The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, December 01, 1910, Image 3

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r ",?'"tia jvjpjtoi
J ' The I
That Makes tlio Baking Bottsr
Pnllurrs are almost Impossible with
We Unow that It will stvo you bettor
Wcknow thnt thebaktaff will be pnr.r
more wholciome.
We know that It will bo more evenly
And we know that Cnlumet M more
economical, both In Its use and cost.
We know these things because we
have put the quality Into It we have
seen It tneil out in every way. It Is
used nowln millions of hom" and lt
sales nro growing dally. It U the
modern baking powder.
Have you tried It?
Cnlumet Is highest in quality
moderate in price.
Rreriret! 1 light lit Award
.World' Puio Food Expotilioo.
"African GameTrails"
Ncrded a man In every placo
to soil Uili famous new book.
jinng it in i in rnmiiirs in
your localltT. Wo glo you
nwnopnlr of field ana hint
commission. U'ako tills ureal
chanro. WrltoforDnisoectus
Charles Scribner's Sons
153 (U. K) linh Alt., ." tutl
Cloinici and buatinct the hair,
riotnotif a laxurUnt growth.
Hover Falls to Ilmtoro Ormy
Hair to lta Youthful Color.
Cunt toilp iIIkmm ft hair UUloz.
tOcttiilSUnut HhikjjIiIi
Quaint Ideas and Expressions Re
corded as Having Been Rendered
by Coroner's Juries.
Referring to a verdict recently
given by a coroner's Jury that death
was "caused by tho medical evidence,"
tho British Medical Journal says:
"This verdict may be added to thoso
cited In tho report of the select com
mlttco on death certification, where
Dr. Oglo Is quoted as saying: 'One
verdict camo before mo a little tlm
ago which was this: "A man died
from stono In tho kidney, which stono
ho swallowed when laying on a gravel
path In a stato of drunkenness." That
was given as a verdict. I thought
eomo joko had been played, and I
wroto down about It, nnd found It was
an absolute fact. Another ono Is
liko this: "Child threo months old,
found dead, but no evidence whether
born alive." " Theso novel judg
ments recall that an up-stato newspa
per not long ago spoko of taking a
murdered man's "post-mortem" state
ment. Not a Solitary Exception.
Professor Astrology teaches that n
girl born In January will bo prudent,
good-tempered and fond of dress; In
April, inconstant and fond of
Hostess In what months arc glrla
burn who nro not fond of dress?
Professor In none, madam.
How would you llko an unbossed nnd
lobbylcss legislature for u chango?
Both Kept Up on Scientific Food.
Good sturdy health helps ono a lot
to make money.
With tho loss of health ono's Income
Is llablo to shrink, if not entirely
dwindle away.
When a young lady has to make her
Iwn living, good health is her best
"I am nlono In tho world," writes a
Ihlcago girl, "dependent on my own
efforts for my living. I am a clork,
and about two years ago through closo
application to work and n boarding
Jiouso diet, I becamo n nervous In
valid, nnd got bo bad off it was almost
Impossible for mo to stay la tho ofllco
n, half day at a time.
"A friend suggested to mo tho Idea
of trying Grnpo-Nuts food which I did,
making It n largo part of at least two
meals a day,
"Today, I am froo from braln-tlro,
dyspepsia, nnd all tho Ills of nn over
worked and Improperly nourished
brain and body. To Grapo-Nuta 1
owo tho recovery of my health, and
tho ability to retain my position nnd
Read "Tho, Road to Wellvllle," in
pkgs. "There's a Reason."
IJer ronil the nliove letter r A new
one nppenra from time to time. Tlicy
nro kciiuIuc, true, nud full of bnuinu
lii teres t.
Baiiriss-t. za
Olympic, Recently Launched, Is
Largest in the World.
Ship Is One-Sixth of a Mile Long,
Ninety-Two nnd One-Half Feet
Wide nnd Will Transport
2,5C0 Passengers.
Helfast, Ireland. At tlio immense
Bblp-bulIdhiB yards hero recently was
launched the world's largest steam-
Bhlii, tlio Olympic of tlio Whlto Star
' line. The Iniinonso craft, to lie vised lu
carrying passengers across the At
lantic between New York city and
'Southampton, Is S2U feet long, a
breadth of 92 feot and a height from
tho heel to tho top of tho captain's
liouso of 105 feot. Thcro are 11 steel
decks nnd 1C water-tight bulkheads.
Exceeding ouoslxth of a mile in
length, tho Olympic is nearly 100 feet
longer than any ship now nlloat and,
compared with her, tho Great KaBtern,
launched In 1S58, would seem n dwarf.
Tho Olympic will carry a crew of 8G0
and will have accommodations for
2,500 passengers, tho passenger state
rooms nnd the various public apart
ments to bo exceptionally spacioua.
while tho beauty aud luxury of tho up
pplntments will surpass anything evor
attempted aboard n ship.
In addition to lounging rooms, res
taurants, smoking apartments, salnona
and tlio like, tho Olympic will lmvo In
tho lino of special attractions, swim
ming pools, sun parlors, sport decks,
tennis courts and palm gardens. Tho
decks will bo connected by passenger
elevator, much tho same ns tho vari
ous Moors of n modern olllco building.
Tho gross tonnage of tlio Olympic
will bo 45,000, and the ocean monster
will lmvo a displacement of CO.OOfl
tons. Every part of tho loviathan has
been constructed with a view tc
strength. Thcro la n doublo bottom,
exteuding tho cntlro length, tho dopth
being flvo foot, threo Inches for th
wholo dl3tanco except under tho en
gino room, whoro It Is Increased to
eix feot, threo Inches. Tho doubla
bottom alono contains mora than a
half million rivets, weighing about 270
tons, whllo in tho complete ship, tho
The Steamship Olympic.
shell plates and steol decks, there nro
moro than 3,000,000 rivets, with a to
tal weight of 1,200 tons.
Evory part of tho vessel nnd all its
belongings nro on tho Bnmo mnsslvo
Bcalo as tho gigantic shell Itself. Tho
anchors weigh moro than 15 tons each,
and each link of tho cnblo Is two feet
in length and welgha over 130 pounds.
Tho rudder, whllo weighing moro than
100 tons, may bo controlled as easily as
though It wero a feather, Its move
ments being directed by electricity.
Tho Olympic will bo fitted with
trlplo screws, propelled by engines
which comblno tho reciprocating prin
ciple with tho low-pressure turbine, a
system which practically eliminates
vibration. Tho speed of tho Olympio
will bo 22 knots an hour.
A Bug In the Ear.
Pittsburg. Thoso long, shiny Instru
ments that doctors solemnly poko Into
your ear when n Uttlo bug makes n
'mistake and gets Into tho wrong
,hou8o really aren't necessary to show
tho bug tho error of his way. All you
need Is a box of matches, with a frlond
iwhoso hand is steady, to light thorn
ono by ono and hold them ns closo to
your ear as is consistent with safety.
Tho world Is lndobted to John
.Sunders of Colwyn, Pa., for this dis
covery. Tho other day whllo at work
a bug crawled Into his enr, causing
him great pain, and sympathetic
friends gathered round him to oftor
what aid they might. Then ono of
them struck a match and hold it closo
to get a better view into tho ear. In
stantly tho pain stopped. Whllo tho
flamo flickered nnd went out tho pain
began again. "Light nnother match,"
begged Sunders. They did, nnd a
dozen after that. Presently tho bug,
responding to tho light, emerged nnd
was killed.
Dinner Guests Represent Billions,
Chicago. When tho foreign steel
magnates sat down to a dinner tho
nthor night in tho Blackstono hotel,
Chicago, as gueBts of tho United
States Steol corporation, a curious
porson with a talent for research fig
ured it out that $2,500,000,000 in capi
tal was represented by thoso in tho
gathering. Resides tho foreigners thoro
wero moro than 100 guests from tlio
American Iron and Stool institute. Al
together 1C0 dlnod at this elaborate
affair, but of course it was the favored
fow who roprcscntod this vast amount
of capita).
It is better to inherit a fortuno that
U marry one.
T.pwU' Single Hinder cipar N nrvcr
doped only tolmroo in itn natural ntnte.
When a girl exchanges photographs
with n young uinn she nearly always
gctB tho worst of the trnde.
Whnt Murine Kjo Hi'inritv Ilnc to tti
nii'N l In Hi-IiiMi, i Iimiiim', sin tiKtlii'ti mill Mltiin.
lain Mrnltliful ('Irruliitlnti. I'mnml'iit; Normal
aiih1IUoii.i, Try Murinti m juut liji'i.
The days of chivalry are not past. A
lady entered our olllco the other day
and we took our feet off the desk.
Home Vaudeville.
"So you used to be on the stage?"
"Yes'm, and l(dono a tilde splitting
"Well, lot's pre what you can do In
tho way of a wooilspllttlng sketch."
Curing Conceit.
"Ho used to have h good opinion of
"Hasn't ho now?"
"No; ho ran for office recently, and
wasn't even eloso when the votes
were counted." Detroit Kroo Press.
The constant uso of Cutlcura Soap,
assisted by Cutlcura Ointment, for
toilet, bnth nnd nursery purposes not
only preserves, purities, nnd beautifies
the skin, scalp, hair and hands, and
prevents Inflammation, irritation nnd
clogging of tho pores, tho common I
cnuso of pimples, blackheads, redness
and roughness, yellow, oily, mothy and,
other unwholcFomo conditions of tho 1
complexion and skin. All who delight '
In n clear skin, soft, whlto hands, a
clean, wholesome scalp and live, glossy i
hair, will llnd Cutlcura Soap most suc
cessful In realizing every expectation. !
Cutlcura. Soap and Ointment nro ad- j
mirably adapted to prescrvo tho
health of tho skin and scalp of in'
fants and children, nnd to prevent
minor blemishes or Inherited skin lm
mors becoming chronic, and may li
used irom tho hour of birth. Cntlcim
Remedies nro sold throughout tho civ
lllzed world. Send to Potter Drug &
Chcm. Corp., solo proprietors, Hoston,
for their froo Cutlcura book, 32 pnges
of Invaluable advice on enre and trcntr
ment of tho skin, scalp and hair.
Tho Amateur Poet Whatever I do.
I do with my whole soul.
His Wlfo (sadly) I know you do,
denr, but it would be such a help if
you'd give It up and do things with
your hnnds.
Indigestion, Gas, Sourness and Dys
pepsia Go and Your Stomach Feels
Fino in Five Minutes.
If your meals don't' tempt you, or
what little you do cat seems to fill
you, or lays liko a lump of lead in
your stomach, or if you havo heart
burn or a sick, sour, upset or gassy
stomach, that is a sign of Indigestion.
Ask your Phnrmaclst for a 50-cent
enso of Pape'a Diapcpsln and tnko a
Httlo just as soon as you cnn. Thero
will bo no sour risings, no belching
of undigested food mixed with acid,
no stomach gas or heartburn, fullness
or heavy feeling in tho stomach, Nnu
sea, Debilitating Headaches, Dizzi
ness or Intestinal griping. This will
all go, nnd besides, thcro will bo no
undigested food left over in tho stom
ach to poison your breath with nause
ous odors.
Pnpo's Diapcpsln is certain euro for
out-of-order stomachs, becauso it pro
vent3 fermentation and takes hold of
your food and digests it Just tho samo
as if your stomach wasn't thero.
Relief in flvo minutes from all stom
ach misery is waiting for you at any
drug store hero In town.
Theso Inrgo G0-cent cases of Pnpo's
Diapcpsln contain moro than sufficient
to thoroughly euro any caso of Dys
pepsia, Indigestion, Gastritis or any
other stpmach disturbance.
Twin Extravagances.
"I don't Hiipposo thcro Is anything
gets out of date quicker than a wont
uii'h hat?"
"Unless it is a battleship."
Somo people arc too fresh but tho
samo thing can't ho said of eggs.
Ten Beautiful Christmas Cards Free
To quickly Introiluco tho biggest nnd
boHt fnnn jiMiiiuil In tho West, wo mnko
this Rppi'lnl L'fl day Ivirirnln niter: Send 10
crntH for trlnl 3 montha' Hubacriptlon and
wo will kIvo you froo our collection of 10
very llnuht (lolit KmboNHwl ciirlBtinaa pout
cnrclH, XfibruBku Farm .lournul, 319
UimiKC Iiullillnc, Omnliu, Net).
A bachelor girls' club is nn nssoclfc
tlon of women who think they aro
more likely to get husbands by pre
tending not to want them.
Pneumonia nnd Consumption are al
ways preceded by nn onlinary cold, Ham
linn Wizard Oil rubbed into the chert
draws nut the inflammation, breaks up
the cold and prevents all ucriou troubl.
' Many a guilty man escnpoa because
ho is so small ho goes right through
tho not
t -TT
Theodore Hall Recalls When n Boat
Frequently Would Pay for Itself
on First Trip.
St. loult For 17 yonrs In continu
ous servico as pilot and master of
boats on rivers In tho Mississippi val
ley is the record of Theodore I llnll
of Klinniswlck. Mo. He Is still In nc
tli servico and Is now pilot on tho
steamer City of Savannah, owned by
the St. Louis and Tennessee River
Nmlgallon company. Mr. Hnll la
Rlxty-nix years old. He says ho will
continue In tho river trade until ho
has rounded out 60 years on tho wa
ter, then retlru and move out on n
farm, where he will raise Angora
Mr. Hall received his pilot's licenso
In 1SGI! and has held It evor since. Uo
Thomas F. Hall.
received his master's HccnBO 24 years
ago, in 1S8C. Ills first trip ns n pilot
was to Now Orleans. At that timo
pilots nnd engineers wero tho only
officers who wero required to havo li
censes. Spcnklng of his early days in tho
New Orleans trade, Mr. Hall Bald: "In
tlio yenro Just before and following
the Civil war steamboats used to pay
for themselves In ono trip trading
along the river.
"Most of tho monoy was mado on
tho freight. Tho owners of tho boats
running from St. Loula to Now Or
leans received $15 a head for carrying
hogs betwecu tho two cities and $50
n head for cattle. Tho rates on dry
goods, fruit nnd other things other
than animals was usually by tho
pound and was correspondingly high.
PassengcrB wero tlio cheapest thlug
tho boats carried. Wo only charged
them $100 npleco for tho trip.
"Ono boat I piloted In tho early
days cost $30,000 to build and mado
$20,S00 clear profit on tho first trip.
I know of many boats which moro
than paid for thcmsolves in ono trip."
Mr. Hall hns beon n pilot on tho
Mississippi, Missouri, Red, Ohio and
Tenncsseo rivers. Most of hla experi
ence, however, hns been on tho Missis
sippi. On tho Missouri rivor ho has
been ns far northwest aa old Fort
Benton, in Montana.
Mr. Hall hna spent practically his
wholo llfo on tho river. Ho received
his pilot's licenso yhen barely of ago.
Historic Tower of Belem May Be 8een
by All Approaching tho
Lisbon. Approaching Lisbon up tho
Tngues by steamboat tho most strik
ing object which tho tourist bccs is
tho square "Torro do Bclom" (Tower
of Bethlehem), which stands up bold
ly on tho river's brink in such a po
sition aa to command tho sen gato-
"way to tho city until tho roilucmcnts
of modern warfare. Now It is a plc
turcsquo rollc of former Btlrrlng times.
Tho Moors wero tho first to fortify
tho rocky point. Tho Moorish forta
llco wns razed In tho 15th century.
Tho pheucnt cdlilco was completed In
1G20 during tho reign of King Em
manuel. Vasco do Gama embarked from
Bolem on his momorablo voyago to
India on July 8, 1497, and safely dlB
embarked nt tho samo point on July
29, 1499. Tho spot was then called
Tower of Bethlehem.
"Balrro do Itcstello." A small chapel
and mariners' homo built by tho In
fnnto Dom Henrlquo stood thcro. Tho
night before tho stnrt of their adven
turous undertaking was spent by Vns
co do Gama and his men in tho chapel,
They eat up watching nnd praying for
When Vnsco do Gama camo homo
with tho good nowB of his paseago
around tho Capo of Good Hopo King
Honry tho Navigator was so filled with
Joy that ho chnnged tho nnmo of tho
landing place from "Balrro do lies
tollo" to Bethlehem or (Bolem). And
ho laid tho corner stono of a cathe
dral thero In tho next year, 1C00,
tamld Imposing pomp.
iim, - ders" """
lSS m4H& rm ibJIJFtm Mjl wSMt mm IMn uVkMVH Bilft IIL IH HH
u'vj oiiiiiiii'nrUiajii'iunsainiaiuiiuuj For Infanta nnd Childron.
a ff AGrffliM-JH
. f iiMsyp i m it -i nil
w iyg.-:r ' - Tgjl AitAjau
i. .in,.,, i, 1 1, i mi iiihiiiii i ii MiM min hh w a
AVogctnblc Preparation for As-siinilntiiigtlii'Fooilntuinegula-liiij
the 'iiomailis ami Uowcis of
ft f
Promotes Di'.oslion.Cliccrful-
ncssnnriHcsl Contains neither
Opium. Morphine nor Mineral
Not Nahc otic
Liryll'it Stlti
A 'lx Senna
,4ntit fit J
Horn Sttti
Cta'fittt SufA
tlnrfirtn 'Atltr
Ancrfcct Kemcdv rorConstipfl
lion . Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
ncss ami Loss of Sleep
lac Simile Signature of'
Tun Cuntauh Company;
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Dry Your CMltes on a Wet WasMay
With a New Perfection Oil Heater
V&Sv vVHlVfB
i iMtu 3
It gives Just as much heat as you desire. It is safe, odorleaf
ond smokeless.
It has an automatic-locking flame spreader, which
J)revents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke, and
s easy to remove and drop back, so the wick can be quickly .
cleaned. Burner body or gallery cannot become wedged, ibe
cause of a new device in construction, and can always be easily,
unscrewed for rewlcklng. i
An indicator shows the amount of oil in the font. Filler-cap does not nee
to be screwed down, but is put in like a cork In a bottle, and is attached to tlwr
font by a chain. Finished In jnpan or nickel, strong and durable, well-made, buU
for service and yet light and ornamental. It has a cool handle and a damper tofV
Dealers Evtryuhtrt. If not at yours, vrtti far dtstrtptw drtuar s ,
to Ihi marts t aoxry otht MgKMM
Standard Oil Company
3 3.50 & '4 SHOES IMff!
Boyb'Shqeb, $2.00, $2.50 & $3.00. BEBTiNTHe World,
W. L.Dotinlam $3,00, $3.50 and $4.00 aiooa
aro poaltlveily tho burnt mado mntl inomt pop
ular ahoo tor thoprlco In America, and aro
tho moat oconomfcnl mhooo tor you to buy.
Ftamlnnl for OTorSO yenm, tbftt I mnko nnil sell moro W.OO. 53.M ami
Kl.(n) filinm tlmn nny utlior mntiiifnctiirer In the U.S., and that DO LI, AH
lfOlt IIOUjAU, I UUAKANTJSK MY SH01C3 toliofil tlielrlMe, look
iirul lit hotter, ami woar loniter tlmn nny oilier S3.IW, J30 or $1 00lioos
you cnn Imv'.' Quality counts. It liua uiaJomy bUocsTIXJJ J.HADlilLS
You will bo pleascil whon yon buy my hoe boennso or tne n .
fit am! apiwnrance, nml wlif n It come time for you to purchase lfjL,jKft
onotlior pair, you will lie more than plensnil bocauio tho lust y9&Jirwv,"
onpfl wnrrt nn wnll. nnil rrnvn vnn Brt mni-li i-nmfnrfc.
It jour dealer cannot iuypli yon with W. I- Iioiiuli. "ho. wrlio for MMI Onlcr 0ialo.
W.I.. 1IUUULAH, 14iMpiirUMt.,rocUlou, Ma, t
Sold by
Household Lubricant
Oeilirs Eiemli.i
B In uri'ut variety for luiloattliiiluweM prlros by I
..- . .. v.n. .wi, M.I..I...M.0II, i mrcirv
lil Thompson's Eye Water
iiiii m i mikikJ
The Kind You Kava
s Bought
Thirty Years
Bears tlio J)
Signature jy? '
ft Ifv
T 4hfft
y For
When clothes can't be hungf
outside, and must be dried in a'
room or cellar, the New Perfection
Oil Heater quickly does the work '
of sun and air. You can hang up
the wet clothes, light your perfec
tion Oil Heater, open the damper
top, and the heat rises and quickly
dries the clothes.
Do not put off washing to
await a sunny day in order to avoid
mildew. Dry your washing any
day with hot air from a
3 PflU KftVl.E.S9
Absolutely smokeless and odorless i
i j you
Izo Hint
my slioci
liooii tlio
IV. L.
ahot o.
Will Keep Your
soft as a glove
f oygh as a wire
black as a coal
Doalers Evurywharo
Is specially selected for any need In th
home. Saves tools from rusting. Can can
not break. Does not gum or become rancid.
nims, any ilio. lOo por roll and do Irrlubt. Oa
rmiiu lilrei itrruteil Ucw.ll In cloud etteela, tnoit
cinri und unrtnnlmeil nrgattTra. Vnlox prints,
2WHl und Hmullar.So: 8tx4Vi. Bt3K.0l 6n.fl5.kfc
DAVIS 1'UOIXJ FINUUIU C)0., Uoulder, OoUr4
W. N. U., LINCOLN, NO. 48-1010.
B . . . i