The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 08, 1910, Image 8

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IS not only possible in every home, but it is possi
ble to have every room ideal. This may be
effected by proper furniture and arrangement Most
nil stuffy rooms are stuffy from the fact that the
furniture does not harmonize. Haven't you been
in a house that has an atmosphere of comfort and
pleasantness and harmony which made you feel very different?
There is nothing so important in fitting up a home as discrimin
ation in selecting your furniture. Come in and let us prove
this to you. You can readily see for yourself, how, if some of
our slock were installed in your house, they would complete
' your assortment and transform the appearance ol that stuffy room.
niture Men has purchased The well known Fur
niture Stock of Albright Brothers and added to
it their $3000 Stock shipped from Lincoln,
giving them the largest Stock ever Shown in
the Republican Valley. Consisting of Iron
and Brass beds, Lounges and Davenports,
Ladies' Desks and Book Cases, Buffetts, China
Closets, Princis Dressers and Chiffoniers. : :
Rockers From 50c. to $50.00
Diners Erom, 3. to $60.00 Per Set.
Pictures with Frame and Glass from 5c. to 10.00
Carpets, Rugs, and Lace Curtains,
equal to our City markets. : : : : :
And a Complete Sock of
Undertaking Furnishings.
And offer the Services of up-to-date
Licensed Embolmers and Funeral Directors.
f L ! m ;j r:.--i g
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'. ;. Iiinneritiaii Co. (V,
HAT girl or woman has not dreamed of a per
fect home, for a home equipped with beauti
ful furniture in perfect harmony goes a long ways
toward perfect happiness. We can aid you toward creating
this cherished thought, and when you buy your outfit from us
there is the satisfaction in knowing that it is going to last, that it
is going to endure time, and will never bean eye sore on account
of its shabby or worn-out appearance. This is the only kind of
furniture we sell, so buying from us means that you will get
that kind.
ATKINS & BARBER, The Reliable Furniture M
Mr.atnl.Mrs. ClmvHo Kilsblu spent
Sunday at Cliurlte Swart.V. v
Mr. ntnl Mrs.. Kurl Lewlh spent Sun
day tveiilug at Jim lhvlu.
M r. John Kuhscr who lms heen on
the sick list Is able to be about again.
Miss Mary Holcomb, Mehrs. Ed.
Kincand Tom Simpson spent Sunday
t Miss Dollle Uasber'a.
Mrs. Lue BurgUi'ld and dauuhtcr
Tave been vUitlnj,' her sister, Mrfl.
Andrew Kln who has been very Mole
but is better at thin wrlltiiitf
Hill Doyle, ono of the bet drivers
In the neltfhboihooil had a run away
with a load of corn and broke one
whetl and smashed tin en kernels of
of corn but L'nehi Hill came out with
out a bruise.
SheriiY IlodKf was in town Monday.
Little Holaud Wilt l on the siek
11. M. liiirfent and wile visited
Tuesday with Mrs. H. II. Crow.
Mrs. Uareh. wife of the. M. li pastor
is viMtln' witli lier sou in Lincoln.
Mrs. IM. Sawyer wnscalleil to Heav
er City Sunday by t lie seveie Illness
of hei fatlier.
Mart Iluau and family spent Sun
day with 1. It Uolviu and wife, imr
ntsof Mis. llaijuii.
Ciruiidma Hull i.s Maying willi Mr.s.
Kueso Sllvkley whilo her duunlitor-lu-law
Mis. Win. Hull is nwaj.
Mrs. L. tileason and Mr. Will Payne
from the ho lino vltltA Saturday
HHbMi HiiH .1. S. (iluHtwn liwre.
Rll Kowlrr and family, also his
kibUti.Miii Melton of Indiana, woie
Sunday tniebtft of Mrs. (i. V. Hoover,
inothor of Mrs. Fowlei.
Miss Mary Noble leturned Friday
from a visit at Chester aeeomimuied
by two eouslns tho Misses Strawn.
TJieyreturned liomo Tuesday.
Mr. Trust has accepted a position in
fuirbttry in u harness shop. Mrs,
Trost will remain lioro until tho first
of tho year. Mr, Trost goos Sunday.
Sunday uvenlng at llvo o'clock nt tho
home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hrchin
occurred the marriage of Miss Iiilllo
Fullurton and Mr. Uhoiiiold Klrbto
Rev. 11. L. Darch of the M. 13. church
jMjrformed tho ceremony.
Mrs. J. I). Andrews returned Mon
day to her home in Lincoln after a
two weeks visit with her sister Mr.s.
Win, Sawyer, and other relatives nnd
The Webster Count v Medical As-
sociatlon convenes here Thursday.
Tho sessions will bo hold up stair in
I.O.O. 1, hall. A banquet will be
served in the evening. Particulars of
Ike meeting in next issue.
Mrs. Hannah J. Crow went to Ued
Cloud Saturday evening returning
Monday morning. She was the guest
of her daughter, Mrs. John Wilson.
Mrs. Crow departed Wednesday morn
ing for Texas wlioie she will spend
tho winter with her sou, John S. Liu-
Fred Fish and wife of Culbeitson
lost their infant cliihl. Tho little out
was hi ought Ihmo for burial. Tho
fuueial was held Friday uftcrnnon at
I tho homo of Mr. mid Mrs. Win. Hull,
the parents of Mr.s. Fish. An older
child was so very ill that neither Mr.
or Mr. Fish could leave. Mis. Hall
left Friday night for Culbertson to
assist in the care of the slide child.
The Hansen bovs aie kept pietty
busy now. It keeps one busy answer
ing tho phone and two of them busy
with tho sheller for he Is in luck. '
WlaWs Pension.
The recent act of April 10th. lflt8
givos to all soldiers' widows a pension
ofSl2per month. I'Ved Manrer, the
ftttmov. has nil necessary blanks.
Successor to Dr. J. S. BMlOfl
At the old stand over the
State Bank. Phone 131.
Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S.
Over Cotting's Drug Store.
(leorge Harris was in the county
seat on business Friday.
ivtie Uicherson is stnyinir with Col.
"Wiggins this winter.
IVto Mauley was a pleasant eallerat
the laneh Sunday evening.
(iuv Humes and Will Fisher hanle'd
their straw on wind mill row Friday.
fill... , 1 1 1- ! . nm
me annum in nisi, a.i is running a
HtMe smoother since the storm bio wed
A heavy snow lull Saturduv niu-hi
that will stop corn shucking fr a
Cap. Hoimhin shelled corn ono day
last week and hauled it to Cutter in
lied Cloud.
Uiy Uobbins and wire aie btaylng
with Will FlsW mid shucking corn
and keeping TOuso for him.
Tho snow Stttuiduy night was ti
littlo hard on the rabbits Sunday by
tliu way tho fur Hew on wind mill
Most everybody is done shucking
corn on wind mill row except Will
Flbher, but blessed is the man that
has the goldeu grain to shuck.
Thursday, December 15, 1910
at the
This offering is one from which good selection may be made in bulls for herd headers.
Matured matrons, some of them bred lo some of the most celebrated sire of the
breed, and others to as good bulls as may be had. Among the matrons are
In the tounty ourt of Webster County
In llio mntlcr of Hie I . . .,
Kbtnteof Courtliuiil Order of lluiirlne
Cow den, licensed, And to Show Cause.
On thlH Sitti day of November 1910, Petition
era Frank W. fowden and Kdpir II. Cowdtn
tiled their petition h.relii, alleging the death
of Courttmid f. Cowdcn, Intestate, on Juno
-3. 1I0 and nraj lnB that regular AdmlnlH
tratlon of tho estate of said deceased bo dis
pensed with, for an adjudication of heirship
In the promises, and that they bo adjudged
the sole surviving holrs ut law of bald daco-, iiinisaiu decedent died Intestate while
an Inhabitant of Webster County, that all
his debts and funeral expenses huvo been
paid and that the following real property, to.
Wit, I.utH IR. IT, ami 181u Illnok 8 Iti Smith A
Moore'HAddlUoii tolled (Jloud. In Webster
County, Nebraska, constituted tho home
stead of said deceased, and Is wholly exempt
from eseeutlon, attaehment or other mesuo
process tiud not liable for the debts of tlio
deieiiMd.aiul for sm-h other ami further re
lief as tlfi-lri-iiiimiaufisor the case may re
ipilre. Ii is iiii.iikioiii; oiiiiiiitKD hciehy that
said petition (U luai.l l.efor., tlm rnl,,,iv
1'ouitof halduomity. at Hie Com l IIoiimi on
iMi'imiiuuy or lixemlKi Itilu, at 10 o'clock
a. ui ut which time nil persons luteiested In
said i stale mio appearand shoireausv why
the prajei of said etlllou should not bo
isrnuted; and that notlcnof said petition and
he.irliiKlMileiihy the publication of this
order foi tin ee suiei sslv e w eeks pi lor to said
hearing In the Hed Cloud Chief, a U gal news
paper published In said county. .
Dated Noiomberi'), HH0.
Ily the Court, I. V. Uhmi.n
(SKJ' fnuntyJudgo
Order to Show Cnusc
In theCoiiuly Court.
Stato of Nebraska
ubster County f
ofifl mi kers. mm mm Mecimens
and well bred. The younger females arc especially attractive, and they will appeal to
flin KmroH In tlia movtrnf fnv rrnnA tliinrrc Thic ic nnP nf fhf qnlpS tflf Q SPaSfin WrlPrP
Lllti UUTL.1 All Llli: 1I1C11 IVI.L KJ X lUUU Llllllkli W - ww w VV4w iavw
"V MU T k lift L1A lUiUUVi W4 jjWUM 1.AftftW aw w w.v -w - .. .n.vv
the offering should be appreciated. Many of them will please you.
W. A. Hasebrook
The passenger train from Red Cloud wjUjbe'met at Blue Hill the morning of the sale
and parties will be brought overland free.
Aia Count court held at the County
court room In nud for said county l-'rld.iy,
Now inhtr llth A. !., l'lin.
In tin mailer of the r mate- of i mi
UImj p. liL'ctaxed.
(Is mndlllKUIldUlllliMhtHiPtltLoiiiir Mm, I
Allsopp, llled on the llth day of .Suumntr
. ii . euu. ipayiiig mr tliu examination an I
allow mica o( lu.i iimii account of the same
date, it decree of .WhiKiiiiiiiu of the hinds be
longing to said estate to the persons entltlud
to the same, an order dlstilbutlng the restduu
of personal estate and theio upon mi order
dlsehiirKlni; hor liom further hiirden and
service lu hers.ildollUeusadniinlsiratrix.
OisnmtKii, That Wceluosduy the7lh day of
December A. I), lum, at one (o'clock p. m.,
Is assigned for he.ii lug said petition when all
persons Interested lu said matter may appear
ut a tunty Court to b0 held In and for
wild county and show causu why prayer of
petitioner should not bo granted; and that
notheof the pendency of said ni.titinn ,.
tho Inuring thereof bo given to all persons
Interested In said matter, by publishing a
copy of this order In the Hid Cloud.Chlof, u
weakly newspaper prlutid In said county,
for three consecutive w eeks prior lo said day
of hearing,
csr-M' 1, W.'Kihon
County . I tulje.
AMijf 4JT.