The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 15, 1910, Image 1

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-t n ntfiwuagj- .xjcceS:
p ito Historical S trltty
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4 Newspaper Hint (lives The Ncxs Fifty-two Weeks Each Year For $1,50
niSCKMUHK 15. 1910.
0- Stock is parHcAri, good and M. of suitable gift ideas --
of articles and prices that sometmng can easuy ..-
tnyone. We list below just a few of the many art.cles appropnate at
this time.
B I ui ma mBBa 1
Our line is extra good and the qualities the best As to JJ""
them with anyone. All watches thoroughly warranted as to grade and rehab,.
""'A most acceptable gift for one not already is a watch. These we have in all
gfSSirfPrifr7Sl85.W. R.presenng all standard
D1&K6S T
Howard Watches in gold filled cases at $37.50.
Elgin and Waltham watches in Nickel cases at $5 C land i p.
Elgin and Waltham " in Gold filled cases $7 00 and up.
Ingersolls at $1.00. Ingesoll-Trentons 5.00 to 12.00. j
And a first class line of Hamiltons for both men nd wgm. We ta e a tew
BARGAIN watches, regular quality and fully guaranteed. Just a lew e nap
pened to pick up at less than regular prices.
It pays to trade at Headquarters.
The oftener you buy the oftener you will
find it out. Our Holliday goods are on
the way and will soon be opened up for
inspection. We absolutely know we can
save yu money.
The Model Variety Store
Woman's Depaf tment
Our line of rings also afford, choice of a gift - " t
es a line of plain engraved and signet rings in sizes for the argeM ana in s
hands The'stone set rings embraces hundreds of choice designs JJ S "-
STSmc, 75c, $1.00, 1.25 up. Wug ' '
Ladies rings $2.00, 2.25, 2.50 up. Mens rings $3.50 and up
Ladies rmg Ev'erv ring is soid gold and must always he the; same.
Farmer's Institute January 24. 25,20
Mutter. Hist, second and thiitl prc-
Cuke, llrst mhI second premiums.
Hrend, first and M-cond premiums, i
Host display f baking -Pirst mul,
second premiums. j
Nccrtlowork UCS.I piece in ri ..
eyelet, or Mouut Moleek embroidery.
Iluriluiiiicr, drawnwork, colored em
broidery, Hatteuberg or other braid'
luce, tatting, knitting, crocheting.
Hest display or rtuiey ecim:i.,,
llrst mul second premiums.
Hest patchwork (pull.
it..t ntuKii of needlework or other
hand work by hitly over 1 50 yours old.
Host display of darning, on mo
S.V. I Mill ,
Oi.K lloimitinont-OirN competing
must le under HI yours of age.
t !,... Hi-sLniid second premium".
Bread, Mid second premiums. "
Hest display of baking, Ih'-t 'l h(it!
olid premiums.
Needlework-Hest darning hose,
llrst premium by Mrs. Max Mlfcer, sil
ver thimble; second premium by Mrs.
Mux Mler, silver mounted darner.
. t. .,tw.n r nomllework or other
hnndwork, first and hccoiul premiums.
ft I f...m Itntift
nrnwnir. Dest oriKnmi nuu .....
hlcctrth, Hrst by Miss Potter.
KdncationiU ueparinieni-vjcuur...
n .-..-I. .iltli mm XGenUOU)
1. All vti'i" " - -'--
must have been executed this school
yrnr-, ....,..,.. t-w.
a All work inusi oe uoub " "'
i uny pupil in primary Bindcs, first pre
1 iiilum SI, second Si ., 1
l'J. Mime by any pupil i" Interme
diate tfrutles, llrst premium 6l. second
II. Sumo hy any pupil in tfmmmar
grades, llrst premium fl.seeontl SI.
Show In Omaha Held at the Rliht Time
Nebraska lost the National Corn re
position because- the o Ulcers of. tho
National Corn 'Association Insisted on.
holding It lu Omaha jubt heforc tho
holidays. This met with so much ob
leutlon on the purl of business men
J ... .1. , I... l...ol-
und newspapers tnui me iiiuiuh u...-
iioss Intel ests let tno snow Ku. xnu
ob'ji-oUon was that the corn show drew
people Into the city at a Umo wneu
they vonld do most or tneir nouuy
tradliitf ii) Pnmha instead of at home.
lint for two years tno coin nww
wiismi Inspirulionto tlie furiners of
Nobraslm and Iowa. No one doubts
ItsKoud liiHuenec and thatitincreaHed
Interest In farm crops to such an ex
tent that wo have larger yields from
our lauds.
Since the National Corn Exposition
loft Omaha, then has been such an in
ltent dumatul for a mld-winter farm
crop exposition wheie tile work oe
western slates could be gathered under
one roof and compared, that enterpris
ing Omahans haye planned nud ar'
ranged to hold the "Western anu
Products exhibit'' In tho auditorium
of that city from January 18 to 'M. ir
is to be held in .t same uuuuiug
The line of Fobs, Chains, and Watch Pins is tho best we have ever shown
includes all prices and only the best at the price.
our assortment of Cuff buttons and Links is very good and range in price
from BftiS lowing a complete line for both Ladies and Mens use In 1 oiled
Plate! FilS nn?8oHd Gold Many of them aro stone set, Oarnets, Amythest,
Turquoise and Diamond.
all grades above, the fourth, except wher0 tua CQVXl ,how whs held p.nd
wnrir in drRwlnR. '" will t.ftUi its nUco In every way, ex
. -i T .H4A nfrflDa nun on
copl limtoniy wcti ow
r. k 'jtttma
fSL fil
o (JS?f
lI L 11
Kk UMturk Ymtt'
As an all year round pleasuio gift for all the fam ly notb g eui Is u 1 ho o
uranb. We have here as usual only tho best made tho Kdlson playing tho
cylinder records unit the Victor using the disc recordB. One of l.eso a
nlft to please every number of the family anil furnishes entertainment every
duv in the your. Machines $12.50 to 8200.00. Records Xto to $..00.
. .. . , ...,. n iT..,i.,.niin. A most useiulnnu
An extra good gift I. a Uj le c- - 0(lludM everything
acceptable gift ami a t a gj c, The 2l dirhr.
SutXlontand at to suit your purse. Covers
nd Handles fully warranted.
.'J 'Asssas j!m
.ca.. ft- . . . .n
Tho silverware line Is too extens
ive to attempt an enumeration
Including us it does a full assort,
iiii'iit of everything in Aurora
niiil (lnrluilll IlllltO 1111(1 U fllll
selection of Uovlmm .Slorling Hut
Our goods aro quality goods and
only tho Deal manuiucuueih uu
tnln a reprosentationln our stock
otherwise wo could not make our
unqualified oh"er ".Satisfaction
or Money Hack."
Call in look over tho stock everything marked in plain figures and alwaysglad
to show yon.
wnrlr III llrUwlUK
, All hnnnrn to bo Wrlttcll On OllU
Bldo only, and alt-work must be mount
ed on cardboard.
lrBach cardboard must do cieuny
marked and contain but one class of
ft Mark cardboard clearly wun umuo
of pupil competing and for which
prize It Is to be entered
I . i t .llttiAMnil til
0 All work musv uu uom. "
the 2ltli day of .luuuury to Miss Ircue
Miner at '.Institute Hall, lied Cloud.
wrir dollwred later than Jan 24 can-
not bo entered for a premium.
Independent Kxiuuiis - rie.nuu..
II81"- , , m
1 Host original composition with
the' following subject: "Why is Web-
Hter county a goon piaoo in wm i
live'.1" by any soventu or eiKn ki"'u
pupil, Hist premium, SI. second, 81.
2. Hest Illustrated story or poem by
".'. ,i.i,.i nr fourth errado pupil, llrst
m-emliim. 81, second promluni el.
!1 Uest exhibit of water color or
, i ,...,,.m, wnrk bv unv third or
I'llli'tvi. ...j , el
fourth gvado pupil. Hist premium SI.
second premium fl-
1. Haino by uny nun or m.ui k""
pupil, llrst promlmn 81, second 81.
r.. Sumo by uny sevonth or eiglith
crade pupil, llrst 81, socond $1.
n,.ct. linndwork. either single
piece or dlspluy, by any first or second
,i ,,,,,,H. first II. second 81.
it,.st man of Webster county,
flrst premium SI, second 81 .
8. llestrclioi miipoi '""a'i
tUJII, I. w...j
ter their products and It thus becomes
a greater exposition for the west thau
the now famous National Corn exposi
tion. Ti, .ii.iu uni.iiil should be.moro
sntisfuctory and the attendance.larger
than nt the corn snow, ana oy mu w
biblts made from Nebrasha and-Jowa,
people of the two states should be
convinced when comparing soil pro
ducts, that these two states offer just
as good advantanges lor more iuuuv
able agriculture as the newer states in
tho west which arc making every
effort to get settlers from Iowa and
t..... , ni.i'nllll S2.
iireiniuui v-t --
p. Host original plan or model of an
Ideal farm (quarter section), showing
products and location of buildings,
first premium 82, second 82.
10. Host four physiology drawings,
...i, 1 nnnond 91.
ursi. l"'" --' - " .. i..t.,t
.i ,of ,iiuniiif nr munutvi wiui"b
work, any year's work, first premium
oft rnnnml ft'
WtikmSr v&twn
Absolutely Pure
The only baking towdr
mad from Royal Oram
MaaM nf Tartai
NMiimv !! LIm Phosphate
Jewelers andL Optometrists.
'l2. Best specimen of penmanship by
ggMl If VM!11
, . , ,ri -IIi'm' I I lM'1fjlWf
TSit imXirmLS9fftitJmUt tfJKVRBT