m "fesftr Ji4 r'v P SnffiDlT ISIMCBSFJAII IT Ce emmmtii IE past tew yean lias witnessed tho de-ja Uupmcnt ot a unique activity, tho pur-a pose of which Is to satisfy public curios ity regarding me,n and women who nro prominent in ono or another of tho con spicuous walks of life. Thl3 particularly -tip-to-dato vocation might ho dcnomlnnt- el inL "nmip-inoiiiug or coieuruios, wincu mciiua tho making ot in&tantanoous photographs of tho people who are temporarily or permanently in tho public, eyo and wheso peraonal appearance is conse quently u matter of iutorcst to the peoplo of all parts of trio country. Fow newspaper readers who tako delight in tho moss of pictures spread nowadays over overy print ed page, over stop to rellcct what a comparatively Bhort tlmo ago it was that first saw such embellish ment of tho chroniclo ot tho day's happenings. Most of our renders can doubtless remember distinctly tho tlmo whon pictures wero unknown In their fnvor lto nowspapcr, and oven after crudo cuts began to make their appenranco In tho advertising columns of tho wockllcs, and later in tho dallies, it was a long lapso cro tho pictures wero to bo found in tho read ing columns and n yet longer tlmo boforo tho reader camo to expect not moro scenic subjects but graphic pictures of tho current happenings of tho busy world. Tho vocation of snap-shotting celebrities has boon tho outgrowth tho very latest outgrowth, it "might bo termed of tho practiso of recording in pic turo as well as in story tho doings ot all tho world. Whon tho newspaper-reading public camo to expect tho quick reflection in picturo form of great happen- r(i mam wSSSmmKJ'SSrmmKm r -" rz. itunr nvr n an aawiiapm ;&" . v;mra.'GLifjFvi.-ni w I z nihtiv fiMi. r.) k Eara MmmnAmrr tx ia u.rsiHMEVu ."v -a mAm fililliPi K 'Emm I'JimfmSmWwi to circle anmn Kansas City Couple on Eight Thousand-Wile Tramp. Their Routo Lendo to Southern, Ennti em and Northern Boundaries of the Nation Aro to Camp Out a Year. A Sure Cure. Mother I'm nfrald Owendollno la retting her hoart on that young Pen niless. Father Yoti think so? Mother I am almost sum of it. Father Wull, ho Is not a fit person for her to marry. Ho In as poor as a rat and haa no prospects. Something1 must ho douo to set her against him. Mother I havo thought of that and havo hit upon whnl I think is an excel lent plan. Father Yes? Wha'. in It? Mother Wo must toll hor that w want her to marry him. fljj-v ym z.kJXJr0. irCJHdOwuK & ripx. ill x r 1 1 m 1 1 lss I tv ii'iiiiaj rfv.fi J Ari'J ufrsfii.w uv. (fi 'A'W m&mh tm j vmm. IMP BKi . xmsmHnms0mMawsmmm ws& """ "'"-" "" n 1 1 iW'JnmxmM WttiK&&X$! voIt apnrnroa, unlesa tho po- l iHivs.iawi ii i . ?a& TrrxMitxrfAzrm.g!,miG2LWt r wiw vwwme3& . u tl.' 0 1 U 1 1 li i jju' . "r r Z.I Hill ')! ' ii ll ' "' ii .n.ii.i i i Mv2)IvzvG'' .ii' .. . J "' L-jj"!?"!"'!gyyfty. am t iNm TJ-r rjrt n no& a KnffTV RA) ) MiiMM iri wmm:. wwmmm m$m. tmmzmimmmmwmmM &m, WMwmgk i iil mmMm&A,MCl s - i?ni& - &zssmmfm NC- ., 7.T.m.m:.' Y tratrd many a tlmo during tho colonel's trip through tho west Several professional photographers accompanied him, iitnl w number ot the press correspondents also ear :In1 cameras, and often ll was a wild raeo for them to keep up with Mr. llooiovolt and ho on hand at tho tlmo when tho good "human intero&t" pic tures wero to bo had. Whenover Colonel Roose velt appeared, unlesa tho po llco arrangements prevented, ho was at once surrounded by a cheering crowd, every man, woman and child of which was W!Y JL. AfyJTe PrCWSYG fflf trying to get closo enough to grasp his hand or nt least to ay "Hollo, Teddy." At such Hums a unapshnt usunlly yielded only a mass of heads and backs surrounding a pet of gleaming teeth. If Mr. Kooso- volt wns carefully guarded by i pollco or soldiers, as was tho I caso in Romo cities, tho task of tho photographer was al most us dlfllcult, for tho "cop pers" and deputy shorlffa of IW IIIIIHIMf' Kansas City, Mo. Air. and Mrs. Ihugnt Woolf, who walked liom Kan sas (. liy to Now York lam Mimmur in lilncty-nvo days, uiu well started upon a wall.lng tilp which is to consume i.fiuO tulli'A and girdle an area of iump ly two thiulii ot tho I'nlled Slates, 'lhey wero accompanied by tlielr dog, "Don," which walked slth them on former trips, and thoir hoiso, "liolly," which pulls a small two wheeled earl containing lood. a lent, e.Mia clolhluu and looking utensils. "Walking Hound the United Htates' was painted In laigo white letters ou the bed of tho tail. In smaller lettort It was Muted that Kun.tuii City is tin destination au well ,.s tho startlna imlui t tho trip. Mr. and Mrs. Woolf, dressed In brown suits which they de signed thcuiHclvos as host suited to tho exigencies of tramping, lod tho way, Dolly, traveling undrlven and unlcd, followed, and Don, tho dog, trotted along behind under tho enrt. Au neighbors tamo In to say goodhy and things wero brought troin tho liotiFo and loaded ou tho cait, tho dog's excitement Increased and was not allayed until after tho last neigh bor had shaken hands and tho entire party had passed through tho uido gate and down tho street. Then ho stopped barking and took his accus tomed place under tho cait Tho routo of the walk In from Kan sas City to a point in Texas on tho . coast, enst to Jacksonville, Fin., north to tho Canada lino, west to Minneap olis and t bunco back to Kansas City. Tho winter will bo spent In tho south and tho summer In tho north, t:o that they will suffer no Inconvenience from I sleeping ou tho giouud during tho on- i tiro year. Tl oy expect to return to , Kansas City November 1, 1012. i lleforo starting, moro than H.000 tags and labels pasted upon tho wagon during tho previous trips weio ro- Thcrs li more Ctnrr!i In thw nfrtlon of IM ronntrr ttinn mi other ill civi put Unrtlur. anil until the lail Irw jrars ;n ni.HW'l to ln liuurthlx. 1 or a ttfij tiKcrluiHl lo'il ninnllin, ami Ly coi.Mnutiy filling In CUM with loci I trralmcnl, inntinunrnl It InruMLIe. Ilrionra lint tiriurn aUtrli tci lio n rntiMHiitioritl ll rmr, Rid tliftetoro rciiulrci oiiwlllutloinl trriitinctit Hull Ctlartli Cwi mnnttfiftur.il liy I' J llitniy Aim. liilnJa, Ohio. i ttio tnty ("iimtlttillnrinl fv.rn un tin nnrKrt. It H tAkc.i Intfrmlly In Oiwi ttnm 10 rtrtir-i tu tMpon"fnl. II (tcti (llrrttly on tiloml ti,l muconi inirttrm nt tint iyttm. 'lliry tidtr oni litiii'lrnl ilntlnn for Any rno It fiilli to cure. Url tor clrinliM nnd tMtlmnnlnlv AiMitm 1". J fill NUY A CO., Tolfdo. Ottow fJold lit- l)rtiL'ltit. Iff. laVo llall' rmlly l'll'J for constipation. Tho Slflnlflcant Wink. "I think," said tho weary stranger, "thnt I'll go iiomowhcro and tako forty winks." Tho hnck driver lookod puzzled. "What's tho trouble?" "I wan wondering whether you wanted mo to drive you to a hotel or n drug store." Femlnino Lonlc Her A woman Is always right. 1 1 1 in How do you flguro that out?, Her Well, n woman Is, Isn't Bho7 Mm Yob, I Biipposo no. Her And I'opo says: "Whatever 13, Is light" Seo7 Chicago Nows. DU9INESQ IS BUSINESS. . &&&1 AijaM.' $c?7X&r or jmrrfflax, baj?o fVCflySUF?, zJU5rC MlrtfS AttD QWY BAtf&ETT. Ings all over tho world It speedily progressed frjom Interest in placos and things to curiosity rogardlng tho actual appoaranco of tho peoplo regarding whoso doings tho tapers had much to say. It wab not enough that tho newspapers should print as n coun terfeit presentment of this or that public man a carefully posed bust portrait, touched up to show tho oubject oh ho wanted to appear rathor than as ho actually did appear. Newspaper roadors with a thirst for accurato Information camo to demand pictures that would show tho subjects ns they actually uppoarod. Moreover, they wanted not a commonplnco bust photo, but a full-length pic turo that would represent Us object as ho would appear to ono who met him on tho street and with a hint as to his distinctive characteristics ob to dress, otc. From this demand was born tho personal "snnp shot." Nowadays tho snapshot is to a largo extent displacing tho stereotyped vlsago in tho publlo prints. Almost everybody who nchlovos famo or notoriety must must ncods fall victims to tho sharpshooters of tho camera. Tho snap-shottor is no rospecter of persons or callings so long as "hu man Interest" is present, nnd everybody, from preachers to pugilists and from statesmen to suffragists, is tho quarry of tho camera scout at ono tlmo or another. Somo of tho peoplo who aro snap-shotted manifestly relish it; a great number nccopt it ns a matter of cour30 and a minority wriggle and cquirm and gven fight at sight of a camera. Conspicuous among tho lattor aro Hnrry Lohr, tho Nowport society pot of monkoy dinner famo, and J. Pierpont Morgan, tho finan cier. It must bo admitted that tho father of trusts does not mnko a protty picturo whon taken unawares and ho evidently renllzca this, for ho Is usually guarded by several private dotoctlvcs whon ho appears in public and carries a cano which ho Is quick to uso on any offondlng cainora that ho can reach. Publlo ofllclals, headed by tho president of tho United States, aro usually tho most satisfactory subjects for Biiap-shots because, whatever may bo their natural inclination In tho mntter, they quickly learn to submit gracofully to this sort of attention. A leading statesman or army or navy ofllclal who realizes that at public functions ho is llablo to bo contlnunliy In tho camera eyo Is likely to Instinctively avoid thoso awkward attitudes and facial grimaces that somotlmcs spoil things In tho case of a celebrity who Is now to tho gamo and solf-consclous in consequonco. From tho standpoint of tho snap-shottcrs perhaps tho most satisfactory subjects In this country are tho diplomats at Washington that is, tho alien ofll clals who aro stationed at our seat of government as tho ambassadors or ministers of foreign pow ers. For ono thing, theso titled forelgnora nro possessed of gorgeous uniforms that show up well in unconventional pictures, and thon again thoy aro accustomed to being constantly on dress parado. Tho snnp-Bhottor must "quick on tho trigger" and ho cultivates ability in this direction almost as earnostly as tho gun fighter of tho west did in tho old days. Tho nowspapor snap-shots aro mado by means of special cameras mado specially for tho purposo, and costing as much aa $250 nploco. Only a fraction of a second is roqulred, of courso, to mako a snap-shot, onco tho Ions is focused upon a colobrlty In a desired position, but tho uncertainty Ilea In tho fact that tho colobrlty Is seldom actually posing for his picturo. Moro than likely ho may not roallzo that ho Is being caught by the camera or mayhap may bo trying 'WjJL ! Mr. Kickor Your bill actually tnnku.i my blood boll. Doctor Slick Thon, sir, I must charge you $'.10 moro for stcrlllzlns your sy stem. END STOMACH TROUBLE NOW to dodgo tho glasB eyo pointed toward him. In any event quick action la necessary at tho crit ical moment if tho subject sought is to bo caught ero ho moves away, turns his head or othorwlso spoils tho picturo. Indeed tho snap-shottcr who would "catch on tho wing" Buch restless spirits as Colonel Roosovclt must dovelop a sort of sixth oenso thnt will cnnblo him to anticipate with rea sonable certainty tho futuro moves of his subject No other American of tho day is so much pho tographed ns is Colonol Roosevelt, nnd yet ho Is by no means an easy fiubject for good picturos. It is not that ho objects to tho operation; 'Indeed, ho seems to utterly ignoro tho cameras that aro polntod at him a dozen times a day. But tho colonol is ono of tho most activo nnd sudden ot men, and tho snnp-shottcr must bo on tho alert overy mlnuto of tho timo or ho loses tho golden opportunity to catch tho ox-prcsldont nt tho "psy chological moment." This was admirably lllus- ENTERTAINING THE BLIND. "In theso days of specialists you can't Just step out and help your fellow humans In haphaz ard fashion," snld tho matron on an Institution for tho blind. "You havo to tako a courso of training beforo you enn oven do good in tho world. In this position tho task that requires most di plomacy 13 declining tho services of people who offer to entertain tho .blind. All sorts of Incom petents voluntoer. Their intentions nro good, but their achievements aro doplorablo. Poor readers aro most numerous nnd aro hardest to manage. Thoy havo had no practiso in reading aloud sinco thoy left tho lowor grades In tho grammar Bchnol, yet when tho fires of benovolenco break out that Is tho first thing thoy want to do. "Tho blind nro particularly scnsltlvo to tho quality of a voice. A harsh, high pitched volco that rambles on without rhymo or reason gotn on their nerves, nnd it is our duty to shut out nil such renders. They havo to bo handled with caro becauso their hearts nro In tho right plnco, and with tact their good intentions may bo do fleeted into nomo useful channel." AA'D A7?S. JAMFxS BPYCJT Tho Pedestrian Outfit moved and tho cart was repainted Theso nro n fow of tho things packed within tho ono small box: A tent, two cots, two sets of bed ding, cooking utensils, provisions for dog, man nnd horso for throo days, guns, fishing tacklo nnd clothes, camp stovo, Btools nnd tablo, 6,000 blank postcards, photographer's outfit, 2,000 sheets of music, writing mnterials, violin, checker bonrd, llvo gallons of water and nn Icobox. "I feel llko Columbus starting out to discover America," Mrs. Woolf said, when asked by tho nolghboru if ho did not dread tho trip. "Wo expect both to stand it and onjoy It" KING'S BEARD MODEL FOR ENGLISHMEN. licards aro al present tho order of tho day nmong London's fashlonablo "men-about-town." In remarking about tho provalenco of facial hlr outo adornments, a prominent hairdresser said: "Ono would not havo thought that tho coming of King Gcorgo to tho throno would havo mado much difference to tho fashion of current hair dressing, In view of tho fact that his father woro a beard for so many years, but I can ansuro you It has, and a very great dlfforonco nt that. "In nil probability tho presont fashion of tho point beard is duo in a great moasuro to so young a man affecting ono. I havo been told that thero was a groat rago for boards among 'men-about-town when King Edward first grow a board many years ago, "In my opinion tho averago Englishman Is trcmondously Imitattvo. Tho etylo of beard King Georgo wears la appropriately named tho torpodo' In tho navy, and omco tho king's no cooslon many of tho youngor mon In tho oorvloo havo started to grow them." tho western towns seethed to hnvo much moro solf importnnco than common sense. In Denvor two of tho camera mon wero left bohlnd whon tho colonel and his party went to tho auditorium and arrived to find that building packed to tho doors and surrounded by a ring of mounted pollco. To ono of theso thoy appealed In vain. "But wo nro bupposed to bo with Mr. Roosovolt's party," said ono of thorn finally. "Well," wns tho chilly ro eponso, "If you nro supposed to bo with them, why aren't you?" And tho ofllccr's horso scornfully switched his tnll in their faces. It wns in Denver, too, that ono of tho most nmuslng scenes of tho trip was witnessed. Tho Press club gavo a "chuck-wagon" luncheon to tho colonol In n park. "Here," Bnld tho camera mon, "Is our chanco for somo good stuff." So thoy put in fresh 111ms or plates and hustled out thero by tho dozen. Tho colonel, in tho midst of a throng of self-invited Colorado deputy sheriffs, Btood nt tho rough board tablo and evory tlmo ho reached for u bit of meat or put n morsel of food Into his mouth thero wns n perfect fusillade of clicks from tho cameras that surrounded him. Tho photog raphers wero ranged in n triplo ring nhout tho chuck wagon, thoso with littlo cameras in front, stooping low; next, tho men with tho lnrgor hand cameras, and In tho ronr tho local artists, who had big machines on high tripods. It was In truth a comical sight, but tho colonol did not seem to mind It a bit, and went on eating nnd talking with I tho utmost enthusiasm. Tho visit to Choyonuc, of course, gavo tho snap ohottcrs their best chances for plcturosquo views, for thero tho colonel could bo cnught almost any timo slinking hands with tho cowboys, cowgirls ami gaudily painted Indians, or applauding tho work of tho broncho-hustors. Thero la a Chicago nowspapor man who onco had tho unique expcrlenco of being tho only person with a camera present nt tho coronation of n king. Tho monarch In question was Mataafn, who had been elected king of Snmoa by a majority of tho inhabitants of thoso delectable Islands In 1808, Ills reign, to bo suro, lasted but a fow months, for after n gallant slrugglo lit wns most unjustly deposed by tho Amerlcnns and British, who thereupon parti tioned tho islands with Germany. Tho perform ance took placo l& tho open, but tho king nnd tbo chiefs who anointed htm wero not to bo ap proached within Bomo fifty yards. Bo rigid la Sa moan otiquotto that tho ono man with tho camera did not daro to broak through tho surrounding ring of natives, and bad porforco to bo content with such views as could bo had from a distance. FIRST PROTESTANT MISSION Famous Old Methodist Church Still Stando In tho Suburbs cf Upper Oanducky, Ohio. Upper Sandusky, O. Tho greatest Methodist event In recent yoara wns tho pllgrlmngo to tho famous old mis sion church at tho odgo of Upper San dusky, O., tho first Protestant mission In America. In tho adjoining como tcry nro tho gravos of John Stowart, founder of tho mission, iuid koiho of cC 5 "&M ??$ Itifm: BSttteVf iM'aw: v id --2 1 -itj : ' ir H-.fw7y. 1 5m '. -act. n ;ft-3--- 1 TtMb" K7ufrU4lHtl The Old Mission Church. his converts. This mission wna tho result of Stewart's efforts to glvo tho gospol to tho Indians ot this torrltory. Stewart died In 1823. It Is unlver eally admitted that tho organization of tho parent mission hoard of tho Meth odist church In 1819 was duo to tho success of this mlsston to tho Wynn dotto Indians. Tho mission was or ganized in 1810. From thnt dato to 1907 tho Methodist church lion raised through Its mlsslonruu' boards tho sum of ? 1(5,485,957. Formuny years tho church was allowed to fall into decay. In 1889, through tho efforts of tho Rov. Dr. Lovo, It wns restored to ita present condition. A gran I to block marks onch gravo nud two larger slabs built into tho south end ot tho church nro engraved with historical' and biographical data. Dyopepala, Gas, Sourness or Indlgoa tlon Go Five Mlnuteo After Taking a Littlo Dlapcpsln. If your meals don't fit comfortably, or you fool bloated after eating, and you bcllovo It 1b tho food which fills you; If what littlo you cat lies llko lead on your stomach; If thero Is dif ficulty In breathing, eructations ot soiir, undigested food and acid, heart burn, brash or n belching of gas, you can mako up your mind that you need something to stop food formontatlon And euro Indigestion. A largo caso of Papo'a DIapcpsin costs only llfty cents at any drug ttoro hero in town, and will convlnca any stomach sufferer flvo minutes after taking n hlnglo doso Uiat Pol-mentation and Sour Stomach is causing tho misery of Indigestion. No matter If you call your troublo Catarrh of tho Stomach, Dyspepsia, Nervousness or Gastritis, or by any other namo always remember that a certain euro la waiting at your drug store tho moment you decide to begin ltfl uso. Papo'a Dlapcpsln will rcgulato any out-of-order Stomach within flvo min utes, nnd digest promptly, without any fuss or discomfort, all ot any kind ot food you cat. Theso largo GO-cent cases contain moro than BUfllclent to thoroughly euro nny chronic caso of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Gastritis or any other Stomach troublo. Should you at this moment bo suf fering from Indigestion, Gas, Sour ncsB or any stomach disorder, you can nuroly get relief within flvo minutes. She Covered Her Head. Sceno, n country church of Eplsco copnllnn denomination in procesB of boing decorated for tho Christmas Eoason. Tho rector, who has a strong leaning towards forma of all kinds Is fastening n festoon of cvergrcon about tho baptismal font, whon, ou tor Miss Dymplo, who unceremoni ously flings her hat upon tho seat of V pow anil comes to his assistance. JThu rector suddonly observes that alio Is hatless and remarks severely: n "Miss Dymplo, It 13 particularly fori nlddon thnt woinon chall corao Into tho church with uncovered bonds." "Oh, bother, I forgot!" responded tho young lady lrrovercntly. "Woll," grabbing up tho rector's derby nnd Eottlng' It Jauntily on hor port littlo head, "will this do?" Important to Nlothora Examlno carefully overy bottlo o! CASTORIA. asnfeandsuro remedy for Infanta and children, and boo that It 1-l..n,. 41.. SIgnaturo of ZilWcC In Uso For Over 30 Years. Tho Kind You Havo Alwaya Bought. Not to tho Wise. Howell A word to the wlso Is suf ficient Powoll Thon how do you account for the long-drawn-out speeches ovwr tho telophono? ' HMmmmmwmmK,ritf-jBHr?XZ j mfriatol wii,ii -irf-v- ryi-" -jmmsfgssojssBji