a:' The home firecery P. A. Wullbrandt, Prop. OS (0 '0 ( I carry a cot)' - "r lint "f ami my prices are mm h that vour buvine in thi line of brands of canned and package goods carried. All staple Groceries in bull: at Med-rocK Price Cleanliness Vol cannot luiv Uioeeiios In n tllily, ill-kept place n fid bo iih' o pitf p' oils ('lcniilitl'ss Mini sanitation llli' nir hobble1-. 3'.r j WW Fk .SH--WW&sOT: fc&j DR. E. A. THOMAS DENTIST Dr. T. A. Trumble, D. D. S. assistant Over Cutting's Drug Store. Swift's Premium Moms or Bacons. Fresh and Salt Meats of All Kinds Wm. Koon Red Cloud, Nebr. UNDERTAKING r C trry I'tiiu-ral 1 urnishintfs in StocK and answer calls da, or night, llave ar ranged to secure the services of Albright Hrothers on Short Notice withoutJKxtra Charge to Patrons. G. A. WELLS COVLHS. NEBK. f . ;r-K 'ww'.; '. .3wr :,','. ' i. - , &4WMrUt ii) it it) it it) it) it) Hi it) it) it) ii iti 0 verythlng IIS atables stii(t! fresh Groceries, it will pay us Only I lit you to do : fit'sl-dass .. i w it it it) it) ii) it) it) iti ii) In n (Jroeuiy store mom 1 1 lit f i iii anything else, hovers should demand Absolute Clcitnlincs. fymmYW''WP? i ip .. r Ufa I. INSURANCE POLICY Don't Delay Ordering ti lire insurance policy from ns n single day. Kile isn't hoIii-,' to stay away because you are not in sin od. In fact, it seems to pick out the man loollsh eiioiifjh to bo Without -faf A FIRE INSURANCE POLICY. Hate ii. issue jou a p,,lic to-duy lon t hesitate about the matter. The llie lleini nuiy hate your house (I. .wo on the list for a islt this ciy ni'ht MARK WHA T I SAY C. TEEL. Reliable Insurance. COL. J. H. ELLINGER Auctioneer. Red Cloud, - Nebr lsi,nd. to er.v youi sales, (icljoiir d.ltes earl.V. lie refers tun loliis mini v ciiMonicrsforreeom.nen.iations. Tei,'-1 gritpii. piioite wilte or sec him for i.t.s W1 OCKS CLE Ah ENGRAV1HGI iARrV' lij'rj"?!" tf"v't!ra itiwr .il '"a-1 Fan siii) it YOST & SUTLER Tho ili Avenue Meat Mario e i In tin: iloiiiit) .lonrt of 'Y.'.'nle.r Count) INr.hrnslin. In (In itiniti r of Hie I ntllll (if ( ullltlllllll . I on ill ii. hi'( iimiI iinli t lit Hi iiiltm llll til SIlllW I (M. in IhW 'i'jth ln nt NiiM-iiiliir lull). Petition. I rs Trunk V. I'nttileii nail lilynr II. Cowileu llleil tin lr lietllluti hrn In. Iilli'ijllii: the (Until of Ciiiirlltiliil . I'owdi ti. Inti-ttule, on luile 'i. iiiiii uuil piniliii! Unit lemilnt iluilnls-J ii'iuiMim nie esi-iie oi H'lin iieceiiHcii lie tits. ikiwiI Willi, fur mi Milliutli :itl(iii(i( In lrhln In the prunlses. atnl Hint llu.t lie iiiljtnlmd tin MileMinlNluu lulrmit law of wilil iIiti- lull. Ilrll xiilil decedent died Intestate while in liihiililliint of Wehtter Ciuuity. Hint nil hi. i!c lit. unit finii I a I epetises hnti hitli, I .iM unit Unit the fnllow Inn mil prnpi il.. to wit. I.nth 111 IT. mill IKIn ItlnekH In Snilth A1 Miiiiri ildllliill tnllfd I'loiid, In t Intel ' ii.inlt NitiriMkn. eniiHlltnted the hiiilli - I ti ,i.i of Oil ilcceiihul. mill N w linll.t m nipt ' lioin i .( nt Inn. ntlnehiiieut or olhi r mesne pious-imil not llnlile for the ilehts o( the j iIim. nuil inn! for such otlii i nml ftnthirte-' hi I :i tin elieiinistnneesiif the ense niil.t Ii- ' Itllll It is i in in imil: oim.i im:i In ii in Hint s.i d pi tlllmi he hcinl hi fine the Ciiuut.t I niiil ot Mild enmity, nt the (Join I House on tin liitlidn. of Ilii'Cllllier I'.IIU, lit ID o'eloels 'a in nt which time nil persons Interested In , Rind eslnte mnj nppenrtind show cntisu why I tin prim i of s.ild petition Nhoiild not Ik ( mint lid mid Unit uollioof Mild petition mid liinrliii! In tflVfii h the piihllcntloii ol this j null r foi llin e hiiccesslte Wi eUs ptlor tusnld I hcirlin: In the Hid Cloud ehlcf, u leiil news- 1 pnpei piihlishid In -iil.l foimt.x . llllll d N.iiemhei i',. !l(l. 1 1. Ihel-iiuit. I. . KIMi "' vl i oillll.t .ludv'e. OFFICE OF Stale Food, Drug and Dairy Commission UV U.KTIN NO. 11 . ' I Ut 'I ,1' tntoNs AM, K I'UliM) vl l I iN tll'lHl Tolt. ' li-poi Is received at tlie ohice of I ho ID dry l 'iiiiituisKioner fioin dairy Iti- .pedoih iin loiHiulity of cicamltiNpi?et- ed at various receiving stations and ut i nc iinuips i i me (.evei-al cretituerles nisptvUd lead us to the opinion tliufti ttiit impiiivouiout uilfjht be obUincd in the qiiulily of the cieiiin in the full and winter mouths if the following hiifrni-sii.iiis weie followed. 1'iist: I ndcr im eliciiiiistuucus should cream be put m eellsns on ac count of its susceptibility to odors. The ordinary ccllath contain potatoes, onions and other vegetables and the cellar is inoreor less damp and mouldy. The cream will not only take on tlio odors of the vegetables but it will take on the mould fioin the earth of the cellar Second: Cream should not bo kept in an occupied room italic house for SHORTHORN CM ir Thursday, December 15, 1910 at the FAIR GROUNDS, BLADEN, NEB. 39- -HEAD SGOTGH AJ10 SG0TGJ1 TOPPED- -39 This-offering is one from which good selection may he made in bulls for herd headers. Matured matrons, some of 1 1 1 .1 j l 'breed, and others lo as good sjsasi liiwrs, mm 's and well bred. The younger females are especially attractive, and they will appeal to the buyer in the market for good things. This is one of the sales this season where the offering should be appreciated. Many of them will please you. The passenger train from Red Cloud will be met at Blue and parties will be brought overland free. DR.S. .1. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to' Dr. .. a. jilftf- At the old stunt! ovcr,the State Bank. Elioncfl3l. """" " r" its siieipti- house lln it- othor odors tliu miif riiis(i!i, lowil: billly loodois, Tor in t la in c COOkltlg oilo IS' llllll which itru mire to bi' nlivoi bed by ami mingled with tin- eicutn.lhti injuring tlio quiillly seriously. 'I'lii i'il : Almost ccn cientu pioiluv it ill Nebtnskii has n ( null a wind- ,iiiiii unit num. lor lhce me enliven- I ienccs he has t i hate to conduct"! he j operations t,t hi- Im m. He should divide hi-, watci t.wi . tut i tun spaces. "lii'lilgc :itl I one ti! n I. h.itnm the cold wui. i i nun tlif w. II im mi.g into tln'Mimll npiti-r nt the bottom. iiM-i- llowliigat ttiu lup into tlio linger space ami ilu'u set his onus of ciemnin the small space, t iiiiii the cream would always In about I lie sutitu tempeintuic as tlio water, on... i i i i ... i in-vi v.-iiin initiiii-fi snoiiio aiwavn shim Ills oteiim thick lot' the lollou- ioy K'H-oiis: It Imt'p-, bi'tlci', il tiili-s ! "I1 le.s-i loom In the tutik, it Us him mote feed III tlld 1 01 III ui tiiiniiicd unlit. lOIII III! Utldf 1 tlo Condition MIOtllll uni-iii cream, that h. cI'cmui with the animal Iti-tit. in it, he mixed with cold ut until imil 1 hellevL overy cfetun pro ducer fully uiuliMstatiils ihu ini(iort mice ot inls I net. An ellori .slouilil bo nindo to ken sited mm. I sun.. ,....,.,., ". ..v..... iVI'tll.lll'.li W lien two tintciies ot cream are .., "" ' lnf,petliei' they should ho i I....... ...... i.. i urn imil: ii 1 1 mined, which will do away with all luinpincss in tin- cream. I Fifth: Tile tank .should be piotcct , ed lit the winter by a cheap protect ' ion that will keep the water fioin freelug and the cream will get no I colder than the water. SlMh: Cine .should be taken by the patron to keep his cream fioin beconi- nig lio.en before he dellveis it to the siation, lor fioen crcHtn is tery html i to sauide for testing mid the putron has tery little ground tor complaint when his test is too low it lie brings .is tii cream lo the slain. i Urciiiu Mi. alio it ., t , i-1 il to tii,. station ut least twice a wteU in cold wialher ami in warm wuuUier iiu less i htm three times ti week. A receiving station opei a tor nlmtild always Ucep Inn pimjii. I.i-. Mittlon mid Ins utensil in a clu.iul and sani tary condition. lie. should lemove all cream catib I ruin depots prompl.t. take uiT tlio lids, invrt thcliioi. itu-lts in pine tiir and uiise mil each can with cold water before putting oieam in the can. lie sh mltl tlioioughlt e:iinnic each delivery of cream iti the presence of the patron when deliveted. Ileshotild be utile to intelligent l, adtise the pa Iron us to what is wrong with his cream it it is not good and tell him how to leuiedj it. He should thoroughly clean the pa tron's can before it leaves the station. He should keep poor cream that he may get. separate from the good ci earn. i lie should not put the lids on the gUieaui cans until ready for shipment. , He should ship the cream on the first train after it is received. I ESALE Lheiu bred to some of the I n I L J bulls as may be had e A. Hasebrook He should kn'p hitiiM'lf iiiforuioilus ilr.thAiHln'ifi of tltnis piT week hi,s. Piittona dtOJMT cit'iim. r Hi-slndi1l )! Ihiiiouhl.v rumllltir Wirh Ihi-UiCi ci-i'ii-ndtK II"' l.atT.llpj;' if ITt'lllll llllll CS t I'illl , lllit pilt'l III thi'lmv Uiiow litis M-itloii i. il the Pure l'linii l.iu of .Nidniisha It thi'-e ii(lU' ii'iiS nie lollowi d by the eieaiii pation iii (I nperntor I fitn Mite they will hup -ote the ipiality of the ereiuu n ft li d lv lie eieiuiierles and the eietim pioilueii' will tereive an inerea-ed price fur his p'odtiet. S. I,. M IN8. Deputy Counnisslonet, Lord Dronghnrn's Oratory. We lnue no orator In the loimt like Lord llioiu;lmiii hIiico llie clone of l.iatifduim'A ptihllc cnieor. KverythltiK t'.-nt luittire could do. to far t4 ftp i cuiMtir . mnntier and voku wee con ternod, ihe hrul done to prcvitit hint from lielt'R n Rfeat otntor: mid 'yet, a trrcnt orator lie iiti(lotiblPd,ly was. I wo-itler what tlio house of lords just now would think of a peer who hoh tlcuhiled and bellowed at ni'oiiRliuiu vii.s hi thu Iitiblt or (loliuv Hut il wan impossible to llHten to llfoiigluim nntl not Ho carried away by the force or his Intellect, by IiIh tort out of wolds, by the KUiliV-n whhl and eddy of his i tiphl Illustrations, and by the longer ruin r.aorier sireienrn oi (piieiuue ami j repose into which tua nrs.iinuiu occn ! Blonally ilowed. l'tom .Iithtln Ale C.irthy's Reminlsconscs. Ho Is Still Inquiring. Tout'tcen yearn ago, when Thomas r(p'i. iitiiv; on a farm two tii!lc3 froip l.cxinqton, Alleli . was thirteen i eai3 oiii. ne ncKan waiKini,' into uie Inlili overt day and asking for mall nt llw joM otl'.cc Thotnns Is now twenty- . ' " ,,. . ,,w i,i .! i, , i ,,,,,,. j m mi ...-.bin wi.i, (lull ui i.(- iiiu iiiicoi-ii one Miigie v.eetv any in an inoso years, lUgulnrh ecry moriilug lie has taken th fotir-mllo walk, and he Is still at It. It tuny ahn ho stated that he has not. un to tils date, received n Rlnr.lo letter, hut he is not discouraged. Ho believes one will conic for him sotno tluv. even If It Is only a dunning let ter. It Was Bashfulncss. A rcltool toneher In a town In Ha vir! ' ' t'cen airfiKted for a slngti.-! !ar off ii.o. lie caught a boy of, four-' t I u ijlrl two te-irs ycitiffVcr' . Nvlilspeting durlim' seltecl hotu-a.niiil,1 ho made them sit iti th saitiesoat with their arms tied tognther. JJOtlf ' wore so bashful that thev finally fnlnt-j ed awnv. and tlicir pnrcits had tjio' teacher nrr stcd for crur'tv The race hasn't lion tried yd bet It Is nnfo to say that m.t'ilng will ho l'tif to tho loaclier. Why They Married Hastily Mildred They wero married in i l.neto 1 ii.n' .stand. '.b -Mi- Yes Tiny li'id engaged a tax'.- b the r. !. lit wl lio'i-, co tlioy ufpusted lo lii'ity l'J''rsrrTsr'J ' OP e-SUfi'M e ti C) iSUW Bl RJ Ototmn DIAMOND BRAND st ' H ?. i.Anins I Anil jour 1'ruicclat for CIII-CHnS-TER'S n. in ivti t.i. . .... ... .. i. . uin.iiu.iw I1IAIS1I l'lll.n II Gold metallic timet, scaled niUIIUII. 1AIH NO OTIICIl. Ururitltt aad aak fur CHI. PIAMOMl llltlMt Pll.I.H. for tweiity-BrO years regarded ns Uest,8alkst, Alirayi Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TIMK TK1BU PUPRYWUPRP WORTH WORTH TiiSTED most celebrated sire of the 1 with Ulue( Huf your v .OIJK8.Tf.KH V Among the matrons are SDeGimens Bladen, Nebraska. Hill the morning of the sale Lodie and Church Directory -: "' . tjiuitity IjoiltfH N'a. .v1. ,j V ijtid-'A Mi til' e's at hi 4-o:i(e Hull every lt and .Id i-'iidiiy. H. ' ToeMV.I. A 15. Si'lliii's.'Si cri tin v l!od Cliitid Chapter No ' 111, Uoynl Arch Masons meets evety Second and I'ourlh Ktidiij. I) W. Tiirnuie, H. I. II. A Le'son. .-eetetiirv Cytene Coininandery Xo. 1 1, Kiii(.'litH rctupliti' meets fveiy I'ii.st 'I hitisdiiy. II A Lelson. I',. C. 1). W. Turillirc, I Kccoider. Chiirity t'luip'er Xo. IT. Order of l In Knstorn Sliit. meets til Masonic Mull iillciniile Monday V Mis. Toiti PiJIl"!. W. M. Mi. Killth ItoliitiMui, M'cretni. I. O. (). K. Meets overy Monday Nlltt 0. Male, K. (!. 0. C. Teel. Cleilc. KBUmCAII .Meets, First mid Thlid Tiiiirsilay. In I. o. f). Ii1 Hull. Mrs. liol tie. Smith, N. U Carrie Ilolsworth. .Sccrulaty.;; ciU.u v. (lil'ist oPAl.i ciiutti'li Itev. .1. M! Iliiteo. Pastor. service the tlrHt two .Sundays in tft(h tttoutlt. Holy Ciiuiiiiunlon nt uiorntni; ei-ivIcok on thollist Himdny. siindtiy M'lmiii ut V2 o'clock every suinliiv 'Irs. K. It. Suiltli.erlnten Supdeut. uui iisdi'.siatviei.; atm. !:. uurm n MtuiiATii sunvtens. Miii'lny Scliool 10 A.M. I'rtticlilni: , II A.M. eitiss uiieting 12 M. Kvt.N'tS'o l-ipworih letmiic "P.M. I'reiiohliu; .. P. M. I'm) er im eilns Wt dm 'day ( ( iilim I! P. M l.ndhs Aid l'rldny 2 P.M. Your prist nee U mpicslid nml n eordlnl iiitltntlou iHcMuiitcd to nil. H. N. IomPm.ns. p.istor. inH'its or siatviei: at eoNoiiKu.v TKlNAIiCIIUItCII. ,s tun t nt Si.nvici:-). ltihluchool It) n. m. I'nnchlim M lln. in. l'ri'tichlm: servlcen ... . tj p. in. Prayer nml Conference mcotlilu Weilacv d.ynt8p. in. , A conltnl mtitsuinniscvtenitea to all. Itnv. . A. fKiissiivx 'Pastor. imKt'imuN curiteit. eorner of jtli Avenue ami cliMtnut Mlnet. ion. in. nWiatliKeMol n it. in. . ... ...... Preacliinn t. io p. in. . t iiriMh'.n V nkr limid ).u p. in. . Prcachiim All art Invited In attend. S.lZ. .1 AKHUK. Mlltlxtur. iHciteiiot.'vmiMi. Is en iiisti tx en ciicit Rvehi I.obu'm rv litble Hchnol Sermon nml ( ommiinion . 10 R. 111. II a. in . (I: p. iii. Tu'Ki p. ii . T-.W p. ii Ilrliu,' to ir linlii r j( lirliimi l'ndin-r I'n in lilnu I'r.n i is . ml pr iIm . W i iIiicmIhim, situs fiie. luiiiit iniiMie. i oiiii. Illlili s fi ii ii, N ni.,1 u I chi i I V.I III s.. CATARRH 1-ls!-0 u .ills Z S?sSi a-5's tC o iScti k c-Sgse 3 .sii-r -all HAY FEVER ELY'S CREAM BALM . Apnllod Into tlio nottrils lu ipilcldy nbsorhod. I CIVES RELIEF AT ONCE. I It flcuuscs soothe, licfils mid pintccts tho ' di-nt-Jil nieinbriiiie lcsidting front Citmrli , iiiiii (lrif(Miiw.iy u Cold lu the ilctid(pui klv. ' Itestou'S the Senses of Tnsto and Sniiil. , It is c.cy to use. (Joiitnins no iiijiuiotis drug-i. No niereury, no cocaine, no inor j plune. Tho hoiiHehold remedy . Price, Tid leuU at Druggists or by mail. ELY BROTHL'llS, CO Warron St., New York. Order to Show Cause. Slnlpof Nchrnskn i Wehsier County i In tho County eourt. A i n count j emu t laid at tlio Comity ( nm l loom In nml for nnld county Notimber 11th . Ii., iiiiii. rrldii), In the uinitcr of the (state f Wllllnm INn p. Ikcca.i.l. (s rt'iulliiii tiild tllltic the potltlon of Mnr) f AlUnpp llleil on the nth day nf .Notemlur . 1. I'Uii. prntliii: for the examination mid iillnwiiueeof Im mini iieeiimit of the sntuo d.ite iidicirt of iisMgn incut of the iniuMn. loiiulm; tohiild ihtuii to tin poisons entlthd lo the Kiime. an order (Ilstrllutlii the n Mdue .I pci-Kiimii, stale nml tluro upon nn oniir ilisclinrisliiK lur from further Inirdi n nini irlct lu lu rsHl.loillceiinmliiilnlsirntii (iinillil.i.. 'linn Widmsdny thiTthdit of , lUieiulitr A. H. I'JIO. nt one io'ehit'k p. n, is nssKtietl for lienrliiK hald potltlon tthen nil j porwimi liitercstcd In Mild mntter niny nppcir iiit n Comity Court to ho hold m , ('lir is.il.l county nml hliow-eiiiihti why pmyer of , petllliincr should not he rnnttd; nml Hmi , nntli'ii of the pendency of Mild pellilmi mid I the lunrlns thereof ho Klwn to nil pcisiuis , IntcrcHteil In wild mnlt. r. hy piihlMihu: it copy of this older In tho lied cloud chief wc.kly nowspiiper printed in si,i ;,,. I foi'Unceco.isec.iUtowctUsjirlortoMll.l dnt of lieniluu. , SUA I I ! W. i:iis(,s County ,lii,K0. See The Chief for-up-date Job Work. 2lifiB A l w lMNllNPiMkMM ii iiiamii In iiu, mO'l-W I a Ml !.. -.. ' lit '"-"-" - . .- j