The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 15, 1910, Image 9

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Stops Pain In the Bladder, Ktdnsya
and Back.
Wouldn't It bo nice within a week or so
to begin to Buy goodbye forever to tho
ecaiainff, dribbling, straining; or too fre
quent passago of urlno; tlio forehead nnd
tho back-of-lhe-hcad aches; tho stitches
and pains In tho back; tho growing nuts
do weakness; spots boforo the eyes; yel
low Bkln; Blugglah bowels; swollen eye
lids or ankles; leg cramps; unnatural
short breath; sleeplessness and tho da
epondency? J have a rcclpo for these troubles that
you can depend on, nnd If you want to
maUo a QUICK IlECOVnUY. you ought
to wrlto nnd get n copy of It. Many a
doctor would chargo you Just for
writing this prescription, but I havo It
and will bo gliio, t send It to you ontlro
ly froo. Just drop mo n lino Ilka this:
Dr. A. E. Itoblnson, K-251 Luck Uulldlns,
Detroit, Mich., and I will Bend It by ro
turn mall In a plain envelope. As you will
sco when you get It, thta recipe contains
only pure, hnrmlens remedies, but It has
great healing and paln-conrjucrlng power.
It will quickly show Its power once you
uso It, so I think you had bettor see what
It Is without delay. I will send you a
copy free you can use It and turn vnnr.
h self at homo.
Tho man who thinks raoro of hla
pigs thnn ho does of his wlfo nnd
babies Is tho devil's Idea of what a
husband nnd father should bo.
Thousands of country people know that
In time of sudden mishap or accident
Uainlins Wizard Oil in the best aubstl
tute for the family doctor. That is why
it is so often found upon tho shelf.
Wan All RlghtT
Howard Did you telephone Mrs.
Howard that I would bo detained at
tho office until midnight? ,
Offlco Boy Yos, sir.
"And what did sho say?"
"Said sho didn't blamo you she had
mado an engagement to go to tho the
ater tonight hersolf." Smnrt Set.
Important to mothers
Examltio carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a safo and sure remedy for
Infants and children, and see that It
Signature ot(&Sf$gfc
In Uso For Ovor JO Years.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought.
Tho Preacher Wo tried a phono
graph choir.
Tho Sexton What bucccss?
Tho Preacher Fine. Nobody know
tho dlfforcnco till a deacon went to
tho loft to tako up tho collection.
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sourness, Gas
and All Stomach Misery Ended
In Fivo Minutes.
This harmless preparation will
promptly digest anything you oat and
ovorcomo a 6lclr, sour, gassy or out-of-order
stomach within flvp minutes.
If your meals don't fit comfortnbly,
or what you cat lies Uko a lump of
load In your stomach, or If you havo
hoartburn.thatlsa sign of Indigestion.
Get from any drug storo hero In
town a C0-ccnt caso of Papo's Dlapep
sln and tako a doso Just as soon ns
you can. Thero will bo no sour ris
ings, no bolchlng of undigested food
mixed with acid, no stomach gas or
heartburn, fullness or henvy fooling
In tho stomach, Nausea, Debilitating
Headaches, Dizziness or Intostlnal
griping. This will all go, nnd, besldos,
thuro will bo no sour food left over
In tho stomach to poison your breath
with nauseous odors.
Papo's Dlapopsln is a certain regula
tor for out-of-ordor stomachs, and bo
sides It takes hold of your food nnd
digests It Just tho sumo as If your
stomach wasn't thero.
Thcso largo C0-cent cases contain
moro than sufficient to thoroughly
curo any caso of Dyspopsla, Indiges
tion or any other stomach disorder.
Rcmcmbor, if your stomach feels
out or ordor and uncomfortnblo now,
you can got relief In five minutes by
taking a llttlo Dlapopsln,
8evere Punishment.
Bolle And did you mako her eat
her own words
Boulah Eat em7 I mado her
Fletcherlzo 'em.
Beautiful Christmas Post Cards Free.
Send 2c stamp for five sampled of our
very best Clold Embossed Christmas Flow
er and Motto Post Carda; bcautjful colon
fc( tt
F enu loveliest ucsigna. 'in iut uuru vuiu,
T." 731 Jackson fit., Topcka, Kan.
Tho man who has a good roputa
' tlon' may not bo ablo to realize tho
fun ho miEht havo If ho didn't.
Prompt Resporr to Bold Movo of
President Vail .-Accuracy" Reduc
ed Western Union's Surplus $13,
000,000. "Publicity" Restored Con
fldcnce and Its Stock Went Up.
Aro tho great financiers of tho
country beginning to goo a new light?
Tlmo was, until recently in fact, whon
tho men nt tho head of tho big cor
porations "kept their business to
themselves," ns far as tho law would
allow. Cnpablo men nt the head of tho
big concerns, long realized tho weak
ness of their position, but what was
needed obviously, as In nil great re
forms, was an unmistakable occasion
and n courageous man. Tho occasion
nrose In the purchase of the Western
Union Telegraph company by tho
American Telephone and Telegraph
cotnpauy, tyid tho man appeared n
Theodoro N. Vail, President of the
purchasing corporation.
It was last December when public
announcement was mado that the
Gould holdings of Western Union had
been tnkon over by tho Telephone
On account or tho high esteem In
which tho management of the tele
phono company Is so generally hold,
great things wero predicted ns n re
sult of tho absorption of Western
Union. By the press of the country
the "deal" was most favorably com
mented onr it being widely pointed
out that under tho direction of such
men as Theodoro N. Vail and his ns
foclates, tho telegraph company was
bound Boon to work Itself Into a po
sition whero It could offer tho public
far moro efficient service than It had
over before boon able to offer.
But n very few months had elapsed
when it becamo apparent to tho new
management that n modern nnd up-to-dato
appraisal of tho company's
assets would mako possible a fnr
greater degree of eniclency of oper
ation. "Here." thev i:nlri n M,m.
selves, "we've bought control of this
property and wo know It's immensely I
"" V I I'llll III 111 I I I I 71 i
aiunuie. but wo don't know just
t wo don't know just I
bow valuable. These appraisals of
real estate nnd securities owned were
imiuo n long uuio ngo. If we havo, Ti. rradcra ot thu napcmin bo picwUfl iMm
a complete Inventory made of pverv t -?1111 U"" " a' imi oiw uinu.r.1 tiimno that m-imci
filing ii-n't... . . . "" "' hcij b-, hrvn nbl3 t0 r.iro m n!l , Magrs ni , , w
tiling woo got we can nnnounce tho : catwtii. liaii1. raurrn cino is tut only jminua
facts to tho nubile start n now not nf fT1" "ovr Kno.1'1 J." Uo ?",u'l tmtrrnlty. Catarrh
.. iu ii.u jjiium, si.iri n now set or tidnir a constitutional clw-aj?, rcnulrrs a roustltu-
U001I8, and begin our responsibility Jlonal tri-nlnint. Hall Catarrh Curo li taken In
rr. ctBmni,i.. -I..I.. .. "a,u,m' . tfrnallj-. net In? illrcctlj- upon tho lilon.1 nnd mucous
. u.Uw,.Viuvib iikiii mere. '
Umi.. Im..... ... . r
How Inventory Was Taken.
Tho most export accountants and
appraisers to bo had wero put nt tho
task. Their labors lasted over eight
months. Their report nnd its publi
cation by tho company marks an ep
och In finance.
It bCRan bv rPcnmnintnUnr- nn n,l.
Justment of tho dlfforcnco between i
tho nppralned and book vnluos by a ,
chargo of $3,393,089 agulust sur-1
plus. Book values of securities held
were roduccd to market values,""bad
unu uouuuui accounts wero "charg
ed off," an allowance of 12,000,000
was mado for "ilenronlntlnn." nnntimr
of $500,000 for "reserve," and so on.
until tho old surplus of $18,807,000
came down to $5,130,000.
It required courneo. tho nuiiiiontinn i
of this statement to stockholders, say-
nig in effect: "The property of
your conipnny has been reval
ued: tho surplus Isn't nineteen mill
ions, as you havo been led to be
lieve, but five millions," but It was
tho truth, nnd President Vail did not
flinch. "Accuracy ana publicity," he
declared, was essential. "The stock
holder has a right to know. The
shares of this company aro scatter
ed from one end of tho Union to tho
other. This Is moro than a private
corporation. It is a great national
enterprise. . Tho public Is entitled to
tho facts."
Tho report was ordered published
forthwith. Financiers of tho old
school nnd speculators generally' wero
aghast. What would happen? Would
tho bottom drop out of Western
Union when tho shareholders realiz
ed that tholr propetry was worth
$13,000,000 less than they had sup
posed? But the amazing thing
happened. Tho stock went up and
stayed up. Tho public had respond
ed to this remarkablo dlsplny of
franknosB nnd confidence; to tho new
motto, "Accurncy and Publicity."
The full significance of tho action
of tho now board is stated concisely
by Ilarpor's Weekly In thoso words:
"Is this policy of publicity nnd of
open-handed dealing 'with sharehold
ers nnd public tho forerunner- of n
similar movement on tho part of oth
er big corporations? Certainly it Is
to bo hoped that it is. In tho caso
of theso big companies, dependent
upon public pntronago nnd doing bus!-
IICSS Under Public fr.inolllan enn
, thero bo nny question of the right. of
tho pcoplo to know?
"Thnt light Is being recognized.
It Is recognized now in this epochal
act on tho part of tho telophono and
telegraph Interests. It Is tho dawn
of n now era In corporation finance."
All measures of reformation aro cf
fectlvo In exact proportion to tholr
tlmollnoHB; partial decny may bo cut
away nnd clennsed; Incipient error
corrected; but thero Is a point ut
which corruption can no moro be
stayed, nor wandering recallod. It
has boon tho manner of modern phil
anthropy to romnln passive until that
precise perlod,-and to leave tho sick
to perish, nnd tho foolish to stray,
while It spent Itself in frantic exer
tions to ralso tho dead, and reform tho
dust. Ruskln.
Weak kidneys fall to rcmovo pol
sons from thu blood, and they aro tho
CntlKn nf ll.lnknnlin
'III ftfti headaches, urinary
KwfL .... .4.1..-
uuuuii-h uuu dizzy
spells. To insure good
health, keep tho kid
neys well. Donu's Kid
ney Pills rcmovo all
kidney Ills.
Mrs. E. 12. Dowoy,
N'ollgh, Nob., says:
"In 1009 I had a
dreadful attack of
drotiSV. mv face holnr?
bo puffed I could hnrdly boo and my
feet and hands wero terribly bwoIIco.
Doan'8 Kidney Pills wero ndvlsed nnd
I began taking them. It required only
Bhort uso to restoro my kldncya to n
normal condition."
Remember tho name Doan's.
For salu by all dealers. GO cents n
box. Foster-Mllbum Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
A Meritorious Act.
Mr. Cjnlo Toll me ono-thing you
over did for your follow men?
Mr. Optlm This morning I kicked
a banana peel off a sidewalk. Judge.
Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Free
. To quickly Introduce tlin biggest nnd
best farm Journal In tlio West, wo tnnlte
this Bpnelul so duy bargain offer: Send 19
cents for trial :t months' subscription nnd
wo will give you fiv our collection of 10
very flm-at Oold Kmbnsvcd Christ nun post
cards. Nolmiska Farm Journal, 31
Untune Miilldlng. Ouialiu. Neb.
Some Consolation.
Mrs. Grnmorcy-My husband Is
anxious to get rid of me.
Mrs. Park Don't rry, denr. In that
case lie won't hagglo over tho alimony.-
-Smart Sot.
cure iiiiv jiotsihlo eve of DISTEMPER,
PINK K K, ami the like among horses
of all ngi'", and picveiiN all otheis in the
same slnblc from having the disease. Also
cures chicken cholcr.i. aul don distemper.
Any good diarist, can Mipplv you, or Bend
to nifr. flO centi ami $1.00 n bottle. Agents
wanted. IVco book. .Spnlin Modicnl Co.,
Spec. Contagious DiKeaws. G'ohhcii, Ind.
As Timo Pass:s.
. "Before ou wore married you used
to send your wlfo flowers-."
"Yes," roplldl Mr. Meelcton. "Now
It tnkes a diamond nceklaco to ninko
""1-W I MIIMIl'JIIII lILlilkllll II tlf lllll llll
her ns enthusiastic ns sho used to bo
over a live-dollar bunch of rosos."
$100 Reward, $100.
MMiM ci tun Jstcm, thorcby destroi In t ths
fntlTlll Itlri'k nf Iftn .ll.nn.n nit. I 1... ...I.H.
trcnstli by bulliimi; ui the cointltutlon (ind nMht
mj nature In ilol-q Its work, ll.o proiirlrlorn tmro
o much faith In ltd curallro pou-cta that they oner
One Iliindreit l.oliaM for any cao that II lalU u
cure, fieml lor M of teitlmonlali
AiliIrrM T. J. C1II:.VI:Y A CO.. Toledo. O.
Bold by all I)ruiclst. 75e.
like Uall's l'amlly I'lHf for cor.stlratloo.
Mrs. Crow William, havo vou over
stopped to think what will becomo of
us when wo are old?
Mr. Crow Oh 1 I supposo wco'll
wind up as quail on toast at somo ta
bio d'hoto restaurant.
Easily Prepared and Inexpensive and
Really Does the Work, Says
Noted Authority.
Thousands of men and womon who
havo folt tho sting and torturo of that
dread dlscaso, Ilhoumntlsm, which Is
no respecter of ago, persons, box,
color or rank, will bo Interested to
know that It Is ono of tho easiest af
flictions of tho human body to con
quor. Medical sclenco has proven It
not a distinct dlsenso In itself, but a
symptom caused by Innctlvo kidneys.
Ilhoumntlsm Is uric acid In tho blood
and other wnsto products of tho sys
tem which should bo filtered nnd
strained out in tho form of urlno. Tho
function of tho kidneys Is to sift thcso
poisons and acids out and keep tho
blood clean nnd pure. Tho kldnoyn
however, aro of spongo-llko substance,
tho holes or pores of which will somo
times, cither from overwork, cold or
cxposuro becomo clogged, nnd falling
In tholr function' of eliminating thcso
poisons from tho blood, thoy romuin
In tho veins, decomposo and Bottling
about tho Joints nnd muscles, cause
tho untold suffering nnd pain of rhou
mntlsra and backache, often producing
complications of bladder nnd urinary
dlseaBo, and general weakness.
Tho following Blmplo prescription la
said to relievo tlip worst cases of
rheumatism becauso of Its direct ac
tion upon tho blood nnd kldnoys, re
lieving, too, tho most eovoro formB of
bladder and urinary trouhlos: Fluid
Extract Dandelion, one-half ounco;
Compound Knrgon, ono ounco; Com
pound Syrup Snrsnpnrllla, threo
ounces. Mix by shaking woll In a bot
tlo and tako In teaspoonful doses nftor
encli meal nnd nt bedtime. Tho In
gredients can bo had from any pro
scription pharmacy, and aro absolutely
harmless and safe to uso at any tlmo.
' ty,jrf It
IV S2L-ii2jmXl
Costly New York
NEW YORK.-ln the city of New
York, where millionaire's seem to
tlirlso lllio niiiHhrooiiiH in n eollnr,
thero Is being constructed an apart
ment house In which a milto of looms
will rent for $23,000 it year. Probably
Uils irntal Ih tho highest that hits ovor
boon asked for mi apartment, ovon
fucIi as will bo found In this house, u
series of IS rooms nnd bo many baths
that one would bo able to use a differ
out ono every day in tho week and
two on Sunday without doubling on
Ills trail. It Is the apotheosis of lux
ury; tho Inst word, so far ns tho hu
man mind of today can Imagine. In
rcniillnlouH uingiitllcence. In other
words, tho builders of this house have
sot a new pace for spendthrifts in the
wny of living. A yearly rental of $IS,
000 Is tlio highest that has ever boforo
boon asked for unfurnished housekeep
ing apartments In Now York oily.
The new apartment Iiouro will have
17 apartments.--one on eneh of the 1"
Moors-nnd live duplex apartments In
addition. The eloventh nnd twelfth
floors will be devoted to apartments
which will occupy nil tho floor space,
and these will rent for $23,000 u year.
The apartments which nhuru u "floor
with half of a duplex apartment will
rent for $18,001).
The nrchitcclB have arranged the
unites no that each of theso big floors
shall have more nnd larger rooms than
BOSTON. Bent and marked with
prison palor, .losso H. Pomcroy,
serving n life sentence In Charlestown,
Mass., has written his own story of his
crlmo and his efforts to hotter his con
ditions shut away from tho freedom of
tho world. Ho Is now fiO years of ago
and was convicted or n double murder
when ho was only fourteen yenrs or
ago. All these years have been spent
In solltnry confinement and tho pris
oner declnres ho has never felt a
touch of human sympathy or kindness
nnd no effort has ever been mado to
better his condition. "I havo no
friends," ho writes. "I cannot get n
hearing from tho governor. I havo
boon left to my own devices in my coll
all thcso years."
Pomoroy killed two children, a boy
nnd a girl, after treating them with
barbaric cruelty. Ho Inveigled other
Bmnll children Into Isolated' sections,
stripped them of their clothing, tied
them to trees or upon board's and then
Chicago's Clubs
CHICAGO. In Chicago thero arc
what nro called Eleanor clubs,
whero girls of nil sorts nnd conditions
find homos. Among them nro ofllce
clorks of all descriptions, telephono
operators, milliners, bookkeepers, de
partment storo and other clerks, music
and nrt students. Thcso latter nro
encouraged to live, a fow at every
club, slnco It holps tho clubs nnd tho
club girls in general.
At theso clubs the weekly board rate
pays for two meals, breakfast and din
ner. If a girl wIbIicb to tako her
lunch with her sho pays flvo cents for
threo sandwiches nnd either fruit or
cako, for which downtown sho would
pay about fifteen cents. There Is tho
laundry nlso, which saves money for
the girls. For Its uso, with tubs, hot
water, irons, Btnrch and, bluing, tho
Women Sweep the
Mftir tup
r E2; -j::
ATLANTA, Ga. Atlanta's society
leaders and club women put on
whlto aprons ono day recently nnd
nrmed themselves with brooms to lend
n mllltnnt crosado against dirt In tho
city's streets nnd back yards. They
raised a prodigious dust, and found
tho cxporlenco no less Interoslins and
no moro strenuous thnn their accus
tomed brldgo parties or dances. Incl
dontnlly, they Accomplished a real
good, for they obtained tho assistance
of flvo or six thousand housewives,
each of whom agreed In advanco to
set apart tho day for a general clean
ing of tholr respcctlvo promises.
For this ono day tho municipal stroot
wr dw I
s Lip "JM i
This Murderer 36
4if '-11
ft-Jj (CLUB J T7)
jlA- 1 1 - A.WHP I 1 1
K w H I 4J
i in h i b bv je v jV '
L. t I. 1 jbiJP "SV I ""
v V ;c VI I i I
-I M
Living Apartments
can be found In a private city dwelling
occupying the regulation city lot, nnd
tho number of houses In Now York
Unit occupy moro than ono lot oven In
"Millionaires' Row" do not exceed a
fcoio. 'lho four principal rooms of
each apartment tho salon, dining
room, living room and gallery cover
2,300 square feet, and they nro so ar
ranged that they can bo turned Into
practically one Immense room for en
terlnlnlng. ICach apartmenl will have
at least lliroo or four real fireplaces
where real logs can bo burned: an In
clumiilng plant for tlio disposal of
garbage; vacuum cleaning system ex
tended to owry room; the latest heat
ing, vent Haling and refrigerating ttys.
toniH. and bothelectrle and gas ranges.
In the basement tin re will he, be
sides lho Individual laundries for each
apartment, large washing and ironing
rooms equipped with laundry machin
ery There will be wlno vaults, cold
storage rooms and two largo utorago
rooms for eneh apartment as well. Two
floors below the ground will bo de
voted to these and tho power plant
which will heat and light tho building.
In addition there will be machinery to
mnuufaotiire Ice lor use In the kitch
ens of apartments.
Those who have studied tho condi
tions of Manhattan Island, and who
have been most emphatic In predicting
tinhorn of overcrowding, will take his
sumptuous tenement as a real sign, of
thai ultimate time when they belluvo
only business houses and tho homes of
tho rich will be left In Manhattan.
Other students of tho city llfo will see
In this effort a sign of thnt time often
predicted when all city dwellers will
live hi cooperative apartments.
Years in One Cell
beat Iho-.n until they wore unconscious,
Hack plus Into their tender flesh nnd
slabbed and Jabbed them with knives.
When thin boy with tho demon heart
wan finally run down' nnd forced to
confess ho barely escaped lynching.
Only his youth saved him from tho
hangman's noose.
Pomeroy's letter to tho public in
general and to tho governor of Massa
chusetts In particular Is u lengthy
document. Ho cites many reasons why
ho bollovcs ho should not havo beep
convicted of murder nnd concludes
with an appeal to tho governor.
In his plea ho says: "I respectfully
suggest that this prisoner may havo
Eomo encouragement in doing woll. Ho
Is no worso than his neighbors. Kind
nrss Is never lost on nnyono, nnd this
prisoner hns all his llfo shown him
self responsive to kind treatment.
Public fcollng against mo Is respons
ible for the deeply rooted nnd persist
out nowspaper misrepresentation nil
thcuo years, and that public fooling
was duo to newspaper exaggeration
and notoriety in 1871. Of courso it
ennnot bo denied thnt tho crlmo was
dreadful and thnt public Justlco re
quired satisfaction; but tho truth Is,
no effort has been mado from that
day to this to bettor this prisoner's
for Working Girls
girls pay llvo cents nn limn-. Tiita .in
away with washing in tho rooms nnd
may snvo, If tho girl Is clover with
shirtwaists, whatever her laundry bill
would amount to, minus tho nomlnnl
laundry fee to tho house.
Thero Is no dormitory system, nl
though in n fow Inrgo rooms there
mny bo throo or oven four single beds.
Most of tho rooms, howover, nro for
two, and thero nro n number or slnglo
rooms In every club. Maids do tho
chamber work and tho general clean
lng, for tho houBOworlc thoro Is no
cooperation, somo girls must be nt
tholr desks or their shops or their
counters enrly. Thero is also a sow
ing mnchlno In every club for tho free
uso of tho girls.
In thoso Eleanor clubs tho young
women havo much or tho freedom or
home, perhaps all that would bo pos
slblo in so lnrgo u fnmlly. They havo
tho parlors nnd verandas for receiving
their friends and, so far as posslblo!
the clubs aro ruleless.- Tho household
bills are posted everv month in nn.i,
club, for, as tho girls' own money pay
them, It is only fair Hint lhnv.
I m.-u wnvro ami now tlio money goes
Streets of Atlanta
cleaning nnd sanitary itnni-imm,t
turned over hundreds of men nnd its
teams and wagons to the officers or
tho Federated Women's Clubs.
Thcso women, with tho nsslstnnco of
nblo lloutenantB, choson from nmong
tho belles of tho city, directed n 1
hour campaign, which had for its ob-
jcci mo cleaning up of odd little cor
tiers nnd out-of-the-way streets which
had not always como In ror their Hill
shnro or nttention undor tho routlno
dispensation or tho forcos.
Other officers and mombers of tho
federated clubs, brooms In hand,
showed by tholr Individual examples'
how much could bo accomplished by
Individual effort, nnd when tho sun
sot It was upon n brighter, cleanor
So offectlvo waB tho onslaught that
In tho first fow hours raoro dirt and
trash was enrtod off to tho city dump
plies than had ovor been enrried thero
within lfi houra boforo.
Nebraska Directory
i.oo to 8100.00. Send for catalogue
Qflfl EC l'lTUr.A, Pny wtien Cured.
I I L EJ Au Heclnl DliirnMi r urril wllle
. ."ul " "'iridcnl nprrntlon nml
Kiiftmiitofil to InHt n llfellinr-. No chloroform
nr RPiiPrnl nnirmiirtlcntupit. Kinmlnnllon frrn.
OR. E. ft. TAIMY, 223 Uao Uulldlng, Omaha, Neb.
Boldind rmtiMcTiirjtiThrrn. WrltoforbarialnlUu
Btabllhwl lid. 143 8. lBtliHt., Lincoln
ortoKcrts and dealers
MAIN OFFICE! Frutrrntlr Dultdinar
Lincoln, Netrnika
Doll rtionA6l) Atttn I'hnno SOD
I-nruest Hotun In lho Wo At
Beatrice Creamery Go.
i'Ajm the highest price for
Anyway 13vo never had occasion to
marry Adam by asking two or threo
times n dny If sho was tho only
woman ho over loved.
Ono Thing That Will Live Forever,
PKTTIT'H ,?YK HALvrc, first box eold in
1807, 100 yearn npo, hhIch liicrcao yearly.
All druggmU or Howard Dros.,HufTiilo,N.Y.
"George," said her husband's wlfo,
"I don't bellovo you havo smoked ono
of thoso cignriTl gavo you on your
"That's right, my dear," replied his
wlfo's husband. "I'm going to keop
them until our Willlo wnnts to leara
to Kiuolcu "
Triumph of Optimism.
"How nro you fcollng today, undo?"
nskod tho robust nephow of his aged
and feoblo kinsman.
"Pretty woll. pretty well!" quavered
that lneurablo optimist, "my rhotimntla
Is bothering mo n good deal nnd my,
crlslpllls la worso thnn It was yester
dny, l'vo got n slight hcadaeho and
I went down to tho dentist todny and,
had all but two of my teoth pulled,
but thank heaven thoso two nro op
poslto each other!"
Tlmo to Think Over Suicide.
Ho look paris green to commit sui
cide Too big n doso to kill him. Emi
nent specialist happened to bo cnllod
In, and stnrted to fix him up. "No
uso," said purls green performer, "I'll
do It anyhow after you havo dono with
mo." Doctor got mad. "If that's tho
way you feel about It, you fool," ho
tjald, "I'll not wnsto my tlmo on you."
Paris green performer much aston
ished and grlovcd. "Woll," ho said,
"give mo 21 hours to think It over."
Doctor gavo him 24 hours nnd want
nway. At tho ond of tho tlmo parla
green po'rformer tolophonod: "l'vo
thought It over nnd want to get wollj
como and sco mo somo moro."
Significance In Names.
In nn Illinois town n worlclncmarf
having been Informed that n sixth,
baby had arrived at his homo, ox
clnlmcd: "Sutllclent," nnd his neigh
bors, roroning to his having given
that r.amo Sulllclent to tho now
arrival, credited him with orlglnnllty.
Tho lucldont resembles a caso ncaror
home, adds tho Now York Tribune
A Now York family was blessed with
nlno daughtors, when tho storlc
brought a tenth ono. It was In tho
dayB when tho slang term for an oft
told story was a "chestnut." nnd as
tho baby certainly camo undor that
head sho received tho name, but for
euphony's Bako tho Fronch for tho
word wan employod, and sho was
called Marron.
Good Humor and Cheerfulness From
Right Food and Drink.
Anything that Interferes with good
health is npt to keep cheerfulness and
good humor In tho background. A
Washington lady found thnt lotting
coffeo alono mado things bright for
her. Sho writes:
"Four years ngo I was practically
given up by my doctor nnd was not ex
pected to llvo long. My norvous sys
tem was in n bad condition.
"But I was young nnd did not want
to dlo bo I began to look nbout for tho
causo of my chronic troublo. I used to
havo nervous spells which would ox
hauBt mo nnd nftor each spoil It would
tako mo days beforo I could sit up in a
"1 becamo convlnccoVmy troublo wn3
caused by coffeo. I decided to stop It
and bpught somo Postum.
"Tho first cup, which I mado accord
ing to directions, had a soothing of
foot on my nerves nnd I liked tho tnsto.
For a tlmo I nearly, lived on Postum
and ato llttlo food besides. I am today
a honlthy woman.
"My ramlly and rclatlvos wonder If
I nm tho snmo person I was rour years
ago, whon I could do no work on ac
count or nervousness. Now I nm do
ing my own housowork, tako'caro of
two babies ono twenty tho other iwn
months old. I am bo busy that I hard
ly got tlmo to wrlto a lottor, yet I do
It all with tho cheerfulness and good
humor that comos from enjoying good
"I toll my frlonds It Is to Postum I
owo my llfo today."
Kcad "Tho Road to Wollvlllo," la
pkgs. "Thoro's a Reason."
Ever rruil the 'above letter? A new
one appearn from time to time. They
re genuine, true, mad full of bunxaa
'4rtfc9rf.6i'. .rlfiMWB.