,, ft, r f r w i 15he C Red Cloud PUBLISHED KVKKY Ncbrnslm IMM' l'Ht!ll!n v. eattrwl tu the I'tmtftflii'ii t i !! rloiul. No m MToriO Hum MMti'f 0 11. HALK wnn ti ni'MHM! Tll I' VI'Klt IK WHIISTKUCOUSrV "' i' i with i iulit itud ivroiijr. nnl ii'hI owl. s i it is with lallure r.ml MU ..vs. l'.-rM'Voriineolsthooli'iol Injricd lent f I'll' fiMiil ml ill'1' lil"s sue- .1. .. I II I ...lit... I. COS. LIIOIC lim.V WMIIIWl rii-llirin-i v- iuii.'l -Mini usually theie mo but without tills ono the mixture Is iml fectu.il Talent, Intolloct jfi'tii'is It self-may Mil combine for a uertnili PCtll.INItKUJ n(l l,ul'j t, foU!(. ,)f liPIUtoIlt ill . dustry Is not behind thuin. they will latf upon thf riMi'l mi I never reach tho " "TV Stf""" In bu m ym Wlmt has become of that uptovn OxpreS oilier'.' It is not to emly to boii:i Christina shoi-plm,'. your .Siiioo the leiniblleiins nominated Dahlntan u ul the doiimont elected Aldrich It follows that Miich N n Demot'i title Kovornor. ' Just us a dream to occupy your Idle moments wo oll'er the siijjjrosliun that as a coal Miver t he Republican lliver Is far' lb advance of any of tho grates or anyother mechanical apparatus It is evident to anyone at all conversant wlthcoudltioussurrotindinu; our pow er plantrtliat a new engine and an other boiler Is utmost a necessity. Why not transfer the power plant to the river and use tho fore that Is Mow ing pastj&Ur doors. Hero is power jjono tQRWaste. We of cour.su do nothnowHvhether or not It would be practical but In our opinion wo would do woll to remember that when once Installed water power is the cheapest on earth. Keonomy is tho watchword, take ujlanee ni the Ilepubllcan Uiver. The voters on election day uloarly demonstrated that they wore not ready to turn over tho ship of state to an ex trcmest like Duhlmun. Ills Tuesday night flpcuch'whcn ho was sure of his election is enough to forever bar him from holding any olllce in the state of Nebraska. This speech, If truly repotted, Is un worthy any aspirant of state, honorn. The fact Is the voters wore afraid that Dahlman wastolling the truth and that lie would Indeed make Nebraska n wide open .state and the home of the lawless. It Is with u high of icllef that we shakooU' the nightmaie which has troubled us dtirlnu tho recent campiigu. No party can hope for pol itical preferiiuent unless it brings out its best material. People read, think mid act for themselves and tho lesson is obvious. The men' tint don town more luiitn than good may be classed as follows: Kirs', those who oppose improvement. Second, those who run it down to stniug'is. Thlid. those who never advertise their business. I'oitilh, those who dlstiust public spiiilcd men. Those who show no hospitaly to any one Sixth, those who hate to sen others mal.e money Scwnth, those whooppos- every mote nentthnt doesn't miglnate with themselves. KIglilli, tho-e who put on long faces when a stranger speaks of locating in their to n. Ninth, those who oppose every public, ontorpiiso, which does not appeai;of personal benellt to themselves The Odd Fellow's Imiujuct and their after dinner speeches sngge-t that theie ought to be more of such entet taiuments In our midst. Occasionally, when we are especially stilted, we wake up and Hud that wu niu amply able to furnish our own uiuusemeiit and entertainment. Any community otisht to learn that it is haimful to Its best interests to bo always de pendent upon strangers for plensiiio nttd enlightenment The.vory factthitt it considerable number ot people are giving attention ton partjihtlarsubjoct in itself eucourageh nil to Investigate and Hie result Ih giowllt of a substan. tlal chat nut or. Where are the doba tl ng soolet ies and the singing schools1.' In former year we furnished all our own entertain ment and while v niv pleased with tho stranger with a message or .'lie with special musical talent yet wo would welcome any method which would stimulate our own activities. And Womens Clothing it is a pretty good rule to go where selections are broadest and store service is the best. This store offers its patrons all this and more-it offers to its patrons the highest grade merchandise produced in America and on account of our large, volume of business can show an absolute saving of a large per cent onSarvff vahd all purchases. We have assortments what we believe to be the most beautiful and most stylish merchandise that the makers can produce. You will be interested in looking at our new lines of Fall and Winter, merchandise. Large and Complete lines of Dry Goods, Womens Coats, Suits and Furnishings, No tions, Carpets, Rugs, Shoes and Groceries. THE MINERMOS. CO. H. A. LETSON, MGR. I li'lv ' MaRvV "" umrun 1 Hie 11. Hurt. Co' We trust that interest in the water problem will again teach fever heat now that wo have disposed of the election. Ued Cloud cannot afford to longer delay providing plenty of good pute water for the inhabitants of this city. The city council will soon have u competent engineer to chock up the statements of our local otliceisaud as Boon as that is done we favor action at once. The council feels that it has the support of the city but it will do ! harm to remind them occasionally thatwcic still with them and are unxioiis to see tills ualer ipiestion set tied. ft takes time to ptcpaie and e." oc.ute plans and lefoie we ate aware the hot weather will be upon us and we must la; icadv to meet the oilier ' gVney. A plentiful Supply of good water Is an intnluahlc iicipiisiou to any city and we cannot in justice out nehes allow present conditions to te main longei wititout a strong etVoit to bcttci them. We would like to whisper into the ear of every young man in this emit' inanity to slum the gambling room. Shall we sketch the histoi. of tho gambler'.1 Lured by bad company ho llnds his way into a place where hon est, men ought never to go. Ho .sits down to his llr.st srauu, but only for pastime and desire of being ihrought sociable, t'he phi join deal out the cards. They tinconsoiously play into SntuuV hand's who takes all the tricks and both the players' soul for trumps - ho being a sharper at the name. A sllL'ht stake is nut uti lust to add In terest to the play, lianie after game is played. Linger stakes and still larger. They becin to move nervous lv on thelrchalrs. Their btows lower and eyes Hash until now they who win and they who lose, tiled alike with passion, sit with set jaws and com pressed lips and clinched lists and eyes like lite hulls that seem stinting from their sockets, to see the final tutu before It conies; if losing, pale with envy and tiomttlous with nuuttered oath's east back ted hot upon the llt'ai t , or w lulling, with hystei 1c laugh. While gambling in itself is bad enough it is the stepping stone to all other vices and e Us which inlliet mankind. Young man. shun the gambling table as you would a poisonous sot pent. Theie aio two little woids, Minplo enough in themselves, that introduce untold tumble in the woild and are lesponslble for mote gossip, --candal and harm titan any two words in the Kuglish language. These two womIs are nothing imuo than. "They say." l'hey have done more to ruin the te- potations than all other things. If you never quote what 'they say" vou Brothci hood hold an Interesting Meet ing A most iuteiestiitg meeting of the Congteg.itional Mi ot hethood is report-' cd for its regular bl weekly meeting Monday night IJev. A. A. Cie-smam and Ulttis. iiuiney have lately tetorii ed from alt extended i-.lt in and around Uoston and the both gave re- itiay be quite certain you ate pot a ports ton good siz-d audience In tin' gossip. ' lecture loom of the church .Mr. i.iir- noy gave a most Interesting descrip- A Nebraska paper, whose editor isn't , ti" f ''""J' "u historic plaeeonn.) eniulatlngthe late (ioorgo Washing- 'deseilbed a collection ol ai tides which ton.Miys thatoueday last fall a fanu- were brought over in the Mayllower. er went out after a load of sit aw. M"".v of theo are pre-erved Having no pole in which to bind the "d "iv kept on exhibiti..,,. The load ho took his a and commenced to I'llKi'lnis inonuineiit and that of .iles chop down a s'alk of coin for that MaiulUh, the I'l.MUouth Itock and . . . ..ii ;.. i- i 1...! I.. purpose, tie had it nearly cut into '" -i""1- '" "" ur' 't"""1 - -" ". too when one of the ears of coin lie- an eye witness. .Mr. Curney has a LSYC2) In view of the overwhelming mass of evidonco antagonistic to nlum. it is recommended that its use in baking powduM bo prohibited by law. Umled States Senate Committee Repotl, Dr.PRiCE ORE AM Baking powder Mmdm from Grps Approved by gxiysiclans and food officials, both State and National. Awarded highest honors by the great World's Expositions, and proved ol sup'erio? slrenQUi and pnrily y the official Sests. W(7J Pd . t eaine detached and toll crushing him to the giouud. It broke his neck and oneofhis legs in seven pieces. He would have died but for the health giving properties ol the Nebraska cli mate which made him a well man again before he luid walked half way to the house. Died. .Mabel, wife of (leorgo Wliitwerdied Xo. II, l'.tll) aged HO jeais S months and 22 days. Deseased was tho daugh ter of Mr and Mrs. George Heaid sleeutnl was born in Smith county. Kansas Kebuary ill, iSSil. A long con com so of friends followed the teinaius to the Webb ccmcteiy wheie the in terment was made. Uev. ti. W, Hummel otllciated at the funeral cere mony ami it was but a short time ago that ho pionotinced the words which united Mabel Ueaidslee to tteo Willi wer. The sjnipathles of the entire cotntnuiilty go out to the beieaved relatives lit this, their hour of soirow. most pleasing manner and his report was received with enthusiasm. Mr. Cres-maii then told about the nicotines of the Xatioiul lliotheihood and in clear concise language gave his audience tho main thenio of all the gieatspeakets. Men of national te putation only weio pel milted to ad- diess such a gathering and Mr. Uie-s-man gave a very vivid account of all the proceedings This was one of the most successful meetings yet held by the P.rothei hood. ... w . k;m ut' i o tf,as?aM,.... ,J '"'J&' r,r-r.-rfi'i w ) & i-$P 2Bi ras i sas Slorlrs o? Lcsslhnn a Cent a !lr.rc. Ju the ilfty-tw'o IsSUcn of u year's oluine The Yiiitlist.'ompanioii prints fully two hundred and llfty stories. The Hubspilption price of tiie paper is buttl T.'i so that the stories cost less than a cent apiece, without reckoning in all the rest of the contonts-anec- dotes, humorous sketches, the doctor's weekly urttcle, paperH on popular top ics by fattidus'nten mid women. Although the two Ji-uUdicfl atvd.'tlfty stories cost so litHe'tVyaic uot'eheap stories In vartetj of scene, dlvt'isity of Incident, skill andtruth in chaiact- or depleting, they cntiiiol be cm oiled. The Announcement for KM I, beuutl- I fullj llliistiated, giving mote detailed part leuhiiN of these Moilesaud other new feat ui i m whiuh greatly oiilaVge the paiiur. will be sent to auv iidtlress free with sample copies ot can out Is sues. lis erv new subscriber receives free The Companions Arlt'alondorfor It'll, llthogiaplted in tliiiteen colors and gold. If tho subscription lsiocolvednt once, all the Ismios for the remaining weeks of 1U 10. Tin: vui'Tii'd Companion, ill Herkoloy St., Ilobton. Mnbs, School Board Meets. limit d met in tegular session, all ineinbeis present Moved and secondet' to puichase P) tons of Weir City nut coal Irotn .1. (. I'aldwell for tho Lincoln building, (.'an led. Moved and seconded thai wairant No. .'.': issued Kebuary 10. 10! be can celed and a now warrant for the same amount be issued Cart led. The following bills wen- toad and allowed. 11. K. McKai land, janitor sup. 5? ii 10 Hell Telephone, batteries ' 00 Ii. H. Newhoiise, book sup. . I 00 Flanagan . Co., sup IS " ,lno. Toinllnson, Wiring U 'S. Chicago App. Co., sup lit IB (iinu w Co., Hooks 7'J Water Cominlssloner ''' Saunders Hros, coal .-. 81 Geo. Hutchison. vent. ., " (10 Tlnldlm' and unmtid totnm'tt O reiorted the sale or the south ward school ground to Nora C.Coloiitau for WnOand tho south ward kiudorgarden liullding to NotiiC. Coleman ror f'.'OO. Moed ami seconded that icport of building committee be accepted and the president of the board be instinct oil to issue deed and abstract to Nora C Coleman' for the same. On roll call boaid voted: New bouse yes, Stoiey yes, Cook yes, (illliam yes. Ueckwlth yos, Uoren yos, .Moved to adjourn to meet at ,'l.ir. pm. Nov. 8, liltn at tho Lincoln build ing. C'anied. See the Chief Office before r mt 1 IHAN5 IVtnEAl, At the Opera House three nights TOCKMPANY l' Prices 25c, 35c, 50c, Season tickets $1.25 Dressmaking School tJTerry's Dressmaking School is now perma nently located in the Moon Block Red Cloud. Now is the time for your wife or daughter to get started. Several have already entered the school. A young lady's education is not complete unless she knows how to sew. It is an accomplishment which is second to none. DR.S. J. CUNNINGHAM DENTIST Successor to Dr. .. 5. EM1Q1I At the old stand over the State Bank. Ihoncl3fl. Mn FOK s-Ald: HY YOST &. BUTLER you get your sale bills printed rio 4 Avenue mat Mavno Widow's Pension. The recont act of April 10th. Ui08 gives to all soldiers- widows a pension of 12 per month, r'lod Mauler, the attorney, has all necessary blanks. Keen Hoot. We have taken over tho Ice business a u I ale now giv n the saute our por- suiial attention I'ut out your Ice 1 Card and wo will do our best to please you.- A. K. Tl itM it, Tut: Icr M v. X -!. iMb a &iAi&- it,, 1. ..Vat.