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About The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 15, 1910)
RS5 u j a lMvawMnrMw - , I i I I H H A I h r B 1 1 I H' B H m I H I 1 B H H V I 1 H H H H H H H H H H H M H H H H V H H H H A H H 1 H 1 H B 1 b 1 l H 1 H H b H Xk b hi bb bbi tbb bbI H H b1 H I ybbI bbI bbI bbI bb AbI bbh bbI b1 H bbW bbI M bbbVbbI bbi 4 bbI m bbI bbi b H bVJ H Bb bbI bb H wH bVM bVM bbI bb bb bbI Al H bV bVM a1 bWbVm bVI a1 bVb lB bbI bbi bV VS THE- '' NEW l- lll 111 II I III! I , n I TKINS & SUCCESBORS s BA RBER ,, t ; .1 iff IS t H K t; BROT HLBRIGHT J ATKINS & BARBER The UNIVERSITY Fur niture Men has purchased The well known Fur niture Stock of Albright Brothers and added to it their $3000. Stock shipped from Lincoln, giving them the largest Stock ever Shown in the Republican Valley. GJ Consisting of Iron and Brass beds, Lounges and Davenports, Ladies' Desks nd Book Cases, Buffetts, China Closets, Princis Dressers and Chiffoniers. : : Rtckers From 50c. to $50.00 Diners Erom 3. to $60.00 Per SvU Pictures with Frame and Glass from 5c. to $10.00 Carpets, Rugs, and Lace, Curtains, equal to our City markets. : : -: : : And a Complete Stock of Undertaking Furnishings. And offer the Services of up-to-date Licensed Embalmers and Funeral Directors. I 1 - r-P xkw I Lojflp;: .iff r, 1H9, IrC. I'. Vim rmnl V ' AN IDEAL ROOM IS not only possible in every home, but it is possi ble to have -every room ideal: -4 This may be effected by proper' furniture andrartragement Most all stuffy rooms are stuffy;jfrom the fact that the furniture does not harmonize. Haven't you been in a house that has an atmosphere of comfort and pleasantness and harmony which made you feel very different? There is nothing so important in fitting up a home as discrimin ation in selecting your 'furniture. Come in and let us prove this to you. You can readily see for yourself, how, if some of our stock were installed in your house, they would complete your assortment and transform the appearance ol that stuffy room. I NM! I i il Cnp rlKlit 0(. ' . j. Zimmerman to.' No. .'b THE" BRIDES DREAM liHAT girl or woman has not dreamed of a per 7 f feet home, for a home equipped with beauti ful furniture in perfect harmony goes a long ways toward perfect happiness. We can aid you toward creating this cherished thought, and when you buy your outfit from us there is the satisfaction in knowing that it is going to last, that it is going to endure time, and will never bean eyesoreon account of its shabby or worn-out appearance. This is the only kind of furniture we sell, so buying from us means that you will get that kind. ATKINS & BARBER, The Reliable Furniture Men. p,Q "" Mp) THE people who make Big Ben call him a sleepmeter and that's the right name for him. We've got one at home and I want to tell you lie's the most accurate thing we have ever run across. Punctual, cheerful, right on the job, lic'y the best breakfast call anyone can ask for. There is another Big Ben in my store ready for you to take home. I have him in the window look 'at him when you go by. $2.50 TMi ll ll.e cUxl mi Iimc ifrii fclicitltcj 111 tbe bit' imriuiiOT E. H. NEWH01SE GUmii ROCK. Mim. Miu1 Cone's children have chicken jo. Mr. Lytliii Wutt, sh wus tuht-n vei y ill Friilny, is leported better. Mrs. I'd Sawyer returned Sunduy from n visit in ltoiivar City with her paientb. Christmas proimratioiih are under way In the various Sunduy schools of the town. Mis. Julia Lane and children spent Sunduy at the home of Mr. and Mrs Eli fowler. P. V ltoland has tlttcd up the front room of one of Malony'a buildings on Main street as u piano vtore. Abe SchobouiK bus been very low for over a weok with pneumonia, lie Is considered to be slightly bettor. Ituy haiiib, who has been woilciug for V. Uiohiud, has leturued to his hotiin in his father is ill. Mrs. Minn Coniey of White Cloud, Kansas, who Is here visiting her sister, Mrs. N. A. DlcUcrson. Is one nt Web ster county's pioneers. A number of the neighbors gave Mrs. Thompson a surpilse party in honor of her birthday Monday even ing, lkcficslmtents weie hoi veil A huge crowd was at the Uperu House Saturday evening to enjoy the piogram given by Cluistiuu Hanson, the Danish violinist. It was cei tain ly Hue. The election of I DO. F. otlleers VOMiIti'd us follows. N. 0 Ooons; V. CI., Win. Uiaiv : Finnnolal Seeietiuy. II C.CInybnughj Kocording becrctai' 1. W. Ely : Tieusurei. .1 It. Ely. The olllcers oleet of the M. wTa. lodge me Charles llndge, V. C; A. Guy, V. L; K. A. Ncnrhood, Adviser; .li. W. Ely. Uanlier; C. E. Holes, Cleik; John Schult., Escort; George lvalley, Watehmnn; l E. Minor, gentry; J J. Cassoll, Manager; U.S. Heed, 1'hysl-clan. Friday evening the It. N. A, elected its otllccis; Oracle, Mrs. It, 13. Crowell; Vice Oracle, Ers. Ed Itorhor; Ohiineol lor, Mrs A. Dllliti; Heeordor, Mrs. Eli Fowler; ltecelvor, Mis, II.'Hrelun; Mar shal, .Mrs. Tlionipfioiinner Sentinel, Mis. Iicy Itrittor; Outer Sentinel, Miss.Matio Sehnlti'.; Physician, II. S Eeed. The A.O. U. W. olllcers elect inc. P. M W., J. F. Watt; M. W . .1. P. Scott: Foreman, W. A. Campbell; Overseer, Alva Miner: Heeordor, J. W. Hobluson: Receiver, J. II. Crary: Guide, W. S. Lambert; I. , II F. Wirt; O. W. (ioorge Watt; Trustee, George Crow; Medical Examiner, J. W. Hobin&on. Mi and Mis. Sylvester 1'iisbio nod son spent Sunday at Charlie Fiisbios. A entertainment will be held at the Lester school house Christmas eve. Alf haladeu and family ami Mr. ami Mrs. C H Harris spent Son day at Clar Cox's. Mrs. Luanda Montgomery, head of the five living generations of which "f, , f'.niila Unolf limikts. ii1n1il-utiil lnr O.'M crlsbie9. x,... -... ., , birthday Dec. 8. The others are Win. Tom Swart?, and Miss Iteitlia Potter spent Sunday evening nt Sylvester Mm. Wright of Hebron, Nebr.. Miss Montgomery, who will be I'l in Feb- ( Clara Abel and Mr. Ausll Crahil! of rnary, his daughter, Mrs. UoseSheeley, lied Cloud spent Sunday at Frank aged ;7, her daughter, Maude Hyatt, Frisbies. and little Wanda M. Hyatt, aged 2 Mr.ailtlMl., Porter Hale and daugh years. Win. Montgomery and wife ter sp(Jnt Su1(,Iiy at ,ltsr IIl0tberSi are. pioneers, iuiviuh cum ... "'" Tl.eir auto broke down and thev did Itouk !u lSTl and hoincoteadlng the farm whore the original "Outdo Hock" ' Is located. Doctors Damorell, Cook, Creighton, J. W. MoianvHleaud Mitcholl or Ited Cloud attended the Webster County Medical Association hero last Thurs day at II p. in. Dr Oamorell, Presi dent, called the meeting to order. Various p.ipeis and addresses weio given, followed by discussions. Dv. Oumerell was elected President and Dr. Reed of C.uldo Hook was elected Societal y-Treasurer. At 8 o'clock a banquet was served, followed by many toasts coudueUd by Toastmuster Dr. I. A. Paco. They were as follows: A short humorous toast, Dr. Cook; 'Oiganlation," l. V, Hunt: "Evolu tion of the Doctor." Mrs. K. W. Me Callum; "The Physician, the Friend," l!uv. E. li lunch; 'The Relation He- William tween the Physician and the New-pn- per Man," Harry Vanghuni "Ihe l,e latlon liotween the Physician and the Minister." Hew Robblus A short ie spouse was given by Dr. Heed. Ttio occisiou wns eeitalnly most enjoyable. uot get home until Monday afternoon. Subscribers Notice The subscription season is again at hand, and January 1st uot tar nwny, when wl hope to have all that is due paid in, as the Postal authorities are insisting all newspapers clear their books of delinquencies in order to keep within the requirements of tha second class mailing privilege. Many Chief snbscriptious have ex pired, and while the amount Individ ually is small, In the aggregate .it means a thousand dollars and mora that has bceu earned in the best way wo knew how, and we stand in need of the money. Ivlndly give this matter yourattent lon, und your promptness wilt be greatly appreciated. Respectfully, Tiik Kkd CuirnCiiiKK LESTER John Hussor and wife .Sundayed-at John Sladon's. , Audiew King is able to bo out after a few weeks sickness. Chat He Einlok has returned from a trlpnround the world. Mr. and Mrs. Pied EinlcL and sou spent Sunday at his mothers. .Some of the young folks of Hod Cloud spent Sunday evening with Miss Hazel SlUlleriit.l.Frtsblew. GARFIELD Shelling corn is the older of the day. John Haulbakcr was out driving on wind mill iow Sunday. Hansen Bros, shelled about 1700 hu. ot corn for Mauley Rros. Saturdaj. Hansen llios. shelled corn on wind mill row Monday and Tuesday for Charlos Campbell, Jay Popo and T. W. White. Will Fisher had another hoiso cut In the wire fence ouo day last week. That is the second one In the past mouth. Mr. Hoalty nithed in Red Cloud Saturday night from En Junta. Colo., for a visit with his daughter, Mis. I.. A. Mauley. (juv Haines and Will I-isher paid their tiiNosTiiosdn and their receipts was the same to a cent. Tho deputy county tieasurer wiote one hundied and thirteen receipts that day. Shucking com is a thing of tho past for William Fisher has got done at last.nnd now tho rabbits ou wiud mill row have to be careful where they go, for tho people out theic are fond of meat, and go right after it wheti it is cheap. Omar Wolfo got to thinking one day Inst week that he was almost man enough to make u living for himself und it was u poor woman thnt could ncjt help but think so he talked Miss Orjipe King In the notion to get inarr i.cjl find now he has routed a farm in Onrlleld, Congratulations. In the County Court of Webster Cauaty Nebraska. In tliiiiiiatm olilif I ()ri, f . ('. I'ow.lcn. MmoiiHcil, I And to ishow Chunk. On llilKSitlnlu) ol.N.n ember l!)IO,Ietltlim ers 1'iauk V. Cmului and IMsarll. CoHilen in. u iii.-ir jii i.iiiMi iiaiim.iiiiiului; the (li'tAn of Couillnnil C. foxuleii, InUblale, on Juno i. ItHOniitl jirnytnis Unit unulnr AiIuiIiiIh irallonof ihuistateof sniil itec(i!hnt bo illn-iniihi-d wltli. forantuljiKllcatlonof livlrnhlp in llieprumUiM, and Unit lliej lie ikIJiuIkuI Hie soli. Hiirllm; lit in hi law of said dcio dcul. that wild dii-iiteiit dkd Inlehlate w lillo anlnbaliltani of Webster Coiuuj. that all IiIk debts and (uncial oxpeiihih have bteu paid and Unit llu follow luu' real propi rty, to. wit, l.oU 111, 17, and IK In Illocks fn .Suiltb A: Moon'N ddlilonto Ited ('loud. In eiwtur Coiuitj, eoiiHtltuted tin boiuo "l ad of said dec eased, and Is w holly exempt fioin etentloii aitmlinieiiloi otliir iiicmio .nieiniiiilitot liable for the tit bt ol tho iliu.iHtil, and (ui Miehntiiei and f urtlior ie llcf asilietlniiui.MuiiiiHof ilieti,L ,av I( qulie. Ills nil in h.iik oiMH i:i:i. hei,, Unit lunitt beloie the 1'ounu rourl ui said County, ;,t the Cowr, ,,ous , tho lilth day of lleeeuibir llllo, at lu o'elotk a. niathl-h time all perm Intt rented In wild estate, mil) appearand hIuiw eaiiM. why the prnjtr of Knlil petition nIioiiI.I not b Krniitid; and that uotlio of wild pitlllon an l liiurliiK be Klwiiliy the imlillenllon of tlm order for thr. e mki-lmIi o w t iKh j.rlor to U llC'llllllL' III 1 II, llil I I,...,.. . "'". ".," "" ' " in.., a ntftu wm ,...,.t. ... ,,ii, in-,, ,,, ha fount)-, Dalnl Noenib(ri!1, mm. ' lly thoi'ouit, I. W. i:i,sov """' f""t ImUu The Chief $1,50 V N jfyjpySMHMSffl J'il . ,A LiifV. A X L.fri r- t , iimifWj Jm jHHHHHhHJDBHb 1 1 r '..BHHnHiMASiam i.- ' .JtiMm