The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 08, 1910, Image 1

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    "" i"r-vr'' A -jj5i
'ilo llHlntlcil 'olity
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A Newspaper That fihes The Ncms FlfD-tno Weeks Each Year
Por $1.50.
ISIJ S. 15)10.
ret-" 7P'iVP'flroBBB
t& &$
A Ut slN'HsS M N"ri BAN'K
Mils beC-iUSC we give
In jurs bee-mse we give i-iw'i.ii a-
ti'iitim to airoiiiiis of t lit? bu-iit -in-ii
It is not only our dosiie to.
M5l: ouu uni'osrrs uuow
b,it we ate equally desirous of seeing
our custotneis' business grow success
lully us well, nnil wouro always tcudy
to extend accommodations ami con
veniences to our desei vlng customers
They are welcome to our advice at
nil times.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits
Webster County Bank,
CAPITAL $25,000
B. F. Mizer, President. S. R. Florancc, Cashier.
B. F. Mizer, C. J. Pope, Wm. M. Crabill, Wm. H. Thomas,
S. R. Florance.
limfW S
sWvlw l. I
Xi-lsoii Hins.. Iltii-lio.l tliresbm Tor
t In- -ciimhi last Krhliiy
.Int. s nuidi'is Is tiliiK t Imlil a jnili
it .ilc on the tliirttontli.
.'oi Kubnt is home from Colorado
and is pdiifr In woilt for Mrs. Ios
I- I in. Iy
.'s l'avlii'k it liiivlne his liour
pi iit-d on tin.. In sdi. ,). ( . yinss is
iloliiK the work.
The surpriso party on Mr. Kellet's
lolhs was a ra tul snt'ci".s and every
body had a good time.
Wallet (inriiej i- a hupp p.ipa of a
liOimeillK baby bi Walter says my
lx, woifjhsDK lbs. ult oady.
IjtwiLMice Dole liitislted wotkitiff
for Mr. Kellet ami is oIiik to wotk
for .lohn Wittuer We hate to see
I.awietiee move out of our locality.
stlOW fl'U
on Saturday
c -JU
e 4th Avenue Moat Market
Some line
Vetii'il Xajie has his new house com
pleted. .los. VavrieUa h iMiihling a urain
Ale.s Hackles is a harpy papa of It
b.iby girl.
Will Fitzgciald is shucking corn lor
Del Walters.
Kddie Kellet is shucking corn for
I .bis. I'avliek.
I Louis VavrieUa lost another mare
I valued at 6200.
j .los. I'avliek spent Sunday evening
! witli his father.
Some cattle ate dying in the corn
stalkti in this locality.
Most of the farmeis arc through
shucking corn in this neck of the
Robbers get $850 and Escape
Friday night a gang of bank robbein
looted the Hank of Inavalc securing
S8.")0.t)0 in cash. They used nitro
glycerine to blow open the wife and
the concussion of the explosion was
o gt eat as to break tho windows in
the buildings across the street. The
sale was completely demolished.
Sheriff Hedge was notified about two
o'clock in the morning and immediate
ly went to the scene of the robbery.
He Hacked the lobbeis to tho White
rock easily since they departed on
foot. Hut heie the trail was lost and
the I obhot s escaped. The J' stopped at
the Mc( all school house and theie
probably divided the money because
papots belonging to the bank were
tottntl there. This gang came well
prepared and carefully guarded the
bank whilo tho work was being done.
We trust that they will be caught and
given a term in the pen where they
will have time to change their manner
of llring. , i
City Buys a New
Boiler and Stokers
The city council met m st ss
ion lat niyht and after allowing a
number of bills took up the question
of installing another boiler at the
powerhouse. For sonic time it has
been well known that a second boiler
was badly needed but owing to tho
condition of the city II nances thecouu
cll did not feel warranted in making
any extensive addition to the plant.
However the state boiler inspector
was huru tei'entl.x and practically in
formed the council that a new boiler
must be lm tailed or else the city
would be compelled to suspend busi
ness. Fortunately for the city there
was a large mill burned at Heatrice
but, which left a new boiler and two
stoket a Intact. After consldcrlngcure
fully all the pros and cons tho council
bought this equipment for JlT.'iO.OO
which price is just one half w hat the
material is worth. The company
agrees to furnish tiro insurance in
"ipcetioii on the boiler after it is load
ed on the ears.
We congratulate tho city upon this
saving. e will be better prepared
than ever to successfully operate our
The stokers alone will saveglOOO.(X)
a year in the consumption of coal and
mother material saving will be effect
ed by being nblu to keep the boiler
Hues clfh.i. The action til the council
will bo highly satisfactory to all
Unselfish Srnlce In the fiuiscof Christ
Airaugcmeiits in n In mg pcrfi'lid
to hiitc a gospel team or college deput
atiou f at least llu college 01 uniwrs
il men winking along gospel Hues in
tied Cloud dining the Clu Minns holi
days. This movement is nut in the inter
est of any chinch or denomination but
in the interest of humanity and for
the gloty of CJoil.
ah iiristian people ol wliateer
church or no chuich are asked to join
hands with these young men who conic
for the love of the work. Theli under-1
standing with the stato committee is
that they will receive no remuneration i
tt latever outside of their expenses
which consists of their rail road faro I
and entertainment. Tho town where
they labor Is to pay this, together with'
all local expenses of hall, church,
light,, ailvel Using etc.
Tlu-y ask that a personal wotk com
mittee of four men from each eluii oh
and an executive committee of one
business man from each chuich bo
chosen to niakothe necessary aiiango
iiietitsand co-operate witlt tho deput
ation in every possible way to itinku
the enterpiise a success.
The personal wot k by the deputation
Is done entirely among bojs and men,
while tlie evening meetings are usually
for both se.xes.
This is lied Cloud's chauco to win
our bojs and young men for Christ.
Shall vvo pull together?
MgL jwtifo, -L9 I
Don't buy your supply of Dry Goods until you have looked
over Our Stock, have a nice line of dress goods, silks, laces,
embroideries, ginghams, muslin, kid gloves, suede gloves with
silk linings, outings, outing night dresses, outing ready made
skirts, sweaters, underwear and hose.
Childrcns and Misses Dresses
Childrens ready made dresses in ginghams,
mother hubbard style at 25c, ages I to 5.
Childrcns ready made dresses of ginghams,
percale, linen braid Irimed, made with waist
and skirt from 50c to $1.50, ages 2 to 5.
Misses ready made dresses of percale, gala
tea cloth and mercerized repps made with
waists and plaited skirts from $1 to $3.75.
ages 6 to 14.
Have the middy dress for misses made of
galatea cloth from $2.25 to 3.75, ages 6 to
Childrcns heavy fleeced union suits, size 1 2
45c, rise 5c a size.
Childrcns scperatc garments heavy' wool
fleece, size 22, 25c each.
Childrens all wool union suits,
rise 5c a size.
Ladies cotton union suits
" 1-2 wool " "
History of Ret! Cross Seals
lied Cioss Christmas Seals date back
in their oiigin to "charity stamps,"
tlrst used for tho soldieis' relief funds
in Hostuu in IHtiti, dining the Civil
War. After the war, this method of
raising money was discontinued in
this country for a generation, although
it found vogue in Portugal, Switzer
land, Australia, Fiunce, Spain, Den
mark, N6rwny, Kussin, Bvvcden and
other Jiuropeuu countries. Tfiero, are,
now several hundred different lypWof
charity stumps used in all parts of the
Htuoips or seals were first used to
yet money for the anti-tuborculosis
crusade lnNorvvay and Sweden in
l'JOl After being used in these coun
tries for three years, as a direct result
of the interest of Jacob Hits in this
movement, the Delaware Autl-Tuber-culosis
Association, headed by Miss
Kuiily P. Hlssell. and tlte Red Cioss
Society of Delawate combined in is
suing a Tuberculosis Stamp. So suc
cessful was this campaign that ncarlj
1,000 was tealiod, nud the next car,
in lilD.s, the American i.,) cross was
induced to issue a National lied Cioss
Tubeiculosis Stamp. Fiom this sale.
$1H5,000 was realized, that timount be
ing almost doubled in l!)o!). Thisyear,
for the first time, the sale is organized
on a comprehensive basN, taking in all
patt.s of the United States. A million
for tuborottlosls wotk Is confidently
The home Grocery
P. L Wullbrandt, Prop.
very thins
you to do
I carry a coir- etc line of strictly fresh
and my prices are such that it will pay
your buying in this line of us. Only the first-class
brands of canned and package goods carried.
All staple Groceries in bulk at Hed-rock Prices.
In a Grocery .store moie than in anything else,
buyeis should demand Absolute Cleanliness.
Yot' cannot buy (liocerles in a dirty, ill-kept place and be sure o
pure goods, CcaiiUness'ahd sanitation are our hobbles. : : : :
We Wan); Your Jewelery
Hair Health
CflWe want it because we know we are right
on Jewelery. We know we are right because
for the last fifteen years we have been making
a special study of jewelery and making a com
parison of qualities and prices with others.
We have set our prices so as to make sure that
what we sell you is the best that your money
can buy. We have increased our business year
by year and intend to keep up the growth.
We can only do it by giving full value for every
2, 75c,
all "
extra size
50c and $1.00
$1.50 " 2.50
$3.00 ' 3.50
in cotton 60c to $ 1
K PEIOXI3S: Rural M. Bell, Black II.
u i
"tt !
If Vou Have Scalp or Hulr TroublcTakc
Advantage of This Offer
We could not afford to so strongly
emloise Kevtll -W Hair Tonic nud . 1 1 HP1 i . i 11
conttnueioseiiitasuedo. if it ,1,,1'rpnl vou snend with us. 1 his is stion2 talk
: . iw j 1 -
not io an vvu clului it will. Should
our iithusiasm cairy in awny, and
Hi-xi 1 !" Iluir
SHtisfacllon to
lose faith in us and our fctnlomeiits,' n n O i " f i 1 J A
and in cotLDquenceoitr business pros-! Money back rorces us to make good and as-
tiiro would sufler. r n 1 c
we as.uro you that if your hair Jsures you tull value tor your money.
j beginning to unnaturally lull out or
if jou liave'any Houlp trouble, Ko.xall
"(W" Hair Tonio will piomptly era
dlcato daudrulT, stimulato hairgtowtli
and preyont promature baldness,
Our faith in Rexall "!).T' Hair Tonic
Isso strong that vvo ask you to try it
on our positive guarantee that your
money will bo cheerfully refunded if
it does not do as we claim. Two sies,
SOc and 81.00. Sold only at our storo -The
Kexall Store. The II. K. C.rleo
Drug Co.
but when we crow we make our crow good.
lir Toulo not giveentue ' - i 1 .. fi(P .' f i'
tho users, ti.e'y would lOui' unconditional guarantee ol oatislaclion or
sures you
Our new lines of seasonable goods are arriv
ing and going on display. We invite inspection
and assure you we like to show goods. ,
Jewelers anal Optometrists,
C. m. A Q. Watch Inspectors.
i ,.... . ..,( . w . aJiftKCJ-nsrS