- J-lJ , fv. TaXTXiSr ., ..r7rvTITV''J'''VVBHHlBMNMVHMHHHHHHHHH 1 i A ..- . .. K6e CHIEF Rl Cloud - - Nebraska. PUBLISHED EVEUV THURSDAY DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, Red Cloud ntored in iiio rostofflce ntiiicii cloud. Mcii.. j In Rivcrlon every Monday M ISCCOIW UIHM .MdllCr. 0 IS. HALE l'um.isiir.ii THE ONLY DKMOCHATIC I'AI'IIH IN WKMHTKIt COUNTY The agricultural sohoolsare sending out warning to tho farmor.s to see that their need corn Is kept In a dry place Mueli depends upon the inimner In which wed corn Ih handled and our f.irmer.s will do well by heeding tins advice of these men who lmve con ducted extensive experiments. Henry ('. Richmond Is again it candi date foi tho olllee of Chief Clerk of the liouso In tho coining logislatuio. Two years ago ho lost tho position by just ono voto this year he will in all piobu bility.be inoie successful. Ills many friends here ate anxious that he bo recognised for the good work he has ' dono In the past. Ho Is well qualillcd for tho position and has no ax to grind. Woiiro witii yon Henry and trust that this time you will succeed. One of the moasuro.s to como up for consideration at, the coming congress is the act to prevent the printing of envelopes by the government. It is argued by many that tho government should continue ill tho business of printing and delivering envelopes for loss money than any printer hi the land can buy the blank envelopes for n number of banks and corporations being pledged to light the bill. Itit is right for the government to print en velopes ut cost why would it not be all right for Uncle Sam to loan money without Interest, or to sell every urticlc needed ut cost. The govern ment udinlts there is no profit in the envelopes furnished and that the trans portation of the same all over the country free helps to make up the largo dellclt in the postal department. lilooinlngtdn Advocate. who want thcirohlldrcn to have tho bust of everything and they do not hesitate to procure all that is in the market. We have no complaint to make with this but there arc other people who cannot afford expensive clothes for their children and they love them just us much as the people who Hie more well to do, The result is the chlldieu are either humiliated or else the parents are plunged into debt. Tho money which should have been spent for food and warm clot lies is spent for show which is wrong. The Omaha boaid of education might learn a lesson fiom our boaid and te- quire that all students shall appear in caps and gowns dining commence ment. We think that our board should go one step further and require the seniors to appear in the caps and gowns ntall the functions connected with commencement. These gowns mo fully us pretty and attraetivo ns any of the hundred dollar dresses and the appearance of the class on the stage 1s much more harmonious, Tho appointmentof a commissioner to llll the vacancy caused by the lesign ution of .Mr. Overman should receive careful serious consideration. Kirst of all wo hold that a citizen of this cily should be appointed. In this dis trict there are three divisions, llrstand second ward and the township. For many years past the township has re ceived the major share of the road fund and it Is time that the lax payers or this oily should receive, some of their money bauk. Again the coin missloner should be competent and ef ficient one who will lake a real inter est in Ike county uM'airs. All roads leading to this city should be kept in excellent eoiulll ion. We would much prefer a conservative man for this position one who will carefully hus band the acuity's resources. The men who have this appointment in charge have an excellent oppoi tunlty of rend ering tic county leal service by se lecting a man that is already exper ienced in business matters and who will give us a good careful, business administration The Omaha mothers held a meeting the oilier day to discuss ways and means of eliminating tin expense con nected with Hie graduation of their children, Tliis (inestion of dress dur ing coinmeiieoiiionL week Is far more bcrloits than many suppose In thu first place there are people of means The spirit of Jesse .lames still is abroad in the land if we may judge by the many bauk robberies reported ic cently. While these robbeis do not ride into town in broad day light and hold up the bankers they are yet as despei ate and as bold. We have heard private citions censured for not inter fcrring with these burglr.r.s but tho fact is that-most of us would hesitate to attempt to stop four or tlvo dosper ato men while thpy are' engaged in oraeking a safe. They would not bowl tato to shoot and they would certain ly shoot to kill. However It Is a Tact that It' people would deliberately shoot from some scouie place there would not be so many robberies. We believe that the law would certainly protect anyone who would use any means to checkmate outltiwty ot tills kind. Uf licers of the law ennnot bo in all places at all times and if tlie citions would take it upon themselves to assist at critical times cilininals would be more careful and would not bo so high haiuled. Another thing which keej s these men going is that -but a small pei cent of bank robborsarooveroaught and convicted. I'ncle Sam will goto any expense and trouble to reach and convict any violators of his re von up laws ami it seems to us that he -ought to be just ib euois. in prosecuting won why mb "ml kill, David Ellis David Kills was born in (ireeiiOouu ty, Tenn., Dec. I'J. li:i and died at his homo Jewell County. K'as.. Dec. I. 15)10 aged iii years ll months and 'l'. day-.. He was united in marriage to Nancy K. Justice Feb. 1, IMiiS. She died Apiil 11. ISS:i. To them-was hoi n live chil dren, four boys and one girl all of which arc living except the oldest boy John It. Kills who died Sept. 'JO. 185-0. He was united in marriage to Hiley .1. CotVey Fell. .'!, iSst. To them was I born two children a boy and a girl, f Ho moved with his fumilv In .liivnll County, Was. in lSsl. In early life he united with tho ( umberland 1'iesby terian chinch. The fuiieiul sen ices were eonduotd Monday by Hcv. Hummel at the High laud M. Fi. church and nltermeut took place in the Highland eeiueteiy. A Store Full of the Finest t New Merchandise Awaits Your Selection, f We offer you thoroughly dependable goods, quality goods! and merchandise that is New, Correct in style, and in every way desirable. : : : : : : : J In buying stock we keep constantly in mind the needs of rons and endeavor to supply them with the goods which will respect satisfy in quality, in service, in style. 5 We know right when we assure you of your complete satisfaction. : OUR STORE IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS, THE MINER BROTHERS GO. Dry Goods, Womens Coats, Suits, Furs and Furnishings, Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Shoes ancTGroceries. m our pat in every we are life No lime raosphaie :ii Vf7ilftJf "Alum in food mutt therefore act a a poison." VCflTV " rsViJy y7 Prof. Johnion, Yale University, T yDJ JU Read the label Buy no jjL kJ) baking powder unless the- (u t& Cream of Tartar guarantee v c is given Cm DrPRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER A straiflht, honest, Cream of Tartar Baking Powder. Made from Grapes. Makes better, more healthful food. Sold! without deception h Married A l the homo of .1. H. .luiboe in this city on Wednesday ovcnlng.Mlsstiraeo King and .Mr. Omar Wolfe wei united in marriage by thu Rev. .larboe. These young people are well I no vn hy nil our friends as thi'y were iuled in Webster County in Guilii'lil tow i hhip where they will inakothei utu 'e homo ill tho pursuit of farming. Wj wish tlntn Mieoi". Here Is Your Holiday Treat Right at Home The Season's Greatest Attraction. Konl Welsh Ladies Cliolr of U l'coulc Oi'tMos- ui' Uo vi.n ami iiik Piiuhs "Well, you WuNh people urn pahsloti atoly ftiurl of niusie, ami you lmve beautiful voice. 1 have certainly en joyed your Choir immensely. I must coiijrrtitulHtH you (Minium Thoinasjantl your Choir on your excellent perform ance." II, I. M. The Kid),', at I'unlllV. July 12, ll)o7. This is tho third number of tho Lec ture Course At the Opera Hoiimo Dee. 111. HMO. L. L. Borcn Intcrtnlns Officers and .Teachers of N. E. Sunday School MY. L. L. Itoreu Superintendent of the M. K. Sund.iy school, and wife eti tiM'lnilifil the olllcers ami toiulieih of 1 tin Sumlay sehool tit their homo Kri luy i ti'imiK, I't-'e. -'l. At i) o'oloel; "u 'Uiors to tho dining room weio la n upon ami the (,'ueht were iu- ii" din Mr. IJoion hnylnn each one vi-uUI have to timl lliolr place at tho an c which thoy hooii-did. IMates won uid lor '1U and n must palatable 1 four onui-so luncheon was s(.(d by Mrs. Huron ahsisted bv Mrs. Wondeily. I.loyd llliiosiind Will Horon aetod as waitors und did excellent work. After leavltiK the dlniiitf room they wtuo ontortiiluod lv tho following yomiK ladies with Instrumental nuihlo: Misses luov. Honor, Mario ISoss. llaol Stilller mid l'earl lllnes. Vocal solo by Itev. ToinpUins. Uecltulions and stories wore jjlvon by tho rest ol tho company. At the oloHe of tho pioiam Hlesl bo tho tio thul binds wan shii' and they all wont awaypronouiielii(,r Mr and .Mrs Itaren oxeolleut entortalnors. The Youth's Companldn In 1!MI .lust tlftv two fjood numbers, one nftor another, of only tho best read hi),' seleetod from th world's aluind iinoo of every sort. Nearly throo liiindred of the most entertutnlnpr storlos ovor wrlttoii upt tho kind tliatuio fniKotte'ii us soon uh read, but stories that ono loves to re member ami talk about. Thou thero. are tho famous men and women who wrlto for Companion read ers. It Is Ilia next best, tiling to meot lujj them fnoe to fuee for they oho'uso toph's which aio silio to ue of interest, for thoir audlonco of tlnoo million Companion rondels. ' The Announcement of the enlarged and improved Companion for next ear will tie sent to any aihlic-s fr i. ' and with it faniplo copies of The Coin-1, panion. I Those who subscribe at once, send-' ill V? ?l.i, will receive lice all Hie is sues for the lemalulii weeks of I'.'lt), also Tho ('uinpaiiiuu's Ait Calendar for )!ill,lltlio;raphod in thirteen colors and tfold. Till; YOl'l'll'dCOML'ANMDX. Ill IJurkolfv St., Uoston. Mass. Josctili llolccnih Unelo loo Iloleomb. who locattd in this ooiint.x in about 7.'1 or 7). died vt ry suddenly jii Saturday morniii,'. From what can ue learned he had been in poor health for some months, with rheumatism of the heait. but was feel-1 --ri !... I. ........ I'..!. I .1..... 1 .....I .. .... '.f down town. In the evonini he VM-ntj (f. THE CHRISTMAS holuo and with some friends spent tho ovonitiK in izood spirits, and lelired in the, samo way. In the morning, his brother, Hiram, who was staying with him, arose, built the Hie, got break fast, then called his brother, but re ceiving no response, wont to his room, and after examination, found that ho had died . sometime during the night. Ho called aiil and was soon convinced that medical assistance could lie of no avail llis-luuoral took place Sunday fiom the homo of his sister, Mrs. Mary Aiueson, with whom he made his home. Interment was made in the! WaliuitVrocK cemetery. Ho was To veins old. Kev Hummel coiiiluctid tlie funeral sorvico. lie was a printer cwerv snre I .. 1 II I I 'l ........ .. Il.iu It J liy lllllic? IIU wan m Miumi n. n..- pry cotintj and Ills frlonus win e snriy in hoar of his sudden death. Headquarters - - - - Headquarters It pays to trade at Headquarters. The oftener you buy the oftener you will find it out. Our Holliday goods are on the way and will soon be opened up for inspection. We absolutely know we can save yQU money. The Mode! Vatioty Store i VA? w vtp '? chandisc. U JEWELRY STORE v id is Certainly a good name for our Store. Our stock was never better or larger than it is now. It i il Hi ib vi t id i) ti h And do not forget thai our prices are riffht for (? first quality. The Doctor's Question Much .Sickness Due to Bowel Disorders A doctor's llrst iniohtioii when con sulted by a patient is, "Aio your bowels i ogular;'" Ho knows thai !8 por cent of illness is attended with in active bowels anil torpid liver, and that tills condition must bu removed gontly and thoroughly before health can bo restored. Uoxull Orderlies are u positive, pleasant and safe remedy for oonsti pution and bowel disorders ill general. Wh aro so certain or their great cura tive value that wo piomlse to return the purchaser's money in every ease when thuy fail to produce ontlio satis faction. Uexall Orderlies are eaten like paudy, they act quietly, 'l "'v " Hoothlug, strengthening, healing in lluonco on tho entire intestinal tract. They do not purge, gripe, cause nausea, llnnloiice, excessive looseness, diar rhoea or other annoying ell'eot. Thoy uro especially und fur children weak persons or old folks. Two sizes, '-'."(O and 10c. 'Sold only ut our store-Tho IttiMill Store. The II. li. (irlco Drug Co. W (0 w We have endeavored to buy goods that will please you and give you ONLY reliable mer- Our slock rovers evety thine found in a first class ll V Hi i) il Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi Hi yIj We will be pleased (t to show you our stock ij any time. ft J OPEN EVENINGS J. C. MITCHELL, fl The Jeweler. K Read the adds; in the Chief Well Improved SO acres olohe to low u for sale cheap ami on easy tonus .Sm.i.Aii, (iAiuiuii and HiiriunN. Tho simplicity ot tho Hull detach able uiubrella has uiudo possible the extension of this feature to your old ' umbrella. Instead of having tho ohl frame rocoved buy anew Hull frame and cover complete. Let Xuwlunito change your handle into a detachable one. Tliee.peii'.e is nieroly tho price1 of the new cover $1.00 to S7.00) which is no more thiin you would pay for having the ohJ frame rceoveied. Notice - IIi.d Cloud, Nkii.. Nov. '211th, join. A vacancy havlnir occured In tho olllee or tho County Commissioner of the llli District, by the lesignatlon of .JamosU. Overman t'omnilssloner and the appointing oIIIcoik; tho County Judge, 'J'leusiiier and Clerk havtng met this day, the matter ot appointing a successor to till tho vacancy whs continued until December Utli 1010, ut. Hi o'clock a. m. (Seal) i:. w. Ito.ss, County Clerk. K-- N