The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1910, Image 6

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The Chief
C. D. 1IAL13, Publisher
i ' m mw "" n mrnnrriT- ' i i i
National, Political, Personal and Other
Matters In Brief Form for All
Classes of .Readers.
, Washington.
The attempt of about fourteen rnll
roartB oiiorullni; between tho MIhhIp
hlppl and Missouri rivers to resume
advances in intra already condemn'
fd from Washington was thwarted by
a RiispeiiHlon order announced by tho
liitcrMntu coinn m commission.
Tho coiiKreHHioniil Investigation of
tho whole question of Indian coutiRel
contracts has been Hhlftcd from tho
west to Washington. Kpiircsontntivo
llurk of South Dakota, chnlrinnn of
tho special committee, appointed for
this Iniiulry, arrived hero. Several
if the other iiicmbeiK II! como In a
few days.
Future "cut raleH" in proprietary
inedlcines throuKhout tho I'nited
States are Raid to depend upon tho
outcome of a milt to be argued Imme
diately after ThnnlKi;IvliiK In tho mi
preme court of tho United States. Al
ton n. Parker, former eandhlato for
president, Ib to arguo on behalf of
"cut rates."
To permit a thorough Inve.stlKntlon,
the interstate commerce coinmlsHlon
announced it had suspended, until
April 10 next, the advance In rates on
live utock between the .Missouri and
Mississippi rivers which were to have
been put into effect by tho Chicago,
Rock Island & Pneillc; railroad on De
cember 10.
Contemplating the ndoptlon of
Mime of tills government's improved
census-taking methods in connection
with its next census, tho Canadian
government liaa sent to Washington
IS. S. Mcl'hall, of the census bureau
of Canada, to consult with Director
Durand regarding tho operations of
the American census bureau.
Pensions for all employes of na
tional banks anil protection Tor their
tamllles in case of death has been
proposed to tho treasury department
by tho largo mutual liro Insurance
companies. Several reports of tho
companies headed by W. C. Ilcern of
New York, had n conferenco Orltlay
with the comptroller of the currency
regnnlliiK the legality of the plan.
The country's trade volume Is still
below tho high water mark.
Funeral services for United States
Senator A. S. Clay wero held at Mar
lctta, tin.
John H. Lockhart, n former resi
dent of Stotts City, Mo., wns assassin
ated near Gates, Alex.
Secretary Nagel, In an address at
KansnH City, spoko for state and na
tional cooperation In trade.
Champ Clark Is regarded in tho
lead in Iho rnco for tho speakership
of the coming democratic house.
The Iowa anti-saloon league llled in
junction suits ngnlnst eleven saloons
in Keokuk, nlleglng violating of tho
Mulct law.
E. J. Byrnes, thirteen years old,
died at Milford, Mass., of Injuries re
ceived In a football scrimmage three
months ago.
Latest returns from the Nebraska
lection show that Wult, republican,
for secretary of state, will have about
:'5o majority.
Socialism wns denounced nt tho
1'ieetlng of tho Catholic lederatlon at
Now Orleans.
Senators Cummins and Ua Follette
ttro thought to loom up as possible
candidates for tho presidency.
Tho men who incited anti-American
riots at Leon, Nicaragua, have been
expelled from tho country.
Several hundred women attended
tho opening of tno women's national
missionary golden Jubilee celebration
lit Cincinnati.
Joel Francis Freeman, nged seven-ty-foiir,
formerly secretary of tho
Standard oil company, died at his
homo In Orange, N. J.
Oovcrnor Hrown of Georgia an
nounces tho appointment of lornior
Governor (i. M. Terrell as United
States senator to succeed the lato
Senator A. S. Clay, deceased.
John Jlniitnan. a farmer, ami iim
daughter Until, aged (J. were killed at
a crossing in llrlcelyn. near Mason
City, la. A Northwestern train struck
the buggy in which they wero riding.
"Mnll your gifts ahead of tho rush.
Hut don't open before Christmas," Is
tho slogan of the pnstofllco depart
ment in its campaign to minimize the
annual congestion of Christmas mnll.
President Tuft assured tho people"
of Panama tho United States had no
thought of nnnexlng tho republic.
It Ir olllcially announced that tho
king nnd queun of England ho'po to
visit India and hold n coronation du
bar at Delhi Jan. 1, iJ12.
Tho Arizona constitutional conven
tion adopted n provision prohibiting
tho Incarceration of Juvenllo offenders
with adults in Jnllo and prisons.
Daniel s. Knowlton, for sixteen
yeais secretary to the collector of tho
port of Boston, Ikib resigned no a re
sult of nn Investigation into tho Jocnl
customs service by n board of Inquiry
Lincoln, Nehr., is a cnndldato for
tho meeting of tho next commercial
Ualph Johnstone was instantly killed
when his aeroplane went wrong nt
Denver and plunged r.OO feet to
Six persons were killed and twenty
filx Injured In a wreck at Kalamnzoo,
The Illinois state tnx commlssslon
has fixed the rate or stale taxes for
next year at 30 cents on each ?1J0 of
assessed property valuation.
National banks of tho country must
soon ninke a showing of their condi
tion. Memphis, Tenn., has il population
of 131,105 according to the statistics
of the thirteenth comma.
Demand for tnilff revision will be
made to tho coining session of con
gress by the knights of labor.
Governor-elect John A. Dlx spent
$4,:i"2.:iO in aid of his campaign, ac
cording to a statement of election ex
penses filed with the secretary of
Twenty years In Sun Quontln prison
was tho sentenco imposed in San
Francisco upon Dr. Uobert Thompson,
convicted of murder In tho second de
gree. Prof. W. T. St. Clnlre, one or tho
best known educators of the middle
west nnd lormer principal or a high
school in lxjulsvlllc, Ky., committed
Oila llubhell, a farmer near Bar
nard, Mo., and his wife and two chil
dren, were shot and killed at their
homo by an unknown person who set
flro to their house to conceal the
Following a mental collapse brought
on from ovorstudy, William Mitchell,
10 yearn old, of South Dakota, a can
didate for entrance to the West Point
Military academy, died In a hospital
at Baltimore.
Exports out or this country In Oc
tober wore larger than In any pre
vious motiUi In the history of the
United States wlillo Imports wero
about $1,000,000 less than in tho same
month Inst yenr.
Senntor T. P. Gore, of Oklahoma. In
nn Interview, said that nt the coming
session of congress tho deomcrats
should iovIrc the woolen schedule
and also tho tariffs on wood pulp,
and print paper.
Ab tho result of a letter to the
Navy department, which Is regarded
by otllclals as Insubordinate in tone.
Major II. C. Davis who Is In com
mand of tho marine guard at Guam,
hns been ordered home.
Lugano and Como. IS. T. Stoics
hury's crack pair of roadsters, which
took tho bluo ribbon nt the Horse
Show in New York, wero sold to Wal
ter Wlnnns for $25,000. This is a
record price for a horse show trans
action. The federal government's title to
tho property In dispute in tho caso of
Oberlln M. Carter, former captain in
tho United States army, tho out
growth or tho Savannah river and har
bor improvement frauds, was confirm
ed by tho United States circuit court
of appeals in New York.
Isnac and Manning Phillips, mem
bers of the firm or I. & M. Phillips,
Importers, at New York, wero arrest
ed, charged with having defrauded
the government out of duty on woolen
wearing apparel Imported from
Franco by menus of fnlse consulnr in-
The opening gun in n light of retail
hardware dealers of Pennsylvania and
neighboring states for the elimination
of Jobbers nnd catalog bouses was
llred in Pittsburg nt a meeting of hard
ware merchants. Tho object is to
combat 5 and 10 cent stores and siml
lar establishments.
Tho now state militia advisory
board In its Hrst meeting at Fort
Dodge, la., endorsed Omaha as tho
next meeting placo of the National
Guard association. The board also
voted In favor or sending two lown
regiments to Omaha next year to par
ticipate with tho Nebraska National
Guard in the Ak-Sar-Ben exhibition.
Tho New York stato depart nicnt of
health Is seeking tho cooperation of
various rallroades operating in tho
state in abolishing tho common drink
ing cup from trains and railroad sta
tions. Personal.
British naval men gave their Ameri
can visitors a cordial welcome.
Mr. Bryan, In an address at Dallas,
Texas, paid a tribute to Tolstoi.
Henry M. Hoyt. couiifollor of tho
department of state, Is seriously 111.
Gov. Saunders, of Iiuisiann, will
call an extra session of the legisla
ture. Henry M. Hoyt, counsellor for tho
department of state, died suddenly In
Mayor Gaynor of New York has
kept his promise and is shaking up
the pollco force.
Tho Insurgent element of both par
ties will renew the light for modifica
tion of tho house rules.
Governor-elect Fobs, of Massachu
setts, asks Senator Lodge to with
draw from tho senatorial contest.
Senator Carter, of Montana, defeat
ed in tho lato election, niny bo of
fered a placo on tho supremo bench.
Col. Hoosovclt hns dropped politics
for tho present and Is talking nbout
his African limit.
Flfty-ono counties glvo Hitchcock
114,412, nnd Burkett 91,993 for sena
tor from Nebraska.
President Taft gnvo GIfford Pin
chot permission to fllo his brlof In tho
Alaska land caso controversy.
Dr. Wiley says tho reduction in
meat is a plot by tho packers, and
prlccB will soon go soaring again.
Governor-elect John A, Dix spent
$4,372.32 in aid of his campaign, ac
cording to a statement of election ex-
I uenscR.
What Is Going on Here and Thero
That Is of Interest to the Read
era Throughout Nebraska
and Vicinity. '
Lincoln. Tho Woman's club of this
city now lias an enrollment of l,0t:!
members. This fact was announced
at the meeting hold at the Templu b
.Mrs. Grant Watkhis, chairman or the
membership committee, and aroused
great enthiislusm. Mrs. iWatklns
stated that tho Woman's club could
rightfully claim not only to he the
largest in tho United States, but the
largest society of tho kind In the
world. Since a previous meeting two
weeks ago, more than three hundred
members had been added.
Lay Normal Cornerstone.
Chadron. The cornerstone of the
new normal building here wns laid
under the ausi ices of the Masonic
lodge, Past Master A. V. ("rites act
ing for Grand Master Harry A.
Cheney. Business throughout the cily
was generally suspended, and the
schools were closed. Fully 2,."00 peo
ple were present.
Over Three Score and Ten.
Guide Unci;. .Mrs. IS. O. Parker cel
ebrated her elght-ilrst birthday with
her children uud grandchildren us
guestB. Her husband Is past 85. They
will celebrate their sixtieth anniver
sary ou December tt. Bo.h are ac
tlvo for their years.
Attended the Association.
Loup City. The entire corps of
teachers, ten in number, attended the
Stato Teachers' association at Lincoln,
tho board of education having decid
ed to allow the teachers to attend the
entire session without loss or salary.
Candidate for Re-election.
Seward. W. II. Smith of tills city,
editor of the Iiulepeiidetit-Democrnt, is
a candldnto for re-election as secre
tary of the Nebraska state senate.
Organized New Chapter.
Humboldt. An Eastern Star lodge
has been organized in tills city, with a
charter membership of fifteen.
Tho Gage county farmers iustltuto
will bo held at Beatrlco December 12.
Next convention of the Nebraska
Women's clubs -will bo held nt Hoi
dregc. Tho Presbyterian church recently
destroyed by lire nt Hastings is to bo
There aro twenty-two applicants
for the position or postmaster at
The Nebraska Art association Ib in
session at the art gallery of tho stato
university this week.
In tho first well drilled for the new
water works plant at Coznd, wnter has
been struck nt n depth of 190 feet.
Tho Hampton Milling company has
purchased the plant of the Aurora
lighting system and will furnish tho
village with Its light
Coon hunting is becoming a popu
lor fad In the western portion of tho
Btnte, tho game having become qulto
plentiful In tho last few years.
Monday was "Tag Day" in Lincoln,
tho Chnrity Organization society so
liciting funds for that body and issu
ing a tag as receipt.
Carl Sink or Ames claims tho
championship of his neighborhood as
a cornhuskcr. Sing picked and
cribbed 515 bushels or com In live
Will Maupin, deputy labor commis
sioner, was elected secretary-treasurer
of the International Uibor Press asso
ciation nt Its recent session at St.
Flro which was discovered early
Sunday morning damnged tho stock
nnd building of II. W, Abts & Co.,
wholesale grocers, of Columbus, to the
extent of $20,000.
A special election was hold at Ans
loy Tuesday at which $5,000 bonds
wore voted for putting in a city elec
tric light j.lant. Only nine votes wero
cast againBt tho proposition.
In nn attempt to carry n blazing
gasollno stovo from tho house Satur
day evening and avert a serious lire,
Miss Edna Sandberg of Lincoln, aged
20 years, was painfully burned.
Edward II. Hoonmn, country treas
urer of Otoo county, died nt his homo
in Nebraska City, Sunday morning
from a cancer which had hcen giving
him troublo for a number of years.
The Swedish Evangelical Lutheran
church at Lincoln has Just finished
colebratlng its fortieth anniversary.
Plans for tho erection of a new
houso of worship to cost from $G0,000
to $75,000 have been adopted by tho
congregation of tho Presbyterian
church or UnsUngs.
Tho entiro fat cattlo exhibit which
is to represent tho University of Ne
braska at the International Live Stock
Exposition to bo hold in Chicago No
vember 2G to December 3, has been
placed on exhibition In tho judging
pavilion at tho university farm.
jdE&fctiM'- iwtfiiTC.
Xjt,MT jfw -
Chicken thieves nt Ioxlngton wero
tracked by bloodhounds and captured.
A. IS. llnrgreaves, who died at Lln
coin recently, carried $55,000 Hfo in
surance. Helnrlch FleiBChauer, an inmnte of
tho Lincoln asylum, has inherited
I. M. Augustln and wife celebrated
their silver wedding nnnlversary at
Grand Island recently.
Degrees of the Scottish Uite of Freo
Masonry were conferred on a lnrgo
class at Lincoln last week.
The dishing State bank was dyna
mited Wednesday night by bank rob.
bcrs and $2,500 In money taken.
Mice and mutches started a Ilic at
York that might have resulted seti
ously but for Its timely discovery.
Farmers In the vicinity of Tecum
sell aro having trouble getting help to
shuck corn. They are paying foui
It. D. Show-alter, foi email at th
Fremont Herald oillce, had the mid
die finger or his right hand torn off Tj
getting It caught In a press at which
he was worklnc.
Members of the Franklin Woodmen
lodge went out and shucked 1,500
bushels of corn for Chus. Shoemaker,
who luiB been sick for some time and
unable to get around.
A force ol einp.oxes Is busily en
gaged In Installing asbestos smoke
Jacks in the Kock Island shops at
Falrbury. These Jacks will supplant
the Iron snioKeJacks.
Fire broke out 'n the third story
of the Burlington storehouse at Have
lock Thursdnj and more than 250 feet
or floor space was burned over beioru
the blaze was extinguished.
The city or Beatrice has purchased
at sheriff's sale the Judgment of
$81(5.00 against the Chautauqua associ
ation, and by so doing liiia acquired
tlie title to the chiiutuuqun grounds
for a city park.
The new United Brethren church
nt PIckrell was dedicated Sunday.
Bishop Weekly of Kansas City assist
ed Itev. Mr. Ixmg in conducting the
services. The new church cost about
Ed Vansteonburg of Illldreth, who
was severely burned from tho walsl
line to his feet some weeks ago, is
recovering and it is believed that he
will not have to have his leg ampu
tated as was roared.
A number of farmers in Jefferson
county have been the victims of a
"fake" medicine peddler. Tho vender
disposed of a medicine for curing
rheumatism at $1 a bottle. Many
farmers bought from one to three bot
tles. Chcrlcs and Elwood Briuton, two
Lancaster county fanner boys have
built n traction engine that they uso
to pump water, shell corn, run a
washer, churn, draw n wagon and do !
other farm work, nnd which on a
pinch enn bo converted Into a fairly
comfortable automobile.
U W. Chase of tho stato farm has
returned from Omaha, whero he had
been attending the national .horticul
tural congress and acting ns one of
the Judges in tho contest of spraying
Leo Mnthews, chief clerk In the gov
ernor's ofllco until ho was promoted
to the private secretaryship, Is n'can
dldato for chief clerk of the house.
Tho Lincoln Commercial club has
been Invited by tho American CIvio
nBsoclatlon to bo represented at tho
annual meeting of that body in Wnsh
Professor II. It. Smith of tho de
partment of animal husbandry of the
state farm is editing for tho United
States department of agriculture a
secondary course In animal products.
Nino boxes of botnnicul specimens,
containing over 1,200 varieties, havo
been received by the botanical de
partment direct from Jerusalem. Tho
plantB nro all from Palestine, most of
them coining from the near vicinity
of Jerusalem. Tho boxes enme by
p.ircels post, the weight of each vary
ing from live to ten pounds.
Seventy-two delinquent students ap
peared before tho faculty dellnquoncr
committeo of tho stnto university Sat-;
nrdny. As a result of tho examina
tion, seven wero suspended for the
rcmnlndcr of the semester and two
others were ndvlsed to withdraw.
Three withdrew voluntarily before tljo
commltteo took nctlon on their cases,
and sixty were placed on probation.
Stipulations havo been agreed upon
In tho suit of tho Btnte ugalnst the
National Biscuit company to compel
it to brnnd tho not weight on Its pack
ages, but will not be signed until
proof has been rend of tho amend
ments. John L. Webster, represent
ing tho National Biscuit company, In
tended that tho state should stipu
late about everything that would
make a dofenso easy.
Members of the legislature nro rap
Idly sending in requests for seats, nnfl
nbout a third of tho places havo been
disposed of, bluo prints of both floors
having been received In tho oijlco of
tho secretary of state.
Practically all of tho guardsmen ap
pearing on trlnl boforo tho court mar
tial pleaded guilty, but a great major
ity gnvo tho Bamo reason for falluro
to obey orders thoy did not bcllovo
that they had to attend maneuvers, or
woro so busy at work thnt they could
not cot nwav.
Federal Troops, According to Report,
Get the Better , of Madero's
Rebels In Hills Near
Eagle Pass. Tex. The Mrxluin com
mander In Ciiulnd Porllrio Diaz hns In
formed Customs Collector U. W. Dowe
that Francisco I. Mudero, claimant of
tho presidency of Mexico, was severely
wounded in a light at Guerrero be
tween his forces and 200 rurnles and
cavalry commanded by Colonel Fuen
tcs nnd Lieut. NIcnnor Vnldez.
The Mexican commander said that
his advices came directly from a trust
worthy citizen of Guerrero, who came
in during the day. According to the
report to Mr. Dowe, Madero led his
force when tho federal troops engaged
Tho engagement wus licrco for a
Madero was seen (o fnll from his
horse. He was carried to the rear and
his force fell back. Tho federal
troops are reported to have followed
their advantage, scattering tho rebels
to tho hills. The nature of Madero's
wounds are unknown. Colle-tor Dowe
said that he would wait for absolute
confirmation before making any re.
Indians Encouraged by Aid.
Washington, D. C Encouraged by
tho efforts of the 'Indian bureau to
help them along by irrigating their
lands and establishing them in cattle
raising, the San Carlos Indians in
Arizona, who have been very poor for
many years, are cultivating their
lands in nn attempt to become self
supporting. About 500 acres along the Gila river
whero no farming hns been done for
a number of years have been Irri
gated and each family has been given
a live-acre tract, as far as the land
will go. About "00 acres more will be
Irrigated during the ensuing winter.
Tho entire district, comprising ap
proximately S00 acres, will be In
charge of one Tanner, who will advise
the Indians.
Anonymous Gift to Yale.
New Haven. Yale corporation has
announced an anonymous gift of $15
000, the interest of which Is to bo used
ns an emergency loan fund for instruc
tors nnd assistant professors of tho
university. Announcement, also was
made of the receipt of $30,000 of a
fund or $50,000 left to the university
by tho Into J. Burnett Collins of Fort
Worth, Texas., and the receipt of $20.
000 from Newton Barney of Farming
ton, Conn., toward the fund for the
professorship of education and tho re
ceipt of a like amount from tho family
of the lato John II. Wlttemore as a
memorial gift.
Mutiny In Brazilian Navy.
Rio Janeiro Tho mutiny in the
Brazilian navy, which broke out tho
night of November 22 on board tho
battleship Minns denies, and subse
quently extended to other vessels of
the fleet, is now in a critical stage.
The mutineers have sent to tho gov
ernment a strongly worded ultimatum,
demanding an increase in pay and the
abolishment or corporal punishment
nnd several other unpopular regula
Suffragettes Go to Jail.
London All tho suffragettes who
were charged with assault and tho
wilful damago or property as the re
sult of their rioting tho past few days
woro found guilty in tho Bow street
police court and sentenced to pay fines
of $10 or $25 or to spend two weeks
or a month In Jail, nccordlng to tho
seriousness of their offense. All ot
the prisoners elected to go to Jail.
Messengers Boys Strike.
Now York. Messenger boys em
ployed by iho Postal Telegraph com
pany, hnve quit work to Join tho
strike began by the Western Union
nnd American District Telegraph
His Condition Critical.
St. Louis. Tho condition of Moses
C. Whctniore, retired mllllonalro nnd
former democratic natlonnl committee
ninn from Missouri, Is considered crit
cal. He was run down by a horse
and wagon and severely Injured.
And Another In Brazil.
Now Orleans. A privnto cablegram
received hero from Wo Janerlo says;
"Itevolutlon has broken out here."
Tho message was from a prominent
Brazilian coffee Ilrm.
Pnrls Thanksgiving celebrations
by Americans In Paris were hold in
the Students' hotel nnd tho Amerlcnn
Girls' club In tho Latin quarter. Sail
ors from the United States warships
observed tho day as a general holiday
in Cherbourg. Special dinners woro
given to tho men, at which a hundred
snllors from onch of tho French wor
ships now in Chorbourg harbor wore
the specially Invited guests of Ad
mlral Vreclnnd.
A number ot snllors on leave in
Pnrls nte their Thanksgiving dinner
in vurioos hotels.
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound
Chicago. 111. "I V.13 troubled with
ailing und inflammation, and tho doc
tors saitll could nob
?ot well unless I
lad an oncratlon.
I know I could noh
stand tho strain of
;ono, eo I wrote to
you (sometime, ago
about my health
and you told mo
wnac to uo. After
taking Lydla IS.'n Vptwtn-
bio Compound nnd
TMnrtrl "Pnrlflnr T nm
MMiaya wen woman." Mrs. Williasc
Alliums, 088 W. 21st St., Chicago, 111.
Lydia E. rinkham's Vcgctablo Com
pound, made from native roots and
herbs, contains no narcotics or harm
ful drugs, and to-day holds tho record
tor tho largest number of actual cures
of f otnalo diseases of any similar medi
cine in tho country, and thousands of
voluntary testimonials aro on illo in
tho l'itikhniu laboratory at Lynn,
Mass., from women who havo been
cured from almost every form of
fetiialo complaints, inflammation, ul
ceratlon.displacements.flbroid tumors,
rregulanties, periodic iiains.back.icho,
indigestion and nervous prostration.
Every such suffering-woman owes it to
herself to givo Lydia E. JMnkham'a
vegetable Compound a trial.
If you would lileo spccinl advico
about your enso wrlto i confiden
tial letter to Mrs. Plnlchnm, afi
Lynn, Mass. Her advico is frccf
ftnd always Lelpful.
I -. w - .. .. .U
' "I wish to
say that I
have used
Sloan's Lini
ment on a
lame leg that
has given me much trouble for six
months. It was so bad that I
couldn't walk sometimes for a
week. I tried doctors' medicine
and had a rubber bandage for my
leg, and bought everything that I
heard of, but they all did me no
good, until at last I was persuaded
to try Sloan's Liniment. The first
application helped it, and in two
weeks vny leg was well." A. L.
Hunter, of Hunter, Ala.
Good for Athletes. -
- Mr. K. Gilman, instructor of
athletics, 417 Warren St., Rox
bury, Mass., says: "I have used
with great success in cases of ex
treme fatigue after physical exer
tion, when an ordinary rub-down
would not make any impression."
Sloan's Liniment
has no equal as a
remedy for Rheu
matism, Neural
gia or any pain or
stiffness in the
muscles or joints,
Slnan'a lioolc on
hones, cut Up, Bheep
mill poultry teut
freo. Aildroi
Dr. Earl S. Sloan,
Boston, Mats., U. 8. A.
The Wretchedness
of Constipation
Ctn quickly be overcome by
Purely vegetable-
act lurely and
gently on tho
liver. Curo
neu, and Iadlgejlion. Thoy do Ineir duly.
Small Pill, Small Dote, Small Prlc.
Genuine muuien Signature
Its simplicity Is a strong feature
of tho
world ovnn
1.1 1. . cTk
'i"0 2- fan
'i:i fV w it!'
zim w
mEm- 1
.emmmam .wtru
xZMY piii:
9 rK ,
for Co
uchs Zt Col
' 1 fin 1 1 hni
"--"miimmia ' imtmi
" bmmmmtmk
MiHMi ji,y, fc;aj'Hii. jhJiii4A.-Mtm