The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 15, 1910, Image 2
- ; , ; , . In I HMMmmi II I. mill I I IM , ,M, I S iBHMHHHnBSEBBninKnnsn SYNOPSIS. Thi story Im told ! Nicholas Trial. Itlst vhlof, Hcuuior John Cnllimni, ofTeii'd thu vatttoilo of Mfcrotitry of .unto In Tyli-r'H inbliu't. Ib told by Dr. Wiinl thut hln tlmo Is nhnrt. ('utliMin dorlitrcn thai ho It not ready to die, and If ho nccpptu Tyler's1 of fer It incanH that 'IVim and Oregon must ho nddpd to tlm Union, Ho iilann to li-iirn tlm Intentions of Kimliiml with rcKiird to Moxtcn thitilin'.i UiitnncsH Von KHz, niicrnt iiiy and reputed mls(r ,Hn of tlm KiikIIsIi fimt)nr.Rador, I'nkonhatn, N'lcholnH Ih writ .to hrltiK (he baroness to Oillionn'H apart inntilii and mKsrti 11 incetlni,' with hln hwrolhrart, KIlMiltnth Chliichlll. Whllti HnarrhliiK for tlm Imioiipm' lintinci n enr rlnRn diiRlifu up and Nlchohm In Invited lo 'onter. Tliu occupant In tho haroncHH, who imyn slin In helliK tiurmipd. Tho littrmiprR nru shaken olT. Nlrhnlnn Ih Invltod Into tho honnn find dpllvprn Calhoun's tnrHsnKo. 3In notcfl Hint tho linronpsM hus lost a slipper. CHAPTER VI. The Boudoir of the Baroness. . A woinan'H counsel broUKht us first to Kvoc lirydpu. "Wnlt!" eho snld. "We shall hnvo IcnndlcH." Slio clapped hot hnnds Itdmrply, ami iiKaln thuro entered tho Kllcnt old bitvIiik woman, who, obcill out to tx gesture, proceeded to light additional chihIIph in the prlflin utnndn nnd BconceB. The npnrtmcnt wns now idlntlnct In nil ltu details tinder thlu 'nddlllonnl flood of light. Decently Inn I might I looltod about. I wns (forced to Btlflo tho exclnnintlon of sur jprlso which rose to my llpn. Here certainly wiir ICnroponn luxury ItratiHforrod to our shores. This In Blm llilo Washington, with ItH vast wlilto imflniflheil cnpltol, Its piecemeal miles of mixed realdenecm, nnd hovels! I (fancied ntorn Andrew Jacltson or plain f.Tohti Calhoun here! Tho furnlturo 1 discovered to bo lexiiulslto In detail, of rosewood and mahogany, with many brass chasings mud carvings, after tho fashion of tho empire. "Mid hero nnd there florid orna mentation following that of the court of the earlier I.ouls Fanciful little clocks i with carved scrolls stood about. Hero and thorn a divan and couch showed iclnbornto caro in comfort. Beyond Ti llacoscrconed grille 1 saw an nlcovt (doubtless cut through tho original par tltlon wall between two of tlieso hum 'bio bousca and within this stood a lilgh tenter bod, Its heavy mahogany IposIb beautifully carved, tho couch jltself piled deep with foundations of i itnow not wnat or down and spread most daintily with a coverlid of am- jbor satin, whoso edgcB fringed out nl- most to tho floor. At tho other ex tremity, screened oft ns In a distinct npnrtmcnt, tbero stood n small couch, u Napoleon bed, with carved ends, furnished more simply, but with cijunl richness. Ono resented tho liberties England took In establishing this mnnner of monngo in our Blniplo city, nnd nr rogantly tnklng for granted our Ignor ance regarding It; but nono tho less ono was forced to commend tho thoroughncsr, shown. My first Impres sion was thnt of surprise; my second, ns I hnvo finld, u feeling of resentment at tho presumption which Installed all this In our capital of Washington. I prcBumo my thought may hnvo boon reflected In some mnnner In my fnco. I heard a gentle laugh, and turned ubout. Slio sat there In n great carved chair, smiling, her whito arms stretched out on tho rails, tlio fingers Just gontly curving. Sho had thrown back over the rail of tho chair tho rich cloak which covorcd her in tho carriage, nnd snt now In tho full light, In the splendor of sntln and lace and gems, her nrms baro, her throat and shoulders white and baro, her figuro recognized Gra ciously by every lino of n superb gowning such ns wo had not yet learned on this sldo ot the sen. Sho did not speak at first, but sat nnd Btnllod, Btudylng, I presume, to llnd what etuff I wiib uindo of. "Uo Bontcd, pray," Bho Bald ut last. "Jot us talk over this matter." Obodlont to her gesture, I dropped Into a chair opposite to her, she her- Bolf not varying her posturo nnd still regarding mo with tho laugh' In her half-closed eyes. "What do you think of my llttlo place?" Bho naked finally. "Two things, madam," said I. half .Bternly. "If It bolongcd to a man, and to a minister plonlpotentlnry, I should not approve It. If It belonged to a lady of menus and n deslro to sco tho lands of this llttlo world, 1 should npptove it ,vory much." .Sho looked nt mo with eyes slightly narrowed, but no trnco of perturbation icrossod her face. I saw it wns no ordlnnry wonmu with whom wo had to do. "Hut," 1 went on, "In nny enso nnd at all events, I should Bay that tho bird conned In biicIi a cngo, whore Bocrocy is bo Imperative, would at timcB find wenrlnoss would, in fact, wish to oscapo to other employment. "You, madam" 1 looked at her direct ly "aro n woman of so much intellect thnt you could not be content morely to live." "No," Bho said, "I would not bo con 'tent merely to llyo." "Precisely. Thoroforo, alnco to inalte llfo worth tho living there muBt ,1)0 occasionally a trifle of eplco, a bit of adventuro, either for man or wom an, I suggest to you, as something of 54-40 CHRL FIGHT BYEMERfON HOUGH AUTHOR, OF TUB MlWlftflPPI BUJBBM5 imtfTRATIOW by MAGNUF G.ICETTNER- COPVHIOHT 1909 fry SODOJ'-MBRFUI.l. COKPAty fi(;W r tmkm v- I In the Splendor of Satin foring nmiiBoment, this llttlo Joumoy with mo tonight to meot my chief. You have hlB messago. I am his mes senger, nnd, believe mo, quite nt your scrvlco in nny wny you mny suggest. Let its be frank. If you aro agent, so am 1. See; 1 have come Into your camp. Dnre you not come Into ours? Come; it 1b nn adventure to see a tall, thin old man in n dressing gown nnd a red woolen nightcap. So you will llnd my chief; nnd In upnrtments much different from these." Sho took up the iuIsbIvo with its broken senl. "So your chief, as you call him. asks mo to come to him. nt 'midnight, with you, a stranger?" "Precisely. Could you go to the ofllco of a United States senator nnd posslblo cnblnot minister In broad day light nnd tho fact not bo known? Could he como to your apartments In broad dnyllght nnd that fact not bo known? What would 'that mnn l'akcnham' suspect In either case? He llo ve mo, my master Is wise. Great nocesslty sets nsldo conventions, sets aside everything. Come, then!" ' Hut still Bho only sat and smiled at mo. I felt that purple nnd amber glow, the emanation of her person nllty, of her senses, creeping around mo ngnln as sho loaned forwnrd final ly, her parted red-bowed lips dis closing her dellcnto white teeth. I saw tho llttlo heave of her bosom, whether In laughter or emotion I could not tell. I wns young. Resent ing tho spell which I felt coming upon mo, all I could do was to reiterate my demand for haste. She was not In the least Impressed by this. "Como!" Bho said. "I nm pleased with theso Amorlcans. Yes, I am not displeased with this llttlo advonturo." I roso Inipntlently, and wnlked apnrt In tho room. "You cannot evade mo, tundam, so easily as you did the Mexl can gentleman who followed you. You have him in tho net nlso? Is not tho net full enough?" "Never!" Bho said, her head sway ing slowly from sldo to side, her face Inscrutable "Am I not a woman? Ah, nm 1 not?" "Madam," said I, whirling upon her, "let mo, at least, nlo'no. I nm too Binall gnmo for you. 1 nm but a mea faonger. Tlmo passes. Iet ua arrlvo at our business." "What would you do if I refused to go with you?" she naked, still smiling ut mo. Hut I saw that her attitude to ward mo hold no more than that of a bird of prey and aomo llttlo creaturo well within Its power. It made mo angry to bo bo rated. "You ask mo what I should do?" I retorted savagely. "I shall tell you first what I will do if you continue your refusal. I will take you with mo, and bo keep my engagement with my enter. Keep away from tho boll rope! Romaln silent ! Do not movo! You should go If I hnd to carry you thero in n sack becntiBO that is my er rnnd!" "Oh, listen at him thrcnton!" sho lnughed still. "And ho despises my poor llttlo castle bore lu tho Bldo street, where half tho tlmo I am so lonely! What would monsieur do If luouaiour woro in my place and if I woro In monslour's place? Dut, bahl and Lace and Gems. you would not have mo following you In tho first hour wo met, boy!" I flushed again hotly nt this last word. "Madam may discontinue' the thought of my boyhood; I nm older than she. Hut if you ask mo what I w ould do with n woman if I followed her, or If Bho followed mo, then I will toll you. If I owned this place and all In It, I would tear down every picture from these walls, every silken cover from yonder couches! I would rip out theso walls and put back the ones that once were here! A house of logs far out In tho countries that I know would do for you, madam!" I went on hotly. "You should forgot tho touch of silk nnd laco. No neighbor you fihould know until I wns willing. Any man who followed you should meet me'" "Excellent! What then?" "Then, madam tho baroness, I would in turn build you n palace, ono of logs, nnd would mako you a most excellent couch of tho husks of corn. You should cook at my fireplace, and for me!" She smiled slowly past me, at me. "Pray bo seated," she said. "You In terest me." "It is late," I reiterated. "Come! Must I do some of theso things force you Into obedience carry you away lu a sack? My master cannot wait." She. smiled, lazily extending her flawless arms nnd looking down at them, at all of her splendid figure, as though in Interested examination. "I nm nlono so much bo bored!" sho wont on. "And Sir Richard Paken ham Is so very, very fat. Ah, God! You cannot guess how fat he is. Hut you, you are not fnt." Sho looked mo over critically, to my great uneasiness. "All the moro reason for doing as I have suggested, madatp; for Mr. Cal houn Is not even so fat as I am. This llttlo Interview with my chier, I doubt not, will prove of Interest. Indeed" I went on seriously and Intently "I venture to say this much without pre suming on my station: the talk which you will havo with my chief tonight will show you tilings you have noVer known, give you an Interest in living which perhnps you have not folt. If I am not mistaken, you will find much In common between you nnd my mas ter. I speak not to the agent of Eng land, but to tho lady Helena von RJtz." "Ho Is old," sho went on. "Ho Is very old. Ills face is thin and blood less and flcshless. Ho Is old." "Madam," I said, "his mind la young, his purpose oung, his ambition young; and his country )s young. Is not tho youth of all these things still your own?" She made no answer, but sat mu sing, drumming lightly on tho chnlr arm. I was reaching for hor cloak. Then at onco I cnught a gllmpso of her stockinged foot, tho too of which Bllghtly protruded from beneatli her ball gown. Sho saw tho glanco nnd lnughed. "Poor feet," Bho said. "Ah, mea pauvrcs pleds la! You would llko to see thorn bruised by tho hard going in somo heathen country? Seo, you havo no cnrriago, and mine Is gone. I havo not oven a pair ot shoes. Go look under tho bed beyond," I obeyed hor gladly enough. Under tho fringe of tiro satin counterpano l found u box of boots, slippers, nil man ner of footwear, daintily nnd neatly arranged. Taking out n pnlr to my fancy, I carried them out nnd knelt beforo her. "Then, madam," said I, "since you Insist on this, I ahull choose. Amerlcn la not Europe. Our feet hero havo rougher going and must be Bhod for It. Allow mo!" Without the least hesitation In tho world, or tho least imiuodesty, she half protruded the foot which still retained Its slipper. As I removed this latter, through some gay Impulse, whoso nn turo I did not pause to analyze, I half mechanically thrust It Into the side pocket of my cont. "This shall be security," said I, "that what you speak wltfi my master shall bo tho truth, tho whole truth, nnd nothing but the truth." There wus n curious deeper red In her cheek. I saw her bosom beat tho faster rhythm. "Quito ngreed!" she answered. Dut she motioned me away, taking tho stout boot in her own hand nnd turn ing aside as she fastened it. Sho looked over her shoulder at mo now and ngnln while thus engaged. "Toll me," sho snid gently, "whnt security do I have? You come, by my Invitation, It is true, but none the less an intrusion, into my apartments. You domnnd of me something which no man has u right to demand. Be cause I am disposed to bo gracious, and because I am disposed to be on nttyp, and becauso Mr. Pnkcnliam la fat. I nm willing to take Into consid eration what you ask. I havo never seen n thin gentleman In a woolen nightcap, and I nm curious. Hut no i gentleman plays games with a lady In which the dice are loaded for himself. Come, what security shall I have?" I did not pretend to understand her. Perhaps, after all, wo all had been misinformed regarding her? I could not tell. Hut her spirit or camaraderie, her good-fellowship, her courage, quite nsldo from her personal charm, had now begun to impress mo. "Madam," said I, feeling In my pocket; "no heathen has much of this world's goods. All my possessions would not furnish ono of these rooms. I cannot offer gems, as does Scnor Yturrlo but, would this bo of servlco until tomorrow? That will lenvo him and me with a sllppor each. It Is with reluctance I pledgo to return mine!" Hy chnnco I had felt in my pocket a little object which I had placed thero that very day for quite another purpose. It was only a little trinket 1 ot Indian manufacture, which 1 bud intended to give Ellznbeth thnt very evening; a sort or cloak clnsp, orig inally mado ns nn Indian blanket fastening, with two round discs ground out of shells and connected by beaded thongs. The trinket was curious, though or small value. The bnroness looked at it with Interest. "How It reminds me of this heathen country!" rIhj said. "Is this all that your art can do in Jewelry? Yet it Ib beautiful. Come, will you not give It to me?" "I'ntll to-moriow, madam." "No longer?" "I cannot promiso it longer. I must, unfortunately, havo It back when I send a messenger I shall hnrdly come myself, madam." "Ah!" sho scoffed. "Then It belongs to nnother woman?" "Yes, It Ib promised to another." "Then this la to be the Inst tlmo wo meet?" "1 do not doubt It." "Aro you not sorry?" "Naturally, madam!" She Bighed, laughing ns she did so. Yet I could not evado Beelng the curious color on her cheek, tho rise, nnd fall of the lncos ovor her bosom. Utterly self-possessed, satisfied with llfo ns it had como to her, without Il lusion ns to llfo, absorbed In tho grent game of living and adventuring so I should hnvo described her. Then why should her heart beat one stroke faster now? 1 dismissed that question, and rebuked my eyes, which I found con tinually turning toward hor. Sho motioned to a llttlo tabic near by. "Put tho slipper hero," sho said. "Your little neck clasp, also." Again I obeyed hor. "Stand thero!" sho said, motioning to the opposlto sldo of tho tnbio; nnd I did so. "Now," said sho, looking at mo grnvoly, "I am going with you to seo this man whom you call your chief, Tho fnvor mny moan ns much on ono Bldo ns on tho other I Bhall not tell you why. Hut wo shall piny fair until, aa you say, perhaps to-morrow. Aftor that" (TO UK CONTINUKD.) Not as Bad as He Had Feared. "I should think," said tho beautiful young widow, "you would resent Mr. Brown's romnrka concorslne you." "What has ho boon saying about mo?" nskod Senator Plfllo. "Ho says you aro a politician and not a statesman." "Oh, pshaw! I don't mind that I was afraid you were going to tell mo he hod been saying I was not true to vox jrty." .. .. SYSTEM FULL OF URIC ACIDTHE GREAT KIDNEY REMEDY CURED Two years ago I was very elck and after being treated by several of the best physi cians in Clinton, I did not seem to get any better. I was confined to my bed. teeing your Swamp-Root advertised. I re solved to givo it a trial. After using it for three weeks, I found I was gaining nicely, so I continued until I havo taken a number of bottles. I am now restored to health nnd have continued my labors. My system wai full of Urio ncid, but Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root cured mo entirely. I nm sixty years old. Yours very truly, W. 0. COOK, State of Iowa ) Clinton, la. Clinton County n- n tills 13th day of July, A. D 1009, W. C. Cook to mo personally known ap peared beforo mo and in my presenco sub scribed and sworo to tho above nnd fore going statement. DALE II. SHEPPARD, Is'otarv Pnhlfo. In nnd for Clinton County. l-MlfMo .Pr. Rllmtr A C. N, r. Provo What Swamn-Uoot Will Do For You bend to Dr. Kilmer Sc Co., UingUam ton, N. Y., for a sample bottle. It will convince nnyone. You will nlfo receive n booklet of valuable information, telling all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, bo suro and mention this paper. For sale nt nil drug stores. Prico fifty cents nnd one-dollar. THE POLITE CHICKEN. 4P r &zsr&o str "t fc YOV SIRS &XM37ZESS AlViiiff 77) r csew I? CS7?1V YOO tryaw Afair r rir ise ert &APD3 a? " 16 YEARS OF SKIN DISEASE "For sixteen lone years I hnvo been Buffering with a bad case of skin dis ease. While a child thero biolto out n red soro on the- legs Just In back of my ltnces. It waxed from bad to worse, nnd nt lnt.t I saw I had a bad skin disease. I tried many widely known doctors in different cities but to no satisfactory result. Tho plague both ered mo more in warm weather than In winter and being on my leg joints it mado it Impossible for mo to walk, nnd I was forced to stay indoors in tho warmest weather. My hopes of recov ery wero by this time spent. Sleepless nights and icstless days mado llfo an unbearable burden. At last I was ndvised to try tho Cuticura remedies Cutlctira Soap, Ointment and Pills and I did not need moro than n trial to convince me that I wns on tho road of success this time. I bought two sets of tho Cuticura Remedies and after these were gone I was n differ ent man entirely. I am now tho Imp piest mnn that thero Is at least ono true caro for skin diseases. Leonnrd A. Hnwtof, 11 Nostrand Ave., Brook lyn, N .Y July 30 and Aug. S, '09." Thorough. "Yon are an optimist?" "1 nm." replied .Mr. Dtistln Stax. "I not only lu.pc Tor the best, but I inuke rractlcnl arrangements to get it." A man ought to know a great deal to acquire a knowledge of tho im mensity of his ignorance. Lord Pal merston. Mrs. Wlnsiows toothing- Hyrnp. Forcbllurt-n ti-rthliiif. Kittens ihounrux, rwlucesln. BiuuiaUun.alUijiuiln,curo3miulouUa.iK4UlxUie. There can be no bending In wor ship without stooping in service Lewis' Singlo Hinder gives a man what he wants, n rich, mellow-tasting cigar. It's easy making money and hard mastering It. EUREKA HARNESS OIL Sold by Daatsrs Everywhur Household Lubricant THE ALL-AROUND OIL IN THE HANDY, EVER-READY TIN OILER Is specially selected for any need In tho home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can- ' not break. Does Biilirs fiirwfcwi' MICA Splendid Crops In Saskatchewan (Western Canada) ouu uuenoia Trom 20 ooroo ui wncm was me tnreiher return from a Lloyd minster farm In the eennon of 1910. Many fleldi In that at well at other districts yield ed from 23 to 33 bu shels of wheat to the acre. Other grains In proportion. LARGE PROFITS aro thus derived fnm I. . Pnr l ft M F.. 2 T tt A ff f AMhu ----- - m m.w uitiiuu . j-"" vviitiu ouurtiiiu causes priors to ndxance. Land ynluea Kllltl.lilf1.itll.lKln . ..a. .1 (inilticrromlncr.inUucI farm- .'M, l.I.T lUlfflll ItiB nro nil jirnlftnulc. Fri'o .. ...... ..... uiMOHicuuBor jouurrrsarn V? ,"V ,,n'' "' 'lory best tlMtrlrtSI lUOllfin, lirn'miin. . .....r ,. ntittiv iicrurrn w l lu ll! certain aroun. HrhuoUiimt diuretic' In. every nnttln in f.nt, cllmnto iiiipxt'cllril, soil tliorlt-hrMt wood, tvntor For n to location, . ,l,f' .."Ulnar rotes nnil jlyscrlitlo llliiHrntcd ramphlet. "Last llrst Wt." nnd other In fonnnllun, nrlloioHup'tof Imml tratlon, Otlnwn, Canada, or to Canadian OuToramcut A genu W. V. BENNETT MIKiwTotk lid Bid. Oraahi.ll.. (Uo address nearest jon.) S3 ncrnrrnwltfi Make the Liver Do its Duty Nine times in ten when the liter fa rigot um nuouca ou oowou "TO rgw. CARTER'S LITTLE UVER PILLS eently but Grmly com pal lazy liver do ill dulv. Cures Con aiipation, Indiges tlorj, Sick Headache, and Distress after Eating. SrnoU Pill, Small Dos. Small Pile. Genuine auitbeu Signature RAW FURS THE OLDEST FUR HOUSE IN AMERICA. JOSEPrTOLlMANN, 1B-20-22 West 20th Street, New Yotk nrnnch Kstabltsbments under SAME NAME nt LUll'H), LONDON, I'AUIB, Uerraany Knglaud rranco Ilnylug and selling rcprrrrntnllrrs In all tm. porlaut Iur Mnrkcl of tlio World, distributing rscli article wliei-o best results aro obtained, oo. ablo ns to pay highest market prices for raw furs at all timet. Our Haw Fur Quotations, Shipping Tags, etc., will be sent to nny address on request. References: Any Mercantile Agency or Bsnlc. PUASE MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN ANSWERING. Your Liver's Your Life A dead liver means awful sick ness don't let it come when I it can be prevented. Cascarets keep tUc Jiver lively and bowels rcgnisr and ward off serious, tatai illness. 001 CASCARRTS ioc box week's treat ruent. All drtiRKlsts. Biggest seller. a the world. Million boxes a month. RheumatesmuGout PROMPTLYRELIEVED BY irisjMMcraibin i.nnva ISAFE& EFFECTIVE 50 Sc$ I. UtlUliOlO I a. , On B3 HENRY ST. B MOO KLYN.M.V. . For men whose time is valuable KNOWN THE WORLD OVER PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM CIhiiks and twiatint Iho hi!. Promotes a laiuiUnt growth. N"ver Falls to Iteitors Ory Hair to its Youltirui Color. Cum Kilp dlitiici hair ftUlcf. AOqindSIJOU DrunrUU Will Keep Your, Harness soft as a glove tough as a wire black as a coal 1 STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Iacorporatotl) not gum or become rancid. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) AXLE GREASE Hr mm ..WfSJU" ii Jitfl SWA jHBi CARTERS i- m MXMm S1TTLE jmr eivtK &&?& , Keeps the spindle bright nnd free from grit. Try a box. Sold by dealers everywhere. STANDARD OIL CO. OnoorsomUUJ i Jl V i v. :I TR ' vjMMMgflmBMiaft.raMMrt Vitf iMtsiiiislslsssssirstsSssssMss -- - - VVwTsrwty 'I rV IlJZsiMSssssBgSs!W?BssWsKliiy ?. -aSMIKiSBiMUSLl'iMiitKKKKKKKtKSS' E7A rVA.. A . V 'MssasasaVsasasaflsasasMLlsBLjst-.A VmtMimMtSBSatBKKKaBtr JtUfifct.