY 5.50 5.00 COLUMBIAN 3.00 2.00 COSMOPOU TAN 2.50 1 .85 COUNTRY Ul-E 5.50 4.25 CURRENT LITERATURE 4.50 H.00 DELINEATOR 2 50 l.RO DES.V.NER 2 25. 1.00 EVERYBODY'S 3.00 S.IO HELD AND STREAM.. 3 00 S.IO tXRDEN 3 00 S.IO GOOD HOUSEKEEPING 2.75 3.00 HAMPTONS 3.00 3.10 HARPER'S BAZAR .... 2.75 3.00 HARPER'S MONTHLY . 5.50 4.50 HARPFJt'S WF.F-KLY. . . 5 50 4.50 HOUSE BEAUTIFUL. . . 4.50 3.25 LADIES' WOULD 2 00 1.50 UPPINCOTT'S 4.00 2.75 LITTLE FOLKS 2.5(1 1 .8.-. McCAlX's 2.00 1.50 MrCLURF.'S. 3.00 2.10 METROPOLITAN 3.00 2.10 RECREATION 4.50 2.75 REVIEW OF REVIEWS, 4.50 U.(Xi ST. NICHOLAS 4.50 4.00 SCIENTIFIC AMER. (new) 4 50 1UK) SCRWNFJVS 4.50 4.00 SUCCESS 2.50 2.00 WOMAN'SHOMECOMP.3 00 2.10 WORLD'S WORK. .... 4.50 2.85 WORLD TODAY 3.00 2.10 41 VCXAddretiall (CP. Ordonto W$ lJllM!ll!!!i::MIIilHIIIMMXMlmUllll.TI CASTQRI4 ALCOltOL-3 PER CENT AYcficlablc Preparation Tor As simitntlng ilicFoodatuincgula ling ihe Stomachs and Bowels of :r' m K . ii I'.l M Promotes Distion.Chccrful ncssandRcst.Conlains neither Opium.Morphinc nor Mineral Not Natic otic w ft Jt,pt tfOMDrSAMVSlttlWSX Bi Punfki'n SnJ itxStn 4m'n Suit I jrrwni 11 pttfrfo, n u OfntkfftM TSfivi I5 I o.C AnrrfKlHcmcdv forConsllpa S51 lion . Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca, Worms.Convulsions.rcvcnsh ncss and LOSS OF SLEEP. Xoc Simile Signature 0 Tire Centaur Company NEW YORK. Cl Flj St cl? .TV m 'fi 9 Guaranteed under tho Foodan Ewct Copy of Wrapper. TMl STEAOT W1IITI UCHT c VTM7a,aiHBflHiiiBEiliiuHM1 Household Lubricant ml THE ALL-AROUND OIL IN THE HANDY, EVER-READY TIN OILER Is specially sslsctsd for any need In the home Saves tools from rusting. Can can not break. Does not gum or become rancid. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (lurorporattA) liiliri iirriM MICA O'. Let the Magazines be vour Santa Claus. head your gifts with PEARSON'S DON'T OVERLOOK THESE SUBSCRIPTION BARGAINS ST. NICHOLAS is the one great migizina for children, and an ideal jn'ft. Error montli it brings a wealth of happinen in itonet, pictures, articles, and verw. Parents and teachers pisua its influence wind) impaits high standards and round lutes. St. Nicholas and Pearion't, both for $4.00. Pearson's Uds'WorU... Farm re Home, of People's Homo Journal Pearson s . . TtibuneFarmer Hoard'sDairyman rrNatStocuruo Ac Farmer . . Vilu. IJ.JO Pearson's, Ladies' World & Farm Newt (Springfield) .... Sl.C Mo. Valley Farmer (Topeka) . . l.fl M " Mo. and Kansas Former (K. C). . 1.6 Poultry Success (Springfield) . . . l.C H " " Successful Farm (Des Moines) . . 1.6 " " Up.to.Date Farm (Indianapolis) . 1.0 Pearson's Magazine with leading agricultural papers at special low prices. Pearson' with Breeders' Gazette (Chicago) $2.13 Coleman'a Rural World (St. Louis) 1.7S The Farmer (St. Paul) 1.75 Farm Now (Springfield).... 1.50 " Journal (5 years) 1.8S " and Fireside, (Spring field) 1.80 Mo. Valley Farmer (Topcka) 1.50 " & Kanaaa Farmer (K.C.) 1.50 ADD THE YOUTH'S COMPANION TO ANY OFFER PEARSON'S MAGAZINE, SS'K'Si CASTGM For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Vhu otimun ct, nniTMiCTV XflrlVl AAtF A v B IB (d Use j For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA The Ryo Lamp I a high grada lamp, told at a Tow price. Tlirre aro latni'" thatcoit moro, hat thrroln nohotturUtsntnildftatknr prlcn. (Vinstrortpil of Hollil liraiti; nlrknl nlatril riiUlr keptalrnnan ortmmxnttonnr rnomlnanr bnuM. TlirroUniililnK Wnown to tlis r of Inriip-rnnklnff that ran nrtrt to thn Tnlno ot tho II A VO Urap an a llght glTlnif dovlru. Krery drulnr eTnnrwIirre. IC not at Tour a, wrlU tot aetcrlptUo clrrnlar la tlio iinamt aacnor uf tlio STANDARD OIL COMPANY OncorporaUd) AXLE GREASE Keep3 the spindle bright and free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO- (Incorporated) iew $wM I aaUa&aHLX2afiaMaaHaL ' PEARSON'S HAS LED 1 In tho attack on Polygnrnr in the Mormon Church. In tho Cruiado agolnit Prudenr In tho dbcut- iiou of lex dUeuea, In the AnalyiU of What' tho Matter with the American Home.. In the Exnotltlon of the True Reaaon for the High Cott of Living. In tbe Iniurgencr Movement against corrupt practice, of the old-time I.adcr in the National government. IT SHOULD LEAD Your listof magazines for 1 9 1 1 Bq i All publication ate for a full year, and may be ordered to different addrmei. Canadian or foreign lubtciipuon require addition poitage. If thete clubi do not appeal, let us quote special price on the publications you require. $2-1 Pcinon's ... Housewife .. . Farmfcpuesidi, . l9IIUutrCal. endar Vatn. fJ.10 Vilu. M.I Pearson' with Nat. Farmer & StocVrgrovrcr (St. Louis) $1.60 Poultry Keeper (Qulncy) . . , 1.50 Poultry Succes (Springfield) 1.50 Reliable Poultry J'l (Qulncy) 1.50 Succcsaful Farming (3 years) 1.50 Tribuno Farmer (N.Y.) 1.83 20ihCentury Farmer (Omaha) 1.83 Up-to-Doto Farmlna (Indian polls) 1.50 FOR $1.75 ADDITIONAL