WPWWIWIWWWWWW I i B !pqpppjtggiMWHg5aWtWiwwnyT-UBiPJW-"jw-1"g"yairt,gar7r3 ya j i fcfrg"-"" . UWMwnflWMWWWWww WWPWWIWWWIlilJlilillllllllilllWil'lgWlrtia fffr 1 fT MHMlMta .j'-iI'-j V v ' MMMHHHMHHMMlBHtfMfF. V mn-91? VTValMWJ'KSt.ltwl K,i MBMtHW -v-u, . S6e CHIEF Red Cloud - - Nebraska. PUBLISHED KVBHY TIIUIIHDW Catered In llio I'utlnfllre MiHwl Clmnl.Nct,, r Second CIhuh Matter DR. CHAS. E. CROSS DENTIST Moon Block, Red Cloud in Rivcrton every Monday o . II a LB THE ONLY DKMOC'ltATIU I'AI'KK IN vi:iikti:h county i Tlio so filled revolution In Mexico proved to be more noiso tliitn anything else. Perhaps thoy tlltl not want to stir tlmsu Texas cowboys too much. Over lit Franklin county tlio Hloorn Ingtoiiitns wimt it ntnv court boost) ami tin question wns submitted tlio otlitM' il iv at tlic gonoi nl elect Ion. Tin' l'Yankllnitos hot up all the hatnmois in tlio county anil went alter the pro position Thu county records will continue to mould and rot. Thu name, condition of affairs exists in Webster county. liuUlo Koch .Signal. llcuttuso tlio Democratic paity has trained control of the govern men t It Is receiving all kinds or advice, some good sotnu bad. Theie is. liovvcver, out) thin,' to bo rciiieinbort'd and that Is eorriinfion Ulte incaslos is catching. 'The saw? Interests which have so fully ooiitioiwfft legislation by controlling ,1oe Caiiupn and others are not now going toiriareh in a body to tho post house there to be cured mid fiiinugat od' before again mixing with thoir fellow men. On tho contrary thoy will "continue to exert, what the Tatnora Lyre calls their measly influence mid they will not hesitate to tempt demo crats as insidiously us they havo tho republicans. Our Democratic friends must be on thoir guard and not hutcr into any entangling alliuncefl wlili the money powers. An excellent opportunity Is given ami by remaining faithful to tho trust our party will gain n glorious victory two years from now. 1 The moving picture business has a i-uiir.iMii.ii uroiiL resnons o tv. Willie It soeus 'to entertain tho public It must not forget that it yields an Inlliienco of no mean proportions. These perform ances are visited by u large number of children and pictures have a fascinat .ng way of appealing to children. If the pictures me vicious the effect on the children will be harmful. A short time ago theie was a wild pio'cst all over the country against picturing a curtain piize light on tho ground that it was demoralizing but pictures of stabbing, killing, intnderiiig and loud ness me permitted to be shown with otitiiwonl ot protest In the cities some of these shows o'peiily ash for pa trotiHgo on iho gi minds that their pletuies are only a little beyond the roach of the law. On tho other hand there me plenty of pictures which in still patilotisin, teach honor and self respect, Instruct, delight and enter tain. The good ones are to bi com mended, tho bad ones ought to be abolished. Wuether the influence of the moving plctuie show in good or bad depends upon the picture JTTV . fWul A Store Full of me Finest Now that thu government has cap tured u set of "get-rich quick" men mid tins demonstuited that the same hot succeeded in separating tlie gootl peoplo of this country from SI 00,000.1 K) of their haul earned money, it might be well for us all to resolve not to bite again. Wof,ontuiu to say that no newspaperman was caught because that fraternity has given up long ago nil dreams of acquiring unlimited wealth by tho investment, route. A, years subscription might be spared oc casionally but real money never. It fieouiH Inconceivable that this govern ment would allow the mails to be used for so long a time befote action was taken but Hie mills of the gods grind slowly, livery once in a while we re ceive thru the mail glowing account of rubber plantations, gold mints, etc. mid alwajs tlio offer is extended to let the dear people In on the ground floor for a trilling sum and the state mentis alluringly made that ihlssniull Bum will tuako tho Investor Independ ent for lire. If It is a seven day's wonder that the government would permit of such outlawry it is equally surprising that such a concern could Ond suckeis enough to niako their Hchcmos successful. Those who know say that if one has a little money which ought to be at work the only wife way Is to look before you leap. Make a thoro investigation before you Hct and tiust the small iuoouin which is Mile. Now that the state legislatures are about to convene it would be well for the reformers to look into the ninny gambling devices that are being used to cultivate the gambling spirit in the young. It is useless to denounce gambling at cauls, at t he wheel of for tune, and thru the lot toiy so long as slot machines and other games of chance are allowed to run openly. Gambling is one of tho most fascluut ing of the vices and one of the most demoralizing. It blunder to lefoim n confirmed gambler than a confirmed drunkard, for while drink diseases tho whole body, gambling robs the moral libie of the man. It is not a matter of degree; the principle Itself is wrong, It is destructive of morals to try to get something for nothing. Not only is the principle vicious, but it culti vates extravagance in tlio successful and crime in the unsuccessful. That which is won i$ chance is soon spent while euibeylcincnt often follows gambling losses. Laws should be passed In every state piohibiting all games of chance ami all schemes by which tales, compensation or words shall depend on chance, whether it be by throwing dice, the turn of a wheel or any other device. Have the young from the snares of the gambler. -Commoner. I New Merchandise Awaits Your Selection. f We offer you thoroughly dependable goods, quality goods" and merchandise that is New, Correct in style, and in every way desirable. ::::::: In buying stock we keep constantly in mind the needs of our pat rons and endeavor to supply them with the goods which will in every respect satisfy in quality, in service, in style. 'CjWe know we are right when we assure you of your complete satisfaction. : : : : OUR STORE IS THE PLACE TO BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS. THE WINER BROTHERS GO. Dry Goods, Womens Coats, Suits, Furs and Furnishings, Carpets, Rugs, Lace Curtains, Shoes and Groceries. We received a neatly printed pam phlet tills weelc fiom The Nebraska Canitnl Ueiuovul Association" and after a careful rending of this booklet wo tiro convinced that the authors at least take themselves furiously. It takes all kinds of people to make tip Hie citizens of the world and .judging from the multiplicity of ideas ad rauceil each member of this universe is at pro-eiM engaged in developing a pet scheme or hobby. The authors of this hookle,t make., a great de:l o'f cnpl till out. of theJ'sliowing which thoy make in regard as to how the capital I happened to be located at Lincoln and further that the state at tliat time was priicticMlly undeveloped. All this is undoubtedly true. In delving into history they neglect cdlij? go hack to Noah's time. They should have in formed us what the Missouri river was doing at th time of t'ro Hood. They should liave also lufoi tiled us whuta'- titu loCciisar took relative to tin e act spot which generations yet unborn were destined to select us the olio best place git rans.ict their statu business The authors of tho booklet jejuni to imagine that because the caujtat ,! located at Lincoln that oily is being built up at the oxrense ir the remain der of tlic state and they want to pass the good thing around. Possibly in a few more eais every hamlet in the state would be a thriving met. ..polls p.ovided the capital was moved i rvIIK (lnv .MI,Ul enough. I liey seeio 10 t iiiou umniu I niNersity would travel mound with the capital and that in the nearfutme we would have great houses of learn ing scattered all over this good State of ouis and that traveling in Nebraska would be one grout sight seeing ex cursion where one could study .archi tecture at the meeting of every cross road. Asa pipe dream till-, traveling people's college ought to appeal to the most vivid imagination. The authors of the booklet advocate the plan of selecting some centt til spot wheto all the people of Ncbiusltlt would have the same distance to travel AUDHlttUL LOCALS The population of the cttt of Ne braska is l.l'.CJ.'JU, according to stntls. lies of the thirteenth census, taken , thisvcir. Tliis is an Iiiciviim ol rJ.'v i !)l I. iir It 8 per cent, over l.ioi.:ton in I 1W0. ,' The population of Webster County is l'J.nnS. ' The foot ball gaino between 1'iaiik-i I'm Afadeinv and the i.'cil loud High I ben on Thanks- I in a -eine ot to 0 in fuor of r'uiiiklin. Our imji put up it Hue game null hail thej not been outclassed in weight the lesirlt would easily have been in ihi-ii faoi. A largo ciowtl came dvwu from Trunk lin to root tor their team. Headquarters - - - - Headquarters It pays to trade at Headquarters. The oftener you buy the oftener you will find it out. Our Holliday goods are on the way and will soon be opened up for inspection. We absolutely know we can save you money. The Model Variety Store i Msb whenever they had capital. As a matter ot fact how tunny of our citizens liae business to trans act at the capital of Ibis state? How many times a year aietho farmers. the doctors, thu business men compell ed to go to the capital? How many times in ,our life, gentle leader, havo you had occasion to leave ,mir quiet home and 1 1 a el to the gieat capital on state business11 Most ot the men wlio isit that place have their waj paid by tin slateiiud thee.Miet location Aikens ,v thtrber of luivetsity Place have piircha-cd the furniture and un dertaking establishment of Albright' liios. aud lot vo taken possession. Al bright Hros. havo been eng-igeilln this busiu'eiss turn number of years in this city and had built rrj a very siibstant- j ial trade. The now linn 1 hourly mi derstauds the businct-s mid tin coinpi-, business at the tent and obliging. We extend to them the hand of welcome and tttist that thoir association with us will be all that the can deslie. 30 Years of Success. I The II. E, UrlcoDrufc to. oif.tr a i.- tarrli tutr.. The. Mttlltlm t'ctts Noililnft If It rails. When a medicine clfei'ts a succi ss tui treat merit in a er. uuge majority I of cases, and when wo oiler that incdie- fa& ?2 w T5 -5 - S T5 ?2Z T5 -3 ?2 9 -T ?2 r !9-7 9 3 9 5S: I THE CHRISTMAS JEWELRY STORE '.1? m is Certainly a good name for our Store. Our stock was never better or larger than it is now. We have endeavored to buy goods that will please you and give you ONLY reliable mer- class "Tho uio of alum and ealta of alumina in food should be prohibited." Vi ol. Wood, Jlarvoril Vnlv. Safeguard Your Food by Using Alwmys DnPRICE'S CREAM Baking powder Made from Grapes Its purity, wholesome ness and superior leavening qualities are never questioned. Fifty Years the Standard ....... --k, ... . of the state capital Is of little concern j,u. )U uv (1ii personal gti.iitinUe If they liapi en to 1)0 oulclals the long- t,t n i 1 1 cost the usernothloK if it et thu inn the inoio uiihu;e, if t'.rey ,0l. not, completely iclleve eatai i n, n liiimwii tn In boarders the would u'ti I u .mlv i i-nsuimble that lieoplt should " .. I - ... believo us. oral least put our claim to a practical test when wo take all the risk. These aie tacts which we want the people to substantiate We want them to try Kexull.Miiu-Toiic,iMtiedl. cine prepared from a prescription of a pliystclan with wlioiu catturrli was a specialty, niid-wl'io hu a record of thirty years o'f enviable successor his record. We receive more good reports about llttMtll Mucu-Torre than wo do or all itiiiT en tin rh remedies sold in our stoic, and irmore peoplo only knew what what a thoroughly dependable remedy Uexall Much Tone is. it would be tho only cattrrh ietnod, we would havo any demand for. KumiII Mucn-Toiie IsiMilekly absorb-. ed unci by Its therapeutic cIVeet tends to illslnfeet and cleanse the entire mucous uieinbiaueoiis tract, to destroy and remove the parasites which liijino the uioinebrantoiih tlssuef., to snotlio the irriliitlotr and heal the soieness. stop the, mucous discharge, build up htiong, healthy tissue and reliove the lilood and system Of diseased matter Its Inlltieiici) is fowaidhllniuhitlugtlie iiiuco-cells, aiding digestion and im- t.... ...ii . i,..ii mil il i In, vi In iln lioile 1 I JIIUVIIIIJ HUH ll.llll 11111. " " -if nfL - CW,d- k 1 0 vibrates with healthy activity. In a 1 X IlC V-niCl 4 I ,J J ei.uipa ittM'y short time it tilings vi idt b vi v v viz l iti ii vi itf to the boarding house aiiwa.v. tint the geogiaphletil centor is soniewhoie near M its IN and the aiithois should state frankly that they ate working to have the capital located at Marvin where there Is plenty of room to erect anew model n state building. Why leave tho reader In doubt? The reason we object to having tho capital located Ht Mtuln Is that It is a little inacccssiiide. Uutoitutiately tlio railioads iiiircust and west and' very few of them run uoith-aud .south mi that If we weiecoiuptdled to journey to Marvin on state biisim ss wo would be compelled to hitch up the old grey mare anil'di'tvo the greater part of the distance and by the time we letnrned we would possibly be unable to get out our t hi'istmns (Million on time. The icason why Lincoln Is well located for the capital is because the tritiiis.Miu towaid that city and they can carry the mail tlieto without de lay or danger. If we must change the location of our capital by all means let it'be llNodat .Marvin. We will be pleased ( chandise. Our stock covers every thing found in a first ": Jewelry store. And do not forget that our prices are right for J W nrst quality. ( to show you our stock i any time. to OPEN EVENINGS J. C. MITCHELL, 'tx The Jeweler. v C. sr: sr. 5? c ic. 5?: cs: t s?: r. -. 55-. ar 55-. -. g-. -. 5-. -. &j 1 A it gBlflD vi Ur about a uotlccablo uaiu ill weight strength, good color and feeling of buoyancy. Weiirgeyou to tiy lUwall .Much Tone, bi ginning a tietitmeut today. At any time you ttto not satisfied come and toll us, anil we will quickly leturn jour motley without question or quib ble. Wo have Koxall Muiiu-Toue in two si.es, r.Oc 11 ml cl.du. Itemetulier you can obtain ItcMill llomedies in Red Cloud oii'j at our store The Ite.Mlll Stoic 'l lit 1 1 1". 1 liee I)n. Co. Notice lli.p C1.01111. N1.11.. Nov. iiltit, 1'MO. A actiiicy havintr occured In the ollico ol the County Uouimihsiouor of the 1th District, by the teslgnatioii of lamest). Overman Commissioner and the appointing otllceis; the County Judge, Tiensuicr and Clerk having 'mot this day, the matter of appointing a successor to (HI the vacancy was. I continued until December Mil UHt. fit !0 oViiiek a 111. '-'il U. W I.'iss. Conuly Clei It. I 1