The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 15, 1910, Image 5

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Christmas Display
Our stock of holiday goods is now
where you can see it and we invite
you to come in. We will just name
a few of the many things to he seen.
Toilet Sets, Mirrors, Stationery,
Manicure Sets, Scissor Sets Al
liums all Kinds, Dolls, Games,
Perfumes, Brushes, Books.. Hand
Painted China, Pyrography, Toys
and etc.
We invite you to come in.
Chas. L. Cotting, The Druggist.
C.'W. Kaloy is in Omaha.
Mrs. Lew Clapi is in tho city.
Charles Grout wns in Hastings last
week -
Geoige liindsey 1ms returned from
Mrs. Nellie- Moore was in Hastings
.. tr if
ltev. lompkins was in Hastings
, ' I
Fied Sleeper of Lincoln was in town
this week.
Junior Whist met with Dr. Mitchell
Edith MeKelglian returned Saturday
from Lincoln.
Ii. I' Overman was in Hastings the . Week.
last of the week. ,,,.,,,,,. )f 0l.,u,lls ls
(leorge Warren was in Hastings the' visUil, llt!1., (. l. Tort and
lust of the week. wife.
Mr. and Mis. Tony Clark weie in Don't lorgot the men's mooting next
Hastings Friday. , Sunday at .'( p. in. at the Brethren's
New furniture of every description ' chmuh.
nt Atkins .t Barber's. . Terry Dressmaking College will
Fred timid was down from Blue-Hill ; close on Dec. iTth'and reopen on. .Ian.
the last of the week'. "2ud, 1H11. ' "
Miss Irene, Hall of Franklin was in, L. 11. lllackledge was in Blooming
Red Cloud Saturday. , ton the first ot the week attending
J. .S.&ilhalii was in Biverton Tues-' District court,
day ou'legal business. Don't fall to hear tho Boyal Welsli
Kveryseal a bullet in the Fight ' Ladi.-s' Choir at the Opeia House ue.t,
Against. Tuberculosis. Monday night.
V. A. Mavnard shinned cattle to M. Al1 u,o great artists Mug for the
Joe Wednesday morning.
L. II. Hlackledge was in Hastings
the latter part at the week.
n . ., .. A . -, .it.l. 1 I. Htm. VI mini, ..ilk fill. ninu ... iiiiiii
Mr. and .Mrs. (teoige Cniuitli leit '
Sunday for Mankato, Kansas. w,u ,;im'-v u"-'m'
Mr. and Mrs. Ham Foe visited in, It is pleasing to note the beautiful ' lluo of detachable handle umbrellas
Mrs. L. M.' Crabill and daughter M,,(1 l,-v Mi,-','-Vera
were in Hastings Fiiday. Mrs. Harry Cramer lult Fiiday for
The slogan of this yeai's eampaij.n I'hitlsiuouth to visit Inn- narents, Mr.
is '"A Million for Tuberculosis." "" Mr. Austin.
Alvinl'opeof Lincoln spent Sunday Yes you arc correct. Mitchell tne
with his uuither, Mrs. A. A Pope. Jeweler has a splendid line of detach-
. , . . ' able handle umbrellas',
Farm Loans,-1 urn again lend.v to
make farm loans at the lowest rate. Dr Warrick, the .specialist will meet
ami best tin ins. I urn sole agent for uvi car. hom and tin oat patients and
Trevett, Maltis A Uaker. Some pii- t.ho-e needing pioperly fitted
vate money. at Dr. DiimorollV otlice in lied Cloud
J. ll. BaU.y, Ked (. luiul Ni br. Tuos.l .y. Dee oih
yigj-C I am entirely oppoied to tho ue of alum in k&F
& Baking Powdert." Prof. Chandler, Cofai&io Univ. Sd l
Rmad ihm Label' $
'For making quickly and pfef
fectlyi delicious hot biscuits,
hot breads, cake and pastry
there is no substitute for
Baking Powder
Fifty Years the Standard
Hvorton Foo wns down from McCook
over Sunday visiting his parents.
'I lie finest lino of detachable handle
umbrellas in the city :it Mitchells.
Calicoes American Prints Five
cents per yard. MiNi:n linos, and Co.
Bert Chit, wife andehildrcnof Mind
'mi nr. in thoeltv visit IliL' their nai cuts.
A squnre inch of clear conscience for
a cent the Kod Cross Christmas Seal.
Call and get acquainted with the
new furuituro men Atkins .fc Barber.
Ikin lUl.lli MUllV'li I 1U4IK bill II III UIIIJ
' , . ,.,. .
Bantz were in Hustings last lhursduy.
!, U.4 Wm...Ai, I nll.tlltw.n.1 Hill
Mrs. Miller and son of Itloomiugton
were .shopping in Hed Cloud Saturday.
Mrs. Charles Crabill and baby re
turned from Lincoln Wednesday even
ing. Mr. Onirics Cowley of Hidden was
in lied Cloud the latter nail of the
Victor and lvlison. Hear them at
New house Urns.
Hed Cross Seals will not cany any
i.:... i ..r.. ...ii i i :...i ..f .....ii
Inform Yoursmlt
:SJZ- Z-y
Two cholse well improved furim
cIoh) to town for sale by M.l.t.vns,
ti iiui:tiaud lit' rcu iso.S'.
Hilly lliii-Uiu has bought Mis. Fruit's
short older house and is now ready to
serve meals at nil hours.
Miss Minnlo UmsUjtta. who has
been vlillllng her sislor, Mrs. Heit
Morhart, has returned home.
Well impioved 80 acres close to town
for sale. (heap and on easy terms
Sl.l.l.AIIS.tiAIMlKll and Ill'TCItlsoX
Dr. 'Xellie Mauier wishes to an
noiin'ee to the public that she Is now
oijated in the rooms over the Tepee.
The Kod Cloud Tie Hani will be
open for biislne's Saturday, Dee. 17th.
10 cents a hitch. S. K. Hah.kv . Sox,
Tho Congregational Sunday school
is making preparations to give u
Christinas program Saturday evening;,
Dee. .!.
Just drop In and see us. Wo will be
pleased to show you tho niftiest lino
of furniture in tho valley. AiMNs ,
Mrs. Cressmau and baby, who have
been visiting Rov. Grossman anil wife,
returned Tuesday to their homo in
Tho meeting at the Brethren church
still continue and are growing in in
terest as well as attendance. You are
Oscar Toei and Alf MeCall wont to
Hastings Wednesday to attend the
meeting of the Nebraska Stutc Base
Ball Longuo.
Prices within tho leach of all.
Complete assortment of reliable furni
ture. Now dealers new goods At
kins & Haiiiikii.
Your old umbrella made over with a
detachable handle at Mitchell's Jew
elry store. No extra charge all yon
buy ls the cover.
Mrs. Corner and daughter spent
tho hitter part of the week with hor
son and wire, Mr. ami Mis. (leorgr
Corner of Cowles.
See Cotting's window showing Santa
Clans filling Hobbie'h stocking from
his gi cut bug full of Uobeson "Shur
Kdgo" Pocket Knives.
Foil Sm.k A (' Horse Power Whitty
liasoline Fugliie, Dynamo and Switch
Board completed. Good as new.
Inquire ofAxirt Haiit.
Uoy Bust, propiietor of the Hoyal
Barber Shop is running four chairs
and invites you to call if you want a
good shave or hair cut,
I he pastor of the Congregational
church will preach nextSundayinoru
Ing on tho subject of "Infant Bap
tism " Come and hear it.
Lost A pocket book containing' fc.7
lu this city Saturday. Finder please
leave sani'i at the Chief olllco or re
turn it to Mrs. Chas. Rasser.
Use a Hull Detachable Handle Um
brella. Chlldicn sizes $1.(0 and up.
Ladies or gents sizes spiclal 6l.2." and
up. Get them of New house.
The Boyul Welsh Ladies Choir,
which is tho third number of tho Lec
ture course, at the Bed Cloud Opera
House Monday night, Dec. liith.
The Congregational Brotherhood
held its regular meeting in the church
parlors Monday night. Tho next meet
ing will bo four weeks from that date.
Did you cvor&top to think that the
uio-jt acceptable Xmas Present, would
be a neatly framed Picture, framed at
Si.oss'.s Wall Paper and Paint Store.
J. E. Jarboe will not preach at the
Indian creek school house next Sun
day afternoon on account of the men's
mcuting at t,he Brethren's chinch In
this city.
All umbrellas can now be tnndo into
Hull Detachable Handle Umbrellas
and the cost will be tho pi ice of a new
cover. Covers cost ftoni it 00 to .?7."H.
See Newhoiise of course.
The best ever. Hear Hie Boston
(rand Opera singers on Ihclolumhia
(irafoiiola Mignon at Cuttings and
Mitchells. HeeoidsO.'ic to &"..'.(. Two
selections on every record.
Hear Tho Royal Welsh Ladles Choir
at the Rel Cloud Opera Ho'ise Monday
night, Dec. ltltli. The choir consists
of eighteen people and is the third
number of tho Lecture Course.
Tho' most complete stock of Picture
Moldincs ever carried'in stock lu tills
city, over 100 choice Patterns to select
your Ninas, framing from. '
'St.cKs; Wall Paper :nd Pulnt Store.
The Belgian government is Helling
its regular postge stamps ut slightly
more than their face value, tho addi
tional revenue going for the building
of a sanatorium forconsuuiptive work
ing women.
The Christian Hansen violin cntur
taliTTnent at the Congregational clinich
Friday night was very gieatly appre
ciated by a good sized audience. Mr
Hanson hud a wide range of enter
tainment and could "fiddle" on one
Ntrlng as artfully as he could produce
the classical on his violin.
Just as much care, In fact a little
more, should be exorcised lu buying
electric bad irons, hs lu buying any
thing else. Homo lions use more elec
tricity than others in doing tho saiuo
woik. Get your electiiu irons of
MofiiiAiir Buns., they carry tliuiiiillicr.
iaed Iron. Bo earefull of -Just as
good" electric iions.
Complaint was sworn to bcfoie
Judge lMson last week by William
KyohCdhahn and Onirics F. Rose, of
Blue Hill, eluirging Albert (iruben. a
saloonkeeper of that place, with viola
I loll of t.ho lhpior law. Mr. Giubeu
gave bond and the case Is set for trial
Inthe County court for Jan. 15.
We wonder If the farmers lu nur
vicinity know that tho number of hogs
in Nebraska decreased from '.2,:i2l.lU?
in B'eS to I.BtOJ.'l'J in HMO. This fact
is of vital Importance to N'ebraskans,
What can we do to remedy (his short
age of pork production? Attend the
meetings of Organicd Agriculture at
Lincoln, Januaiy Kith to 'Joth and
solve the problem.
Now house has added another new
feiAuie to his famous Hull I'mbrolhi
line, lie is now Iked toconvoit your
umbrella into a Hull Detachable han
dle with a new cover, the only expense
being the cost of the cover you may
select. The convenience of the detach
able handle umbrella cannot be appre
ciated until tried. Covers come in till
prices from $1.00 to S7.00.
Tuesday evening at the regular
meeting of tho A. (. U. W. tho follow
ing olllcciN were elected for the coin
ing year: P. M. , Harry Gilliam; M.
W , Jan, (iilham: Foreman, J. II. Dan
son; Overseer, Geo. Atkinson: Insido
Watch, Lou. Atilt.; Outside Watch, 1
Slnby: Financier, Paul Storey; Re
corder, Wllbor Hamilton; Receiver.
Frank HuiTer; TrtrUoo, W. B. Saun
ders. ; Tito simplicity of the Hull detach
able umbrella has made possible the
extension of this feature to your old
umbrella. Instead of having the old
frame recover! buy a new Hull framo
atid cover complete, Let Nowhouso
change your handle into a detachable
one. The expense is merely the price
of the new cover ($1.00 to 57 00)
which is no more than you would pay
for having tho old frame recovered.
,1'nul Storey was appointed County
Commissioner this week to fill the
vacancy caused by the resignation of
J. (J. Overman. Wo have to congrat
ulate our county olllclals for selecting
such nn elllclent person for thih otlice.
Mr. S'.oiey is a progressive and will
bring with him a largo amount of
business experience, which will be
very beneficial to the county. This
appointment will meet the approval
of not only this district, but also the
entire county.
The deputation of college students
to woik among boys and young men
will arrive in Red Cloud Saturday,
Dec. 2J and will bold the first meeting
on Hmiday evening. Dec ''.'. They
will be liY'i'o one week The commit
tees selected by the churches are mak
ing the necessaiy arrangements and
Before buying your Christmas presents give us a call have a
large line of the following goods Baby caps in silk and Bear
''skin, Suede gloves- with silk lining, Kid gloves, Back combs,
Towels, Sweaters, Ready made dresses for Misses and child
ren,"Shirt waists. Have given the prices of a few items below.
A. 4S. A K A. A.
.rrv.r't'v: ) v zjtw v
ii -,. t - . H
-.a. 1 -1 r T"V r- Ii W
VX :
. r Sr'&
liiice trluied handkerchluls in sheer Irish lawn at
Hmbroldery edged hdkfs at , -'. '-'.''C
Dainty colored border hdkfs at .-l. TiOc.
Dainty linen hdkfs in embroidery or laco odgo ode
Have n large line In plain or cross bar, with emb.
design in cornorat Oc 10c and
Ladles or Clouts Initial Handkerchiefs at..r, 1-'C.
Table Linen ,
Our stock of T"uble Linens it not' the largest but.
what we have was selected with great cure 'o wu
did not, neglect quality or price. Book oim.stock
ovorbefore buyiug as we can save you money on
yonr table linen and nothing is nicer for n Christ
mas present than a nice table cloth or napkin-.
Silks! Silks!! Silks!!!
Nothing is moie useful or more serviceable for a
Christinas present than a silk dress or waist.
A 'good weight nil silk black taffeta ."ti inches wide
lull guaranteed at 61, better and heavier grado at
Fancy silk U7 iiiphc wide in waist, patterns only
at $1.00 a yd.
PHONES: Uurulf:i. Hell,
chandisc. Our stock covers
JO And do not forget that
;!; first quality.
We will be pleased
(t to show you our stock
jr) any time.
fl The Jeweler.
" l Lmk r I
wc look for great results from tho
work of these young people, who nro
making friends wherever they go He
ready to welcome them and lend a
holping hand
The children and grandchildren of
Mr. Oeorgo Mountforii gave him a very
agreeable surprise last Saturday by
gathering together Inn family reunion
and serving an excellent dinner. It
was his sixty-second birthday anil the
young folks took this method of re
minding him that he was one year
older. Mr. Mountforii was one of tho
pioneersettlersof Knnsnsauil moved to
this city u few years ago when he gave
up active fanning.
Uonnle- 1 wonder if the Christian
chinch ladles are to hold a
baaar this year.
Mary- Yes, they will hold it. Dec. 17th.
Jennie Will they have Christmas
piesents on sale'.'
Mary Morn than over before, both
useful and fancy articles and
the prices will bo fo reason
able. ffl
i -"" '1,7
Blaek II.
is Certainly a good
name for our Store.
Our slock was never
better or larger than it
is now.
We have endeavored
to buy goods thai will
please you and give you ti'
ONLY reliable mer- tit
every thing found in a first class -J
our prices are right for tit
Jonnlo-T am glad, for I shall notboth
to make them for myself, now,
for they are sure to have just
that I want.
Mary Vou are right. And they will
servo a chicken pie dinner al
so, wo will tell all our friends
about It
What Can toil Ulvc?
The following pathetic ami unique
request for Bed Cross Seals came to
the ollice of the Bid Cross a few days
"Dear Sirs: I have only two cents
that mamma gave me a long time ago.
Teacher told us about you and tho
Bed Cross Seals. 1 onn'tsetid a pouny,
so I put a stamp on this postal card.
Will you conil me a Bed Cross Seal for
-Carrie "
Ifa little girl from her scanty store
of caicfully hoarded pennies can give
all that she has for the sake of those
who Miller from tuberculosis, what
can you give'.'
What can be more useful than a fancy silk
scarf. Have a large line in Persian all over
design or in fancy border with plain centers
from 1.00 to $2.25 each.
Hand Bags
For a nice hand bag look our lineover. We
can save you money on hand bags.
Black grain, good linntng at 50c.
All leather, leather lined with card case, coin
purse from 1 .25 to $3.00.
Our line of collars are the prettiest for the
prices that could be bought.
Linen Embroidcrery collars 1 5c.
Lace in slock or Dutch collars from 20 to 75c
O ieu evenings till Xtnu.s.
ir4'r WW-
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