The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 08, 1910, Image 3

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s til
r 7
Much litis been tald about tho high
tout ot living, Its causes, nttd tho possl-(
bllttlcs of lis reduction. Hut llttlo hai
been snld about tho most costly teak:
tho falsa economy existing today lu near'
ly every household.
Much foodstuffs are bought with but
one point In view: "How cheap can I
set It" without a thought of quality oi1
'after cost." Ono of tho most various la
bfiltlntr powder.
Ily tho uso of perfect 'inking powder
thn housewlfo can lerlvo us much econ
omy ns from any other artlclo used In
pnxing and cookiiir. in selecting tn
baking powder, therefore, caro should
bo exercised to purchase ono thnt ro
tains Its original Btrength nnd always
remains tho same, thus making tho food
sweet and wholesomo and producing
ufflclcnt leavening gas to mako tho
baiting light.
Very little of this leavening gas Is
produced by tho cheap baking powders,
making It necessary to usn doublo tho
quantity ordinarily required to nocura
good results.
You cannot 'experiment every time,
you mako n enko or biscuits, or test tlin
strength of your baking powder to find
out how much of it you should uso;
yet with most baking powders you
should do this for they aro put together
so carelessly tltoy aro novor uniform,
tho quality and strength varying with
each can purchased.
Calumet Halting Powder Is mads of
chemically puro Ingredients ot tcstod
strength. Experienced chemists put It
up. Tho proportions of tho different
materials remain nlways tho samo.
fienlerf In alr-tlght cans, Calumet Daklng
Powder docs not alter In strength and
( not affected by atmospheric changes.
In using Calgmct you aro bound to
havo uniform bread, cako or biscuits, as
Calumot docs not contain nnv cheap,
useless or adulterating ingredients so
"commonly used to Incrcaso tho weight.
Further. It produces puro, wholcsomo
food, and Is a baking powder of raro
merit; therefore Is recommended by
leading physicians and chemists. It
rompllps with nil puro fond laws, both
BTATB nnd NATIONAL. The goods nro
moderate In price, nnd any ladv purchas
ing Calumet from her grocer, If not sat
isfied with It. can return It and havo her
tnonoy refunded.
McLean Met His Match.
John It McLean stepped In front of
a lurching Irishman, ouo evening,
nnd obstructed tho sidewalk ho that
tho Irishman was obliged to stop and
look at him. McLean Bald:
"Hero's that half dollar I borrowed
ot you. Now you must quit telling
tho neighbors that I never pay my
Half drunk, nnd wholly dazed, tho
Irishman took tho silver piece, looked
nt It Intently, and then said:
"Be dad, yez can't got otf thot nlsy.
It wor a wholo dollur thot yez
borryd; so fork over."
And ho forked over another half
dollar, nnd went his way, laughing
heartily at tho quick wit of tho Irish
man. Illustrated Sunday Magazine.
Another Example of "A Place for
Everything and Everything In Its
Place" How Made.
Having occnnlon to ho In tho hay
loft niter dark sevcrnl t linos I have
run over n fork and once 1 struck
my ankle against n prong ami It camo
very near causing serious trouble.
This led to tho construction of (he
holder shown In tho drawing. Tho
rack Is made of an Inch honrd, one
in f
Comprehensive System Would Great
ly Lessen Cost of Transportation
of Products.
A comprehensive system of good
roads would confer many substantial
benefits upon the fanners of tlto
United States. Hotter roads would
greatly Icbsoii tho cost of transporting
produce to market, and as soon as
tho farmers loam how to mako good
roads, and make them, tho greater
will bo their profits.
When farmers learn that on each
mllo of highway, thrco joda wide, ap
proximately 27,000 tons of water fall
annually, they will begin to appre
ciate the necessity of highway drain
age, nnd lenrn thnt a hard road can
not bo inndo out of mud. No jtlim of
road work, no amount of labor and
mnchlnory. will make a good dirt road
Sunday School Lenon for Dec 11, 1010
Specially lor This Paper
j IjKSSON TF.XT Matthew 27 15-50. Moni
tory itsou, 4, 41-11
' UOI.ncN TKXT -"Ho was wounded for
ittr trntisgresilnns Ho was btulsid for
jinr iniquities." - Ian. M.S.
TiMU Friday morning, April 7, A. I).
-, fn'in hlx o'clock A. M. till thrco
hVIm l I'. M.
1M.ACI:-1) l'llnlc's Judgment hall elth
r in llrrnd's l'aliuc In flu westirn part
in inn i-iiy; or in inmio .nimiiii hiijuui-
' Itll- tlin '!... itl ... .... tl... tlMflll
"f ... J vtll(Jlu llltll if. I ti.v .
Tho Honinn trial, heforo IMInto,
Was in the pnlnco of l'llato, opening
Into a largo couit. pee place. In tho
Jewish court tho charge brought
against Jesus was blasphuiny, that l
that will stay good until some plan Is, I jtrcnstm against God and tho Jewish
commonwealth. Tho penalty was
. When tho leaders brought Jesus be-
ifore l'llato they hoped that tho gov-
adopted to get rid of tho water
It has been satisfactorily demon
strated that a fairly gratifying road
fnr hniillnir lionvv ln.mlu should bo
rounded up In tho center, so that prnor would accept inoir venuct, mm
water may quickly flow Into ditches (simply countersign their sentenco
nt tho side and bo carried off through (without Inquiring further, taking for
properly constructed channels. Ctil- fernnted that they would not nave con
verts should bo provided to conduct detuned a man to denth unless ho do-
..-. "..-. ..I 14 11. .1 till..!.. nnlfn.ll '
Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Fre
To quickly Introduce tho biggest nnd
best farm Journal In tho West, we mako
this special 20 day bargain offer: Send 10
cents for trlnl 3 months' subscription and
wo will glvo you freo our collection of 10
very finest Gold Kmbosscd Christmas post
cards. Nebraska Farm Journal, 313
Humge Building. Omaha. Neb.
Tho 8!mple Life.
Mrs. Knlcker You will have to get
np to light tho flro.
Knlcker Unnecessary, my dear; 1
never smoke heforo breakfast
Pitch Fork Rack.
foot long and eight Inches wide. Ono
oldo of tho board Ib cut to a half cir
cle. Ncnr tho clrclo edgo of tho
board, five holes aro bored, tho holes
largo enough to admit a largo fork
handle. This board Is nailed to n post
1 feet from the floor. Tho support
(fot tho end of tho handles) Is tho
enmc shnpo as the ono with tho holes
hut only half as large nnd It hns no
holes In it. It is nailed to tho post,
one foot from the floor.
A pieco of hoop-iron Is nailed to tho
post six Inches above tho lower piece,
forming a circle which holds tho end
of the handles lu plncc.
This Is another example of "A place
for everything and everything In Its
water under tho roadwuy and thtiB
provent gullying tho roadway with
running water.
Nothing will glvo farmers belter
Ideas of how n good road should bo
built, or show them tho losses they
nro sustaining traveling to market
over poor roads, than Farmers llul
lctln No. 95, which may bo had frco
of cost by wilting u postal card to
tho department of agriculture, Wash
ington, I). C , and asking for it. It Is
ono of tho most prnetlcal helps a,
farmer can have In solving tho trans
portation question In tho country.
Good roads help both tho farmers
nnd tho city people. Thereforo nny
proposition which looks to endowing
tho country with good roads Is en
titled, If not to acceptance, nt all
event h to a respectful hearing.
Hut l'llato asked: "What
bring yo against this
Convenient Way Illustrated of Un
fastening Door by Fastening Cord
to Staple on Inside.
A cord Is fastened to the hook nnd,
then passed through ti holo In the.
door and tied to tho knob outside.-
Strainer Composed of Mesh Fabric or
Wire Screen Prevents Leaves and
Trash from Entering.
ThlB Is nn excellent device for pro
venting nny leaves, twigs and other
trash from entering the down spout
of a leader from the roofs of houses
and barns. Tho strainer la composed
of mesh fabric or wlro screen nnd it
Nurso Hlvinst Tho baby Bwal
lowed a bottlo of Ink an not a bit ot
blotting paper In th' housol
Metropolitan Dallieo Giving Advlco
How to Check Rheumatism and
Kidney Trouble.
This is a Blmplo homo recipe now
being mndo known In nil the larger
cities through tho newspapers. It la
Intended to check tho many cases of
tlhcumntlsm nnd dread klduoy trouble
which havo mado so many cripples,
Invalids and weaklings of somo of our
brightest nnd strongest people
Tho druggists everywhere, even In
the smallest communities, havo beon
notified to supply thomsolves with tho
Ingredients, and tho sufferer will havo
no troublo to obtain them. Tho pro
tcrlption Is aa follows: Fluid Extract
Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound
Unrgon, ono ounce, and Compound
Byrup of Sarsnparllla, thrco ounces.
MI,x by Blinking well in a bottlo. Tho
dose la ono teaspoonful nfter each
meal and at bedtime.
Recent experiments In hospital
ensos prove this slmplo mlxturo of
foctlvo In Rheumatism. Becauso of
Its positive action upon tho ellmlnn
tlvo tissues of tho kldnoys, It compels
theso most vital organs to Alter from
tho blood nnd system tho wasto Im
purities nnd urlo acid which are tho
cause of rheumatism. It cloansos tho
kldnoys, strengthens them nnd re
moves quickly such symptoms no
backache, blood disorders, bladder
weakness, frequent urination, painful
scalding and discolored urlno. It nets
ns ti gentlo, thorough regulator to tho
entire kidney structure.
Thoso who Buffer and nro accus
tomed to purchasQ a bottlo of medl
clno should not lot a llttlo lncon
vonlcnco Interfere with making thle
up, or have your druggist do It for you.
Spout Screen.
Is equally offectlvo whether tho down
spout connects with tho caves-trough
nt one end or nt n point Intermediate
of tho ends, ns all refuso may bo car
ried by tho force of tho water, over
tho edgo of tho trough, therefore ren
dering tho' latter self-cleaning.
Unhooking Door.
Pulling tho string will removo tho
hook; 'slip the string off tho hook,
nnd tho door cannot bo opened from
the outside.
Fall Mulching of Vegetables.
Any time during tho fall tho mulch
ing of rhubarb, asparagus, and all of
tho vegotablo and flowering peren
nials may bo done. Any kind of flnq
or conrso manuro will do. Tho falj
and early winter rains will dlssolvq
out richness of tho manuro and carry
It to tho roots of tho plants heforo
freezing. It Is best to mulch tho lnwn.
somo tlmo In December or January.
Changing Fashions.
Fashionable folks uro taking up
horses again, the automobile having
becomo too common for them. And
fnrmers nro buying automobiles to
savo their horses.
Careful Treatment Is Needed to In
sure Beauty of Plants Next Sea
son Some Suggestions.
When frost has cut down tho glory
of tho flaming ennna, has withered
tho lato blooming dahlia, has seared
tho hugo leaves of caladlums, nnd has
loft Bcnrcoly a memory of tho rich
coloring of gloxinias, it is tlmo to
think of their winter welfare.
Tho roots of all these plants need
careful treatment If they nro to glvo
of their beauty next senson.
Romove tho tops of tho roots thnt
nro to bo saved, especially If they
hr.vo beon badly nipped with frost, na
tho decay may spread to tho bulbs.
Theso may ho left to ripen In tho
earth for n few day and should bo
dug on n bright, r.tinny day.
Dry In' tho sun for several days, or,
II tho weather bo cold, spread on tho
floor of a Bimny room and cover nt
night with blankets to protect from
frost. When dry, shake off tho looso
earth and pack In boxes of snnd, pa
por bags, or on tho shelves of frost
pi oof collars, according to tho naturo
of tho roots.
Caladlum bulbs can bo easily win
tered In a dry, frost-proof cellar. Tho
chief danger Is decay of the center
Bhoot. Keep a shnrp watch for this,
nnd, If It "Is notlcod, pull off tho de
cayed parts down to where It Is
Bound. Storo In flour bags or In boxes
of sand.
jyHslSSH pnfl Wm
Keeping Honey.
Honey Improves with ago. Tho old
er it is tho finer tho flavor. Extract
ed honey Is much easlor to keep than
comb, as tho latter Is liable to get
soiled, and must be kopt In tight
Thero Is nothing saved by fall set
ting of asparagus.
Tho sweet potato crop has grown
wonderfully In tho last few years.
Many failures occurred from plant
ing poor seed potatoes last spring.
Teach tho hired man tho best meth
ods of farming, for his knowledgo will
prove your gain.
Now Is tho tlmo when tho man
who kept hlB cornfield clear of weeds
reaps his reward.
Land containing plenty of humus
holds tho moisture hotter than that
which is cropped every year.
Thero is n wholo lot besides luck
served It
The verdict of Pilate was, "I And no
fault In this man."
From tho mockeries In I'llato's
court Jesus was led awuy to bo cruel
(led. Jobus was so weak from his long
and Intense sufferings that an African
from Cyrcno was compelled to help
him bear the cross.
Tho dlstanco wiih from hnlf a mllo
to a mllu. nccordlng to tho place of
starting (tho tower of Antonln, or
Horod'B palace) and tho location of
Calvary. In advance wns a Boldler
carrying a whlto wooden honrd on
which wns written tho naturo of tho
crluio. Next camo four soldlcrB, un
der a centurion, with tho hammer and
tho nails, guarding Jesus, who bore,
an always In such cases, tho cross on
which ho was to surfer (John 19:17,
r. v.). Then camo two robbors, ench
hearing his cross and guarded by four
Boldicrs. As they went forth Into tho
street they were followed by n great
multitude many with enger curiosi
ty; priests exulting over tliolr en
emy; Mary, with other women, weep
ing (Luko 23:27).
This aceno Is vividly described in
"Hon Hur:" "He was nearly dead.
Every few steps ho Btaggercd as If ho
would fall. A stained gown, badly
torn, hung from his Bbouldcrs over u
Benmlcss undcr-tunlc. An Inscription
on a hoard was tied to his nock. A
crown of thorns had beon crushed
hard down upon his head. The mob
BometlmcB broko through tho guard
und Btruck him with Btlcks, nnd Bplt
upon him. Yet no sound escaped him."
Tho seven wordB from tho cross:
1. Father, forglvo them; for they
know not whnt they do, v.hb probably
spoken In tho height of tho ngony,
when tho cross with tho victim upon
it was dropped with a sudden wrench
Into its place in tho ground.
2. Today shalt thou bo with mo In
paradise. To tho penitent robber, to
ward noon.
3. Woman, behold thy son. Behold
thy mother! Townrd noon, whon com
mitting his mother to tho loving enro
of John.
4. Elo I, Elo I, la ma sabach thnnl.
Aramaic for My God, my God, why
hast thou forsaken me? Spoken in
tho darkness and depression of spirit
near his death, about threo o'clock In
tho afternoon. Tho solo expression of
spiritual suffering.
G. I thirst, In tho Intenso thirst of
his dying hour. Tho solo expression
of bodily. Buffering.
G. It is finished. "Tho Workers'a
Cry of Achievement, tho Sufferer's
Cry of Rcllof."
7. Father, Into thy hnnds 1 com
mend my spirit. His dying cry, "tho
triumphant noto of n conqueror."
"Redemption through his blood," bo
frequently referred to in tho Now
Testament, glvcB tiro highest possiblo
cxprossion of love. Blood is life, tho
lifo ho gavo to savo us. But this in
cludes tho wholo lifo of Christ, IiIb
comlug, his lifo work, his death on
tho cross, nud his resurrection It wub
this Christ who expressed IiIb nu
premo lovo nnd his Father's lovo by
giving his lifo that wo might livo. Tho
Brtcrillco on tho cross was tho highest
proof and tho strongest expression of
tho lovo of God to man. Christ proved
tho greatness of his lovo by what ho
was willing to Buffer for thoso ho
loved. Ituskln says that "tho fountain
in which shut nro Indeed washed away
Is that cf love, not of ngony." But tho (
ngony was tho mensuro and tho proof i
of lovo. It declares God s lovo to
man "In letters that can bo road from
tho Btnr8." Tho fact Is that theio Is !
no other way to express In language,
Poet Was Looking for Appreciation
of the Ages That Stretched Into
the Future.
Tho editor looked at tho poetry
nnd then ho turned back to tho pout.
For a moment his customary tin
surntico failed blm. Tho poet wnu so
thin and seedy and hollow eyed.
"Soo here, my friend," ho said In
ns gentlo a volco an ho could assume
on short notice, "I don't want to dls-courage-
you, but while your stuff
horn Is fairly good and perhaps n
llttlo better It la n standing rulo of
this paper novor to buy poetry."
Tho poot dicw himself up with a
sudtlun snort.
"Why, suffering Dante," ho cried,
"you didn't ntippoBo from my appear
ance that I was out for tho illtliy
slmoleous, did you? Why, bless your
Journalistic soul, all I'm working for
1b n plulu nlcho lu tho Hall of
It Revolted Him.
William Loch, Jr., at a dinner In
New York, referred with n Binllo to
tho harsher penalties, even to Impris
onment, that aro now to bo Inflicted
upon smugglers.
"They lako It hard, very hard, theso
smugglers," snld Mr. Loob. "Uovolted
at tho tilzo of tholr lines, they mako
mo think of Goorgo Whlto, tho chick
en thief.
"'Whnt! Gcorgo shouted reproach
fully on hearing his sentence. 'What!
Ton dollars for Btealln thnt chlckon?
Why, Judge, 1 could ii bought a
smarter hen for CO cental'"
Some One MUBt Do It.
J. I'lerpont Morgan, nt ono of tho
suniptuotiH dinners that ho gavo In
Cincinnati during tho recent church
congress, praised tho power of adver
tising. Mr. Morgan's eulogy concludod with
an epigram qulto gooU and qulto truo
enough to bo pasted in ovcry business
man's hat
"If a dealer," ho Bald, "does not ad
vertlBo his wareB, It Is ten to ono that
tho sheriff will do it for him."
Making It Palatable.
Tho Barber That's great soap I'm
using on your face. It's mado of corn
Tho Victim I think It would tnsto
better If you put eoiuo milk with It
Yonkers Statesman.
For Benefit of Women who
Suffer from Female Ills
Minncnpollo, Minn. "I vrrin a moat
milTorer from fonutlo troubles which
CfUlBCU U. wuiiKuesn
und broken down
condition of tho
system. 1 read so
JO. Plnkliara'a Vogw
ctablo Compound
hail dono for other
Buffering: women 1
felt euro it would
help mo. nnd I muni
Bay it did help ma
wonderfully. My
' mln a nil left mo. I
frow stronger, nnd within thrco monthj
was n perfectly woll woman.
"I want this lottor mado public to
show tho benoflt women may derlva
from Lyilla 12. rinlcham'a Vegotablo
Compound." Mrs. John O. Moldak,
2115 Second SL, North, Minneapolis
Minn. .. .. .
Thousands of unsolicited nnd genu
ino testimonials llko tho obovo prov
tho cfllclehcy of Lydia E. Plnkham'i
Vegotablo Compound, which is madj
exclusively from roots and horbs.
Women who BtilTor from thoso dls
trcsslng Ilia peculiar to thoir box ohould
not loso sight of theso facta or doubfc
tho ability of Lydia E. Plnkham'a
Vegotablo Compound to rcstoro tholr
I f you want special ndvlco ivrlto
to Mrs. Pinltliain, nt Lynn, Mass.
confidential. For 20 years she
1ms been liclpine sick women In
thlH way, frco of charge. Don't
licsltuto wrlto at once
The Army of
la Growing Smaller Every Dayi
for Red, Weak. Weary, Watery Eyes
nndGranulatcdKyolldB. Murine Doesn't
Smart Soothes Eyo Pnln. Drugglsto
Sell Murlno Eyo Remedy, Liquid, 25c,
DOc, ?1.00. Murlno Eyo Salvo in
Aseptic Tubes, 25c. $1.00. Eyo Rooks,
and Eyo Advlco Frco by Mall.
Mm ino Eyo Remedy Co., Chicago.
mtum f.'m hh .
SMKr nwcn
mmrr m iwck
reiporuible they not
only pro rcliel
they permanently
cuio lonitlpa
tion. Mil
Thero la not a vlco which moro ef
fectually contracts and deadens tho
feelings than the dcslro of accumulat
ing possessions. Mnnt.
Rheumatism, Neuralgia and Bore
Throat will not livo under tho eamo roof
with Ilamlina Wizard Oil, tho bctst of
oil lcmcdica for tho relief of all pain.
A quarrel moroly proves that ono of
tho parties to It hasn't any moro senso
thnn tho oUicr.
ken, IsditcillM, SWk HmmUcTm, Sallow Skk.
Genuine wuttxu Signature
1TTYTfi,'y In a Acceptive dlseaaft
-xlya A-J- thousand havo it un4
TPOITUTT? don't know It. If you
A AVW. Jv- want eood resuiu you
can mako no mlatako by ualntf Dr. Kll
incr'o Swiwnp-rtoot, tho great kidney rem
edy. At druRglMii in nay cent and dot
lnr sires, flampln bottlo by mall frea,
alar, pamphlet tolling you how to Und out
If you havo Mrtnoy troublo.
Addreaa, Dr. Kilmer A Co., Dlughamton, W. Y
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 49-1010.
3 '3.50 & $4 SHOES !!)
Rnvn.Runra O.OO. t2.RO A 3.00. BEST IN THE WORLD.
WW. w.. w-w, .w t -r --- - ... . -
Tia bnnofftB offrao hlttoo. will oh apply prln
alpallytoalalaathar,anathoroducmdtmrlff nn mnlA SnalhmB- nnw anahlam ma MO CVfVO til9
waarar mora valuo f of him money, hattmrand
longer wearing 93, fS.GUantt tfahomm than
I tJOUltl nitrm prnvmut, in ira i-ti miii.i
Iio that
my aboef
been tlie
for over 30 var, that I mako ami noli moro 3.uu. j,uiaiia .iw enoei
tlmn any otlior manufacturer In tlio U.B.,ntid that Dollar for pollar,
I Uiinmiitoo Sly Hhora to Hold tliairauape, loon nnuiu ueiwr, umi
voar totinar than any other $1.00, 3- or $ 00 aboea jou can buy ?
Ity hiiamadomy aliopa Tho Isadora or ino vtonu.
M jjWJ '? y nw
Oimlltv hns mado mv I
You will bo pleased when you buy my aboea bocaima or tuo n t - ''r'J!
Ut and appearance, and when It comea tlmo for you to tmreha.o IArvuyfe Zfe,
"."". "" ' "V S BtoxtM.
cinon wore an well, and Rare you an inueii comiori. ., ., ...n.-wiiTif
fAXITinfcl t Nnnogonulna without W. I, Ionlaar Aire IJQ SUBSTITUTE
LAU I IUN IiumaaniliitlrcMiiiiip'dpntliatmiloiti. W E. HJ T .rf.'fJr'.f
U !Our dealer caun .uWly JMiW-J-oltfyj; &??& -S. Ha.
9HR Tlicre an; lamps tlmt cost morn, but there I a nobetterlampmadaataor
THE E3L of lnniri-iimkluglhutcunnildtothnTBlue ot tho llAYOLampaaallght-
STEADY tWaJtaV trlTltitr dnrlco. druler evorrwhere. If not at your, writ tot
LIJILlin harness
In rnloliiL' n crnnd croti. It takes 1ude
,nnt rnro nnri nprBlstont niitillcntion. that all can understand tho highest
it Ib ns Imnortant to havo a lino I degrees of heroism, courage, Belf-sac-
seed bed for grass as any other crop,
a fact that many do not soem to bo
awaro of.
If barn-yard manuros aro to bo uBcd
to fertilize, thoy should bo ovonly ap
piled and well mixed with tho boII by
frequent hnrrowlnga.
Plowing under leguminous cropp
llko clover and cow peas, In addition
to making humus, supplies nitrogen
ono ot tho most Important clemcntF
ot fertility.
Keep tho potatoes In a cool place
after digging them. Thlo applies nlst
to nil root cropB. If kept at a lo
temporaturo they remain crisp am
Oil tho mower nnd binder sickle
nnd tho Bcytho, wrap them with clotl
and lay them away whero thero wl
bo no danger of anything being li
jured on them.
Will ICeepYour
rlllco, and love. It Ib Ihcso qualities
wo neo rather than tho agony, ns wo
do not sco tho particles of matter In!
tho nlr by which tho Btuillght Ib dif
fused, but wo seo tho light.
Every power and overy mdtlvo that
can touch tho henrt of man to lift
him out of Bin Into tho kingdom of
heaven radiates from tho cross, as the
completion of tho sncrlflco of Christ
It shows to us tho ovll of sin, olncoi
redemption from sin demanded such a
cost. It reveals to us tho loving heart
of God. It bIiowb that wo cannot en
tor heaven unless wo nro cleansed
from sin. It teaches us tho valuo of
salvation, great beyond our concep
tion. It shows tho valuo of our souls,
if character, of n right lifo. It sots
is an oxamplo of doing right at any
,ost, even of our lives.
i m m an. h m a& 4C&
I !
TwiO For
V"! J ''"Ojx.
l( v V.J
afcTT. .
DlfcJpBaU JalaMB JaH ObB Vrfl HBaV
sff as a glove
as a wsre
Sold by Doalara Cverywher
Tlnk Eye, Epizootic
Shipping Fever
t Catarrhal Fever
riolonouiirnnrrom flioliody. CurtIHitenirr In Von ndBhepandClioleraliB
'"..-'-.....' .'..r-i. urn .n.i ! . Imlilai ts and 110 a doian. Cilttblioa
Koiplt f0wto7o..rdniValVt;MowIU.tllforjo Vrao Ilouklat, "DUtai-j
CauMiandCurM." Iiiiuinii"i"i.
SPOHN MEDICAL CO., .'1oai81riaoBB.n.?. 60SHEN, IND., U. S, A.
Keeps the spindle bright and
free from grit. Try a box.
Sold by dealers everywhere.
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